HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 269 O R D I N A N C E N O. 269 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING nP~INANCE NO. 202, BEING AN ORDIi~,IANCE TO AP. END O~D!NAWCE NO. 196, BEING AN ORD!b[ANCE PR~VID!{,[O ~;'~R. .. T~ LICENSING OF TAXI CABS ~,~,~,TD I~TiNG THEIR OPE~TtON IN COLDMBIA ~iGHTS. Contents of repealed ordinance. THE CITY OF COLNt~BIA NEtCNTS ~ES O~AIN: Section I, That Section V of Ordinance No. 196 ~,~hich reads as i'ollo'~'s: "ti' the City Council is satisfied that the public coavenience ~d g:od order :,'ilt be served thereby~ it may grant a license %o any such applicant. Each license granted shall be given a number and shall give the number and an adequate descrip- tion of the taxicabs licensed there-under." be and the s~e is hereby repealed. Section II. That in the place and in the stead or said Section V of Ordinance No. 196~ repealed by Section I hereof the i'o]_lo~:dng section shall be inserted: That for a term of f~ve years from the date of the passaFe of this ordinance there shall be no more than one person, partaership~ firm or corooration licensed to operate taxicabs ~ the City of Columbia NeiFhts. Provided rurtheu~ that ii' durin[r the said period or five years the population or the City of Colzxmbia Uefiphts s~ou]d increase to Fifteen Th'}usand (1~000) according to the last state or national census~ then~ and in such an event, the council may grt~t additional licenses for the operation of taxicabs in the said City of Columbia Heights~by other persons~ partnership,~"~r~.- or cornoration.. Section III. Trois ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days at'ter its passage. First t~eadlng: January 8, !9h6 Second Ptcading January 22, 19h6 Orrered By: Nygaard Seconded by: Sl~eku!ant Roll Call: Ayes: Ail ~.!ayes: None Eve l~na PassaFe Secretary to the Council First R~-~adin~: Ay, gust 22, 19~0 Second Readinf.~: September 12, 19~0 Offered by: Lange Seco~de5 by: Spek~.lant Roll Call: Ayes: Ail [!aye s: None John ~;. ~,~oraln Payor