HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 6, 2002 Work Session Audit ReviewCITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 590 40th Avenue N.E.. Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 (763) 706-3600 TDD (763) 706-3692 Visit Ottr Website at: wwmci, columbia-heights, mn.us ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING to be hem in the CITY OF COL UMBIA HEIGHTS as follows: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Councilmembers Marlaine Szurek dulienne Wyckoff Bruce Nawrocki Robert A. Williams City Manaoer Walt Fehst Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Location of Meeting: Purpose of Meeting: COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL MAY 6, 2002 7:00 P.M. CONFERENCE ROOM 1 ,4 GENDA Audit Review Prestemon Park Backstop & Players Bench Area Fencing (2002 budgeted item) Review Central Avenue Improvement Program Bids a. Street, Utility and Streetscaping b. Street Lighting (Xcel Energy) The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for handicapped persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Council Secretary at 706-3611, to make arrangements. (TDD/706-3692 for deaf or hearing impaired only) THE CITY OV COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF' SERVICES EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 5/6/02 AGENDA SECTION: WORK SESSION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: ~__ PUBLIC WORKSn~ gyA~~ ~ ~'' ITEM: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND BY: K. Hansc AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE PRESTEMON PARK DATE: 5/1/02 ~ BACKSTOP AND PLAYERS BENCH FENCING TO CENTURY FENCE Background: In 2000 and 2001, staff reviewed the Park Development Capital Improvement Projects with the Park and Recreation Commission. In an attempt to secure additional funding for designated projects, staff applied for but was unsuccessful in obtaining DNR Outdoor Recreation Grant funding for a couple of the larger projects such as redevelopment of Ramsdell Park and Paved Trail improvements at Labelle and Prestemon Parks. Subsequently, public works staff installed the paved trail at Prestemon Park and reconstructed the players bench areas due to the grade changes caused by the new trail. The backstop at Prestemon was also identified for replacement and Public Works allocated $15,000 in the 2002 Parks budget for the backstop replacement and additional fencing. Analysis/Conclusions: The addition of the new bituminous pathway around the ballfield at Prestemon Park has brought the need for improvements to the backstop on the ball field. The elevation of the new pathway made it necessary to install small retaining walls around both players' benches of the ball field. These retaining walls need to be protected with fencing to keep people from inadvertently stepping offthe pathway and tripping over the retaining wall. The existing backstop is 16 feet high with a 4-foot catcher or hood at the top. The backstop chain link fencing has been smashed into numerous times and is permanently deformed. Additionally, the fencing and poles are showing signs of mst. Presently there is no fencing extending down the foul lines of the field. Additionally, with the installation of the new protective fencing around the player's bench areas, the existing backstop will be out of position along the foul line. Installing a new backstop improves the park's appearance by matching the protective fencing around the player's bench retaining walls and is more compatible with the other new features of the park such as the pathway, playground, pond and landscaping. The proposed new backstop is 20 feet high with a 6-foot catcher or hood. The addition height will help keep foul balls from going into the street or residential areas across the street. Staff prepared specifications for the work and received bids up to April 12th, 2002. The City received 4 bids, ranging from $9,099 to 12,250, with a copy of the bid opening minutes attached. The low bid amount is $9,099, from Century Fence of Forest Lake, MN. The Park & Recreation Commission reviewed the bids at their April 24, 2002 meeting with a recommendation to the City Council of accepting the low, responsible bid and awarding the contract to Century Fence in the amount of $9,099.00. Recommended Motion: Move to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-22, there being ample copies available to the public. Recommended Motion: Move to adopt Resolution 2002-22, accepting bids and awarding City Project 2002-04, Prestemon Park Backstop and Player's Bench Area Fencing, to Century Fence based upon their low, qualified, responsible bid in the amount of $9,099.00, with funds appropriated from Fund 412-50204-5130, and furthermore, to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same. Attachment: Bid Opening Minutes Resolution Site Drawing COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO. 2002-22 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE PRESTEMON PARK BACKSTOP AND PLAYERS BENCH FENCING CITY PROJECT 0204 TO CENTURY FENCE WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for Prestemon Park Backstop and Players Bench Fencing, bids wcrc received, opened and tabulated according to law. The following bids wcrc received complying with thc advertisement: Bidder Base Bid Century Fence Company Security Fence and Construction Co. Crown Fence Town and Country Fence $ 9,099.00 $ 9,287.00 $ 9,526.00 $12,250.00 WHEREAS, it appears that Century Fence Company, 14839 Lake Dr., Forest Lake, Minnesota 55025, is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA: The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Thomas and Sons Construction, Inc. in the name of the City of Columbia Heights, for the Prestemon Park Backstop and Players Bench Fencing, according to plans and specifications therefore approved by the Council. The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to return, forthwith, to all bidders, the deposits made with their bids except the deposit of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until the contract has been signed. 2. City Project #0204 shall be funded from Capital Improvement Funds in 412-50204-5130. Dated this 13th Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: day of May 2002. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS By: Gary Peterson, Mayor Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Minutes of Bid Opening on Friday, April 12, 2002 City Project 0204 Prestemon Backstop Replacement and Players Bench Enclosure Pursuant to an advertisement for bids for Prestemon Backstop Replacement and Players Bench Enclosure, an administrative meeting was held on April 12, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. for the purpose of bid opening. Bids were opened and read aloud. Attending the meeting were: Tim Lund, Park Foreman Kevin Hansen, City Engineer Bids were opened and read aloud as follows: Bidder Century Fence Company Security Fence & Construction Co. Crown Fence Town and Country Fence submitted, Kevin Hansen, City Engineer jb Base Bid $ 9,099.00 $ 9,287.O0 $ 9,526.OO $12,250.00 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 5/6/02 AGENDA SECTION: WORK SESSION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER ITEM: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND Hansen~~~ / AWARDING CONTRACT FOR CENTRAL AVENUE DATE: 5/1/02 ~ DATE: ~' STREET, UTILITY AND STREETSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 9912, 9912-A and 99-20 Background: On March 18, 2002 the City Council ordered the street and utility improvements in Zone 6A. Plans and specifications were prepared and advertised for bids in the Focus on March 21, 2002 and in the Construction Bulletin on March 22, March 29, April 5 and April 12, 2002. Forty-two contractors or suppliers requested copies of the bidding documents. Two bids were received and publicly read aloud at the April 30, 2002 bid opening. A detailed copy of the complete bid tabulation is available from the City Engineer. Analysis/Conclusions: Thomas and Sons of Rogers, Minnesota submitted the low base bid, in the amount of $3,872.405.02. As indicated on the minutes of the bid opening, $544,888.19 separated the next bidder from the low bidder on the bids. The original engineer's estimate, prior to bidding, was $3,600,000. During the bidding phase, three addendums were issued that ultimately increased the cost of the project. The first one was adding a bituminous joint crack sealing product called PavePrep for the north bound lanes. This is a geotextile material that is 18 inches in width that is applied after milling and rolled out on top of existing pavement cracks and then paved with the overlay course of bituminous. The material is advertised to limit reflective cracking and extend the life of the mill & overlay. The second addition changed the specification on the entire sidewalk from from four to six inches in thickness and added steel reinforcement throughout the entire sidewalk area. Prior to receiving bids, the engineer's estimate was revised to $3,834,864 to incorporate these changes. Staffrequested the addition of PavePrep and crack repair to limit the amount of reflective cracks occurring in the next year or two on the new mill and overlay section for the north bound lanes. The total bid price for this work is $107,325. On any Mill & Overlay type paving project, reflective cracking (existing cracks coming through the new wear course) will occur over time. On Central Avenue, the bituminous pavement sits over concrete panels, which are not tied. Due to the clayey elastic soils on Central, these panels are the cause of most of the cracking occurring in the bituminous layer. It was initially desired by staffto evaluate geotextile product to add strength at the existing cracks and delay the inevitable, which is reflective cracking. Due to the high bid cost of this product, staff recommends to not install this portion of the project, saving the $107,325. Because of the type of soils on Central Avenue and the streetscaping treatments in the sidewalk area, staff requested that the sidewalk section be strengthened by adding reinforcement and changing the thickness from 4 to 6 inches. Changing this back to an non-reinforced 4-inch section would result in a cost savings of approximately $70,775. Because the colored, banded and scored sidewalk is a critical component of the overall plan, and recognizing the potential negative impact of the existing soils, staff recommends using the 6-inch reinforced section. Staffhas reviewed the bids for additional cost savings to reduce the overall project cost further and is recommending slight modifications to the storm sewer system at 42ad Avenue which will save approximately $56,000. By not constructing the PavePrep and minor modification to the storm sewer system will result in a savings of $163,325 which will bring the Central Avenue project costs as bid down to $3,602,981. The sanitary sewer bids came in under the engineer's estimate with the roadway portion over resulting in a funding shortfall of approximately $175,000. Staffrecommends funding the additional cost entirely with State-Aid funding (see note 7 on exhibit A). The City of Columbia Heights State-aid account currently has an unencumbered balance of $2,098,742 available for Central Avenue. Additionally, the City is eligible to request an advance encumbrance up to $750,000 for this project. This funding is available, interest free, from the office of State Aid on a first come first serve basis. The advance is paid back in subsequent years from the City's construction allotment, currently at $422,000 per year. Staff is recommending that the full amount of advance encumbrance be requested for the Central Avenue project, the remaining balance of which can also be used on other improvements and for the COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 5/6/02 AGENDA SECTION: WORK SESSION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: PUBLIC WORKS ITEM: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND BY: K. Hansen BY: AWARDING CONTRACT FOR CENTRAL AVENUE DATE: 5/1/02 DATE: STREET, UTILITY AND STREETSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 9912, 9912-A and 99-20 infrastructure fund in 2003. Another portion of the work that was included in this bidding package was the University Avenue backlit street signs, originally rejected by the City Council on September, 1999, and adding the work to the Central Avenue project. The total cost of this work is $68,000. This translates to a per sign cost of $4,250. They are intended to be placed at the intersections of37t~, 40th, 44th, and 49t~ along University Avenue. An funding agreement with the City of Fridley will be necessary to pay for the signs at 49th Avenue. When the project was bid as a stand alone project, the bids came in at $74,500 or $4,656 per sign. Delaying this portion of the work to a future year could be considered as an option to further reduce the overall project costs by another $68,000. Not performing the PavePrep, minor storm sewer work and backlit street signs would reduce the overall project costs from $3,872,405 to $3,602,981, which more closely matches the original engineer's estimate and project funding program. Based upon the low bid from Thomas and Sons, staff is recommending contract award of the overall bid with the following funding sources identified on the attached sheet, exhibit 'A,' and eliminating the PavePrep, making minor modifications to the storm sewer and eliminating the backlit street signs on University Avenue. Another component of the streetscaping portion of the work was the furnishing and installation of street lights along the entire corridor from 37t~ to 43rd Avenues. Attached is a bid from Xcel Energy to install acorn style decorative lighting and intersection safety lighting at a total cost of $358,000. The bid includes 57 decorative lights and 40 safety or hatbox style lights. The bid includes all materials and installation and provides that Xcel Energy will then provide maintenance of all lights. The bid includes double heads of the decorative style lights at the 40th Avenue intersection. The bid includes all new underground wiring installed in conduit. Maintenance provided by Xcel includes the entire lighting system, including underground wiring. Recommended Motion: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-33, there being ample copies available to the public. Recommended Motion: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2002- 33 accepting bids and awarding the 2002 Central Avenue Street, Utility and Streetscaping, Project No's 9912 and 9912-A, to Thomas and Sons of Rogers, Minnesota in the amount of $3,872.405.02 based upon their low, qualified responsible bid; and, furthermore, to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same. Recommended Motion: Move to accept the proposal from Xcel Energy in the amount of $358,300 for installation of 97 streetlights; and, furthermore, to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same. Attachments: Exhibit 'A' Bid Opening Minutes Resolution URS Recommendation Letter Xcel Energy Proposal COUNCIL ACTION: o o 0 -- LLI w~ <~ LLi U~ W .c: ~z~ ~0 z°''' ~ S°O ~ 0~)~ .00n'' o o cz c~ zZ ~ ~ -- ~ ~ . ~-~ OZ ~ o~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z 0 0 ._ o w ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = E z w 6 6  ~ O O o~ ~ ~ ~ o o F- Z 0 Z LM W CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Minutes of Bid Opening on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 City Projects 9912 and 9912-A Central Avenue (T.H. 65) Improvements Pursuant to an advertisement for bids for Central Avenue (T.H. 65) Improvements, City Projects 9912 and 9912-A, an administrative meeting was held on April 30, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. for the purpose of bid opening. Bids were opened and read aloud. Attending the meeting were: Kevin Kielb, URS Jon Horn, URS Representative of Rod Pederson Utilities, Inc. Representative of Midwest Asphalt Dan Thomas, Thomas and Sons Kevin Hansen, City Engineer Bids were opened and read aloud as follows: Bidder Thomas and Sons Construction, Inc. Midwest Asphalt Corporation Base Bid $3,872,405.22 $4,417,293.41 R~lly_~su~ted, Kevin Hansen City Engineer jb RESOLUTION NO. 2002-33 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE CENTRAL AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT No. 9912 AND 9912-A TO THOMAS AND SONS CONSTRUCTION INC. WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for City Project No. 9912 and 9912-A, Central Avenue Improvements, bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law. The following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Bidder Base Bid Thomas and Sons Construction, Inc. Midwest Asphalt Corporation $3,872,405.22 $4,417,293.41 WHEREAS, it appears that Thomas and Sons Construction Inc., 13925 Northdale Blvd., PO Box 303, Rogers, Minnesota 55374, is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA: The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Thomas and Sons Construction, Inc. in the name of the City of Columbia Heights, for the Central Avenue Improvements, City Project No. 9912 and 9912-A, according to plans and specifications therefore approved by the Council. The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to return, forthwith, to all bidders, the deposits made with their bids except the deposit of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until the contract has been signed. City Project #9912 and 9912-A shall be funded with State Aid Maintenance Fund, General Fund, Park Fund, Street Fund, Sewer and Water Fund and PIR funds. Dated this 13th day of May 2002. Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS By: Gary Peterson, Mayor Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk 05/02/2002 THU 08:57 FAX ~002 ** SIGN-IN SHEET ** CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY PROJECT NO. 9912 AND 9912A (S.P. 0207-73 AND S~1'. 0207.71) - CENTRAL AVENUE (T.H. 65) STREET, UTILITY AND STREETSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS, AND CITY PROJECT NO. 9920 - UNIVERSITY AVENUE INTERNALLY LIT SIGNS Bid Opening April 30, 2002 10:00 AM NAME/COMPANY ADDRESS T~T.V. PHONE/ FAX NO. 0~AX) f'I~-T-~) .. (FAX) May 1, 2002 Mr. Kevin Hansen, P.E. Director of Public Works City of Columbia Heights 637 38th Avenus NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 RECEIVED MAY PUBLIC Re: Central Avenue (T.H. 65) Improvement Project City Project 99-12 Dear Kevin: Bids were received and opened for the above referenced project on April 30, 2002 at the Columbia Heights Municipal Services Center. The following table depicts the bids received, the amounts read aloud and the corrected bid amounts based on unit prices. Corrected Amount Contractor Bid Amount Read Aloud Thomas and Sons Construction, Inc. Midwest Asphalt Corporation $ 3,872,405.22 $ 4,417,293.41 $ 3,872,405.22 $ 4,418,305.21 The Engineer's Estimate for the bid was $ 3,834,864.43. IRREGULARITIES IN BIDS Several errors and omissions were noted in the bids received. The corrected amounts appear in the attached bid tabulation and are based upon the unit prices listed on the submitted Bid Proposal forms. RECOMMENDATIONS We recommend that the City consider and accept the bids received and award the contract to Thomas and Sons Construction, Inc.. The Contract Specifications indicate that the City will consider the bids at their May 13, 2002 City Council meeting. Given the time tight time frame associated with project construction, we recommend that the City award the project on that date. Thresher Square 700 Third Street South Minneapolis, MN 55415-1199 612.370.0700 Tel 612.370.1378 Fax ! Mr. Kevin Hansen, P.E. ~ May 1, 2002 Page 2 We have enclosed a copy of the bid tabulation and copies of the bid documents for your records. If you need additional information, please call me at (612) 373-6506. Sincerely, BRW, INC. Kevin P. Kielb, PE Project Engineer Enclosures CC: Jon Horn/BRW Steve Weser/BRW File 33910 004 3001 XcelEnergy OUTDOOR LIGHTING 1971 Gateway Boulevard Arden Hills, Minnesota 55112-2750 March 20, 2002 Mr. Kevin Hansen P. E. City of Columbia Heights 637 38~ Avenue North Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Dear Mr. Hansen: I'm submitting you a cost for the lighting project that we have discussed, on Central Avenue from 37m Avenue to 43"~ Avenue in the City of Columbia Heights. The cost includes all of the labor to install, and the material that I am listing below. This will include materials to upgrade your street light system, except for the poles and fixtures at this time. To include the following materials. 57 ea. - 100 watt HP Acom- (Cooper) 53 ea.- 15' Fluted Fiberglass poles 53 ea. - 6" Screwy-in anchor bases 2 ea. - Feed point cabinets 4 ea. - Double mast arms 40 ea. - 250 watt Hatbox fixture 40 ea. - 30' Aluminum poles 42 ea. - 8" Screw-in anchor bases 45 ea. - GFI receptacles 94 ea. - Banner arms The preliminary cost to complete this project as it is specified above will be $358,300. All fixtures, poles, and other accessories will be Black in color. Size of banners has to be determined bythe City of Columbia Heights. This does reflect 2002 pricing for materials and labor Thank you, for the oppornmity to provide this service to the City of Columbia Heights. I would very much like to meet with you as soon as possible to discuss this proposal. At that time we could make any necessary changes needed, and provide you with a final proposal and design for this project. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. ~rinciple 1C~onsultant (651) 634-7807