HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 54-2750-g -~ RESOLUTION SoP. o o?-oS Anoka county STATE OF MINNESOTA ~',7J]DP~F~t,S, The Comm±ssioner of Highways of the State of L~innesota has determined to designate and make permanent the location of Trunk Higb~.~ay No. fomerty designated as Trunk Highv~y No. ~ , through the Ct%~ of CoUlomBS& }{eigh~ as sho~m upon the plans ~hich are presented herewith and made a part hereof, and ~!HEREAS, Said Commissioner of Highv~ays is desirous of constructing, recon- structing amd improving said Trunk High~y through said C[$~ and has prepared plans for said construction, reconstruction and improvement, ~ copy of v, hich said plans are presented herewith and made a par~ of this resolution; and %"'YriEREAS, The construction, reoons~rucqion mad improvement of said Trunk Highway requires a change 'in ~he grade of the streets in said Ci%~' along and upon v~hich said Trunk High~?my passes, said change of grade being designaZed and shov~ on said plans, and Y,aI~iREAS, It is to the bes~ interests of 'said ~t%~ Highx~raY be constructed, recons4ructed and improved ~hrough said that said Trunk Cl%~ in accord- anoe with said plans and the standmrd ~innesota Highvray Specifications and upon the grade designated therein$ and W~laEREAS, said project and said plans, in order -bo p,~rticipate in federal funds, require the approval of the Fedarm! Bureau of Public Roads, and ~ER~IS,_ The· Federal Bureau of Public Roads re~.uires ms a condition precedent to such approval, the assurance mad covenant that the 0~y of ~o~b~ ~$~ ~11 not license or pe~it hereafter, any entreatment of ~y ~ture, inc!udim~ o~b gas ~aps or gas stations or billboards or other s~ructures of ~y kind ~hatsoe~er~ on the right of ~.vay of said Tr~k Highway No. ~ ~i~hin the ~orporate i~i~s of said 0!~y of 0~bt~ ~e~ as sho~m upon ~he p!~s hereto aqqacbed~ and Vt~S, In the fur~mkerance of ~he public ~:[elt bsi~ and safe~y i% is desirable ~_d necessary to et~aina~e trmffic hazards by st~inating any encroao~me~%s wkaqsoever including gas p~ps or gas stations ~or billboards or other structures of any kind ~vhatsoever, no~ or hereafter existi~g in or upon the said Trum_k High, ray right of way, and T~EAS, Said Connnissiomer of ~igh~ays desires, i~2 2he interes~ of public safe~y, 2ha2 all paring of vebic!es on said Tr~mk H~ghway be parallel v-i~h the curb and a~ ieas2 20 feet from any cross~va!k a2 all pub!lo streets ~tersec~ing said Tr~k Hi.ray v~ith~n the corporate li~s of said , a~d V~S, i~ is to the best ~erests of said park~.g of vehicles be parallel to the curb~ ~, T~EFORE, BE IT RESOLV~, ~at said plans and specifications for 2he construction, reconstruction and improvement of said Tr~k Hig~y ~hrough said ~_~ be a~_d the same hereby are approved, and said ,, ~y _ hereby consents to the chsmge ~ grade of the s~reets along ~hich said Tr~k High, ray passes, as sho~m in sa~d plans, and BE IT ~TH~ RESOLVED, That said~y ....... does hereby agree amd convenant 2ha2 ~ will ~'~ever permit cr suffer. ~vithin its corporate l~its, ~.y e~3~- croac~er_t of amy kited ~vhatsoever, ~ncludi~g c~b gas p~ps amd gas s~ations, bill- boards or o~her structures of any kind v'ha~soever, up~ the right of v~y of Tr~k Hig~f.~ay No._ ~ as shorn on said plans a~d that to the above end said ~ hereby agrees that ib ~vill ~ever issue any license, p~it, or gray,t, or g~ve s=~y leave or liberty or any other co~sent of ~vhatever form for the construction or main- tenance of any encromc~ent v~hatsoever, includi~ curb gas p~ps am~ gas stations, billboards or other s~ructures of any kir~ ~vhatsoever, upon said right of ~vay; and that said ~f%y will cooperate insofar as possible to eliminate exist~g encroac~ents constituti~g traffic hazards ard will ~rther take any necessary action to el~i~te any encroac~ent that may hereafter exist on said Trunk Highway right of v~y, ~d BE IT FD~ RESOL~, That said C~+.y does hereby agree to require tl~a parking cf all ve]~icles o~ said Tru~ High~ay to be parallel w~th the curb and at least 20 feet from any crosswalks on all public streets intersecti?~ said Trunk P~ghv~'ay ~?ithin the corporate limits of said ~~. Dated at~~h~i~esots., this__ day of t9~2 that all ~.~ayor ~ Pr e s Z Clerk B0'2-3 STATE OF ~It~NESOTA ) · W~A ) COmiTY OF ) 0ITT C'0~ ~A NEi~S ) s s. OF ) CERTIFICATE I do hereby c~rtify that ut a regular mecting {at a special moet!.~ of O ol~mbia Netght~ ~%ich duc and legal ~otice ~as given) of the Council of Mirmesota, on the _ ~g___ _ day o~.. ~.. , 19 .... , at which a majority of the members of said ~vere 'oresent, th~ foregoing resolu- tion %~as unaninousiy adopted. Given ~u~der my hand and seal this__ IL. day of Clerk ~ // Recorder