HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 271PPJiA3:~BLE TO ORDINANCE 27] DTPI~,T~ ~,~ OPJDI_WA}~CE E['~TiTLED "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING T~ SALE BY THE CITY TREASUREN OF ~,~,000. EYEROENC~t DEBT C~RTIPICA_E" ~S.~ERE~S, it became necessary to properly carry on t¼e functions of Yunicipat Oover~.m?.ent of the City of Columbia Heiilhts to maintain the water department, and, ~'~EPXAS, there are insufficient monies in the city %re.asuty to pay the costs thereof and the city is therefore without funds to pay £or said department: T.~II£ COUNCIL hereby and ~uader this preamble declares an emer- gency exists for the preservation of the public safety a.nd that in order to promptly meet said emergency it is aecessar:: to pass Ordinance 271 as an emergency ordia~nce. Passed this ]2tho£ Sept. 1,o~o. Offered by: Lange Sec onde d by': SpeIn~l.ant Roil Call: Ayes All Nayes None cecrparf to '~e Coun~%l Pro tem }./!ayor OPOlNANCE NO. 271 AN ONDINA!'[CE AUTO{OR!ZINC THE SALE DY T?DS CITY TREASURED OF ~,000.00 NYE~7:]E:CY DEBTS CERTIFICATE. T,~'[E CITY OF COLU:8I~. HFIGHTS DOES ONDAIW: Section 1. That the cit2~ of Colt'mhia }.~ei:hts, ~,,~i.nnesota does hereb?7 authorize thc sale by the City Treasurer of (::~,000.00 emergency debts certificate, to ke dated Sept. ]-3, !9~0 , ~o ~hear interest at the rate of 3: per annmn, interest to be payable at 'the maturity of said certiricate, to be n~p. ber one (!), a~d shall be pay,~b]_e as to both pP!ncipal and interest at the Columbia Heights State Pank in the City of eo!umbia Hei:hts, }:innesota and shall mature 12th day of Sept. 17~-to That said Certificate shall be in substantially the fotlo~v:-~:.: form. ~LLA~: UNITED STATES OF :2:EllICA STATE OF lt[IN:~SOTA CO~TY OF CITY OF COLL~:B]A HEIGHTS ENERGE?[CY CERTIFICATE OP INDEBTED~,~SS TUIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT T,~:E CITY OF COLUFBIA H~':?w~e in ~:.,~o~ the County o£ Anoka, State of ~:innesota, for' value received hereby' promises to pay bearer the sum of ~ at the Col~bia ~ghts, ~:innesota, upon surrender of this ertmfzcate of indebtedness, on the , rith interest thereon from 6ate hereof until paid at the rate of cent per ann~, interest payable at maturity and fop the prompt pa~~:ez~he principal and interest of this Certificate the full faith~ credit and resources of said City of Columbia Heights are hereby irrevocable pledged. IN WITNESS V~[E~2EOF said City of Columbia Heights, Anoka County, · Vinnesota has caused this Certificate to be signed by its Yayor and City l~anager and co~mtersigned by the City Clerk and sealed ~,~'th the seal of said City, and bas a c usem this Certificate to be dated so or t~e Attested: City l{anager ~ity Clerk It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and things required by the Charter of said City and by the Constitution and Laws o£ the State or £<innesota, to have been done, to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in issuance of 'this certificate have been done, have happened and have been performed in regulation and due form, time and manner and that this certificate, together with all other indebtednesses of this city outstanding on the date Bereof do not exceed any constitutional, statutory or charter limitation or indebtedness. IN WITNES? ~.~'~.~-IER_EO~~ the City of Cot~mbia Heights, State of ~,!innesota, by its council, has caused this certificate to be issued in its behalf by its City ~'ianager and F;layor and countersigned by the City Clerk and sealed v~th the seal of said city, and has caused this Certificate to be dated Sept. 12, 19~0 . ~ection ZI That this certificate shall be executed in behalf of said City by the ~ayor and City ~.~anaffer and countersigned by the City Clerk and sealed ~,.~th the official seal of said City and the full faith, credit and resources of said City shall be and hereby are irrevocably pledffec~ to the performance and full payment of' both principal and interest of said certificate v,~en it becomes due. Section III. This Ordinance heine necessary for tha immediate ~reservation of public peace, health and safety hereby declares to be an emergency ordinance and shall take effect i.~med.iately upon its passage. Passed this 12 day of Sept. t9[0. Offered by: SpeKulant Seconded by: Trench Roll Call: Ayes Ail Nayes None Pro tern I do hereby' s~;:ear that on the ./~.ay of .October 19~0, i did cost in ten p~'~lic places in the C~tv_ ,~ of Columbia ~'~e~+s, ~ coeies of Ordinance ~o. 272. S~bscribed and from to before me this //- day oi Oct. t.~