HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 4, 2002 Work SessionCITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 (763) 706-3600 TDD (763) 706-3692 Visit Our Website at: www. ci. columbia-heights.mn.us ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING to be held in the CITY OF COL UMBIA HEIGHTS as follows: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Councilmembers Marlaine Szurek Julienne Wyckoff Bruce NawrocM Robert .4. Williams City Mana;ler Wait Fehst Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Location of Meeting: Purpose of Meeting: COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL MARCH 4, 2002 FOLLOWING IMPROVEMENT HEARING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS WORK SESSION ~4 GENDA Discussion Items 1. Professional services agreement with URS/BRW for construction administration for the Central Avenue Street, Utility and Streetscaping Improvement Project, City Project 9912 & 9912A 2. Purchase of a new refurbished ambulance 3. Lomianki development The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for handicapped persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Council Secretary at 706-3611, to make arrangements. (TDD/706-3692 for deaf or hearing impaired only) THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR ThE PROVISION OF SERVICES EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 3/4/02 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA ITEM: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES WITH URS FOR CENTRAL AVENUE STREET, UTILITY AND STREETSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS, City Projects 1999-12, 99-12A & 99-20 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS BY: K. Hansen ttt~ DATE: 2/28/02~fl~ CITY MANAGER DATE: Background: The City Council previously awarded the fmal design services for Central Avenue Street and Utility Improvements to BRW at their February 28, 2000 regular meeting. The final design work, as identified in the Engineering Study, includes utilities: water main, sanitary sewer and storm sewer; and street reconstruction which includes center medians, concrete curb and gutter, pavement and sidewalks. On October 9, 2000, the Council authorized the f'mal design of streetscaping by BRW which includes decorative street lights, colored and banded concrete sidewalk, trees and shrubs and decorative planters, trash receptacles, and benches. Plans are now complete and the Engineer's Estimate for all construction work is $3,821,000. Analysis/Conclusions: The City Council authorized the advertisement for bids for City Projects 1999-12 & 1999-12A at their January 14th, 2002 meeting. PROJECTS 99-12A separates out those project components that are proposed to be fully or partially assessed and include water services and streetscaping. Project 1999-20 is the University Avenue Backlit Street Signs that was previously bid and rejected and subsequently added to the Central Avenue plans. MnDOT will not allow cooperative projects to enter the bidding phase until the cooperative agreement has been prepared and approved by the local jurisdiction. Once that is complete, the project will be advertised and the public bidding process will be initiated. URS has provided all engineering study and design services on this project. Construction phase services consist of construction administration, construction staking, and fulltime on-site construction inspection. An attached letter from URS, dated February 8t~, 2002 details the scope of work for the construction phase services. Based upon the final plans, the engineer's estimate for construction costs is $3,839,000. Twelve percent of the construction cost or $460,680 was used in estimating the construction services phase services. The proposed contract is an actual cost not to exceed basis, which is typical for construction services. Staff is in agreement with a twelve percent estimate for this phase of the work as this is a complex project and cooperative construction projects do require more administrative work dealing with MnDOT. Recommended Motion: Move to accept the Professional Services Agreement with URS/BRW for Central Avenue Construction Services, Project(s) 1999-12, 1999-12A and 1999-20, in an amount not to exceed $460,680, and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same. Attachment: URS Letter dated 2/8/02 COUNCIL ACTION: February 8, 2002 Mr. Kevin Hansen, PE Public Works Director\ City Engineer City of Columbia Heights 637 - 38th Avenue N.E. Columbia Heights, MN 55421 RE: Proposal for Project Construction Phase Services Central Avenue (TH 65) Improvement Project and University Avenue Internally Lit Signs (City Project Nos. 99-12, 99-12A and 99-20) Dear Mr. Hansen: The following supplemental proposal is offered for your consideration for Construction Phase services for the above-referenced project. The Construction Phase services include construction administration, construction staking and full-time construction observation during construction of the project. A description of the proposed services is presented below: CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES URS will provide construction administration, construction staking and full time construction observation during the construction phase of the project. URS will coordinate construction testing for the project. URS will prepare and provide the City with as-built drawings of the improvements after completion of construction. We assume that all construction testing will be performed by others and coordinated by URS. Testing fees will be invoiced directly to the City by the consultant performing the work. We propose to perform all construction services for the project on an hourly basis. We have estimated that the construction services portion of the project will cost $460,680. The construction phase fees have been estimated at approximately 12% of the current estimated construction cost for the project of approximately $3,839,000. Consistent with our Professional Services Agreement, labor will be billed on an hourly basis and reimbursable expenses will be billed to the City at cost with no URS markup. SUMMARY URS has previously provided preliminary and final design phase services for this project. The following is a summary of the fee estimates for previous phases of the project along with the estimated fees for the construction phase of the project. Thresher Square 700 Third Street South Minneapolis, MN 55415-1199 612.370.0700 Tel 612.370.1378 Fax Mr. Kevin Hansen February 8, 2002 Page 2 Preliminary Design Services Current Not-to-Exceed Amount Final Design Services Current Not-to-Exceed Amount Construction Phase Services Estimated Not-to-Exceed Amount Total Estimated Cost - All Services SCHEDULE $ 31,000 $348,050 $460,680 $839,730 We understand that project construction will begin in May or June of 2002 and be a one year construction project. Our estimated costs do not include additional time required to complete a two year project. Two original copies of a Professional Services Agreement for these services are attached for your review and approval. If this proposal is acceptable, please execute both copies of the Agreement and return one copy to us for our records. Please let me know if you have any questions or you need any additional information. Sincerely, URS Corporation Kevin P. Kielb, PE Associate Copy: Kim Schaffer/URS File 33910-004-1001 CITY COUNCIL I,ETTER AGENDA SECTION: NO: ITEM: NO: Authorization to Seek Bids Ambulance Meeting of.' March 11, 2002 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER APPROVAL Fire BY: Charles Thompson BY: DATE: February 27, 2002 DATE: The Fn'e Depat~ent is requesting authorization to seek bids for the purchase of a new ambulance to replace Rescue 1I. Funds are budgeted in the PERA Residual Fund for this purchase. At the present time, there is $74,000 in the budg~ed fund; and with wade-in, this will cover the cost of a new vehicle. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Authorize Staff to Seek Bids for the Purctm~ of a New Fire Departm~ Ambulance. 02-10 COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS NOTICE FOR BIDS New 2002 Ford E-450 (158" wheelbase) Type III Cut-A-Way Van Cab- Chassis. The module shall be a 1994 or newer module that shall measure either 162" long, or 147" long plus an addition of a 20" extension. Module must be modified and refurbished to meet bid requirements. The complete Ambulance shall meet all KKK requirements. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for one 2002 Type III ambulance will be received by the City of Columbia Heights until 1645 hours on March 29, 2002 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in the Administrative Office Conference Room, City Hall, at 590 - 40th Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, Minnesota. Each bid shall be submitted on manufacturer's letterhead. Specifications may be obtained from the Office of the Fire Chief, 555 Mill Street NE, Columbia Heights, Minnesota 55421. All bids must be sealed, marked "Bid on Fire Department Ambulance" and addressed to the City Manager's Office, 590-40th Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, Minnesota 55421. The City Council shall consider bids on Monday, April 9, 2002 at its regular meeting. The City Council of Columbia Heights reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive informalities. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS WALTER R. FEHST CITY MANAGER The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. AGENDA SECTION: Update NO: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Lomianki Park Redevelopment ORIGINATING DEPT.: Community Development ITEM: BY: Tim Johnson NO: DATE: March 1, 2002 Meeting of.' March 4, 2002 CITY MANAGER APPROVAI Issue Statement: The City Council has established a goal of moving forward the potential redevelopment of Lomianki Park. Backuround: Since the beginning of the year, the City Council has been involved in discussions regarding the potential redevelopment of portions of Lomianki Park. At a February work session, Bruce Nedegaard approached the City Council with a redevelopment plan for high-density to~homes. The plan presented included the entire portion of south Lomianki Park as well as a portion of land across 37th Avenue into Minneapolis. Evidently the Railroad owns the Minneapolis property and is not interested in selling. However, Bruce Nedegaard has met with the owner of the small industrial business located at 82 38® Avenue and is pursuing negotiations for the property. No agreement has been made for the property at this time. Staff has spoken with the owner of the industrial property who has indicated that he would like to sell the building and land, but is unsure of the true value of his property and business. Staff has spoken with Bruce Nedegaard and he has indicated that he will be present with a new townhome concept plan for south Lomianki Park. Staff has outlined for the City Council the necessary planning steps that will need to be taken in order to redevelop this land. Staffhas also included a copy of the appraisal that was completed for Lomianki Park north and south parcels. The first and most important step for redevelopment of this property is a public forum. Following the public forum, the planning steps outlined will be necessary. Analysis: City staff believes the City Council can continue to move forward with the potential redevelopment of Lomianki Park. However, there are a number of important steps that need to be taken before any redevelopment can occur. Conclusion: Staff recommends to continue pursuing the necessary steps for the potential redevelopment of Lomianki Park. Attachntents: Lo~nianki Park property .tap; Necessa~' planning steps; Land Appraisal; Ordinance # 831 COUNCIL ACTION: PLANNING STEPS NECESSARY FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF LOMIANKI PARK PROPERTY (NOT NECESSARILY IN ORDER) Host Public Forum to present preliminary development concepts to neighbors. Acquisition of Industrial business and property at 82 38th Avenue NE. Establish an ordinance amending the former ordinance that dedicated certain lands to be used for park purposes. Contact Metro Council regarding steps to initiate future land use change from park land to medium or high-density residential. Hold public hearing to rezone the entire block between 37th and 38th Avenue from Light Industrial to Residential -3 to allow for single, two, or multi-family residential. Replat and Site Plan Review of the entire property, including vacating or establishing right-of-way, soil tests, storm water plans, grading plans, etc. · Cooperative agreement with City of Minneapolis for 37th Avenue extension. ~',-. '~ ~ ~- "5' :. ~.- -"':-..-~'.~..~.,~..~. ~r,.~5'~.~0~',~:~.T~h,,t,~o · '..:'~~%~ uiiY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS J..':. I II i iM:. . ..:::,~. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES ,':".:'~:~1]~- . ~..~ . · ,, : ,..:~. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ~'~5'90~:4'Oth''A'VENUE N~E. 788-9221 · COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 55421 ORDINANCE #831 BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE #803 BEING AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING CERTAIN LAND USE OF PUBLIC PROPERTIES IN BLOCKS 73, 95, and 100, COLUHBIA HEIGHTS ANNEX THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES ORDAIN: Section !. That Section 2 of Ordinance #803 which states The following properties shall be designated for park usage: Lots 16 thru 28, Block 95 lying between 37th and 38th Avenue, possibly to be used as a picnic park. Lots 19 thru 30 inclusive, Block 100, lying between 38th and 39th Avenues with a projected proposed use as a play park'area. Lots 23 thru 30, inclusive, Block 73, proposed as a nature park. is hereby amended to read as follows: The following properties shall be designated for park usage: Lots 16 through 28, Block 95 lying between 37th and 38th Avenues, possibly to be used as a picnic park. Lots 19 through 30 and the Westerly 75 feet of Lot 18, inclusive, Block 100, lying between 38th and 39th Avenues with a proposed use as a play park area. Lots 23 through 30, inclusive, Block 73, proposed as a nature park. Section 2. That Section 3 of Ordinance #803 which states: That the following described parcels be designated for continued industrlal use: Lots 29 and 30, Block 95, lying south of 38th Avenue, Lots 16 thru 18, Block 100, and Lots 16 thru 22, Block 73. is hereby amended to read as follows: That the following described parcels be designated for continued industrial use: Lots 29 and 30, Block 95, lying south of 38th Avenue, Lots 16 and !?, Block i00, and Lots 16 thru 22, Block 73. · ---APR 8 1992 -2- Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after thirty (30) days after its passage.. First Reading: December 23, 197/4 Second Reading: January 13, 1975 Offered by: Heintz Seconded by: Norberg Roll Call: All Ayes I _ .,.3 ,ff. --:~- ...... Z O~ 128.0' 3929 5905 143.0' 126,0' 80 81 128.0' 128.0' 82 3741 3701.._. 0 128.0' 12~.0'~ 126.6' 3956 ~ ~ ~ ~ 150 5950 ~ Cf') ~ 3949 3946 3942 3938 5932 3928 3924 3916 3941 3937 40TH 160 3948 3946 3942 3938 3929 ~ 3919 3910 ~ ~. ~i 3909 3900 ~ '~: ~ 151 100 3852 3848 3842 3836 3828 3824 3820 3816 3810 3804 3800 3950 39TH 3859 3856 3855 3852 3849 3848 3843 3840 3837 3836 3831 3832 3825 3828 3819 3820 3815 3806 3811 3804 3807 3802 3801 3800 38TH 125.0' 126.6' 3752 ~ ~ ~ 3755 3744 ~ ~ 3747 3740 ~ ~ 3743 ~ 3739 3732 ~ ~ 3733 3728 ~ ~ 3729 3720 3725 3712 ~ ~ 3717 3706 ~ ~ ~ 3709 ~ ~ 3705 3702 ~ .~ ~ 5701 3928 ~ ~ 3929 3926 3920 ~ ~ 3923 5916 3912 ~ ~ 3915 3910 ~ ("~ 3919 ~ 3907 3906. 1~.~' ~ 3901 ~ 3863 ~ 3859 ~ 3855 ~ 3851 ~ 3847 ~ 3843 § 3839 ~ 3837 ~ 3833 ~ 3827 3819 o 3815 3809 3805 129.6' AVE 212 ~ ~ 3753 3756 ~ I~ = 3748 ~ (/) 3744 ~ ~ 3747 3740 ~ ~ 3741 3736 § ~ 3737 3732 ~ ~ 3728 3 ~ 3731 3724 3 ~ ~ 3723 3720 ~ 3712 ~ e 3717 3708 ~ ~ 3711 3704 ~ ('-h~ 3705 3700 ~ C',I ~ 3948 3940 ~3860 ® 37TH 218 222 226 228 230 3925 60.0' 3915 3930 3909 3900 3853 3858 3850 3848 3844 3838 3832 3826 3820 3816 3812 3806 ° 3800 129.6' 3756 3841 ~ 3829 3825 3822 3823 3816 3815 3810 3811 3804 3805 3800 129,6' 129.6' 129.6' 5752 ~ I--' ~ 3755 3748 ~00 ~ 3745 3744 ~ ~ 3740 ~ ~ 3741 5756 ~ ~ 5737 3732 ~ ~ 3733 3728 ~ 3729 3724 ~ ~ 3725 3720 ~· ~ 3721 3716 ~ ~ 3717 3712 ~C~I ~ 3709 3708 3704 3~00 g O',,l ~ 3705 29,6' ~ 1~.6' 3841~ 3825 3809 3801 3754 '~ I-- ~ 3757 3746 ~ 3742 3736 5732 3726 3722 3716 3710 ~ C3 ~ 3701 249 ~F~' 129.6' ~'~ 129.6' AVE Watson Appraisal and Consultant Service 4230 Central Avenue N.E., Columbia Heighls, MN 55421 O~ice: (612} 788-2714 ·Atter Hours:(612) 571.1717 ,]~uaua~ 7, 2002 City of Columbia Heights 590 40* Avenue NE Columbia Heights,/yin 55421 RE: Vacant land on California St North of Cul-De-Sac Gentlemen: In accordance with your request for an evaluation of thc vacant land beyond the cul-de-sac on the end of California Street north of 39* Avenue NE, the following is respectfully submitted: :.. I. I walked and photographed the area lo determine the physical conditions of the site. 2. I noted the existing BNSF Relay Tower west of the existing cul-de-sac and note that access to same is from California Street south of said tower. 3. The area is a gently sloping grassy site with high land in the northeast and northwest comers with good drainage to the existing cul-de-sac. 4. The "vacant" BNSF land consists oran area approximately 300 feet long noah to south and 100 feet deep west of the California Street Right Of Way wilh a total size of approximately 30,000 sq. ft. 5. The "Vacant" city property east of the California Street Right of Way is about 127 feet deep and 318 feet north to south with a total area of approximately 40,400 sq. ft. 6. If California Street is vacated beyond the cul-de-sac it would add 230' x 60' to the total vacant area or about 13,800 sq. ft. 7. With vacating the "vacant" land is about 84,200 sq. ft. including California Street Right of Way. 8. I picked up Commercial/Industrial sales in the City of Fridley where some sales were consummated that were similar to subject. 9. The land is zoned Industrial and this is the highest and best use for the site. 10. There were no industrial sales of land in the past two years, but sales of Commercial and Residential sites are fairly similar to the sale price per square foot of Industrial land which sell in larger parcels than the typical residential sites (I0,000 sq. ft. more or less compared to ½ acre or more for Industrial). Based on the comparable land sales thc three commercial sales (#1, #2, and//3) in Fridley give a good estimate ofvalue at about $2.40/sq. ft. or $48,000 per 20,000 sq. ft. site. This value assumes the reconstruction of Califomia Street with the relocated cul-de-sac together with the re-platting, vacating of the north section of California Street and associated reconstruction costs. The value of the BNSF land in its present state would be about 50% of the platted value or $l.20/sq. ft. x 30,000 sq. ft. = $36,000. I found a BNSF sale that involved a sale and resale in 1998 ora site in the NE 'A of NE ¼ of Sec 27 (PIN 27 30 24 11 0017) involving 230,367 sq. ft. selling for $42,200 ($7,760/acre), but Fridley considered it a "Bad Sale" involving a split and Right of Way change of use, etc. /~.ii,R:pect fu Ily submitted, Appraiser/Consultant License//4000369 sh COMPARABLE LAND SALES COLUMBIA HEIGHTS & FRIDLEY Address Date Sold Sq. Ft. $/SF Remarks/Adjust Subject & PIN Soid for $ 39xx California NA 20,000+- Sloping land Col. His Extend S & W 5959 University 12/19/00 78,100 23,487 3.33 Comer comm. Site 2.49 Fridley S & W in (.70) 23 30 24 21 0126 6340 Old Central 6/22/00 166,000 67,000 2.48 Interior lot on Hwy 2.23 Fridley S & W Conun (.90) 13 30 24 31 0032/33 1200 Moore Lk Dr Fridley 13 30 24 31 0033 6/9/00 90,800 34, 100 2.66 Interior lot 2.40 S & W Comm 690) 4237 7u' St NE 5/11/01 39,000 5,166 7.55 Last lot in blk 3.77 Col. Hts. High demand (.50) 35 30 24 13 0021 NW Cor Om'dena & 2/8/01 66,000 10,707 6.16 Corn site nea~ Torino 3.08 Benjamin-Ffidley Grace-High demand 34 30 24 I I 0133 (.50) 4612 Taylor St 5/7/01 25,000 10,240 2.44 Sheffield Area Stigma 2.44 Col. Hts S & W offsets (1.00) 25 30 24 33 0008 608 Cheryl St 1/12/01 25,000 9,350 2.67 Flood plane area 2.67 Fridley S & W offsets (1.00) 3 3024 32 0181 XXX 62~ Way 6/26/01 54,000 15,600 3.46 Comer site S & W 2.43 Fridley-no pin (.70) 1632 Rice Creek Rd 6/4/01 55,000 20,370 2.70 Interior lot S & W 2.43 V~dl~ (.90) 64xx Stonelite Cir 5/3 i/00 45,000 14,700 3.06 Interior lot S & W 2.45 Fridley High price homes (.8) 5175 St Imier 1/06/00 60,000 13,160 4.56 Comer lot S & W 3.19 Cir-Fridley High price homes (.7) 25 30 24 i I 0027 XXX Arthur St 2/15100 64,900 15,100 4.30 Comer lot S & W 3.01 Fridley Hi8h price homes (.7) 24 30 24 42 0001 Based on these sales, vacant land with sewer and water available, but must be extended, would be between $2.25 and $3.00 per sq. fl. probably close to $2.50/sq.fl. in a platted area. Subject Site Rg/..A ~' Watson Appraisal and Consultant Service 4230 Central Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Olfice: (612) 788.2714 · Alter Hours: (612) 571-1717 [ Location Map I PHOTO PAGES OPEN LAND LOOKING WEST FROH 40th AVE & ALLEY (No. Boundary) NORTtl SIDE OF CUL DE SAC LOOKING NW i'.~'~:~..,:-..~:._,. ~'~~~7,.::~ ....,.,.,,,, ~~-,:~.~:...:. EAST EDGE OF SUBJECT LOOKING SOUTft ALONG ALLEY PHOTO PAGES OPEN LAND NORTH OF CUL DE SAC LOOKING SW CUL DE SAC LOOKING NW ACROSS BNSF LAND PHOTO PAGES BNSF PROPERTY NORTH OF TOWER AND CUL DE SAC CORNER OF BNSF LAND LOOKING SOUTH Watson Appraisal and Consultant Service 4230 Cenlral Avenue N.E., Columbia Heighls, MN 5542t Office: tl~) 788.2714 · Atlet Hours: {~) 571.1717 January 7, 2002 City of Columbia HeiSts 590 40u' Avenue NE Columbia Heights, M~ 55421 R.E: Vacant land on California St.--37th to 38th Avenue Gentlemen: In accordance with your request for an evaluation of the vacant land beyond the cul-de-sac on the end of California Street, 37a to 38~h Avenue NE, the following is respectfully submitted: i. I walked and photographed the area to determine the physical conditions of the site. 2. I noted the existing industrial Building on the southeast corner of California Street and 38a' Avenue. I understand that this structure is to be acquired and razed for redevelopment. 3. The area is a gently sloping grassy site with higher land in the south end near 37~ Avenue with drainage to the north. 4. The "Vacant" city property east of'the California Street Right o£Way is about 127 feet deep and 600 feet north to south with a total area of approximately 76,200 sq. ft. 5. The west half of California Street is vacated and that vacating must be rescinded and a full right of way restored. 6. I located some residential site sales and also some Commercial/Industrial land sales in the City of Fridley where sales were consummated that were similar to subject. 7. In the past two years sales of'Commercial and Residential sites are £airly similar to the sale price per square foot o£1and which sell in our area. This land is zoned Industrial, but the highest and best use for the site should be multiple dwelling as a buffer to thc Residential properties on Main Street. The Residential homes east of'the lots on California Street make Industrial use difficult to justify. Costs of re-platting, utilities, extensions, paving, etc. must be deducted from comparable sales. Based on the land sales in Columbia Heights and Fridley, I would estimate the value of the strip of land east of California Street, 37t~ to 38~ Avenue to be about $2.50/sq. ft less the cost of street opening, sewer and water lines, rezoning, and street surfacing (and lift stations, if necessary) estimated at 50% o£ land value or $1.25/sq. ft. · "~ Respectfully submitted, Malcolm O. Watson Appraiser/Consultant MN Lic.//4000369 sh COMPARABLE LAND SALES COLUMBIA HEIGHTS & FRIDLEY Address Date Sold Sq. Ft.' $/SF Remarks/Adjust Subject & PIN Sold for $ 37xx California NA Sloping land Col. Hts Extend N & E 5959 University 12/19/00 78,100 23,487 3.33 Comer comm. Site Fridley S & W in (.70) 23 30 24 21 0126 2.49 6340 Old CcnUai 6/22/00 166,000 67,000 2.48 Interior lot on Hwy Fridh,-y S & W Conm~ (.90) 13 30 24 31 0032/33 2.23 1200 Moore Lk Dr 6/9/00 90,800 34,100 2.66 Interior lot Fridley S & W Comm (.90) 13 30 24 31 0033 2.40 4237 7~ St NE 5/11/01 39,000 5,166 7.55 Last lot in blk Col. Hts. High demand (.50) 35 30 24 13 0021 3.77 NW Cor Gardena& 2/8/01 66,000 10,707 6.16 Corn site near Totino 3.08 Benjamin-Fridley Grace-High demand 34 30 24 11 0133 (.50) 4612 Taylor St 5/7/01 25,000 10,240 2.44 Sheffield Area Stigma Col. Hts S & W offsets (1.00) 25 30 24 33 0008 2.44 608 Cheryl St 1/12/01 25,000 9,350 2.67 Flood plane area Fridlcy S & W offsets (1.00) 3 30 24 32 0181 2.67 XXX 62~ Way 6/26/01 54,000 15,600 3.46 Comer site S & W 2.43 Fridley-no pin (.70) 1632 Rice Creek Rd 6/4/01 55,000 20,370 2.70 Interior lot S & W 2.43 Fridley (.90) 64XX Stonelite Cir 5/31/00 45,000 14,700 3.06 Interior lot S & W 2.45 Fridley High price homes (.8) 5175 St hnicr 1/06/00 60,000 13,160 4.56 Comer lot S & W 3.19 Cix-Fridley High price homes (.7) 25 30 24 11 0027 XXX Arthur St 2/15/00 64,900 15,100 4.30 Comer lot S & W 3.01 Fridley High price homes (.7) 24 30 24 42 0001 Based on these sales, vacant land with sewer and water available, but must be extended, would be between $2.25 and $3.00 per sq. ft. probably close to $2.50/sq.fl. in a platted area. Watson Appraisal and Consultant Service 4230 Central Avenue N.E., Columbia Heighls, MN 55421 Olfice: (612) 788-2714 · After Hours: (612) 571.1717 [ Location Map) ) 18 ,= 2 ./ 3 PHOTO PAGES SUBJECT LAND LOOKING NORTH FRObl 37th MPLS WATER WORKS biANItOLES IN SOUTH EDGE OF 37th AVE PttOTO PAGES _ ..- :. [ .' ?- SUBJECT LAND LOOKING NORTH FROM 3~th $ CALIFORNIA ST SUBJECT LAND LOOKING SOUTH FROM 38th & CALIFORNIA ST PHOTO PAGES INDUSTRIAL BLDG. SE CORNER OF 38th & CALIFOENIA (Alley on left) SUBJECT LAND LOOKING SOUTtl ALONG ALLEY LINE BY INDUSTRIAL BLDG.