HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 57-87 ~'d~,;REAS~ the County Board of the Co~y of
dd.d a~y,~ a ~solutiOn desi~ating the e~sion
of Cowry State Aid~~~ ~ ~1~ the co~.~t~ nmits
Resolu%ion of Anoka County Boa~d~ da~ed Oc~. 9~ t957~ a%~ached and made a
pa~ hereof
:~.{f~.~ T!fgREFORE~ be it resolved, by the '~ ' ,
tho Cit3~ (~E~) o:f Col~bia Heights that
~~) is i:~ all thugs app~v~d~
October 14th ~ ~!~ o
Offered by Ju!k~vski
Seconded by King
Ro!l Call - All Ayes.
Secretary to t.he Council ~
i', W]~{EAS, a more effective and better in{egrated Cotunty .State A~d ~h-
~y s~ ~ re~it by ad~ng to ~ute No. ~ the east~r~ e~ension of ~
'A~nu~ N, E~ ~ the ~torsection of Fairy Drive and Height~ ~ive, th~n~ ~'
· r~ foilo~ Hoigh~.~ [~.ve *.o t~,~ i~tepseet!cn ~th &Stb Avenue N. E. (C.~iA.H. ~.2)~
PURSUANT TO AND IN CO ~.~'TJtd,(~ ': ~..d.t;. [,h,; provi::ion:,: o.t' Ar*,icle 16 O~ the
0ons%itution of the Stat,3 of Minne~'~ta an ~r.:nd'~d, ,nl th~ p~sion~ of ~ap%er
963 ef the 19~7 ~ of ~esota~
~ IT ~OL~D: ~at effective Jan~ l, 1958, ~ty State ~d
~ ~'be es'tab~.shed, located, ~n~ ~':usi~netcd a~ beKinnin~at the inte~ect~n
69th Argue N. 'E. and University Avenue N. [~. (T.~{. ~6), said ~t, of
~on ~~p~teiy 1320 feet w~st of the center of S~ction 26, ~,~nship
~h~ ~ ~ %~est~ thence ~ontinuir~ casted'ii along or near the
oen~e~ ~e of 49th Avenue N. E. ~ the intersection of >h ~venuo ~, E; a~-
~~ AV~Ue N..E. (T.H. 65), ~aid ~t oe int.'r~e~ion being app~te
~ ~er oo~er of Section ~5~., To~,h~p 30 No~h, ~Se ~ West, th~n~
eas~r~ ~g or ne~ the center ~ne of an established right of way to the inte~
sec~ of F~y Dri~ and Height~ I)~v.~, said i~int of interae~on be~g
~~ 628 feet ~st and &50 fe~t south o:f the es. st q~er co,er of ~$on 2~
To~p ~ No~h, ~nge 2~ West, %hence ~:t:'~tin~ng southerly along or near the
e~tabtished center 1~ o~ Heights }~iv, to ~he intersection of Heights ~ri~
~Sth Argue ~ E.,(a~int on C.5.A.H. ~. 2 ~,~ aes~ated), sai~ i$~t berg
a~~~ 328 feet ~st of the southeast co,er o" S~ction 25, T~a~p ~ ~h,
~ 2~ West ~nd there te~nat~g; and
~e ~is~ioner of ~Ggh~y~~ appro~tl thereof, be, and hereby ia
BE IT ~RT}{~ HI~$OL'~JD: ~ha% thc Co~%ioner of }~ghwa~ ~ a~
he,by is requaeted to app~v~ the fo~going ~mty S~ate ~d l{igb~y ~s a ~ of
the Fede~-~d Secondary System, if it qua/ifiss.
~ IT ~JH~ ~,]SOLVED: ~mt Co,sty Stat~, ~.d ~g~y No. 4 of the
Re~lution for ~vising ~ty State Aid High~yn d?~bed Ju~ 8~ 1957, be ~ed so
as ~ ~fo~ ~th the a~ve.