HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 24, 2002 RegularCITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 (763) 706-3600 TDD (763) 706-3692 Visit Our Website at: www. ci. coh,nbia-heights.mn, us ADMINISTRATION June 21, 2002 Mayor Gary L. Peterson Councilmembers Marlaine Szurek Julienne Wyckoff Bruce Nawrocki Robert .4. Williams City Manager Walter R. Fehst Thc following is thc agenda for the regular meeting of thc City Council to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 24, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, Minnesota. The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for disabled persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the Deputy City Clerk at 763-706-3611, to make arrangements. (TDD/706-3692 for deaf or hearing impaired only) Invocation: Pastor Peter Law - Community Methodist. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE e ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO MEETING AGENDA (The Council, upon majority vote of its members, may make additions and deletions to the agenda. These may be items brought to the attention of the Council under the Citizen Forum or items submitted after the agenda preparation deadline.) o PROCLAMATIONS, PRESENTATIONS~ RECOGNITIONS AND GUESTS A) Proclamations-none B) Presentations 1) Officer Paul Frakie 2) Corporal Paul Bonesteel C) Introduction of New Employees 1) Ben Mathson, Public Works Maintenance Worker 2) John Creely, Assistant Fire Chief Recognition -none D) CONSENT AGENDA (These items are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted as part of the Consent Agenda by one motion. Items removed from consent agenda approval will be taken up as the next order of business.) A) MOTION: Move to approve the Consent A enda item as follows: 1) Minutes for Approval MOTION: Move to approve the minutes of the June 10, 2002, regular City Council meeting as presented. 2) Establish Work Session Meeting Date for July 15, 2002 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in Conference Rm. 1 MOTION: Move to establish Work Session meeting date for Monday, July 15, 2002 beginning at 7:00 p.m., in City Hall Conference Room 1. THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS Of DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES EQUAl OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER City Council Agenda June 24, 2002 Page 2 of 3 3) Authorize final payment for Jackson Pond fence, City Project 0009 MOTION: Move to accept the work for Jackson Pond Fence, City Project 0009 and authorize final payment of $1,253.25 to Security Fence and Construction, Inc. of Minneapolis, MN. 4) Establish heating date of July 8, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a license to operate a rental property at 1300-1302, 1316-1318, 1324-1326 Circle Terrace Blvd NE. MOTION: Move to Establish a Heating Date of July 8, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Edward Fragale at 1300-1302, 1316-1318, 1324-1326 Circle Terrace Blvd NE. 5) Approve Business License Applications MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for June 24, 2002 as presented. 6) Approve Payment of Bills MOTION: Move to approve payment of the bills out of the proper funds as listed in the attached check register covering Check Number 98499 through 98730 in the amount of $3,923,191.46. PUBLIC HEARINGS A) Rental Housing Revocation for 1816 44th Avenue NE MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-43, there being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2002-43, being a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights approving Revocation pursuant to Ordinance Code section 5A.408(1) of the Rental License held by Michael Haase Regarding Rental Property at 1816 44th Avenue NE. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION A) Other Resolutions and Ordinances 1) Second reading of Ordinance No.1448, being an ordinance amending Chapter 6, Section 53, of the Charter of the City of Columbia Heights pertaining to Powers and Duties of the Ci_ty Manager. Move to waive the reading of Ordinance No. 1448, there being ample copies available to the public. Move to adopt Ordinance No. 1448, being an ordinance pertaining to Powers and Duties of the City Manager. B) Bid Considerations - none C) Other Business 1) Approve agreement with Xcel Energy for the undergrounding of overhead lines on Central Avenue from 41~t to 43rd Avenues and authorizing a total payrnent in the amount of $108,001. Move to approve the agreement with Xcel Energy for the undergrounding of overhead lines on Central Avenue from 41st to 43rd Avenues and authorizing a total payment in the amount of $108,001 with 50% ($54,001) from Special Projects Fund #226-49846-3050 and 50% ($54,000) from Cable Fund #225-49000-3050, and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same. City Council Agenda June 24, 2002 Page 3 of 3 8. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A) Report of the City Manager B) Report of the City Attorney e GENERAL COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS A) Minutes of Boards and Commissions 1) Meeting of the Economic Development Authority on May 20, 2002. 2) Meeting of the Public Library Board of Trustees of June 4, 2002. 10. CITIZENS FORUM (At this time, citizens have an opportunity to discuss with the Council items not on the regular agenda. Citizens are requested to limit their comments to five minutes. Please note the public may address the Council regarding specific agenda items at the time the item is being discussed.) 11. COUNCIL CORNER 12. ADJOURNMENT WF/pvm OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 10, 2002 THESE M'INUTE,9 HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED. The following are the minutes for the regular meeting of the City Council held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 10, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, Minnesota. Heidi Albrecht, Director of Christian Outreach at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church gave the invocation. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Mayor Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Present: Mayor Peterson, Councilmember Szurek,-Councilmember Wyckoff, Councilmember Williams, and Councilmember Nawrocki PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO MEETING AGENDA - none. PROCLAMATIONS~ PRESENTATIONS~ RECOGNITIONS AND GUESTS A) Proclamations - none B) Presentations Mayor Peterson introduced Rita Norberg, the 2002 Columbia Heights Humanitarian of the Year. Peterson read an abbreviated list of Ms. Norberg's contributions to the community and presented her with a plaque. Norberg stated her appreciation in an acceptance speech. c) Introduction of New Employee Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director, introduced Chris Owens, the new Public Works Maintenance employee, and stated that Mr. Owens has nine years of experience and would be a welcomed addition to staff. Chris Owens thanked the City Council for the opportunity to work for the City of Columbia Heights. D) Recognition - none CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Nawrocki, second by Wyckoff, to approve the Consent Agenda items as follows: 1) Minutes for Approval Motion approve the minutes of the May 28, 2002, regular City Council meeting as presented. 2) Establish a hearing date of June 24, 2002 for revocation or suspension of a license to operate a rental property within the City of Columbia Heights against Michael Haase at 1816 44th Avenue NE. Motion to establish a hearing date of June 24, 2002 for revocation or suspension of a license to operate a rental property within the City of Columbia Heights against Michael Haase at 1816 44th Avenue NE. 3) Approve Business License Applications Motion to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for June 10, 2002 as presented. City Council Minutes June, 10, 2002 Page 2 of 7 4) Approve Payment of Bills Motion to approve payment of the bills out of the proper funds, as listed in the attached check register covering Check Number 98295 through 98498, in the amount of $621,525.82. Nawrocki asked to correct the correction of the May 13 minutes, stating that the Burlington Northern area from California Street to the alley was received free of charge through negotiations, and that we paid no money for it. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 1816 44th Avenue Mayor Peterson closed the Public Hearing regarding revocation or suspension of the rental license held by Michael Haase for rental property at 1816 44tn Avenue until such time all interested parties can be properly notified. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Other Ordinances and Resolutions 1) Adopt Ordinance//1447, Being an ordinance Designating certain land use of public properties in blocks 73, 95, and 100, Columbia Heights Annex (Lomianki Park). Motion by Szurek, second by Williams, to waive the reading of Ordinance No. 1447, there being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Szurek, second by Williams, to adopt Ordinance #1447, being an ordinance amending Ordinance #831; being an ordinance designating certain land use of public properties in blocks 73, 95, and 100, Columbia Heights Annex, also known as Lomianki Park. Nawrocki commented that chains at the park entrance do not impact usage, as this is a passive area. He felt that the cost of mowing was not a great drain on the budget and that initial funds received were to be used for care of the park. Nawrocki described the amount of noise generated from the switching yard, the railroad's original need of a slope easement to facilitate the switching yards and the concerns initial blasting of the area. The council, at that time, agreed the industrial uses would remain, but as an off set for residents the rest of the area would be designated as park. NawrocM stated that the current council was concerned to keep a commitment with Habitat for Humanity, but were now willing to break a commitment to these residents. He asked that the motion be defeated. Wyckoff indicated she received calls of support in her decision that "a promise is a promise ". She felt the important thing is to reassure citizens that we are concerned for our residents. Wyckoff stated that we should keep and improve this area. Szurek stated that this council made the commitments to Habitat and the promise to these residents were made by another council. She indicated that she represents the best interests of all 18, 000 people in this community. She indicated that most residents do not know where this area is, and it should not only be for the use of a few families. Williams stated that development of this area would bring in tax dollars, and indicated the need to represent all Columbia Heights residents. He stated that an alternative would be to sell this property to adjacent residents and if they do not want it, to look at development. City Council Minutes June, 10, 2002 Page 3 of 7 Nawrocki referred to a letter he received from a resident expressing her concern about the park, strongly urging City Council to not do what is proposed. Wyckoff indicated that initially she was for development of the area, until researching the history of the area. She would agree to sell it to the residents. Williams stated that we must look to the future, and questioned that an industrial area was put in a residential neighborhood Nawrocki indicated that the area was zoned industrial long before he was on the council Nawrocki stated that looking ahead to what is good for the community, we should not give up parkland. Peterson stated that at the goal setting tour, development of this area was the Council's number one priority. If there was a promise to residents, it was for a buffer, but townhomes would also serve as a noise buffer. He indicated that in visiting the area he felt like he was trespassing. The Park Commission stated in 1991, and again this year, that there is no need for this parkland. Peterson stated this is only taking land on the boundary by the industrial area. The rest of the area will remain unchanged. Terry 0 'Brien, 3810 Main Street, stated he is unfamiliar with half of the parks in the city. 0 'Brien read a statement to council of original events at Lomianki Park, which would include a picnic park, playground park, and nature area. Residents raised $6,000 so the City could develop the middle area of the park. He was concerned that some day Council will also sell the middle portion of land. 0 'Brien stated that the City Attorney indicated the City had no obligation to the residents for the $6,000, but may have a moral obligation. He asked the Mayor and Council to honor the commitment as a moral obligation to its citizens. Upon vote: Williams, aye; Szurek, aye; Wyckoff, nay; Nawrocki, nay; Peterson, aye. 3 ayes - 2 nays. Motion carded. Peterson urged adjacent citizens, if they have an interest in purchasing the property for their own use, to contact the city planner. ORDINANCE NO. 1447 BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE # 831; BEING AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING CERTAIN LAND USE OF PUBLIC PROPERTIES IN BLOCKS 73, 95, AND 100, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ANNEX The City Council of the City of Columbia Heights does ordain: Section 1: That Section 1 of Ordinance # 831 which states: The following ,!~roperties shall be designated for park usage: Lots 16 through 28, Block 95 lying between 37th and 38"' Avenues, possibly to be used as a picnic park. Lots 19-30 and the Westerly 75 feet of Lot 18, inclusive, Block 100, lying between 3§~ and 39~ Avenues with a proposed use as a play park area. Lots 23 through 30, inclusive, Block 73, proposed as a nature park. Is hereby amended to read as follows: The following properties shall be designated for park usage: Lots 19-30 and the Westerly 75 feet of Lot 18, inclusive, Block 100, lying between 38th and 39th Avenues with a proposed use as a play park area. Lots 23 through 30, inclusive, Block 73, proposed as a nature park. Section 2: That section 2 of Ordinance # 831 which states: That the following described parcels be designated for continued industrial use: Lots 29 and 30, Block 95, lying south of 38th Avenue, Lots 16 through 18, Block 100, and Lots 16 through 22, Block 73. City Council Minutes June, 10, 2002 Page 4 of 7 Is hereby amended to read as follows: That the following described parcels be designated for continued industrial use. Lots 16 through 18, except for the westerly 75 feet of Lot 18, Block 100, and Lots 16 through 22, Block 73. Section 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after 30 days after its passage. First Reading: May 28, 2002 Second Reading: June 10, 2002 Date of Passage: June 10, 2002 2) First reading of Ordinance No. 1448, being an ordinance amending Chapter 6, Section 53, of the Charter of the City of Columbia Heights pertaining to power and duties of the City Manager. Nawrocki indicated that he pointed out at the last Charter Commission meeting that this section was not included in the previous recommendation. He requested assurance that this item and the previous recommendation are combined. Motion by Williams, second by Szurek, to waive the reading of Ordinance No. 1448, pertaining to powers and duties of the City Manager, there being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Williams, second by Szurek, to schedule the second reading of Ordinance No. 1448, for Monday, June 24, 2002, at approximately 7:00 p.m. Williams read an e-mail from Charter Commission Chairperson Tammera Erickson, which stated that this topic affects three provisions of the City Charter. It was previously thought to only affect two sections. The Charter Commission voted to send the language of the third section to Council for consideration. The Charter Commission is waiting to see the final language to be placed on the ballot. Jim Hoefi, City Attorney, stated this is the same issue as previously voted upon, regarding over-site of the Police Department by the City Manager versus the Mayor. The concern is to make sure the voters are not confused. He stated that there would be a lot of language on this ballot, and will take voters time to read through it. Wyckoff asked if this topic has even been taken to the voters before. Peterson stated that it had been discussed by the Charter Commission before, but never came forward. The option of a four year term for the Mayor was on a previous ballot, but failed. Nawrocki stated that he is opposed to the City Manager, versus the Mayor, overseeing the Police Department. He commended the Charter Commission Chairperson for indicating that there would be pro and con information made available to the residents. He questioned the anticipated process to inform the residents. Williams stated that the Charter Commission would be responsible to get the word out to the public. Peterson indicated that the City Manger is under direction of the entire City Council; therefore the Police Department would also be under direction of the City Council. Fehst stated the Charter Commission would create a resident information packet, publish in the local newspaper, and may do a citywide mailing. Nawrocki stated that he would support a mailing. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. City Council Minutes June, 10, 2002 Page 5 of 7 Peterson invited the Boy Scouts present from Troop Itl19 to be introduced. The Scouts indicated they are working toward their citizenship badges. Bid Considerations - none Other Business - none ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Report of the City Manager Upcoming Work Session Items · Review undergrounding agreement to bury overhead lines · Review agreement with Minneapolis for temporary traffic signals. (The Mpls. portion of Central Avenue project has been stalled for another year) · Liquor store discussion Nawrocki indicated that the June 17th work session meeting had not been established. Deputy City Clerk Muscovitz read the approved motion from the May th · . . 28 meettng estabhshtng the June 17th work session meeting. Fehst updated Council on final legislative action. The AMM has established a work committee and is looking for input on affordable housing. Fehst referred to the Southern Anoka County Chamber of Commerce, which services Columbia Heights, Fridley, Hilltop, and Spring Lake Park, which anticipates incorporating the cities of New Brighton and Moundsview. Fehst thanked the City Council for allowing him to attend the city management exchange program in Sweden and described the activities. Wyckoff questioned what is happening with the two residential properties the City purchased on Central Avenue. Fehst stated that staff is researching possible ownership of the restaurant next to these properties. Wyckoff questioned renting out the homes. Hoefi stated that the homes are substandard. Report of the City Attorney - none GENERAL COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Minutes of Boards and Commissions · Meeting of the April 16, 2002 Economic Development Commission · Meeting of the May 6, 2002 Traffic Commission · Meeting of the May 22, 2002 Park and Recreation Commission Nawrocki questioned the reference to the Huset Park Master Plan bids in the Park and Recreation Commission minutes. Fehst indicated this has been in process for a long time. Nawrocki stated that these funds could be better used to repair volleyball and tennis courts. Nawrocki questioned the Recreation Commission's desire that proceeds of Lomianki Park go to the Parks fund. Fehst stated that any money given to the Park's fund would be well used on city parks. CITIZENS FORUM Harold Hoium, 4315 5th Avenue, indicated that at the next work session he would request the City Manager, City Attorney, and several Councilmembers tender their resignation, stating his displeasure with the City. City Council Minutes June, 1 O, 2002 Page 6 of 7 COUNCIL CORNER Nawrocki commended Assistant to the City Manager Linda Magee for the written response received regarding questions raised at the last City Council meeting. He referred to the item on past mayor and council salaries. Nawrocki indicated the need to repair the street on 40th Avenue, between Hayes and Arthur, and Cleveland Street, south of 40th Avenue. He questioned the status of the curb work at 686 46 ~ Avenue discussed at the last assessment hearing. Nawrocki offered in formation from the AMM annual meeting, where the topic was "2001 Property Tax Reform ". Nawrocki stated he would sign up to be on the AMM Transportation and Government Committee. Nawrocki referred to a newspaper article which included median household incomes in metro communities, with Columbia Heights near the bottom, which he stated was a direct reflection on resident's inability to pay increasing costs. Nawrocki stated that the grass needs to be cut at 4356 6t~ Street, and old sod needs, to be removed from the alley between 4th and University at 44th to 45th. Nawrocki objected to McClanahan s response relative to Excel tree trimming. He indicated that some branches from last year need to be picked up at the Southeast end of Labelle No. 1 slope. Nawrocki indicated that, "Actions speak louder than works, and practice what you preach ". Wyckoff indicated that the Gold Eagle Laundry would not be a drycleaner. She referred to the Library's "Read and Bloom" brochure. Szurek also referred to the newspaper article on income, and stated this was a reflection on how our city has been allowed to deteriorate. Szurek thanked everyone that attended the Memorial Day ceremony at city hall, and indicated the need to show respect and to support our young people in the military. Williams asked that everyone pray for the peace and prosperity of our city. He referred to the Mayor and City Manager volunteering time at the building of a Habitat home. Williams read several items from Bits and Pieces and wished everyone a happy Fathers Day. Williams added, "by our words we will be justified, and by our words we will be condemned". Nawrocki complimented Williams' daughter, indicating they both have very dedicated daughters. Nawrocki stated he had a call asking if nine additional Habitat homes were planned in the City. Fehst stated he spoke with Julie, from Habitat for Humanity, who indicated there were no other homes planned with the city or privately. He stated that the Habitat home at 4045 Washington Street has changed hands. In reference to the newspaper article on income, Peterson stated that additional upscale housing would be positive, along with the goal to improve our housing stock. He stated that he believes in Habitat homes and does volunteer his time. The program is available to anyone willing to be involved and put in their time. Peterson stated, "Don't take ourselves to seriously, enjoy life, and do a random act of kindness. Smile and treat people nice, and they will smile back and treat you nice." City Council Minutes June, 10, 2002 Page 7 of 7 ADJOURNMENT Mayor Peterson adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk COLUMBIA HEIGHTS - CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: June 24, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: Consent ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER'S NO: 5-A-2 CITY MANAGER' S APPROVAL ITEM: Establish W orkSessionMeeting BY: Wa ltFehst BY: ~f~'-- Dates for July 2002 DATE: June 19, 2002 DATE: NO: It is recommended that Work Session meeting be scheduled for Monday, July 15, 2002 beginning at 7:00 p.m., in City Hall Conference Room 1. RECOMMENDED MOTION: MOTION: Move to establish a Work Session meeting date for Monday, July 15, 2002 beginning at 7:00 p.m., in City Hall Conference Room 1. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 6/24/02 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: 5~A-~ PUBLIC WORKS~ ~~ ITEM: AUTHORIZATION FOR FINAL PAYMENT FOR BY: K. Hansen ~ BY: JACKSON POND FENCE, CITY Pi~OJECT 0009 DATE: 6/18/0;~ti' DATE: Background: The Contractor has completed the Jackson Pond Fence Project. The work consisted of removing existing materials as needed, covering or replacing the posts, installing new gates and vinyl covered chain link fabric with top rails and bottom tension wire. The final contract amount is slightly less than the original bid. Analysis/Conclusions: Staff is recommending approval of £mal payment to Security Fence and Construction, Inc. and final acceptance of the work. A copy of the Engineer's Acceptance Report and paymem voucher is attached. Recommended Motion: Move to accept the work for Jackson Pond Fence, City Project 0009 and authorize f'mal payment of $1,253.25 to Security Fence and Construction, Inc. of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Attachments: Engineer's Acceptance Report Payment Voucher COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA ENGINEER'S REPORT OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE JACKSON POND FENCE CITY PROJECT NUMBER 0009 June 18, 2002 TO THE CITY COUNCIL COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS: This is to advise you that I have reviewed the work under contract to Security Fence and Construction, Inc. The work consisted of removing existing materials as needed, covering or replacing the posts, installing new gates and vinyl covered chain link fabric with top rails and bottom tension wire. The contractor has completed the project in accordance with the contract. It is recommended; herewith, that £mal payment be made for said improvements to the contractor in the amount as follows: ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE ORDERS FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT FINAL WORK APPROVED ALL PRIOR PAYMENTS BALANCE DUE Sincerely, C~_~ OF Q LUMBIA HEIGHTS $ 25,120.00 $ 0.00 $ 25,120.00 $ 25,065.00 ($ 23,811.75) $ 1,253.25 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CONSTRUCTION PAYMENT VOUCHER ESTIMATE NO. Final DATE: June 13,2002 May 31,2002 Jackson Pond Fence 0009 PERIOD ENDING: CONTRACT: PROJECT NO. TO: SECURITY FENCE AND CONSTRUCTION, INC. 4831Washington Street, N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55421 763-574-1893 ·/~.. Original Contract Amount B. Total Addition C. Total Deduction D. TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT E. TOTAL VALUE OF WORK TO DATE F. LESS RETAINED (0%) G. Previous Payment(s) ........................................................................................................................ H. TOTAL APPROVED FOR PAYMENT THIS VOUCHER (FINAL) I. TOTAL PAYMENTS INCLUDING THIS VOUCHER $25,120.00 $0.00 $0.00 $25,120.00 $25,065.00 $0.o0 ($23,811.75) $1,253.25 $25,065.00 APPROVALS Pursuant to our fieldld~)bse~ations, I hereby recommend for payment the above stated amount for work per~rmed Ihrough May 31, 2002. Signed by: ,,-~~ K~/ln ~~~}~l-blic Works Dl'~rector Signed by: ~ Construction, Inc. Date Dat~ CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS JACKSON POND FENCE CITY PROJECT NO. 0009 FINAL PAYMENT NO. ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Remove top rail and barb wire Remove C.L. fence fabric Remove C.L. gate(s) Remove comer fence posts and line posts on 43rd Avenue F& F& F& F& F& F& C.L. fence corner posts, bracing & corner loop tops fence line sieve posts (black) loop tops (black) top rail (black) 14' gates (black) vinyl coated C.L. fabric w/bottom tension cable (black) TOTAL VALUE Of WORK TO DATE LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENT .UNIT QUANT. UNIT PRICE L.F. 1,520 $0.50 L.F. 1,520 $0.75 Ea. 3 $50.00 Ea. 22 $30.00 Ea. 3 $225.00 Ea. 145 $40.00 Ea. 145 $6.00 L.F. 1,464 $2.25 Ea. 2 $1,100.00 L.F. 1,464 $6.50 AMOUNT $760.00 $1,140.00 $150.00 $660.00 $675.OO $5,80O.OO $87O.OO $3,294.00 $2,200.00 $9,516.00 $25,065.00 ($23,811.75) TOTAL APPROVED FOR PAYMENT THIS VOUCHER $1,253.25 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: June 24, 2002 AGENDA ~%c e.~"- ORIGINATING CITY MANAGER SECTION: DEPARTMENT: APPROVAL NO: Fire ITEM: Establish Hearing Dates BY: Charlie Thompson BY: License Revocation, Rental Properties DATE: June 19, 2002 DATE: NO: Revocation or suspension of a license to operate a rental property within the City of Columbia Heights is requested against the following owners regarding their rental property for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Codes. 1. EdwardFragale ............................................................. 1300-1302, 1316-1318, 1324-1326 Circle Terr. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Establish a Hearing Date of July 8, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Edward Fragale at 1300- 1302~ 1316-1318~ 1324-1326 Circle Terrace Blvd NE. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: June 24, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: ~ ORIGINATING DEPT.: CITY MANAGER NO: ,~'//~ -~ License Department APPROVAJ_, ITEM: License Agenda BY: Shelley Hanson ~. DATE:~//J~ NO: DATE: June 20 2002 BY: BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached is the business license agenda for the June 24, 2002 City Council meeting. consists of applications for Contractor licenses for 2002. This agenda At the top of the license agenda you will notice a phrase stating *Signed Waiver Form Accompanied Application. This means that the data privacy form has been submitted as required. If not submitted, certain information cannot be released to the public. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for June 24, 2002 as presented. COUNCIL ACTION: TO CITY COUNCIL June 24, 2002 *Signed Waiver Form Accompanied Application 2002 BUSINESS LICENSE AGENDA CONTRACTORS LICENSES BLDG McPhillips Bros. Roofing Coy's Masonry *LeVahn Bros. 2590 Centennial Dr. No. St Paul 3819 Tyler St, Col. Hts. 12700 Bass Lake Road $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT cotr~cII~ ~~o o~: ~)~ ?4 ~ Ya~ STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF ANOKA CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Motion to approve payment of bills out of the proper funds, as listed in the attached check register covering Check Number ~>~- through. ~ ~' 7 ~t9 in the amount of$ 3~.~['~]. t'{{o . These checks have been examined and found to be legal charges against the CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, and are hereby, recommended for payment. ACS FINANCI~ SYSTEM 06/20/2002 15 Check History 06/24/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 1 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT ANDERSON/LIN-DA ASSOC OF METRO MUNICIPAL BECKER/KELLY BELLBOY CORPORATION CSUS FOUNDATION DAVES SPORT SHOP EAST SIDE BEVERAGE CO FLOORS NORTHWEST INC GENUINE PARTS/NAPA AUTO HANSEN/KEVIN HEIGHTS THEATER JONSON BROS. LIQUOR CO. LETS PLAY SOFTB~L MEDICINE LAKE TOURS MN DEPT OF ADMINISTRATIO NORTHEAST STATE BANK PURTLE/DAVID QWEST COMMUNICATIONS RETHWILL/LAURA RICHFIELD BK-PORTER TRUS RONNING/STEPHENIE M SAMS ~6310 STATE OF MINN.DEPT.LABOR VERIZON WIRELESS VISA VOIGTS BUS COMPANIES XCEL ENERGY (N S P) ~FINI~ PLUS FEDERk5 CR FIRST COMMUNITY CREDIT U HEALTH PARTNERS ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 45 JEFFERSON PILOT MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT ORCHARD TRUST COMPANY PERA PUBLIC MANAGERS ASSOCIAT UNION 320 UNITED WAY VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER - WELLS FARGO - PAYROLL AC WI DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AMERICINN BATTERIES PLUS BECKA/MICHELLE BECKER/KELLY BELLBOY BAR SUPPLY BELLBOY CORPORATION 98499 25.00 98500 30.00 98501 93.85 98502 1,478.70 98503 120.00 98504 6,789.61 98505 31,551.66 98506 452.63 98507 148.11 98508 56.03 98509 200.00 98510 3,970.26 98511 25.00 98512 1,677.00 98513 453.94 98514 1,400,000.00 98515 2,350.00 98516 179.24 98517 277.47 98518 115.94 98519 209.81 98520 307.98 98521 20.00 98522 248.22 98523 3,340.36 98524 1,949.50 98525 357.15 98526 400.00 98527 2,380.00 98528 56,444.54 98529 11,795.97 98530 640.26 98531 707.43 98532 7,160.50 98533 27,681.45 98534 40.00 98535 1,126.16 98536 39.00 98537 225.00 98538 159,286.21 98539 294.62 98540 214.58 98541 52.43 98542 50.00 98543 273.32 98544 2,097.34 98545 5,898.16 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 06/20/2002 15 Check History 06/24/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 2 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT BISOGNI/CATHERINE BYRNE/GERI FRITZ COMPANY INC FUCHS/JANE GABLE/JOY GENUINE P~TS/NAPA AUTO GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC GRIGGS-COOPER & CO HERLOFSKY/DAVE JOHNSON BROS. LIQUOR CO. METROCALL - ATT MESSAGIN MINNESOTA CROWN DISTRIBU MN MUNICIPAL BEVERAGE AS MOELLER/I~EN NEW FRANCE WINE COMPANY NORTHEAST STATE BANK OFFICE DEPOT PAUSTIS & SONS PEPSI-COLA-7 UP PETTY CASH - KAREN MOELL PETTY CASH - KELLY BECKE PETTY CASH - MARY DUGDAL PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS QWEST COMMUNICATIONS RAMIREZ/STEVE RELIANT ENERGY MINNEGASC SLTRBROOK/ELLEN THE DEPOT THOMPSON/CI~IE WINE COMPANY/THE WORLD CLASS WINE XCEL ENERGY (N S P) ABM EQUIPMENT ACE HARDWARE ADAM'S PEST CONTROL, INC ALL SAFE FIRE & SECURITY ALL SAINTS BR~ DISTRIB ALTRA BLIND CLEANING AMERICAN SEMI PARTS,SERV AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASS AMERIPRIDE ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC ANORA COUNTY PROPERTY RE ANOXA COUNTY SHERIFFS DE ANOKA CTY - CENTRAL COMM APPLE LAND LAW ENFORCEME 98546 50.00 98547 50.00 98548 7,799.04 98549 50.00 98550 45.00 98551 49.08 98552 239.00 98553 5,236.01 98554 50.00 98555 14,454.09 98556 71.53 98557 3,212.94 98558 225.00 98559 42.55 98560 97.00 98561 1,300,000.00 98562 22.44 98563 2,336.20 98564 167.25 98565 96.17 98566 99.88 98567 125.13 98568 73,309.85 98569 41,994.87 98570 119.34 98571 20.00 98572 149.75 98573 20.00 98574 440.00 98575 117.12 98576 642.65 98577 678.25 98578 8,648.65 98579 285.11 98580 470.51 98581 66.56 98582 245.00 98583 659.27 98584 205.00 98585 5.33 98586 39.50 98587 69.70 98588 1,607.09 98589 225.00 98590 191.70 98591 382.75 98592 1,276.60 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 06/20/2002 15 Check History 06/24/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 3 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT APWA CONFERENCE REGISTRA 98593 485.00 ARCTIC GLACIER 98594 1,542.44 ASPEN EQUIPMENT 98595 166.84 ASPEN MILLS, INC. 98596 1,077.00 BAKER & TAYLOR CONT. SER 98597 3,069.76 BAKER & TAYLOR ENTERTAIN 98598 139.26 BARNA GUZY & STEFFEN LTD 98599 16,442.54 BATTERY CITY INC 98600 59.26 BAUER BUILT TIRE & BATTE 98601 85.67 BELLBOY BAR SUPPLY 98602 270.75 BIFF'S,INC. 98603 1,407.26 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS, INC 98604 4,529.84 BLUEMELS TREE SERVICE 98605 10,770.70 BOOK WHOLESALERS INC 98606 265.65 BOYER TRUCK PARTS 98607 22.17 BRAKE & EQUIPMEI~ WAREHO 98608 341.52 BRODART 98609 23.10 CARDIN~ SERVICES 98610 135.00 CATCO PARTS SERVICE 98611 565.68 CDW-G 98612 192.56 CEMSTONE 98613 199.69 CENTER FOR ENERGY/ENVIRO 98614 250.00 CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTI 98615 3,767.65 CITY PAGES 98616 433.00 CITY WIDE LOCKSMITHING 98617 297.44 CI~K PRODUCTS INC 98618 324.45 COCA-COLA BOTTLING MIDWE 98619 1,362.96 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS RENTAL 98620 59.88 CREIGHTON BRADLEY GUZZET 98621 5,597.18 CREST VIEW CORPORATION 98622 12,031.08 CSC CREDIT SERVICES 98623 25.00 DANKA 98624 271.91 DAVIES WATER EQUIPMENT C 98625 685.65 DENNOIL 98626 9,851.41 DELEGARD TOOL CO. 98627 363.22 DEMCO 98628 34.92 DETERMAN BROWNIE, INC 98629 503.92 DIAMOND VOGEL PAINTS 98630 545.81 DOUGS TV & APPLIANCE 98631 91.87 DPMS 98632 909.29 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE CO 98633 10,228.40 EGAN MCKAY 98634 1,714.46 ENLER & ASSOCIATE-PUBLIC 98635 810.00 EMP 98636 221.88 EXPERIAN 98637 288.95 EXTREME BEVERAGE 98638 480.00 FAST GLASS & MIRROR INC. 98639 246.00 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 06/20/2002 15 Check History 06/24/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 4 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT FIDELITY SERVICES INC 98640 4,728.22 G & K SERVICES 98641 586.88 GALE GROUP/THE 98642 88.34 GENERAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT 98643 25.70 GEN~3INE PANTS/NAPA AUTO 98644 272.81 GOODIN CO. 98645 8.48 GRAFIX SHOPPE 98646 94.64 GREENER PASTURES 98647 223.66 GRIGGS-COOPER & CO 98648 591.08 HAB INC 98649 200.00 HAPPEL DBA PLANSIGHT/JER 98650 5,647.20 HELMETS R US 98651 574.56 HOHENSTEINS INC 98652 5,229.30 HOME DEPOT 98653 51.72 HOME DEPOT #2802 98654 279.64 HORNADY MANUFACTURING CO 98655 125.60 HOUCHEN BINDERY LTD 98656 216.45 IKON OFFICE SOLUTION 98657 173.67 INSTRUMENTAL RESEARCH IN 98658 126.40 KENNEDY & GRAVEN 98659 1,833.21 KUETRER DIST. CO. 98660 28,880.35 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITI 98661 180.00 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS 98662 34,280.00 LEAGUE OF MN HUMAN RIGHT 98663 50.00 LYNDE COMPANY 98664 815.49 MAC QUEEN EQUIPMENT CO. 98665 638.34 MARK VII DIST. 98666 30,031.77 MCI WORLDCOM COMM SERVIC 98667 6.02 MEDTOX LABORATORIES, INC 98668 216.00 MEDTRONIC PHYSIO CONTROL 98669 213.70 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 98670 112.94 METRO FIRE 98671 1,842.06 METRO WELDING SUPPLY 98672 26.89 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WAS 98673 51,992.10 MID-NORTHERN ELECTRIC 98674 3,150.00 MIDWAY FORD 98675 203.64 MIDWAY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 98676 863.61 MIDWEST TAPE 98677 230.81 MI~OLIS OXYGEN CO. 98678 5.28 MINNEAPOLIS SAW CO. 98679 602.31 MN FIRE SERVICE CERTIFIC 98680 510.00 MN HIGHWAY SAFETY & RESE 98681 542.00 NATIONAL ARBOR DAY FOUND 98682 15.00 NATIONAL ARBORIST ASSOCI 98683 15.95 NATL PUBLIC SAFETY INFO 98684 109.00 NORTH CENTRAL AMBULANCE 98685 70,991.03 NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMEN 98686 138.43 ACS FINANCI SYSTEM 06/20/2002 15 Check History 06/24/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 5 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT NORTHWAY LANDSCAPING & 98687 97.50 O'GkqA/ANDREW 98688 55.00 OFFICE DEPOT 98689 881.24 OLLIES KITCHEN & VIT~LE 98690 439.31 P~K CONSTRUCTION COMPAN 98691 55,217.90 PARTS PLUS 98692 87.85 PARTS WAREHOUSE, INC 98693 315.00 PC SOLUTIONS 98694 1,425.08 PEPSI-COLA-7 UP 98695 405.25 PETTY CASH - REBECCA LOA 98696 23.70 PIONEER PRESS 98697 25.03 PIONEER RIM & WHEEL CO. 98698 62.16 PLUNKETT'S, INC 98699 89.67 POLICE INSTITUTE 98700 350.00 RAMSEY COUNTY 98701 253.82 RECORED BOOKS 98702 59.80 RESOURCE DOCUMENTS & ADV 98703 310.16 SAGE PUBLICATIONS 98704 25.00 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORP 98705 186.48 SIGN LANGUAGE & GOLDEN A 98706 76.31 STANWAY EXCAVATING 98707 527.18 STREICHER'S GUN'S INC/DO 98708 425.84 SUBURBAN LAWN CENTER INC 98709 23.03 SUN PUBLICATION 98710 811.80 SUPERIOR FORD INC. 98711 20,786.00 TECHIFAX BUSINESS SYSTEM 98712 1,588.93 TELEPHONE ANSWERING CENT 98713 75.70 THOMAS AND SONS CONSTRUC 98714 292,398.50 THOMAS ENTERPRISE 98715 500.00 TRANS-ALARM INC 98716 136.76 TRUGREEN CHEMLAWN 98717 2,285.49 UNITED RENT, S 98718 885.11 VERIZON DIRECTORIES CORP 98719 35.65 VERIZON WIRELESS 98720 164.65 VICTORY CORPS 98721 130.78 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY 98722 38.58 VOSS LIGHTING 98723 32.75 WATER WAREHOUSE 98724 352.98 WESTERN UNION FINANCIAL 98725 46.50 WILLIAMS STEEL & HARDWAR 98726 161.73 WINE COMPANY/THE 98727 112.00 WW GRAINGER,INC 98728 67.22 XPECT FIRST AID 98729 61.10 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS, INC 98730 606.28 3,923,191.46 *** ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 06/20/2002 15:20:05 FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION ................................ 101 GENERAL 201 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND 202 ANOKA COUNTY CDBG 203 PARKVIEW VILLA NORTH 204 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH 212 STATE AID MAINTENANCE 213 PARKVIEW VILLA SOUTH 225 CABLE TELEVISION 235 RENTAL HOUSING 240 LIBRARY 250 COL HGHTS AFTER SCHOOL ENRI 265 CONFISCATED/FORFEITED PROP 276 LOCAL LAW ENFORCE BLK GPJLNT 402 STATE AID CONSTRUCTION 415 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT - PIR 431 CAP EQUIP REPLACE-GENEP~L 439 FIRE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 601 WATER UTILITY 602 SEWER UTILITY 603 REFUSE FUND 604 STORM SEWER UTILITY 609 LIQUOR 701 CENTP~%L GARAGE 720 DATA PROCESSING 881 CONTRIBUTED PROJECTS-REC 883 CONTRIBUTED PROJECTS-GEN 884 INSURANCE 885 ESCROW 886 INVESTMENT TRUST 887 FLEX BENEFIT TRUST FUND TOT~ ALL FUNDS Check History DISBURSEMENTS 68,401.44 2,086.86 781.50 11,022.35 3,964.86 1,362.86 5,655.17 5,614.19 287.57 8,426.63 2,537.38 192.56 2 452.70 293 794.84 54 549.87 20 786.00 70 591.03 1 667.25 52 192.19 6.20 2,014.33 280,683.27 17,226.68 140.63 6,789.61 652.01 35,443.14 266,856.55 2,700,000.00 7,011.79 3,923,191.46 CITY OF COLUMEIAHEIGHTS GL060S-V06.40 RECAPPAGE GL540R BANK RECAP: BANK NA~E BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT TOTAL ALL BANKS DISBURSEMENTS 3,923,191.46 3,923,191.46 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of June 24, 2002 AGENDA Resolutions/Ordinances ORIGINATING CITY SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MANAGER NO: [O" /k~ Fire APPROVAL ITEM: Adopt Resolution For BY: Charlie Thompson BY: Revocation DATE: June 19, 2002 DATE: NO: 2002-ci $ Revocation of the license to operate a rental unit within the City of Columbia Heights is requested against Michael Itaase regarding rental property at 1816 44th Avenue NE. for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Codes. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No.2002- q 3, there being ample copies available to the public. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2002-~'[ ~, Resolution of the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights Approving Revocation Pursuant to Ordinance Code Section 5A.408(1) of the Rental License held by Michael Itaase Regarding Rental Property at 1816 44th Avenue NE. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: JUNE 24, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: ~ A I ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER ' S NO: - ' ...... CHARTER COMMISSION APPROVAL SECTION 53, POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT DATE: CITY MANAGER DATE: 6-18-02 NO: The Charter Commission has been in the process of proposing language to change the control of the Police Department from the Mayor to the City Manager. Over the past several months, the Charter Commission has sent to the City Council two ordinance changes that would affect Chapter 2, Section 10, "The Mayor", and Chapter 2, Section 11, "The City Manager" to reflect the proposed charter amendments regarding the control of the Police Department. As the City Council did not unanimously pass these ordinance changes, the Charter Commission has elected to put these items on the ballot for the regular election this fall. In further discussions and review at the last regular Charter Commission meeting in April, it was pointed out that Chapter 6, Section 53 also had language regarding the "Powers and Duties of the City Manager" which should also be amended to coincide with the proposed amended language for Chapter 2, Sections 10 and 11. Therefore, the Charter Commission is bringing forth the amended language for Chapter 6, Section 53, so that all parts of the charter that mention duties of the City Manager and Mayor are copasetic. If the City Council does not unanimously pass the proposed language for Chapter 6, Section 53, it is the intent of the Charter Commission to place this item on the ballot for the regular election this fall as well. The first reading of this proposed ordinance was held on June 10, 2002. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Ordinance No. 1448, pertaining to Powers and Duties of the City Manager, there being ample copies available to the public. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 1448, pertaining to Powers and Duties of the City Manager. COUNCIL ACTION: ORDINANCE NO. 1448 BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6, SECTION 53 OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PERTAINING TO POWER AND DUTIES OF THE CITY MANAGER The City of Columbia Heights does ordain: Section 1: Chapter 6, Section 53 of the Charter of the City of Columbia Heights which currently reads as follows, to wit: POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE CITY MANAGER. Subject to the provisions of this charter and any regulations consistent therewith which may be adopted by council, the city manager shall control and direct the administration of the city's affairs, except that the police department and the enforcement of the laws pertaining to said department shall be under the sole control of the mayor. The city manager's powers and duties shall be: (a) To see that this charter and the laws, ordinances and resolutions of the city are enforced; (b) To appoint and, except as herein provided, remove the city clerk, all heads of departments, and all subordinate officers and employees in the departments, all appointments to be upon merit and fitness alone; (c) To exercise control over all departments and divisions of the city administration created by this charter or which may be hereafter created by the council except as herein provided; (d) To attend all meetings of the council, with the fight to take part in the discussions but having no vote; but the council may at its discretion exclude the city manager from meetings at which the city manager's removal is considered; (e) To recommend to the council for adoption such measures as the city manager may deem necessary for the welfare of the people and the efficient administration of the city's affairs; (f) To keep the council fully advised as to the financial condition and needs of the city, and to prepare and to submit to the council the annual budget; (g) To prepare and to submit to the council for adoption an administrative code incorporating the details of administrative procedure, and from time to time to suggest amendments to the same; and (h) To perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this charter or required of the city manager by ordinances or resolutions adopted by the council. IS HEREWITH AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE CITY MANAGER. Subject to the provisions of this charter and any regulations consistent therewith which may be adopted by council, the city manager shall control and direct the administration of the city's affairs, ........ ...................... .~,,,. The c manager's powers and duties shall be: (a) To see that this charter and the laws, ordinances and resolutions of the city are enforced; (b) To appoint and, except as herein provided, remove the city clerk, all heads of departments, and all subordinate officers and employees in the departments, all appointments to be upon merit and fitness alone; (c) To exercise control over all departments and divisions of the city administration created by this charter or which may be hereafter created by the council cxccpt aa ........ v ...... d, (d) To attend all meetings of the council, with the right to take part in the discussions but having no vote; but the council may at its discretion exclude the city manager from meetings at which the city manager's removal is considered; (e) To recommend to the council for adoption such measures as the city manager may deem necessary for the welfare of the people and the efficient administration of the city's affairs; (f) To keep the council fully advised as to the financial condition and needs of the city, and to prepare and to submit to the council the annual budget; (g) To prepare and to submit to the council for adoption an administrative code incorporating the details of administrative procedure, and from time to time to suggest amendments to the same; and (h) To perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this charter or required of the city manager by ordinances or resolutions adopted by the council. First Reading: Second Reading: Date of Passage: Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk Gary L. Peterson, Mayor CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of 6/24/02 AGENDA SECTION: OTHER BUSINESS ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER ITEM: UNDERGROUNDING OF XCEL OVERHEAD BY: K. Hansen BY: LINES ON CENTRAL AVENUE DATE: 6/18/02~~ DATE: Background: During the project development stages of the Central Avenue Street, Utility and Streetscaping Improvements, the Council expressed a desire to underground the existing overhead utility within the project area. Staffraade a formal request in October of 2001 and has been working with Xcel Energy to develop the scope of work and cost to relocate the overhead lines from 41't to 43~d Avenues. Analysis and Conclusions: Xcel Energy responded with an initial estimate of $140,500 based upon a cursory design. Staffmet with Xcel and further refined the scope of work this spring. Xcel has prepared a revised cost estimate based upon a final design in the amount of $108, 001. A copy of their letter and work request is attached. As previously indicated to the Council, this is a local cost to be paid for by the City. Two options are available to fund the work: (a) Spread the cost to Xcel ratepayers in the entire City, (b) City make up front payment to Xcel for the work. Ratepayer Option: Xcel has indicated that this funding mechanism would show up separately on a customer bill as "City requested service". The amount would be $1.00 over a period of 17 months. There are about 200 commercial customers in town who would see a charge of $3.00 per month for the same period due to their meter size. City Funding: Potential funding sources for this may include: · Special projects fund · City Cable fund · Project State Aid Fund (if available) · Special assessments · Combination of these or other sources Assessments would be a difficult option at this point delaying the installation and affecting coordination with the project contractor. Assessments also present the requirement of benefit to assessed property owners. Excess State Aid may or may not be available depending on how the construction costs go. State Aid can be considered to pay back any of the funding sources once construction is complete and it is determined that excess State Aid dollars are available. Recommended Motion: Move to approve the agreement with Xcel Energy for the undergrounding of overhead lines on Central Avenue from 41 ~t to 434 Avenues and authorizing a total payment in the amount of $108,001 with 50% ($54,001) from Special Projects Fund #226-49846- 3050 and 50% ($54,000) from Cable Fund #225-49000-3050; and, authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the sallie. Attachment Xcel letter dated June 3, 2002 Statement of Work Requested COUNCIL ACTION: XcelEnergy RECEIVED JUN 0 5 2002 PUBLIC WORKS 1518 Chestnut Avenue NoAh Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403-1292 June 3, 2002 Kevin Hansen, P.E. City of Columbia Heights Public Works Deparunent 637 38th Avenue NE ~olumbia Heights, MN 55421 Dear Kevin, Please find enclosed an esdmate for the overhead to underground com'ersion on Central Ave NE between 41st Street Ave NE and 43rd Ave NE. You will find three copies of the "Statement of \Vork Request" enclosed. Please sign two copies and return to me along with the payment. If you could also forward to me a copy of the plans that would be appreciated. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Langford Jordan XceiEnergy** Statement of Work Requested DATE: WORK REQUESTED BY WORK TO BE AT ADDKESS June 03, 2002 city of Columbia Heights 41'' Ave NE to 434 Ave NE along C_entml Ave NE. See Above Description CONSISTING OF: Relocating Overhead facilities along the above route to underground. Xcel Energy will relocate all overhead facilities per the request of the City of Columbia Heights and as discussed with Langford Jordan, Jim Carlson and Kevin Hansen at Wednesday May 22"d ske meeting. This is an estimate based upon the best availabe information. Should the cost of the actual work be different Xcel Energy will either refund the difference or bill the difference to the City of Columbia Heights. The facilities installed or removed by the Company shall be the property of the Company and any payment by customer shall not entitle customer to any ownership interest or right therein. The undersigned hereby requests and authorizes Northern States Power Company, d/b/a Xcel Energy to do the xvork described above, and in consideration thereof, agrees to pay One hundred-Eight Thousand and One Dollar- ...........................00/100's in accordance with the following terms: Payment prior to construction. Receipt of the above amount hereby acknowledged on behalf of Xcel Energy by XCEL ENERGY ($ 108,001.00 ) Credit Approval Customer Ciw of Columbia Heights By Langford Jordan By FOR XCEL ENERGY USE Xcel EnergyRep. Langford Jordan Const. $ 108.001.00 Rem. S DMsion Mpls 1Maint. $. Xcel EnergyProj. No. Desigr~ 0000014242 Ooer. $ Transf. $ Total $108.001.00 Form 17-7012 (6-01) Original - Division Accounting Copy- Customer Copy- Division Distribution Engineering COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 20, 2002 CALL TO ORDER - The Regular Meeting of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA) was called to order by President Ruettimann at 5:46 p.m., Monday, May 20, 2002, in the City Hall, Conference Room 1,590 40th Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, Minnesota. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: S t aff Pre sent: Robert Ruettimann, Patricia Jindra, Marlaine Szurek, Gary Peterson, Julienne Wyckoff, Bruce Nawrocki and Bobby Williams Walt Fehst, Executive Director Randy Schumacher, Acting Deputy Executive Director Cheryl Bakken, Secretary Mark Nagel, Housing Assistant CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes Move to adopt the minutes of the April, 2002, regular meeting as presented in writing. Financial Report and Payment of Bills Move to approve Resolution 2002-08, Resolution of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA) approving the financial statements for April, 2002 and approving payment of bills for April, 2002. MOTION by Peterson, second by Szurek, to adopt the consent agenda items as listed. All ayes. Motion Carried. Nawrocki felt that the meeting was called to start at 5:45 p.m. without considering the 15 minute time difference that would have allowed him to be present at the start of the meeting. Ruettiman informed the Board that Bill Elrite, Finance Director, was not able to present the Fund Balance Review this month due to the Annual Audit, but will have the information available by the June meeting. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Sullivan Lake Settlement Agreement Schumacher indicated the EDA created the Sullivan Lake Tax Increment Financing District, approved the financing plan on June 15, 1987 and received Tax Increment payments for the property taxes payable in 1997 in the amounts of $48,120.66 on July 7, 1997, $47,864.33 on December 2, 1997 and $1,678.46 on January 26, 1998. The State Auditor conducted an examination and audit of the District and issued a letter of non-compliance dated January 26, 2001, alleging the EDA's receipt of $97,663.45 in Tax Increment Payments after July 15, 1997, violated the statutory duration limits for an Economic Development District and is subject to repayment. The EDA responded to the State Auditors notice denying the EDA improperly Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes May 20, 2002 Page 2 of 4 received $97,663.45. Anoka County brought an action against the EDA in the Anoka County District Court, siting the State Auditors findings and seeking repayment of the Tax Increment payments. Under Minnesota Statutes, the Court may abate all or part of any amount payable by the authority, if the action was taken in good faith and the payment would work an undue hardship on the municipality. The parties recognized the EDA relied in good faith on the counties distribution of Tax Increments from the Sullivan Lake District, and that the EDA has expended such distributions, under the assumption they were properly made. Anoka County wants to resolve the dispute to avoid the cost and delays associated with litigation. Therefore, staff recommended EDA approval of the settlement agreement, authorizing a payment in the amount of $1,678.46 to the County as a full, final and complete settlement, and this payment is made as a compromise of the disputed claim asserted against the EDA, and is not intended as an admission of wrong doing by the EDA. Szurek asked if the State Auditor wanted the total $97,663.45. Fehst stated the letter received in the fall of last year did indicate that. Wyckoff asked who owns the district and will it be a dead district after this. Schumacher indicated that Rottlund owns the property and it will be a dead district. MOTION by Szurek, second by Jindra, to Approve the attached Settlement Agreement for Sullivan Lake Tax Increment Financing District; and furthermore, to authorize the President and Executive Director to sign the agreement and make the required payment to Anoka County. All ayes. Motion Carried. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 2001 Audit Review Schumacher reported the Auditors report for Parkview Villa states that we have satisfied the .following issues in the past year: 1)following the NSF policy consistent with the City; 2) the new software was implemented to provide the City with better financial information on billing and collecting rents; 3) new procedures were implemented for the coin operated laundry facilities; 4) a written agreement was signed between the EDA and the Hair Salon Beautician and a the proper licensing acquired; and 5) a Capital Replacement Plan was developed to identify financial needs. Ruettimann suggested the Auditors be made aware that the Audit for Parkview Villa should be addressed under the HRA in the future, as the administration of it was changed to the HRA in January of 2001 and also requested that Jindra and him receive a copy of the Audit. Schumacher will make sure the Finance Department addresses this issue for next year and staff will provide the copies of the audit to Ruettimann and Jindra. For the CDBG Program- The last three grants need to be finalized, which we processed the end of April. For CIAP- The Davis Bacon issue with Millar Elevator from 1999 needs to be finalized, which the EDA Board passed the final payment last month and a check has been issued to Millar. Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes May 20, 2002 Page 3 of 4 Schumacher indicated that staff should be commended for their efforts in resolving these issues. The Board extended their thanks to the Community Development Department staff. Industrial Center Request for Qualifications $chumacher stated staff has received three RFQ's by the May 14ta deadline from Welsh, United, and C.B. Richardson. John Allen and Awsumb and Associates, wouM still like to submit their RFQ's, if the Board would be open to accepting them. Staff will review the RFQ's prior to the EDA interviews being held. Each interview will be approximately 45 minutes in length. Ruettimann indicated, his experience with developers was that if they couldn't make the forty- five day lead time for bidding, they will most likely be late on the project. Nawrocki questioned if Awsumb has Industrial Development experience and maybe should not be considered because of the way he treated the business owners of the 49th and Central (Hilltop) strip mall unfairly. Peterson felt we should not exclude anyone at this point in the redevelopment process. Szurek suggested calling all of the remaining twenty developers that were sent RFQ's to let them know we are going to conduct interviews and verify if they are still interested in submitting their RFQ. Ruettimann requested staff contact all of the developers to find out their interest in submitting their RFQ and extend the deadline to Monday, June IOta at 4p.m. Schumacher will coordinate this process. Rehab Incentive Program Schumacher indicated Columbia Heights has been approved for $50,000 in Rehab Incentive Program that the Resource Center has applied for. The Incentive Program will encourage Columbia Heights residents to fix up their home, as they will receive a 15% rebate if their income is up to $38,350; 12% rebate if their income is from $38,351 thru $54,400; and a 10% rebate is their income is between $54,401 and $88,205. The funds are on a first come, first serve basis and will be available sometime in July. LCDA Grant Application Schumacher indicated staff has applied for a Pure Planning Grant to be used for the Mady's area of Central Avenue in the amount of $25, 000, which the City Council has reviewed and approved for submittal. Staff will know by July 25ta if we will receive the funding. Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes May 20, 2002 Page 4 of 4 Kmart Update Fehst indicated he recently spoke with Gerry Herringer. McComb recommend Herringer look at the whole eleven plus acres and what can be done with it. The letter enclosed in the EDA packet outlines the steps to be taken in the next two months steps by Herringer. Mady's Block Redevelopment - Dunbar Proposal Schumacher indicated he and Fehst met with Frank Dunbar last week on the possible development in the Mady 's, Burger King, Rental Center block area. Maxfield Research Inc. is working with Dunbar to provide information necessary for the development. They are recommending 17, 080 sq ft of commercial development on Central, which includes 24, 000 sq ft on the 39th street side for public use (City HaH or library possibly), a large parking area in the rear, possibly leaving Mady's Bowling Alley in the same spot, but upgrade the building, and 60 to 80 units of senior housing. The priority rating for admission to the market rate rental units could be: 1) Columbia Heights residents first; 2) Columbia Heights families; and 3) residents that use to live in Columbia Heights, and would like to live her again. Wyckoff felt the rental units should not be just for seniors, they should be open to any age group. Peterson requested staff check with Dunbar on the possibilities of opening the rental units to all age groups. Walt indicated there is a parking requirement that would have to be met if the units are opened to all age groups. St. Timothy's Town-homes Schumacher stated Nedegaard has a purchase agreement with St. Tim's and will be coming up with a preliminary and a final plat for the P & Z and City Council review sometime in July. Resident, Mrs. Johnson, indicated she was at a meeting that was held between residents and Nedegaard, and reported that it went very well. OTHER BUSINESS Ruettimann indicated Pat Jindra was interested in being on the HILl Board and asked if any Board member would be interested in stepping down to allow her to fill the position. Wyckoff was very interested.. ADJOURNMENT President, Ruettimann, adjourned the meeting at 7:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cheryl Bakken Recording Secretary H :\EDAminutes2002\5-20-2002 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES · June 4, 2002 The meeting was called to order by Chair, Barbara Miller. Those present were Catherine Vesley, Julienne Wyckoff, Patricia Sowada, Nancy Hoium, Barbara Miller, David Hoimgren and Becky Loader. Dave Holmgren was introduced and welcomed as the newly appointed Library Board Member. It was moved, seconded, and passed to approve the minutes of the May 7, 2002, Board meeting as mailed. Bill list dated 5/28/02 was reviewed. It was moved, seconded, and passed that they be paid. Bill list dated 6/10/02 was also reviewed. It was moved, seconded, and passed that they be paid. The Board reviewed the payment of the CHASE bills and accounting sheet. The accounting was reviewed. It was noted that the line item for building insurance will require watching. Old Business: 1. The Intemet documents were reviewed. The Child Internet Protection Act was declared unconstitutional. The burden of responsibility is on those individuals accessing the Intemet. a. It was moved, seconded and passed to approve the revised Intemet Policy. The policy will be posted at the terminals for the public. b. The guest card policy was reviewed. It was moved, seconded, and passed to approve the Guest Card Policy for those individuals who may be out-of-state residents. On May 13, 2002, David Holmgren was appointed to the Library Board by the City Council. A short explanation of the purpose and scope of the Library Board was presented. Dave received a copy of the Public Library Trustee manual to review. The newly formed Library Foundation was also discussed. A book sale report was provided. The Friends of the Library sold $1,202.70 worth of books and made an additional $205.00 in the sale of preview tickets. The Library made $428.80 on the sale of library materials at the sale. 4. The CHASE aide position has been filled. Alexandra Kondrick will begin working of June 10. She will be responsible for several upcoming Children's programs. The changes to the Jamboree Parade route were discussed. The Library will not be accessible as a meeting place for participants. Those who are participating in the parade will meet at the line up site. Beverages and coolers should be taken directly to Catherine's house and she will pick up the bookmarks etc. from the library earlier in the day. People should be in line by 6:00 p.m. The parade route will now be going from 39th Ave. to 40~ Ave. via Jackson Street. Once the entry number has been assigned, the Board will be notified. A report on the City Wide open house was provided. The theme of the Library booth was "Bloom and Read". The Library display was well received by all who attended. A video on the history of the library was playing and "stump the Librarian" was a big hit. Attendance was a little low, but that may have been due to the stormy weather that was threatening. A memo explaining RLTA funding was reviewed. This funding is intact for 2003. An update on the 75th anniversary celebration was provided. A sample of the lettering for the banner was reviewed and colors were chosen. The banner will have a blue background with white lettering. It was moved, seconded and passed to pay for the banner out of line item 3430: Advertising other. 9. A letter from the IRS was received. The Foundation has been assigned tax-exempt status. New Business: 1. It was moved, seconded and passed to transfer $2,707.00 from line item 2011: Computer Equipment to line item 5170: Office Equipment. Rita Norberg has been named Humanitarian of the Year and will be presented with a plaque by the City Council at the meeting of June 10, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. There will be a reception in the Conference Room at City Hall at 6:00 p.m. that same evening. The Board will be present and Barb will say a few words. The Board decided to give Rita a small token gift in recognition. 3. The Secretary position on the Library Board has been vacant since the resignation of Richard Hubbard. Regular elections will take place in October. David Holmgren was appointed interim Secretary. The revised proposed budget of 2003 was distributed to the Board. The budget was reviewed and explanations provided where necessary. The Board would like to see additional funds requested in several line items. These include the following: 5120, 4375, 4380, 8100, and 8110. The revenue worksheet was reviewed. Changes will be made to the line items requested and new budget documents will be mailed to the Board for their approval. It was moved, seconded, and passed to accept the budget as corrected and a phone poll will be taken on Wednesday June 12, of the corrected revised budget. 5. An article from Library Journal discussing electronic publishing and databases was discussed. 6. Summer Program brochures were reviewed. Six people at LDS have been given job termination notices effective June 28, 2002. Three people have been reassigned to administrative positions. LDS is responsible for dispersing Federal Funds. The programs funded include Inter-Library Loan, reciprocal borrowing, and funding for Internet and T1 lines. The Library community will closely monitor developments and updates will be provided as available. As the Anoka County system moves forward to a client-server based circulation system, it will no longe~ be called the ACS (Automated Circulation System), but will be known as the ILS (Integrated Library Service). 8. Maintenance of Effort explanation article was discussed. 9. Summer Page schedule has been negotiated. 10. The front door was shattered on May 17, by a rock thrown from lawn mower. The panel has been replaced. ~ 1. ACL annual report was shared with the Board. 12. Nancy Hoium offered Resolution 2002-1 honoring the graduating pages. The resolution was read. It was moved, seconded, and passed to adopt Resolution 2002-1. 13. The next regular Library Board meeting will take place on July 2, 2002, as scheduled. 14. The development plans for the Mady's property was discussed. No decisions have been made but the subject is under consideration. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jeanine M. Schmidt Secretary to the Library Board of Trustees. The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights= services, programs, and activities. Addenda to the Board Meeting of June 4, 2002. The revised 2003 proposed budget was mailed to the Library Board on June 7, 2002. A phone poll was conducted of the members on Wednesday, June 12, 2002 with the following responses. Barbara Miller Aye Nancy Hoium Aye Catherine Vesley Aye Dave Holmgren no response Patricia Sowada Aye Julienne Wyckoff no response The motion to approve the budget as revised was passed. M. Rebecca Loader, Library Director