HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 56-144fo~' tae ma.~e of ¢C~.u'At'y i"um~ions~ an~
~LEREAS~ the Oi~ of Ool:_~b_ia ~eights £0~ several yea~s
hu eon%~.ed ~eatl~ in __-~__ess o£ $~0~000.00 annually
to the Road md Bridge Fumd~ md
WHEaEAS~ the Cit~ of aol~bia Heights beeause of this
heavy demand on it,s taxing abtXity~ has been unable +.,o
finanoe extensive improvements ~ i~s ~treets and roads,
recruiting ~u dissa%isfac%ion and anno2ance to i~'s
%hera is a c~i%ioal need £o~ assistance in
the situation b~ the Boa~ o~ County
C~e~tssioners, therefore be it
~7~Dt the Cit~ Cou~il of the Oity of Columbia Heights
petition the Boa~ of ~ounty Ooe~tssionere of Anoka Oounty~ to make
& su~-e~ and tpmm~ a~sistar~e f~n. euah i~provemmts~ and be it
~ RE~O~VED~ that a ec~ of ~ resoXu%iom be fox, warded
the ~oa~t of County Oommisstoaers of Ar, oMa County fo~ thei~