HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 50-20 ~REAS the State of i{innesota, Departmen~ of Hi~lways, proposes to make certain impz~veme~ats on a portion cf Tru~_k Highway ~[o. 65 located in the City of Columbia Heights, upon and a!ons Central Ave. from 37th to 45th Aves., · W~_.ZEREAS it is ~tae desire of the city that such improvements of said roadway be extended to greater . width m~d capacity than is necessary to a cco~.~m~odate normal trunk highway traffic, B~ IT RESOLVED by the city council of ~e City of Columbia Hei~'~ts ffaat ~e State o±' ~iinnesota, ~epartment of Highways be requested and hereby is requested to provide for improvements on tke afore- said portion of Trunk Hi,away -~o. 65 consisting particularly of widening to 76 feet, removing and replacing curb a:ad sidewalk amd providing satisfactory drainage, cc~sldered as construction and improvement of said roadway of greater width mhd capacity fZman is necessary to accommodate normal trunk highway traf_fic. BE IT FURT~R RESCLVED ~hat upon completion by the '~' ~mnnesota Department of Highways of plans a~%d specifications for said improvements of said trunk highway and before a contract is awarded by the State for the construction of s aid improvements the city shall enter into an agreement with the State wl~ich shall provide that the city shall pay to the State 25~ of the cost of construction work performed on said roadway of greater width smd capacity than is necessary t o accon~'~odate normal tz,a~ highway traffic, that the city shall pay to the state its proportionate share of the cost of constructing necessary under- ground drainage structures computed on the basis of areas drained by such structures, and shall deposit with the State at the time such agreement is entered into a sum equal to one-third of the city's sl~are of such sonstruction costs as prepared by the ~,~ir~aesota Department of Hi.ghways, balance to be paid in two equal a~nuai installments. Offered by Seconded by Roll Call Date Lange Spekula~t Ail Ayes ~darch 14, 1950 47-2-17i RESOLUTION At a meeting of the (Village)(Oity) Council of ~. ~.. ,. tfinneSe~m, Alderman ..... introduced the £o!lowing Resolution and moved its adoption: WMEREAS the State of ~{innesota, Depart=~nt of Highways, proposes to make certain improvements on a portion of Trunk Highway No. ~f located in the (Vitlage)(City) of ~. ~ . upon and along ~ .... and WHERF~tS it is the desire of the (Village)(City) that such improve- ments of said roadway be extended to greater width and capacity than is neces- sary to accommodate normal trur~k highway traffic, BE iT RESOLVED by the (Village) (City) Council of the (Vi!lage)(City) of _~ ~ that the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways be requested and hereby is requested to provide for ~provements on the aforesaid portion of Trunk Highway No ~ ~ consisting particularly of (here set out in detail what work the (Vi!lage)(City) is going to share ~-n) considered as construction ~d improvement' 7~o/f said roadway of greater width and capacity than is necessary to accommodate normal trunk highway traffic. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon completion by the Minnesota Depart- ment of Highways of plans and specifications for said improvements of said trunk highway and before a contract is awarded by the State for the construction of said improvements the. (Village) (City) shall enter into an agreement with state which shall provide that the (Village)(City) shall pay to the State 25% h?-2-17t of the cost of construction vzork performed on said ready, ay of greater v~idth and capacity than is necessary to accommodate normal trunk highv~ay traffic, that the (Vi!tage)(City) shall pay to tho State its proportionate share of the cost of constructing necessary underground drainage structures computed on the basis of areas drained by such structures, aud shall deposit ~~e State at the tLme such agreement is entered into a sum equal to ~u cs%~imm~e of the (Viilago's)(City's) share of such construction costs as prepared by the The motion to adopt said Resolution was seconded by Alderman~ and the Roll being caltod upon tho passage of said Eesotution, pursuant to said motion, the fotlov~ing voted in the affirmative, to v~it: Aldern~n __~ those voting in thc negative wore as fo!lo~,s: to wit: ildorman~ V~horoupon, tho motion v~as declared carried and tho Resolution adopted. CERTIFICATION STATE OF ~IN~.~oOTA COUNTY OF ~~ I hereby certify that tho foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of a Resolution presented to and adopted by ~o (Villago)(City) of ~.~.' ' by tho (Villago)(City) Co,oil at a Psotir~ thereof held in tho (Villago)(City) of ~..~ , M~nosota, on tho do~ of __, 194 , as disclosed by tho records of said (~~ (Ci~) in my possession. ..... , (So~l) ..... (Villa'ge) ( Cit~'} Ctork .....