HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 50-4450 -2 -~
R E S 0 L U T I ON
, t~ ...... County
~REASj The Commissioner of Highways of the State of bIinnosot%~ has now
determined to designate and ~ke pe~uent the location of Tr~k Highway
fomerly designated as Tr~k Highway No.~ $ . through the_~_Git~ ~ of
~_~~a ~m as shorn~ upon the plans which are presented here~th and ~ade a
pa~ hereof~ and
~R~S~ Said Co~issioner of Highv~ys is desirous of constructing, recon-
structing and ~prov~g said Tr~k Highway through said ~i~., and has
prepared plans for said construction~ reconstruction and ~pro~ement~ a copy of
~ich said plans are presented herewith and ~de a part of this resolutiom~ and
~a~S~ The construction, reconstruction and improvement of said Tr~
Highly requires a change in the grade ef tn~ streets in said ~i~
along and upon which said Trur~ Highway passes~ said change of grade being designated
amd shova~ on. said p!ans~ and
Y~{~P~kS, It is to the best interests of said_~ ai~, ,,. that said Tr~unk
Highway be constructed~ reconstructed and improved through said ..... ~t~r !,
iu accordance with said plans and the standard Hinnesota Highway Speeifications~and
upon the grade designated therein~ card ~
7RtER~kS~ The Commissioner of Highways is desirous that the
of-- ~1~ N~ ___~ will not license or permit h*r~aft, r~ any encroachme~.t
of any nmture~ including curb ~.s pumps or gas stations or billboards or other ~ .
structures of any kind whatsoever, on the right of ~'ay of said Trunk High~r~y
No.. . ~. within the corporate limits of said 1~i'~ of
as sho~xa~ upon the plan and maps hereto ~Sached~ and
Y~EREAS~ In the furtherance o.f' the public well being and safety it is'
desirable and necessary to eliminate traffic hazards by eliminating any entreat~u .ents
whatsoever including gas pumps or gas stations or billboards or other structures of
any kind whatsoever, now or hereafter existing in or upon the said Trunk Highw~ay
right of way. and .'i
_~ ~0 F_CSTA ~l~q, ,, )
]~ff~EREAS, The Commissioner of Highways of the State of I.,tinnesot~ has now'
de~e~ined 2o designate and hake pe~nent
fomer!y designated as Tr~k Highway Nco_ ~ . , through the. Ci~ ~ of
~~a ~{~ ms shov~ upon the plans which are prescribed herewith and ~ade a
part hereof~ and
7~7~ERE~S, Said Commissioner of Highvm. ys is desirous of constructing, retch-
structing and improving said Trtmk Highway through said
prepared plans for said construction, reconstruction and improvement~ a copy of
~-hich said plans are presented herev~ith and made a part of this resolution; and
~THEREAS~ The construction, reconstruction and improvement of said Trunk
Highway requires a change in the grade of the streets in said Ci~
and shovm on. said p!ans~ and
7~EP~F~%S~ It is to the best interests of said ~i1~y
Highway be constructed~ reconstructed and improved through said
along and upon which said Trur~k Highway passes~ said change of grade being designated
that said Tr~unk
in accordance with said plans and the sta~do~rd
upon the grade designated ttlerein~ mid
The Commissioner of Highv.~ays is desirous that the
of__ ~m~a t~i_~_~a ___~ v~!l not license or permit har~aftsr~ any encroac~e~t ~
of any ~t~e~ iuciuding curb g~s p~ps or gms stations or billboards or other ~ 1
structures of any kind whatsoever~ on the right of way of said Trunk Highway
No,~ .. ~ within the corporate l~its of said fli~y of ~ia ~~
as shovm upon the plan and maps hereto att~ched~ ~nd ~
V~S~ In the furtherance of the public well being ~nd safety it is''~
desirable and necessary to eliminate traffic hazards by eliminating any encrcac~ents
~hatsoever including gas p~.ps or gas stations or billboards or other structures '.of
any kind ~h~tsoever, no~ or hereafter existing in or upon the said Tru~ trighwcy ,
right of ~y, and ".
W~S, Said Con~nissioner of Highways desires, in the interest o£
public safety~ t~.t all parking of vehicles on said Tr~k Highway be parallel with
the c~b and at least 20 feet from any crosswalk at all public streets intersecti~
~aid Trur~ Highway within the corporate limits of said ~ , and
V~R~ tt is %o ~e best interests of said ~ that mi1
parking of vehicles be parallel to the curb~
N0V4 T.~P~0P~ BE IT ~SOLVED~ That said plans and specificmtions for the
construction, reconstruction s. nd huprove~ent of said Tru~ Highway t~mough said
. ~ , be and the same hereby are approved~ and said ~t~ hereby
consents to t~Ws change in grade of the streets alos~ which said Tru~ High~,~.y passes,
as shov~ in said plans; and
BE IT ~TE~R ~o0Lq~D~ Tho. t said ~y docs hereby agree and
convonant that it will never permit or suffer~ within its corporate l~its~ any
encroac~.ent of any kind whatsoever, includi~ c~b gms p~mps and gas stations~ bill-
boards or other structures of any ~nd whatsoever, upon thc right of way of Tru~
Hig~';ay No. _..~. as shown on said plans and th~.t to the above end said ~i~'
hereby agrees that it will never issue any license, permit, or grs. nt, or ~ivo any
leave or liberty or any other consenb of whatever form for tho construction or
m~intenance of any encroach. Chi whatsoever, including curb gas p~ps :znd gas stations,
billboards or other structures of s~y kind wh~tsoever~ upon said right of way; and
that said ~t~_ will cooperate insofar as possible to elf~inate existing
encroac~ents constituting traffic hazards and vgll ~rther take any necessary action
to eliminate any encroac~onb that m:~.y hereafter exist on said Tru~ Highway right
of way; and
~.~o0LVED, Tllat said ~y does hereby agree to
require the parking of all vehicles on said Trur~ ~ghvray bo be parallel with the
curb and at least 20 feet from any crosswalks afl all public streets intersecting said
Tr~k Highway within the corporate limits of smid ~i~y .
Dated at~_ ., ~nnesota~ this ay of ~.~ 19, ~.
I do hereby certify that at a regular meeting (at a special meeting of
~rhich due and legal notice wcas given) of the $&~y, , , Council of
, l{ir~esota, on 2he ~ day o£ ~ , 19~___, at
a m~.jori~- of the members of said_ ~ Council were preset_t, the foregoing
resolution was unanimously adopted~
Given om_der my hand and seal this
day of
C i~-ff~: (]/-× Rec order