HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 50-59ssso s?zo ,
A resolution adopting assessment rolls for tl~e /'ollo¥~in~ local
improvements and determining that said improvements be made and ratify-
ing and confirming all other proceedings heretof'ore had.
Local Improvment _%To 169 ~" '
- · - ,',atermaln on Job~nson St. from 37th to 39th Ave.
" " !,re. 2Oh - Sanitary se~,~rs on Hayes St. from 3?th to bOth Ave.
" " No. 205 - Sanitary se~rs on Buchanan St. ±'rom 37th to 39th Ave.
" " ['Jo. 206 - Sanitary sev,ers on ~es. Blvd. from hlst to h3~ Ave.
" " , No. 207 - V~atermain, se~,~rs, Lift Station-Entire Add. on Hilltop.
" " lie. 205 - Sanitary Settler on ht~th Ave. from Central Ave.to [~/cLeod.
" " No. 209 - Sanitary Se~,~r on blyth Ave. from }~es.Blvd. to Arthur.
" " No. 212 - %{ratermain on both Ave. from Res. Blvd. ~;esterly.
" " No. 213 - V:atermain on h~th Ave. Erom Central to k~cleod.
" " No.221 - ¥,~ater~ain on ),'~ill St. ~'~esterly to .~th St.
" " !,~o. 2t~ - Sidewalh on l~Oth Ave..~ro~~, ¥~ashin~ton to Jefferson
" " No. 216 - Side~,~lk a Curb on 7t?l St. From h).!th Ave. to h[th Ave.
" " 1,~o. 217 - Sidewalk & Curb on hlst Ave. from R~s.Btvd.to Stinson
" " No. 2t~ - Curb only on Jackson St. from 1.~Oth to ~lst Ave.
" " !,~o. 219 - Sidewalk & Q~urb on [t!i St. from ~Ot!~ to [lst Ave.
" " .We. 220 - ~.Side - Curb on~y on ct~ St. from ~gth to ~Oth
YHEREAS, the City Council of Colzuabia h~.iff.hts, ~.~inaesota, met on
the 10th day of October, 19~0, aL the City O!'fice in said City, bein? the
time and place set v~n and v,q~ere all ma~ .... intere::;ted could appear
cud be heard by the Council ¥~ith respect to benei'its, a~d to the. proportion
of the cost of making the local improbements above described, a notice
such hearinff having been heretofore duly published as required by lavG and,
~,?~EREAS, this Council has heretofore stm~,.ave~ and fixed the cost of
such local Lmprovements and has prepared an assessment roll therefore.
Section I. That this Council does hereby adopt the aforesaid
assessment rolls knor,n and described as "Assessment Re]ts for Local Im-
provements No. 169, 2Oh, 20~, 206, 207, 208, 209, 212, 213, 221, 21[,
~16, ~17, 2.'Lr%, 219, and 220",
Section Il. That this Council hereby ±'inds and determines that
each of the lots and parcels of land enumerated in said assessment rolls
v,~as and is especially benefitted by such i~.provement in an ~mmount not
less than the amount set opposite the description of each such lot or
parcel of land respectively in said assessment rolls in the columm headed
"Amount of Proposed Assessment". And this Council further finds and
determines that the proper proportion o~' t~e cost of st~ch improvement to
be especially assessed against such lot or parcel of land is the a~ot:nt
set opposite the description oi' each such lot or parcel oi' land respectively
in said assessment rolls in said column headed "Ar~ount of Proposed Assessment".
Section III. That said assessment rolls be ~d the s~e are hereby
adopted as the assessment rolls the ±'ollowin~ local improvements hereinbeI'ore
described, and that said assessment rolls shall be hereafter kmo~,~ and
designated as "Assessment I[olls for Local Improvements No. 169, 20~, 20%,
206, 207, 208, 2OO~, 2]_2, 213, 221, 21[, 216, 217, 218, 219, and 220.
Section IV. That suid assessments Shall be payable in annual in-
stal!ments for a period of 3' to 10 year.s on or bei'ore the first day of
June Ln each of the years from 19~1 to 1960, ~d. th interest and penalties
as provided by law.
Section V. That this Council does hereby determine and re-determine
to proceed ~.~ith said improvements, does ratify and confirm all other pro-
ceedings heretofore had in that regard, a~d said ~mprovement shall here-
after be l~.no~an and n~zabered as "Local Improvements ~Uo. 169, 20~, 20~,
206, 207, 20~, 209, 212, 213, 221, 21,~, 214, 217, 21~, 21o, and 220.
Section ~/I.
its passage.
Passed this 10th
Offered by:
Seconded by:
Roll Call:
This ~esolution shall take e±'fect immediately ~pon
da2/ ol' October, 19[O.
Lan ge
Ye nc ho
Secretary, to t):e Co~ncil
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