HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 5, 2002 Goal Setting MeetingCITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS
590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 (763) 706-3600 TDD (763) 706-3692
Visit Our Website at: www. ci. columbia-heights, mn. us
Gary L. Peterson
Marlaine Szurek
Julienne Wyckoff
Bruce Nawrocki
Robert A. Williams
City Manaoer
Walt Fehst
Meeting of:
Date of Meeting:
Time of Meeting:
Location of Meeting:
Purpose of Meeting:
8:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
8:30 - 8:55 a.m.
Coffee/donuts in Conference Room #1
8:55 a.m.
Call to Order/Appoint Secretary Pro-Tem
9:00 a.m.
Opening remarks: Mayor and City Manager
9:00 - 11:30 a.m.
11:30- 12:30
12:30 - 1'15 p.m.
1:15- l:30p.m.
1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
2:30- 3:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
Bus tour of HRA/EDA projects and New Brighton Downtown
Revitalization (N.B. Community Development Director Kevin Locke
will join us for this part of the tour)
Reconvene - Working ltmch in Conference Room #1
Community Development staff will make presentations on 2001
accomplishments and possible 2002 goals
EDA/City Council input on 2002 possible goals and additional goals for
2002 for Community Development Department.
Develop scoring sheets for prioritization process
Community Development goal prioritization process
Next steps and wrap-up
The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or
employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with
disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for handicapped
persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Council Secretary
at 706-3611, to make arrangements. (TDD/706-3692 for deaf or heating impaired only)
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1st Stop
2nd Stop
3ra Stop
4th Stop
5th Stop
6th Stop
7th Stop
8th Stop
New Brighton Industrial Park tour with Kevin Locke (New Brighton CD Director)
Columbia Heights Industrial Area
3944 & 3950 Lookout Place and 3955 University Avenue (Gas station property)
Lomianld Park property
3718 & 3722 Central Avenue redevelopment
Mady's Site - 39th and Central Avenue
Other Central Avenue properties south of 45th Avenue (radiator shop, etc.)
40th Avenue properties that City currently owns (828 40th; 3982 Van Buren St)
Back to City Hall
What should some of the Goals be for the Community Development Department for
Accomplishments of the Community Development Department over the course of the year are
presented in list form below and in no particular order.
· Submitting for reimbursements for 1998, 1999, and year 2000 Section 8 dollars owed to
the City of Columbia Heights.
· Completed Parking Lot assessment for both City owned Parking Ramps.
· Executed all legal documents relating to the Transition Block Redevelopment
· Sale and Development of 4200 Central Avenue (Nedegaard Property and Commercial
· Approval of a $175,000 grant from Anoka County for Commercial Revitalization
(Acquisition of Conoco Station)
· Completion of the Analysis for Tax Increment Financing Projects for year 2001
· Completed the setting up of individual Tax Increment files for each existing District
· The City Audit identified internal control matters that needed to be addressed, ranging
fi:om a list of assets to management of laundry facility proceeds. All issues have been
addressed and completed pursuant to State Auditing requirements.
· Replaced the air conditioning unit at Parkview Villa, which was 26 years old.
· Completed air quality testing in City Hall for all offices.
· Coordinating non-compliance issue for Sullivan Lake Tax Increment District with Anoka
· Created signs at HRA/EDA development project sites to encourage additional public
relations in the community.
· Established Tax Increment Financing District #9 for the financing of the Transition Block
Improvement Projects.
· Transferred the Section 8 Program to the Metropolitan Council HRA
· Sold 4401 Quincy Street NE and 3913 Polk Street NE to Habitat for Humanity for
Redevelopment while implementing $70,000 of Home Grant Funds from Anoka County.
· Initiated the final one year contract with Crest View Corporation for Management of
Parkview Villa Senior Facility
· Approved the Public Housing Assessment System, management operation program
certification (PHAS).
· Completed the removal of homes and site tlthreparation on City/EDA owned property at
3944 and 3950 Lookout Place, and 828 40t Avenue for future development.
· The house was razed on the property at 4358 3ra Street as an abatement action by the
City. This property was then sold back to adjacent property owners.
· Prepared the 2002 Budget and Levy for HRA/EDA, Parkview Villa North and South.
· Approved the Calculation of Performance Funding System Operating Subsidy,
Occupancy Percentage, Allowable Utilities, Drug Free Workplace, Direct Disbursement,
and Certificate of Payments to Influence Federal Transactions for 2001.
· Approve the Agreement for Administrative Services of Center for Energy and
Environment for MHFA Loan processing for the year 2002.
· Drafted preliminary application for the 2002 CDBG Program
· Processed the renewal of the Honeywell and Fidelity Cleaning Services Contracts for
· Executed a Physical Condition Audit to be performed on the two City owned Parking
· Initiated a Resident Survey to the residents of Parkview Villa.
· Converted all departmental files from WordPerfect to Word.
· All HRA/EDA files from 1994 to the present were scanned into LaserFische.
· Processed the renewal of the American Portable Telecom Contract for 2002.
· Settled the Parkview Villa case ofAngela Tomala.
· Implemented the Contract with Trans-Alarm Inc. to install Security Cameras and'
Proximity Readers at Parkview Villa.
· Finalized the installation and training of a new hardware and soRware system at
Parkview Villa for processing essential HUD documents and management systems.
· Processed an amendment to the TIF Contract for Private Development between the EDA,
City of Columbia Heights, Robert C. Bamick and Priscilla A. Bamick, dba Metro
· Developed a Security Card Policy and Procedure, Residents Security Card Form and the
Additional Security Card Registration Form for Parkview Villa.
· Amended the Parkview Villa Lease Agreement to include the One Strike Provision and
Admission and Continued Occupancy Policies.
· Developed the Policy and Procedure for Tracking Crime and Crime Related Problems
Form and Screening Applicants Criminal History Form for Parkview Villa.
· Implemented the hiring of a part-time or weekend Caretaker at Parkview Villa to lessen
maintenance overtime costs.
Implemented the Re-Piping of the Boilers at Parkview Villa in order to double the
heating capacity of the system.
· Approved the Licensing and Agreement for the Parkview Villa Beauty Salon to meet the
State and Audit requirements.
· Obtained a new contract for snow removal at Parkview Villa with Professional Building
Maintenance Services for 2001-2002.
· Adopted a Resolution Transferring Authority of certain housing projects from the EDA to
HRA for 2002.
· Decertified two parcels from the Central Downtown Business TIF District No. 1 to TIF
District No. 9 per Anoka County Mandate.
· Approved the Certification of Completion releasing the units in University Heights
Townhome Project from any future land title issues related to the sale of the units.
· In January, initiated the first housing loan informational pages on the City's Website and
Cable Television Channel for Columbia Heights.
· Increased Annual HUD subsidy from $52,000 to $93,000
H:\CommunityDevelopmentSHighlight Summary from 2001
The following issues provide a general outline of issues that should be addressed in
· Plan an aggressive program for the redevelopment and immediate implementation of
underutilized industrial land and buildings.
· Prioritize Commercial Redevelopment Projects on Central Avenue and initiate a funding
program to implement.
· Lead Base Paint evaluation at Parkview Villa.
· Parkview Villa Housing Management RFP
· Complete transition of the Columbia Heights HRA and EDA
· Re-negotiate agreement for Parking Ramp Maintenance with Columbia Park Medical
· Acquire and remove 3722 Central Avenue (Vera Johnson, non-conforming home)
· Possible re-development of N.E.I. building
· Make application for Liveable Communities 2002 Grant and other County, State and
Federal Programs as it relates to Commemial and Industrial re-development.
· Evaluate Lomianki park property for possible redevelopment opportunity
· Review and implement Downtown Market Study prepared by the McComb Group
· Complete Sullivan Lake TIF non-compliance issue
H:\Communitydevelopment\Goals 2002
City Council adopted new Zoning and Development Ordinance in May that will
ensure quality development and redevelopment in Columbia Heights.
Staff worked with Metropolitan Council staff to obtain official adoption of the
Columbia Heights Comprehensive Plan in June.
Staff met with Rainbow site developers to ensure quality infill development of the
site. Planning Commission approved site plans for a Rainbow Fuel Center, and a
9,000 square foot multi-tenant retail facility in August.
Held public hearing and accepted proposals for the sale of 4656 Monroe Street. The
City Council accepted the Nedegaard/Foss proposal.
Worked to approve plans for Transition Block project and submit reimbursements to
Anoka County and Metropolitan Council. The 22 units of affordable townhomes are
almost completed and most of the units are currently occupied.
Worked with Habitat for Humanity to build quality affordable homes at 3913 Polk
Street and 4401 Quincy Street.
Staff worked to obtain reimbursements for on-going Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG) funds. Reimbursements have been obtained for all outstanding Public
Service Agency monies and all Livable Communities Demonstration Account
monies. Staff is currently in the process of submitting remaining housing
rehabilitation and commercial revitalization reimbursement for years 1999 and 2000.
In April 2001, Anoka County awarded the City $175,000 to acquire the gas station
property at 3955 University Avenue NE, as part of the competitive Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) application process. Our award was tied for the
largest of any municipality or township in Anoka County.
Staffworked with the Planning Commission to process and approve six site plans in
2001; 3 of these site plans were for multi-family housing units, and the other 3 were
for commercial projects including the Rainbow site and KFC/A&W.
Staff also worked with the Planning Commission to process 6 conditional use
permits, 2 lot splits, 2 variance requests, and a rezoning application for 37th and
Johnson St.
The following provides a brief summary of planning issues identified by staff for the year 2002:
1. Central Business District and Central Avenue redevelopment strategies and plans. Staff
will work with the City Council to identify and develop strategic plans for these areas.
40th Avenue Improvement Project. Staff will be working on acquiring and demolishing
the Conoco Gas Station on 40~ and University in order to combine with both Lookout
properties the City owns. The goal will be to create a marketable University Avenue
property to foster future redevelopment in this area.
Industrial Area Redevelopment strategies and plans. Staffwill work to identify and
develop a strategic plan for this area. Staffwill work to obtain funding in order to identify
underutilized property for furore redevelopment and increase tax base potential.
Promote reinvestment in Commercial and Industrial Districts. Staff will be meeting with
business owners and work to better public relations with the City and to promote the
community. Staffwill work with business owners and Public Works to upgrade and
enhance properties as part of the Central Avenue Improvement Project.
Provide for diversified housing opportunities. Staff will continue to work towards
enhancing and beautifying the current housing stock through housing rehabilitation
programs. Staff will continue to work toward providing new oppommities for affordable,
market rate, upgrade, and luxury housing.
1. 8 famihes bought homes in Columbia Heights under the MI-IFA First Time
Homebuyers Program. The aggregate value of the 8 homes was $980,605, which
is the highest number ever under this program in Columbia Heights.
2. Completed purchase of 3718 Central Avenue with $70,000 in CDBG Funds,
which, once demolished, will be used for a future commercial revitalization
3. Completed the 2001 Public Housing Authority Plan, including an update of the
CIP for Parkview Villa, and submitted it to HUD.
4. Completed the 2002 Public Housing Authority Plan, which will be considered by
the EDA at a Public Hearing on Tuesday, January 15, 2002.
5. Updated City website on available housing rehabilitation programs.
6. Completed negotiations with HUD and Millar Elevator Service on Davis-Bacon
violations associated with Parkview Villa elevator modernization project. A 2001
budget revision was submitted to HUD to reimburse 4 employees of Millar
Elevator Service a $6,709.90. When received, the reimbursements will be made
according to HUD guidelines.
7. Decertified Housing TIF District #2 (St. Timothy's Lutheran Church Senior
Housing Project).
8. With the Building Inspector, completed survey of substandard single-family
housing in Columbia Heights, which will form the basis of future housing rehab
loan and grant program applications.
9. Modified Housing TIF District #1 (Scattered Site Acquisition Program) to include
an additional 10 single-family properties to the existing 56 parcels.
1'0. Over 90 loans through the 7 housing rehab programs mn by the Center for Energy
and Environment (CEE) totaling $1,067,507 of home improvements in Columbia
11. Negotiated pre-payment of the one remaining home improvement loan in the
EDA's portfolio for $1,881.89, which means that the EDA has no more
outstanding housing rehab loans. The funds will be placed in the BRLF.
12. With the City Planner, raised the City's Preliminaxy HoUSing Performance Score
fi.om 60 points - tied for 25t~ in the metro area- to 81 points - 11th place overall
out of 182 townships and cities. The score will enable the City to have a better
oppommity to receive furore Metropolitan Council grants and loans.
13. Negotiated and sold the HRA's 2 remaining Home Mortgage loans for 88% of
value to Community Reinvestment Fund, Inc. The total amount received of
$33,343.67 will be placed in the BRLF.
14. Negotiated with Metro Council designating the EDA loan of $384.74 to a Section
8 recipient as uncollectible.
15. Held Public Hearing for an applicant rejected for public housing at Parkview
Villa. A good test of the I-IRA's public housing rules - the HRA upheld the
staff's decision to deny the application.
16. Established contacts with each Columbia Heights bank's commercial loan officer
to begin to build a relationship for the EDA's anticipated BRLF program in 2002.
17. Established monthly "Housing Update" to improve communications with the
EDA/HRA on housing programs and issues in Columbia Heights.
18. Assisted in implementing the Transition Block Project, the 3 new Habitat for
Homes, and the parking ramp analysis.
2002 GOALS
1. To complete the Davis-Bacon repayments of $6,709.90 to Millar Elevator Service
2. To contract for engineering services to update the CIP for Parkview Villa with
specific projects, estimated costs, and a timeline for building improvements.
3. To complete the 2002 Public Housing Authority Plan.
4. To revise and evaluate the financial proforma for the 4-plex at 4607 Tyler Street
and make a recommendation to the I-IRA on future ownership of the property.
5. To revise and implement a BRLF program for Columbia Heights businesses
6. To upgrade the EDA's participation in the MHFA First Time Homebuyer
Program by developing an individualized city brochure, a series of cable TV
programs, by holding lenders meetings and considering the use of local
enhancements, such as free building inspections for program participants.
7. To consider adding new housing rehab programs - such as the Community
Activity Set Aside Program and the MI-IFA Subprime Fund - to the existing
"portfolio" of EDA home improvement programs.
8. To purchase 3 to 5 homes with the funds from the modification of Housing TIF
District #1.
9. To demolish the home on 3718 Central Avenue.
10. To complete the decision-making process for a "Point of Sale" housing ordinance.
GOALS Points