HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 8, 2002 Board of AppealsCITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 (763) 706-3600 TDD (763) 706-3692 Visit Oar Website at: www. ci. colambia-heights.mn, us ADMINISTRATION April 5, 2002 Mayor Gary L. Peterson Councilmembers Marlaine Szurek Julienne Wyckoff Bruce Nawrocki Robert .4. Williams City Manager Walter R. Fehst Thc following is the continuation agenda for the Board of Appeal and Equalization of the City Council to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 8, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, Minnesota. The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for disabled persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the Deputy City Clerk at 763-706-3611, to make arrangements. (TDD/706-3692 for deaf or hearing impaired only) 1. CONTINUATION OF APRIL 1~ 2002 MEETING/ROLL CALL 2. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO MEETING AGENDA (The Council, upon majority vote of its members, may make additions and deletions to the agenda.) 3. COUNCIL ACTION REGARDING 5080 MULCARE DRIVE ON WHICH ADDITIONAL o INFORMATION WAS REQUESTED A) Review of 5080 Mulcare Drive MOTION: Move to adopt the 2002 Assessment Rolls as presented and amended. ADJOURNMENT Walter4~ Fehst, ~ity Manager WF/pvm Attachments: Response to Gerald Lamere Habitat Home Comparison THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES ~-QUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 04-03-0Z 04:06pm From-PROP REC & TAX 7633235421 T-252 P,O1/OZ F-767 C O U N T Y.'-, OF ANOKA PROPERTY RECORDS AND TAXATION DIVISION GOVERNMENT CENTER · 2-100 3RD AVENUE · ANOKA. MN $5303 ...... IAX (763) 323-$6,21 .............................. * Prope~y Assessment · Propecty ReeoMs aiad l~blic Service . Property Tax AccOunting and Re,arch April 3, 2002 Gerald Lamere 5080 Mulcare Dr NE Columbia Heights, Mn 55a21 RE: PIN 25 30 24 22 0060 Dear Mr. Lamere, I reviewed my notes on my January 10, 2002 inspection of your property. At that time I lowered the grade of the house by one-half and it reduced the value by $6,200.00. This reduction is already reflected in the 2002 assessmem value of $211. 100. The 2002 assessment without the reduction would have bo:n $217,300. I recommend no change to the 2002 assessment value of$211,100. I apologize for not having ~his information at our Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting on April 1. Sincerely, · ~ - Arlene Andrea Appraiser Anoka. Coun~ Affirmative Action I Equal Opportunity Employer 04-f13-OZ 04: 06pm From-PROP REC & TAX COUNTY OF ANOKA PROPERTY RECORDS AND TAXATION DIVISION GOVERNMENT CENTER · 2100 3RD AVENUE · ANOKA, MN 35303 FAX (763) 323-$421 · l~'operty Assessment · Property Records and Publi¢ Service · Property ~ Accounting and Research April St 2002 Thomas Tmong 4237 4* St NE Columbia Heights, Mn 5542 ! RE: PIN 35 30 2zt 24 0189 Dear Mr. Truong: ! have reviewed tho following two other Habitat for Humanity houses built in 2001 in Columbia Heights. The house at 4241 7. St NE is valued at $148,000. It is 1,092 square feet and has only one bathroom and no basement finished. The house at 4237 7* St NE is valued at $147,900. It is 1,092 square feet and has only one bathroom and one small room finished in the basement. Your house is 1176 square feet with 1.000 square feet of partial basement fin/shed and a second bathroom and your 2002 Assessment value is $149,400. If you have any questions please call me at 763-323-5491. Thank You, Arlene Andrea Appraiser Aaoka County fOg-:l lO/lO Affirmative Action I Equal Opportunity Employer I ZF6Ez;;gz X¥£ ~ 39tl dOlld-~ J we9 i: i t Z0-60-~0