HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 14, 2002 RegularCITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 (763) 706-3600 TDD (763) 706-3692 Visit Our Website at: www. ci. columbia-heights, mn. us ADMINISTRATION January 11, 2002 Mayor Gary L. Peterson Councilmembers Marlaine Szurek Julienne Wyckoff Bruce Nawrocki Robert ,4. Williams City Manager Walter R. Fehst The following is the agenda for the regular meeting of the City Council to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, January 14, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN. The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for disabled persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the Deputy City Clerk at 763-706-3611, to make arrangements~ (TDD/706-3692 for deaf or hearing impaired only) Invocation: Pastor Bill Warner CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO MEETING AGENDA (The Council, upon majority vote of its members, may make additions and deletions to the agenda. These may be items brought to the attention of the Council under the Citizen Forum or items submitted after the agenda preparation deadline.) CONSENT AGENDA (These items are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted as part of the Consent Agenda by one motion. Items removed from consent agenda approval will be taken up as the next order of business.) A) MOTION: Move to approve the Consent Agenda items as follows: 1) Minutes for Approval MOTION: Move to approve the minutes of the December 17, 2001, regular City Council meeting as presented. 2) Adopt Resolution No. 2002-02, being a resolution Approving Appointment to the HRA MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No.2002-02, there being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Move to Adopt Resolution 2002-02, being a Resolution approving appointment to the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Columbia Heights. 3) Adopt Resolution No. 2002-03, being a Resolution ordering preparation of feasibility reports for Zone 6A Street Rehabilitation Program. MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-03 there being ample copies available for the public. MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2002-03, being a resolution ordering the preparation of a report for proposed Zone 6A Street Rehabilitation Program. THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION Of SERVICES EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER City Council Agenda January 14, 2002 Page 2 of 4 4) Adopt Resolution No. 2002-01, being a Resolution approving plans and specs for Central Avenue and authorizing advertisement for bids. MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-01, there being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2002-01, approving plans and specs for Central Avenue and authorizing advertisement for bids. 5) Approve Change Order No. 1 and final payment for miscellaneous concrete project #0100. MOTION: Move to authorize Contract Change Order No. 1 for additional work added to the contract by the City to Ron Kassa Construction, Inc. in the amount of $20,947.40 with funding out of the appropriate funds. MOTION: Move to accept the work for 2001 Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs and Installations, City Project #0100 and authorize final payment of $9,287.31 to Ron Kassa Construction, Inc. of Elko, Minnesota. 6) Approve Change Order No. 3 and final payment for retaining wall construction. MOTION: Move to authorize Contract Change Order No. 3 for additional work added to the contract by the City to Sunram Construction, Inc. in the amount of $8,760.00, with funding to be appropriated from State Aid Construction Funds. MOTION: Move to accept the work for Retaining Wall Construction at Jefferson Street, Arthur Street, Wargo Court, 44th Avenue and 49th Avenue, Municipal Project #9818 and #0012; and, authorize final payment of $9,311.94 to Sunram Construction, Inc. of Corcoran, Minnesota. 7) Approve Business License Applications MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for January 14, 2002 as presented. 8) Approve Payment of Bills MOTION: Move to approve payment of the bills, as listed, out of the proper fund. PROCLAMATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND GUESTS A) Proclamations 1) John Gordon - Curling Olympian B) Presentations 1) Mickey Rooney 2) Holiday Lighting Contest C) Introduction of New Employees - none D) Recognition - none e PUBLIC HEARINGS A) Public Hearing called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 4654 Washington Street NE. Mayor Peterson to close the Public Hearing, as the property has been brought into compliance with the Rental Housing Maintenance Code. City Council Agenda January 14, 2002 Page 3 of 4 B) Public Heating called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 4546 Tyler Street NE. Mayor Peterson to close the Public Hearing, as the property has been brought into compliance with the Rental Housing Maintenance Code. C) Public Heating called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 1300-02, 1308-10, 1316- 18, 1324-26 Circle Terrace Mayor Peterson to close the Public Hearing, as the property/building has been brought into substantial (bm not complete) compliance with the Residential Maintenance Code. D) Public Hearing called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License Revocation for 4023 6th Street NE Mayor Peterson to close the Public Hearing, until such time all interested parties are notified. 7. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION A) Other Ordinances and Resolutions - none B) Bid Considerations 1) City Newsletter Printing Quotations for 2002 MOTION: Move to enter into an agreement with Nystrom's Publishing for printing, publishing, and distributing the City newsletter based upon their proposal of a yearly cost of $19,390.48 for four publications in 2002: and furthermore to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter in to an agreement for the same. ALTERNATE MOTION: Move to enter into an agreement with Rapid Graphics & Mailing for printing, publishing, and distributing the City newsletter based upon their proposal of a yearly cost of $17,964.00 for four publications in 2002: and furthermore to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter in to an agreement for the same. c) Other Business 1) Adopt Resolution 2002-04, being a Resolution approving the ApPointment of a Commissioner to the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority 8. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A) Report of the City Manager 1) Upcoming Work Session Items B) Report of the City Attomey GENERAL COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS A) Minutes of Boards and Commissions 1) Meeting of the November 20, 2001 Economic Development Authority 2) Meeting of the November 28, 2001 Park and Recreation Commission 3) Meeting of the December 4, 2001 Library Board 4) Meeting of thc December 20, 2001 Telecommunication Commission City Council Agenda January 14, 2002 Page 4 of 4 10. CITIZENS FORUM (At this time, citizens have an opportunity to discuss with the Council items not on the regular agenda. Citizens are requested to limit their comments to five minutes. Please note the public may address the Council regarding specific agenda items at the time the item is being discussed.) 11. COUNCIL CORNER 12. ADJOURNMENT Walter R. Fehst, City Manager WF/pvm OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 17, 2001 The following are the minutes for the regular meeting of the City Council held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, December 17, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, Minnesota. Mayor Peterson introduced Pastor David Briley, Oak Hill Baptist Church. Pastor Briley gave the invocation before the meeting. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Peterson, Councilmember Szurek, Councilmember Wyckoff, Councilmember Nawrocki, Councilmember Williams. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO MEETING AGENDA Peterson moved Public Hearing Item #6F prior to the consent agenda. Peterson moved Other Business Item #7C7 to the bottom of the consent agenda. Peterson moved Other Business Item #7C3 to Item #7C 1. Peterson moved Presentations prior to the consent agenda. #6F Public Hearing to Adopt Resolution 2001-72, being a Resolution modifying the Downtown Central Business District and Housing Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District No. 1. Fehst explained the Scattered Site Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District that was established four years ago..lit that time, the City Planner and Building Official viewed 56 separate houses as blights. He explained that portions of these taxes are held for purchase or rehab of the homes. The recommendation is to add ten houses to the list, following notification to the owners. This would be voluntary on the part of the owners. Mayor Peterson opened the public hearing. Williams questioned the benefit to our tax base. Fehst stated that taxes set aside are used to purchase or improve blighted homes, with the theory that other homes in the area also tend to make improvements. Improvements increase the tax base. There are now funds available to purchase five or six homes. Nawrocki stated it takes a long time to see tax improvements. Kimberly Ferraro Anker, 1208 Circle Terrace Boulevard, asked if these are single-family homes or rental units? Fehst stated they are individual homes that may be for rent. Mayor Peterson closed the public hearing. Motion by Wyckoff, second by Szurek, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2001-72, there being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 2 of 29 Motion by Wyckoff, second by Williams, to adopt Resolution 2001-72, being a resolution modifying the Downtown Central Business District (CBD) Revitalization Plan for the CBD Redevelopment Project and the proposed modification of Housing Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District No. 1, therein and the adoption of the modified plans therefore. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. PROCLAMATIONS~ PRESENTATIONS~ RECOGNITIONS AND GUESTS Mayor Peterson presented proceeds of the Holiday Kick-off Party to the Library Board totaling $3,505. Peterson thanked those who attended, and Bobby Williams for his help on the event. Barbara Miller accepted the check and expressed the Library Board's appreciation. Santa Claus arrived to wish the City Council, Staff and Columbia Heights residents a "Happy Holiday Season". Williams stated that the Second Annual Holiday Kick-off Party wouM be held on November 30, 2002. Williams indicated that about 250place settings of stoneware were donated to Murzyn Hall, in lieu of rental fees, for rental to other groups. Peterson thanked Wyckoff for finding and picking up the dinnerware and Szurek and Windschitl for helping her. Peterson thanked Cher Bakken for organizing "Cher's City Carolers" who caroled at Parkview Villa on Friday, December 14th. Peterson stated that the City Holiday Employee Luncheon was held on Tuesday, December 11tn, and was a great success. He congratulated Carole Blowers for receiving the "Employee of the Year" recognition. Peterson thanked all City employees for another year of great work. Peterson also thanked the residents who decorate their homes for the holiday. CONSENT AGENDA Walt Fehst, City Manager, explained the consent agenda items: Motion by Nawrocki, second by Williams, to approve the Consent Agenda~ except items #2, 4, 5, 8, 11 and 13 as follows: ' 1) Minutes for Approval a) Minutes of the November 26, 2001 City Council meeting Motion to approve the minutes of the November 26, 2001, regular City Council meeting as presented. b) Minutes of the November 27, 2001 Special Assessment Levy Hearing Motion to approve the minutes of the November 26, 2001, regular City Council meeting as presented. c) Minutes of the December 3, 2001 Special Budget Meeting Motion to approve the minutes of the November 26, 2001, regular City Council meeting as presented. Nawrocki corrected the minutes of the November 26th meeting to reflect item 11 was pulled from the consent agenda, not item 8. 2) Establish Work Session Meeting Dates for Monday, January 7, 2002 and Tuesday, January 22, 2002 - Removed 3) Adopt Resolution No. 2001-78, being a resolution establishing a new maximum income of $20,700 for Senior or Retired and Disabled Persons to be eligible for special assessment deferral. City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 3 of 29 Motion to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2001-78, there being ample copies available to the public. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2001-78, being a Resolution establishing a new maximum income of $20,700 for Senior or Retired and Disabled Persons to be eligible for special assessment deferral. Fehst stated that currently we have no one taking advantage of this program. 4) Authorize purchase of one subscription to the Star/Tribune on microfilm for 2002 - Removed 5) Adopt Resolution No. 2001-80, being a resolution regarding employer contribution to insurances for 2002 - Removed 6) Authorize transfer of funds and final payment to OMNI Roofs, Inc. for roof repairs and replacement on City Hall Motion to authorize final payment in the amount of $117,757 to Omni Roofs, Inc. for roof renovation and replacement on City Hall. Motion to authorize the transfer of $117,757 from the General Fund to the Capital Improvement General Government Buildings fund and appropriate such amount for roof repairs and replacement. Fehst indicated that $9,500 was saved by reusing some acceptable materials. Nawrocki questioned what expenditures where held back from the budget to fund this. Fehst stated that a substantial amount of items were not purchased. Nawrocki asked if we complied with the Davis/Bacon Act. Fehst stated that we did. 7) Workers' Compensation Rates Motion to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement with the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust for workers' compensation coverage based on their premium quotation of $137,120. Nawrocki asked what was paid this year. Fehst indicated $120,000. 8) Adopt Resolution No. 2001-84 being a resolution appropriating and desi,gnafing fund balances - Removed 9) Authorize agreement with Center for Energy and Environment for MHFA Discount Loan Program Motion to approve the Administrative Services Agreement between the City of Columbia Heights and Center for Energy and Environment for the MI-IFA Discount Loan Program extension through December 31, 2002; and authorize the City Manager and Mayor to enter into an agreement for the same. Nawrocki questioned the loan origination fee. Randy $chumacher, Acting Community Development Director, stated there was a $125. O0 administrative fee for successful applications, but MN Housing has a separate origination fee. 10) Adopt Resolution No. 2001-71, being a resolution Decertifying Parcels from the Central Downtown Business 'rlk' District Motion to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2001-71, there being ample copies available to the public. City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 4 of 29 Motion to adopt Resolution 2001-71, being a resolution Decertifying Parcels 35-30-24-14-0091 and 35-30-24-14-0092 from the Central Downtown Business TIF District. Nawrocki asked the impact of removing two parcels from the TIF District. $chumacher indicated the previous taxes paid. 11) Adopt J.P. Mmmyn Hall 2003 rental rates and revise Management Plan discount policy -Removed 12) Approve Chase Grant of $150,000 for January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2003 Motion to accept the grant from the Department of Children, Families and Learning in the amount of $150,000 to fund the CHASE program from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2003. Nawroctd asked for an explanation. Keith Windschitl, Recreation Director, stated this is the fiflh successful grant application from the Department of Children, Families and Learning. He listed several of the programs and salary portions funded by this grant. 13) Authorization to obtain price quotes for printing and mailing the 2002 City newsletters - Removed 14) Adopt Resolution No. 2001-82, being a Resolution adopting the 2001-2002 Snow and Ice Control Policy Motion to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2001-82, there being ample copies available to the public. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2001-82, adopting the 2001-2002 Snow and Ice Control Policy for the City of Columbia Heights. Nawrocki asked if mailboxes hit by our snowplows are replaced Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director, stated that boxes hit by our plow are replaced, but if damaged by snow windrows they are not. Hansen stated there are less than five mailboxes damaged per year. 15) Renew annual contract for GIS consulting services Motion to approve a one year extension to the GIS Joint Powers Agreement in the amount of $17,376, and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same. Nawrocki questioned when the agreement extensions would end. Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director, indicated that the Range Rider program was set up as a seven year plan, which started in 1998. It takes a large amount of time to pull the data together, particularly on the utility system. Fehst indicated this is a joint powers agreement to help reduce costs. 16) Establish a Hearing Date of January 14, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against 4023 6th St, 1300-02, 1308-10, 1316 18, 1324-26 Circle Terrace, 4654 Washington St. and 4546 Tyler Street NE Motion to establish a Hearing Date of January 14, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Renae Novak at 4023 6th Street NE. Motion to Establish a Hearing Date of January 14, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Edward Fragale at 1300-02, 1308-10, 1316-18, 1324-26 Circle Terrace. Motion to Establish a Hearing Date of January 14, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 5 of 29 License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Tad Sonneman at 4654 Washington Street NE. Motion to Establish a Hearing Date of January 14, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Yong Kwon Yi at 4546 Tyler Street NE. 17) Approve Rental Housing License Applications Motion to approve the items listed for rental housing license applications for December 17, 2001 as presented. 18) Approve Business License Application.q Motion to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for December 17, 2001 as presented, regarding the new license for 2001 and the renewals for 2002. 19) Approve Payment of Bills Motion to approve payment of the bills, as listed, out of the proper fund. 20) Authorize preparation for 2002 Anoka County Community Development Block Grant Program Application (moved from item 7C7) Motion to authorize staff to pursue preparation of the 2002 CDBG Program Application to remove slum and blight in the amount of $90,000 for the Industrial Park Redevelopment Planning Study; and furthermore, to submit said application to Anoka County. Fehst stated this is a modification to the TIF Redevelopment District for housing adding 10parcels to upgrade the housing stock in the district and requires a Public blearing. Mayor Peterson opened the hearing. Fehst stated there is a five year limit to add to the district. The EDA had reviewed and approved the CD Block Grant program, to be submitted to ,4noka County. Nawrocki asked if there would be an RFP. Fehst stated yes. Mayor Peterson closed the heating. Williams asked that Item 3 be better explained. Fehst stated that special assessments could be deferred by one-half the amount, if requested, by residents below the income guideline. Consent agenda: Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. #2 Establish Work Session Meeting Dates for Monday, January 7, 2002 and Tuesday, January 22, 2002 Nawrocki asked if there was an agenda for the proposed meeting dates. Fehst read the agenda for the January 7 meeting, and stated the agenda for the second meeting will be given at the first Council meeting in January. Fehst read the following items: · Presentation to Council from Real Estate Equities for NEI building · Presentation from Tim Johnson on Downtown Redevelopment from NEI site to Mady's block · Taxi Cab and Drivers Licensing Joint Powers Agreement · Award bid for City Newsletter · Courtesy Bench/Newsrack Corral Ordinance Review · Update of Street Rehab 20 year plan #4 #5 City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 6 of 29 Review of Lomianki Park Development Options · Fencing of the Liquor Store · Review of Central Avenue Plans and schedule · Appoint Council President and Council Committee Assignments · HRA Board Structure · Central Ave: Review schedule/financing/plans and specs Motion by Nawrocki to approve the January 7, 2001 meeting date for the items indicated. Second by Williams. Upon vote: Williams, nay; Szurek, nay; Wyckoff, nay, Nawrocki, aye; Peterson, nay. 4 nays - 1 aye. Motion failed. Motion by Williams, second by Szurek, to establish Work Session meeting dates for Monday, January 7, 2002 and Tuesday, January 22, 2002, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in Conference Room 1 at City Hall. Nawrocki called to split the question. Establish January 7, 2002 work session meeting date. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Establish January 22, 2002 work session meeting date. Nawrocki stated he would continue to oppose establishing meeting dates without a set agenda. Upon vote: Williams, aye; Szurek, aye; Wyckoff, aye; Nawrocki, nay; Peterson, aye. 4 ayes - 1 nay. Motion carried. Williams stated that the agenda for the January 22 meeting would be available in ample time. Peterson asked the notification requirement. Jim Hoeft indicated the requirement is three days. Authorize purchase of one subscription to the Star/Tribune on microfilm for 2002 Motion by Szurek, second by Wyckoff, to authorize purchase of one subscription to the Star/Tribune on microfilm for 2002 from the authorized, proprietary company producing it for the cost of $3,092.25. Nawrocla' opposed the purchase, as the new computers purchased allow access to this newspaper through the Central Anoka County Library, it would be a waste of money to get the same information on microfilm. Becky Loader, Library Director, stated the library has a hard copy of the paper available for two months, and microfilm back to 1971. She stated that access through the Internet browser was for profit, with the public access being limited to personal name searches, and is not a duplication of services. Wyckoff Library Board Liaison, stated the Board recommended this purchase and would not duplicate services. Wyckoff called for the question and asked to move on. Williams questioned usage by our citizens. Loader stated two to five, up to ten people per week. Williams stated he would support the motion, but requested input from citizens prior to the request next year. Nawrocki couM not justify the purchase at an average of $11.5O per use and he felt it was a duplication of service. Szurek stated that the information on microfilm is complete, while on the Internet site there is only searchable text. Upon vote: Williams, aye; Szurek, aye; Wyckoff, aye; Nawrocki, nay; Peterson, aye. 4 ayes - 1 nay. Motion carried. Adopt Resolution No. 2001-80, being a resolution regarding employer contribution to insurances for 200?. - Motion by Williams, second by Szurek, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2001-80, there being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 7 of 29 Motion by Williams, second by Szurek, to adopt Resolution No. 2001-80, being a resolution regarding employer contribution to insurances for 2002. Nawrocki spoke against the motion, as the negotiations with bargaining units is complete, for a $35 increase for insurance. Williams stated that this was discussed in budget meetings and is important for employee morale. Fehst stated insurance rates increased 48percent, or about $300 more per month. This increase would contribute $30 toward the $300 increase per month. Herbert Anker, 1208 Circle Terrace, questioned why City workers don't have to live in the community they work in. Nawrocki stated that Minnesota state law does not allow you to require residency. Wyckoff indicated that some communities give a stipend to employees living in the community. Anker stated he was proud of this Council, and liked that a prayer and the pledge of allegiance were said. Upon vote: Williams, aye; Szurek, aye; Wyckoff, aye; Nawrocki, nay; Peterson, aye. 4 ayes -1 nay. Motion carried. //8 Adopt Resolution No. 2001-84 being a resolution appropriating and designating fund balances Motion by Szurek, second by Williams, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2001-84, there being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Szurek, second by Williams, to Adopt Resolution No. 2001-84, being a resolution appropriating and designating fund balances. Nawrocki stated that he had not wanted the budget decided until residents received their tax statements and now there is a proposal to amend the budget. Nawrocki stated that if there were fund reserves, the tax increase was not necessary. He felt this was hiding money so the State would not see it. Bill Elrite, Finance Director, explained the Police and Fire Association consolidation into PERA. Last year funds were received and used for fire equipment. $56,000 is paid to the Police Relief Consolidated Account to the year 2010, so money received from the State and these funds will be adequate funds to cover this cost. Williams did not feel this was hiding money. Fehst stated that if money were hidden, we would not be discussing it. Fehst explained dedicate funds and that a certain amount of these funds are required. He listed items where fund balances are used, such as Parkview Villa. Elrite stated that auditors indicate surplus funds should be designated for a purpose or you should not have the funds. Wyckoff questioned the amount of rainy day funds. Elrite stated that there is $1.4 million over what is needed for cash flow, which is not significant for an $8 million dollar budget. Wyckoff asked if funds could be transferred from here. Elrite stated yes, at the discretion of Council. Peterson stated his confidence in Elrite and staff and referred to the notification he just received indicating that the City will receive an award for excellence in accounting. Harold Hoium, 4315 5th Street, expressed his opinion on account reserves. Motion by Nawrocki to amend the proposed limit increase of property tax to 3.5 % above the levied amount of last year with the balance to come from General Fund reserves. Motion died for lack of a second. Upon vote of the original motion: Williams, aye; Szurek, aye; Wyckoff, aye; Nawrocki, aye; Peterson, aye. All ayes. Motion carried. City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 8 of 29 #11 Adopt J.P. Murzyn Hall 2003 rental rates and revise Management Plan discount policy Motion by Williams, second by Szurek, to adopt the 2003 Murzyn Hall rental rates and revisions to the JPM Management Plan regarding the discount policy as outlined by the Park and Recreation Commission at their meeting of November 28, 2001. Keith Windschitl, Recreation Director, indicated that due to increased costs and budget cuts, the Park and Recreation Commission recommended increasing rental rates by l O percent and decreasing the Columbia Heights resident discount from 35percent to 20percent, effective in January for 2003 bookings. Nawrocki stated he was very strongly opposed to this. He gave the history of the building and the original purpose that it was to be available for residents at a reasonable rate. He felt this increase would price the rental out of range for residents. Wyckoff questioned why deposits are not refunded. Windschitl stated that last minute cancellations require deposits to be retained to cover expenses. Wyckoff asked if special groups could still request fees be waived. Windschitl indicated yes, they could. Windschitl stated this was the rate recommendation following the cut of $70, O00 from the recreation budget. Wyckoff questioned resident versus non-resident usage. Windschitl stated it is about 50percent of each. Windschitl stated he called other cities, that do give a resident discount, but they did not discount $300 a night. Williams stated he supports the motion and wants residents to invest back into the city. He indicated there are things that need to be done that are not in the budget next year, and eventually it may be necessary to build a new building. Peterson indicated that he would like to let residents use the building for free, but we must be realistic and must pay for what we get. Peterson stated he is the liaison to the Park and Recreation Commission and that they are frequently chastised for lack of revenue. This year roof repairs were required and we were lucky to have the funds to repair it. Motion by Nawrocki to amend that the resident discount not be changed from the existing level. Second by Wyckoff. Upon vote: Williams, nay; Szurek, nay; Wyckoff, aye; Nawrocki, aye; Peterson, nay. 3 nay- 2 aye. Motion failed. Motion by Wyckoff to amend the original motion defining a resident discount rate of 25 percent. Second by Szurek. Windschitl asked that the rate increase become effective for all reservations made beginning January 2002. Wyckoff stated the increase should be for 2003 rentals only. Windschitl stated this would be confusing to people calling for reservations. Upon vote of the amendment: Williams, aye; Szurek, aye; Wyckoff, aye; Nawrocki, aye; Peterson, aye. All ayes. Motion carried. Friendly amendment by Williams that all new rentals rates be effective beginning in 2002. Agreed to by Szurek. Lee Stauch, 1155 Kyber Lane, questioned the annual operating costs. Fehst stated that about 30percent of operating costs are recouped. He stated that taxpayers are subsidizing the loss, and the facility shouM pay for more of the current operating expenses. Williams agreed. City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 9 of 29 Kim Ferroo Anker, resident, questioned groups that have been quoted a price, and felt this would be confusing for the public. Fehst stated that these groups should be notified to confirm their reservation before January Ist. Windschitl indicated that Murzyn Hall is unique, because groups can use any licensed caterer, and have a reduced price on the serving of alcohol. Upon vote: Williams, aye; Szurek, aye; Wyckoff, nay; Nawrocki, nay; Peterson, aye. 3 ayes -2 nays. Motion carried. Windschitl confirmed that this motion allows a 10percent rate increase and an increase in the required down payment. #13 Authorization to obtain price qUotes for printing and mailing the 2002 City newsletters Motion by Szurek, second by Williams, to authorize staffto obtain price quotes for printing and mailing the 2002 "Heights Happenings city newsletters. Windschitl indicated the request for bid letters have been mailed, but bids have not yet been received. Nawrocki questioned why the specifications were only for sheet printing and not for web printing. Windschitl explained the differences in sheet printing versus web printing and the price differences bid in 1998. Nawrocki stated that we should work with a local company. Peterson recommended sheet printing over web printing for the price and quality of product. Windschitl gave statistics on newsletter readers. Nawrocki felt the newsletter should be bid both ways. Windschitl stated he would need to receive and approve bids soon, as the next newsletter must be to the printer by the end of January. Motion by Nawrocki to amend that the bid date be extended, and the bid specifications be changed to include web press printing. Wyckoff stated she would like to use a local business if their bid is within five percent of the low bid. Fehst stated that we do business with local companies whenever possible. Herbert Anker, resident, suggested that Insty Prints could handle this job. Wyckoff suggested they receive a bid form. Windschitl indicated he will have companies submit two bids. Lee Stauch, resident, suggested bids would be better if the printer was given a three year contract. Windschitl stated that in the past two years prices have decreased. Jim Hoeft, City Attorney, indicated that these are price quotes and do not need a deadline. Peterson requested these bids be reviewed at the first Council meeting in January. Second to motion amendment by Wyckoff. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Windschitl described the distribution of the 12,900 newsletters being to Columbia Heights residents, office copies, outer 55421 zip code area, and local public schools. Upon vote of the original motion: All ayes. Motion carried. Windschitl stated funds come from line item 45050 - Special Events. Bill Elrite, Finance Director, explained the special events fund. City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 10 of 29 PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Heating called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 4544 4546 Fillmore Street Mayor Peterson closed the public hearing as the property is now in compliance with the Residential Maintenance Code. Public Heating called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 1035-1037 43 ½ Avenue Mayor Peterson closed the public heating as the property is now in compliance with the Residential Maintenance Code. Adopt Resolution 2001-85, being a resolution of Rental Housing License Revocation for 1206-1208 Circle Terrace Boulevard Dana Alexon, Assistant Fire Chief, stated that two housing violations remain uncorrected at this location from June 28, 2001. The owner was granted an extension to October, but as of the last inspection the entrance gate door was still broken and there are missing or broken boards on the exterior of the home. Peterson suggested removing the gate. Herbert Blaine Anker, renter at 1208 Circle Terrace Boulevard, stated he could remove the gate, but wouM like it to remain to keep the pit bull dogs across the street out of his yard. Anker indicated that if the weather permitted he would replace the boards on the back wall and then go to the owner for reimbursement. Peterson questioned the same owner bringing another property into compliance, but not this property. Alexon stated that the property owner has passed away and that the violations are not life threatening, but are covered under City Code. Peterson appreciated that the renter offered to fix the violations. Peterson questioned if the renter's repair expenses can be deducted from their rent. Hoeft could not provide council to the renters. He suggested that Council still take action on the rental license to obtain compliance by the owner. Fehst stated he would call Dave Jacobs, legal representative of the property, and ask him to work with the renters on fixing the violations. The Anker's were concerned that the property not be posted with a sign. Nawrocki stated that renters are not entitled to withhold rent money because something needs repair. Williams questioned if this could be tabled. Hoeft suggested going forward with the vote on suspension or revocation, but to postpone posting the property until the weather allows repairs to be completed. Fehst suggested suspending action for 30 days, tabling this to the end of January. Kim Ferroo Anker, stated that as the tenant, she would have appreciated being notified in June when the landlord did not comply. Motion by Williams to suspend the hearing for 1206-1208 Circle Terrace Boulevard to January 28, 2002. Second by Wyckoff. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Public Hearing called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 4040-4042 Cleveland Street - Previously tabled Mayor Peterson closed the public heating as the property is now in compliance with the Residential Maintenance Code. City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 11 of 29 Public Hearing called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 4616 Tyler Street - previously tabled Mayor Peterson closed the public hearing as the property is now in compliance with the Residential Maintenance Code. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION A) Other Ordinances and Resolutions -none B) Bid Considerations - none C) Other Business Adopt Resolution No. 2001-83, being a resolution approving plans for 51st Avenue 3/4 median closing on T.H. 65 Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director, described the proposed three-quarter median closing at 51st Avenue on Central Avenue. This is a compromise with landowners following the originally proposed full median closure. The MnDOTproposal is to improve safety at the intersection by stopping left turn-out and eliminating crossing multiple lanes of traffic. This type of median is currently working in Dakota County. Nawrocki questioned the extra distance people would have to travel He stated a stoplight should be installed. Hansen indicated that the State would not put another stoplight on Central Avenue at this intersection, and that the adjacent business owners felt this was a reasonable compromise. Robert Evgayekha, MNDOT representative, gave statistics of traffic counts and accidents at this intersection. He felt the three-quarter median was a good compromise and solution. He did meet with adjacent business owners who did not want a full median closure and are happy with the new proposaL Hansen stated that this work is funded through MnDOT, at no cost to Columbia Heights and wouM take three to four weeks to complete. Jeff Erickson, 4544 Fillmore, stated that for safety he would not mind going around the side streets, and felt there are already to many signals lights. Jerry Herringer, 5150 Central, agreed that the intersection should be addressed, but felt drivers will only go to the next light and do a u-turn. Harold Hoium stated that if the median is not high enough to be seen in the winter, it would be plowed into. Motion by Williams, second by Wyckoff, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2001-83, there being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Williams, second by Wyckoff, to adopt Resolution No. 2001-83, being a resolution approving construction plans prepared by the Minnesota Department of Transportation for the median modifications to Central Avenue at 51 st Avenue. Nawrocki spoke against the motion. Upon vote: Williams, aye; Szurek, aye; Wyckoff, aye; Nawrocki, nay; Peterson, aye. 4 ayes -1 nay. Motion carried. Approve Joint Powers Agreement with Anoka County for Assessment Services -previously tabled Fehst stated that he spoke to the City of Fridley regarding joint assessment service. They did not believe this could be done at a savings, and would thought it be cheaper to contract with Anoka County. He listed City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 12 of 29 the number of parcels and costs. Because of these figures, Fehst recommended the joint powers agreement with Anoka County. He stated that Janene Hebert, the Columbia Heights Assessor, would be available upon request to address issues such as EDA property concerns. Motion by Szurek, second by Williams, to approve the joint powers agreement with Anoka County for assessment services, effective January 16, 2002 - January 15, 2008 and to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to execute the agreement. Janene Hebert, Anoka County Assessor, was present to answer questions and explained the services provided by the Anoka County Assessing Department. Lee Stauch questioned the fees charged by the County. Fehst stated that estimated costs for 2002 are based on 6,486parcels at $9.89 per parcel, which is up from $9.46 last year. Stauch questioned the replacement of the City Assessment Clerk. Fehst stated that this position would not be filled following her retirement. Harold Hoium disagreed with the County assessment procedure. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Renewal of Wine/Beer License - Tycoon's Tavern & Grill - original motion denied 11-26-2001 Peterson stated this renewal was denied by City Council on November 26, 2001. Staff was asked by the applicant to again bring this to Council. Staff is still recommending denial of the license renewal. Police Chief Tom Johnson stated there were two major issues at this establishment over the last eight months involving the owner's husband. Johnson stated the husband is currently in jail on domestic abuse charges and illegal alien status. Johnson asked that if the license is granted that the husband of the owner be excluded from the establishment to eliminate risks to patrons. Hoefi indicated that the original request for a liquor license was granted with concerns that the applicant was a cover for the husband, with an illegal status, to receive the license. At that time, Council was given the assurance that would not be the case. Through the court system, it has been determined that the husband has been involved in the business and residing above the facility. Johnson stated the outcome of court proceedings held this morning. Nawrocki questioned how to enforce keeping the husband from the premises. Hoefi stated it would only be enforced ifa violation occurred and he was on the premises. The incident would be brought before Council to determine if the license should be revoked. Johnson stated he is currently in INS custody for 90 days with a possible 90 day extension. Woodrow Byum, Attorney for Mrs. Kwon, stated that Mr. Kwon is in jail. He has plead guilty to one charge and therefore would be probably be deported within the next 90 days. He was made to promise to not come back to the location for two years. Mr. Kwon has had nine criminal violations in five years in Hennepin County. Byum stated that if Mrs. Kwon were denied this license, she would be a victim again. Woodrow stated steps were taken in March for Mr. Kwon to obtain a green card but may be cancelled by 1NS because of domestic violence charges. Byum stated that Ms. Kwon became a citizen on August 31, 2001, and granting her this license would be the proper thing to do. Wyckoff questioned if Mrs. Kwon would be able to run the establishment alone. Byum stated that she has friends and relatives to help, and if it does not work out she may have to sell the business. Szurek indicated that Council was assured before that she would be able to run the establishment on her own, but then had help from her husband, so she now finds this difficult to believe and to grant a license again. Hoeft stated that the license for this year had no conditions. City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 13 of 29 Nawrocla' stated he was sensitive to her financial obligations to continue the business, but that we must consider our obligations to keep these type problems from happening. Nawrocla' reiterated that the Police Department recommendation is to deny the license request. Woodrow asked that Mrs. Kwon not be penalized for the past and that she does not want Mr. Kwon to return. Chief Johnson restated the situation of Mr. Kwon's arrest and his advise to Mrs. Kwon to obtain an order for protection. Hoeft stated that she has not obtained such an order, but it is on the court record that he promised he would not go back to the establishment. Chief Johnson stated that he would want an order for protection in place. Deb Johnson, 4836 Pierce, stated that the property is listed for sale on the Edina Reality web site. Byum stated that that is an error. Nawrocki asked if it wouM be possible to grant a license for less than a year. Hoeft stated yes. Williams stated he would consider approval if Mrs. Kwon obtained a restraining order to keep Mr. Kwon from the property. Hoeft suggested a motion to grant a liquor license for the Tycoon Bar and Grill to Mrs. Kwon with the condition that Mr. Kwon not come on the property and that Mrs. Kwon obtain a restraining order keeping Mr. Kwon from the Tycoon property as soon as possible. Hoeft stated that if the order is not processed by April that the issue be revisit at that time. Chief Johnson was concerned that dealing with Mr. Kwon took four officers, and he was personally concerned for residents, Mrs. Kwon, and his officers. He stated that we do want Mrs. Kwon and her business in our community. Johnson highly suggested she get an order for protection. Motion by Williams, second by Wyckoff, to approved the 2002 wine and beer license for Ok Cha Kwon dba Tycoon's Tavern and Grill at 4952 Central Avenue, conditional that Mr. Kwon not be allowed on the property and that Mrs. Kwon proceed to obtain an order for protection from the court system keeping Mr. Kwon off this property. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Adopt Resolution No. 2001-68, being a resolution designating official depositories and safe deposit access for the City of Columbia Heights -previousl)~ tabled Motion by Wyckoff, second by Szurek, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2001-68, there being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Nawrocki agreed, since we have a year supply of checks, but before we run out of checks asked that consideration be given to local facilities. Szurek stated she would like to see it be a Columbia Heights bank again. Motion by Wyckoff, second by Williams, to adopt Resolution 2001-68, being a resolution designating official depositories and safe deposit access for the City of Columbia Heights. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Adopt Resolution No. 2001-81, being a resolution for the acceptance of bid and award of Jackson Pond Fencing, City Prqject #0009 Motion by Williams, second by Szurek, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2001-81, there being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 14 of 29 Motion by Williams, second by Szurek, to adopt Resolution No. 2001-81, being a resolution for the acceptance of bid and award of Jackson Pond Fencing Replacement, City Project #0009, to Security Fence and Construction, Inc. of Minneapolis, Minnesota, in the amount of $25,120.00 based upon their low, qualified responsible bid to be funded from Storm Sewer Construction Fund 653-50009-5130; and, furthermore, to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same. Hansen explained that this bid was changed from the original bid to reutilize posts and to put sleeves on them, use black vinyl coated fencing, and reduce the area 35feet. Hansen stated that Rainbow Foods is required to provide screening through a past agreement. They may provide slats or natural vines. City crews would install landscaping. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Establishing 2002 Rental License Fees Dana Alexon, Assistant Fire Chief, referred to packet summary information that was sent to rental property owners. Wyckoff stated that she attended the landlord's meeting and that the majority of landowners present would be agreeable to a 50percent increase with a three year inspection timeframe, instead of inspections every two years. Nawrocki questioned dropping the entire program. He asked what other cities charge for these programs. Alexon stated that compliance has become easier since initial inspections have been done. The program has gone from inspections every year to every two years. He stated he has the information from other cities available for review. Wyckoff stated that we charge more than some and less than other cities. Fehst indicated that in the budget cutting process this program was reviewed. Alexon stated that the increase would only impact some properties. Fehst indicated that landlords tend to be very supportive of the program, and revenue would increase $25,000 to $45,000. Income from the program is $109,000 and elimination would leave a hole in the budget. Williams stated he thought the increase was to be on re-inspection fees and felt the need was to charge those that don't comply. Alexon stated that the survey completed showed our re-inspection fees are on the high side and an increase in this area would not have generated the revenue necessary. Lee Stauch felt that small rental units would receive a larger increase than large units. He questioned if each Crest View apartment is inspected. Alexon stated yes, and that they pay the same rates as other landowners. Nawrocki asked if most of the licenses have been renewed Alexon stated that we are on a ten month cycle. The proposal was that the new 2002 rate would be charged after the ftrst of the year, and the next renewal is not until March 1. Nawrocki requested to see the survey. Motion by Nawrocki, second by Wyckoff, to table further consideration of this matter to the second meeting in January. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Ken Henke, 4429 2 ~ Street, stated he was against the increase because he keeps his place current, reasonable and safe and would agree with Williams on the need to penalize the people causing the problems. He stated this increase would only be passed on to the renters. City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 15 of 29 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Report of the City Manager Fehst asked to schedule a mid-January date for a tour of commercial and industrial properties followed by a vision and goal setting session with Community Development staff. Peterson suggested January 5, 2002 at 8.'00 a.m. Peterson requested to look at the Lomianki park area. Fehst suggested discussion on replacement of the Community Development Director. Fehst referred to his conversation with Jim Kordiak regarding the North Star Corridor. Report of the City Attorney - none GENERAL COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Minutes of Boards and Commissions 1) Meeting of the December 4, 2001 Planning and Zoning Commission CITIZENS FORUM Harold Hoium told a story of a random act of kindness. COUNCIL CORNER Nawrocki commented that the Honeywell contract is one sided and invited Council to research the Honeywell replacement of units on the library. Nawrocki offered handouts from the National League of Cities Conference on changes in the new tax law and policies adopted by the National League of Cities, and described a session attended on leadership training and resolving conflict with difficult people. Nawrocki described a discussion on fiber optic lines with a Councilmember from Northeast Minneapolis. This will be discussed by the Telecommunications Commission. Nawrocki stated that he met with Mr. Mitchel, with the Elderberry Institute, for the purpose of encouraging senior citizens to stay in their homes. Nawrocki referred to an inspirational cassette tape of Dr. Carston of John Hopkins. Nawrocki asked staff to look at 3 72 7 Reservoir Boulevard where there are still hay bales, a flimsy fence and dirt in the alley. Nawrocki questioned the City Manager review form. Peterson suggested meeting prior to a work session for discussion. Wyckoff wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe New Year. Szurek wished everyone a Merry Christmas and happy New Year, and asked everyone to pray for our military. Williams spoke on taxes, proposed inflation and state aid reduction for 2002. Williams stated that in the MN Home Journal, Columbia Heights was 44tn out of 109 in home values. Williams pray for the peace and prosperity of our city. Williams read the thank you from Jane Gleason. Encourage everyone to look at 3 7th and University and see the deterioration. Our city will and must change. He wished everyone a Merry Christmas. City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 16 of 29 Peterson commented on the city tour and stated that Council made commitment to move forward and improve the industrial area. Peterson stated, "Don't take yourself to seriously, enjoy life, do a random act of kindness, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year". ADJOURNMENT Mayor Peterson adjourned the meeting at 12:20 a.m. Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk Because of the number of resolutions from this City Council meeting, the resolutions are listed following the meeting minutes. City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 17 of 29 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-72 RESOLUTION ADOPTING A MODIFICATION TO TI~E DOWNTOWN CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) REVITALIZATION PLAN FOR Ti:l~ CBD REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND ADOPTING THE MODIFIED PLAN FOR HOUSING REDEVELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1 THEREIN. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The Board of Commissioners (the "Board") of the City of Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (the "EDA") has heretofore established the Central Business District (CBD) Redevelopment Project and adopted the Downtown CBD Revitalization Plan therefore and established Housing Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 and adopted the Tax Increment Financing Plan therefore. It has been proposed that the City adopt a Modification to the Downtown CBD Revitalization Plan (the "Downtown CBD Revitalization Plan Modification") for the CBD Redevelopment Project and adopt a Modification to the Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Tax Increment Financing Plan Modification" or together with the Downtown CBD Revitalization Plan Modification, the "Modifications") for Housing Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 (the "District "), all pursuant to and in conformity with applicable law, including Minnesota Statutes, 469.090 through 469.1082, and Sections 469.174 to 469.179, inclusive as amended (the "Act"), all as reflected in the Modifications, and presented for the Council's consideration. 1.02. The Council has investigated the facts related to the Modifications and has caused the Modifications to be prepared. 1.03. The EDA and City have performed all actions required by law to be performed prior to the adoption and approval of the proposed Modifications, including, but not limited to, notification of Anoka County and Independent School District No. 13 having taxing jurisdiction over the property included in the District, a review of and written comment on the Modified Plans by the City Planning Commission, and the holding of a public hearing upon published notice as required by law. 1.04. Certain written reports (the "Reports") relating to the Modified Plans and to the activities contemplated therein have heretofore been prepared by staff and made a part of the City and EDA files and proceedings on the Modified Plans. The Reports include data, information and/or substantiation constituting or relating to the bases for the other findings and determinations made in this resolution. The Council hereby confirms, ratifies and adopts the Reports, which are hereby incorporated into and made as fully a part of this resolution to the same extent as if set forth in full herein. 1.05. The City is not modifying the boundaries of the CBD Redevelopment Project. 1.06. The City is not modifying the term of the District. Section 2. Findings for the Approval of the Modifications 2.01. The Council hereby finds that the Modified Plans, are intended and, in the judgment of this Council, the effect of such actions will be, to provide an impetus for development in the public purpose and accomplish certain objectives as specified in the Modified Plans, which are hereby incorporated herein. Section 3. Findings for the Tax Increment Plan Modification 3.01. The Council hereby reaffirms the original findings for the District, namely that when the District was established, it was established as a "redevelopment district" under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subd. 10 (afr0. City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 18 of 29 3.02. The Tax Increment Plan Modification conforms to the general plan for development or redevelopment of the City as a whole. The reason for supporting this finding is that the Tax Increment Plan Modification will generally complement and serve to implement policies adopted in the City's comprehensive plan. 3.03. The Tax Increment Plan Modification will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the development or redevelopment of the CBD Redevelopment Project by private enterprise. The reason for supporting this finding is that the development activities are necessary so that development and redevelopment by private enterprise can occur within the CBD Redevelopment Project. 3.04. The development and redevelopment efforts, in the opinion of the City, would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and therefore, the use if tax increment financing is deemed necessary. 3.05. The City of Columbia Heights elects accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, contribution would be taken from outside the District. to continue subdivision to calculate fiscal disparities for the District in 3, clause a, which means the fiscal disparities Section 4. Public Purpose 4.01. fulfill a need to economy of the The adoption of the Modifications conform in all respects to the requirements of the Act and will help develop an area of the State which is already built up, to improve the tax base and to improve the general State and thereby serves a public purpose. Section 5. Approval and Adoption of the Modifications; Filing. 5.01. The Modifications, as presented to the Council on this date, including without limitation the findings and statements of objectives contained therein, are hereby approved, ratified, established, and adopted and shall be placed on file in the office of the Deputy Clerk. Approval of the Modifications does not constitute approval of any project or a development agreement with any developer. 5.02. The staff of the City, the City's advisors and legal counsel are authorized and directed to proceed with the implementation of the Modifications and to negotiate, draft, prepare and present to this Council for its consideration all further plans, resolutions, documents and contracts necessary for this purpose. 5.03 The Auditor of-Anoka County is requested to certify the original net tax capacity of the expansion parcels, as described in the Modifications, and to certify in each year thereafter the amount by which the original net tax capacity has increased or decreased; and the City of Columbia Heights is authorized and directed to forthwith transmit this request to the County Auditor in such form and content as the Auditor may specify, together with a list of all properties within the District, for which building permits have been issued during the 18 months immediately preceding the adoption of this resolution. 5.04. The Deputy Clerk is further authorized and directed to file a copy of the Modified Plans with the Commissioner of Revenue. Passed this 17th day of December 2001 Offered by: Second by: Roll Call: Wyckoff Williams Ayes: Petersons, Szurek, Wyckoff, Williams, Nawrocki Attest: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 19 of 29 EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 2001-72 The reasons and facts supporting the findings for the adoption of the Modified Plan for Housing Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District No. 1, as required pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subdivision 3 are as follows: Finding that Modified Housing Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 is a redevelopment district as defined in M.S., Section 469.174, Subd. lO(a)(1). The expansion of the District consists of 10 parcels, with plans for redevelopment of the housing stock in the area. The expansion to the district is a scattered site expansion and each parcel in the expansion is occupied by buildings, utilities, or other improvements of greater than 15percent and more than 50 percent of the buildings on each parcel in the expansion of the district, not including outbuildings, are structurally substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance (See Appendix D of the TIF plan). Finding that the proposed development, in the opinion of the City Council, would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and that the increased market value of the site that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in the market value estimated to result from the proposed development after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration of Housing Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 permitted by the Plan. The proposed development, in the opinion of the City, would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future: This finding is supported by the fact that the redevelopment proposed in this plan meets the City's objectives for redevelopment. Due to the high cost of acquisition and redevelopment on the parcels currently occupied by substandard buildings, the limited amount of residential property for expansion adjacent to the existing properties, and the cost of financing the proposed improvements, this project is feasible only through assistance, in part, from tax increment financing. The increased market value of the properties that could reasonable be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in market value estimated to result from the proposed redevelopment after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration of the TIF District permitted by the Plan: The City supported this finding on the grounds that the cost of site acquisition and site improvements add to the total redevelopment cost. Historically, acquisition and site improvement costs in this area have made redevelopment infeasible without tax increment assistance. The City reasonably determines that no other redevelopment of similar scope is anticipated on these properties without substantially similar assistance being provided for redevelopment. A comparative analysis of estimated market values both with and without the inclusion of the additional parcels within the District and the use of tax increments has been performed as described above. If all development which is proposed, with respect to the expansion parcels, to be assisted with tax increment were to occur in the District, the total increase in market value would be up to $1,620,000. The present value of tax increments fi'om the expansion parcels within the District is estimated to be $144,674. It is the Council's finding that no development with a market value of greater than $819,126 would occur without tax increment assistance in this district within 19 years. This finding is based upon evidence from general past experience with the high cost of acquisition and site improvements in the general area of the District (see Cashflow in Appendix C of the TIF Plan). Finding that the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Housing Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 conforms to the generalplanfor the development or redevelopment of the municipality as a whole. The Planning Commission reviewed the Plan and found that the Plan conforms to the general development plan of the City. Finding that the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Housing Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District No. ! will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the development or redevelopment of CBD Redevelopment Project by private enterprise. The project to be assisted by the District will result in the renovation of substandard properties, increased tax base of the State and add a high quality development to the City. Through the implementation of the Plan, the City will increase the availability of safe and decent life-cycle housing in the City. City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 20 of 29 RESOLUTION NO. 2001 - 78 BEING A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SENIOR CITIZENS OR RETIRED AND DISABLED PERSONS HARDSHIP SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEFERRAL Whereas, immediate payment of special assessments or installments on special assessments cast an undue hardship on some persons owning homestead properties who are 65 years of age or older or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability for whom it would be a hardship to make payments, and Whereas, Minnesota Statutes ~35.193 - 435.195 makes it possible for a home rule charter city to pass a resolution establishing standards and guidelines for determining the existence of a hardship and for determining the existence of a disability. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS: 1. This deferral procedure shall apply only to assessments which are payable in five or more annual installments. 2. This deferral procedure shall apply only to property owned and occupied by the elderly, retired, or disabled applicant. Ownership and occupancy must be of the same nature as would qualify the applicant for a homestead exemption for tax purposes. 3. This deferral procedure shall apply only to homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older or retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability for whom it would be a hardship to make payments. Permanent and total disability shall have the same definition for purposes of assessment deferral as is used for social security purposes. 4. This deferral procedure shall not be construed as to prohibit the determination of hardship on the basis of exceptional and unusual circumstances not covered by the standards and guidelines herein so long as determination is made in a nondiscriminatory manner and does not give the applicant an unreasonable preference or advantage over other applicants. 5. In order to obtain a deferral of an assessment, the homeowner must make application on the forms prescribed by the City of Columbia Heights Assessment Clerk. 10. 11. 12. In granting a deferred assessment, the Council shall determine in its resolution approving the assessment roll the amount of interest, if any, to be charged on the deferred assessment. The option of the homeowner to defer the payment of special assessments shall terminate and all amounts accumulated plus applicable interest shall become due and payable upon the occurrence of any of the following events: a. the death of the owner, provided that the spouse is not otherwise eligible for benetits hereunder; b. the sale, transfer or subdivision of the property or any part thereof; c. if the property should for any reason lose its homestead status; or d. if for any reason the City shall determine that there would be no hardship to require immediate or partial payment. No deferral may be gra~ted unless the homeowner makes application to the City Assessment Clerk within thirty (30) days after adoption of the assessment by the Council. The deferral shall apply to only 50% of the annual installment payment. If the 50% is not paid in a timely manner, the balance of the annual installment along with all future installments shall become immediately due and payable. No deferral shall be granted to any owner who has a gross annual household income from all sources in excess of $20,700.00. No deferral may be continued from year to year unless the owner shall file a renewal application before September 15th of each year. No special assessment may be deferred for a period longer than the time set by the Council as the time over which the project is to be assessed. 13. Interest on deferred assessments shall be at the rate set by the Council in its resolution adopting the assessment roll, and such interest shall be added to the amount deferred and shall be paid in accordance with Minnesota Statute ~j435.195 and this Resolution. Passed this 17th day of December, 2001. Offered by: Nawrocki Seconded by: Williams Roll Call: Ayes: Peterson, Szurek, Wyckoff, Williams, Nawrocki Nayes; none Patricia Muscovilz, Deputy City Clerk Mayor Gary L. Peterson City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 21 of 29 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-71 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE DECERTIFICATION OF PARCELS NO. 35-30-24-14-0091 AND NO. 35-30-24-14-0092 FROM THE CENTRAL DOWNTOWN BUSINESS TIF DISTRICT BE IT RESOLVED by the City Cotmcil of the City of Columbia Heights, (the "City"), as follows: Background; Findings. (a) The City is authorized, by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177 subdivision 12, to request the removal of certain parcels from a Tax Increment Financing District. (b) The City previously established the Central Downtown Business TIF District (the "TIF District"). (c) Parcels No. 35-30-24-14-0091 and No. 35-30-24-14-0092 (the "Parcels") are located within the TIF District. (d) The Parcels are also located within an additional TIF district, namely Transition Block Redevelopment No. 9. (e) The Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") has requested that the City approve the decerfification of the Parcels from the TIF District. (f) The City determines that it is in the public interest to decertify the Parcels from the TIF District so that the Parcels are no longer located within two separate TIF districts. Parcels Decertified (a) The City hereby decertifies the Parcels from the TIF District. (b) The Mayor, the City Manager, and the Authority are authorized and directed to take whatever steps are necessary to give effect to this Resolution. The Authority is also authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all documents necessary to give effect to this Resolution. Passed this 17th day of December 2001. Offered by: Nawrocki Seconded by: Williams Roll Call: Ayes: Peterson, Szurek, Wyckoff, Williams, Nawrocki Nayes: None Attest: Mayor- Gary L. Peterson Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 22 of 29 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-83 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONSTRUCTION PLANS PREPARED BY THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE MEDIAN MODIFICATIONS ON TH 65 (CENTRAL AVENUE) AT 51s~' AVENUE FOR THE 2002 CONSTRUCTION SEASON WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation has completed a traffic analysis of the intersection of TH 65 at 51 st Avenue; and, WltEREAS, the traffic analysis has shown that median modifications eliminating the left mm out(s) from 51st Avenue onto Central Avenue will improve the safety at this intersection by eliminating cross traffic mining movements; and, WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation is scheduled to let the project in January of 2002; and, WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation will provide construction contract administration for the 2002 construction season; and, WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Transportation requires a resolution from local municipalities approving the project plans. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA, THAT: the City of Columbia Heights approves the construction plans prepared by Mn/DOT dated October 10, 2000, for the median modifications bearing the general title State Project 0207-71, Dated this 17th day of December, 2001 Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Williams Wyckoff Ayes: Peterson, Szurek, Wyckoff, Williams Nayes: Nawrocki Attest: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 23 of 29 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-82 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE SNOW AND ICE CONTROL POLICY WHEREAS, a Snow and Ice Control Policy has been developed and recommended by City staff; and WHEREAS, adoption of said policy has been determined to be in the best interest of the City of Columbia Heights, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights that said Snow and Ice Control Policy is hereby approved and adopted. Dated this 17th day of December 2001. Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Nawrocki Williams Ayes: Peterson, Szurek, Williams, Wyckoff, Nawrocki Nay: None Attest: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 24 of 29 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-80 RESOLUTION REGARDING EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION TO INSURANCES FOR 2002 WHEREAS, employer contribution to insurances for eligible union and non-union employees for 2002 were previously negotiated and established; WHEREAS, effective January 1, 2002, health insurance premiums will be increasing 48%; WHEREAS, neither the City nor the unions anticipated this dramatic an increase in insurance premiums during the course of contract negotiations for the current bargaining agreements; WHEREAS, in an effort to help lessen the impact to employees of the significant premium increase while attempting to minimize the impact on the City budget; BE IT RESOLVED, that the employer contribution to insurances for eligible union and non-union employees previously established effective January 1, 2003, will become effective January 1, 2002; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such change will be effective for union employees once a memorandum of understanding is entered into between the City and the respective union(s). Passed this 17th day of December 2001. Offered by: Williams Seconded by: Szurek Roll Call: Ayes: Peterson, Szurek, Wyckoff, Williams Nay: Nawrocki Attest: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 25 of 29 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-84 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING AND DESIGNATING FUND BALANCES WHEREAS, the City of Columbia Heights has accumulated fund balances in the General Fund and Special Revenue Funds for the purpose of funding future capital improvements and capital equipment within the City, and, WHEREAS, these funds would be more appropriately accounted for in separate funds designated for the purpose in which they were accumulated, and, WHEREAS, the City has established a Capital Equipment Replacement Fund dedicated for the future replacement of equipment, and, WHEREAS, the City Council has established a Capital Improvement Fund for general government buildings dedicated for future improvements to general govemment buildings, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Columbia Heights City Council does hereby authorize the establishment of a Capital Improvement Fund for Parkview Villa South dedicated for the future improvement or replacement of the building, and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following transfers be made and appropriated for future equipment and capital improvement needs. From To Amount General Fund Capital Improvement General Government Buildings $1,400,000 Police/Fire Contingency Fund Capital Equipment Replacement Fund $ 500,000 Parkview Villa South Fund Capital Improvement Parkview Villa South $ 700,000 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any unbudgeted, undesignated fund balance in the Capital Equipment Replacement Funds or Capital Improvement Funds shall require a four-filths vote to expend or transfer funds. Passed this 17th day of December 2001 Offered by: Williams Seconded by: Szurek Roll Call: Ayes: Peterson, Szurek, Wyckoff, Williams, Nawrocki. Nayes: none Attest: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 26 of 29 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-83 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONSTRUCTION PLANS PREPARED BY THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE MEDIAN MODIFICATIONS ON TH 65 (CENTRAL AVENUE) AT 51sx AVENUE FOR THE 2002 CONSTRUCTION SEASON WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation has completed a traffic analysis of the intersection of TH 65 at 51st Avenue; and, WHEREAS, the traffic analysis has shown that median modifications eliminating the left turn out(s) from 51st Avenue onto Central Avenue will improve the safety at this intersection by eliminating cross traffic turning movements; and, WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation is scheduled to let the project in January of 2002; and, WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation will provide construction contract administration for the 2002 construction season; and, WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Transportation requires a resolution from local municipalities approving the project plans. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA, THAT: the City of Columbia Heights approves the construction plans prepared by Mn/DOT dated October 10, 2000, for the median modifications bearing the general title State Project 0207-71, Dated this 17th day of December, 2001 Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Williams Wyckoff Ayes: Peterson, Szurek, Wyckoff, Williams Nays: Nawrocki Attest: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 27 of 29 RESOLUTION NO. 2001- 68 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES AND SAFE DEPOSIT ACCESS FOR THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that Northeast Bank, Wells Fargo Bank of Minnesota, N.A., and U.S. Bank are hereby designated as depositories of the funds of this corporation. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that checks, drafts, or other withdrawal orders issued against the funds of this corporation on deposit with said banks shall be signed by the following: Mayor City Manager Clerk-Treasurer and that said banks are hereby fully authorized to pay and charge to the account of this corporation any checks, drafts, or other withdrawal orders. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Northeast Bank, Wells Fargo Bank of Minnesota, N.A., and U.S. Bank are designated depositories of the corporation be and it is hereby requested, authorized and directed to honor checks, drafts or other orders for the payment of money drawn in this corporation's name, including those drawn to the individual order of any person or persons whose name or names appear thereon as signer or signers thereof, when bearing or purporting to bear the facsimile signatures of the following: Mayor City Manager Clerk-Treasurer and that Northeast Bank, Wells Fargo Bank of Minnesota, N.A., and U.S. Bank shall be entitled to honor and to charge this corporation for all such checks, drafts or other orders, regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature or signatures thereon may have been affixed thereto, if such facsimile signature or signatures resemble the facsimile specimens duly certified to or filed with the Banks by the City Clerk or other officer of his corporation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any and all resolutions heretofore adopted by the City Council of the corporation and certified to as governing the operation of this corporation's account(s) with it, be and are hereby continued in full force and effect, except as the same may be supplemented or modified by the foregoing part of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all transactions, if any relating to deposits, withdrawals, re-discounts and borrowings by or on behalf of this corporation with said banks prior to the adoption of this resolution be, and the same hereby are, in all things ratified, approved and confirmed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any bank or savings and loan located in the State of Minnesota may be used as depositories for investments purposes so long as the investments comply with authorized investments as set forth in Minnesota Statutes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any brokerage firm located in the State of Minnesota may be used as a depository for investment purposes so long as the investments comply with the authorized investments as set forth in Minnesota Statutes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the signatures of any one of the following named City employees are required for access to safe deposit boxes: Finance Director City Manager Assistant Finance Director City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 28 of 29 Accountant Information Systems Director Information Systems Technician Passed this 17th day of December 2001 Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Wyckoff Williams Ayes: Peterson, Szurek, Wyckoff, Williams, Nawrocki Nay: None Attest: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk City Council Minutes December 17, 2001 Page 29 of 29 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-81 BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR JACKSON POND FENCING REPLACEMENT CITY PROJECTS 0009 TO SECURITY FENCE AND CONSTRUCTION INC. OF MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for City Project 0009, Jackson Pond Fencing Replacement, bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law. The following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Bidder Security Fence and Construction, Inc. Base Bid $25,120.00 WHEREAS, it appears that Security Fence and Construction, Inc., 4831 Washington Street N.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55421, is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA, THAT: The Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Security Fence and Construction, Inc. in the name of the City of Columbia Heights for Jackson Pond Fencing Replacement, City Project 0009, according to plans and specifications therefore approved by the Council. The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to return, forthwith, to all bidders, the deposits made with their bids except the deposit of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until the contract has been signed. Dated this 17th day of December, 2001 Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Williams Szurek Ayes: Peterson, Szurek, Wyckoff, Williams, Nawrocki Nayes: None Mayor Gary L. Peterson Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: January 14, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: Consent ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER'S NO: ~-~ "~-- Community Development APPROVAL ITEM: ResolufionNo. 2002-02, aResolution BY: RandySchumacher ~ BY:~f~ Approving Appointment to Board of the DATE: January 10, 2002 Housing and Redevelopment Authority ISSUE STATEMENT: This is a request to approve the Mayor's appointment to the Columbia Heights Housing and Redevelopment Authority. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Pursuant to Section 469.003, subdivision 6, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority Commissioners shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the governing body. Resolution No. 2002-02 approves the Mayor's appointment of Dennis Ecklund Jr. to the HRA to serve as the Parkview Villa resident board representative pursuant to 24CFR, sub. part E. Furthermore, the Commissioner term will be for a period of five years, expiring on January 8, 2006 per HRA Bylaws. RECOMMENDATION: Move to approve the Mayor's appointment per his request in the attached letter dated January 10, 2002. RECOMMENDATED MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-02, there being ample copies available to the public. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2002-02, being a Resolution Approving Appointment to the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Columbia Heights. Attachments COUNCIL ACTION: h:\consent2002\Resolution 2002-02 Resident Councilmember Appointment to HR.A CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS RESOLUTION NO. 2002-02 RESOLUTION APPROVING APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City Columbia Heights (City) as follows: 1. The members of the City Council of the City currently serve as the board of commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Columbia Heights (HRA), for terms that coincide with their term of office as City Council members. 2. Under an amendment to Section 469.003, subdivision 5 of the HRA Act, the City may increase the size of the board of commissioners of the I-IRA from five to a maximum of seven members, so long as any additional commissioners are appointed in accordance with the requirements of Code of Federal Regulations, title 24, part 974 (HUD Regulations). 3. The HUD Regulations require that the HRA offer the oppommity for residents of housing facilities operated by the I-IRA to serve on the HRA's board of commissioners. 4. The Mayor has recommended the appointment of one additional commissioner who shall serve as a "resident board member" as defined in the HUD Regulations. The resident board member recommended for appointment is Dennis Ecklund Jr. 5. The City Council hereby approves appointment of Dennis Ecklund Jr. as a resident board member of the HRA for a term commencing on the date of this resolution and concluding January_ 1, 2007 [five years after the date of this resolution]. Passed this __ day of ,2002. Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Mayor- Gary L. Peterson Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk H:~Resolutions2002\CL2002-02 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 (763) 706-3600 TDD (763) 706-3692 Visit Our Website at: www. ci. columbia-heights, mn. us Mayor: Gary L. Peterson Councilmembers: Marlaine Szurek Julienne Wyckoff Bruce Nawrocki Bobby Williams City Manager Walter R. Fehst ADMINISTRATION January 10, 2002 Randy Schumacher Acting Community Development Director C/O Housing and Redevelopment Authority 590 4ffh Avenue N.E. Columbia Heights, MN 55421 RE: Appointment of HRA Commissioners Dear Randy: I am hereby writing to inform you of my decision to appoint Dennis Ecklund Jr. a Parkview Villa Resident to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. As you know, the appointment is subject to approval of the City Council, therefore, I am requesting you schedule the approval of the appointment for the City Council meeting scheduled on January 14, 2002. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Yours very truly, ~~~ L. P~eters~on~.~9~..) Mayor C: Walt Fehst, Executive Director Patty Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk HRA Commissioners file H:\HRA Misc.2002\Appointment of HRA 2002 THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITYIN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Minnesota Statutes 2001,469.003 http://www.revisor, leg.state.mn.us/stats/469/003.html Minnesota Statutes 2001, Table of Chapters Table of contents for Chapter 469 469.003 City housing and redevelopment authority. Subdivision 1. Preliminary city findings and declaration. There is created in each city in this state a public body, corporate and politic, to be known as the housing and redevelopment authority in and for that city. No such authority shall transact any business or exercise any powers until the governing body of the city shall, by resolution, find that in that city (1) substandard, slum, or blighted areas exist which cannot be redeveloped without government assistance, or (2) there is a shortage of decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling accommodations available to persons of iow income and their families at rentals they can afford, and shall declare that there is need for a housing and redevelopment authority to function in that city. In determining whether dwelling accommodations are unsafe or unsanitary, or whether substandard, slum, or blighted areas exist, the governing body may consider the degree of deterioration, obsolescence, or overcrowding, the percentage of land coverage, the light, air, space, and access available to inhabitants of the dwelling accommodations, the size and arrangement of rooms, the sanitary facilities, the extent to which conditions exist in the buildings that endanger life or property by fire or other causes, and the original land planning, lot layout, and conditions of title in the area. Subd. 2. Public hearing. The governing body of a city shall consider such a resolution only after a public hearing is held on it after publication of notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the city at least once not less than ten days nor more than 30 days prior to the date of the hearing. Opportunity to be heard shall be granted to all residents of the city and to all other interested persons. The resolution shall be published in the same manner in which ordinances are published in the municipality. Subd. 3. Conclusiveness of resolution. When the resolution becomes finally effective, it shall be sufficient and conclusive for all purposes if it declares that there is need for an authority and finds in substantially the terms provided in subdivision 1 that the conditions therein described exist. Subd. 4. Copy filed with commissioner of trade and economic development. When the resolution becomes finally effective, the clerk of the city shall file a certified copy of it with the commissioner of trade and economic development. In any suit, action, or proceeding involving the validity or enforcement of or relating to any contract of an authority, the authority shall be conclusively deemed to have become established and authorized to transact business and exercise its powers upon that filing. Proof of the resolution and of that filing may be made in any such suit, action, or proceeding by a certificate of the commissioner of trade and economic development. Subd. 5. Commissioners. An authority shall consist 1 of 2 1/9/02 11:22 AM Minnesota Statutes 2001,469.003 http://www.revisor, leg.state.mn.us/stats/469/003.html of up to seven commissioners, who shall be residents of the area of operation of the authority, who shall be appointed after the resolution becomes finally effective. If any additional commissioners are appointed, one of the commissioners must be appointed in accordance with the requirements of Code of Federal Regulations, title 24, part 964. Subd. 6. Appointment; approval; term; vacancy. The commissioners shall be appointed by the mayor, with the approval of the governing body. Those initially appointed shall be appointed for terms of one, two, three, four, and five years, respectively. Thereafter all commissioners shall be appointed for five-year terms. Each vacancy in an unexpired term shall be filled for the remainder of the term for which the original appointment was made. Any member of the governing body of a city may be appointed and may serve as a commissioner of the authority for the city. The council of any city which appoints members of the city council as commissioners may set the terms of office of a commissioner to coincide with the commissioner's\ of office as a council member. Subd. 7. Certificate of appointment; filing. Commissioners shall hold office until their successors have been appointed and qualified. A certificate of appointment of each commissioner shall be filed with the clerk and a certified copy shall be transmitted to the commissioner of trade and economic development. A certificate so filed shall be conclusive evidence of appointment. HIST: 1986 c 444; 1987 c 291 s 3; 1987 c 312 art 1 s 26 subd 2; 2000 c 455 art 2 s 2 Copyright 2001 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. 2 of 2 1/9/02 11:22 AM CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 1/14/02 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: L{_~/~ -~ PUBLIC WORKS ITEM: RESOLUTIONS ORDERING PREPARATION OF BY: K. Hansen~j FEASIBILITY REPORTS FOR ZONE 6A STREET DATE: 1/9/02r,~,~-~ DA REHABILITATION PROGRAM Background: To comply with Minnesota State Statutes involving an assessed improvexnent project, a resolution must be passed by the City Council calling for a report on the necessity, cost effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed improvement. Analysis/Conclusions: The attached resolution calls for the City Engineer to prepare the required report for the Zone 6A Street Rehabilitation Program. Zone 6 has been amended by the Council (November 19, 2001 Work Session) in quadrants with Zone 6A represented by the area 44th to 42aa Avenues, Washington to Quincy Streets. From the November 19t~ Work Session, staff will include 7th Street, 44th to 42na Avenues in the feasibility report analysis, with alternatives, for review by the Council. Our proposed schedule calls for holding the improvement hearing for the project on March 6, 2002. Under this schedule, the project would be bid in April. Recommended Motion: Move to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-03, there being ample copies available for the public. Recommended Motion: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2002-03, being a Resolution ordering the preparation of a report for proposed Zone 6A Street Rehabilitation Program. ~.'jb Attachments: Resolution COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO. 2002-03 BEING A RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORTS ON ZONE 6A STREET REHABILITATION WHEREAS, the City Council of Columbia Heights is proposing to rehabilitate local streets in the northeast quadrant of Zone 6. Rehabilitation strategies include complete reconstruction, partial reconstruction or mill and overlay. WHEREAS, the City Council intends to assess the benefitted property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.011 to 429.111 (Laws 1953, Chapter 398, as amended), and Section 103B.201 to 103B.251, as follows: 2002-03 ZONE 6A STREET REHABHJTATION NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA that thc proposed improvements be referred to Mr. Kevin Hansen, City Engineer, for study and that he is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether thc proposed improvements are necessary, cost effective, and feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Dated this 14th day of January, 2002. Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS BY Mayor Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 1/7/02 AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER ITEM: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND BY: K. Hansen ¥)/~ SPECS FOR CENTRAL AVENUE AND AUTHORIZING DATE: 1/10/02 ~ ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Background: Feasibility reports have been prepared and accepted by the Council for Street and Utility Improvements (December 13, 1999) and StreetScaping and Water Services (March 12, 2001). The first report included utilities: sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water main and street reconstruction which includes center medians, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous pavement and concrete sidewalk. The second report included street landscaping improvements: decorative concrete sidewalk, benches, planters and street lighting and replacing water services within the project area. Right-of-Way deficiencies, pavement design issues and funding issues delayed construction until the 2002 construction season. Analysis/Conclusions: Final design work is complete on the Street, Utility and Streetscaping plans for the Central Avenue Street Rehabilitation project, from 37th to 43~a Avenues, and has been re-submitted this fall to MnDOT Cooperative Agreements for their review and approval. Necessary Right-of-Way has been obtained by the City of Columbia Heights through the quick take process in December of 2001. The lane alignment of 37th Avenue with the City of Minneapolis has been resolved. The City's Engineering Consultant, URS-BRW, reviewed the £mal plans at the January 7t~, 2002 work session. Based upon the comments/questions received, a follow-up memo has been prepared and is attached herein. Attached is an updated schedule of costs and funding, 'table 'A" based upon MnDOT's plan requirements and a meeting held with MnDOT and City Staff regarding additional funding. MnDOT is requiring pavement restoration techniques that have added to the cost of the project. Subsequently, the City has applied for an additional $500,000 of Cooperative Agreement funds with this submittal. MnDOT actually suggested this as a way for additional funds but with the caveat that the project would have to be split into two phases over a two-year time frame. Attached is a proposed schedule for 2002. The schedule includes proposed informational meeting dates with property owners along Central Avenue and resetting a public hearing for assessable costs related to water services and streetscaping. As previously discussed with the Council, notices will be sent out at a 50 percent assessment rate for the streetscaping portion of the assessable costs. Continued... COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meetin of: 1/7/02 AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: PUBLIC WORKS ITEM: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND BY: K. Hansen BY: SPECS FOR CENTRAL AVENUE AND AUTHORIZING DATE: 1/10/02 DATE: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Page 2 To keep the project on schedule and to get the project advertised during the peak bidding season of January and February, staff recommends adopting the resolution that approves the final plans and authorizes the public bidding process. Recommended Motion: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-01, there being ample copies available to the public. Recommended Motion: Move to approve and adopt Resolution No. 2002-01, approving plans and specs for Central Avenue and authorizing advertisement for bids. ICU.'jb Attachment: Resolution 2002-01 Table 'A' - Project Costs and Funding Project Schedule Memo COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO. 2002-01 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE CENTRAL AVENUE (T.H. 65) IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - CITY PROJECT 9912 and 9912(A) WHEREAS, the engineering consulting fu-m of URS has prepared f'mal plans and specifications for the improvement of Central Avenue from 37t~ Avenue to 43rd Avenue, City Project 9912 and 9912(A); and WHEREAS, the City's Municipal State Aid account, Mn/DOT Cooperative Agreement Funds, Special Assessments and City Utility Funds shall provide the funding for the proposed improvements; and WHEREAS, the improvements continue the City goal(s) of improving the physical appearance of the City's commercial and industrial comdors and replace deteriorated infrastructure; and, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MIN~SOTA Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the Official Paper and the Construction Bulletin, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published in the Focus News on February 7, 2002 and in the Construction Bulletin on February 8, 15, and 22, 2002. The advertisement shall specify the work to be done; shall state that bids will be received by representatives of the Council until March 5, 2002 at which time they will be publicly opened by the City Engineer; will then be tabulated; and will be considered by the City Council at their regular meeting of April 8, 2002. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Engineer and accompanied by a cash deposit, Cashier's Check, bid bond payable to the City for 5 percent of the amount of such bid. Dated this 14th day of January, 2002. Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS BY Mayor Patficia Muscovitz Deputy City Clerk Updated: 1/10/02 Table 'A' City of Columbia Heights Funding Alternatives 25% Landscapin~l Assessment Alternative IMPROVEMENT ITEM I ESTIMATED I FUNDING FUNDING COST ISOURCE UTILITY & ROADWAY: I WATERMAIN $ 345,500 $ 460,000 WATER UTILITY FUND SANITARY SEWER $ 360,000 $ 432,000 SANITARY UTILITY FUND STORM SEWER $ 271,000 $ 150,000 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND ROADWAY $ 2,027,500 $ 1,962,590 MSA (Note 4) $ 1,296,000 ORIG. COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT SIGNAL AT 37TH AVENUE $ 90,000 CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS CONSTRUCTS (Note 1) WATER SERVICES $ 142,500 $ 125,400 WATER SERVICE ASSESSMENTS (Note 2) $ 3,236,500 $ 4,425,990 SOFT (20%) Engineering, Admin, Bonding $ 647,300 SUB-TOTAL $ 3~883~800 $ 4~425~990 $ 642,190.00 STREETSCAPING: URBAN DESIGN $ 602,500 SOFT (20%) Engineering, Admin, Bonding $ 120,500 SUB-TOTAL $ 723,000 $ 180,810 LANDSCAPING ASSESSMENTS (Note 3) LAND COSTS (Right-of-way & easements)IS 100,000 r $ 100,000 IMSA (Note 5) PROJECT TOTALS I $ 4,706,800 I $ 4,706,800 I$ Note 1: Assumes 50% of construction costs plus 20% Engineering for the 37th Avenue Traffic Signal system. Note 2: Assumes full cost for Commercial and $900 or $1,500 for residential water services Note 3: Assumes Frontage Assessment Method at a percentage of project cost to be determined (25%. 33% or 50%) Note 4: It is proposed to draw down the the MSAS Account, leaving approximately 1 yea¢s allotment as a balance. As of 9/1/01, the MSAS balance is $1,735,403 with a 2002 apportionment of $529,840. Note 5: Land costs are based upon original property appraisals. Page 1 of 1 CENTRAL AVENUE STREET, UTILITY & STREETSCAPING PROJECT NO. 1999-12 & 9912(A) PROPOSED PROJECT SCHEDULE Council Authorizes Feasibility Report (Resolution - Street & Utilities) June 28, 1999 Council Receives Engineer's Report & orders Final Plans (Street & Utilities) December 13th 1999 Council Authorizes Feasibility Report (Resolution - Water Services & Streetscaping) January 14, 2001 Feasibility Report to Work Session February 4, 2001 Council Receives Engineer's Report and Orders Hearing (Water services & Streetscapin~ March 16th, 2001 * · 2001 Hearing Cancelled March, 2001 2002 Property Owner Informational Meeting Send Improvement Hearing Notice to FOCUS Publish Notice of Hearing Mail Notice of Hearing IMPROVEMENT HEARING (Water Services and Streetscapin?) (Resolution orders improvements) February 28, 2002 March 1, 2002 March 7 & 14, 2002 March 7, 2002 March 18, 2002 MnDOT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT PROCESS Right of Way Acquired Final Plans Submitted to MnDOT Comments Received from MnDOT Cooperative Agreement Preparation Bidding Documents Prepared Municipal Agreements Selection Committee Meets Final MnDOT Plan Signatures Cooperative Agreement Signatures Council Intent to make Improvements & Requesting State Participation in Project (Resolution) [!l PROJECTSTAGE November, 2001 November, 2001 December, 2001 January, 2002 January, 2002 January 16, 2002 February 1, 2002 March 1, 2002 March 11, 2002 City Council Workshop to Review Project Plans & Funding City Council Approves Plans and Specifications City Council Authorization to Advertise for Bids Send Advertisement for Bids to Focus Send Advertisement for Bids to Construction Bulletin Publish Advertisement (Focus) Publish Advertisement (Construction Bulletin) Bid Opening (Minutes) Council Awards Contract (Resolution) Contract, Bond Forms and Notice of Award to Contractor (EJCDC) Receipt of Executed Contract, Bonds and Insurance Preconstruction Meeting with Contractor (Minutes) Preconstruction Meeting with Residents and Businesses Notice to Proceed Begin Construction Substantial Completion January 7, 2002 January 14, 2002 January 14, 2002 February 8, 2002 February 12, 2002 February 14, 2002 February 15, 22, Mar 1 & 8 March 13, 2002 March 25, 2002 April 9, 2002 April 30, 2002 May 6, 2002 May 8, 2002 May 13, 2002 May 20, 2002 November 22, 2002 Page 1 of 1 CENTRAL AVENUE STREET, UTILITY & STREETSCAPING PROJECT NO. 1999-12 & 9912(A) PROPOSED PROJECT SCHEDULE ASSESSMENT HEARING STAGE Order Levy Hearing Notice of Cost Sharing to Council (Resolution) Send Improvement Hearing Notice to FOCUS Publish Notice of Hearing Mail Notice of Hearing ASSESSMENT HEARING Council Considers Levying Assessment (Resolution) September 9 September 23 September 27 October 3 October 11 October 21 Page 2 of 2 · January 9, 2002 Mr. Kevin Hansen, PE Director of Public Works City of Columbia Heights 637 38~ Avenus NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Re: Central Avenue (T.H. 65) Improvement Project City Project 99-12 Dear Kevin: Several issues were raised at the January 7, 2002 workshop for the above referenced project. have reviewed these issues and are providing the following additional information for consideration. We No Right Turn on Red Minneapolis is planning to continue to limit the movements at the 37th Avenue and Central Avenue intersection. "Right turn on red" movements will be prohibited at all five legs of the intersection based upon their current plans. Minneapolis indicated that this was due to the intersection having five legs and the associated potential conflicting movements if the "right turn on red" movement was allowed. Benches The bench in the northeast quadrant of the 40~ Avenue and Central Avenue intersection, as well as the bench on the east side of Central Avenue south of 41't Avenue, is not currently depicted as being replaced in the current plan set. The benches are built into the planters and walls at these locations. We are researching whether or not the benches can be removed and replaced without causing significant damage to the existing structures. If replacement is determined to be feasible, we will include the work in the plans. Bus Stop at 37~ Avenue The bus stop located on the east side of Central Avenue is being relocated to the north side of 37th Avenue. An existing bus stop is located on the west side of Central Avenue just north of 37th Avenue. Metro Transit attempts to locate all of their bus stops across the street from one another. The relocation of the bus stop on the east side of Central Avenue allowed for this configuration at this location. There are several business driveways on the west side of Central Avenue just south of 37* Avenue. This complicates the relocation of the bus stop on the west side of the road. We Thresher Square 700 Third Street South Minneapolis, MN 55415-1199 612.370.0700 Tel 612.370.1378 Fax Mr. Kevin Hansen, PE January 9, 2002 Page 2 will discuss the relocation of this bus stop with Metro Transit during the construction phase of the project. We will contact you as more information becomes available. Reservoir Boulevard Turning Movements We analyzed the turning movements on Reservoir Boulevard for vehicles exiting the service station. Both WB-50 and WB-60 vehicles can make the turn from the service station to southbound Reservoir Boulevard to southbound Central Avenue. The vehicles will have to encroach slightly onto the northbound Reservoir Boulevard through lane to complete the maneuver. This is the same condition that exists today. The only way the encroachment could be avoided is if the driveway was widened. The largest vehicle that can turn from southbound Reservoir Boulevard to northbound Central Avenue would be a single unit truck. There is a large below-grade water vault located at this intersection. The plans were previously revised to ensure that the vault was not driven over. This revision effectively limited the type of vehicle that could make this movement. Reservoir Boulevard will be widened next to the service station. The curb line will be moved out on the northwest side of the street to mirror what was shown on the southeast side of the street. Public Flyers We have attached several copies of a bi-weekly newsletter that was distributed to local business owners for a project we recently completed. The newsletter provided businesses with project updates during construction. We can prepare the same type of flyer for the Central Avenue project. We can address this issue more as the project moves forward. If there are any questions or concerns, please call me at (612) 373-6506 or Jon Horn at (612) 373- 6396. Sincerely, BRW, Inc. Kevin P. Kielb, P.E. Project Engineer Enclosures CC: Jon Hom/BRW File 33943 016 2001 · '- M a i n t r e e t 0 N I 0 R ¢ o n s t r u c t i o n U p d a t e Construction Progress: Consmaction activities that have occurred in the last two weeks include the following: Boulevard grading and shaping continued along all of the roadways. This will be an on-going work item throughout the remainder of the project schedule. Traffic signal construction continued along Main Street from River Rapids Drive to Coon Creek Boulevard, with installation of the vaults for the signal interconnect system. Lighting work began for the project. Work completed includes installation of receptacles along the corridor. Installation of some of the smaller lighting units was also completed. Work was corr~pleted on a majority of the mainline irrigation system. The Contractor will now focus on restoration of the private irrigation systems. Work continued on the sidewalks and trails along ~ project corridor. The work included conslmctmg sidewalks along Crooked Lake Boulevard and 124th Avenue. Concrete edgers were constructed for the bituminous trail along the entire north side of Main Street. Colored concrete paving was initiated for the plaza paving at the intersections. A majority of the colored concrete maintenance strips were completed in the last two weeks. In the Next Several Weeks: Irrigation systems will be restored for the private businesses located along the project corridor. Final grading will continue along the boulevards. This will primarily occur along the south side of Main Street. Minor retaining walls will be constructed along the southern boulevard of Main Street. Sodding and seeding will continue along the boulevards and beam within the project corridor. We anticipate that tree planting will begin next week. Decorative street lighting fixtures and poles arrived on-sited. The decorative bases are scheduled to arrive within the next two weeks. The lights will then be erected along the roadways. Looking Ahead: Strikes by the Cement Hnishers Union could threaten the final project completion date of June 29, 2001. Sidewalk work was halted on May 9, 2001 as Union Employees left the job-site. Grading work, irrigation work, electrical work and restoration work will not be directly impacted by the strike, however, portions of the grading, irrigation and landscaping cannot be completed until the sidewalks are constructed. If the strike continues for an extended period of time, it is likely that the Contractor will be unable to meet the final cornpletion date. The Contractor has indicated that he is committed to staying on the job and completing as much of the work as possible. There were approximately two weeks worth of sidewalk construction left for the project at the time of the strike. Traffic Impacts: We do not anticipate that there will be any major traffic interruptions as the project is being completed. Lane closures will occur as the landscaping work is being completed in the boulevards and medians, however, we anticipate that only the outside lanes will be closed. There should be two lanes of traffic open at all times for the remainder of the project. Contacts: Please feel free to contact Paul Danielson, Project Manager for URS/BRW, Inc., at 612-373-6464 or e-mail to paul_danielson@urscorp.com. Questions can also be addressed to the City f~/~... Engineers Office at 763-767-6479. // .,,, CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting off 1/14/02 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: ~-/~--~ PUBLIC WORKS ITEM: CHANGE ORDER S0.1AND FINAL PAYMENT BY: K. Hansen~)'/~ BDI~E~~~ FOR MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE PROJECT #0100 DATE: 1/9/02 ~ : Background: The Contractor has completed the 2001 Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs and Installations. This annual program consisted of curb and gutter, street, alley, driveway and sidewalk improvements/repairs throughout the City. A spreadsheet with the fund distribution is attached. Analysis/Conclusions: The final compensating change order, attached, modifies the contract to include additional quantities for repairs due to water main breaks, street and alley repairs, and replacement of hazardous sidewalk. All additions to the contract modified quantifies only, using the contract bid prices for each work item. Staff recommends approval of Change Order #1. Staff is recommending approval of f'mal payment to Ron Kassa Construction, Inc. and acceptance of the work. A copy of the fmal payment voucher and the Engineer's Report of Final Acceptance is attached. Recommended Motion: Move to authorize Contract Change Order No. 1 for additional work added to the contract by the City to Ron Kassa Construction, Inc. in the amount of $20,947.40 with funding out of the appropriate funds. Recommended Motion: Move to accept the work for 2001 Miscellaneous Concrete RePairs and Installations, City Project #0100 and authorize final payment of $9,287.31 to Ron Kassa Construction, Inc. of Elko, Minnesota. Attachment: Fund Distribution Spreadsheet Change Order Payment Voucher Engineer's Report of Final Acceptance COUNCIL ACTION: CHANGE ORDER NO. Project: 2001 Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs and Installations City Project: 0100 Owher: Contractor: City of Columbia Heights 637 38t~ Avenue N.E. Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Ron Kassa Construction, Inc. 6005 250th Street East Elko, MN 55020 Date of Issuance: January 2, 2002 Engineer: City Engineer You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents: Description: Change in original contract price to compensate for additional work added to the contract by the City. Purpose of Change Order: The contract has been modified to include additional quantities for repairs due to water main breaks, street and alley repairs, and replacement of hazardous sidewalk. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE Original Contract Price: $ 43,388.3O Previous Change Orders No. __ None to No. Contract Price Prior to this Change Order: $ 43,388.30 Net Increase of this Change Order: $ 20,947.40 Contract Price with all Approved Change Orders: $ 64,335 ~0 Recornrn~d~ CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Original Contract Time: Net Change from Previous Change Order: Contract Time Prior to this Change Order: Net Increase (Decrease) of Change Order: Contract Time with Approved Change Orders: Approve)~ By: ~.~ l~n' Kass a~C ont[tn~ctlon, Inc. Approved By: Approved By: Date of Council Action Gary Peterson, Mayor Walter Fehst, City Manager Attachment to Change Order No. 1 City Project 0100 Page of 1 of 1 Owner: Contractor: Project: City of Columbia Heights Ron Kassa Construction, Inc. 2001 Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs and Installations Description of Changes: The Public Works Department requested these items be replaced. Item No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Item Description Unit Quantity Remove curb and gutter L.F. 133 Construct concrete curb and gutter L.F. 197 Remove street/alley S.F. 2,179 Construct 8" concrete street/alley S.F. 2,179 Remove driveway/apron S.F. 261 Construct 6" concrete driveway/apron S.F. 261 Remove sidewalk S.F. 1,238 Construct 4" concrete sidewalk S.F. 1,238 Unit Price $ 4.00 $15.00 $ 1.50 $ 3.8O $ 1.50 $ 3.6O $ 1.00 $ 2.70 Total Estimated Price $ 532.00 $ 2,955.00 $ 3,268.50 $ 8,280.20 $ 391.50 $ 939.60 $1,238.00 $ 3,342.60 TOTAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 $20,947.40 CiTY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CONSTRUCTION PAYMENT VOUCHER ESTIMATE NO. DATE: PERIOD ENDING: CONTRACT: PROJECT NO. TO: 4 - Final January 2, 2002 December 21, 2001 2001 Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs and Installations 0100 RON KASSA CONSTRUCTION, INC. 6005 - 250th Street East Elko, MN 55020 (952) 461-3715 A. Original Contract Amount .............................................................................................................. $43,388.30 B. Total Addition $20,947.40 C. Total Deduction .................................................................................................................................................. $0.00 D. TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $64,335.70 E. TOTAL VALUE OF WORK TO DATE ................................................................................... ~.. $64,333.40 $0.00 F. LESS RETAINED (0%) ........................................................................................................................ ($55,046.09) G. Previous Payment(s) ........................................................................................................................ H. TOTAL APPROVED FOR PAYMENT THIS VOUCHER (FINAL) ........... $9,287.31 I. TOTAL PAYMENTS INCLUDING THIS VOUCHER .................................................... $64,333.40 APPROVALS Pursuant to our field ~jbserv~, tions, I hereby recommend for payment the above stated amount for wor~e.~rmed ~llrough December 19, 2001. Signed by: ~'~ i ,. r t.~-----'"~ K ¥1 s~,~ubli Works'Director Date-- Signedby: ~~~ ~J RON ~u~.SSA' CONSTRUCTION, INC Date CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA ENGINEER'S REPORT OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE 2001 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS CITY PROJECT NUMBER 0100 January 9, 2002 TO THE CITY COUNCIL COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS: This is to advise you that I have reviewed the work under contract to Ron Kassa Construction Inc. The work consisted of curb and gutter, street, alley, driveway and sidewalk improvement/repairs throughout the City. The contractor has completed the project in accordance with the contract. It is recommended; herewith, that final payment be made for said improvements to the contractor in the amount as follows: ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE ORDERS FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT FINAL WORK APPROVED ALL PRIOR PAYMENTS BALANCE DUE Sincerely1 CI~J C~OL i~ ~A HEIGHTS $ 43,388.30 $ 20~947.40 $ 64,335.70 $ 64,333.40 ($ 55,046.09) $ 9,287.31 Z Z LL La ILl 0 Z 0 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting off 1/14/02 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER ITEM: CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 AND FINAL PAYMENT BY: K. Hanse ~,~,~_~ BY: FOR RETAINING WALL CONSTRUCTION DATE: 1/9/02 ~ DA Background: The Contractor has completed the retaining wall construction on Jefferson Street from 46t~ Avenue to 47t~ Avenue (Jefferson Divide), 4342 Arthur Street, Wargo Court, 1234 44th Avenue and 49th Avenue (4900 4t~ St). Analysis/Conclusions: The f'mal change order, attached, modifies the contract to include additional bituminous pavement removal and patching to accommodate the installation of curb and gutter along the Jefferson Divide. Staff recommends approval of Change Order #3. Staff is recommending approval of final payment to Sunram Construction Inc. and acceptance of the work. A copy of the fmai payment voucher and the Engineer's Report of Final Acceptance is attached. Recommended Motion: Move to authorize Contract Change Order No. 3 for additional work added to the contract by the City to Sunram Construction, Inc. in the amount of $8,760.00, with funding to be appropriated from State Aid Construction Funds. Recommended Motion: Move to accept the work for Retaining Wall Construction at Jefferson Street, Arthur Street, Wargo Court, 44th Avenue and 49* Avenue, Municipal Project #9818 and #0012; and, authorize final payment of $9,311.94 to Sunram Construction, Inc. of Corcoran, Minnesota. Attachment: Change Order Payment Voucher Engineer's Report of Final Acceptance COUNCIL ACTION: Project: Retaining Wall Construction CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 City Project: 9818 and 0012 Owner: Contractor: City of Columbia Heights 637 38th Avenue N.E. Columbia Heights, MN 55421 SunramConstmction, Inc. 20010 75~AvenueNorth' Corcoran, MN 55340 Date of Issuance: January 7, 2002 Engineer: City Engineer You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents: Description: See attached. Purpose of Change Order: The contract has been modified to include the following: See Description Sheet. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE Original Contract Price: $139,866.23 Previous Change Orders No. 1_!_ to No. 2_~ $ 22,820.00 Contract Price Prior to this Change Order: $162,686.23 Net Increase of this Change Order 3: $ 8,760.00 Contract Price with all Approved Change Orders: $17 .,446.23 Reco~ Approved By: Approved By: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Original Contract Time: Net Change from Previous Change Order: N/A Contract Time Prior to this Change Order: Net Increase (Decrease) of Change Order: Contract Time with Approved Change Orders: Approved By: (Contractor) Date of Council Action Gary Peterson, Mayor Walter Fehst, City Manager Attachment to Change Order No. 3 City Project 9818 and 0012 O~vner: City of Columbia Heights Contractor: Sunram Construction, Inc. Project:Retaining Wall Construction Description of Changes: Staff underestimated the amount of bituminous pavement that would need to be removed and patched in order to install the curb and gutter around the Jefferson divide with a machine. Staff estimated a 1' width around the divide. The actual width was 2.5'. Item No. Item Description Unit Ouanti_ty Unit Price 7 Remove Bituminous Pavement S.Y. 146 $ 5.00 $ 730.00 14 Patch Bituminous Pavement S.Y. 146 $ 55.00 $ 8,030.00 Est. Total Price TOTAL CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 $ 8,760.00 ESTIMATE NO. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CONSTRUCTION PAYMENT VOUCHER 3 - Final January 7, 2002 December 5, 2001 Retaining Wall Construction 9818 and 0012 DATE: PERIOD ENDING: CONTRACT: PROJECT NO. TO: SUNRAM CONSTRUCTION, INC. 20010 75th Avenue North Corcoran, MN 55340 (763) 420-2140 B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Original Contract Amount Total Addition Total Deduction TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TOTAL VALUE OF WORK TO DATE LESS RETAINED (0%) ....................................................................................................................... PreviOus Payment(s) ....................................................................................................................... TOTAL APPROVED FOR PAYMENT THIS VOUCHER (2) .......................... TOTAL PAYMENTS INCLUDING THIS VOUCHER $139,866.23 $31,580.0O $0.00 $171,446.23 $171,418.86 $0.00 ($162,106.92) $9,311.94 $171,418.86 APPROVALS Pursuant to our field ol~servati~ns, I hereby recommend for payment the above stated amount for work perfo/fmed though December 5, 2001. Signed by: Y~,C~ ("~.,v~,_~ ~ ~"~ Dat~- ~ Ke~t Han~, PUblic W0rks'l~xrector Signed by: SUNRAM CONSTRUCTION, INC. Date CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA ENGINEER'S REPORT OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE RETAINING WALL CONSTRUCTION CITY PROJECT NUMBER 9818 AND 0012 January 9, 2002 TO THE CITY COUNCIL COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS: This is to advise you that I have reviewed the work under contract to Sunram Construction, Inc. The work consisted of removal of existing retaining walls, construction of modular block walls, concrete placement and landscaping. The contractor has completed the project in accordance with the contract. It is recommended; herewith, that final payment be made for said improvements to the contractor in the amount as follows: ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE ORDERS FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT FINAL WORK APPROVED ALL PRIOR PAYMENTS BALANCE DUE Sincerely, IC/(epin R. H ~.4_e~:'' City Engineer $139,866.23 $ 31~580.00 $171,446.23 $ 171,418.86 ($ 162,106.92) $ 9,311.94 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: January 14, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: /_d_/ P\ ^ 2'-~ ORIGINATING DEPT.: CITY MANAGER NO: ' License Department APPROVAL ITEM: License Agenda BY: Shelley Hanso~¥"~ DATE:~~ NO: DATE: January 11,2002 BY: BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached is the business license agenda for the January 14, 2002 City Council meeting. This agenda consists of applications for Games of Skill, Secondhand Merchant/Dealer, and contractor licenses for 2002. At the top of the license agenda you will notice a phrase stating *Signed Waiver Form Accompanied Application. This means that the data privacy form has been submitted as required. If not submitted, certain information cannot be released to the public. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for January 14, 2002 as presented. COUNCIL ACTION: TO CITY COUNCIL January 14, 2002 *Signed Waiver Form Accompanied Application POLICE POLICE,FIRE,BLDG 2002 BUSINESS LICENSE AGENDA GAMES OF SKILL *Mendota Valley Amusement (VFW) *Mendota Valley Amusement (BW3) 4446 Central Ave 4811 Central Ave SECONDHAND DEALER *JEM Inc dba Budget Computer 4024 Central Ave NE $45.00 $180.00 $125.00 BLDG CONTRACTORS LICENSES *Sedgwick Heating & AC *Gilbert Mechanical *Superior Contractors *LBP Mechanical *Vogt Heating *Ron's Mechanical *St. Made Sheet Metal *Metropolitan Mechanical *Affordable Heating *Thermex Cronstrom's Heating Quality Refrigeration Alliant Mechanical Whitetail Heating Kath Heating *Albers Mechanical *Dave's Heating *Ward Heating *Royalton Heating *Louis DeGidio Srv. 8910 Wentworth Ave S, Mpls 4451 W 76th St, Edina 6121 42nd Ave N, Crystal 315 Royalston Ave N, Mpls 3260 Gorham Ave, St Louis Pk 12010 Old Brick Yard Rd 7940 Spring Lk Pk Rd 7340 Washington Ave So 4030 Hayes St 3529 Raleigh Ave S 6437 Goodrich Ave, St Louis Pk 6237 Penn Ave So, Richfield 3650 Kennebec Dr #1, Eagan 29692 Pine Oak Ln NE Isanti 3096 Rice Street, Little Canada 200 W. Plato Blvd, St. Paul 1601 37th Avenue NE 2830 235th Ave NW 4120 85th Ave No., Brk Pk 21033 Heron Way, Lakeville *Plymouth Plumbing *Dave Perkins Contract *Barnes Plumbing *Terry Overacker Plumb *Wenzel Plumbing *Pro Plumbing *Fignar Plumbing *KCJ Enterprises *Rick's Plumbing *Century Plumbing Piperight Plumbing *Tschida Bros Plumbing *Delson Plumbing *North Anoka Plumbing 6909 Winetka Ave N, Brk Pk 14230 Basalt St NW, Ramsey 3923 Washington St, Mpls 6527 Central Ave, Fridley 1959 Shawnee Rd, Eagan 9743 Humboldt Ave S, Bloomington 2844 Johnson St, Mpls 2800 Campus Dr #40, Plymouth 1701 221st Ave NW, Cedar 444 Maple St, Mahtomedi 4029 Penrod Lane, St. Anthony 1036 Front Ave, St. Paul 1308 42 ½ Ave NE, Col. Hts 22590 Rum River Blvd $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $5O.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.0O $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 United Water & Sewer Oak Grove Sewer & Water *Pete's Water & Sewer Veit & Co. Meister-Plasha Excav *Lawrence Sign DeMars Signs Inc. *SignArt Co. *LeRoy Signs Inc *Watson-Forsberg *Metro Intercon Inc *Kraus-Anderson *McGough Construct *All Star Construction *Terra Firma Estates Timco Construction *Rayco Construction *Peterson Stucco, Drywall *Vera Construction Rainbow Tree Co *Top Notch Treecare *Central MN Tree Service *S & S Tree 11666 Wayzata Blvd 22590 Rum River Blvd, St. Francis 800 Lowry Ave NE, Mpls 14000 Veit Place, Rogers 541 Andover Blvd NW 945 Pierce Butler Rte, St. Paul 410 93rd Ave NW, Coon Rapids 2170 Dodd Rd., Mendota Hts 6325 Welcome Ave No., Brk Pk 1433 Utica Ave S, Mpls 15686 Heywood Ct, Apple Valley 525 So. 8th St, Mpls 2737 Fairview Ave N, St Paul 8401 73rd Ave N #80, Brk Pk 750 NW 4th St, New Brighton 14700 28th Ave No., Plymouth 3801 5th St, Col. Hts. 12351 Cloud Dr, Blaine 2616 Victory Memorial Dr 2239 Edgewood Ave So, St Louis Pk 5505 N Hwy 169, Plymouth 144 Satellite Ln NE Fridley 6214 Concord Blvd $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/10/2002 16:41:21 FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION ................................ 101 GENERAL 201 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND 202 ANOKA COUNTY CDBG 203 PARKVIEW VILLA NORTH 204 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH 212 STATE AID MAINTENANCE 213 PARKVIEW VILLA SOUTH 225 CABLE TELEVISION 235 RENTAL HOUSING 240 LIBRARY 250 COL HGHTS AFTER SCHOOL ENRI 265 CONFISCATED/FORFEITED PROP 270 DARE PROJECT 276 LOCAL LAW ENFORCE BLK GRANT 278 JUVENILE JUSTICE GRANT 279 COPS: SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP 299 HOUSING & REDEVELOP AUTH 411 CAPITAL IMP-GEN GOVT. BLDG 415 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT - PIR 431 CAP EQUIP REPLACE-GENERAL 439 FIRE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 601 WATER UTILITY 602 SEWER UTILITY 603 REFUSE FUND 604 STORM SEWER UTILITY 609 LIQUOR 701 CENTRAL GARAGE 720 DATA PROCESSING 880 PERMIT SURCHARGE 881 CONTRIBUTED PROJECTS-REC 884 INSURANCE 885 ESCROW 886 INVESTMENT TRUST 887 FLEX BENEFIT TRUST FUlfD 888 POLICE/FIRE CONT RESERVE TOTAL ALL FUNDS Check History DISBURSEMENTS 55,789.17 551.99 26,927.50 14,198.21 22,802.88 992.74 6,708.70 1,523.19 433.47 21,991.22 14,828.74 75.00 133.17 1,123.66 38.48 520.20 17.84 119,997.00 86.94 24,588.88 1,780.15 172,003.48 54,665.35 104,257.06 1,126.37 635,195.72 9,718.76 6,591.26 232.11 431.43 21,897.00 458,428.23 1,000,000.00 9,343.78 56,706.00 2,845,705.68 CITY OF COLUMBIANEIGHTS GL060S-V06.27 RECAPPAGE GL540R BANK RECAP: BANK NAME DISBURSEMENTS BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/10/2002 16 Check History 01/14/2002 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.27 PAGE 1 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT AISH/MATT 95810 22.19 AMERIPRIDE 95811 43.52 BELLBOY CORPORATION 95812 9,431.56 BLOWERS/CAROLE 95813 414.56 CHISAGO L~Z(ES DISTRIBUTI 95814 433.80 COCA-COLA BOTTLING MIDWE 95815 161.25 COL HGTS FIREFIGHTERS AS 95816 62.50 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS HIGH SC 95817 48.00 DAHLY/GEORGE 95818 250.00 DOYLE LOCK SUPPLY 95819 240.47 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 95820 1,552.59 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE CO 95821 20,091.40 GENUINE PARTS/N~A AUTO 95822 132.10 GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD 95823 69.55 GRIG(IS-COOPER & CO 95824 442.68 HOHENSTEINS INC 95825 5,102.16 HONEYWELL INC 95826 790.00 JOHNSON BROS. LIQUOR CO. 95827 37,914.31 KUETHER DIST. CO. 95828 28,405.50 LOWER/REBECCA 95829 24.50 MARKRAM/MA/~fHEW 95830 22.20 MARTINSEN/PHYLLIS 95831 250.00 MOELLER/KAREN 95832 195.20 MROS-NORTHERN LIGHTS/RIC 95833 425.00 NAWROCKI/BRUCE 95834 891.59 PETTY CASH - GARY BRAATE 95835 72.39 PETTY CASH - JEAN ANDRES 95836 300.00 PETTY CASH - MARY DUGDA5 95837 105.46 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 95838 5,651.09 PITNEY BOWES LOUISVILLE 95839 222.45 PRIOR WINE 95840 523.57 PROQUEST INFORMATION -LE 95841 3,092.25 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS 95842 31,062.94 QWEST CO~JNICATIONS 95843 118.61 RELIANT ENERGY MINNEGASC 95844 125.82 SAMS ~6310 95845 105.91 SC~/XIDT/JEANINE M 95846 3.51 SEARS COMMERCI~ ONE 95847 1,096.49 SORENSEN/ROLAND 95848 21.55 WINE COMPANY/THE 95849 437.33 OMNI ROOFS INC 95850 117,757.00 ACS 95851 2,500.00 ADVANCED GRAPHICS SYSTEM 95852 148.99 ~ SAINTS BRAND DISTRIB 95853 235.50 AMERIPRIDE 95854 255.60 AROMA DESSERT WINES, INC 95855 624.00 AT & T CONSUMER LEASE 95856 39.76 BRC FINANCI~ SYSTEM 01/10/2002 16 Check History 01/14/2002 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.27 PAGE 2 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT BAGGENSTOSS/GLEN & DEANN BELLBOY BAR SUPPLY BELLBOY CORPORATION BIFF'S,INC. BLAGEO/THERESA CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTI CITY PAGES CITY WIDE WINDOW SERVICE CLARK PRODUCTS INC COCA-COLABOTTLING MIDWE COLUMBIA HEIGHTS HIGH SC COLU~IA HEIGHTS HOUSING COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT F DRAPER/CHAPiES & LISA EAGLE WINE COMPANY EAST SIDE BEVERAGE CO FEHST/W~TER GENUINE PARTS/NAPA AUTO GLASS MASTERS GRIGGS-COOPER & CO HAMANN/MIKE & KRISTINA HOHENSTEINS INC I~9{ACULATE CONCEPTION CH INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST JAX CAFE JOHNSON BROS. LIQUOR CO. JONSON P~ER & SUPPLY C KUETHER DIST. CO. LOUE/SHELLEY MARK VII DIST. MINNEAPOLIS FINANCE DEPT MINNESOTA CROW DISTRIBU MINNESOTA LICENSED BEV A MINNESOTA WINEGROWERS CO MOELLER/KAREN NATL RECREATION & PARKA NEW FRANCE WINE COMPANY NORTH STAR ICE NORTHEAST STATE BANK OFFICE DEPOT OLSON/LEONARD OVERBY/MICHELLE PAUSTIS & SONS PEPSI-COLA-7 UP PETTY CASH - JOANNE BAKE PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 95857 50.00 95858 239.38 95859 7,312.40 95860 120.52 95861 131.62 95862 2,477.43 95863 420.00 95864 24.50 95865 154.32 95866 1,709.25 95867 4,394.89 95868 12,265.00 95869 17.84 95870 50.00 95871 2,430.96 95872 37,609.11 95873 461.08 95874 91.06 95875 23.31 95876 27,530.18 95877 50.00 95878 4,983.80 95879 1,650.00 95880 315.00 95881 444.82 95882 29,675.04 95883 1,135.24 95884 24.66 95885 37,174.60 95886 30.42 95887 20,529.66 95888 169,284.34 95889 90.50 95890 279.00 95891 483.00 95892 97.24 95893 160.00 95894 523.00 95895 740.68 95896 1,000,000.00 95897 95.13 95898 75.00 95899 510.30 95900 2,622.63 95901 625.19 95902 77.84 95903 8,723.31 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/10/2002 16 Check History 01/14/2002 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.27 PAGE 3 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT PRIOR WINE QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS QWEST COMMUNICATIONS ROTO-ROOTER SHOREWOOD INN TAROR & SONS ROOFING UNIVANCE - ACCTS RECEIV WINDSCHITL/KEITH XCEL ENERGY (N S P) AFFINITY PLUS FEDERAL CR AFSCME DELTA DENTAL FIRST COMMUNITY CREDIT U ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 45 MEDICA SENIOR MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS 39 ORCHk~D TRUST COMPANY PERA RAMSDELL SCHOLARSHIP FUN RELIASTAR EMPLOYEE BENEF UNION 49 UNITED WAY VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER - WELLS FARGO - PAYROLL AC WI DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE DEALERS REAL ESTATE & LA ALL SAINTS BRAND DISTRIB AROMA DESSERT WINES, INC B&H BELLBOY BAR SUPPLY BELLBOY CORPORATION CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTI CITY WIDE WINDOW SERVICE COCA-COLA BOTTLING MIDWE COLUMBIA HEIG}{TS I DELTA DENTAL DUGDALE/MARY EAGLE WINE COMPANY EAST SIDE BEVERAGE CO EKO BACKEN FIRSTECH COMPUTER GENUINE PARTS/NAPA AUTO GRIGGS-COOPER & CO HOHENSTEINS INC HOME DEPOT #2802 HOWE YMCA/EMMA S 95904 5,123.45 95905 6,301.46 95906 1,361.13 95907 446.47 95908 250.93 95909 2,240.00 95910 23.63 95911 96.93 95912 13,349.31 95913 584.77 95914 957.57 95915 4,680.05 95916 2,355.00 95917 9,496.75 95918 846.60 95919 674.70 95920 294.00 95921 4,755.38 95922 26,857.59 95923 54.25 95924 2,033.70 95925 522.00 95926 35.00 95927 200.00 95928 143,042.84 95929 337.54 95933 1,000.00 95934 599.20 95935 78.00 95936 1,373.24 95937 300.79 95938 12,060.31 95939 2,325.88 95940 24.50 95941 543.85 95942 4,471.67 95943 26.75 95944 9.90 95945 504.04 95946 30,025.95 95947 225.00 95948 2,910.44 95949 98.61 95950 3,124.93 95951 1,920.83 95952 51.53 95953 1,900.00 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/10/2002 16 Check History 01/14/2002 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.27 PAGE 4 BANK ENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT IKON OFFICE SOLUTION 95954 288.50 JOHNSON BROS. LIQUOR CO. 95955 5,271.72 JOHNSON/THOMAS M 95956 88.98 KUETHER DIST. CO. 95957 68,850.85 MAGNADANCE/FRANK 95958 109.84 MARK VII DIST. 95959 21,971.99 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 95960 250.30 MINNESOTA CROWN DISTRIBU 95961 594.00 NEW FRANCE WINE COMPANY 95962 89.00 NIGHTINGALE/TERENCE 95963 15.53 NORTH STAR ICE 95964 216.72 OFFICE DEPOT 95965 63.72 PEPSI-COLA-7 UP 95966 307.14 PETTY CASH - KAREN MOELL 95967 98.25 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 95968 2,569.17 PRIOR WINE 95969 410.11 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS 95970 45,102.59 RELIANT ENERGY MINNEC~SC 95971 6,473.69 RELI~TAR EMPLOYEE BENEF 95972 49.00 VOSS LIGHTING 95973 43.22 WILD MOUNTAIN 95974 892.00 WINDSCHITL/KEITH 95975 622.38 WINE COMPANY/THE 95976 2,168.70 WORLD CLASS WINE 95977 418.21 BRADLEY REAL ESTATES INC 95978 11,344.47 MOEI. LER/KAREN 95979 138.99 OHIO UNIVERSITY LAW ENFO 95980 325.00 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 95981 248.00 ABC-CLIO, INC 95982 96.30 ABLE HOSE & RUBBER INC 95983 21.25 ACE HARDWARE 95984 241.12 ACTION RADIO & COMMUNICA 95985 92.66 ADAM'S PEST CONTROL, INC 95986 66.56 ALPHA VIDEO 95987 889.83 AMERIPRIDE 95988 66.85 ANOKA COUNTY - GOV'T CEN 95989 24,588.88 ANOVA COUNTY LIBRARY 95990 2,995.88 ANOKA HENNEPIN TECH COLL 95991 60.00 ASPEN MILLS, INC. 95992 227.00 B~d{ER & TAYLOR CONT. SER 95993 3,588.56 BAKER & TAYLOR ENTERTAIN 95994 148.64 BARNES & NOBLE INC 95995 127.45 BATTERY CITY INC 95996 118.51 BCA FORENSIC SCIENCE 5AB 95997 200.00 BEACON BALLFIELDS 95998 255.00 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS, INC 95999 2,800.76 BOOK WHOLESALERS INC 96000 97.19 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/10/2002 16 Check History 01/14/2002 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.27 PAGE 5 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT BOGE~4EN INC/THE 96001 154.46 BOYER TRUCK Pk]{TS 96002 244.62 BREDEMUS EQUIPMENT 96003 125.02 BRODART 96004 274.94 C & J TECHNOLOGY 96005 91.54 C E SUNDBERG COMPANY 96006 15.91 CAMDEN PET HOSPITAL 96007 331.00 CARDINAL SERVICES 96008 88.00 CATCO PARTS SERVICE 96009 623.40 CDW-G 96010 164.84 CEN-A-VAC 96011 15.94 CENTER FOR ENERGY/ENVIRO 96012 14,600.00 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS RENTAL 96013 9.59 CONTINENTAL SAFETY EQUIP 96014 185.00 CREATIVE FORMS & CONCEPT 96015 242.18 CREST VIEW CORPORATION 96016 12,459.26 DANKA OFFFICE IMAGING CO 96017 270.00 DAVIES-NORTHERN WATER WK 96018 217.13 DEMCO 96019 164.97 DETERMAN BROWNIE, INC 96020 974.00 ECO TONE INC 96021 73.49 E}{LER & ASSOCIATE-PUBLIC 96022 4,928.75 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUC 96023 84.60 FALCON COMMUNICATIONS GR 96024 232.77 FLEX COMPENSATION, INC 96025 157.50 FOCUS NEWSPAFERS 96026 43.56 FRIDLEY/CITY OF 96027 945.00 G & K SERVICES 96028 607.41 GALE GROUP/THE 96029 783.01 GALLAGHER & COMPANY OF M 96030 21,897.00 GENUINE PARTS/NAFA AUTO 96031 423.20 GOODIN CO. 96032 335.07 GOVERNING MAGAZINE 96033 15.00 HEIGHTS ELECTRIC INC. 96034 199.84 HEIM - SECRETI%RY/JAMES 96035 80.00 HOME DEPOT ~2802 96036 282.36 HOME PLANNERS LLC 96037 165.04 HOSPITALITY SUPPLY COMPA 96038 50.45 IBM CORPORATION 96039 86.80 INSTRUMENTAL RESEARCH IN 96040 364.00 IPC PRINTING 96041 357.01 J H LARSON ELECTRIC COMP 96042 87.09 JINDRA/PATRICIA 96043 105.00 K MART 96044 100.93 KENNEDY & GRAVEN 96045 1,382.67 LAKESHORE 96046 204.60 LANO EQUIPMENT CO. 96047 101.66 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/10/2002 16 Check History 01/14/2002 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.27 PAGE 6 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT LAW ENFORCEMENT OPPORTUN 96048 325.00 LEGACY AUTO DETAILING 96049 80.00 LIBRARY VIDEO COMPANY 96050 957.62 MAC QUEEN EQUIPMENT CO. 96051 473.38 MAHCO 96052 50.00 MARCELLUS/MS LINDA 96053 90.16 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMEER-F 96054 282.42 METROCALL - ATT MESSAGIN 96055 340.69 MGS PROFESSIOAL BUILDING 96056 310.00 MIDWAY FORD 96057 378.29 MIDWEST LOCK & SAFE 96058 65.36 MIDWEST TAPE 96059 96.93 MINITEX - ATTN MARY GARC 96060 512.00 MINNEAPOLIS FINANCE DEPT 96061 340.00 MINNEAPOLIS OXYGEN CO. 96062 5.11 MINNEAPOLIS SAW CO. 96063 73.92 MN DEPT OF ADMINISTRATIO 96064 37.00 MORRELL & MORRELL INC 96065 1,060.80 NEWQUIST & EKSTRUM, CHAR 96066 75.00 NRG PROCESSING SOLUTIONS 96067 120.00 O'GARA/ANDREW 96068 50.00 OFFICE DEPOT 96069 706.53 OLSON'S PLUMBING 96070 337.50 ONE-CALL CONCEPT-GOPHER 96071 116.25 ORIENTAL TR~ING COMPANY 96072 191.50 ORKIN 96073 52.27 PC SOLUTIONS 96074 6,626.52 PEPSI-COLA-7 UP 96075 671.00 PLETSCHERS 96076 42.60 RAPIT PRINTING - FRIDLEY 96077 64.75 SAM GIBSON SEWER COMPANY 96078 75.00 SCHERER BROS LUMBER 96079 1,042.22 SHARP HEATING & AIR COND 96080 749.00 SOUTHEASTERN LIBRARIES C 96081 67.25 STANDARD SPRING CO 96082 1,278.94 STREICHER'S GUN'S INC/DO 96083 141.54 TINUCCI'S CATERING 96084 1,200.64 TKDA 96085 362.43 TREADWAY GRAPHICS 96086 133.17 TROPHIES BY LIN'DA 96087 1.86 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC 96088 468.71 UPSTkRT 96089 375.66 VAN-O-LITE 96090 123.65 ~CTOR INTEPd~ET SERVICES 96091 150.00 ~RIZON WIRELESS 96092 275.36 VOSS LIGHTING 96093 152.90 ZA}{L EQUIPMENT 96094 135.60 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM Ol/lO/2OO2 16 Check History 01/14/2002 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.27 PAGE 7 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT ZIEGLER INC BELLBOY BAR SUPPLY BELLBOY CORPORATION BIFF'S,INC. CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTI COCA-COLA BOTTLING MIDWE COLUMBIA HEIGHTS HOUSING COLUMBIA HEIGHTS TRANSPO DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RE EAGLE WINE COMPANY EAST SIDE BE~RAGE CO GRIGGS-COOPER & CO HARSEN/KEVIN HOHENSTEINS INC IKON OFFICE SOLUTION JOHNSON BROS. LIQUOR CO. KUETHER DIST. CO. LOWRY CENTRAL BOWLERS MARK VII DIST. MN DEPT OF ADMINISTRATIO MN-USA WRESTLING PAUSTIS & SONS PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS PRIOR WINE QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS QNEST COMMUNICATIONS STAR TRIBUNE SUCKERMAN/PHIL SUCKERMAN/PHILLIP VERIZON WIRELESS XCEL ENERGY (N S P) ~FINITY PLUS FEDERAL CR COLUMBIA HEIGHTS YOUTH W FIRST COMMUNITY CREDIT U HE~TH PARTNERS IC~ RETIREMENT TRUST 4S ~EFFERSON PILOT JOHNSON/THOMAS M MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT ORCHARD TRUST COMPANY PERA PUBLIC MANAGERS ASSOCIAT UNION 320 UNITED WAY VARTAGEPOINT TRANSFER - WELLS FARGO - PAYROLL AC WI DEPARTMENT OF RE~NUE 96095 149.23 96096 1,049.72 96097 6,744.18 96098 32.28 96099 641.00 96100 250.70 96101 16,000.00 96102 553.00 96103 50.00 96104 704.67 96105 21,092.80 96106 560.90 96107 69.54 96108 2,540.45 96109 144.25 96110 7,388.00 96111 14,827.35 96112 35.74 96113 5,679.13 96114 454.07 96115 20.00 96116 901.75 96117 606.94 96118 1,960.40 96119 8,374.04 96120 179.21 96121 1,755.18 96122 1,600.00 96123 464.50 96124 192.04 96125 50.28 96126 584.77 96127 1,230.00 96128 2,325.00 96129 57,416.45 96130 16,625.13 96131 608.54 96132 88.70 96133 674.70 96134 12,315.50 96135 26,163.78 96136 40.00 96137 1,030.92 96138 39.00 96139 100.00 96140 151,579.03 96141 308.20 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 0111o120o2 16 Check History 01/14/2002 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.27 PAGE 8 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT ABLE HOSE & RUBBER INC 96142 55.16 AID ELECTRIC SERVICE INC 96143 472.13 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIA 96144 49.25 ANOKA COUNTY 96145 45.00 ANOKA COUNTY HIGHWAY DEP 96146 741.52 ANOKA COUNTY LIBRARY 96147 2,438.18 ASPEN MILLS, INC. 96148 466.50 BATTERIES PLUS 96149 126.74 BATTERY CITY INC 96150 27.09 BAUER BUILT TIRE & BATTE 96151 84.00 BFI/WOODLAKE SANITARY SE 96152 102,103.15 CLARK PRODUCTS INC 96153 357.21 CREIGHTON BRADLEY GUZZET 96154 582.12 G & K SERVICES 96155 115.94 GOODIN CO. 96156 64.37 HASSAN SAND & GRAVEL 96157 1,062.14 HEIGHTS ELECTRIC INC. 96158 515.60 HOME DEPOT #2802 96159 787.76 INTERLOCK CONCRETE PRODU 96160 590.00 LANGE TANK, INC 96161 123.30 LANO EQUIPMENT CO. 96162 49.99 MCCARTHY WELL COMPANY 96163 95.00 MEDTOX LABORATORIES, INC 96164 87.00 METROCALL - ATT MESSAGIN 96165 3.52 MIDWAY FORD 96166 382.05 MOTOROLA INC. 96167 1,780.15 NRG PROCESSING SOLUTIONS 96168 421.74 OFFICE DEPOT 96169 719.33 PERA POLICE RELIEF CONSO 96170 56,706.00 SOUTHERN ANOKA COUI~ CH 96171 32.00 SYSTEMS SUPPLY INC. 96172 228.23 T~IN CITY GARAGE DOOR CO 96173 85.00 UNITED RENTALS - HWY TEC 96174 600.00 VERIZON WIRELESS 96175 65.54 XPECT FIRST AID 96176 85.31 ZAHL EQUIPMENT 96177 309.69 ACS 96178 8,978.22 AMERICAN PAYROLL ASSOCIA 96179 404.00 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS AS 96180 847.75 AMERICAN SEMI PARTS,SERV 96181 12.19 CITY OF NEW HOPE 96182 24.00 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 96183 768.00 FACT BOOK-CORPORATE REPO 96184 119.00 FIDELITY SERVICES INC 96185 4,660.96 G & K SERVICES 96186 148.40 H.W. WILSON CO. 96187 114.00 HOME DEPOT #2802 96188 59.74 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/10/2002 16 Check History 01/14/2002 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.27 PAGE 9 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT KMART 96189 35.55 KIPLINGER WASHINGTON LET 96190 79.00 KIRk'US REVIEW 96191 250.00 METRO EMERGENCY MANAGER' 96192 75.00 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WAS 96193 53,759.20 MINNESOTA GFOA - TOM PEP 96194 80.00 MN CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSO 96195 225.00 MN COMM PAGING 96196 651.61 MN CRIME PREVENTION ASSO 96197 60.00 MN STATE TREAS BUILDING 96198 232.11 MPELRA 96199 150.00 MUNICI-PALS 96200 20.00 N.A.D.A. A~PRAISAL GUIDE 96201 60.00 NAHRO-MN CHA~TER 96202 20.00 NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIE 96203 1,177.00 NATL ASSO OF TOWN WATCH 96204 25.00 R R BOWKER 96205 299.95 SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL 96206 109.00 UNITED STATE POSTAL SERV 96207 34.00 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 96208 480.00 UNIVERSITY OF WI-EXTENSI 96209 445.00 2,845,705.68 *** PROCLAMATION DECLARING JANUARY 26, 2002 AS ~'~./10-/~/ ~i¢/~9~ ~A ~" IN COLUMBIA HEIGHTS WHEREAS, John Gordon is a resident of Columbia Heights, and; WHEREAS, John Gordon will represent our City, State and Country in Salt Lake City, Utah in February at the 2002 Winter Olympics, and; WHEREAS, John Gordon is the Team Lead on the US Olympic Curling Rink, and; WHEREAS, John Gordon participated with the 1998 US Curling Olympic Team, the US Olympic Trials, Men's Nationals competition for seven years, the Men's World competition for three years, and the Wisconsin State Men's Championships for two years, and; WHEREAS, a Fund Raiser will be held in his honor on Saturday, January 26, 2000, at St. Timothy's Lutheran Church from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DECLARED, that I, Mayor Gary L. Peterson, do hereby proclaim January 26, 2000, as "John Gordon Day" in the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Mayor Gary L. Peterson CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of January 14, 2002 AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER SECTION: 1,.~ ~_ f~ Fire APPROVAL NO: ITEM: Close Heating BY: Dana Alexon Rental License Revocation DATE: January 9, 2002 DATE: NO: The matter of the revocation of the license to operate a rental unit(s) within the City of Columbia Heights against Tad Sonneman regarding rental property at 4654 Washington Street NE. for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Codes was previously scheduled to commence at the City Council meeting of January 14, 2002. The public hearing on this property may now be closed in that the owner has brought the property/building into compliance with the Residential Maintenance Code. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Close the Public Hearing Regarding the Revocation or Suspension of the Rental License Held by Tad Sonneman Regarding Rental Property at 4654 Washington Street NE. in that the Property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of January. 14, 2002 AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER SECTION: ~59 ~ Fire APPROVAL NO: IT EM: Close Hearing BY: Dana A1 ex on BY--.' / ~.~ Rental License Revocation DATE: January 9, 2002 D · NO: The matter of the revocation of the license to operate a rental unit(s) within the City of Columbia Heights against Myong Yi regarding rental property at 4546 Tyler Street NE. for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Codes was previously scheduled to commence at the City Council meeting of January 14, 2002. The public hearing on this property may now be closed in that the owner has brought the property/building into compliance with the Residential Maintenance Code. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Close the Public Hearing Regarding the Revocation or Suspension of the Rental License Held by Myong Yi Regarding Rental Property at 4546 Tyler Street NE. in that the Property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of January 14~ 2002 AGENDA Public Hearings ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER SECTION: Fire APPROVAL NO: ITEM: Close Hearing BY: Dana Alexon Rental License Revocation DATE: January 9, 2002 DATE: NO: The matter of the revocation of the license to operate a rental unit(s) within the City of Columbia Heights against Edward Fragale regarding rental property at 1300-02~ 1308-10, 1316-18, 1324-26 Circle Terrace for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Code was scheduled to commence at the City Council meeting of January 14, 2002. The public hearing on these properties can be closed in that the owner has brought the property/building into substantial (but not complete) compliance with the Residential Maintenance Code. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Close the Public Hearing Regarding the Revocation or Suspension of the Rental License Held by Edward Fragale Regarding Rental Property at 1300-02~ 1308-10~ 1316-18~ 1324-26 Circle Terrace in that the Properties are in Substantial Compliance with the Residential Maintenance Code. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of January 14, 2002 AGENDA ORIGINATING CITY SECTION: )/~'x DEPARTMENT:Fire MANAGER APPROVAL NO: ITEM: Close Hearing BY: Dana Alexon BY: Rental License Revocation DATE: January 11, 2002 DATE: NO: The matter of the revocation of the license to operate a rental unit(s) within the City of Columbia Heights against Renae Novak regarding rental property at 4023 6th Street for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Codes was previously scheduled to commence at the City Council meeting of January 11, 2002. The public heating on this property may now be closed in that the owner and the tenants were not properly notified of the City Council hearing. The Columbia Heights Fire Department will serve proper notice on all interested parties and schedule a public heating at the next available date. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Close the Public Heating Regarding the Revocation or Suspension of the Rental License Held by Renae Novak Regarding Rental Property at 4023 6th Street until such time all interested parties are properly notified. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: January 14, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION ORIGINATING DEPT.: CITY MANAGER NO: 7-B- 1 Recreation } APPROVAL ITEM: City Newsletter Printing Quotations for 2002 BY: Keith Windschitl~ BY: NO: DATE: January 11, 2002 BACKGROUND: On December 17,2001 the City Council authorized staff to obtain price quotes for printing and mailing the 2002 quarterly "Heights Happenings" city newsletters. Price quotes were requested fi.om eleven printing companies. Attached are the nine price quotes that were received by the Recreation Department. Staffis recommending the sheet fed printing process over web press for several reasons. First, there is a noticeable quality difference between the two processes. The sheet fed process has better print, which makes it easier to read; the graphics are clearer; and the overall appearance of the brochure is more professional. The web press process would require the use of smaller pages, which would mean that in order to keep the page number the same, some information would have to be eliminated; a smaller font would have to be used (making it more difficult to read); or pages would have to be added and that would raise the cost. It is already difficult to keep the number of pages at 24. A final concern in switching to web press would be the increased amount of stafftime needed to work with a new company. Staffhas been very pleased with the quality of newsletter published by Nystrom's Publishing. They have been very accommodating, easy to work with, and are very familiar with the production process of our newsletter. Furthermore, the proposed 2002 bid of $19,390.48 is $715.68 lower than the $20,106.16 bid awarded for 2001. CONCLUSION: If the City Council is concemed about the document's quality, the staff recommendation would be to go with Nystrom's at the extra cost of $1426.48 for the year. If the City Council is concerned about the lowest bid, staff would recommend Rapid Graphics, located in Columbia Heights, which has improved equipment since 1999 and would also be using a smooth paper. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to enter into an agreement with Nystrom's publishing for printing, publishing, and distributing the City newsletter based upon their proposal of a yearly cost of $19,390.48 for four publications in 2002; and furthermore to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same. ALTERNATE MOTION: Move to enter into an agreement with Rapid Graphics & Mailing for printing, publishing, and distributing the City newsletter based upon their proposal of a yearly cost of $17,964.00 for four publications in 2002; and furthermore to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same. COUNCIL ACTION: City Newsletter Quotes for 2002 Item 20-page web 24-parle web 20-sheet fed 24-sheet fed Nystroms None None 4471.17 4847.62 Maple Grove 17,884.68/year 19,390.48/year Rapit Printing None None 5474.15 6133.74 Fridley 21,896.60/year 24,534.96 Marudas 4548.62 4754.16 5695.08 6000.34 St. Paul 18,194.48/year 19,016.64/year 22,780.32/year 24,121.20/year Anchor Printing Co. None None 5161.64 6179.64 Eden Prairie 20,646.56/year 24,718.56/year Infinity Direct None None 7414.85 7649.46 Plymouth 28,591.40/year 30,597.84/year Sir Speedy None None 7152.91 8105.65 Fridley 28,611.64/year 32,422.60/year John Roberts Co. None None 7724.69 8304.69 Minneapolis 30,898.76/year 33,218.76/year Rapid Graphics 4380.00 4491.00 None None Minneapolis 17,520.00/year 17,964.00/year Specifications for 2002 City. Newsletter Contact Person: Keith Windschitl, Recreation Director Columbia Heights Recreation Department 530 Mill Street NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Phone (763) 706-3730 Fax (763) 706-3731 Qualifications: Printing company must have two years of experience in the priming of newsletters or similar projects. 2002 city newsletters to be published and mailed quarterly according to the following schedule: Spring - February; Summer - May; Fall - August; Winter - November. Printing specifications: * Printed using a sheet fed and/or web press method (you may want to bid on both) * 60 lb. white 1 l"x 17" paper. * Folded in half(to create an 8 1/2" x 11" booklet) with two staples in the center. * Two ink print colors. * Printing to include typed text, clip art and photographs. * Printing on both sides of paper. * 12,900 newsletters to be printed. 4. Price quotes should be submitted for newsletters of either 20 or 24 finished pages. 10,047 newsletters to be mailed to all Columbia Heights residents. The additional 2,853 newsletters to be delivered to John P. Murzyn Hall, 530 Mill St. NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421. If there are different costs for the mailing a 20 or 24 page newsletter (due to different weights of the newsletter), these costs should be specified in the price quotes. o Copy for the newsletter will be prepared on Microsoft Publisher 2000 version 6.0 and will be submitted in hard copy form. The printer will do color separation from the hard copy. Copy to be submitted to printer approximately seven business days prior to scheduled mailing dates. 7. Additional cost for printing outside covers in three colors. 8. Additional cost for halftone photographs. The price quotes shall include: priming costs; mailing costs (10,047 copies); sales tax; delivery costs; and any other associated costs. 10. The City Council may be looking at the option of awarding the bid for a three-year contract. If you are interested, please submit a three-year contract option. December 20, 2001 Columbia Heights Recreation Dept. Keith Windschitl, Recreation Director: quotation: Recreation/Height Happenings books: - Sheet fed printing 60# white offset 8.5 x 11 inches book saddle-stitched with two staples two ink colors throughout output from your disk, or shoot hard copy - 12,900 copies - 20 pages or 24 pages - mailing service included (postage extra, approximately $1200 - sales tax included - delivery included 17 $10.00 each for scanning photographs Prices: $3271.17 for 20 pages $3647.62 for 24 pages $355.71 for additional color of ink on outside covers ~,ynn Reemtsma ~'763) 425-7900 Columbia Heights Date 12,gO0 Sales Rep: #2FX E#49293 Printing, 11 x 17 60~ Husky Vellum White, 24o~, printed 4 up 2 colors front in Black+PMS ink 2 colors back in BIack+PMS ink Place to output Color Laser Digita~ i~ate(s) 11 x 17 PMS Ink Fold, Collate, Staple, Trim Sort For Mailing Deliver To Post Office And Del Extras To Sepemte Addy There Would Be No Additional Charge For Any Photos And To Add A 3rd Color To The Cover Would Be An .Extra 213.00 The Postage Will Be Aprox 1255.88 Additional SUB TAX SHIPPING TOTAL 4,580.151 297.71 4~877.86 TOTAL P. 03 Columbia Heights Date 12/26/01 12,900 Printing, 11 x 17 60~ Husky Vellum White,~ls, pdnted 4 up 2 colors front in Black+PMS ink 2 colors back in BlacI(+PMS ink Place to output Color Laser Digital plate(s) 11 x 17 PM$ Ink Fold, Collate, Staple, Trim Sort For Mailing Deliver To Post Off'~,.e And Del Extras To Seperate Addy There Would Be No Additional Charge For Any Photos And To Add A 3rd Color To The Cover Would Be An Extra 213.00 The Postage Will Be Aprox 1255.88 Additional --- Sales Rep: #2FX E#49296 SUB TAX SHIPPING TOTAL 3,960.82 3,960.82 257.45 4.218.27 M udss Pn'~c Se~4ces and Promotional Products 1300 Oki HiEhw;y E~tt Deca~bo- 26, 2001 Columbia Hcights Recreation D~t. 530 Mill Su-cet NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 St. Paul~ MN $$I 12 65 I/~97-7820 FAX 651/697-7822 Attn: Keith lVmdschitl Keit Please find the following prices for the 2002 City Ne~rsletter. These prices are quoted using a Web press and sheet fed. Due to the nature of the Web press, The actual finish siz~ of thc ncwslctter will be 8 ¼"w x 10 %'h.. Looking at the sample of the last newsletter that was done on a web. It ~11 be tt~ same size as that one. I w~ be able to supply samples upon your request. We will require that the artwork be supplied as a PDF electronic file. The person doing the artwork will know what this means. Qty 20 pages 24 pages $4,54g.62.00/qtr. $4.754.16.00/qtr. Additional color on cover Additional scans $445.00/qtr. $75.00/ea. Sheet Fed Pricing as Qty 20 pages $5,695.08/qtr 24 pages $6,030.30/qtr Additional color on cover Additional scans $335.00/qtr $75.00/ea. PRICING INCLUDES ALL TAXES, POSTAGE, AND ANY DELIVERY CHARGES If you have any questions, please contact mc at 651-697-7834 Sinexxely, Tom Ramsdell Mamdas Print. Services Estimate for The City of Columbia Heights December 19, 2001 We are pleased to provide you the following estimate based on the specifications provided. Anchor Pdnting is a Sheet Fed, Offset Printer. Job Description: Customer to Supply: Quantity: 20 Pages - Self Cover: 24 Pages - Self Cover: 16 Pages + 3/2 Cover: 20 Pages + 3/2 Cover: Halftone Scans: City Newsletter Finished Size 8.5" X 11" 60# White Spectrum Offset Black Plus I PMS Color Fold, Collate, Stitch & Tdm 10,047 Newsletters will be mailed to all Columbia Heights residents.' Disk (Microsoft Publisher 6.0 File) 12,900 $3956 $4974 $4431 $5242 $10 each Anchor Printing Company agrees to lock the prices on the Newsletter for Three Years. **' The only exception to this agreement will be paper price increases that exceed a total of five percent. Anchor'Pdnting agrees to absorb the paper pdce increases through five percent, and the City of Columbia Heights agrees to pay the additional paper price increase beyond five percent. A:II paper prices will be documented for your review. 7913 PALMGREN AVE. NE · ELK RIVER, MINNESOTA 55330 · 612.387.8744 www. anchorprt.com direct Keith Windschitl 530 Mill st NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Description: Recreation book 20 or 24 page self cover 12/17/01 Size: 8.5 x 11 finished Stock: 60 lb white offset (sheet fed) Colors: 2/2 with a 3/2 cover option Bindery: Saddle Stiched Prep: disk Packing: cartons Delivery: local Scott Fortier Quantity and Price: 12,900 (10,047 to be mailed @ $725.00) ---~ '7! ~ 7. ~'~ 20 page @ 2 color $4,354.79 20 page @ 3 color cover $4,738.19 -//'~'~ 7~' ~ 1, ~/~ 24 page @ 2 color $4,856.40 24 page @ 3 color cover $5,342.04 -F Quote includes printing, mailing, 6.5% tax, and all associated costs except postage. There will be a $15.00 charge f-or each half tone photograph. 5% discount on 3 year contract. Thank you for the opportunity! Scott Fortier SOLD '10 COCUM~P, HEIGHTS RECR~ OEPAR~ 53O MILl. STREET NE .COLUMBIA HEIGHTS MN 5,542.1 (763) SIR SPEEDY PRINTING ~432 7229 University Ave. N.E. Fridley MN 55432 571-4608 Fax (763) 571-24,37 No. Date Estimate E#7857 1/2/2002 12.900 12,900 12,900 12,900 12,900 10,183 2002 CITY NEWSLETTER 20 PAGE BOOKLET 2002 CITY .NEWSLETTER 24 PAGE BOOKLET 2002 CITY NEWSLETTER 20 PAGE BOOKLET 3 COLOR COVER 2002 CITY NEWSLETTER 24 PAGE BOOKLET 3 COLOR COVER MAIUNG SERVICES POSTAGE AT .12 PER ITEM ADDITIONAL TYPESETTING(IF NECESSARY) WILL BE BILLED AT $60 PER HOUR A DISCOUNT OF 2% WILL 6E GIVEN IF PAYMENT IS MADE WITHIN 10 OAYS SALES TAX (IF APPLICABLE) WiLL BE BILLED AT 6.5% This estimate i~ va#d for 30 days. SUBTOTAL TAX SHIPPING TOTAL AMOUNT DtJE 5,568.97 6,463.56 6,073.03 6,967.62 525.00 1.221.96 Thank you for allowing us to serve you. This estifftate is based on Information received by Sir Speedy, and is subject to revision upon receipt of materials for the actual job. Chaffjes for corrections and any customer alteration will be added to the estimated price. Customer will be notified of any additional charges before work is begun. Experience the differences a great printer c~n m~ke. The John Roberts Company 9687 East River Road Minneapolis, MN 55433 Phone: 763.755.550~ 'www.johnroberts.com December 31,2001 Columbia Heights Recreation Department 530 Mill Street N.E Columbia Heights, MN. 55421 Keith Windschitl We are pleased to present the following quotation for printing: to Description Quarterly City Newsletter For 2002 Size Paper stock Artwork, Film Preparation and Proofs Prep costs are subject to review of electronic files Press Work Colors 20pg SelfCover -VS- 24pg SeifCover 8-1/2 x 11 603 White Matte Text Customer to fumish disk with hardcopy, JR will provide confirming dylux and color approval proofs. 2c / 2c Pms color + Black 2 sides Bindery Die Cut and Numbering Glue, Perf, Score F.O.B. Packaging and Delivery Quantity and Price Option: Outside Cover is 3 colors Saddle Stitch 11" Way lnkjet and mail 10,000 balance bulk ships local. Qty = 12,900 20pgs Prep, Print, Stitch = $ 4,420. 00 Add'l for 3 color cover - $ 500. 00 Add'l for Halftone Scan - $ 25 ea. Scan -VS- 12,900 24pgs $ 5,000. 00 $ 565. oo Inkjet and Mail 10m = $ 592.00 + Postage * All prices include Sales Tax and Delivery Charges. Thank you for letting me present this quotation. If you have any questions, Due to paper mill pricing policies, we are unable to guarantee paper prices. Paper pricing is subject to the price prevailing at the time of delivery and any increase applicable to this shipment of paper will be added to our quotation. Revisio, r~s to specifications may result in price changes. Quotations more than 30 days old are subject to review. '~,~ ~~.~,~..._ /~/,~ ~/ TERMS: Net 30 days from date of invoice. The John Roberts Co., by / ACCEPTANCE. ~r/om Claveau /- D.S. §ate Signature ~tle SA-103-3a Rev. 03 - 0~/12/g1 3an 03 O~ 01:43P p.1 FAX COVER PAGE RAPID GRAPHICS & MAILING INC. 4016 Central Avenue Northeast · Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 (763) 781-693I. Fax: (763) 781-2704 Emaih rapidgraphics~__,qwest, net Pages to follow: TO: FROM: ,0 e~ COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: January 14, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER'S NO: 7-C-1 Community Development APPROVAL Resolution2002-04, Appointmentof BY: Randy Schumacher J~'j BY:~f.~:~'~ ITEM: EDA Commissioner DATE: January 10, 2002 ISSUE STATEMENT: The City Council is requested to approve the Mayor's appointment of Commissioner Ruettimann to the Columbia Heights EDA term which expired on January 8, 2002. BACKGROUND: Mayor Peterson has re-appointed Commissioner Robert Ruettimann to the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority for another six (6) year term, which expired effective January 8, 2002. By authority of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 469, EDA Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor and must be approved by the City Council. Commissioner Ruettimann has expressed interest in continuing to serve as a citizen at-large on the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority. We have attached a copy of a letter from Mayor Peterson requesting City Council approval for the re- appointment of Commissioner Ruettimann to the Columbia Heights EDA. You will also find attached a copy of draft Resolution 2002-04 and a summary sheet identifying the appointments and term expirations for the EDA members. RECOMMENDATION: The Mayor is requesting City Council approval of his re-appointment of Commissioner Ruettimann to the EDA Board, which term will expire on January 8, 2007. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-04, there being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution 2002-04, being a Resolution approving the Appointment of a Commissioner to the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority. Attachments COUNCIL ACTION: h:\Consent2002\Resolution CL Appointing EDA Commissioner RESOLUTION NO. 2002-04 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPOINTMENT OF A COMMISSIONER TO THE COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. WHEREAS, the City has, by the adoption of Resolution No. 96-01 (enabling resolution), duly created an Economic Development Authority (EDA) for the City of Columbia Heights pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469 (Act), and WHEREAS, the Enabling Resolution provides that the Board of Commissioners of the EDA shall consist of seven members, at least two, but not more than five, of who must be members of the City Council, and WHEREAS, the Mayor has this day re-appointed the following person as Commissioner of the EDA for the term as indicated: Robert Ruettimann Term ending January 8, 2007 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby approves the appointment of Robert Ruettimann to the aforementioned terms of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority. Passed this Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: __day of .,2002. Mayor-Gary L. Peterson Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk H:\Resolutions2002\CL Resolution Appointment of EDA Commissioner CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 (763) 706-3600 TDD (763) 706-3692 Visit Our Website at: www. ci. columbia-heights.mn, us Mayor: Gary L. Peterson Councilmembers: Marlaine Szurek Julierme Wyckoff Bruce Nawrocki Bobby Williams City Manager Walter R. Fehst ADMINISTRATION January 10, 2002 Randy Schumacher Acting Community Development Director C/O Housing and Redevelopment Authority 590 40th Avenue N.E. Columbia Heights, MN 55421 RE: Appointment of EDA Commissioner Dear Randy: I am hereby writing to inform you of my decision to reappoint of Robert Ruettimann as Commissioner to the Economic Development Authority. As you know, the appointment is subject to approval of the City Council, therefore, I am requesting you schedule the approval of the appointment for the City Council meeting scheduled on January 14, 2002. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Yours very truly, Gary L. Peterson Mayor C: Walt Fehst, Executive Director Patty Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk EDA Commissioners file H:\EDA Misc.2002\Appointment of EDA 2002 THE CITY Of COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS Of DISABILITYIN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OFSERVICES EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) REGULAR MEETING MhNUTES OF NOVEMBER 20, 2001 CALL TO ORDER - The Regular Meeting of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority, (EDA) was called to order by President Ruettimann at 7:01 p.m., Tuesday, November 20, 2001, in the Parkview Villa Community Room B, 965 40'~ Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, Minnesota. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: Staff Present: Robert Ruettimann, Patricia Jindra, Marlaine Szurek, Gary Peterson, Julienne Wyckoff, Bruce Nawrocki, and Bobby Williams Walt Fehst, Executive Director Randy Schumacher, Acting Community Dev. Director Anita Kottsick, Parkview Villa Housing Administrator Cheryl Bakken, Secretary ADDITIONS, DELETIONS TO MEETING AGENDA - Ruettimann announced that 9-A-3 under Items for Consideration, Other Resolutions, was deleted for lack of necessary information for discussion. CONSENT AGENDA Adopt the consent agenda items as listed below. 1) Approval of Minutes - regular meeting of October, 2001 Move to adopt the minutes of the October, 2001 regular meeting as presented in writing. 2) Financial Report and Payment of Bills a. Financial Statement - October, 2001 b.' Payment of Bills - October, 2001 Move to approve Resolution' 2001-17, Resolution of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA) approving the financial statements for October, 2001 and approving payment of bills for October, 2001. MOTION by Nawrocki, second by Williams, to adopt the consent agenda items as listed. All ayes. Motion Carried. REPORT OF TIlE MANAGEMENT COMP.aa'NY Kottsick indicated that an inspector from the insurance company was out to inspect the new boilers and stated that they did not meet code. Therefore, the units were shut down until the contractor adds individual relief valves and shut off valves to each boiler. The hot water was out of service on November 8'a due to cloggedpipes, which made the unit overheat. Repairs were made on the 9tn. There was some vandalism at 4607 Tyler to the fence gate on the week of November 5th, which has been repaired. Trans Alarm replaced two cameras in the parking lot. There are only five residents left to issue security cards to and this should be done by next week. She will then have the system turned on. The strike on the middle door isn't very good, so Trans Alarm has been called to adjust it. Administrative Report- Kottsick is experiencing problems with HUD's new system for submitting the 50058family reports. Our software vendor is working with a representative from HUD to resolve the problems. The guidelines and procedures for the voluntary floor-checking program that will begin on January 1, 2002, are being discussed at the Resident Council meetings. At the November Resident Council meeting, residents were asked how many currently use the beauty Economic Development Authority Minutes November 20, 2001 Page 2 of 5 salon and how satisfied they are with the services, prices and quality. Twenty-eight female residents polled use the services. The majority of residents in attendance, were satisfied with the current services received. Nawrocki felt that twenty eight residents polled at Parkview Villa was not enough ora percentage to determine if they are satisfied with the salon services and wanted staff to check into what the reasoning is for the residents that don't use the salon. Jindra stated that at the Resident Council meeting some of the residents stated they still prefer to go to the beautician they have been going to for years at another location. MOTION by Peterson, second by Williams, to make theYesident satisfaction of the salon services at Parkview Villa a non-issue, as this is something that should be brought before the Resident Council. Upon Vote: J'inda-Aye, Peterson- Aye, Nawrocki- Nay, Szurek- Aye, Williams- Aye, Wyckoff- Aye. Motion Carried. Contract l"or Snow Removal Kottsick stated she contacted a number of contractors in the area to bid on the snow removal for Parkview Villa and the Tyler Street locations. Three contractors responded, Clean Sweep, Inc. at $84.70 per hour with plowing beginning at 1.5 to 3 inches, Fridley Snow Plowing and Removal responded with a no bid, but stated their hourly rate was $58.00, and Professional Building Maintenance Services, Inc. of Columbia Heights at $50 per occurrence for 1 to 4 inches and $60 per occurrence for 4- 8 inches of snow. Nawrocki felt that $40 for 1 to 4 inches of snow was too high for 4607 Tyler Street when we are only paying $50 at Parkview Villa for a much larger parking area. MOTION by Williams, second by Peterson, to approve the contract for snow removal services to cover year 2001-2002, to Professional Building Maintenance Services; and furthermore, to authorize'the President and Executive Director to enter into an agreement for the same. All ayes. Motion Carried. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION. Other Resolutions. Resolution 2001-18, Transferring Authori~ from EDA to HRA. Schumacher indicated that at the ED~I meeting on February, 2001 it was suggested the Board consider transferring all City housing responsibilities, ownership, and operations to the Columbia Heights Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HIM) thus allowing the EDA to focus on community development and redevelopment issues. Then on October 22, 2001 the City Council approved the second reading of Ordinance number 1442, determining the City's overall housing and redevelopment objectives would be best served if certain housing powers are allocated to the HIM, and redevelopment and economic development powers are allocated to the EDA. By approving Resolution 2001-18, this would transfer the control, authority and operation of all housing programs and projects from the EDA to the HR& as well as all real estate property and contracts. Nawrocki felt the City does not need two agencies (HRA/EDA). Economic Development Authority Minutes November 20, 2001 Page 3 of 5 MOTION by Peterson, second by Szurek, to approve Resolution 2001-18, a resolution relating to the transfer of certain projects to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority from the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority; Modifying the Purchases of Services Agreement. Upon Vote: Jindra- Aye, Peterson- Aye, Nawrocki- Nay, Szurek- Aye, Williams- Aye, Wyckoff- Aye. Motion Carried. Resolution 2001-19, Decertification of Parcels from the CDB TIF District Schumacher indicated the Anoka County Auditors Office contacted staff to advise us that when the Transition Block Redevelopment TIF District No. 9 was certified in 1999, it included two parcels of land, the Locksmith Shop and the Professional Building, that h,ad previously been included in the Central Downtown Business TIF District. Therefore, the two parbels that were a part of the Transition Block Redevelopment TIF District No. 9for the 50 unit Senior Assisted £iving facility need to be removed from the original Central Downtown Business TIF District by decertification. Resolution 2001-19 would decerti~ the two parcels from the district. MOTION by Williams, second by Wyckoff, to approve Resolution 2001-19, a Resolution Decertifying Parcels 35-30-24-14-0092 and 35-30-24-14-0091 from the Central Downtown Business TIF District. All ayes. Motion Carried. Other Business. One Year Extension for Agreement with Center for Energy and Environment Schumacher indicated in 1999 the EDA entered into an agreement with the Center for Energy and Environment to administer comprehensive housing rehabilitation services for the Community Development Block Grant program. At the same time, the City entered into an agreement with CEE for administering the MHFA loan programs. Both agreements were extended for an additional year and expire on December 31, 2001. In the past year, CEE has not processed the CDBG loans in a timely matter. Therefore, staff recommended City Council approve the renewal of a one-year agreement with CEE to administer the MHFA loan housing rehabilitation programs and authorize staff to negotiate an agreement with ACCAP for administering the Community Development Block Grants for 2002. MOTION by Wyckoff, second by Szurek, to authorize staff to negotiate an agreement for administrative services with ACCAP for the Community Development Block Grant Program and bring it back to the EDA for consideration. All ayes. Motion Carried. MOTION by Wyckoff, second by Jindra, to recommend City Council approve the agreement for administrative services between CEE and the City for the MI-IFA Home Improvement Loans based upon their proposal. All Ayes. Motion Carried. Commercial and Housing Redevelopment. Gordon Awsumb with Minnesota Development, Harlan Jacobs with Genesis Corporation, and John Lampland, SavvyNet Inc., presented three items for consideration by the Board. Fiber Optics- Next spring when the downtown streets are upgraded the City would substantially save money by installing Fiber Optic Access at the same time. The advantages of installing Fiber Optic Access in Columbia Heights is that it would put Columbia Heights ahead of other cities installation, enhance the tax base, create more jobs and development in the City. With Fiber Optic Access the City and developers could build higher buildings to facilitate businesses in the Downtown Cohtmbia Heights area. Awsumb stated that his firm and Genesis would be willing to donate to the addition of Fiber Optics in the City. The total cost of the access link, Economic Development Authority Minutes November 20, 2001 Page 4 of 5 phase I, project engineer, administrative costs, data communication equipment, reserve funds, and phase II would be $965,308. Wyckoff stated that the Telecommunications Committee Technicians- Dennis Stroik, Reuben Ruen, and Dan Swee should be contacted to discuss the Fiber Optic issues. Ruettimann suggested presenting the plan to Public Works Department, the Telecommunications Committee and then to bring it before the City Council Development-Awsumb stated he has plans to develop another 50, 000 sq. fl. office unit above his bank building if the City should put in the Fiber Optic Access, which would enhance bio-medical companies to move into Columbia Heights. ,4 Joint Partnership with the City for a Townhome Development- Awsumb proposed a joint partnership with the City of Columbia Heights to development the Gould Avenue and Central Avenue areas with a new Townhome Development. Currently Minnesota Development has an agreement with the City of Minneapolis to develop the same kind of project. MOTION by Nawrocki, second by Ruettimann, to recommend the Telecommunications Commission review the Fiber Optic plans, check with Qwest as to what their plans for Fiber Optics in the future are, Check with the City of Minneapolis on their intentions for Fiber Optics on Central Avenue, and to set up a meeting for January 2002 with City Councilmembers to discuss the issues presented, with Bruce Nawrocki chairing the steering committee. All ayes. Motion Carried. Establish a Business Revolving Loan Fund Review Committee. Nagel indicated that with the sale of the Neilsen and Chartraw loans, and the early payoff of the Warrick Loan, and an undetermined amount of funds from outstanding Business Revolving Loans that the City should establish a Business Revolving Loan Fund Review Committee to revise and update the Bylaws and Plan for all BRLF loans before processing any new ones: Nagel asked for a committee of three members to review the documents. Ervin Bednard, Wyckoff and Ruettimann, along with staff member Mark Nagel will be the three-member committee to review the documents. MOTION by Peterson, second by Williams, to establish a three-member committee of Bob Ruettimann, Julierme Wyckoff and Ervin Bednard, to work with staff member, Mark Nagel to review the BRLF Loan Review Committee Bylaws and Plan and submit recommended revisions to the EDA Board. All ayes. Motion Carried. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS. Scheduling of December Meetings Schumacher requested an additional EDA meeting be held on December 17~ at 6p.m. prior to the City Council meeting to approve agreements such as the CDBG application for Anoka County that is due January 11t~, and the agreement with ACCAP to administer the CDBG loan program for 2002. The Board agreed to the December 176 meeting to be held at City Hall, Conference Room. 1, prior to the City Council meeting. Review of Parking Ramp Condition Studies. Ruettimann indicated that the Parking Ramp studies have been done and there are three issues that he felt the Public Works department couM take care; 1) grate missing shown in picture #5, 2) cable on the Economic Development Authority Minutes November 20, 2001 Page 5 of 5 southeast corner in Gordon .4wsumb 's bank building ramp that needs to be protected, and 3) one piece of metal flashing that needs to be covered on the medical building ramp. Staff will contact Kevin Hansen in regards to getting the three items fixed by the Public Work employees. Parkview Villa Security System Update Schumacher passed around pictures taken earlier today showing the clarity of the new cameras. The City's Police Department reviewed the pictures and stated that if we wanted to use them for prosecution, it wouM never hoM up in court, as you cannot identify the faces and license plate numbers. Staff will set up a meeting with Trans-,,llarm to make adjustments and go over the contract. Ruettimann requested staff contact the City Attorney, JimhHoefl, to review the contract prior to meeting with Bruce Vogelgesang of Trans-Alarm. Residents Council Meeting Minutes A copy of the minutes from the Resident Council Meeting of November 12, 2001 was submitted by Jindra. No discussion was received. MEETINGS The next EDA meeting is scheduled for 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 17, 2001 at City Hall, Conference Room 1. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Wyckoff, seconded by Szurek, to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. All ayes. Motion Carried. Respectfully submitted, Cheryl Bakken Recording Secretary H:\EDAminutes2001\November 20, 2001 THESE NOT gEE'N APP OYED City of Columbia Heights Park and Recreation Commission November 28, 2001 The meeting was called to order by Eileen Evans at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Members present: Eileen Evans; Jerry Foss; Tom Greenhalgh; Gary Mayer; Scott Niemeyer; Gary Peterson; Keith Windschitl, Recreation Director Members absent: Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director/City Engineer; Bill Peterson; Roger Peterson Also present: Bobby Williams, Council Representative APPROVAL CONSENT AGENDA: Motion to approve consent agenda by Foss; second by Greenhalgh. All ayes, motion carried LETTERS AND REQUESTS: Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, and Mayor, Gary Peterson, elaborated on the holiday kick off party that was held on Saturday, November 24, 2001. The holiday kick off party was well attended by the community. This event raised $3505.00 for the Columbia Heights Library. OLD BUSINESS: There is no old business at this time. NEW BUSINESS: Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, discussed different rental rate increase options for use of John P. Murzyn Hall for the year of 2003. Motion by Foss, second by Mayer to increase the rental rates by 10% for the year of 2003. All ayes, motion carried. Motion by Foss, second by Mayer to increase down payment to $500 if the hall is rented and to stay at $100 for all other rented rooms. Both down payments will become non- refundable. All ayes, motion carried. Motion by Foss, second by Greenhalgh to decrease the Columbia Heights resident discount from 35% to 20%. All ayes, motion carried. Motion by Greenhalgh, second by Niemeyer to have all of the above said motions take place as of January 1, 2002. All ayes, motion carried. PAGE TWO Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, briefly discussed the menu options for the holiday Park and Recreation Commission meeting to be held on December 26, 2001 at Little Jacks Steak House. REPORTS: Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, reported to the commission members that the Youth Enrichment Coordinator, Cindi Willprecht, has resigned. The Youth Enrichment Coordinator job was originally a full time position but was reduced to half time due to Cindi's second job. This position will be posted as a full time position with 1/2 of the salary is being paid for out of grant money, and the other ½ of the salary being paid for out of the Recreation salary allotment. Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, stated that the wrestling club wants to do a fundraiser at JPM on a Sunday. He explained to the wrestling club that they would be charged a $40 entry fee and $15/hour. He also explained to them that if they prefer to have the fees waived, they would need to write a letter to the Park and Recreation Commission requesting fees to be waived. Public Works Director/City Engineer, Kevin Hansen asked the Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, to hand out the improvements to the park system and Columbia Heights to the commission members. The hand out detailed the park improvement highlights for the year of 2001. Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, handed out to the commission members a memo that was typed by Commission Member, Roger Peterson. The memo included his votes on the various issues of the November 2001 Park and Recreation Commission agenda and is also a resignation of his position on the commission effective January 2002. Commission Member, Jerry Foss, asked the commission members if it would be worth pursuing to try to start a referendum to raise money to fix the parks in Columbia Heights. Mayor, Gary Peterson, said that the last time a substantial amount of money was spent on the parks was in 1968. Commission Member, Jerry Foss, informed the commission members that a meeting was held with the Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl; Activities Director, Kyle Perry; Commission Member, Jerry Foss; and Columbia Heights Booster member, Jack Bartlett, to discuss banquet options. It has been agreed upon that a high school banquet will be held on a Wednesday night so long as there is no athlete younger than 9th grade, JPM will allow for a few Thursdays a year to be given for banquets, and there is the possibility of using a few Sundays throughout the year. PAGE THREE ADJOURNMENT Motion by Greenhalgh, second by Foss to adjourn. adjourned at 7:51 p.m. All ayes, motion carried. Meeting Tina Foss, Park and Recreation Commission Secretary -A-B COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Of TRUSTEES MINUTES December 4, :2001 The meeting was called to order by Chair Barbara Miller at 7:05 p.m. Those present were Patricia Sowada, Catherine Vesley, Barbara Miller, Julienne Wyckoff and Becky Loader. It was moved, seconded, and passed to approve the minutes of the November 6, meeting as mailed. The bill list of November 26, 2001, was reviewed. It was moved, seconded, and passed that they be paid. The accounting was reviewed. Note: The City, Manager had to sign the bill for our new library cards because it exceeded $1,500.00. He paid the bill directly, so it does not appear on the bill list. Old Business: ]. A follow up report was given on the Mayor's Holiday Kick-0ffEvent. Gary Peterson has already donated $1,713 from the silent auction to the library. Catherine and Julienne attended the event and reported that the band was good, the food was good, and the items in the silent auction were wonderful. The hall has been reserved for the event again next year on November 30. The Board would like to express their appreciation to the Mayor and Bobby Williams for their generous donation to the library. 2. The Foundation by-laws and articles of incorporation were reviewed. The City Attorney's representative has reviewed both documents and everything is in order. He suggested that the document name and number that appears on the drafts be removed before filing with the State. It was moved, seconded and passed to approve and file the Articles of Incorporation. 3. The Barnes and Noble fundraiser raised $1,063.00. The thank you letters that were sent for book donations were reviewed. The list of program participants was also reviewed. Once the check has been received, a thank you will be sent to Barnes & Noble. The Library hopes to be able to schedule another fundraiser with them next year. The Board wishes to acknowledge Marsha Tubbs for all her diligence and hard work in order to make this program possible. 4. The Schuh property, which is adjacent to the Library's parking lot, was discussed. The ordinance #1087 dealing with said property's driveway easement was reviewed. 5. Budget update was given. The items that were reinstated into the proposed library budget are: $22,482 in part-time employees, $2,318 to the book budget and $1,400 for a departmental printer. This means that the vacant library clerk position will be advertised in January. 6. The library board will convene a public hearing on the Library's Internet policy on January 8, at 6:30 p.m. The regular Board meeting will follow immediately. 7. The vacancy that currently exists on the Library Board will remain so until April. The vacancy needs to be advertised for 120 days and then interviews must be conducted by the City Council. 8. A network update was provided. The new PAC terminals (Public Access Computers) are in and available. It is a windows environment and there are several online electronic databases available to the public. The computers are called "portals" -entry to other databases through a common gateway. Paul Grosse from the City IS department and A1 Rautio from Anoka County Library worked together to make this transition possible. Staff is in the process of being trained. 9. The Board members are being asked to attend the Council meeting on December 17, in order to receive a ceremonial check from the Mayor for the money raised at the Holiday Kick-Off Event. The Library will once again have the purchase of the Star-Tribune on microfilm on the agenda. Staff has been in contact with ProQuest, which produces the microfilm, and they assure us that no issues will be missed. There was a discussion on what options might be available so that this is not an issue in the future. 10. An update on the three new pages was presented. All three passed the page test that was administered today. They will begin working a regular shift next week. Mike Brown has submitted his resignation from the regular schedule to take a full-time position elsewhere. He will continue to work 2 weekends a month. 11. Thank you letter addressed to Marsha Tubbs as the organizer and chief motivator of the Barnes & Noble fundraiser was reviewed. New Business: 1. Crossover statistics were reviewed. 2. Marlene Moulton Janssen has been named the new MELSA Director. She comes from the position of Assistant Director of Washington County Library. 3. The heat exchange unit over the east room was red tagged by Honeywell and had to be replaced. Walt was notified of the problem. He negotiated with Roger Anderson to replace the unit for $790.00, but when the bill arrived it was for over $1,000. A call is in to Honeywell and their bill resolution person will get back to us about the outcome. The issue of the library's tax-exempt status was brought to light during this exchange. The Assistant Finance Director located an ST3 form, which is a tax-exempt certificate. The statute that the library has sited it the past has been replaced and re-numbered. Current and new vendors who will take our letter with the new statute number listed will be left as is. New vendors who require the certificate will be issued one on a per purchase basis. 4. The Technology Plan is being reviewed. The draft of the plan with the county is complete, and the City portion of the technology plan will be reviewed in January. 5. A request for transfer of funds was submitted. It was moved, seconded and passed to transfer $50.00 from line item 2186:Storytime Media, to line item 2170: Program Supplies for Winter Reading Club. 6. Nancy Hoium will be unavailable for the January Board Meeting. Pat Sowada will not be at the February meeting. 7. Gordon Awsumb, of the NE State Bank Building addressed the subject of fiber optics under Central Avenue. He also said that the courtyard and parking ramp would support being built on. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Je~ine M. Schmidt Secretary to the Library Board of Trustees. The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the bagis of disability in the admission or access to, ortreatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights services, programs, and activities. 2 THE MINUTES OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION FROM THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2001 The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Ken Henke, Vice Chair. ROLL CALL: Commission Members: Dave Mahoney, Bob Buboltz, Ken Henke, Brad Peterson, and Reuben Ruen Dan Swee arrived at 7:30 pm Council Representative: Bruce Nawrocki City Representative: Linda Magee and Jean Kuehn AT & T Broadband Rep: Kathi Donnelly-Cohen Also present were Gordon Awsumb, Managing Partner of the 3989 Central Avenue Business Center and John Lampland fi.om SavvyNet, an Internet Communications Company. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Bob Buboltz, second by Reuben Ruen, to approve the minutes from the meeting of October 18, 2001, with the following correction: New Business, Item E. to reflect an average of 20 minutes hold time, not 45 minutes as written. AH ayes. OLD BUSINESS A. Channel Check The only problems detected were on Access Channels where the message bar quivers and does not sink in properly. B. Correspondence Log and Complaint Follow Up. There were no complaints received by the City since the last meeting C 2000 Annual Report-Remaining Outstanding Item-Financial Information The financial statement prepared by an accountant was enclosed in the agenda packet. This was the last of the information requested for the Annual Report of 2000. Motion By Reuben Ruen, seconded by Brad Peterson, to accept the Annual Report for 2000. All ayes. D. Other Old Business Mr. Nawrocki questioned whether he had been given preferential treatment for the service call made at kis residence to correct problems with his cable service. He asked that the Commission members review the facts and discuss the situation. He left the room while the issue was discussed, and the commission came to a decision. Kathi Donnelly Cohen, from AT & T Broadband, reported that she had arranged for customer service to schedule an appointment with Mr. Nawrocki. She has done this for others on numerous occasions, whenever she is made aware of someone who is experiencing problems. The service technician is not made aware of who the subscriber is. He would have received the same service whether he had called customer service himself, or if Kathi reported it as in this case. After reviewing the facts and listening to Kattfi Donnelly Cohen, the commission decided that he had received the same service as any cable subscriber with a reception problem. TELECOMMUNICATIONS MEETING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 20, 2001 PAGE 2 NEW BUSINESS A. Notice Regarding Equipment Compatibility Sent to Subscribers A copy of the notice to sent subscribers was enclosed in the agenda packets for review. Kathi explained there are three notices sent to subscribers on an annual basis in order to comply with requirements set by the FCC. B. Notice to Subscribers Regarding Changes in Programming for Analog and Digital Services A copy of the letters sent to subscribers regarding changes in programming for those customers subscribing to analog and digital service were enclosed in the packets. These changes took effect December 18, 2001. Premium services have been moved to digital service only. Subscribers must now have a digital converter box to obtain these channels, but the price for the service has remained the same. C. Notice of Rate Increase Effective January 1, 2002 A letter was received November 21,2001, notifying the City of the Rate Increase for Basic 2 and Standard Cable, as well as to premium services effective January 1, 2002. The prices for Basic 1 and equipment rates were not adjusted, so we do not have the opportunity to review the charges or regulate them in any way. It was noted that we held the Public Hearing on the last increase fi.om July 2001. The City now has until March 1, 2002, to order any adjustments to that increase. D. Discussion with SavvyNet regarding Fiber Access on Central Ave Gordon Awsumb, from the Central Business Center, and John Lampland, from SavvyNet, had recently addressed the EDA Board regarding placement of a Fiber Optic line in Central Avenue while the street is being reconstructed next year. The EDA Board recommended the Telecommunications Commission review this idea and share their thoughts with the EDA Board/City Council. Mr. Awsumb and Mr. Lampland are specifically interested in accessing fiber optic at their building on 40'~ and Central Ave to better serve their clients and expand business opportunities at this site. Mr. Awsumb explained the importance of providing high speed data service to further economic development for other areas in Columbia Heights as well. He feels a fiber optic line will help build a strong tax base by providing service for current businesses, as well as attracting new businesses. He envisions Columbia Heights as being the furore home of several high tech business centers if we have the foresight to provide the equipment necessary for these businesses to operate using the latest technology available. He stated the costs have been reduced from their first proposal due to the fact that they have discovered Qwest akeady has a fiber optic line running up Central to 44~ Avenue, with a vault on 42"d Avenue. He estimates that it will cost approximately $150,000 to bring a connection line down from 42~ Avenue to the 40z Avenue intersection, do the connection to the building, and to cover Engineering and Administration costs. It was noted that Qwest will be connecting Columbia Park Clinic to their line soon. Columbia Park Clinic is paying for this connection, but has to do it according to Mr. Awsumb, on Qwest's timeframe. The Commission members asked Kathi Donnelly Cohen if AT & T Broadband provides this type of service. She states they do, but on a residential scale. They are not equipped at this time to take on large office complexes. TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 20, 2001 PAGE 3 go REPORTS. Ao Do Dan Swee asked why the City should pay for this project. Mr. Awsumb explained that it just made sense to place vaults accessing the duct banks every block along the avenue while it is being reconstructed, so the street will not have to be dug up again in a few years. If the vaults were strategically placed, lines could be fed to future business in other directions. He went on to explain that OC3 lines must be secure and must be inground. These lines provide the larger capacity needed by businesses. While many of the Commission members felt it would be a good idea to provide for digital service while the street is being reconstructed, they raised some issues that need to be checked out. They questioned legal issues such as ownership of the lines if additional conduits are mn along a State Highway, connection costs and how they would be assessed, usage costs, what could be done with extra space in the conduits, etc. They also questioned what Qwest's plans are for placing additional lines or vaults along Central during reconstruction, and if they had been informed of the reconstruction project. There was a long discussion and it was the general consensus of the commission that this is something to pursue after the EDA decides what areas they would like to develop, after certain legal issues are answered, and after finding out what Qwest's plans are. IfQwest has plans for additional work along Central, the City may not have to do anything. Other New Business There was no other new business. Report of Commissioners Educational-Dennis was not present, but he forwarded a memo from the School District reporting on the status of the equipment and training that was purchased with a grant from the Commission. Government- Nothing to report Library-Nothing to report Public-Nothing to report Report of AT & T Broadband- The reports for October to present were enclosed in the agenda packets. Kathi Donnelly Cohen passed out a copy of a press release regarding the merger of AT & T Broadband and Comcast. This merger will make them the largest cable provider in the country. Report of the Cable Attorney Our legal counsel was not present at this meeting. Report of the Assistant to the City Manager The Holiday Dinner will be held at Jax Caf6 on January 17, 2002 at 6:30 pm. Notices will be sent out to members in January. Motion by Bob Buboltz, seconded by Brad Peterson, to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 pm. Respectfully submitted, Shelley Hanson Secretary All ayes.