HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 4, 2002 Public Improvement HearingCITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ADMINIS TRA TION February 27, 2002 Mayor Gary L. Peterson Councilmembers blarlaine Szurek Julienne Wyckoff Bruce Nawrocki Robert A. Williams City Manager [Falter R. Fehst The following is a Special Meeting agenda for the Public Improvement Hearing of the City Council to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 4, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for disabled persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the Deputy City Clerk at 763-706-3611, to make arrangements. (TDD/706-3692 for deaf or hearing impaired only) CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING: 2002 STREET REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR ZONE 6A A) Full Street Reconstruction Projects 1) Presentation of Information on Street Reconstruction Projects by Staff 2) Questions and Comments on Street Reconstruction Projects B) Partial Street Reconstruction Projects 1) Presentation of Information on Street Reconstruction Projects by Staff 2) Questions and Comments on Street Reconstruction Projects c) Close the Public Hearing MOTION: Move to close the Public Hearing on the 2002 Street Rehabilitation Projects: P.I.R. 1067 Project 0202, and P.I.R. 1068 Project 0202. D) Consideration of Resolutions 1) MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No.2002-15, there being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2002-15, being a resolution ordering improvements and preparation of plans, P.I.R. #1067, Project #0202. 2) MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-16, there being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2002-16, being a resolution ordering improvements and preparation of plans, P.I.R. # 1068, Project #0202. 3. ADJOURNMENT Walter R. Fehst, City Manager WF/p. vm TIlE CITY OF COLUMBIA. HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF' SERVICES "SERVICE IS OUR E~LJ$~NE.~3S" EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER TDD (763) 706-3692 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 3/4/02 AGENDA SECTION: ZONE 6A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING ITEM: PUBLIC HEARING: IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE 2002 ZONE 6A STREET REHABILITATION PROGRAM ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS BY: K. Hansen ~-~3 DATE: 2/27/0~.~-/' CITY MANAGER BY: DATE: Background The City Council accepted the feasibility reports and ordered an Improvement Hearing for March 4th at their meeting of February 11, 2002. Zone 6 is bounded by Central Avenue (40* to 41st Ave) and Quincy Street (41st to 44th Ave) on the east, 44th Avenue on the north, University Avenue Service Road on the west and 40t~ Avenue on the south. Based on discussions with the City Council, Zone 6 has been divided into quadrants. Zones 6A (northeast quadrant) and 6B (southeast quadrant) will be rehabilitated in 2002 and 2003 respectively. Streets in Zone 6 not rehabilitated in 2002 and 2003 will be seal coated in 2003. The west quadrants will be rehabilitated in approximately 2010 and 2011. The 2002 Zone 6A Street Rehabilitation improvement area is bounded by Quincy Street on the East, 7t~ Street on the West, 44th Avenue on the North and 42na Avenue on the South. Staffheld an Informational Meeting February 21st, 2002 at City Hall from 6:00 P.M. to approximately 8:00 P.M. Fourteen people signed the attendance sheet and a copy of the attendance sheet and meeting agenda is attached. Copies of the Feasibility Reports were available to the public at this meeting. Analysis/Conclusions: Distributed at the February 11th, 2002 regular City Council meeting was the Feasibility Report that details the scope of work and estimated costs for Street Rehabilitation in Zone 6A. The report details three rehabilitation strategies: Mill 8: Overlay, Partial Reconstruction, and Full Reconstruction. The report recommendations for Zone 6A with the 7th Street option are summarized below: Rehabilitation Strategies: Staff utilizes three methods in evaluating the condition of the street and then determining the appropriate treatment. The following is a listing of streets with the recommended treatment: FULL STREET RECONSTRUCTION 7th Street 42"a to 44th Avenues Washington Street 42"d to 44th Avenues Madison Street 42nd to 44th Avenues Monroe Street 42nd to 43rd Avenues PARTIAL STREET RECONSTRUCTION Monroe Street 43~a to 44th Avenues Other rehabilitation strategies such as hot or cold-in-place recycling have been investigated. These recycling methods are best suited for work on roads without utility construction work or curb and gutter. The in-place recycling methods grind up the existing paving and base materials and leaves those materials in place as new base. A bituminous mat is paved over the ground up materials. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 3/4/02 AGENDA SECTION: ZONE 6A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS ITEM: PUBLIC HEARING: IMPROVEMENTS FOR BY: K. Hansen THE 2002 ZONE 6A STREET REHABILITATION DATE: 2/27/02 PROGRAM CITY MANAGER BY: DATE: ZONE 6A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING Continued - Page 2 Excavating within the street area to facilitate utility installation would disturb and possibly contaminate the new base. Also, with cold in-place recycling, the new bituminous mat raises the elevation of the roadway usually making it incompatible with the curb and gutter. Even though the City does not specify recycling methods, the materials are recycled and left on site as much as possible. Most of the bituminous surface and some of the gravel base is removed with milling machine. These "millings" are then reused on the site as select granular borrow. Most of the aggregate base used in our construction is recycled concrete. Utilities Replacement: Utilities have been reviewed in Zone 6A and the attached map represents where staff is recommending replacement and/or repairs. Staff utilized in-line televising, history of water main breaks, leakage testing (independent testing), and previous engineering reports in determining utility replacements. A summary of the staffrecommended improvements follows: Sanitary Sewer: The lateral and trunk lines have all been cleaned and televised in Zone 6A. Staffhas not completed review of the inspection report to make a recommendation on necessary repairs. Storm Sewer: A storm sewer main line is recommended to be installed on the north half of the 4300 block of Madison Street. As part of this, the storm sewer in the alley between Madison and Monroe will be abandoned and the connection of this line to Jackson Pond will be eliminated. This work will minimize the current flooding in the alley between Madison and Monroe Streets. A similar storm sewer line in Washington Street is being evaluated. Spot repairs are proposed throughout the north half of the Zone 6 area to address catch basin deficiencies such as condition, inlet capacity and location(s) in the intersection. Catch basin castings have been inspected and will be replaced w/th updated vane style grates (where possible) by City Utility crews. The vane style grates reduce surface debris buildup and offer higher inlet capacity. Water Main: Water main replacement is recommended in Zone 6A to address age of pipes, history of water main breaks, and inadequate sizing. The water main on 7th Street, from 42"a to 43rd venues is being replaced due to the history of breaks. Due to the age of pipe lateral lines are recommended for replacement, on Washington Street, from 42"d to 43rd Avenue and on Madison and Monroe Streets from 42"d to 44th Avenues. Staff is also recommending evaluating the water service lines in these three streets and replacing any service lines that are sub-standard. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 3/4/02 AGENDA SECTION: ZONE 6A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS ITEM: PUBLIC HEARING: IMPROVEMENTS FOR BY: K. Hansen THE 2002 ZONE 6A STREET REHABILITATION DATE: 2/27/02 PROGRAM CITY MANAGER BY: DATE: ZONE 6A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING Continued - Page 3 Assessment Methodology: Street Rehabilitation Zones 1, 2 and 3 all followed the existing assessment policies for each area. Under the 1999 Alley Construction Program and the Zone 4 Street Rehabilitation Program, a "unit" assessment methodology was employed rather than using a "front foot" rate basis. The area of Columbia Heights west of Central Avenue is essentially a block type development pattern with streets and avenues. The existing assessment policy for this area would involve "street" assessments and "avenue" assessments. The "street" frontage (typical front of property or where driveway access is) would pay a particular rate for the full frontage for that type of treatment (mill & overlay or full reconstruction, for example) used on that street. That same parcel would pay a reduced rate for the avenue for the full frontage. Staff is recommending a unit basis assessment methodology in reconstruction areas as it has been my experience that the court system has accepted this rationale from an appeal basis, in that residential parcels generally benefit equally from the same improvements. Going to a unit basis methodology would still create different rates for half a block; dependent upon the type of treatment the adjacent avenues receive. Financing: Street Rehabilitation The estimated construction costs are as follows: 1. Full street reconstruction $ 844,900 2. Partial street reconstruction $ 49,560 3. Utilities $ 443,700 Project funding is proposed as follows: o Assessments o Infrastructure Fund: o Storm Water Utility: o Sanitary Sewer Fund: o Water Construction Fund: $ 457,140 $ 437,320 $ 94,000** $104,300'* $ 245,400** The costs and associated funding for utility work (**) will be determined during the final design. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 3/4/02 AGENDA SECTION: ZONE 6A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING ITEM: PUBLIC HEARING: IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE 2002 ZONE 6A STREET REHABILITATION PROGRAM ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS CITY MANAGER BY: K. Hansen BY: DATE: 2/27/02 DATE: ZONE 6A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING Continued - Page 4 Past Assessments: Zone 6A does not have areas that have had improvements assessed in the recent past. Other Issues: At the informational meeting, one property owner on Monroe Street from 43rd Avenue to 44th Avenue was interested in full reconstruction rather than partial reconstruction. The owner felt that new curb and gutter would be worth the additional cost. The financial impact to each property owner assessed for this block of Monroe Street would be an additional $426 per street parcel and $142 per avenue parcel. The impact to the City infrastructure fund would be in the range of an additional $49,000. Recommended Motion: Move to waive the reading of the Resolution(s), there being ample copies available for the public. Recommended Motion: Move to adopt Resolution No's 2002-xx-xx*, which Orders the Improvement(s) for Zone 6A Street Rehabilitation. * Note: The Resolutions for Ordering the Improvements should be considered and read individually. Attachments: Resolution(s) Informational Meeting Agenda Informational Meeting Attendance Sheet Assessment Rates Maps Public Improvement Hearing Notices COUNCIL ACTION: R E S O ~, U T I O N NO. 2002 15 BEING A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND THE PREPARATION OF PL~/gS WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2002-08 of the Columbia Heights City Council adopted the 11~h day of February, 2002, fixed a date for a council hea~ing on the proposed improvement of 7~h Street, Washington Street and Madison Street from 42nd Avenue to 44~ Avenue and Monroe Street from 42nd Avenue to 43r~ Avenue AND WHEREAS, ten days' mailed notice and two published notice of the hearing a week apart was given, and the hearing was held thereon the 4~h day of March, 2002, at which all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon, WHEREAS, the Council determines to proceed with this local improvement, a portion of the cost being defrayed by special assessments under Charter provisions. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA:' 1. That the location and extent of such improvements is as follows: Full street reconstruction of 7~h Street, Washington Street and Madison Street from 42"d Avenue to 44~h Avenue and Monroe Street from 42~ Avenue to 43~ Avenue. Work includes required utility reconstruction, new granular sub-base, new aggregate base, new bituminous surfacing, new concrete curb and gutter including driveway aprons, required concrete or bituminous driveway and concrete service sidewalk/step replacement, sod restoration, miscellaneous construction items, and appurtenances. Such improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible as detailed in the feasibility report. 3 o Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the Council Resolution adopted 11th day of February, 2002. 4. These improvements shall also be known as P.I.R. #1067 - Project 0202. The City Engineer, Kevin Hansen is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. The engineer shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the Council this 4~h day of March, 2002. Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk Mayor Gary L. Peterson R E S O ~. U T T O N I~0. 2002 3.6 BEING A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND THE PREPARATION OF PLANS WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2002-08 of the Columbia Heights Cit~ Council adopted the 11TM day of February, 2002, fixed a date for a council hearing on the proposed improvement of Monroe Street from 43=d Avenue to 44th Avenue A/qD WHEREAS, ten days' mailed notice and two published notice of the hearing a week apart was given, and the hearing was held thereon the 4th day of March, 2002, at which all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon, WHEREAS, the Council determines to proceed with this local improvement, a portion of the cost being defrayed by special assessments under Charter provisions. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA: 1. That the location and extent of such improvements is as follows: Partial street reconstruction of Monroe Street from 43rd Avenue to 44~h Avenue. Work includes required utility reconstruction, granular sub-base if needed, new aggregate base, new bituminous surfacing, random curb and gutter replacement, restoration and appurtenances. 2 o Such improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible as detailed in the feasibility report. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the Council Resolution adopted 11~n day of February, 2002. These improvements shall also be known as P.I.R. #1068 Project 0202. The City Engineer, Kevin Hansen is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. The engineer shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the Council this 4tn day of March, 2002. Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk Mayor Gary L. Peterson CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING Street Rehabilitation: Zone 6A City Council Chamber Thursday, February 21, 2002 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. AGENDA · 6:00-6:30 Open House- Informal O & A · 6:30-6:45 Staff Presentation Introductions ca City-wide Street Rehab Program Zone 6 Engineering Report --~ Scope of Work o Streets o Utilities --~ Costs --~ Funding ca Assessment Methodology Improvement Process and Schedule --~ Informational Meeting (2/21/02) Improvement Hearing (3/4/02) --~ Final Plans & Bidding (4/02) --~ Pre-Construction Meeting (5/02) --~ Construction (6/02 - 9/02) Assessment Hearing (10/02) ca Other Construction Projects --~ Central Avenue Reconstruction · 6:45-7:30 GeneralQuestions/Citizen Comments CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS INFORMATIONAL MEETING STREET REHABILITATION: ZONE 6A City Council Chamber .~ Thursday, February 21,2002 @ 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. ATTENDANCE LIST NAME (Please Print) ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. Zone 6A - Info Mtg Attendance 2002 STREET REHABILITATION PROJECTS - ZONE 6A FULL RECONSTRUCTION P.I.R. 1067 - COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PROJECT 0202 7TH STREET WASHINGTON STREET MADISON STREET MONROE STREET 42ND AVENUE TO 44TH AVENUE 42ND AVENUE TO 44TH AVENUE 42ND AVENUE TO 44TH AVENUE 42ND AVENUE TO 43RD AVENUE ESTIMATED COSTS CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND ADMINISTRATION CONSTRUCTION PROJECT COST $844,900.00 $126,754.55 $971,654.55 ASSESSMENT: 165 PARCELS AT STREET RATE 2 PARCELS AT AVENUE RATE FULL ASSESSMENT RATE $971,654.55 165.67 $5,865.00 / PARCEL ESTIMATED COST SHARING TOTAL PROJECT COST cITy SHARE ASSESSED COST $971,654.55 $549,204.55 $422,450.00 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT RATES STREET $420,750.00 165.00 $2,550.00 / PARCEL AVENUE $1,700.00 2.00 $850.00 / PARCEL 2/27/2002 Zone 6A Full Reconstruction Hearing Display IS 30~lNO~ '0 :CD IS NOSIQ¥1N 0 0 IS NOS~13-1-131' IS NO.LONIHSYM ll~lllllllll ~ 2002 STREET REHABILITATION PROJECTS - ZONE 6A PARTIAL RECONSTRUCTION P.I.R. 1068 - COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PROJECT 0202 MONROE STREET 43RD AVENUE TO 44TH AVENUE ESTIMATED COSTS CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND ADMINISTRATION CONSTRUCTION PRojEcT COST $49,560.00 $7,431.70 $56,991.70 ASSESSMENT: 15 PARCELS AT STREET RATE 4 PARCELS AT AVENUE RATE FULL ASSESSMENT RATE $56,991.70 16.33 $3,490.00 / PARCEL ESTIMATED COST SHARING TOTAL PROJECT COST CITY SHARE ASSESSED COST $56,991.70 $22,299.70 $34,692.00 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT RATES STREET $31,860.00 15.00 $2,124.00 / PARCEL RESIDENTIAL $2,832.00 4.00 $708.00 / PARCEL 2/27/2002 Zone 6A Partial Reconstruction Hearing Display ¢0 v- O IS AONInO e0 o uj (DODO O O ,~ LO U~ 'q' 'q' /$ ,.- zoz J 'dO~NO~ ~ ~O (O ~0 ~3 (0 O · - CC O ~ ~ 03 (N O~ I w-'I ~- 6Z9 , I NOSlaYm 1s O~~ eO~ O O ~ O 2002 STREET REHABILITATION PROJECTS - ZONE 6A WATER SERVICE REPLACEMENT P.I.R. 1067 AND 1068 - COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PROJECT 0202 WASHINGTON STREET MADISON STREET MONROE STREET 42ND AVENUE TO 43RD AVENUE 42ND AVENUE TO 44TH AVENUE 42ND AVENUE TO 44TH AVENUE ESTIMATED COSTS CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND ADMINISTRATION CONSTRUCTION PROJECT COST $69,600.00 $10,440.00 $80,040.00 ASSESSMENT: 58 PARCELS FULL ASSESSMENT RATE $80,040.00 58.00 $1,380.00 / PARCEL ESTIMATED COST SHARING TOTAL PROJECT COST CITY SHARE ASSESSED COST $80,040.00 -$10,440.00 $69,600.00 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT RATE WATER SERVICE $69,600.00 58.00 $1,200.00 / PARCEL 2/27/2002 Zone 6A Water Service Hearing Display CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS NOTICE FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Columbia Heights has determined the following Public Improvement Hearing be held on Monday, March 4, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chamber, 590 40th Avenue N.E. to consider: P.I.R. 1067 o PROJECT NO. 0202 ZONE 6A REHABILITATION: FULL RECONSTRUCTION The proposed street widths remain approximately the same. Work includes required utility reconstruction, new granular subbase, new aggregate base, new concrete curb and gutter with driveway aprons, required concrete or bituminous driveway and service walk/step replacement, sod restoration, miscellaneous construction items, and appurtenances in the following generally described area: 7TM STREET (42no to 44* Avenues) MADISON STREET (42nd to 44t~ Avenues) WASHINGTON STREET (42aa to 44t~ Avenues) MONROE STREET (42aa to 43ra Avenues) Estimated Cost of Improvements (not including utilities): Estimated Assessments for above improvements: Estimated Assessment for each water service replacement: $ 850,000. $ 425,000. $ 1,200. Parcels Proposed to be Assessed or Impacted: 35-30-24-12-0108 35-30-24-12-0110 35-30-24-12-0112 35-30-24-12-0114 35-30-24-12-0116 35-30-24-12-0117 35-30-24-12-0120 35-30-24-12-0123 35-30-24-12-0125 35-30-24-12-0128 35-30-24-12-0129 35-30-24-12-0132 35-30-24-12-0134 35-30-24-12-0143 35-30-24-12-0146 35-30-24-12-0151 35-30-24-12-0154 35-30-24-12-0160 35-30-24-12-0165 35-30-24-12-0166 35-30-24-12-0172 35-30-24-12-0173 35-30-24-12-0176 35-30-24-12-0177 35-30-24-12-0178 35-30-24-12-0182 35-30-24-12-0186 35-30-24-12-0187 35-30-24-12-0191 35-30-24-12-0192 35-30-24-12-0193 35-30-24-12-0194 35-30-24-12-0195 35-30-24-12-0196 35-30-24-12-0197 35-30-24-12-0198 35-30-24-12-0199 35-30-24-12-0202 35-30-24-12-0203 35-30-24-12-0204 35-30-24-12-0205 35-30-24-12-0206 35-30-24-12-0207 35-30-24-12-0208 35-30-24-12-0209 35-30-24-12-0210 35-30-24-12-0211 35-30-24-12-0212 35-30-24-12-0213 35-30-24-12-0214 35-30-24-12-0215 35-30-24-12-0216 35-30-24-12-0220 35-30-24-12-0221 35-30-24-13-0001 35-30-24-13-0002 35-30-24-13-0003 35-30-24-13-0004 35-30-24-13-0005 35-30-24-13-0006 35-30-24-13-0007 35-30-24-13-0008 35-30-24-13-0009 35-30-24-13-0010 35-30-24-13-0011 35-30-24-13-0012 35-30-24-13-0013 35-30-24-13-0014 35-30-24-13-0015 35-30-24-13-0016 35-30-24-13-0017 35-30-24-13-0018 35-30-24-13-0019 35-30-24-13-0020 35-30-24-13-0021 35-30-24-13-0022 35-30-24-13-0023 35-30-24-13-0024 35-30-24-13-0025 35-30-24-13-0026 35-30-24-13-0038 35-30-24-13-0039 35-30-24-13-0040 35-30-24-13-0041 35-30-24-13-0042 35-30-24-13-0043 35-30-24-13-0044 35 -30-24-13-0045 35-30-24-13-0046 35-30-24-13-0049 35-30-24-13-0050 35-30-24-13-0051 35-30-24-13-0052 35-30-24-13-0053 35-30-24-13-0054 35-30-24-13-0055 35-30-24-13-0056 35-30-24-13-0057 35-30-24-13-0058 35-30-24-13-0059 35-30-24-13-0060 35-30-24-13-0061 35-30-24-13-0062 35-30-24-13-0075 35-30-24-13-0076 35-30-24-13-0077 35 -30-24-13 -0078 35 -30-24-13-0079 35-30-24-13-0080 35-30-24-13-0081 35-30-24-13-0082 35-30-24-13-0083 35-30-24-13-0084 35-30-24-13-0085 35-30-24-13-0086 35-30-24-13-0087 35-30-24-13-0088 35-30-24-13-0089 35-30-24-13-0090 35-30-24-13-0091 35-30-24-13-0092 35-30-24-13 -0094 35-30-24-13-0095 35-30-24-13-0096 35-30-24-13-0097 35-30-24-13-0098 35-30-24-13-0099 35-30-24-13-0195 35-30-24-13-0196 35-30-24-13-0198 35-30-24-14-0014 35-30-24-14-0015 35-30-24-14-0016 35-30-24-14-0017 35-30-24-14-0018 35-30-24-14-0019 35-30-24-14-0020 35-30-24-14-0021 35-30-24-14-0022 35-30-24-14-0023 35-30-24-14-0024 35-30-24-14-0025 35-30-24-21-0186 35-30-24-21-0187 35-30-24-21-0188 35-30-24-21-0189 35-30-24-21-0190 35-30-24-2 I-0191 35-30-24-21-0192 35-30-24-21-0193 35-30-24-21-0194 35-30-24-21-0195 35-30-24-21-0196 35-30-24-24-0054 35-30-24-24-0055 35-30-24-24-0056 35-30-24-24-0057 35-30-24-24-0058 35-30-24-24-0059 35-30-24-24-0060 35-30-24-24-0061 35-30-24-24-0062 35-30-24-24-0063 35-30-24-24-0064 35-30-24-24-0065 35-30-24-24-0066 35-30-24-24-0067 Said improvements are to be considered pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 429, 444 and 469. The improvements are to be specially assessed on a unit, area, or frontage basis, or combination thereof against abutting and non-abutting properties and tributary to said improvements, or served by said improvements. The parcels and areas, as specially described herein, are subject to said special assessments unless otherwise noted. The parcel numbers represent the tax parcel identification numbers. To find your tax parcel number, check your real estate tax statement. The total estimated cost of the above listed improvements (not including utility repair/replacement) is $ 850,000. Persons desiring to be heard with reference to the proposed improvements will be heard at said time and place of the public heating. Written or oral objections will be considered at the public hearing. The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs and activities. Auxiliary aids for handicapped persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Council Secretary at 763-706-3611, to make arrangements. (TDD/763-706-3692 for deaf only.) CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Walter Fehst City Manager Published in Focus on 2/21/02 and 2/28/02 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS NOTICE FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Columbia Heights has determined the following Public Improvement Hearing be held on Monday, March 4, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chamber, 590 40th Avenue N.E. to consider: P.I.R. 1068 - PROJECT NO. 0202 ZONE 6A REHABILITATION: PARTIAL RECONSTRUCTION Work includes required utility reconstruction, spot concrete curb and gutter replacement, granular subbase if needed, new aggregate base, new bituminous pavement, restoration and appurtenances in the following generally described area: MONROE STREET (43~d to 44th Avenues) Estimated Cost of Improvements (not including utilities): Estimated Assessments for above improvements: Estimated Assessment for each water service replacement: $ 50,000. $ 35,000. $ 1,200. Parcels Proposed to be Assessed or Impacted: 35-30-24-11-0087 35-30-24-11-0088 35-30-24-11-0091 35 -30-24-11-0092 35 -30-24-11-0094 35-30-24-11-0095 35-30-24-11-0099 35-30-24-11-0100 35-30-24-11-0105 35-30-24-11-0109 35-30-24-11-0110 35-30-24-12-0098 35-30-24-12 -0099 35-30-24-12-0100 35-30-24-12-0101 35-30-24-12-0103 35-30-24-12-0105 35-30-24-12-0106 35-30-24-12-0107 Said improvements are to be considered pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 429, 444 and 469. The improvements are to be specially assessed on a unit, area, or frontage basis, or combination thereof against abutting and non-abutting properties and tributary to said improvements, or served by said improvements. The parcels and areas, as specially described herein, are subject to said special assessments unless otherwise noted. The parcel numbers represent the tax parcel identification numbers. To find your tax parcel number, check your real estate tax statement. The total estimated cost of the above listed improvements (not including utility repair/replacement) is $ 50,000. Persons desiring to be heard with reference to the proposed improvements will be heard at said time and place of the public hearing. Written or oral objections will be considered at the public hearing. The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs and activities. Auxiliary aids for handicapped persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Council Secretary at 763-706-361 I, to make arrangements. (TDD/763-706-3692 for deaf only.) CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Walter Fehst City Manager Published in Focus on 2/21/02 and 2/28/02