HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 50-67R E S 0 L U T I 0 N ~5~O --~ A resolution adopbins assessment rolls rof the i'ollo~,,inS local improvements and deforming that said improvements be made and ratifyinC and coni'irminn all other proceedin?s heretofore had. Local Improvement ~o. 202- Sea';er Dist. "D" 2nd ?treet Trunk gystem " " No. 203- Soy;er Dist. "i,'" Rosl}~ Park Trunk System " " No. 210- Se~er Extension Polk Street " " No. 211- V' ' ~ate~amn 39th Ave.Central to [th Street " " i:o. 222- Sidewalk Repairs-quincy St.-[0th to [~tst. I~2~P~AS, the City Council or Colmmbia Heights, kinnesota, me% on the 2[th day of October 19[0, at the City office in said cit}5 bein[~ the time and place set v. hen ~d v!~ere all persons interested could appear and be he~'d by the Council with resnect to benefits, and to the proportioa or tho cost, of makinf~ the local improvements above described, a notice of such hearinF havinF been heretofore duly published as required by lavG and, !~t[EP~AS~ this Council has heretofore eshi. mahed and fixed the cost of such local ~m~provemen% and has }}remared an assessment roll therefore. TTT]'', CITY COUWSI!, 02' COL~Ii:IA NU~!GHTS HEREnY R[2SOLVED; Sec%ion 1. That %his Council does hereby adopt %he aforesaid assessment roll knovn and described as "Assessment [{o!ts for Local Improvements ~'{o. 202~ 203~ 210~ 211~ and 222. Section 1t. That this Council hereby rinds and determines that each of the lots ~md parcels or land enumerated in said assessment rolls v;as and is especially benefitted by such i~provement in an amount not les~ than the amount set opposite the description of rolls in the colt~mn headed "Pm~o,,mt or proposed Assessment". And this Council ±'urther rinds a~d dete~nines that the proper propor- tion of the cost of such ~provement to be especi~ly assessed against such lot or parcel of land is the amo~t set opposite the description of each such lot or parcel of land respectibely in said assessment rolls in said Col~n headed "~ount of Pro- posed AssessmentS'. Section !1!. That said assessment rolls be ~ad the same are herebN adopted as th~ a~sessment rolls t~ ro!lo~_n~~ local im- provements hereinafter described, and that sa~d assess~ent rolls shall he hereafter knovm and designated as "~ssessment ~totls for Local ~mprovements [~Io. 202, 203, 210, 21]., and 222. Section 1V. That said assessments shall be payable in annual ins%ali, menUs rot a period of 3 to ~ years on or before the rirst day or June in each of the ye~s from t9[1 to 19PI, vrith interest and penalties as provided by lavr. Section V. That this council does hereby determine and re-determine to proceed v.~th said improvements~ does ratify and confirm ~t other proceedings hereto~'ore had in that re~ard, and said im- provements shall hereafter be knovm and ntumhered as "Local Im- provements No. 202, 203, 210~ 211, m~d 222. Section VI. its passage. Passed this Orfered by: Seconded by: itol! Call: This resolution s.hal~_ take erl'ect J..m~,ediatet,y upon 2~th day of October .., 19~O. Spe ku lent Lange i~l Aye S ~ TM Nays: None Secretary to tb~ Council c to CA -