HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 77-38C T¥ OF COLUmbia H£ GHTS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 590 40TH AVENUE N. E. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINN. 55421 (612) 788-922 ~ EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER OUR NATION'S BICENTENNIAL BRUCE G. NAWROCKI, MAYOR E. ~SEBE" HEINT~, COUNCILMAN WALTER LOGACZ. COUNCILMAN GAYLE R. NORBERG. COUNCILMAN KENNETH E. HENrGES, COUNCILMAN "SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS" RESOLUTION 77-38 BEING A RESOLUTION ORDERING BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUF!CIL OF THE CITY OF nn .......... f~.',~Ta.. ",E,t~HTo,*' c WHEF:EAS, the City Council of the City of Columbia ~eights .... by ,',~n'''''~.,o~,', or. the 23rd day of May~ 1977, ordered notice of a hearing to be given to prep- er~ uy owners~ and W'~'~,~:'~'e.ncF,~,,~, pursuant to a notice of hearing certain residents.- ~pp~, e~ at. a Council meeting on the 27th day of June, 1977, and WHEREAS, the Council determines to p~'oceed witi~ this local impYovemen~:, a portion of the cost being defrayed by special assessments under provisions.~ NOW, TIiEREFORE, tT IS HERE]BY RESOLVED: t. That .the location and extent of such improvements is as follows: Central Avenue, from 65th to 5Srd Avenues sidewalk,' curb and concrete and bituminous stree~ and storm sewer extensions 2. That the materi~ls to be used are as follows: Base materials and concrete and storm sewer appurtanences meeting State specifications 3. That a careful estimate of the cost of the improvements has been made by the City Manager and the several lots and parcels of land fronting upon arid adjacent to such ......... pr~.posec~ improvements~ whiclq be ~:~:,,,:~.~ ~ ....... ~' benefit, ted thereby~ were property notified of s~id hear'ings~ and 4. That the City Manager shall also list the names and owners of the several parcels so improved as nearly as can be ascertained. 5. These improvements shall also be known as Project No. 688. Passed this 27th day of June, !g77. Offe, em by: Heintz Seconded by: Hentges Roll Call: ?Nil Ayes becY, e'cary Bruce G Nawrocl ~ Mavo~,