HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 57-70FOi~M NO o i
WIH'~Ei,AS, the County Board Of the County of t!t,~ did adopt
a reoolution on~~.~.._~, 1957, locating~4 establishing, designat~g~ and
n~b~g the Co~mty State-~d t{tgh~y s;Fstem of_ ~.~ ~fio~ty, and
h~Z::EEf~.S, s~id resolution loc~? ~nd estabCsh~d coma~ ~ty St~te-~d
HS.g~..r&~ w~tn~n the eor~r~te l~_ts of ~ho (Oiby) (~) Of J' -
NO~,,THVH~,,',FOI~)~ BE IT RESOLV~D by th~ (~ty)/ (~) ~uncil of tho (City)
(V~ of --~ ........ that the resotuti' adonted}.by tho ~mty
the ~mty State-Aid I~ghmy s~tem ~thiu the (City)~(~)'a' '~ .~ts~ "'~ (,,~r,~:~,~' '-' -: "
Roll C~I- All ~res. D ~a~r~"~~~)-' ~ ~ /~~~
i nor~.b.;~ certify that the above is a true an~ correct cop~. of a resolution
duly passed, adopted and appzoved o~ the (City) (~1~). oil of ~id
Kn~ka C~unty
COIrNTY STATE AID HI,;~7,~¥ ,,0. 4
Beginning at a point approxi~te]y the we~.st quarter
corner of Section 25, Township ~O Nor%h, R'~np~e M~ West,
which il the. intersection of C.S.A.H. No. 4 add T.~{. No.
65; thence westerly ,on the established center!!pe at 49th
Ave. No ]'"o to the intersection at f, gth Ave,
T.Ho No. 56 (University Ave° N. E. )~ said ~ntersectton
being approximately 1320 feet west of the center of
section 26, township 30 north, range 24 'west, and there
Length of C. S. A. H. No. 4 is 0.78 mi]es, more or
HA 1-47~
"~!~'~'.t:l.~''~- Designation of County State Aid High-
.... ~?-~ way extensions within municipalities
As you know, amendment No. 2-requiring the redesignation of all County
State Aid Roads becomes effective July 1, 1957.
Tentative approval of all r°~tes has been given by' the Commissioner
?he needs study on the total county mileage and re-numbering has
been submitted.
It is now necessary to have a concurring resolution from your village
or *city council on all routes within your municipality.
Attached you will find a copy of a resolution by the Anoka County
Board of Cc~issioners designating the County State Aid Extensions within
your municipality, also centerline descriptions of each route and a map
showing the new numbers and locatione.
Inclosed also'are four (~) copies of a concurring resolution with &
eenterline description attached.
Please have your council pass said resolution concurring in the coUnty
4e$ignations. Keep one (1) copy for your files and return three (3) copies
with the map to this office.
Thank you for your prompt execution of these resolutions as the time
element is very important for the approval of .the new system.'
Very truly yours,
E. S. Vevea
County E~gineer
FO~RSUANT'TO AND IN COMPLIANCE wit~ the Drov!z,'o~s of Article 16 of the
~ ~nstttution of the State of Minnesota, as re=ended, and ~he pz~visions
of C~er 9~3,It.F. 58, ~ws of 1957:
BE IT RESOLVED: That effective January I, 1958 the following roads be
established, located, designated, and n~ered as Anok~ Cgunty State
Aid Highways; and the Commissioner of Highways' approval thereof, be,
and hereby is requested:
County S~ate Aid Highways
+ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the co~.~'~issfon,?r o~ Highways be, and he
. hereby is, requested to approve all the foregoing Country State Aid High-
~ays as a part of the Federal-Aid e - ~ '
.. ,~e~Or,~ry 2yst, om.
L.. ~.m,U,~. That the following Country St. ;L~: Aid highway~ or
parts thereof, be revoked as such,~ and
and hereby is, ~'euue~ted Lc .,i/.:~'cve such revocatiuas:
~ Kenneth W. Campbell, ~ounty Auditor o] An,,ka County, l~innosota~
hereby certify that I have compared'the foregoing copy of resolution of
the CoUnty Board of said County with ~,he original reco~d thereof on file
in the office of the County Auditor of ~noka. County, ;~nnesota, as stated
in the minutes of the proceeding$-6f said board at a ~eeting duly held on
.T.~v ~ , 1957, and that the same is a true and correct copy of
·aid briginal record ~nd bf the whole thereof, and that said resolution
was duly adopted by said board at said meeting.
h 1957.
Witness my hand and seal this ~ day of J,~!y .
Kenneth V~.