HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 69-15BEING A RESOLUTION ORDERING ~,~ROVEMENTS BE ,IT F_EREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Col~t~bia Heights by ~:~tion on the 14~ h day of Apri~_~_~ 196 9ordered notice of a hearing to be given to property owners, and WHEREAS, pursuant to a notice of hearing cer'hain residents appeared at a Council Mseting on the _~9!n day of __~?i_.~ ..... ~ !969, and WheREAS, the Co,~cil determines to proceed w~th this local improvement~ a portion of the cost being defrayed by special assessments under Charter provisions° NOW~ ~HEREFORE. IT IS HEREBY ~SOLVED: ~at the location and extent o~ such improvement is as follows: TRUNK WATE~AiN INSTAL!ATiON ON ALL PROPERTIES iN TN~ CITY 0P COLN~BIA HEIGHTS, AND LATERAL WATE~{AINS ON THE HEAVY DOTTED LINES OP THE MAP ATTACHED. 2~ That the materials to be used ar~ as follows: Standard Materials as specified for watermain construction in this area. 3~ ~nat a careful estimate of the cQst of the improvement has been made by the city Manager and the several lots and parcels of land fronting upon and adjacent to such'propo~e~provement~ which he aeemed benefited thereby, were properly notified of said hearings, and 4. That the City Manager shall also list the names and owners of the several parcels so improPed as~ne~rtyas can be ascertained° 5. These improvements shall also be known as Project No.640 (Also known as Fe~era! ~j~'~lN0j' WS-MINN-65) Passed this 29th day of Offered by: kaud Seconded by: King Roll Call - Ail Ayes S~~tary of the council April , 196 9. Z 0 CiTY OF' FRIDI,.[¥ VILI. AGIr C~ ST. &I4THOt4Y itotice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights ~.riLT conduct a public hearing at 8 Ct clock Pei~, iIonday, August 11, 1969, in regard to the follo~h~g proposed i~prcvo~ents: SEAL COATIHG ON ~ FOLLO~FiHG STIB,~S f~D AVEhl~S: Lincoln St i~ from 50th Ave I~ from Pierce Terrace from : k~lcare Dr from ~channan P1 Erom Po3J~ Place from Tyler St I~ from Fillmore St t~ from Polk Circle fro~ Johnson St lBS from Buchannan St I~lan Terrace from 47th Ave ~ from 46th Ave IFE from 45th Ave ~ fro~ Tyle~ S~ ~.~ from Polk S% ~E Taylor S% I~E from Fillmore St Pierce St Parkview Lame Johnson St ~L~od St Tyler S~ I~ ~o ~ierce Terrace Central Ave I~ to i~erce k~rrace Polk Place to ;L~ttorhorn Dr Pierce Terrace to Polk ~laee Fillmore St to Pierce Terrace 5Otb Ave ~Z to Pierce Terrace 49th Ave i'~ to 5Oth Ave ~ 49th Ave ~ to Pierce Terrace Polk Place to Cul-de-sac 49th Ave ~ to Lincoln Terrace Pierce Terrace to North City Limits Lincoln St to ~.~thaire Park Central Ave I~ to Fi!l~ore St Ce~ Ave NE to Pierce Central Ave NE to F~~ 4~ Ave ~ ~ 4~h Ave ~ 45~ A~ I~ to 47~ Ave I~ 45~ A~ }~ to 47th Ave from h%th Ave Im to hTth Ave ~ from 46th Ave ~ to 4?th Ave ~ Con~irmous from 46th Ave I~ to 47th Ave l~ from 44th Ave lie %o 45th Ave I~ ~ock 3 ~se~ ~33_~ Notice is hereby given that all pe~sons having an interest therein ~-rill be given an opportunity to be t~wt~ and such information pertaining tc~ construction costs and assesmuents to properties if so inproved t. rill be discussed at this %ime~ BY ORDER? OF TI~ CiTY COUNCIL CITY OF COL~.~IA I~EIGIITS i.lil~OIg-I O. I~TSON~ CITY !.~IAGER NOTICE OF HEARI~IG CiTY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA Notice ls hereby given that the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights will conduct a public hearing in the Counc|] Chambers at 590 - 40th Avenue N.£, at 7:00 Monday, September 8, ]~69 In regards to the following Curb, gutter and/or street Improvement on Fairway Drive from Lot 8, Block 6, ttttltop 2nd Unit to Stinson Boulevard, and Stlnson Boulevard from 45th Avenue through Lot t3, Block 9, tlllltop. ;lotlce ls hereby given that all persons having an Interest therein will be given an opportunity to be heard, and such information pertaining to costs and assessments to properties so improved will be disclosed at thls time. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS M. O. !~atson, City Manager MO~4: J ec 8/27/69