HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 8, 2002 RegularCITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 590 40th Avenue N.E.. Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 (763) 706-3600 TDD (763) 706-3692 Visit Ottr Website at: www. ci. cohonbia-heights, mn. us ADMINISTRATION April 5, 2002 Mayor Gary L. Peterson Councilmembers Marlaine Szurek Julienne Wyckoff Bruce Nawrocla' Robert A. Williams City Manager Walter R. Fehst The following is the agenda for the regular meeting of the City Council to be held immediately following the continuation of the Board of Appeal and Equalization heating at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 8, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, Minnesota. I]The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disabihty in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for disabled persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the Deputy City Clerk at 763-706-3611, to make arrangements. (TDD/706-3692 for deaf or hearing impaired only) Invocation: Pastor Dan Thompson - Assembly of God Church 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO MEETING AGENDA (The Council, upon majority vote of its members, may make additions and deletions to the agenda. These may be items brought to the attention of the Council under the Citizen Forum or items submitted after the agenda preparation deadline.) 4. PROCLAMATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND GUESTS A) Proclamations 1) National Library Week B) Presentations C) Introduction of New Employees 1) LeAnn Ottney, Accounts Payable Clerk 2) Donald Mulgrew, Accountant D) Recognition CONSENT AGENDA (These items are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted as part of the Consent Agenda by one motion. Items removed fi.om consent agenda approval will be taken up as the next order of business.) A) MOTION: Move to approve the Consent Agenda items as follows: 1) Minutes for Approval MOTION: Move to approve the minutes of the March 18, 2002 Central Avenue Public Improvement Heating and the March 25, 2002, regular City Council meeting as presented. 2) Award of 2002-2003 Tree Removal Program MOTION: Move to award the 2002-2003 Removal of Trees, Trees and Stumps or Stumps Only on Public and Private Property Contract to Bluemel's Tree and Landscape, Inc. of Hudson, Wisconsin, based upon their low, qualified, responsible total bid for tree and stump removal, tree removal only, or stump removal only; and, furthermore, to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a contract for the same. THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF' SERVICES W-OUAL OPPORTUNITY [--MPLOYER City Council Agenda April 8, 2002 Page 2 of 3 3) Adopt Resolution No. 2002-26, being a Resolution accepting bids and awarding a contract for City Project 0200:2002 Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs and Installations. MOTION: Move to wave the Reading of Resolution//2002-26, there being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2002- 26, accepting bids and awarding the 2002 Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs and Installations, Municipal Project//0200 to O'Malley Construction, Inc. of Le Center, Minnesota, based upon their low, qualified, responsible total bid in the amount of $11,540.20 with funds to be appropriated from 401-50200-4000; and, furthermore, to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a contract for the same. 4) Award of City Project 0106: Sullivan Lake Park Building Roof. MOTION: Move to award the Sullivan Lake Park Building Roof, Municipal Project #0106 to Superior Roofing Construction, Inc. of Minneapolis, Minnesota based upon their low, qualified, responsible total bid in the amount of $3,970 for roof construction and Alternate//1 18" Overhang Construction in the amount of $4,480 for a total of $8,450 with funds to be appropriated from 412- 45200-5130; and, furthermore, to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a contract for the same. 5) Accept bids and award purchase of ambulance chassis and refurbished module MOTION: Move to award the purchase of a new ambulance chassis, with a refurbished module, to North Central Ambulance, based upon their low, qualified, responsible bid in the amount of $70,591.03 with funds to be appropriated from 439-42200-5150; and furthermore, to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same. 6) Approve Business License Applications MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for April 8, 2002 as presented. 7) Approve Payment of Bills MOTION: Move to approve payment of the bills, as listed, out of the proper fund. e PUBLIC HEARINGS A) Public Heating called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 2215 45th Avenue is now in compliance ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION A) Other Ordinances and Resolutions 1) Adopt Resolution 2002-27, Authorizing the Purchase of the Property Located at 3955 UniversiW Avenue N.E. (Pin #R35-30-24-31-0151) for Redevelopment Purposes MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-27, there being an ample amount of copies available to the public. MOTION: Move to Adopt Resolution 2002-27, a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of the Property Located at 3955 University Avenue N.E. (PIN #R35-30-24-31-0151) for Redevelopment purposes. B) Bid Considerations C) Other Business City Council Agenda April 8, 2002 Page 3 of 3 8. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A) Report of the City Manager 1) Upcoming Work Session Items B) Report of the City Attomey GENERAL COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS A) Minutes of Boards and Commissions 1) February 19, 2002 meeting of the Economic Development Authority 2) March 12, 2002 meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission 3) April 2, 2002 meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission 10. CITIZENS FORUM (At this time, citizens have an opportunity to discuss with the Council items not on the regular agenda. Citizens are requested to limit their comments to five minutes. Please note the public may address the Council regarding specific agenda items at the time the item is being discussed.) 11. COUNCIL CORNER 12. ADJOURNMENT WF/pvm CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBRARY 820 40TH AVENUE N.£., COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MN $5421-2996 (763) 706-3690; TDD (763) 706-3692 Board of Trustees Barbara Miller Chair Patricia Sowada Vice-Chair NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK April 14-20, 2002 PROCLAMATION Secretary Nancy Hoium Member at large Catherine Vesley Member at large Julienne Wyckoff Council Uaison M. Rebecca Loader Library Director WHEREAS: The American Library Association has set aside the week of April 14-20, 2002, to recognize library service in Columbia Heights, Minnesota, and throughout the country; and, WHEREAS: The Columbia Heights Public Library has provided service to the citizens of Columbia Heights for 74 years; and, WHEREAS: The library's mission is to provide free access to informational and recreational materials for the patrons in a barrier-free environment; and WHEREAS: The Columbia Heights Public Library achieves this goal by providing reference assistance, interlibrary loan, "at home" services, programming for children and adults, and access to the Internet, and by maintaining an extensive library collection of over 70,000 items; and, WHEREAS: Genuine interest in the public library should be encouraged in the schools and homes in Columbia Heights to maintain our nation's values of freedom, civility, and equality, and to confirm the City's commitment as a Values First Community; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Gary L. Peterson, Mayor of the City of Columbia Heights, do hereby officially proclaim the week of April 14-20, 2002, as NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK in the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota. Mayor, Gary L. Peterson City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota THE CITY Of COLUMBia HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABiliTY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES EQUAL OPPORtUnitY EMPLOYER OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING CENTRAL AVENUE PROJECT MARCH 18, 2002 THEs MINUTES HAVE The following are special meeting minutes of the Central Avenue Public Improvement Hearing of the City Council held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 18, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Peterson, Councilmember Nawrocki, Councilmember Williams, Councilmember Szurek, and Councilmember Wyckoff PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING: CENTRAL AVENUE STREET, UTILITY & STREETSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS. Presentation by staff.' Project Introduction and Background Presentation of Information on Street Reconstruction Projects by Staff Street & Utility Improvements Presentation of Information on Street & Utility Improvements by URS Streetscaping Improvements Presentation of Information on Streetscaping by URS Project Cost & Funding Presentation of Information on the Engineer's Estimate and Proposed Funding by Staff Assessment Methodology Presentation of Information on Proposed Assessment for Project 1999-12A by Staff Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director, listed items in the Council member's information packets. Feasibility report copies were also available for the public. He stated that this project started in 1998 as a traffic study, and evolved from there. There have been many meetings held over the last four years with the public and with MnDOT to include their standards. Kevin Kelb and Bob Kost from URS were present to review the project. Kelb stated the project area would be from 37th to 43ra Avenues, as a system of safety improvements. The project will involve removing some on street parking, median openings, and Reservoir Boulevard. He described the water main and service improvements, and some minor sanitary sewer and storm sewer system improvements. Nawrocki questioned driveway upgrades. Kelb referred to repair of broken sidewalks and driveway replacement, s and the consolidation of driveways at Mady's and Burger King, allowing a left hand turn onto Central Avenue. MnDOT refused to allow a median opening at 42nd and 43rd Avenues. Access during construction will be open for each driveway, with a maximum of one-half day closures to a business. There will be large construction signs directing traffic to the ramps for free parking. Wyckoff questioned what the signs would look like. Kelb showed examples with sizes from 48" x 36" to 72" x 48 ", and would be orange to draws the driver's attention. Hansen indicated the need to make the public aware of our public parking with permanent signs. Hansen stated that parking wouM be preserved on the west side of Central Avenue. Nawrocki stated that the ramps do fill up. Bob Kost, URS/BR W, presented the urban design improvements: litter receptacles, matching sidewalk banding, oM fashioned pedestrian lights, painting current lighting poles, benches (combination metal and wood), seasonal planters in pre-cast concrete, and new street trees with tree grates (with soil and gravel mixture under sidewalks to promote growth and prevent heaving). Decorative lighting in the outlying area would be 150feet apart and 80feet apart in the more dense area. Hansen stated that total funding is $4.6 million. The water services and streetscaping would be $895,000, and paid with a combination of assessments and city funds. The sanitary/storm sewer and street repairs would be a combination of MnDOT and City funds. Hansen stated that the adjacent property owner would pay for water services from the building to the water main. Lead jointed or lead pipes are required to be replaced and assessed at l OO percent of the cost. More intense work will be done in the core central business district and wouM be assessed at higher rate. The total cost would be spread over ten years. Szurek asked what the number of intersections that would have color enhancements. Hansen stated that 40tn Avenue would have color-banded crosswalks. Hansen indicated that MnDOT's objective is to eliminate left turnouts. Peterson asked if the City of Minneapolis is working on their section of Central Avenue this year. Kelb stated that Minneapolis is currently going through the submittal process with MnDOT. Nawrocki referred to his meeting with the Minneapolis Councilmember of that Ward, who stated and they do plan to go ahead this year. Hansen stated that bids would be advertised in a week or two, and construction would be from the.first week of June to the end of November. Peterson referred to above street wires and asked that they be buried. Hansen has asked Excel to bury them, and they are looking at doing this from Wargo Court to 43r~l. Nawrocki referred to February cost estimates of 4. 6 and 4.8 million. Hansen stated the difference is a ftve percent construction contingency. Nawrocki referred to the March 13th information where the soft engineering cost is 20 percent but are now 22 percent. Hansen stated that MnDOT allows a percentage of costs to be recovered, if they remain under their set limits. Wyckoff commented on the Reservoir Boulevard roadway being reduced. Hansen referred to the Council work session where this was discussed, which narrows the approach of the intersection for the first 100 feet. Williams asked Hansen to again explain the soft money. Hansen referred to overhead costs such as engineering costs for a cooperative project. Nawrocki stated that the engineering costs are out of line. He referred to the March 13 information Council received, and asked if the storm and sanitary funds are sufficient to fund this. Hansen stated they are, but there are no water funds and the entire amount will have to be bonded for. Nawrocki asked how they would be paid. Hansen stated they would be paid through water rates. Nawrocki referred to land costs. Hansen stated that land costs are State aid reimbursable. Williams informed citizens that engineering costs have gone up over the years, and these fees are not out of line. Hansen stated that we have gone through three revisions with MnDOT, which has brought up the cost. He referred to a survey conducted whereby costs range from 20 to 25 percent. Fehst referred to the process to receive approval from sixteen different departments and the dealings to obtain right-of-way easements. Peterson stated that this would be a giant step toward making our community more presentable. Jen Kuppe, 420 Central Avenue, was concerned about the assessments to properties abutting the project, as she is still paying for improvements from twenty years ago. She asked that items such as trash receptacles and planters be scaled down to decrease costs. She stated that the trashcan at Sahibs has never been scrubbed out. Hansen stated that existing receptacles and planters would be reused. The new receptacles and benches are only a small cost of the project. The larger portion would be the sidewalk, trees, and street lighting. Hansen reminded owners that water mains elsewhere in the City are paid for by residents, and that residents on Central Avenue have never paid for street improvements, only sanitary sewer. Hansen stated that less than l O percent of the project is being assessed. Kuppe spoke of the tax increment across the street. Fehst explained the TIF project and that her taxes were frozen at that time. Hansen stated that the City does the maintenance of street sweeping and sidewalk sweeping, BFI empties the trash receptacles, and Metro Transit cleans their own facilities. We will need to be more active in our cleaning efforts. Hansen stated that BFI would continue to clean the receptacles. Wyckoff referred to the bushes that are full of trash and weeds in the center median. Hansen stated that the medical center is private property and the median is MnDOT's responsibility, but we also spray them with weed killer. Larry Burman, 4142 7th Street, asked if the contractor would be held to a completion date. Hansen stated that this would be in the contract with a substantial completion date of November 22nd. There is some expected restoration next spring. The resident at 4525 Tyler, asked if Metro Transit has come up with a bus rerouting plan. Hansen stated that would be addressed at the work session following this meeting. Steven Glenn, 4219 Central, asked where crews would put the sidewalk snow. Hansen stated that tree placement would need to be worked out so as to not block signage and hinder snow removal. Glenn stated the lights would be too close to the curb and hinder snow removal. Hansen indicated Excel would maintain the lights. The bases are fiberglass. Hansen stated that we would be removing snow as before. Glenn asked why business owners are being charged more than residential owners. Hansen stated that the services vary in size and would depend on the actual replacement. Glenn asked if there is currently a copper pipe in place whether it would be replaced. Hansen stated no, only if it were less than one inch. Hansen stated that the best time to upgrade service is when the streets are dug up. Glenn asked if all sidewalks are being replaced. Hansen yes, with curb and gutter. Nawrocki asked how far the lights are from the curb. Kelb stated more than two feet. Connie Kuppe, 968 40th Avenue, representing her grandmother, felt this would hurt small businesses and should be covered to a larger extend by the large businesses. Fehst stated that fees must show the improvement to each property. Kuppe stated that the City should support small businesses more by eliminating lengthy approval processes, and referred to the timeline for small businesses to get established. Fehst referred the EDA Business Revolving Loan fund for building improvements. He stated the need to be aware of business owner's situations, but need to continue improvements. She disagreed, from a marketing viewpoint, stating consumers don't care where the business is, only if there are roadblocks or no parking. Fehst referred to community pride upon entrance to the city. Williams stated that improving our industrial sites would attract people by providing jobs and that small businesses would prosper. Wyckoff stated that Ashok Bedi will be featured in the Star Tribune. Bill McReavy, 41st and Central Avenue, of the McReavy Chapel stated it is difficult to spend this money, but other communities such as Robbinsdale, Hopkins, and Uptown have made such improvements to their benefit. He stated the need to re-invest in our community. He commended the Mayor and Council for their actions. McReavy agreed that engineering costs are expensive, but necessary for a project that works. Nawrocki referred to the anticipated discussion at the work session following this meeting for a cooperative agreement with MnDOT, which includes commitments for ongoing maintenance items, and asked where the funds would come from. Hansen stated that we already do many of these items, but would need to address additional costs in the 2003 budget process. Additional sweeping will be necessary, and a cost analysis needs to be done. Snow removal will follow current City Code. Hansen stated that most items in this area are State aid reimbursable, except maintenance. Nawrocki questioned weeds in the paver blocks. Hansen stated it would be solid concrete with a design. Peterson addressed the City's attempts to assist small business owners in a timely manner. He stated that Council members want to promote our people and our community. Peterson suggested inviting a local businessperson to each Council meeting to introduce them and have them speak about their business. Being there were no additional comments, Mayor Peterson closed the public hearing. Wyckoff questioned if this vote would be a conflict of interest for Councilmember Williams. Jim Hoeft, City Attorney, stated no, that Williams is voting in favor of the project and he is not receiving any money, but to the contrary. Consideration of Resolutions MOTION by Szurek, second by William, to waive the reading of Resolution No.2002-18, there being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. MOTION Szurek, second by Williams to adopt Resolution No. 2002-18, being a Resolution ordering public improvements, P.I.R. #1062, Project #9912A. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Hansen stated there would be another informational meeting for the public, with the contractor on the construction schedule, in about mid-May. Peterson stated that any Councilmembers could be contacted if there are any problems with this project. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Peterson adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Patficia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 25, 2002 THESE MINUTES HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED, The following are the minutes for the regular meeting of the City Council held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 25, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN. Pastor Dave Briley, Oakhill Baptist Church, gave the invocation. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Peterson, Councilmember Szurek, Councilmember Wyckoff, Councilmembcr Williams, and Councilmember Nawrocki PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO MEETING AGENDA - none PROCLAMATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND GUESTS A) Proclamations B) Presentations C) Introduction of New Employees D) Recognition Brian Peters, 3839 2n~l Street, Columbia Heights, stated that he had noticed employees attitudes are changing in a positive manner, and gave examples of snowplowing and the paramedics. Williams asked for his background. Peters stated that he races open wheel modified cars at Cedar Lake Speedway in Wisconsin and invited the public to attend. He offered a race car to show at a city event. Peterson referred to the auto show at the Jamboree. Peters agreed. Peterson stated he received a call from the Superintendent of Schools stating crews had done a fine job of plowing during the last snowstorm. CONSENT AGENDA Wyckoff asked that items No. 3, 11 and 13 be removed for discussion. Nawrocki asked that item No. 2 be removed for discussion. Walt Fehst, City Manager, went through the consent items. 1) Minutes for approval MOTION to approve the minutes of the March 11, 2002 as presented. 2) Establish Work Session Meeting Date for April 15, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room 1 - Removed for discussion. 3) Reappoint members to the various City of Columbia Heights Boards and Commissions -Removed for discussion. 4) Authorize Recreation Staffto Seek bids for Recreation T-shirts and Equipment MOTION to authorize recreation staff to seek bids for the purchase of t-shirts, hats, and athletic equipment for the year of 2002 to be purchased from account 881-45001-2170. City Council Minutes March 25, 2002 Page 2 of 13 5) Approve Conditional Use Permit Case//2002-0302, 2261 37th Avenue NE MOTION to approve the Conditional Use Permit to allow the placement of a 21 x 48 foot tent for the display and sale of green and flowering plants at 2261 37th Avenue NE from April 15, 2002 through July 15, 2002, subject to the following condition: · A $500 deposit shall be submitted to the License/Permit Clerk prior to the display of green and flowering plants on the site. 6) Approve Purchase of a Towmaster T-12DD Trailer MOTION to approve the purchase of one new 20 foot Towmaster Model T-12DD Trailer, equipped with spring assist ramps and fork holder from RDO Equipment Co. of Bumsville, MN in the amount of $4,680, plus tax and delivery with funding appropriated from the Park Capital Equipment Fund 431-45200-5180. Fehst indicated this trailer would haul the city bobcat. 7) Adopt Resolution No. 2002-21, being a resolution adopting a Street Sweeping Policy MOTION to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2001-21, there being ample copies available to the public. MOTION to approve and adopt Resolution No. 2002-21, being a resolution adopting the City of Columbia Heights Street Sweeping Policy. Nawrocki stated that it should not be necessary to have so rnany pages to direct street sweeping. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-21 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE STREET SWEEPING POLICY WI-IEREAS, a Street Sweeping Policy has been developed based upon recommendations by the League of Minnesota Cities and recommended by City staff; and WI-IEREAS, adoption of said policy has been determined to be in the best interest of the City of Columbia Heights; and WItEREAS, said policy defines the Street Sweeping procedures and methods of the City of Columbia Heights, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights that said Street Sweeping Policy is hereby approved and adopted. Dated this 25th day of March, 2002. 8) Approve Final Plans and Specifications for City Project 0202:2002 Street Rehabilitation Projects in Zone 6A and Authorization Staffto Seek Bids for the 2002 Street Rehabilitation Project. MOTION to approve the final plans and specifications for City Project 0202:2002 Street Rehabilitation Projects in Zone 6A, including utility improvements, and authorize staff to seek bids for the same. Fehst stated this would include the utility project, and additional work, as directed by staff. City Council Minutes March 25, 2002 Page 3 of 13 9) Award 2002 Road Aggregates Contract MOTION to award the 2002 Road Aggregates contract based on the unit prices and vendors listed, up to a maximum contract amount as approved in the 2002 Public Works budget and to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same. Nawrocki questioned the bid document, and why we would pick up the materials. Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director, stated this is would allow the city to pick up bituminous material if we need a load and they can not get it to us at that time. 10) Award 2002 Plant Mixed Bituminous Materials Contract MOTION to award the 2002 Plant Mixed Bituminous Materials contract based on the unit prices and vendors listed, up to a maximum contract amount as approved in the 2002 Public Works budget, and to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same. 11) Award of Sullivan Lake Tennis Court Resurfacing Project -Removed for discussion. 12) Approve Requegt for Qualification Document for the Columbia Heights Industrial Center Redevelopment Project MOTION to approve the Request for Qualification document for the Columbia Heights Industrial Center Redevelopment Project and direct staff to proceed with the advertising and mailing of the FRQ's to interested developers. 13) Adopt Resolution 2002-25, Authorizing Purchase of 325 Summit Avenue N.E. -Removed for discussion. 14) Approve Business License Applications MOTION to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for March 25, 2002 as presented. 15) Approve Payment of Bills MOTION to approve payment of the bills, as listed, out of the proper fund. MOTION by Nawrocki, second by Wyckoff, to approve the Consent Agenda items, except items No. 2, 3, 11, and 13, as listed. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Wyckoff listed the business license requests. #2. Establish Work Session Meeting Date for April 15, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room 1 MOTION by Williams, second by Szurek, to establish a Work Session meeting date for Monday, April 15, 2002, at 7:00 p.m., in City Hall Conference Room 1. Nawrocla' stated his objection to scheduling special meetings without setting an agenda. Szurek stated that a work session is not special meeting, and she prefers advance notice to place it on her calendar. Fehst stated work session agenda items would be announced at the April 8th City Council meeting. Upon vote: Williams, aye; Szurek, aye; Wyckoff, aye; Nawrocki, nay; Peterson, aye. 4 ayes -1 nay. Motion carried. City Council Minutes March 25, 2002 Page 4 of 13 #3 Reappoint members to the various City of Columbia Heights Boards and Commissions. Wyckoff stated there are currently four vacancies on the Human Services commission, which meets every other month and primary duties are choosing the Humanitarian of the Year, and the Taste of Heights, There are two vacancies on the Park and Recreation Commission, and the Police and Fire Civil Service, and one vacancy on the Library Board and one on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Wyckoff stated that Planning and Zoning Commissioner Steve Johnson has obtained a home out of our area, and he resigned. She stated the desire to keep Mr. Johnson on the commission for 2002, as he is homesteaded in Columbia Heights. Szurek, as the Planning and Zoning Commission Liaison, indicated her disappointment in his resignation, because he is very knowledgeable and a valuable asset to the commission. Wyckoff questioned if owning a local business was an acceptable option. Fehst gave an example in Robbinsdale of a person retained on a board because of his experience. Nawr° cla' commended Mr. Johnson for his ethics, but stated that when his changes he should resign. Fehst stated he would look into. MOTION by Williams, second by Szurek, to reappoint the following people to the various City of Columbia Heights Boards and Commissions: Human Services Commission, Karen Leishman; Planning and Zoning Commission, Ted Yehle; Traffic Commission, Joseph Goodman and Ed Carlson; Telecommunications Commission, Kenneth Henke, Bob Buboltz and Dan Swee. Nawrocki requested, in the future, to receive information and applications that are on file for persons considered for reappointment. Wyckoff asked that Mr. Johnson be asked to attend the next Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Nawrocki asked that Mr. Johnson withdraw his resignation. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Peterson thanked the individuals being reappointed, for their efforts, as theirs is a thankless job. Nawrocki referred to Mr. Petkoff leaving the Police and Fire Civil Service Commission, and his hope that he would stay on until other individual is appointed. Wyckoff questioned the expertise needed for this position. Fehst stated that they review police officer and fire fighter applications and tests, setting a priority list based on written and physical tests. Peterson stated that Bruce Magnuson will stay on the commission until his position is filled. Peterson stated that Petkoff maybe moving to Wisconsin, but will help while he is in the area. #11. Award of Sullivan Lake Tennis Court Resurfacing Pr0iect MOTION by Szurek, second by Wyckoff, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-22, there being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion earried. MOTION by Szurek, second by Williams, to adopt Resolution 2002-22, accepting bids and awarding City Project 2002-04, resurfacing of the Sullivan Park Tennis Courts, to C & H Sport Surfaces based upon their low, qualified, responsible bid in the amount of $6,125.00, accepting the base and alternate bid, with funds appropriated from Fund 412-50204-5130, and furthermore, to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same. Wyckoff questioned why this tennis court was chosen. Peterson stated that this court could still be revitalized with resurfacing, whereas the Huset and Prestemon courts would take total reconstruction. Hansen stated that we must determine what we can do with limited resources. Wyckoff suggested not destroying the other courts until we can determine the usage at the Sullivan court. Hansen stated that a picnic shelter or more open space would be more appropriate at Prestemon Park. Wyckoff stated that Council would welcome comments from the public. Nawrocki questioned the base bid and the City Council Minutes March 25, 2002 Page 5 of 13 addendum. Hansen stated they had to be bid together and the over-aH low bid was recommended for approval. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-22 BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR TENNIS COURT REPAIR/RESURFACING AT SULLIVAN LAKE PARK CITY PROJECT 2002-04TO C & H SPORT SURFACES OF LONSDALE, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for City Project 2002-04, Tennis Court Repair/Resurfacing, bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law. The following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Bidder Dermco-LaVine Construction C & H Sport Surfaces, Inc. Tennis Court Doctor A-1 Surfacing Blacktop Repair Service Inc. Base Bid Addendum 1 $4,176 $2,057 $4,325 $1,800 $4,444 $2,250 $4,500 $2,300 $6,480 $1,600 WHEREAS, it appears that C & H Sport Surfaces, 108 N. Main St., P. O. Box 290, Lonsdale, MN 55046, is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA that: The Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with C & H Sport Surfaces, in the name of the City of Columbia Heights for Tennis Court Repair/Resurfacing at Sullivan Lake Park, City Project 2002-04, according to plans and specifications therefore approved by the Council. The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to return, forthwith, to all bidders, the deposits made with their bids except the deposit of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until the contract has been signed. Dated this 25th day of March 2002. #13. Adopt Resolution 2002-25, Authorizing Purchase of 325 Summit Avenue N.E. MOTION by Williams, second by Szurek, to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-25, there being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. MOTION by Williams, second by Szurek, to adopt Resolution 2002-25, being a Resolution authorizing the purchase of 325 Summit Avenue N~E. and utilizing the general fund balance for interim funding. Fehst stated that Mr. Diachuk called him about two weeks ago, as he heard the City was interested in purchasing his deceased father's property. Fehst stated this was considered for safety on 40th Avenue. The area includes the gas station on the corner and the two homes the City purchased and burned. Fehst stated we could gain a one acre site for redevelopment by purchasing this property, separating a small City Council Minutes March 25, 2002 Page 6 of 13 portion, and then resell the home. An agreement was reached with Mr. Diachuk at $144,000. Peterson reminded Council that this was a priority goal, set by Council. Szurek stated that she spoke to Mr. John Gondek, 344 40tn, who was concerned that his property would be landlocked and he would not be able to get delivery trucks to the back of his building. Fehst stated that the proposed alley would allow 40 degree turns for vehicles. Peterson stated that we should be able to allow access tf we own the property. Williams stated that we would not land lock him, or at least give him an easement, tf necessary. Nawrocki stated that this action was premature, as there should first be a meeting with residents on Summit and 40tn Avenue. Nawrocla' stated that Randy Schumacher did a good job of stating the City's intend. Nawrocki was not pleased that the owner was willing to sell to someone else for less money than the City. He stated that we could condemn for the right-of-way, and get a better price. He referred to the easements for drainage and water. Nawrocla' stated that he would not support the motion. Peterson stated that he viewed the property, and is reasonably assured we can work with the owner to accomplish our goals. Szurek stated that Mr. Gondek told her that Councilmember Nawrocla' was disrespectful to our staff member, and felt he should speak to the staff member in private. Nawrocla' questioned what Szurek was told and asked Randy Schumacher, Acting Community Development Director, if this was true. Schumacher stated that there must be some confusion, as Nawrocki, the City Planner and himself met with the owner, without a negative discussion. Wyckoff stated that Mr. Gondek would like to purchase the house referred to, and would be willing to give the needed property to the City. Fehst stated that ownership would be an advantage when vacating the street. Wyckoff suggested renting the house to Mr. Gondek. Nawrocki again stated the need to talk to other residents along Summit and 40tn. Upon vote: Williams, aye; Szurek, aye; Wyckoff, aye; Nawrocki, nay; Peterson, aye. 4 ayes -1 nay. Motion carried. RESOLUTION 2002 - 25 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF 325 SUMMIT AVENUE N.E. WHEREAS, at the March 19, 2002 EDA Meeting; the Board reviewed a proposal to redevelop the southeast comer of 40th Avenue and University Avenue; and the City presently owns two properties in the study area and is in the process of acquiring the Conoco Station with Community Development Block Grant dollars obtained in 2001; and WHEREAS, the property located at 325 Summit Avenue N.E. is adjacent to the redevelopment site and is unoccupied and available for a voluntary sale; and WHEREAS, the consensus of the EDA was to pursue negotiations with the property owner for the acquisition of 325 Summit Avenue N.E. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights that: The City Council hereby approves the terms of the Purchase Agreement for 325 Summit Avenue N.E. between the City of Columbia Heights and Walter Diachuk, personal representative for the estate of Ivan Diaczuk and authorizes the Mayor and the City Manager to sign it on behalf of the City at a purchase price of $144,000, which is established as a fair market value based on City Council Minutes March 25, 2002 Page 7 of 13 negotiations with the property owner. The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to handle all the requirements and conditions in order for the City to complete the transaction contemplated in the Purchase Agreement. o The City Council approves payment of the purchase from the General Fund balance, to be reimbursed at the time the redevelopment project property subdivision takes place and alleyway improvements have been completed. Passed this 25th day of March, 2002 PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 3947 Arthur Street NE is now in compliance Peterson closed the public heating for 3947 Arthur Street in that the property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code. Public Hearing called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 4524 Monroe Street NE is now in compliance. Peterson closed the public hearing for 4524 Monroe Street in that the property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code. Rental Housing Revocation for 4637 - 4639 Pierce Street N.E. Peterson closed the public hearing for 4637-4639 Pierce Street in that the property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code. Adopt Resolution No. 2002-23, Rental Housing Revocation for 5101 7th Street N.E. Peterson closed the public heating for 5101 7th Street in that the Property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code. Adopt Resolution No. 2002-24, Rental Housing Revocation for 1348-1350 44 1/2 Avenue N.E. Peterson closed the public hearing for 1348-1350 44-1/2 Avenue in that Richard Meissner_is no longer the license holder. Cheryl Jeanotte, 5101 7tn Street, renter, stated it is hard to contact her landlord. Peterson stated that the property was brought into compliance. Nawrocki stated they had not paid the required fee. Jeanotte stated that there is an electrical short in the bedroom. Peterson asked that she call the inspections department for a status on the property. E) Establish Hearing Date for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Property License for 2215 45th Avenue N.E. Motion by Williams, second by Szurek, to establish a heating date of April 8, 2002, for revocation or suspension of a license to operate a rental property within the City of Columbia Heights against Kunal Kamran at 2215 45th Avenue N.E. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Szurek questioned how we could get landlords to get rid of appliances outside o£their buildings. Fehst stated it is a matter of educating them; we can get the telephone number to thegn at the landlords City Council Minutes March 25, 2002 Page 8 of 13 meeting. Williams stated that any resident could call for removal. Szurek referred to four-plex with a water heater by the dumpster. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Other Ordinances and Resolutions Second Reading of Ordinance No. 1445, Pertaining to the City Charter, Chapter 3, Section 19, Procedure on Reading Ordinances (Changing Current Wording of Unanimous Council Vote to 4/5) MOTION by Williams, second by Szurek, to waive the reading of the ordinance, there being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. MOTION by Williams, second by Szurek, to adopt Ordinance No. 1445, an ordinance pertaining to Procedure on Ordinances. Nawrocki felt this request stemmed from the new Planning and Zoning Ordinance discussion. He stated that originally in the Charter the reading of an ordinance could not be waived. Nawrocki indicated that he lead the effort to allow waiving the reading of an ordinance. His concern was that residents understand the ordinance, and that ordinances should be published. Peterson asked the City Attorney for the proper procedure on this item. Jim Hoefi stated that if the ordinance is not passed unanimously it will go back to the Charter Commission for their April meeting, and they will vote to determine if this item would be placed on the ballot with the other two scheduled items. Harold Hoium, 4315 5th Street NE, stated that each ordinance should either be read to the public or thrown out. Wyckoff felt this was brought forward after the Zoning Ordinance discussions and was not the right time for it to be addressed Peterson stated that in 17years on the City Council, this Charter directive was never used, and did cause confusion. Nawrocki spoke against staff reading the Zoning Ordinance on audiotape so they would not have to read it at the meeting. Fehst stated that staff volunteered to do this. Peterson stated that the public had many opportunities to understand and question the Zoning Ordinance. Williams stated that the Charter Commission (9 members) voted yes, unanimously, on Ordinance #1445. Upon vote: Williams, aye; Szurek, aye; Wyckoff, aye; Nawrocki, nay; Peterson aye. 4 ayes, 1 nay. Motion failed. First Reading of Ordinance No. 1446, Amending the Street Excavation Portion of the City Code (6.301) MOTION by Szurek, second by Williams, to waive the reading of Ordinance No. 1446, there being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. MOTION by Szurek, second by Williams, to establish April 22nd, at approximately 7:00 p.m. as the Second Reading of Ordinance #1446, being and ordinance replacing City Code Section 6.301, Street Excavations with a Right-of-Way Ordinance. Nawrocki asked if this also applies to alleys. Kevin Hansen stated yes, as it is a right-of-way. Nawrocki questioned the large fee increase. Hansen indicated the $150 fee is for street excavation curb to curb City Council Minutes March 25, 2002 Page 9 of 13 and smaller fees for utilities curb work. He stated that the fees are to recover aH the inspections required by staff. Williams stated that we do not even recover our costs, and so must collect more in taxes to compensate; therefore he would support the motion. Szurek stated this encourages accountability for the owner to put everything back the way it was. Hansen stated that extensive rehabilitation leads to accelerated deterioration of the street and we need to minimize this. Hansen stated that we want to keep this simple. Harold Hoium asked the Mayor or the City Attorney to read this ordinance. Szurek stated the ordinance is available at the Library and City Hall. Upon vote: Williams, aye; Szurek, aye; Wyckoff, aye; Nawrocki, aye; Peterson, aye. All ayes. Motion carried. Adopt Resolution No. 2002-20, Authorizing a Cooperative Agreement with MnDOT for TH 65 Reconstruction MOTION by Williams, second by Szurek, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-20, there being ample copies available to the public. All ayes. Motion carried. MOTION by Williams, second by Szurek, to adopt Resolution No. 2002-20, being a resolution authorizing the City of Columbia Heights to enter into a Cooperative Agreement No. 82966 with MnDOT for Central Avenue, T.H. 65, reconstruction. Hansen stated that MnDOT requires a cooperative agreement on cooperative projects. The most costly to us would be cleaning, sweeping streets, sidewalks, and crack sealing in the designated area, but would be State aid eligible. Nawrocki asked if this covers snowplowing. Hansen stated at only one intersection, with MnDOT doing the rest of the corridor. Harold Hoium felt the sidewalks have not been clear and that the Police do not do their job. Hansen stated that owners are required to shovel sidewalks adjacent to their property. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION No. 2002-20 BEING A RESOLUTION TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (MnDOT) FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL AVENUE (T.H. 65) WHEREAS, the engineering consulting finn of URS has prepared final plans and specifications for the improvement of Central Avenue from 37th Avenue to 43~d Avenue, City Project 9912 and 9912(A); and Wi:Ile. REAS, the City has approved the plans, ordered the project and ordered the advertisement for bids by City Resolution No. 2002-01 and Resolution No. 2002-18; and WI-W~REAS, MnDOT has designated the improvements as SP 0207-73 (TH 65 = 005); and WHEREAS, the City's Municipal State Aid account, Mn/DOT Cooperative Agreement Funds, Special Assessments and City Utility Funds shall provide the funding for the proposed improvements; and City Council Minutes March 25, 2002 Page 10 of 13 WltEREAS, MnDOT has secured funding in the amount of $!,296,000.00 for the project and has prepared Municipal Agreement Number 82966 for the making of the improvements; and, WIt-FREAS, the improvements continue the City goal(s) of improving the physical appearance of the City's commercial and industrial corridors and replacement of deteriorated infrastructure; and, WHEREAS, the improvements will benefit MnDOT's Trunk Highway system. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COLUMBIA IIEIGHTS, MINNESOTA that the City of Columbia Heights, Anoka County Minnesota, enter into MnDOT Agreement No. 82966 with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes: To provide for payment by the Minnesota Department of Transportation to the City of Columbia Heights for the Minnesota Department of Transportation's share of the costs of the roadway construction and other associated construction to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 65 from 37th Avenue to 43~a Avenue within the corporate limits of the City of Columbia Heights. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager and the Director of Public Works are authorized to execute the Agreement and any amendments to the Agreement. Dated this 25t~ day of March 2002. Mayor Peterson asked the students present to introduce themselves. Bid Considerations - none Other Business Approve Purchase of City View Software MOTION by Williams, second by Szurek, to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement with Municipal Software for the purchase of the City View software program at a cost of $45,470 as outlined in their proposal of June 1, 2001 with funding coming from the Cable/Television budget. Fehst stated that we have outdated management systems in critical areas of the City, such as Special Assessments. Staff is recommending system purchases totaling $45,000 of the $50,000 budgeted from cable funds. This would include and upgrade the Assessment system, the Fire Protection System, put a Human Resource system in place, business licensing, permits, and Public Works time cards. Fehst stated that if each system were replaced independently, the cost would be equal or greater than this. The IS Department recommends this as the best program for the money. Nawrocla' questioned employee time to input data. Bill Elrite, Finance Director, stated that implementation would be over a two-year period for the six components. The priority database on property will be downloaded from the County. Elrite estimated approximately 1,000 hours for data input. Williams pointed out that $9,200 is for staff training. Nawrocki commended Elrite for the effort to put this proposal together and agreed the system is desirable, but felt it is not necessary at this time with State financing undecided. Nawrocki stated he would not vote for this request. Wyckoff stated this was in the Fire Department budget last year, but was cut. She questioned restrictions on the Cable budget. Elrite stated there are no current restrictions beyond communication and technology type uses. He believed the fund is at about $200,000. There is a City Council Minutes March 25, 2002 Page 11 of 13 $13,495 discount for buying more components. Wyckoff asked what other department will want integrated programs. Elrite stated this system wouM allow for expansion to others areas such as dog licensing. Elrite explained this would create one resident database, whereas now our Utility, Fire, and Public Works Departments all have separate databases. This will allow us five concurrent licenses, which means that only five people may be logged into the system at any one time. We anticipate, in time, having to add more licenses to allow access to more staff. Another five licenses wouM be estimated at $25,000. Williams stated he wouM support this purchase to combine databases and limit paperwork. Nawrocki stated the annual license fee would be $5,000. He indicated that Cable TV funds were meant to be used toward programs for the cable channel. He felt we shouM consider reducing the fee paid by cable users. Upon vote: Williams, aye; Szurek, aye; Wyckoff, aye; Nawrocki, nay; Peterson, aye. 4 ayes -1 nay. Motion carried. Authorize Agreement with Consulting Firm for Architectural Design Guidelines for Central Avenue MOTION by Szurek, second by Williams, to authorize the consulting firm of BRW's architectural design guidelines for Central Avenue, from 37th to 42nd Avenues as defined in their proposal dated March 13, 2002, at a cost not to exceed $28,500 with funding appropriated from the Special Projects Fund #226-49846-3050. Nawrocki asked if competitive proposals were received. Hanson stated the RFP process would push back the process by ten to twelve weeks. Hansen stated this has been a four year process, so it was considered appropriate to phase the work done. Nawrocki questioned if this violates our procurement process. Nawrocki questioned, "not to exceed" in the agreement, which allows for extra costs for certain work. He stated that requesting extra copies of the reports could cost several thousand dollars. Hoefi stated that under contracts for professional services statutes, there were no laws broken. Nawrocki felt it was an improper action. Williams stated he wouM support the motion because our citizens want Central Avenue to look nice, and felt we should have professional help for the process. Upon vote: Williams, aye; Szurek, aye; Wyckoff, aye; Nawrocki, nay; Peterson, aye. 4 ayes -1 nay. Motion carried. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Report of the City Manager Fehst discussed the excess tree trimming on 5th Street and other areas of the City by Excel Energy and a memo from the City Forester. He stated that the lines on 5th Street should not have remained in front of these homes to service homes across the street and should have been buried. The City will try to get the lines moved to the alley. MOTION by Nawrocki, second by Szurek, to direct the City Manger to place in writing, our strong concerns with the electric company relative to the tree trimming and to have them try to make amends to the property owners. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Report of the City Attorney - none City Council Minutes March 25, 2002 Page 12 of 13 GENERAL COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Minutes of Boards and Commissions · Meeting of the March 4, 2002, Public Library Board of Trustees Peterson read the schedule for the Police Department residential summer picnics. Nawrocki questioned the correct starting time of the picnics. Nawrocki questioned the review if City policy regarding recreational fires. Fehst stated they are considering an annual permit, whereby we would inspect their fire pit and the resident would then only need to call in a request. Peterson forwarded a request from the resident at 4046 7th Street to the Traffic Commission. Peterson indicated that a petition has been accepted from the residents of Monroe Street from 43re to 44th Avenues requesting full street reconstruction. Hansen stated that a Resolution would be prepared for Council approval. CITIZENS FORUM Deb Johnson, 4638 Pierce Street, referred to a neighbor that had huge fires on windy days, and stressed the importance to enforced the recreational fire policy. She also asked Fehst about the closing of the K-Mart store on Central Avenue. Fehst described the media attention to the announcement, and stated this 14 acre site would be a huge development opportunity. He stated that we would work with the McComb Group to aggressively approach businesses to move into town. Fehst agreed that the K-Mart store would be missed. Fehst stated that the owners are going through bankruptcy now. Johnson suggested placing city hall at this site. Dee Logan, 39tn Avenue, addressed Council to welcome spring and say hello. She mentioned that election time is nearing, and that the "Taste of Heights" event was wonderful. Peterson reminded everyone that Jane Gleason 's retirement party would be held on Thursday, March 28tn from 3:00 to 5:00p. m. He stated that Ms. Gleason was kind, friendly, efficient, knowledgeable, and a very wonderful city employee, who would be missed. Peterson stated that the Ramsdell Park picnic would honor the 25th Anniversary of Officer Curt Ramsdell's death. There will be a special presentation at the picnic. Harold Hoium stated that that he would like to see Bruce Nedegaard picked as the contractor for the proposed Lomianki area development. Fehst stated there would be a meeting tomorrow night at 7p.m. in the City Council Chambers to discuss this issue. COUNCIL CORNER Nawrocki referred to the report of rusty water in the northwest quadrant of the City. Fehst stated this is being researched. Nawrocki stated he also has this problem in the northeast quadrant where he lives. Hansen stated there are isolated areas with this problem and crews will do serious flushing of the areas. Nawrocki referred to the trash barrel on 41st Avenue next to the bus stop sign. Hansen suggested anchoring it to the ground. Nawrocki questioned if we use v-plows on alleys. Hansen stated yes, that this equalizes the snow to each side of the alley. Nawrocki referred to a specific complaint. Fehst stated he has visited this property and agreed that they may get more snow as there is more room on this site. City Council Minutes March 25, 2002 Page 13 of 13 Nawrocki referred to the special assessment contract with Anoka County, and asked for a cost analysis of interest lost on this money. He asked how information could be obtained following the retirement of the assessment clerk. Fehst indicated that the software approved tonight would help, and some realtors will have to go to the County for information, but the bulk of questions will go to the Public Works Department. Nawrocki stated that he spoke to the Public Works Shop Foreman about the ambulance we are going to replace, who indicated that he had not been shown the bid specifications. Fehst indicated he would get the information to him. Nawrocki requested that the Jamboree information, highlighting the different parade route be in the City newsletter. He also requested a frontpage article on election filing information. Nawrocki reported on the National League of Cities Conference and offered handouts for information. Wyckoff thanked everyone that attended the Taste of Heights. She also thanked Mayor Peterson, Councilmember Williams and City Manager Walt Fehst for their help. She stated that 1,252 tickets were sold. Wyckoff gave a special thank you to Linda Magee for her help. Wyckoff stated that the Historical Society meets Thursday, March 28tn at Murzyn Hall. Szurek read a quote, and agreed with Mr. Peters regarding employees being happier. Fehst stated that employees watch the Council meetings, and they appreciate recognition. Williams commended employees and residents. He recognized the efforts of Patty Muscovitz and Cher Bakken, and stated that we need to encourage our staff more. Williams read a quote. Nawrocki gave a quote. Peterson apologized and stated it was not his goal not to offend anyone. His goal is to run an efficient meeting. Mayor Peterson stated to not take ourselves to seriously, laugh at ourselves once in a while, enjoy life, and do a random act of kindness. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Peterson adjourned the meeting at 10:20 p.m. Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 4/8/02 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: 5--/~ -~).- PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM DATE: 4/5/02 ~ DATE: Background: On January 28th, 2002, the City Council authorized staff to seek bids for the 2002/2003 Tree Removal Program. This is an ongoing program to remove diseased or hazardous trees throughout the City. To provide continuity, the contract covers a two-year period, with the current contract expiring December 31, 2001. Analysis/Conclusions: The City advertised for formal bids for the 2002-2003 Removal of Trees, Trees and Stumps or Stumps only on Public and Private property contract. Specifications were sent to nine contractors. The City received one bid on the bid opening date of April 4th, 2002. A copy of the Bid Opening Minutes is attached. The single bid from Bluemel's Tree and Landscape, Inc. is $19.25 per inch diameter (tree and stump removal). The 2001-2002 contract was $16.75 per inch diameter (tree and stump removal), and was held by Bluemel. Tree removal costs are paid out of Fund 101-46102. Based upon the bid received, Bluemel's Tree and Landscape, Inc. of Hudson, Wisconsin is the low, qualified, responsible bidder and staff is recommending award of the bid to this company. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to award the 2002-2003 Removal of Trees, Trees and Stumps or Stumps Only on Public and Private Property Contract to Bluemel's Tree and Landscape, Inc. of Hudson, Wisconsin, based upon their low, qualified, responsible total bid for tree and stump removal, tree removal only, or stump removal only; and furthermore, to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a contract for the same. Attachment: Bid Opening Minutes COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Minutes of Bid Opening on Thursday, April 04, 2002 2002-2003 Removal of Trees, Trees and Stumps or Stumps Only on Public and Private Property Pursuant to an advertisement for bids for City Project No. 0200, an administrative meeting was held on April 4, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. for the purpose of bid opening. Bids were opened and read aloud. Attending the meeting were: Dave Bluemel, Bluemel Tree Service Schawn Johnson, Administrative Assistant Joanne Baker, Public Works Secretary Bids were opened and read aloud as follows: Bidder Price Per Price Per Price Per TOTAL PRICE Tree and Tree Only Stump Only Stump Bluemel Tree Service $19.25 $16.95 $4.00 $37,164.00 Respectfully su~ Joanne Baker Public Works Secretary jb CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 4/8/02 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: ,~E'. A- 3 PUBLIC WORKS ITEM: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND BY: K. Hanse~,m vi AWARDING A CONTRACT FOR CITY PROJECT #0200: DATE: 4/4/02 ~ · 2002 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS Background: On March 11, 2002, City Council authorized staff to seek bids for the Miscellaneous Concrete Repair Program to replace/install concrete throughout the City. Plans and specifications were advertised for bids in the Focus on March 21, 2002 and Construction Bulletin on March 15 and March 22, 2002. Eight contractors requested copies of the bidding documents. Six bids were received and publicly read aloud at the April 3, 2002 bid opening. A copy of the bid opening minutes is attached. Analysis/Conclusions: The low bid was submitted by O'Malley Construction, Inc. of LeCenter, Minnesota, in the amount of $11,540.20. The unit prices are consistent with the Engineer's Estimate and actually did not increase from the 2000 program unit prices. Since O'Malley is a new contractor for the Miscellaneous Concrete Program, staff requested a reference and contact listing. The Cities of Champlin, St. Peter, Waconia and Ames (IA) were contacted were contacted for similar projects as reference checks. A private contractor, Bitmninous Roadways, was also contacted as a reference. All reference checks responded with favorable reports from public and private contacts. Specific items replaced or repaired under the Miscellaneous Concrete Program include structures such as curb and gutter, sidewalk and street panels. The concrete replacement is budgeted for in the Public Works Department budgets, such as in the Water Fund, for repairs of damaged concrete caused by water main breaks or paid for with funds generated by projects such as special assessments for curb and gutter replacement in seal coat areas. Recommended Motion: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-26, there being ample copies available to the public. Recommended Motion: Move to approve and adopt Resolution No. 2002-26 accepting bids and awarding the 2002 Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs and Installations, Municipal Project #0200, to O'Malley Construction, Inc. of LeCenter, Minnesota, based upon their low, qualified, responsible total bid in the amount of $11,540.20 with funds to be appropriated from Fund 401-50200-4000; and, furthermore, to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a contract for the same. Ia-I:jb Attachment: Bid Opening Minutes Resolution COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Minutes of Bid Opening on Wednesday, April 3, 2002 City Project No. 0200 2002 Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs and Installations Pursuant to an advertisement for bids for City Project No. 0200, an administrative meeting was held on April 3, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. for the purpose of bid opening. Bids were opened and read aloud. Attending the meeting were: Dan Gunderson, Gunderson Brothers Brian O'Malley, O'Malley Construction Jim Kauth, Gladstone Construction Kevin Hansen, City Engineer Joanne Baker, Public Works Secretary Bids were opened and read aloud as follows: Bidder Base Bid O'Malley Construction Creative Curb Comractors Ron Kassa Construction Gladstone Construction Sunram Construction Gunderson Brothers $11,540.20 $13,163.50 $13,699.00 $23,040.00 $31,950.00 $36,852.00 Respectfully su~ Joanne Baker Public Works Secretary jb RESOLUTION NO. 2002-26 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE 2002 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS, CITY PROJECT No. 0200 TO O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION INC. WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for City Project No. 0200, Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs and Installations, bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law. The following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Bidder Base Bid O'Malley Construction, Inc. Creative Curb Contractors Ron Kassa Construction Gladstone Construction Sunram Construction Gunderson Brothers $11,540.20 $13,163.50 $13,699.00 $23,040.00 $31,950.00 $36,852.00 WHEREAS, it appears that O'Malley Construction, 35799 241st Avenue, LeCenter, Minnesota 56057 is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA: The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with O'Malley Construction Inc. in the name of the City of Columbia Heights, for the 2002 Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs and Installations, City Project No. 0200, according to plans and specifications therefore approved by the Council. The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to return, forthwith, to all bidders, the deposits made with their bids except the deposit of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until the contract has been signed. City Project #0200 shall be funded with State Aid Maintenance Fund, General Fund, Park Fund, Street Fund, Sewer and Water Fund and PIR funds. Dated this 8th day of April 2002. Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS By: Gary Peterson, Mayor Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 4/8/02 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: ~-~--~A '~ ~ PUBLIC WORKS LAKE PARK BUILDING ROOF DATE: 4/4/02 ~ · Background: Council authorized staff to seek quotes for re-roofing the Sullivan Lake Park Building in 2000. Originally, the plans and specs called out for an eighteen inch overhang to be constructed to shed water away from the building walls. Only one bid was received in 2001 and rejected due to it exceeding $15,000. Staff revised the plans and specs to allow for the eighteen inch overhang to be bid as an alternate. The revised Plans and specifications were sent to 8 contractors. Five quotes were received by the bid deadline on March 1, 2002. The Parks budget has$12,000 allocated for this project in 2002. Analysis/Conclusions: The quotes received for the project were discussed with the Park and Recreation Commission on March 27, 2002. The Park and Recreation Commission recommended to the City Council that the re-roo£mg be performed and adding the overhang construction as the low bid was under the 2002 budgeted amount. The bids received ranged from $3,875 to $6,145 for the re-roofing and $3,626 to $9,525 for the roof overhang. Evaluating the combination of the base bid and alternate bid resulted in a total low bid range of $8,450 to $14,500. Staff recommends award of the Sullivan Lake Park Building Re-Roofing and Overhang Construction to Superior Roofing Construction Inc. in the total amount of $8,450.00 Recommended Motion: Move to award The Sullivan Lake Park Building Roof, Municipal Project #0106 to Superior Roofmg Construction, Inc. of Minneapolis, Minnesota, based upon their low, qualified, responsible total bid in the amount of $3,970 for roof constmction and Alternate #1: Adding an 18" Overhang Construction in the amount of $4,480 for a total bid of $8,450, with funds to be appropriated from 412-45200-5130; and, furthermore, to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a contract for the same. Z_U.'jb Attachment: Bid Opening Minutes COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Minutes to Accept Quotes Tuesday March 19, 2002 at 3:00 P.M. SULLIVAN LAKE PARK BUILDING ROOF Pursuant to requesting informal quotations for the Sullivan Lake Park Building Roof, an administrative meeting was held on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 3:00 P.M. for the purpose of accepting quotes. Attending the meeting were: Kathyjean Young, Assistant City Engineer Joanne Baker, Public Works Secretary Quotes were accepted as follows: Gates Roofing and Siding Superior Roofing Const., Inc. Milton Johnson Integra Builders Roof Design Partners, LLC Overhang Roof Construction Construction (Altemate# 1) TOTAL $3,875 $5,935 $ 9,810 $3,970 $4,480 $ 8,450 $4,975 $9,525 $14,500 $5,983 $3,626 $ 9,609 $6,145 $4,480 $10,625 Respectfully submitted, Joanne Baker, Public Works Secretary COLUMBIA HEIGHTS - CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: April 8, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER'S NO: 5'A'5 Fire APPROVe,t ,~ ,, ITEM: BY: Charles Thompson By:/~~p~ NO: DATE: 04/04/2002 DATE: Background: In the 2002 budget, the Fire Chief proposed to replace the Fire Department's Basic Life Support Ambulance (Rescue-2). In the long-term plan this Ambulance was scheduled to be replaced in 2001. Because of budget constraints the Fire Department extended the purchase of a new replacement to 2002. The Fire Department requested and was granted permisgion by City Council on Mm'eh 11, 2002 to bid out, per department specifications, a new replacement for the current Rescue-2.The bid included purchasing a remanufactured module on a new chassis. Based on the number of companies that provide this service, the Fire Department considered the fact that we may not receive many bids. Staff believed that all manufacturers capable of performing a remount were notified. Analysis: The bids were received and a committee of 6 Officers and Firefighters meticulously compared both bids for consistency and compliance of published specifications. The committee recommends purchase of the new ambulance chassis with a refurbished module from North Central Ambulance, based upon their low, qualified, responsible bid in the amount of $70,591.03. The funds to purchase this piece of apparatus will come from the PERA Fire fired, 439-42200-5150 as per the plan submitted to the State Auditor. Based on this information, the committee forwards the following information to the council. Recommended Motion: Move to award the purchase of a new ambulance chassis, with a refurbished module, to North Central Ambulance, based upon their low, qualified, responsible bid in the amount of $70,591.03 with funds to be appropriated from 439-42200-5150; and furthermore, to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same. COUNCIL ACTION: To: Chief Charles Thompson Re: 2002 Type I!1 Ambulance Bid Proposals The Ambulance Committee met on Monday, Apdl 1, 2002 and carefully reviewed the bids received for the new ambulance. It is our recommendation that we go with North Central Ambulance's bid of $70,591.03. We have chosen North Central Ambulance's (NCA) Bid Proposal over Road Rescue's (RR) bid for several masons. 1. NCA's bid proposal complies with all specifications laid forth. 2. NCA is providing a 5 year electrical warranty vs. the 1 year requested warranty 3. NCA is providing a 5 year paint warranty vs. the two year requested warranty 4. NCA is providing a 2 year conversion warranty vs. the one year requested warranty 5. The module they are providing is a 2000 Braun module with a transferable lifetime warranty 6. Ail necessary QVM services and Braun module service is done at their facility and offer on-site repair. 7. Overall bid pricing is considerably less than Road Rescue for a 6 year newer module. 2002 Type III Bid Comparison Unless otherwise specified below both bid proposals comply with our bid specifications. North Central Ambulance Chassis: 2002 Ford E-450 3 year, 36000 Mile Ford Chassis warranty 5 year, 100,000 mile Ford Engine Warranty Lifetime Transferable Module/door Warranty 5 year. 75,000 mile Electrical System Warranty 5 year unlimited mile paint Warranty 2 year, 30,000 Conversion Warranty Module: 2000 147' Braun Raider wilh 20" Extension Dual Ammeter per specs Fluorescent Light in Module Interior per specs Provides Anti-theft deVice per specs Automatic Eject for Shorn Power per specs Provides park-override for emergency lighting per specs Road Rescue Chassis: 2002 Ford E-450 3 year. 36000 Mile Ford Chassis warranty 5 year, 100,000 mile Ford Engine Warranty Lifetime Transferable Module/door Warranty 1 year Electrical System Warranty 2 year paint Warranty I year Conversion Warranty Module: 1994 SuperMedic Road Rescue Single Ammeter Incandescent Lights in Module Interior Does not Provide Anti-theft device Does not provide automatic Eject for Shore Power Does not provide park-override for emergency lighting $70,591.03 $85,324.00 Road Rescue Bid Proposal The following items do not comply with our bid specifications: · A single ammeter vs. a dual ammeter · No fluorescent lighting in module interior · Light bar is of different Brand, does not meet intention of standardizing light bars, to comply with our bid, additional $1800 · No Ant-Theft device in bid proposal · No Auto-Eject for shore power in bid proposal · No Park Override for emergency lighting · No grab handles for module entrance doors · No exhaust fan/ventilation system for module · No module headliner replacement · Substitution of Streamlight SL-50 with a Streamlight SL-45 The following items are not included in the base price: · LED lighting package, additional $2200 · Extedor compartments were to be Rhinolined, bid proposal had an alternative, Rhinoliner was an additional $1500 · Portable Suction, additional $750 · 02 kits, bottles $650 · Medical Kits additional $274 Base Price of Road Rescue Bid Proposal .......................................... $78,150.00 Additional Items not included in base pdca ......................................... $ 7,174.00 Total Price .......................................................................................... $85,324.00 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of.' April 8, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPT.: CITY MANAGER 5 - License Department APPROVAL ITEM: License Agenda BY: Shelley Hanson..~,'~. DATE: NO: DATE: April 4, 2002 BY: BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached is the business license agenda for the April 8, 2002 City Council meeting. This agenda consists of applications for Contractor licenses for 2002, a Tobacco Sales License due to a new owner of the establishment and a Motor Vehicle Sales license. At the top of the license agenda you will notice a phrase stating *Signed Waiver Form Accompanied Application. This means that the data privacy form has been submitted as required. If not submitted, certain information cannot be released to the public. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for April 8, 2002 as presented. COUNCIL ACTION: TO CITY COUNCIL April 8, 2002 *Signed Waiver Form Accompanied Application 2002 BUSINESS LICENSE AGENDA CONTRACTORS LICENSES BLDG *Dave's Plumbing *Milton Johnson Co *AAA Excavating & Undergrd 25138 Iris Ave, Chis City 525 Lowry Ave, Mpls 2629 Forest St, Maplewood $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 TOBACCO SALES POL *Hot Market 5011 University Ave $50.00 MOTOR VEHICLE SALES ZONING *Wizard Auto Sales-Kim Laursen 510lA University Ave $200.00 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 04/04/2002 13:34:55 FUND DESCRIPTION ................................ 101 GENERAL 201 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND 202 ANOKA COUNTY CDBG 203 PARKVIEW VILLA NORTH 204 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AOTH 212 STATE AID MAINTENANCE 213 PARKVIEW VILLA SOUTH 225 CABLE TELEVISION 235 RENTAL HOUSING 240 LIBRARY 250 COL HGHTS AFTER SCHOOL ENRI 265 CONFISCATED/FORFEITED PROP 270 DARE PROJECT 276 LOCAL LAW ENFORCE BLK GRANT 278 JUVENILE JUSTICE GRANT 401 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 415 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT - PIR 601 WATER UTILITY 602 SEWER UTILITY 603 REFUSE FUND 604 STORM SEWER UTILITY 609 LIQUOR 701 CENTRAL GARAGE 720 DATA PROCESSING 884 INSURANCE 885 ESCROW 887 FLEX BENEFIT TRUST FUND TOTAL ALL FUNDS Check History DISBURSEMENTS 23,946.55 480.24 84,904.65 2,987.86 477.00 365.38 1,531.90 5,439.56 144,751.30 6,908.83 238.86 588.54 4.00 3,501.92 596.58 39.33 196.75 2,539.04 1,368.70 27.56 631.65 123,115.20 9,830.79 6,029.12 1,205.25 251,225.51 7,562.41 680,494,48 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL060S-V06.40 RECAPPAGE GL540R BANK RECAP: BANK NAME ................................ BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT TOTAL ALL BANKS DISBURSEMENTS 680,494.48 680,494.48 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 04/04/2002 13 Check History 04/08/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 1 BANK VENI~)R CHECK ~ER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT ACE HARDWARE AMERIPRIDE ANOKA CO~ - ES AT & T CONSUMER LEASE BECKER/KELLY BRADLEY REAL ESTATES INC COLUMBIA HEIGHTS I CRO~ AWARDS DRAGON HOUSE EL BUSTAN EL TEQUILA FISCHER/TED G & K SERVICES GENUINE PARTS/NAPA AUTO GLENWOOD INGLEWGOD JERUSALEM MEDIT~ JOHNSON/THOMAS M LUND/ROSE MC COSH/MARIE MINN DEPT OF AGRICULTURE MINNESOTA COACHES MN ASPHALT PAVEMENT ASSO MN DEPT OF HEALTH MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUS MN NURSERY & LANDSCAPE A MN REC & PK~SOC - MRP OFFICE DEPOT OLIVE TREE PETTY CASH - JOANNE BAKE PE~iq~Y CASH - KELLY BECKE QWEST COM~rt~NICATIONS REISEWtTZ/LORAINE RELIANT ENERGY MINNEGASC RELIASTAR EMPLOYEE BENEF ROGERS/JOHN SAHIB'S SANDBACK/MARGE SOLIDLY/MARY UDUPI CAFE UNION 49 UNIVANCE - ACCTS RECEIV XCEL ENERGY (N S P) LAND TITLE INC ALL SAFE FIRE & SECURITY ARCTIC GLACIER BELLBOY BAR SUPPLY BELLBOY CORPORATION 97335 39.37 97336 35.31 97337 45.00 97338 47.82 97339 129.18 97340 11,344.47 97341 4,520.46 97342 88.90 97343 392.00 97344 354.00 97345 348.00 97346 15.67 97347 161.21 97348 37,28 97349 71.06 97350 306.00 97351 106.48 97352 100,00 97353 36.00 97354 10.00 97355 887.00 97356 185.00 97357 119.00 97358 60,00 97359 89,00 97360 50.00 97361 33,56 97362 502.00 97363 89,24 97364 83,47 97365 203,75 97366 36.00 97367 9,707,31 97368 37,00 97369 26.53 97370 390.00 97371 419.00 97372 42.00 97373 212.00 97374 29,00 97375 33.41 97376 3,084.53 97377 84,873.15 97378 133.25 97379 231.00 97380 249.49 97381 10,278.61 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 04/04/2002 13 Check History 04/08/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 2 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTI COCA-COLA BOTTLING MIDWE EAGLE WINE COMPANY EAST SIDE BEVERAGE CO EXTREME BEVERAGE GENUINE PARTS/NAPA AUTO GRIGGS-COOPER & CO HANSON/SHELLY HOHENSTEINS INC IKON OFFICE SOLUTION JOHNSON BROS. LIQUOR CO. JOHNSON PAPER & SUPPLY C JOHNSON/THOMAS M k%m_~N/JEAN KUETHER DIST. CO. LAND TITLE INC LOADER/REBECCA FJ%RKVII DIST. MINNESOTA CROWN DISTRIBU MN CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSO MUSCOVITZ/PATRICIA PAUSTIS & SONS PC SOLUTIONS PEPSI-COLA-7 UP PETTY CASH - KAREN MOELL PETTY CASH - MARY DUGDAL PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS PIKALA/ROBIN PINNACLE DISTR PRIOR WINE QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS QWEST COMMUNICATIONS TASTY PIZZA TImBS/MARSHA VECTOR INTERNET SERVICES VERIZON WIRELESS WALLY'S REFRIDGERATION XCEL ENERGY (N S P) ZIMNA/KELLEY a AFFINITY PLUS FEDERAL CR FIRST COMMUNITY CREDIT U HEALTH PARTNERS ICMARETIREMENTTRUST 45 JEFFERSON PILOT MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT ORCHARD TRUST COMPANY PERA 97382 689.55 97383 867.70 97384 373.75 97385 4,195.90 97386 480.00 97387 70.64 97388 8,489.01 97389 55.37 97390 2,988.66 97391 155.79 97392 17,345.81 97393 235.64 97394 149.30 97395 35.86 97396 27,664.95 97397 144,722.85 97398 20.66 97399 15,127.06 97400 217.50 97401 225.00 97402 309.40 97403 1,522.38 97404 5,579.12 97405 107.43 97406 98.31 97407 217.29 97408 2,623.55 97409 31.83 97410 3,723.15 97411 1,556.51 97412 4,893.07 97413 179.24 97414 104.37 97415 10.22 97416 150.00 97417 13.59 97418 143.00 97419 6,612.63 97420 315.50 97421 400.00 97422 2,380.00 97423 55,641.64 97424 12,985.52 97425 628.44 97426 674.70 97427 7,170.50 97428 27,476.58 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 04/04/2002 13 Check History 04/08/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 3 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT PUBLIC MANAGERS ASSOCIAT 97429 40.00 UNION 320 97430 1,094.16 UNITED WAY 97431 39.00 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER - 97432 225.00 WELLS FARGO - PAYROLL AC 97433 149,664.91 WI DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 97434 301.47 ACCENT PROMOTIONS INC 97435 39.33 ACE HARDWARE 97436 169.45 AID ELECTRIC SERVICE INC 97437 790.55 AMERIPRIDE 97438 21.77 ANORA COUNTY ATTORNEY 97439 392.36 ANOKA COUNTY LIBRARY 97440 262.75 ANOKA CTY - CENTRAL COMM 97441 61.27 ANOKA ~ FIRE PROTECTIO 97442 210.00 ANOKA POLICE DEPARTMENT 97443 375.00 APPLE LAND LAW ENFORCEME 97444 163.73 ASPEN MILLS, INC. 97445 361.50 ASSOC CONSTRUCTION PUBLI 97446 484.40 BAKER & TAYLOR CONT. SER 97447 1,080.69 BARNA GUZY & STEFFEN LTD 97448 504.00 BATTERIES PLUS 97449 107.46 BATTERY CITY INC 97450 69.68 BIFF'S,INC. 97451 421.56 BOOKMEN INC/THE 97452 143.39 BOYER TRUCKS 97453 529.03 BRODART 97454 16.15 CADD/ENGINEERING SUPPLY 97455 34.29 CEN-A-VAC 97456 388.62 CHILDS WORLD 97457 80.75 CITIZENS LEAGUE 97458 50.00 CLARK PRODUCTS INC 97459 74.22 COMPASS POINT BOOKS 97460 51.35 CREIG}{TON BPADLEY GUZZET 97461 5,426.63 DALCO ENTERPRISES INC 97462 59.36 DANKA OFFICE IMAGING 97463 35.94 DEMCO 97464 94.54 DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS A 97465 131.17 DIAMOND VOGEL PAINTS 97466 3,901.94 ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTW 97467 751.19 FR~JfKLIN COVEY 97468 871.70 G & K SERVICES 97469 335.84 GALE GROUP/THE 97470 1,983.68 GENUINE PARTS/NAPA AUTO 97471 115.13 OOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFIC 97472 125.00 }{ACH COMPANY 97473 102.84 HOFFERS COATINGS INC 97474 972.00 HOME DEPOT ~2802 97475 540.19 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 04/04/2002 13 Check History 04/08/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 4 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT INDUSTRIAL DOOR CO INC 97476 736.68 INSTRUMENTAL RESEARCH IN 97477 641.00 INTEGRATED LOSS CONTROL 97478 602.00 IPC PRINTING 97479 21.31 J H LARSON ELECTRIC COMP 97480 1,454.90 JINDRA/PATRICIA 97481 35.00 JOHNSON PAFER & SUPPLY C 97482 239.77 K & S ENGRAVING 97483 54.84 KENNEDY & GRAVEN 97484 435.00 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITI 97485 100.00 LOWELL'S 97486 17.89 MAC QUEEN EQUIPMENT CO. 97487 530.37 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 97488 53.60 METRO WELDING SUPPLY 97489 41.54 METROCALL ~ ATT MESSAGIN 97490 28.28 MGS PROFESSIOAL BUILDING 97491 50.00 MIDWEST LOCK & SAFE 97492 209.59 NOVELL INC 97493 300.00 O'GARA/ANDREW 97494 55.00 OFFICE DEPOT 97495 138.25 PC SOLUTIONS 97496 1,549.75 PETERSON/RONALD 97497 74.55 R~GE SYSTEMS 97498 657.30 REFRIGERATION SERVICES 97499 78.50 RESOURCE DOCUMENTS & ADV 97500 315.79 RUETTIMANN/ROBERT 97501 35.00 SMERWIN WILLIAMS 97502 58.36 SIGN LANGUAGE & C-OLDEN A 97503 31.90 ST PAUL-DED/THE 97504 1,205.25 STATE TREASURERS OFFICE 97505 196.18 STREICHER'S GUN'S INC/DO 97506 3,864.17 TAUTGES, REDPATH, & CO., 97507 790.00 TUBBS/MARSHA 97508 43.50 TWIN CITY TRANSPORT & RE 97509 330.15 UNITED RENTALS 97510 599.79 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 97511 345.00 VERIZON WIRELESS 97512 357.91 WORLD CHAMBER OF COMMERC 97513 35.00 ~ GRAINGER, INC 97514 423.47 ZED MANUFACTURING COMP~ 97515 131.42 680,494.48 *** CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of April 8, 2002 AGENDA Public Heatings ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER SECTION: Fire APPROVAL /., , Rental License Revocation DATE: April 3, 2002 DATE: NO: The matter of the revocation of the license to operate a rental mt(s) within the City of Columbia Heights against Kuual Kamran regarding rental property at 2215 45th Avenue NE for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Code was scheduled to commence at the City Council meeting of April 8, 2002. The public hearing on this property may now be closed in that the property owner has corrected all deficiencies inside the building and is in the process of applying for a extension to complete the work on the outside of the building. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Close the Public Hearing Regarding the Revocation or Suspension of the Rental License Held by Kuual Kamran Regarding Rental Property at 2215 45t~ Avenue NE in that the Property Owner has corrected all defieceincies inside the building and is applying for a extension to complete the work on the outside of the building. COUNCIL ACTION: COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL LETTER lvieetln ~ oi: Apm AGENDA SECTION: .~A ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER'S NO:[fl Community Development APPROVAL ITEM: Adopt Resolution 2002-27, Authorizing BY: Randy Schumacher .~_. BY: the Purchase of the Property Located at 3955 DATE: April 2, 2002 University Avenue N.E. (Pin #R35-30-24-31- 0151) for Redevelopment Purposes BACKGROUND: In year 2000, Community Development Block Grant Funds were earmarked for the redevelopment of blighted property at the north end of Lookout Place and 40th Avenue. The City successfully negotiated the acquisition of two single-family homes and cleared same, for redevelopment. At the time, the owner of 3955 University (the gas station directly north) was interested in working with the City to expand his business on the recently acquired City property. He was unable to obtain funding for the expansion of his business. At that time, the City requested Community Development Block Grant funding from Anoka County for the acquisition of his property. The property owner supported this grant request, in letter form. The City received $175,000 for the acquisition of his property in July of 2000. The Redevelopment of this property in 2002 has been given a high priority by both the Economic Development Authority and the City Council, meets the definition of blighted property pursuant to Community Development Block Grant funding criteria, and must be acquired in a timely matter in order to secure the Community Development Block Grant funding presently in place. The owner of 3955 University has now entered into a purchase agreement with the City. This document was drafted and approved by the City attorney. The details are as follows: Total purchase price of property, $240,000. This purchase price includes all relocation costs. The seller is responsible for the removal of all underground tanks, pumps, canopy, store fixtures, and equipment. · If any contamination is found on site, the seller is responsible for the clean up. Any costs, not covered by the Minnesota Department of Commerce, Petroleum Reimbursement Fund, shall be equally funded by the buyer and seller. Buyers portion shall not exceed $5,000. · The City shall be responsible and control all aspects of the Phase I & II environmental assessments on the property. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council Adoption of Resolution 2002-27, authorizing the Purchase of the property located at 3955 University Avenue N.E. (PIN #R35-30-24-31-0151) for redevelopment purposes. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-27, there being an ample amount of copies available to the public. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Adopt Resolution 2002-27, a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of the Property Located at 3955 University Avenue N.E. (PIN #R35-30-24-31-0151) for Redevelopment purposes. Attachments COUNCIL ACTION: h:\Consent2002\CL Adopt Res.2002-27 3955 Univ.-Conoco RESOLUTION 2002 - 27 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF 3955 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights (the "City) has an on-going Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funded Commercial Revitalization Program; and WHEREAS, the City has found that there exists conditions of deterioration, substandard residential structure, in need of repairs which are in violation of the City Housing Code and City Ordinances or there exists a need (due to blighting influences) for intervention by the City to prevent further deterioration of the area; and WHEREAS, the City has an option to acquire one such commercial property pursuant to the Purchase Agreement by and between the City of Columbia Heights and Jamal Malik (the "Seller") and such Purchase Agreement has been signed by the Seller and provided to the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights that: The City Council hereby approves the terms of the Purchase Agreement for 3955 University Avenue N.E. between the City of Columbia Heights and Jamal Malik and authorizes the Mayor and the City Manager to sign the agreement on behalf of the City at a purchase price of $240,000, which is established as a fair market value, based on negotiations with the property owner and a formal appraisal of the property. The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to handle all the requirements and conditions in order for the City to complete the transaction contemplated in the Purchase Agreement. The City Council approves payment of the purchase cost from the City Community Development Block Grant Program fimds. Passed this day of ,2002. Offered by: Second by: Roll Call: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 (763) 706-3600 TDD (763) 706-3692 Visit Our Website at: www. ci. columbia-heights.mn, us EDA COMMISSIONERS: Robert W. Ruettimann Julienne Wyckoff Marlaine Szurek Gary L. Peterson Bruce Nawrocki Patricia Jindra Bobby Williams ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) April 1, 2002 Karen Skepper, Community Development Manager Anoka County Govemment Center 2100 3~ Avenue Anoka, MN55303 Dear Karen: Pursuant to the redevelopment project at 40t~ and University Avenue, Columbia Heights, Minnesota, I am enclosing a resolution passed by the City Council authorizing condemnation by quick take for the property located at 3955 University Avenue. Since the passage of that resolution on March 1, 2002, the owner of the above stated property has entered into a purchase agreement for the sale of same to the City for $240,000. (copy enclosed) The following scenario for acquisition is anticipated by the City: 2001 CDBG Funds 2000 CDBG Commercial Revitalization Funds CDBG Program Income (4656 Monroe) $175,000 $ 30,000 $ 35,000 TOTAL $240,000 Please advise me if this funding concept is not acceptable. Thank you for all your assistance in completing this important redevelopment project for the City of Columbia Heights. Randy Schumacher Acting Deputy Executive Director Enclosure C: Walt Fehst, City Manager Tim Johnson, City Planner H:\Memos2002\Conoco Reimbursement Ltr THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 19, 2002 CALL TO ORDER - The Regular Meeting of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA) was called to order by Vice President, Jindra at 8:20 p.m., Tuesday, February 19, 2002, in the Parkview Villa Community Room B, 965 40th Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, Minnesota. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: Staff Present: Patricia Jindra, Marlaine Szurek, Gary Peterson, Julienne Wyckoff, Bruce Nawrocki, and Bobby Williams Robert Ruettimann Walt Fehst, Executive Director Randy Schumacher, Acting Community Development Director Mark Nagel, Housing Assistant Cheryl Bakken, Secretary CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes Approve the Minutes of Regular Meeting held on January 15, 2002. Financial Report and Payment of Bills a. Financial Statement for January, 2002. b. Payment of Bills for January, 2002. MOTION by Williams, second by Wyckoff, to approve Resolution 2002-02, Resolution of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA) approving the financial statement for January, 2002 and approving payment of bills for the month of January, 2002. All ayes. Motion Carried. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Adopt Resolution 2002-03, Amending and Restating the EDA Bylaw.*.. Schumacher indicated staff and Steve Bubul of Kennedy and Graven, Chartered, have updated the EDA Bylaws to meet the current status of the authority. Schumacher stated that a decision needed to be made to Article III- Meetings, Section 1on page 3, as to when and where the authority is to meet in the future. MOTION by Szurek, second by Williams, to amend page 3, Article III- Meetings, Section 1, Regular Meetings, whereby the first sentence should read: Monthly meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall, with the exception of the months of January, April, July and October, where the meetings will be held in conjunction with the HRA at Parkview Villa and starting immediately following the HRA meeting. All ayes. Motion Carried. MOTION by Szurek, second by Williams, to Adopt Resolution 2002-03, a Resolution to Amend and Restate the Bylaws of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority. All ayes. Motion Carried. Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes 3/4/02 Page 2 of 5 Adopt Resolution 2002-04, Approvine and Ratifyine the Terms of an lnterfund Loan Policy and Approving the Interfund Loan Implementation Memorandum in Connection with TIF District No. 1 (P3) Nagel stated this item shouM be tabled until a meeting is held with the Finance Director to discuss the issues. Adopt Resolution 2002-05, Approving and Ratifying the Terms of $109,852 Internal Loa, in Connection with TIF #4, Multi Plan Cargill District Schumacher indicated Shelly Eldridge, Ehlers & Associates reviewed the InteoCund Loans that were noted in the Financial Statements for the TIF Districts. The 2001 law change ratifies any districts with a negative balance prior to August 1, 2001. Any expenditures that would increase the negative balance in a district must have an Interfund Loan (IFL) set up prior to the expenditures. The earlier districts for which the increments are paying the bonds, have had resolutions adopted to establish those loans and no further action is necessary. The MU~, K2 TIF District has a negative balance as of December 31, 2000 and the law requires a resolution ratifying the highest negative amount, which is $109,852, according to the 1998 Financial Statements. MOTION by Peterson, second by Wyckoff, to Adopt Resolution 2002-05, a Resolution Approving and Ratifying the terms'of $109,852 Internal Loan and Memorandum in Connection with TIF g4, Multi Plan Cargill, MURP K2 Tax Increment Financing District; and furthermore, authorize the President and Executive Director to enter into an agreement for the same. Nawrocki asked where the $109,852funds went. Schumacher indicated that as Shelly Eldridge prepared the documents enclosed, he did not have the information, but could get it from the Finance Department for the Board. MOTION by Nawrocki, to table this item until the Board can determine where the $109,852 went. Motion Failed for Lack of a Second. Upon Vote of the Original Motion: Peterson- Aye, Nawrocki- Nay, Szurek- Aye, Williams- Aye, Wyckoff- Aye, Jindra- Aye. Motion Carried. Consideration of a Resolution to Recommend Cit3' Council Adopt a Redevelopment Process Relatin~ to the Redevelopment of Industrial Propertie~ Schumacher stated the number one Community Development Department Goal for 2002 relates to the development of industrial property in Columbia Heights. Staff.met with representatives from the Beard Group, Dunbar Development, John Allen Industrial Equities, and HeIsh Companies, and has meetings set up with GSR Development, Hartford Company, United Properties, and Opus. All have shown interest in redevelopment of the industrially zoned property in the southwest part of the City. In the meeting with Helsh Companies, possible approaches for handling the process of or redevelopment of the industrial area were discussed. One approach would be to gather more site information through the CDBG Grant and a Phase I Environmental Report before proceeding with a detailed Request for Proposal (RFP) and the other would focus on a Request for Qualifications (RFQ), selecting a firm to work immediately Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes 3/4/02 Page 3 of 5 on the planning grant and Phase 1. Welsh Companies provided the attached listing of the pros and cons of both approaches. MOTION by Peterson, second by Szurek, to make Recommendation to City Council to Adopt a Resolution for Option A, to select a Development Consultant to assist the City/EDA in preparing a detailed RFP for developers seeking Redevelopment Proposals for designated Commercial and Industrial Redevelopment areas. All ayes. Motion Carried. Approve Community Development Goals for 2002 Fehst stated that staff, the EDA Board and P & Z Chair, Tom Ramsdell met to establish Goals and Objectives for the Community Development Department for 2002. The City Council has previously approved the Top 10 Goals for 2002. Each of the Goals, have at least five objectives. Fehst listed the goals: 1)focus on redevelopment of the industrial zoned property; 2) evaluate development issues for Lomianki Park; 3) redevelopment of 4ffn and University; 4) to evaluate the options for Parkview Villa; 5) to improve the housing stock of Columbia Heights; 6) tax base increase; 7) redevelop 37h and Central; 8) redevelop Mady's Bowl site; 9) promotion of Columbia Heights; and 10) redevelop 40~ and Jackson to Van Buren and redevelop Radiator Shop at 4201 Central In order to accomplish the Goals, the first step would be to come up with some funds, by looking at their assets and how can we make a profit from them. As to Goal number four, evaluation of the options for Parkview Villa. Fehst stated that the rumor that the City is considering selling Parkview Villa as was discussed on Cable TV is true. One of the Councilmembers did say that would be a possible option for the South building only. However, that doesn't mean that a decision has been made to sell the building, but to consider the options. The South building is not government subsidized, but tenants have been charged lower than the standard market rates for apartments in the area. Renie Sufka, apartment 104, asked for clarification that they are considering the options for the South building only. Fehst stated that this was true. Resident, Dick Dustin indicated that he worked with Nawrocki years ago to build Parkview Villa for the seniors of Columbia Heights. Dustin expressed his concern that the Board wants to sell Parkview and use the money on the Industrial area. Seniors have moved into Parkview thinking they can spend the rest of their life there and would be they would be displaced. He also felt that Parkview is an asset to the City and should not be sold. Fehst stated there has been no decisions made to sell the building. They are not looking to change the building from a senior building, nor are they telling the seniors their rent is going up or they need to move out. Nawrocki indicated he was on the committee to build Parkview as Mr. Dustin stated. At that time an application was made for Federal Funding for the Parkview Villa North project and was turned down. He then went to Congressmen, Bill Frenzel, with the problem. Frenzel went to bat with HUD for the City and the funds were obtained. The South building was built to provide senior housing to the residents of Columbia Heights at a higher rate than the North building as it was not government subsidized, but still at a lower than market rate. The commitment was to make a senior building for housing Columbia Heights seniors, and freeing up the homes for Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes 3/4/02 Page 4 of 5 younger families to move into. NawrocIa' stated he strongly objects to the possibility of selling the building. Renie Su. ika, apt. 104 asked for Mayor Peterson 's opinion. Peterson agreed with Nawrocki that there was a need for senior housing in the Community. However, if we want to improve our Community, and fill the needs for not only the seniors, but the young and middle aged families, we need to look at all our options. 19'yckoff indicated that if the City decided to sell the South building, it would take years and if the building was sold with the intent that it wouldn't be used as a senior building, the seniors would be relocated Fehst recommended Mr. Dustin be on the committee to explore Parkview Villa's options, or Goal number 4for the Community Development Department. MOTION by Szurek, second by Wyckoff, to approve the "Top 10" 2002 Goal Priorities for the Community Development Department. All ayes. Motion Carried. Resident, Harold Hoium, used abusive language towards }Villiams demanding a copy of his Revitalization Plan for the City by the next Council meeting, which he has been waiting for the last 14 months for. He then, directed his anger towards the rest of the Commissioners for not doing their jobs as City Councilmembers. Approve Application 1998-12, CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Prol~ram Schumacher indicated the Center for Energy and Environment has prepared a CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Deferred Grant for the property at 1032 Gould Avenue NE in the total amount of $18,475 with Norling Exteriors for replacing windows, doors, insulation, garage repair, and making health and safety improvements to the property. MOTION by Wyckoff, second by Szurek, to approve the CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Deferred Grant/Loan Application for Grant #1998-12 in the amount of $18,475 for housing rehabilitation to Norling Exteriors, and the Center for Energy and Environment subject to meeting all program requirements; and furthermore, to direct staff to submit the loan application to Anoka County and authorize all related expenses to be reimbursed fi.om Fund 202-46350- 4600/3050. All ayes. Motion Carried. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Update on Fiber Optics Schumacher indicated he included in the packet, the minutes of the Telecommunications Committee meeting and a memo from Jean Kuehn, Special Projects Coordinator summarizing the meeting discussing the installation of Fiber Optics in Columbia Heights when Central Avenue is reconstructed this summer. At the Telecommunications Committee Meeting it was determined the cables are already in place on Central Avenue. The Telecommunications Committee recommended the City not get involved in the placement of Fiber Optics at this time. Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes 3/4/02 Page 5 of 5 Update on Columbia Park Medical Group Parking Ramp Contract Schumacher indicated he would like to discuss this item at a future date. GMHC List of Homes $chumacher indicated that Jennifer Bergmann, GMHC has provided the enclosed list of homes that GMHC has built in the area, as requested by the Board at their January meeting. OTHER REPORTS Resident Council Minutes for January and February, 2002 Jindra presented the Resident Council Minutes for the months of January and February. There were no corrections. Jindra asked for Board direction on if she should still be attending the Resident Council Meetings each month and taking minutes for the EDA as Parkview Villa is a function of the HRA. It was the consensus of the Board, that it wasn't necessary for Jindra to attend the meetings as Dennis Ecklund Jr. is on the Board as a representative of Parkview Villa Residents and he can provide the minutes to the Secretary for all future meetings. ADJOURNMENT Vice President Jindra, adjourned the meeting at 10:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cheryl Bakken Recording Secretary H:\EDAminutes2002\2-19-2002 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MARCH 12, 2002 7:00 PM The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairperson Ramsdell. Roll Call: Commission Members present-Ramsdell, Johnson, Schmitt, Ericson, and Yehle. Also present were Tim Johnson (City Planner) and Shelley Hanson (Secretary). Motion by Yehle, second by Ericson, to approve the minutes from the meeting of February 5, 2002. All ayes. MOTION PASSED. PUBLIC HEARINGS Case #2002-0302 Conditional Use Permit Ace Hardware 2261 37th Avenue NE Planner Johnson explained to the Commission members that Mr. Larry Frattalone of Ace Hardware is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of a temporary tent measuring 21 x 48 feet for the display and sale of green and flowering plants from April 15, 2002 to July 15, 2002. The display will be located on the southeast side of the parking lot at 2261 37th Avenue NE, and approximately seven (7) parking spaces in front of Ace Hardware will be used for the sale. This will be the 9th year Ace Hardware has operated their greenhouse in Columbia Heights. They have provided the required site plan and information on the design and set up of the structure. The new Zoning Ordinance limits this type of use to 90 days and the timeframe mentioned above, meets that restriction. The property to the south, east and west of the subject parcel is zoned GB. The property to the north of the subject is zoned R-3, Multiple Family Residential. The proposed use will continue to be consistent with the character of the surrounding property. The Zoning Ordinance requires a Conditional Use Permit for seasonal agricultural sales. The site plan and configuration remains unchanged from previous years. The Fire Department has reviewed the proposal and has expressed no concerns. The existing parking exceeds the zoning requirements and will still meet minimum parking requirements after placement of the tent. The operation should not have any impact on vehicular access to the site, nor will it block any of the parking lot aisles. The Land Use Plan Map designates this area of Columbia Heights for future commercial activity, including retail sales, offices, and service businesses. The proposal is consistent with the intent of the City Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit provided a $500 deposit is submitted to the License/Permit Clerk prior to the installation of the structure on the site to ensure removal at the end of the approved time period. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE MEETING MARCH 12, 2002 PAGE 2 Yehle asked if any complaints had ever been received from previous years' displays. Planner Johnson responded that he was not aware of any complaints being submitted regarding this garden tent in the past. Motion by Johnson, second by Yehle, to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit to allow the placement of a 21 x 48foot tent for the display and sale of green and flowering plants from April 15 through July 15, 2002, for Ace Hardware at 2261 37th Avenue NE subject to the following condition: 1. A $500 deposit shall be submitted to the License/Permit Clerkprior to installation of the structures on the site. All Ayes. MOTION PASSED. NEW BUSINESS A. Acquisition of 3955 University Avenue The existing gas station at 3955 University Avenue is in the process of being acquired by the City. The property is considered non-conforming and does not meet setback requirements. This property is to be reused in the future for commercial revitalization purposes. However, there is no specific commercial redevelopment plan at this time. The City intends to acquire this parcel and combine it with the adjacent vacant parcels on Lookout Place to allow for a viable commemial redevelopment oppommity. The City has received CDBG funds from Anoka County to be used for acquisition of this property. If the acquisition is not complete by a certain date, some of these funds could be lost. The City has been negotiating with the owner of the property over the last several months. The City Council took action at their March 11, 2002, meeting for the condemnation of the property if negotiations fail. The newly adopted City Comprehensive Plan designated this property for commercial use. A future commercial use of this site would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Mn. Statute 462.356 requires that if a City has a Comprehensive Plan, it must notify the Planning Commission of the intent to purchase or sell land. Motion by Ramsdell, second by Yehle, to support the action of the Columbia Heights City Council to acquire the property at 3955 University Avenue NE, provided the future development of this parcel remains consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan. All ayes. MOTION PASSED. MISCELLANEOUS Enclosed in the agenda packets was a reminder of the GTS seminars being held this spring if anyone is interested in attending. Motion by Yehle, second by Johnson, to adjourn the meeting at 7:13 pm. All ayes. Respectfully submitted, Shelley Hanson Secretary PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING APRIL 2, 2002 7:00 PM These minutcz not approved,, The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairperson Ramsdell. Roll Call: Commission Members present-Ramsdell, Johnson, Schmitt, Yehle, and Ericson (who arrived at 7:02 pm). Also present were Tim Johnson (City Planner) and Shelley Hanson (Secretary). Motion by Yehle, second by Schmitt, to approve the minutes from the meeting of March 12, 2002. All ayes. MOTION PASSED. NEW BUSINESS Case #2002-0403 Site Plan Review PMJ Group Inc. 4241 3rd St NE Planner Johnson explained to the Commission members that Mike Juaire of PMJ Group Inc. has requested site plan approval to permit construction of a three unit, rental townhouse building at 4241 3rd St NE. The submitted plans include 1,490 sq. ft. each of living space for units 1 and 2 and 1,450 sq. ft. of living space for unit 3. Each unit includes an attached two car garage, three bedrooms, two baths, and furnished appliances. This piece of property is the southem most site owned by Mr. Juaire that is currently vacant and is the last one to be developed on this block. PMJ Group purchased the properties in 2001 and recently built two 4- plexes on the adjacent properties to the north. The property to the south, north, and west of the subject parcel is zoned R-3 (Multi-Family District), and is used residentially. The property to the east is University Avenue. The proposed use will continue to be consistent with the character of the surrounding property. The Zoning Ordinance specifies this is a permitted use in the R-3 District as noted in Section 9.907 (2) (e). The proposal also is consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan which designates this area as medium and high density residential. The 3-plex proposal submitted meets and exceeds the minimum yard and density requirements of the Zoning Ordinance as follows: · Lot width shall be a least 80 R-subject parcel has a width of 121 ft. · Minimum lot area shall be at least 10,000 sq fi-subject parcel exceeds this requirement with 11,709 sq ft. Total lot coverage of the primary building and accessory structures is 24%. · Front yard setback shall be 30 fi-building proposed is at the minimum 30 ft setback. · The side yard setback shall be 20 ft-the proposal will meet this requirement with 20 ft setbacks from both property lines. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE MEETING APRIL 2, 2002 PAGE 2 · Rear yard setback shall be 30 fi-the subject parcel meets this requirement with 30-34 foot setbacks due to the configuration of the parcel (see site plan). · The front fagade area as recommended in the zoning ordinance requires a minimum of 20% of the front fa9ade area facing a street to be doors or windows in residential areas. This proposal has 21% of the front facade area as window/door area, meeting the requirements of the proposed ordinance. · The site plan submitted also addressed the landscaping requirement for commercial, industrial, and multi-family projects. The ordinance requires a minimum of one (1) tree for every 50 feet of street frontage. This project requires three (3) trees as the frontage is 121 feet. The proposed trees will be planted in the front yard as shown on the site plan. Parking requirements will be met as each unit includes an attached two-stall garage measuring 20 fl by 20 ft. This is the minimum recommended size for two-stall garages. The proposal includes three units, each with a two car attached garage. The survey shows the rear yard setback to be 30 feet to the foundation, with a portion of the building cantilevered out to 29 feet from the rear property line. The ordinance does not consider this type of feature as an encroachment as long as it does not encroach more than 3 feet into the required setback area. The proposed site plan has been reviewed by the City Engineer. The City Engineer has recommended that based upon prior grading issues for the adjacent properties to the north, an erosion control plan be submitted and accepted before the building permit is issued. Planning Commission approval can be subject to City Engineer review and approval of this plan. Staff recommends approval of the Site Plan to allow the construction of a three unit, rental townhouse multi-family building at 4241 3rd St. in the R-3 Multi Family District. Commission member Schmitt questioned the lower level bedroom next to the garage. She was concerned about exhaust from the garage area getting into this occupied space. It was explained that the Fire Code requires proper ventilation of the garage area and that a fire rated wall must separate the garage from any living space, so this will not be an issue. Commission member Ramsdell asked Mr. Juaire about the requirement of planting 3 trees and whether he had done this on the other properties he developed. Mr. Juaire stated that he had not planted any trees on the previously developed sites as the ordinance had not been adopted at the time of construction, but that he would be happy to do so this summer when he plants the ones at this location. He stated it would give it a more uniform appearance if he did so. The erosion control issue was also addressed. Mr. Juaire is aware there was a lot of runoff on the other sites due to the grade of the land. He will submit his plan for approval by the City Engineer to control this prior to starting construction. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE MEETING APRIL 2, 2002 PAGE 3 Motion by Yehle, second by Ramsdell to approve the site plan request to allow a three unit townhouse building at 4241 3rd St NE in the R-3 Multi-Family District, subject to: 1. City Engineer review and approval of erosion control plans before building permit is issued and before excavation occurs. 2. Minimum of three (3) trees shall be planted in the front yard, and all other required setback areas to be landscaped with pervious ground cover. All ayes. MOTION PASSED. MISCELLANEOUS Enclosed in the agenda packets was an article on Planning Issues that Planner thought would be of interest to commission members. He also included an update of development issues the City is currently focusing on. Commission member Yehle commented on the number of projects that will be coming to the commission in the near future. Motion by Yehle, second by Ericson, to adjourn the meeting at 7.'17 pm. All ayes. Respectfully submitted, Shelley Hanson Secretary