HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 7, 2002 Work SessionCITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 (763) 706-3600 TDD (763) 706-3692 Visit Our Website at: www. ci. columbia-heights, mn. us ADMINISTRATION Mayor Gary L. Peterson Councilmembers Marlaine Szurek Julienne Wyckoff Bruce Nawrocki Robert ~1. Williams City Manaoer Walt Fehst NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A COUNCIL WORK SESSION as follows: Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Location of Meeting: Purpose of Meeting: COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 2002 7:00 P.M. CONFERENCE ROOM 1 WORK SESSION ,4 GEND.4 Presentations: 1. Presentation to Council from Real Estate Equities for NEI building 2. Presentation from Tim Johnson on Downtown Redevelopment from NEI site to Mady's block Consent 1. Award bid for City Newsletter Discussion 1. Review of Central Avenue Plans and Schedule 2. Update of Street Rehab 20 year plan 3. Review of Lomianki Park Development Options 4. HRA Board Structure 5. Appoint Council President and Council Committee Assignments 6. Purchase of 3970 Jackson Street - discussion The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for handicapped persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Council Secretary at 706-3611, to make arrangements. (TDD/706-3692 for deaf or hearing impaired only) THE CITY Of COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS Of DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Discussion Outline TO: City of Columbia Heights C ty Council. PRESENTED BY: ~AL ESTATE EQUITIES Master Plan Considerations: Town Square Concept New City Hall New Green Space New Housing New Commercial New Library New Streetscape Background: Need has been identified for a Cornmunity Center Previous referendum attempts for a Community Center Previous discussions about library Desire and need for NEW For-Sale Townhome Development City Space Requirements: City Offices (Including Public Works) Community Center Library Police And Fire 20,640 SF 36,255 SF 20,000 SF Expand in existing building POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS Redevelopment Options: Demolition entire building / New Construction Adaptive Re-use of entire building Combination of above NEI Owns: Land: 7.5 ACRES Parking: 480 STALLS Building: 120,300 Sq. Ft. # Of Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Classrooms Classrooms Gym. / Aud. Common / Adm Total 1951 Building 16 16,000 36,400 24,900 77,300 1926 Building 22 15,600 9,100 18,300 43,000 Total Complex 38 31,600 45,500 43,200 120,300 Proposed Acquisition Scenario: Proposed Acquisition Price - $2,000,000.00 · :' Acquisition 1982 = $1,000,000.00 · :' Appreciation Value (5% yr.) 2003 = $2,785,000.00 · Improvements to Site: · Price paid for land: · (Plus) Improvements: · (Minus) Required Capital Improvements: $270,000.00 $665,000.00 INITIAL FINANCING OPTIONS Financial Options: [] Annual Appropriation Bonds (G.O. Revenue Bonds) EDA Bonds combined with School District Funds [] Private Ownership Leaseback Note: Seek outside funding sources (State appropriation grants, contributions, etc.) Next Step: [] Time Frame [] Roles and Responsibilities CITY SPACE REQUIREMENTS CITY HALL OFFICES: CITY MANAGER CITY COUNCIL FINANCE/MIS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMON AREAS NON-ASSIGNABLE ENGINEERING/PUBLIC WORKS COMMUNITY CENTER LIBRARY 2,800 2,300 2,160 1,380 2,700 4,800 16,140 4,320 36,255 20,000 76,715 16,140 20,460 56,715 76,715 T o o ,-4 o +--Z CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: January 14, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPT.: CITY MANAGER NO: Recreation APPROVAL ITEM: City Newsletter Printing Quotations for 2002 BY: Keith Windschitl~j~v' BY: NO: DATE: January 4, 2002' BACKGROUND: On December 17, 2001 the City Council authorized staff to obtain price quotes for printing and mailing the 2002 quarterly "Heights Happenings" city newsletters. Price quotes were requested from eleven printing companies. Attached are the eight price quotes that were received by the Recreation Department. Staff is recommending the sheet fed printing process over web press for several reasons. First, there is a noticeable quality difference between the two processes. The sheet fed process has better print, which makes it easier to read; the graphics are clearer; and the overall appearance of the brochure is more professional. The web press process would require the use of smaller pages, which would mean that in order to keep the page number the same, some information would have to be eliminated; a smaller font would have to be used (making it more difficult to read); or pages would have to be added and that would raise the cost. It is already difficult to keep the number of pages at 24. A final concern in switching to web press would be the increased amount of staff time needed to work with a new company. Staff has been very pleased with the quality of newsletter published by Nystrom's Publishing. They have been very accommodating, easy to work with, and are very familiar with the production process of our newsletter. Furthermore, the proposed 2002 bid of $19,390.48 is $715.68 lower than the $20,106.16 bid awarded for 2001. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to enter into an agreement with Nystrom's publishing for printing, publishing, and distributing the City newsletter based upon their proposal of an estimated yearly cost of $19,390.48 for four publications in 2002; and furthermore to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter in to an agreement for the same. COUNCIL ACTION: Htshappn\CC-Newslettet02 City Newsletter Quotes for 2002 Item 20-parle web 24-parle web 20-sheet fed 24-sheet fed Nystrom s None None 4471.17 4847.62 Maple Grove 17,884.68/year 19,390.48/year Rapit Printing None None 5474.15 6133.74 Fridle¥ 21,896.60/year 24,534.96 Marudas 4548.62 4754.16 5695.08 6000.34 St. Paul 18,194.48/year 19,016.64/year 22,780.32/year 24,121.20/year Anchor Printing Co. None None 5161.64 6179.64 Eden Prairie 20,646.56/year 24,718.56/year Infinity Direct None None 7414.85 7649.46 Pl~,mouth 28,591.40/year 30,597.84/year Sir Speedy None None 7152.91 8105.65 Fridle¥ 28,611.64/year 32,422.60/year John Roberts Co. None None 7724.69 8304.69 Minneapolis 30,898.76/year 33,218.76/year Rapid Graphics 4380.00 4491.00 None None Minneapolis 17,520.00/year 17,964.00/year December 20, 200! Columbia Heights Recreation Dept. Keith Windschitl, Recreation Director: Quotation: Recreation/Height Happenings book~: - Sheet fed printing - 60# white offset - 8.5 x 11 inches book saddle-stitched with two staples - two ink colors throughout - output from your disk, or shoot hard copy - :[2,900 copies - 20 pages or 24 pages - mailing service included (postage extra, approximately $1_200 - sales tax included - delivery included 17 $10.00 each for scanning photographs Prices: $3271.17 for 20 pages $3647.62 for 24 pages $355.71 fOr additional color of ink on outside covers ~ynn Reemtsma ~763) 425-7900 Columbia Heights Date 12126/01 12,900 Sales Rep: #2FX E#49293 Printing, 11 x 17 60# Husky Vellum White, ~, printed 4 up 2 colors front in Black+PMS ink 2 colors back in Btack+PMS ink Place to output Color Laser Digita~ plate(s) 11 x 17 PMS Ink Fold, Collate, Staple, Trim Sort For Mailing Deliver To Post Office And Del Extras To Seperate Addy Them Would Be No Additional Charge For Any Photos And To Add A 3rd Color To The Cover Would Be An .Extra 213.00 The Postage Will Be Aprox 1255.88 Additional SUB TAX SHIPPING TOTAL 4,580.15 4,580.15 297.71 4~877.86 TOTAL P. 03 Columbia Heights Date 12/26/01 12,900 Sales Rep: #2FX E#49296 Printing, 11 x 17 60~ Husky Vellum Whlte,~, pdnted 4 up 2 colors front in Black+PMS ink 2 colors back in Black~-PMS ink Place to output Color Laser Digital plate(s) 11 x 17 PMS Ink Fold, Collate, Staple, Trim Sort For Mailing Deliver To Post Office And Del Extras To Seperate Addy There Would Be No Adclitional Charge For Any Photos And To Add A 3rd Color To The Cover Would Be An Extra 213.00 The Postage Will Be Aprox 1255.88 Additional '---'------' SUB TAX SHIPPING TOTAL 3,960.82 257.45 , ,Marudas Print 5en'ic~ and PromoOonal ProclucL~ 1500 Old Highway Eight December 26, 2001 St. Paul, MN 55112 651/697-7820 Columbia Heights Recreation Dept. 530 1W. tll Sweet NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 FAX 651/697-7822 Attn: Keith WindscNtl Keith, Please find the following prices for the 2002 City Newsletter. These prices are quoted using a Web press and sheet fed. Due to thc nature of the Web press, The actual finish size of thc newsletter will be 8 ¼"w x 10 ~"h.. Looking at the sample of the last newsletter that was done on a web. It will be the same size as that one. I v,511 be able to supply samples upon ,','our request. We will require that the artwork be supplied as a PDF electronic file. The person doing the artwork will know what this means. Qty 20 pages 24 pages $4,548.62.00/qtr. ~4.754.16.00/q~r. Additional color on cover Additional scans $445.OO/qtr. $75.001ea. Sheet Fed Pricing as follows Qty 20 pages $5,695.08/qtr 24 pages $6,030.30/qtr Additional color on cover Additional scans $335.00/qtr $75.00/ea. PKICINO INCLUDES ALL TAXES, POSTAGE, AND ANY DELIVERY CHARGES If you have any questions, please comact me at 651-697-7834 Sincerely, /om Ramsdell Mamdas Print Services Estimate for The City of Columbia Heights December 19, 2001 We are pleased to provide you the following estimate based on the specifications provided. Anchor Printing is a Sheet Fed, Offs(~t Printer. Job Description: Customer to Supply: Quantity: 20 Pages - Self Cover: 24 Pages - Self Cover: 16 Pages + 3/2 Cover: 20 Pages + 3/2 Cover: Halftone Scans: City Newsletter Finished Size 8.5" X 11" 60# White Spectrum Offset Black Plus I PMS Color Fold, Collate, Stitch & Tdm 10,047 Newsletters will be mailed to all Columbia Heights residents.- Disk (Microsoft Publisher 6.0 File) 12,900 $3956 $4974 $4431 $5242 $10 each Anchor Printing Company agrees to lock the prices on the Newsletter for Three Years. **' The only exception to this agreement will be paper price increases that exceed a total of five percent. Anchor'Pdnting agrees to absorb the paper price increases through five percent, and the City of Columbia Heights agrees to pay the additional paper price increase beyond five percent. /~11 paper prices will be documented for your review. 7913 PALMGREN AVE. NE · ELK RIVER, MINNESOTA 55330 · 612.387.8744 www. anchorprt.com direot Keith Windschitl 530 Mill st NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Description: Recreation book 20 or 24 page self cover 12/17/01 Size: 8.5 x 11 finished Stock: 60 lb white offset (sheet fed) Colors: 2/2 with a 3/2 cover option Bindery: Saddle Stiched Prep: disk Packing: cartons Delivery: local d iroot ~ Scott Fortier Phone 763-559-1111 Ext. 203 i;J. /¢;;~ ¢,!,3 1~;' Quantity and Price: 12,900 (10,047 to be mailed @ $725.00) --~.,z',~ '7/~7, ~'- 20 page @ 2 color $4,354.79 20 page @ 3 color cover $4,738.19 74'/?. '/C page @ 2 color $4,856.40 24 page @ 3 color cover $5,342.04 -F Quote includesprinting, mailing, 6.5% tax, and all associated costs except postage. There will be a $15.00 charge for each half tone photograph. 5% discount on 3 year contract. Thank you for the oppodunity! Scott Fortier FROI'I : PHONS NO. : Jan. 02 2002 11:22P~ P1 $, dy KEITH WINDSCHITL COLUMBIA HEIGHTS RECREATION DEPARTMENT 530 MILL STREET NE .COLUMBIA HEIGHTS MN 55421 SIR SPEEDY PRINTING #6432 7229 University Ave. N.E. Fridley MN 55432 (763) 571-4608 Fax (763) 571-2437 No. Date Estimate E#7857 ~/2/2002 12.900 12,900 12,900 12,900 12,900 10,183 2002 CITY NEWSLE'R'ER 20 PAGE I~OOKLET 2002 CITY NEVVSLE3't'ER 24 PAGE BOOKLET 2002 CITY NEWSLE3-rER 20 PA(3E BOOKLET 3 COLOR COVER 2002 CITY NEWSLE3-1'ER 24 PAGE BOOKLET 3 COLOR C.,OVER MAIUNG SERVICES POSTAGE AT .12 PER ITEM ADDITIONAL TYPESETTING(IF NECESSARY) WILL BE BILLED AT $60 PER HOUR A DISCOUNT OF 2% WILL BE GIVEN IF PAYMENT IS MADE WITHIN 10 DAYS SALES TAX (IF APPLICABLE) WiLL ~]E BILLED AT 6.5% This es~'ma~e i~ valid for 30 days. SUBTOTAL TAX SHIPPING TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 5,568.97 6,463.56 6,073.03 6,967.62 525.00 1,221.96 !0S. 5 ThanK you for allowing us to serve you. This estimate Is based on Information received by Sir Speedy, and is subject to revision upon receipt of materials for the actuat job. Charges for corrections and any customer alteration will be added to the estimated price. Customer will be notified of any eddltlonal charges before wod( is begun. Experience the differences a great printer can make. The John Roberts Company 9687 East River Road Minneapolis, MN 55433 Phone: 763.755.550{) 'www. j0hnr0berts.c0m December 31, 2001 Columbia Heights Recreation Department 530 Mill Street N.E Columbia Heights, MN. 55421 Keith Windschitl We are pleased to present the following quotation for printing: to Description Quarterly City Newsletter For 2002 Size Paper stock Artwork, Film Preparation and Proofs Prep costs are subject to review of electronic files Press Work Colors 20pg SelfCover -VS- 24pg SelfCover 8-1/2 x 11 603 White Matte Text Customer to fumish disk with hardcopy, JR will provide confirming dylux and color approval proofs. 2c / 2c Pms color + Black 2 sides Bindery Die Cut and Numbering Glue, Perf, Score F.O.B. Packaging and Delivery Quantity and Price Option: Outside Cover is 3 colors Saddle Stitch 11" Way Inkjet and mail 10,000 balance bulk ships local. Qty = 12,900 20pgs Prep, Print, Stitch = $ 4,420.00 Add'l for 3 color cover = $ 500. O0 Add'l for Halftone Scan = $ 25 ea. Scan -VS- 12,900 24pgs $ 5,000.00 $ 565.00 Inkjet and Mail 10m = $ 592.00 + Postage * All prices include Sales Tax and Delivery Charges. Thank you for letting me present this quotation. If you have any questions, Due to paper mill pricing policies, we are unable to guarantee paper prices. Paper pricing is subject to the price prevailing at the time of delivery and any increase applicable to this shipment of paper will be added to our quotation. Revisio,/~ to specifications may result in price changes. Quotations more than 30 days old are subject to review. ~,~ ~//~.t.~ /.~/,~ ~/ ACCEPTANcETERMS: Net 30 days from date of invoice. The John Roberts Co., by '~r/o-m -Claveau' '-"~l .... ~"-' ' ' / [' D.S. Date Signature 7~tle SA-103-3a Rev. 03 - 09/1~'01 Jan 03 O~ 01:43p p.1 FAX COVER PAGE RAPID GRAPHICS & MAILING INC. 4016 Cemrat Avenue Northeast · Minneapolis, Minnesota 5542 I (763) 781-6931. Fax: (763) 781-2704 Email: rapidgraphics~_,qwest, r~.et TO: FROM: Pages to follow: .... I,.q, qoo ff ,7 ,_t qt f'v .. CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 1/7/02 AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: PUBLIC WORKS ~ ~ , ITEM: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND BY: K. Hansen ~ BY: SPECS FOR CENTRAL AVENUE AND AUTHORIZING DATE: 1/4/02~ DATE: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Background: Feasibility reports have been prepared and accepted by the Council for Street and Utility Improvements (December 13, 1999) and StreetScaping and Water Services (March 12, 2001). The first report included utilities: sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water main and street reconstruction which includes center medians, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous pavement and concrete sidewalk. The second report included street landscaping improvements: decorative concrete sidewalk, benches, planters and street lighting and replacing water services within the project area. Right-of-Way deficiencies, pavement design issues and funding issues delayed construction until the 2002 construction season. Analysis/Conclusions: Final design work is complete on the Street, Utility and Streetscaping plans for the Central Avenue Street Rehabilitation project, from 37th to 43rd Avenues, and has been re-submitted this fall to Mn.DOT Cooperative Agreements for their review and approval. Necessary Right-of-Way has been obtained by the City of Columbia Heights through the quick take process in December of 2001. The lane alignment of 37th Avenue with the City of Minneapolis has been resolved. The City's Engineering Consultant, URS-BRW, will be present at the meeting to review the final plans and address any questions the council may have. Staff is still recommending narrowing Reservoir Boulevard at its approach with 37th Avenue for lane channelization. Drawings will be available at the work session that will depict this along with leaving the width as is. Bus stop locations have not changed since the last meeting on March 5th, 2001, but will also be available at the meeting. Attached is an updated schedule of costs and funding, 'table 'A" based upon MnDOT's plan requirements and a meeting held with MnDOT and City Staff regarding additional funding. MnDOT is requiring pavement restoration techniques that have added to the cost of the project. Subsequently, the City has applied for an additional $500,000 of Cooperative Agreement funds with this submittal. MnDOT actually suggested this as a way for additional funds but with the caveat that the project would have to be split into two phases over a two-year time frame. Attached is a proposed schedule for 2002. The schedule includes proposed informational meeting dates with property owners along Central Avenue and resetting a public hearing for assessable costs related to water services and streetscaping. As previously discussed with the Council, notices will be sent out at a 50 percent assessment rate for the streetscaping portion of the assessable costs. Continued... COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 1/7/02 AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: PUBLIC WORKS ITEM: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND BY: K. Hansen BY: SPECS FOR CENTRAL AVENUE AND AUTHORIZING DATE: 1/4/02 DATE: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Page 2 To keep the project on schedule and to get the project advertised during the peak bidding season of January and February, staff recommends adopting the resolution that approves the final plans and authorizes the public bidding process. Recommended Motion: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-01, there being ample copies available to the public. Recommended Motion: Move to approve and adopt Resolution No. 2002-01, approving plans and specs for Central Avenue and authorizing advertisement for bids. KH:jb Attachment: Resolution 2002-01 Table 'A' - Project Costs and Funding Project Schedule COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO. 2002-01 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE CENTRAL AVENUE (T.H. 65) IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - CITY PROJECT 9912 and 9912(A) WHEREAS, the engineering consulting fu'm of URS has prepared final plans and specifications for the improvement of Central Avenue from 37~h Avenue to 43ra Avenue, City Project 9912 and 9912(A); and WHEREAS, the City's Municipal State Aid account, Mn/DOT Cooperative Agreement Funds, Special Assessments and City Utility Funds shall provide the funding for the proposed improvements; and WHEREAS, the improvements continue the City goal(s) of improving the physical appearance of the City's commercial and industrial corridors and replace deteriorated infrastructure; and, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the Official Paper and the Construction Bulletin, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published in the Focus News on February 7, 2002 and in the Construction Bulletin on February 8, 15, and 22, 2002. The advertisement shall specify the work to be done; shall state that bids will be received by representatives of the Council until March 5, 2002 at which time they will be publicly opened by the City Engineer; will then be tabulated; and will be considered by the City Council at their regular meeting of April 8, 2002. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Engineer and accompanied by a cash deposit, Cashier's Check, bid bond payable to the City for 5 percent of the amount of such bid. Dated this 14th day of January, 2002. Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS BY Mayor Patricia Muscovitz Deputy City Clerk Updated: 1/4/02 Table 'A' City of Columbia Heights Funding Alternatives 25% Landscapin~ Assessment Alternative COST ISOURCE UTILITY & ROADWAY: WATERMAIN $ 345,500 $ 460,000 WATER UTILITY FUND SANITARY SEWER $ 360,000 $ 432,000 SANITARY UTILITY FUND STORM SEWER $ 271,000 $ 150,000 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND ROADWAY $ 2,027,500 $ 1,962,590 MSA (Note 4) $ 1,296,000 ORIG. COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT SIGNAL AT 37TH AVENUE $ 90,000 CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS CONSTRUCTS (Note 1) WATER SERVICES $ 142,500 $ 125,400 WATER SERVICE ASSESSMENTS (Note 2) $ 3,236,500 $ 4,425,990 SOFT (20%) Engineering, Admin, Bonding $ 647,300 SUB-TOTAL $ 3,883,800 $ 4,425,990 $ 542,190.00 STREETSCAPING: URBAN DESIGN $ 602,500 SOFT (20%) Engineering, Admin, Bonding $ 120,500 SUB-TOTAL $ 723,000 $ 180,810 LANDSCAPING ASSESSMENTS (Note 3) PROJECT TOTALS I $ 4,706,800 I $ 4,706,800 I$ Note 1: Assumes 50% of construction costs plus 20% Engineering for the 37th Avenue Traffic Signal system. Note 2: Assumes full cost for Commemial and $900 or $1,500 for residential water services Note 3: Assumes Frontage Assessment Method at a percentage of project cost to be determined (25%, 33% or 50%) Note 4: It is proposed to draw down the the MSAS Account, leaving approximately 1 year's allotment as a balance. As of 9/1/01, the MSAS balance is $1,735,403 with a 2002 apportionment of $529,840. Note 5: Land costs are based upon odginal property appraisals. Page 1 of 1 J CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CENTRAL AVENUE (TH 65) IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CITY PROJECT 99-12 AND 99-12A BACKGROUND A. Project Review City Council Workshop January 7, 2002 AGENDA PROJECTSTATUS Ao Design Issues i. Storm Sewer Replacement (Added from 41st to 43fa) ii. Reservoir Boulevard Design (Channelization) iii. Median Opening 42aa/43~d (Remains Closed) iv. City of Minneapolis Coordination (2002 Construction) v. Metro Transit Issues (Bus Stop Relocation) vi. Parking/Business Access During Construction (Ramps and Signage) vii. Right-of-Way Acquisition (Complete) viii. Pavement Design (Concrete) Plan Status (at MnDOT) University Avenue Backlit Street Signs (37th, 40th, 44th and 49th) Landscaping Mn/DOT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT UPDATE Bo Co Funding Amount/Availability i. January 16, 2002 Meeting ii. Split Project or Split Funding Requested Funds i. $540,000 for Preservation ii. $540,000 for Access iii. $216,000 for Additional Pavement Costs MnDOT Staff is Optimistic 3. SCHEDULE A. See Hand-Out FUNDING/FINANCING A. See Hand-Out 5. OTHER ISSUES CENTRAL AVENUE STREET, UTILITY & STREETSCAPING PROJECT NO. 1999-12 & 9912(A) PROPOSED PROJECT SCHEDULE FEASIBILITY STAGE Council Authorizes Feasibility Report (Resolution - Street & Utilities) June 28, 1999 Council Receives Engineer's Report & orders Final Plans (Street & Utilities) December 13ti' 1999 Council Authorizes Feasibility Report (Resolution - Water Services & Streetscaplng) January 14, 2001 Feasibility Report to Work Session Februarv 4, 2001 Council Receives Engineer's Report and Orders Hearing (Water services & Streetscapim,) ~Iarch 1~th, 2001 * · 2001 Hearing Cancelled March, 2001 2002 Property Owner Informational Meeting Send Improvement Hearing Notice to FOCUS Publish Notice of Hearing Mail Notice of Hearing IMPROVEMENT HEARING (Water Services and Streetscapino~ (Resolution orders improvements) Il] MnD O T C O O P ERA TIV E AGREE ME N T P R O C ESS February 28, 2002 March 1, 2002 March 7 & 14, 2002 March 7, 2002 March 18, 2002 Right of Way Acquired Final Plans Submitted to MnDOT Comments Received from MnDOT Cooperative Agreement Preparation Bidding Documents Prepared Municipal Agreements Selection Committee Meets Final MnDOT Plan Signatures Cooperative Agreement Signatures Council Intent to make Improvements & Requesting State Participation in Project (Resolution) ,ROJECTSTAGE November, 2001 November, 2001 December, 2001 January, 2002 January, 2002 January 16, 2002 February 1, 2002 March 1, 2002 March 11, 2002 City Council Workshop to Review Project Plans & Funding City Council Approves Plans and Specifications City Council Authorization to Advertise for Bids Send Advertisement for Bids to Focus Send Advertisement for Bids to Construction Bulletin Publish Advertisement (Focus) Publish Advertisement (Construction Bulletin) Bid Opening (Minutes) Council Awards Contract (Resolution) Contract, Bond Forms and Notice of Award to Contractor (EJCDC) Receipt of Executed Contract, Bonds and Insurance Preconstruction Meeting with Contractor (Minutes) Preconstruction Meeting with Residents and Businesses Notice to Proceed Begin Construction Substantial Completion January 7, 2002 January 14, 2002 January 14, 2002 February 8, 2002 February 12, 2002 February 14, 2002 February 15, 22, Mar March 13, 2002 March 25, 2002 April 9, 2002 April 30, 2002 May 6, 2002 May 8, 2002 May 13, 2002 May 20, 2002 November 22, 2002 Page 1 of 2 CENTRAL AVENUE STREET, UTILITY & STREETSCAPING PROJECT NO. 1999-12 & 9912(A) PROPOSED PROJECT SCHEDULE ASSESSMENT HEARING STAGE Order Levy Hearing Notice of Cost Sharing to Council (Resolution) Send Improvement Hearing Notice to FOCUS Publish Notice of Hearing Mail Notice of Hearing ASSESSMENT HEARING Council Considers Levying Assessment (Resolution) September 9 September 23 September 27 October 3 October 11 October 21 Page 2 of 2 City of Columbia Heights Public Works Department Work Session Discussion Item ~ Work Session Date: January 7, 2002 · Prepared by: Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director/City Enginee Item: City-wide Street Rehabilitation Program Update of 20-year Financial Projection Background: In 1996 the City of Columbia Heights adopted Resolution No. 96-28 that initiated a Street Rehabilitation Program. This program was set up to preserve the large investment in and extend the life of the local street system. Under the Street Rehabilitation Program, the City is divided into seven zones (or areas) providing for a repeating 8-year program, with the additional year added for alleys. Analysis/Conclusions: At the time that the original program was set up, a 20-year cash flow projection was prepared by Public Works. A copy of that 1994 projection is attached as Exhibit "A". At that time, a detailed analysis of the condition of the City streets was not available. Therefore, assumptions were made based on the age of the street section and the likely treatment to extend that section life. As shown in Exhibit "A", many streets were assumed to be in satisfactory condition, with the recommended treatment of a mill and overlay. As detailed analysis has become available each year, proper treatment recommendations have been more into the partial and full reconstruction than originally projected. With construction in Zone 5 (of 7) now completed, and the initial rating done for the entire City (Zone 7 of 7), a more accurate update of that 20-year projection has been prepared and attached as Exhibit "B". Exhibit "B" projects out through the year 2019, carrying out three full cycles through the 8-year citywide program. A couple of important assumptions should be noted of Exhibit "B". · The City pays for the first seal coat after one of the three resurfacing treatments. · Zone 6 has been split into quadrants, adding two years to the overall program. · The assessment policy and associated City share (percentage) remains constant over the projection. · Costs and revenues are estimated with an annual 3% inflation factor. · Alley construction was assumed in each subsequent 'off' year ~ $170,000 (unfactored). This may or may not occur. · Additional program revenue of $170,000, annually, is included from the certification of the City's Local State-Aid System, which has to be recertified every two years and is not guaranteed. When Zone 7 is completed in 2004, it is projected that the program will have a near zero fund balance and incur a negative operating balance for the next two 8-year cycles. Due to the shortfall, staff has identified other sources of revenue: Work Session Item: Work Session Date: Page 2 City-wide Street Rehabilitation Program Update of 20-year Financial Projection January 7, 2002 · Assess the same amount on a local street as on State-Aid streets (currently not assessed). · Continue or increase liquor fund contribution of $50,000 annually. · Modify the City contribution in the current assessment policy for the next 8-year cycle. · Eliminate cost sharing of alleys from program (fully assess). As originally set up, the program is thought to be continuous and ongoing, but that costs should decrease as the condition of the street is brought up and maintained at or above a minimum level. The program will be brought back above a zero balance, but may incur negative operating balances over the next two full program cycles without additional revenue or changes to the current assessment policy. It is critical to recognize that infrastructure represents a huge public investment and in the long term, it is more cost effective to make the investment to maintain streets at a satisfactory or good condition level as opposed to letting the streets go and bear the extraordinary cost of complete reconstruction. Attachments: Exhibit A: Exhibit B: 1994 20-year projection. 2002 20-year projection. mCm~~ ~m~x .~ o ~z=~ ~ · m m rn City of Columbia Heights Public Works Department Work Session Discussion Item Work Session Date: January 7, 2002 Prepared by: Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director/City Engin Item: Lomianki Park Redevelopment Background: Public Works staffhas looked at the potential for platting the north and south parcels of Lomianki Park. The existing parkland exists as three parcels separated by 38th and 39th Avenues, with the center parcel developed as a small neighborhood park. The north and south parcel are undeveloped vacant land abutting steep slopes to the west. I have reviewed this with Engineering and Planning for site development potential. A primary consideration is trying to balance the highest and best use for the City of Columbia Heights with the perceptions or desires of adjacent parcel owners and the neighborhood. At this point, public input has not been obtained so the information is presented only as staff opinion. Analysis/Conclusions: North Parcel: (overall existing conditions map attached) The site area is just shy of one acre at 40,832 fi2. The west 60 feet of the entire parcel is right-of- way. As shown on the drawing, the existing cul-de-sac is just within the r-o-w and to the west is railroad property. Neighboring uses are residential to the east, City of Fridley residential to the north and industrial to the south with the railroad yard to the west. The site is also bordered by a significant railroad transmission tower and does experience light over-spray from the light towers in the railroad yards to the west. For these reasons, staff recommends pursuing a light industrial or commercial use of this parcel. A plat scenario may be to divide the parcel into two lots, as shown on the attached "proposed commercial lot" drawing. It also may be desirable to acquire the railroad land to the west of the r-o-w to the top slope for additional developable land. Utilities are available to service this parcel from California. Due to the residential property to the east, no access to the alley should be provided to this site if developed in a light industrial/commercial use. Potential costs associated with getting the site 'development ready' may include: · land acquisition to the west · extending sewer and water to the property · the platting process · cul-de-sac redesign · storm water mitigation measures (such as ponding) site grading · lot soil tests/report With industrial/commercial uses, the land could be sold as is with the purchase price adjusted to account for 'development ready' costs. This allows flexibility for site or user specific needs and is recommended by staff. Work Session Discussion Item Lomianki Park Redevelopment Work Session: January 7, 2001 Page 2 South Parcel: (overall existing conditions map attached) The site area is approximately one and one-half acre at 66,560 ft2. The topography is gently rolling to the north with a mix of trees in the south half of the existing parcel. The west 30 feet of the entire parcel is right-of-way. As shown on the drawing, an existing alley r-o-w borders the entire parcel on the west, but is unimproved. Neighboring uses are residential to the east, light industrial/park land to the north and open space to the south with the railroad yard to the west. The site is also bordered by a railroad switching yard and may experience sound over-carry when the railroad yards are in use. For these reasons, staff recommends pursuing a residential use of this parcel. A plat scenario may be to divide the parcel into ten single-family lots, as shown on the attached "proposed residential lot" drawing. To obtain ten lots, the existing building directly north (82 38th Avenue NE) would have to be acquired. With a residential development and steep topography to the west, staff would recommend narrowing the r-o-w from 60 to 50 feet and constructing a narrower 24 or 28 foot wide road way. Utilities would have to be extended from Main Street on north and south sides of the proposed layout. Because of the existing topography and depth of the sanitary sewer, a lift station would be required. Split entry homes could alleviate this with additional study. A significant portion of the trees would have to be removed to construct the roadway and the new road would be placed immediately behind existing homes on Main Street. Potential costs associated with getting the site 'development ready' may include: · property acquisition to the north · extending sewer and water to the property with a lift station · the platting process · a cooperative agreement with the City of Minneapolis for the extension of 37th Avenue · site grading, utility extensions, and road construction. · storm water mitigation measures (such as ponding) · lot soil tests/report. Again, it may be desirable to sell the land as is with the purchase price adjusted to account for 'development ready' costs. The property acquisition to the north could be part of the development process. This allows flexibility for a builder/developer to proceed with specific needs and is recommended by staff. It should be noted that each of the layouts presented herein are for discussion purposes and do not represent the only way the parcels may be developed. Requested Action: Presented for discussion purposes. If direction is given to continue the evaluation of redeveloping Lomianki Park, a proposed schedule and associated costs should be prepared along with identifying funding sources. Attachments: Maps (3) COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: January 14, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER'S NO: Community Development APPROVAL ITEM: Resident Member to the HRA Boardfor 2002 DATE:BY: Randy Schumacher ~~january 3, 2002 BY.~~ BACKGROUND: In connection with the proposed actions regarding the transfer of housing powers to the HRA, the City Council will need to modify bylaws to reflect new duties and commission makeup. Presently the Mayor and all City Councilmembers currently serve as the HRA Board of Commissioners. In 1999, HUD approved a new regulation regarding membership on the governing body of local housing authorities. The regulation requires that the governing body of such housing agencies include at least one eligible resident, ie. person who is at least 18 years old and is assisted by the Public Housing Agency. Now that the City Council has approved the Ordinance allocating housing powers to the HRA, the City must select a Parkview Villa Resident to sit on the HRA Board. Three Parkview Villa Residents have submitted their names for consideration. I have attached those applications for your review. In addition, I have included a letter from our legal counsel, which presents the following options: Increase the size of the HRA Board from five to six, by adding the resident member. This allows all council members to retain their seat. However, the even number creates the possibilities of ties, which is not prohibited but may not be desirable. · Increase the size of the HRA Board to seven, by adding two residents. This would avoid the potential for ties. · Keep the membership at five, but accept the voluntary resignation of one councilmember, who is then replaced by an appointed resident member. Temporarily increase the Board to six by adding a resident member, with the provision that when at least one council member's term expires, that council member would not be replaced by a new council member on the HRA. From then on, only four Councilmembers would be appointed to the HRA along with one resident. If a resident's term expired and no eligible resident wanted to serve, the fifth Councilmember could again be appointed. Attachments COUNCIL ACTION: h: Consent2002\Resident Member to HRA2002 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD LIVED IN COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SINCE: PRESENT EMPLOYER(if applicable) EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: ~o,,~o~ ~V~~' PLEASE STATE B~E~Y W~YOU ~ IN~STED IN SER~NG ON ~S BO~ FOR ~ICH YOU ~ S~MI~ING THIS ~PLICATION ~ ~Y YOU ~EL YOU ~ QUailED: ' ~ ~ ~. ~'~~ ,n ; ~ ~ · , NAME ADDRESS PHONE 1. oe ~ I ~'~'~ ?o~kv,'~ ~'1{~ ~' ~~ ~e~'c~ ~ ' I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FACTS WITHIN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. Signature ~ date received (for office use only) Return application to: Parkview Villa business office 965 40th Ave. NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARI~ LIVED IN COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SINCE: }t~,~ 0 S-7' PRESENT EMPLOYER(if applicable) i EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND~txI~rTr~n ~.,,oL .~3.1 ICC 6~ ~:~q~O ~ NAME 1. I~,L.. 2.0~,,'¢,, ADDRESS PHONE # I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FA CTS WITHIN THE FORE GOING APPLICATION ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY ~~I~ ~KNO ~EDG~~ '--~nature Return application to: Parkview Villa business office 965 40th Ave. NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 /,/,¢o/0 / date received (for office use only) AND WHY YOU FEEL YOU ARE QUALIFIED: PLEASE STATE BRIEFLY WHY YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THIS BOARD FOR WHICH YOU ARE SUBMITTING THIS APPLICATION civic EXPERIENCE:fqp,,o.,,7..-.. t,,'.,U,, t/er. m,~.., ,8~.o.. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD PRESENT EMPLOYER(if applicable) dar ~r ~,,,~,,,~,D EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: C~-P b PLEASE STATE BRIEFLY WHY YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THIS BOARD FOR WHICH YOU ARE SUBMITTING THIS APPLICATION AND WHY YOU FEEL YOU ARE QUALIFIED: PLEASE LIST THREE REFERENCES: NAME 2. 3. ADDRESS PHONE cIO- I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FACTS WITHIN THE FOREGOING APPLICATION ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNO ~DGE. Sign~t~r~-'" -" ' '' Return application to: Parkview Villa business office 965 40th Ave. NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 /o/.,./o / date received (for office use only} C H A R '1' £ R E D 470 Pillsbu .fy Center 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 telephone (612) 337-9310 fax http://www, kennedy-graven.com October 8, 2001 · STEPHEN J'. Attorney at [~w Direct Dial (612) 337-9228 Email: sbubul@kennedy-graven.com Randy Schumacher City of Columbia Heights City Hall, 590 40th Avenue NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Re: Resident Member of liRA Board Dear Randy: In connection with the proposed actions regarding the transfer of housing powers to the HKA, I thought it would be helpful to clarify the matter of membership on the HRA board of commissioners. ' Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.001 to 469.047 (the "HRA Act"), the commissioners of an HRA are appointed by the mayor with approval by the city council. The members of the city council may themselves be appointed as commissioners, and if so, their term as an HRA commissioner may be set to coincide with their term in office as a council member. I understand that, at present, the Mayor and all council members currently serve as the HRA board of commissioners, as described above. As you know, in 1999 HUD approved a new regulation regarding membership on the governing body of local housing authorities. See 24 CFR 964, Subpart E, enclosed. That regulation applies to public housing agencies that have a public housing annual contributions contract with HUD or administer tenant-based rental assistance under the Section 8 program. The regulation requires that the governing body of such housing agencies include at least one eligible resident (i.e., a person who is at least 18 years old and is assisted by the public housing agency). ~ There is an exception to that rule for small public housing agencies, defined as those that have less than 300 public housing units. These agencies are required, at least once a year, to provide notice to the resident advisory board of the opportunity for residents to serve on the HRA board. If no resident responds to the HRA within a reasonable time (which must be at least 30 days), then the agency is exempt from the requirement to include an eligible resident. In 2000, the Minnesota legislature responded to this rule by amending the number of commissioners on an HRA. The number increased from five to seven, with this caveat: "If any additional commissioners are appointed, one of the commissioners must be appointed in accordance with the requirements of [the new HUD regulations.]" Minnesota Statutes, Section Mr. Randy Schumacher October 8, 2001 Page Two 469.003, subdivision 5. In other words, an HRA board may now include the original five members, plus one or two additional members who are public housing residents appointed under the HUD regulation. Assuming the Council approves the ordinance allocating housing powers to the HP, A, I understand that the council intends to offer residents the oppommity to serve on the I-IRA board, under the "small agency" exception. If any eligible resident responds and wishes to be appointed, I ;think the City has several options in implementing the new rule: 1. Simply increase the size of the I-IRA board from five to six, by adding the resident member. This allows all council members to retain their seat. However, the even number creates the possibilities of ties, which is not prohibited but may not be desirable. 2. Increase the size of the I-IRA board to seven, by adding two residents. This would avoid the potential for ties. 3. Keep the membership at five, but accept the voluntary resignation of one council member, who is then replaced by an appointed resident member. 4. Temporarily increase the board to six by adding a resident member, with the provision that when at least one council member's term eXPires, that council member would not be replaced by a new council member on the I-IRA. From then on, only four council members would be appointed to the I-IRA along with one resident. If a resident's term expired and no eligible resident wanted to serve, the fifth council member could again be appointed. I believe that any of these options would be legally acceptable, and could be handled by a resolution of the city council and changes in the HRA bylaws.. Let me know if you or council members have further questions on this matter. Very truly yours, Stephen J. Bubul Cc: Enc. Walt Fehst HUD Regulation 24 CFR 964, Subpart E SJB-204056vl CL205-3 Commission 2001 COUNCIL/CITY STAFF ASSIGNMENTS 2001 Telecommunications Commission Human Services Commission Library Board Park & Recreation Commission Planning & Zoning Commission Traffic Commission Brace Nawrocki Julienne Wyckoff Julienne Wyckoff Gary Peterson Marlaine Szurek Robert A. Williams Julienne Wyckoff SACC Suburban Rate Authority National League of Cities League of Minnesota Cities Association of Metropolitan Municipalities Rice Creek Watershed Advisory board $orth Metro Mayors Assn. ~e,..l,c,.s~/~, North Star Corridor Joint Law Enforcement Council Heights Pride Committee Youth Initiative Commission Design Team Joint Task Force Committee Brace Nawrocki - delegate Public Works Director - alternate Brace Nawrocki - delegate Councilmembers - alternates Councilmembers - delegates City Manager - alternate Brace Nawrocki - delegate City Manager- alternate Robert A. Williams Gary Peterson - delegate City Manager - alternate Gary Peterson Gary Peterson - delegate Chief of Police - alternate Robert A. Williams inactive Marlaine Szurek Marlaine Szurek Julienne Wyckoff Charter Commission Robert A. Williams