HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 55-65 ~_d~EA$~ The City ~£ Columbia ~e~h~s, d~d on ~he 23r~ay~
~5_5~_, Conduct ~d hold a"Pr~y M~ic~a5 Electi~ for Pu~ose of nom~-
g c~di~s for City off~Ce ~0 '~ void °n'~'t a Goner~ Nuntcipal Elec'
"tiont ~d~
~~: The City C~ncil of ~he City of Col~bta Neights, at a
meeting of said Co~cil held on the 2~ day of Nay, 19~ ~ ~d c~va~
~e ~t~ns a~ results of 8aid Pr~ N~icipal Electionl and,
~AS: ~e fo~ow~g ~s~ts ~ ~ined by said canvas~ of
~aid Pr~ M~icipa! Election, t~t:
V41id Ballots Cast
Void Ballots Cast
Total Ballots Cast
¥~tes for Mayor.
George R. Martonik
John P. Stopka
.Elsie E. Wermerskirchen
-~otes for Councilmen.
Bernard Julkowski
James Deeble
Louis j. Adsms
Warren L. Jolly
Donald D. Field
Glen B. Skog
Leonard Holm
NOW THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of
Colmnbia Heights~
That. J..ohD P, StoDka and Oeor~ R.. Marton%~ be and are hereby de-
clared to be candidates for Mayor' of'~:~e' City of Columbia Heights at the
~neral_ Municipal Election to 1:~ hel~ jUne 13th~, 195~ .
That. Bernard Jullow~ski_. Lo.u.i~ j.Adams, Warren L, J_olly and
_. J~ard Holm ...... be and they hereby are declared to be candidates
for Councilmen at the General M~unic-ipal Election t6 _be ~eld June 13th , 195 5 ·
Passed May 24th
Offered by~
seconded by:
Roll Call
· Ayes~.
Secretary to the Council
' May~ / v'