HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 18, 2002 Public Improvment HearingCiTY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS (1") 637 38TH AVENUE N. E., COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MN 55421-3806 (763) 706.3700 FAX 706-370! ADMINISTRATION March 13, 2002 Mayor Gary L. Peterson Councilmembers Marlaine Szurek dulienne Wyckoff Bruce Nawrocki Robert A. Williams City Manager Walter R. Fehst The following is a Special Meeting agenda for the Public Improvement Hearing of the City Council to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 18, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for disabled persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the Deputy City Clerk at 763-706-3611, to make arrangements. (TDD/706-3692 for deaf or heating impaired only) CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING: CENTRAL AVENUE STREET, UTILITY & STREETSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS. A) Project Introduction and Background 1) Presentation of Information on Street Reconstruction Projects by Staff B) Street & Utility Improvements 1) Presentation of Information on Street & Utility Improvements by URS C) Streetscaping Improvements I 1) Presentation of Information on Streetscaping by URS D) Project Cost & Funding !) Presentation of Information on the Engineer's Estimate and Proposed Funding by Staff E) Assessment Methodology 1) Presentation of Information on Proposed Assessment for Project 1999-12A by Staff F) Public Questions and Comments G) Close the Public Heating MOTION: Move to close the Public Hearing on the Central Avenue Street, Utility and Streetscaping Improvements: P.I.R. 1062 Project 1999-12A. H) Consideration of Resolutions 1) MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No.2002~ 18, there being ample copies available to the public. 2) MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2002-18, being a resolution ordering public improvements, P.I.R. #1062, Project #9912A. 3. ADJOURNMENT W ,THE~I~;Y~OE C~I. UMI~iA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE Basis Of DISABILITY in EmploymenT OR THE PROVISION Of SERVICES alter ~.eenst, tzlty ~vtanager "SER'v'ICE IS OUR BUSINESS" EQUAL. OPPORTUNI~' EMPL~OYER WF~h TDD (763) 706-3692 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 3/18/02 AGENDA SECTION: PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: HEARING PUBLIC WORKS ITEM: PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING FOR BY: K. Hansen~.~.x~ BY: CENTRAL AVENUE WATER SERVICES AND DATE: 3/13/02~:52:~ DATE: STREETSCAPING, CITY PROJECT 9912A, Background: The City Council accepted the feasibility report for City Project 9912: Central Avenue Street and Utility Improvements, at its regular meeting on December 13, 1999. That report included utilities: sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water main, and street reconstruction which includes center medians, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous pavement resurfacing and new concrete sidewalk. On March 8, 2001 the City Council accepted the feasibihty report for Central Avenue Water Services and Streetscaping, City Project 9912A, which included replacing water services, decorative sidewalk, decorative streetlighting, appurtenances (benches, trash receptacles, and planters) and trees. Originally this Public Improvement Hearing was established for April 16th, 2001 but postponed due to project development issues. Analysis/Conclusions: The public improvements identified in the updated 9912A feasibility report and recommended to be part of the 429 (assessment) process and estimated assessments are detailed as follows: Water services Water services are proposed to be replaced within the project area from 37th to 43ra Avenues. Sizing will be replaced in-kind, but with a minimum service size of 1 inch, consistent with City Code. The services would be replaced from the new main line to the property line and include: a wet tap with corporation valve, copper or DIP service line and curb stop at the property line. Assessments are proposed for actual construction cost for all conanercial/multi-family property and flat rates of $900 and $1,500 for single family properties on the west and east sides of Central, respectively. Streetscaping Streetscaping has been designed following the general themes identified in the Downtown Master Plan and includes decorative street lighting, colored and banded concrete sidewalks, new trees and grates and other amenities such as color and material coordinated planters, trash receptacles and pedestrian benches. The concrete color is typically selected after contract award based upon actual mixes poured in the field as samples. Tree locations may need further adjustment in the field based upon fronting property input and visibility needs. Proposed Assessments Water services: Water services are proposed to be based on actual construction cost for the size of service replaced. Single family residential properties are estimated at $900 for 1 inch for the west side of Central and $1,500 for the east side of Central. Streetscaping: Streetscaping is proposed to be assessed on a front foot basis for all property on both sides of Central from 37th to 43~ Avenues, excluding single-family parcels. Two rate zones have been established: a higher rate for the 'core' downtown area from 39th to 41st Avenues where streetscaping treatments will be more intense; and a lower rate from 37th to 39th and 41st to 43rd Avenues as the treatments are less intense. The amount proposed to be assessed was noticed as 50% of the total project costs. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 3/18/02 AGENDA SECTION: PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: HEARING PUBLIC WORKS ITEM: PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING FOR BY: K. Hansen BY: CENTRAL AVENUE WATER SERVICES AND DATE: 3/13/02 DATE: STREETSCAPING, CITY PROJECT 9912A, Continued - Page 2 A Public Informational Meeting was held in the Council Chambers on February 28t~, 2002 at 6:30 pm to review the project with the corridor property/business owners and address any further questions they had, with approximately 12 people attending. Staff recommends adopting the resolution that orders the improvements for City Project 1999-12A: Water services and streetscaping. City Staff and the consulting firm of URS will present an overview of the entire project that will be taped and rebroadcast on the local cable channel. Recommended Motion: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-18, there being ample copies available for the public. Recommended Motion: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2002-18 being a Resolution ordering the Public Improvements for the Central Avenue Water Services and Streetscaping improvements, Project 9912A. I~:jb Attachments: Resolution 9912A Feasibility Report (updated February 2002) COUNCIL ACTION: RE S O L UT I ONNO. 2002- 18 BEING A RESOLUTION ORDERING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CENTRAL AVENUE WATER SERVICES AND STREETSCAPING CITY PROJECT 1999-12A WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2002-12 of the Columbia Heights City Council adopted the 25~ day of February, 2002, fixed a date for a council hearing on the proposed improvement of Central Avenue from 37~ Avenue to 43~a Avenue AND WHEREAS, ten days' mailed notice and two published notices of the hearing a week apart were given, and the hearing was held thereon the 18t~ day of March, 2002, at which all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon, WHEREAS, the Council determines to Proceed with this local improvement, a portion of the cost being defrayed by special assessments under Charter provisions. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA: 1. That the location and extent of such improvements is as follows: Work includes replacing water service lines from the main to shut-offvalve near the property line and streetscaping improvements which generally include: decorative street lights, colored banded concrete sidewalk, boulevard trees, decorative benches, planters and trash receptacles on Central Avenue from 37~ to 4Yd Avenues. Such improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible as detailed in the feasibility report dated February, 2001 and updated February, 2002. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the Council Resolution adopted 25~ day of February, 2002. 4. These improvements shall also be known as P.I.R. #1062 - Project 1999-12A. The Engineering Consultant Firm of URS/BRW and the City Engineer, Kevin Hansen, are hereby designated as the engineer(s) for this improvement. The engineer(s) shall prepare final plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the Council this 18t~ day of March, 2002. Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Attest: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Patficia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS NOTICE FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Columbia Heights has determined the following Public Improvement Hearing be held on Monday, March 18, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chamber, 590 40th Avenue N.E. to consider: CENTRAL AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT City Project 1999-12A Water Services and Streetscaping Work includes replacing water service lines from the main to shut-offvalve near the property line and streetscaping improvements which include: decorative street lights, colored banded concrete sidewalk, boulevard trees, decorative benches, planters and trash receptacles on Central Avenue from 37th to 43ra Avenues. Estimated cost of improvements (not including street and utilities) Estimated assessments for above improvements Estimated assessment for each water service (residential) $895,000 $487,000 $900 or $1,500 Parcels Proposed to be Assessed or Impacted: 36-30-24-23-0044 36-30-24-23-0045 36-30-24-23-0149 36-30-24-23-0402 36-30-24-23-0403 36-30-24-23-0404 36-30-24-23-0405 36-30-24-23-0406 36-30-24-23-0407 36-30-24-23-0408 36-30-24-23-0409 36-30-24-23-0496 36-30-24-23-0497 36-30-24-23-0498 36-30-24-23-0501 36-30-24-32-0101 36-30-24-32-0102 36-30-24-32-0110 36-30-24-32-0248 36-30-24-32-0252 36-30-24-33-0008 36-30-24-33-0009 36-30-24-33-0010 36-30-24-33-0011 36-30-24-33-0012 36-30-24-33-0013 35-30-24-41-0069 35-30-24-41-0070 35-30-24-41-0072 35-30-24-41-0151 35-30-24-41-0154 35-30-24-41-0155 35-30-24-41-0163 35-30-24-41-0166 35-30-24-44-0001 35-30-24-44-0002 35-30-24-44-0003 35-30-24-44-0004 35-30-24-44-0005 35-30-24-44-0006 35-30-24-44-0111 35-30-24-44-0112 35-30-24-44-0117 35-30-24-44-0118 35 -30-24-44-0119 35-30-24-44-0120 35 -30-24-44-0121 35-30-24-44-0157 35 -30-24-44-0158 36-30-24-23-0041 36-30-24-23-0042 36-30-24-23-0043 35-30-24-14-0072 35-30-24-14-0073 35-30-24-14-0074 35-30-24-14-0075 35-30-24-14-0076 35-30-24-14-0147 35-30-24-14-0148 35-30-24-14-0149 35-30-24-14-0150 35-30-24-14-0153 35-30-24-41-0036 35-30-24-41-0037 35-30-24-41-0038 35-30-24-41-0041 35-30-24-41-0042 35-30-24-41-0043 35-30-24-41-0044 35-30-24-41-0045 35-30-24-41-0061 35-30-24-41-0062 35-30-24-41-0066 35-30-24-41-0067 35-30-24-41-0068 36-30-24-33-0148 36-30-24-33-0149 36-30-24-33-0150 36-30-24-33-0154 Said improvements are to be considered pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, 444 and 469. The improvements are to be specially assessed on a unit, area or frontage basis, or combination thereof against abutting and non-abutting properties and tributary to said improvements, or served by said improvements. The parcels and areas, as specially described herein, are subject to said special assessments unless otherwise noted. The parcel numbers represent the tax parcel identification numbers. To find your tax parcel number, check your real estate tax statement. The total estimated cost of the above listed improvements is $895,000. Persons desiring to be heard with reference to the proposed improvements will be heard as said time and place of the public hearing. Written or oral objections will be considered at the public hearing. The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs and activities. Auxiliary aids for handicapped persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Council Secretary at 763/706-3611, or make arrangements. (TDD/763/706-3692 for deaf only.) CITY OF COLUMBIA' HEIGHTS Walter Fehst City Manager Published in Focus on 3/7/02 and 3/14/02 City of Columbia Heights FEASIBILITY FOR REPORT CENTRAL AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS Water Services and Streetscaping CITY PROJECT 99-12a FEBRUARY, 2001 Updated February, 2002 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 637 38th Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421 763-706-3700 ~ 763-706-3701 (Fax) LOCATION: IMPROVEMENTS: INITATION: OWNERS ABUTTING And IMPACTED: CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CENTRAL AVENUE WATER SERVICES AND STREETSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NUMBER 1999-12a On Central Avenue, from 37th to 43ra Avenues Water Services and Streetscaping Improvements City Council 1. 37th to 39th Avenues 18 2. 39th to 40th Avenues 23 3. 40th to 41st Avenues 11 4. 41 st to 42na Avenues 8 5. 42na to 43r'~ Avenues 15 6. City Parks 2 INTR OD UCTION And BACKGROUND (Previous Engineering Report) In the spring of 1998, the Ci~, of Columbia Heights authorized the engineering consulting finn of BRW to perfon'n a traffic study on Cent: Avenue between 37th and 40th Avenues. The results of the traffic study indicated that traffic flow and safety would be improved by placing a raised median through the length of the study area. Desi~m~ated left turn lanes created in the median would be us~ to eliminate left turn movements from through lanes. In October of 1998, a request was submitted to Mn/DOT applying for Cooperative Agreement fi~nding for the proposed improvements to Central Avenue. The proposed improvements identified in the Cooperative Agreement request included construction a center median with a consistent system of left turn lanes on Central Avenue between 37th m~d 43~d Avenues. The request also included costs for milling and overlaying Central Avenue in. this same segment. Additionally, the request included the removal all on-street parking from the east side and also included the removal of on-street parking from the west side, where possible, within the project limits. At that tilne, thc construction cost for the proposed improvements was estimated to be $544,000. In February of 1999, Mn/DOT selected the proposed project for Cooperative Agreemc funding in the amount of $540,000 in fiscal year 2001. The Mn/DOT Fiscal Year 20('~ extends from July 1,2000 to June 30, 2001. The City of Columbia Heights reapplied and was successful for the same amount in 2002. An evaluation of the existing City Utility system was conducted and the proposed improvements now include improvements to the smfitary sewer system, water main system, and stom~ sewer system in the project area. Streetscaping was considered in t fall of 2000 and added to BRW's desi~ contract to be included with the proposed str~ ISSUES and utility improvements. A detailed description of the proposed street and utility improvements can be found in the Engineering Report dated January, 2000. Water Services Under the original Engineering Report, the existing 6 and 8 inch water main on the west side of the street will be replaced and upsized to a 12 inch main. This will remov, the existing lead joints and follow the sizing recoimnendations of the 1999 Water Distribution report for improved fire capacity and circulation. Water services are proposed to be replaced throughout the project to the right-of-way lines. All services will be extended to the ROW line where a new curb stop or gate valve will be installed. Due to the age of most of the original installations, it is suspected that the water services may contain lead also, or be undersized from the current City Ordinance requirement of one inch, minimum. During construction, if service lines are found to be copper or newer Ductile. Iron construction in reasonable shape, they will be reutilized and reconnected. In these cases, the curb stops Would be inspected for condition and location and replaced, if necessary. Landscaping/Urban Design Improvements The City of Columbia Heights completed a Downtown Master Plan in August of 2000, which focused on a larger area that included this portion of Central Avenue. This plan developed potential schemes for urban design and streetscaping within the core downtown area. Because much of the planning and construction activity for streetscaping is inter-related with the street and utility work, planning and design work was integrated with the final street and utility plans. The Streetscaping Improvements can be broken out into two parts: Street lighting and Corridor Improvements. Street lighting: The street lighting would be decorative in nature consisting of 90 streetlights on each side of Central Avenue. Fifty of these would be pedestrian light poles with a decorativ, style post and lamp, described as an "Acorn" style globe. Forty of these would be new. aluminum poles with 'Hatbox' style fixtures for intersection and safety lighting. All electrical wiring would be placed in conduit within the sidewalk area. Xcel Energy would install the lights based upon the City's plan and provide maintenance of the stre lighting system. Streetseaping Corridor Improvements: The streetscaping corridor improvements consist of focusing on the core downtown art from 39th - 41st Avenues, with less intense treatments north and south of this area in th project corridor. The treatments would include colored banding of the sidewalks; introducing a colored cross walk at 40th Avenue; grid scoring of the center medians; trt replacement with new grates, placed in soil matrix for root containment; coordinated benches, planters and trash receptacles. Existing trees that are salvageable will be preserved, although most trees in the corridor will be removed due to utility construction. PROJECT SCHEDULE Council receives draft Feasibility Report and discusses issues February 4th, 2001 Council receives £mal Feasibility Report February 25th, 2001 Council orders Public Improvement Hearing February 28t~, 2002 Public Informational meeting prior to Public Improvement Hearing February 28t~, 2002 Public Improvement Hearing and Council orders Public Improvement Project March 18t~, 2002 Council Approves Plans and Specifications, Authorizes Advertisement for Bids Januar~ 7t~, 2002 Bid Opening May 7~, 2002 Assessment Hearing (Water Services & Streetscape only) May 21 or October 21 s Council Awards Conlxact May 13t~, 2002 Begin Construction June 10t~, 2002 Substantial Completion October 30t~, 2002 Final Completion June 15t~, 2003 ESTIMATED COSTS The estimated costs for proposed Water Service and Streetscaping improvements to Central Avenue from 37th Avenue to 43rd Avenue are detailed below. The total cost include a 20 percent allowance for indirect costs such as engineering, bonding, administration and legal items as well as capitalized interest. A detailed cost estimate sheet is included in this report for each area of the proposed improvements. Water Services Estimated Construction Cost 20% Indirect Costs Sub-Total Estimated Water Services Urban Streetscaping Estimated Construction Cost 20% Indirect Costs Sub-Total Estimated Urban Streetscaping $142,700 $28,540 $171,240 $602,540 $120,700 $723.240 Total 99-12a Estimated Improvement Cost $894,480 METHOD OF FINANCING Cooperative Agreement funding from Mn/DOT will be used for roadway improvements to Central Avenue and Reservoir Boulevard. Roadway costs which exceed the amount of available Cooperative Agreement funding can be pai for through State Aid funds. Water main improvements are proposed to be funded through the City's Water System Utility Fund. Sanitary sewer improvements are proposed to be funded through the City's Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund. Storm sewer improvements are proposed to be funded through the City's Storm Utility Fund and State-Aid funds for eligible items. The following is a summary of the proposed financing plan for the project: Previous Engineering Report, Project 99-12: Cooperative Agreement Funds State Aid Funds Water System Utility Fund Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund Storm Water Utility Lm~d Costs $1,296,000 $1,806,820 $46O,OO0 $432,000 $150,000 $28,760 Assessable portion, Project 99-12a: Water Services Assessments Urban Streetscaping Assessments(50%) Total Funding $125,400 $361.620 $4,660,600 With a scope of project this large, it is recommended that a minimum of a five percent construction contingency be factored into the cost/funding summary to cover change orders, change in quantities, or other items not included in the plans. A summary of th estimated costs and proposed financing of Streetscaping and water services is shown c the attached table 'A'. Assessments for water services are proposed at 100% of actual construction for all nm residential properties and $900 & $1,500 for residential properties on the west and eas sides, respectively, in the corridor area. This is consistent with the City's ordinance fo maintenance of utility service lines. The proposed assessments for streetscaping considers the total project cost, and are proposed at a percentage of the assessed cost: 50%. It also establishes a different rate for the 'core' area where the treatments are more intense, at double the front foot rate for the areas outside of the 39th to 41st area. SUMMARY The proposed improvements to Central Avenue are feasible, necessary and cost effective. Construction of a new water main and services will result in improved hydraulics and fire flow resulting which benefit local area residents and area businesst It will also remove lead containing pipe from the existing system and provide new services to the ROW. Streetscaping improvements along the proposed project area wi also benefit the fronting businesses and provide physical public improvements consistent with the City's Downtown Master Plan for Redevelopment. CENTRAL AVENUE STREET, UTILITY & STREETSCAPING PROJECT NO. 1999-12 & 1999-12A PROPOSED PROJECT SCHEDULE PROJECT DEVELOPMENT STAGE Council Authorizes Feasibility Report (Resolution) Feasibility Report to Work Session Council Receives Engineer's Report Council Orders Hearing (Resolution) Informational Meeting Send Improvement Hearing Notice to FOCUS Publish Notice of Hearing Mail Notice of Hearing IMPROVEMENT HEARING Council Considers Ordering Improvement COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT APPROVAL January 14th, 2001 February 4Ch, 2001 February 25th, 2001 January 7th, 2002 February 28th, 2002 March 1st, 2002 March 7th & 14th, 2002 March 7th, 2002 March 18th, 2002 Council Authorization to Spend MSAS Funds on Local Roads (Resolution) Submit plans to MnfDOT Final Mn/DOT Approval BIDDING & CONSTRUCTION STAGE March 11ta, 2002 December 2001 March 2002 Ill Plans and Specs Substantially Complete Council Authorization to Advertise for Bids Send Advertisement for Bids to Focus Send Advertisement for Bids to Construction Bulletin Publish Advertisement (Focus) Publish Advertisement (Construction Bulletin) Bid Opening (Minutes) Council Awards Contract (Resolution) Contract, Bond Forms and Notice of Award to Contractor (EJCDC) Preconstruction Meeting (Minutes) Receipt of Executed Contract, Bonds and Insurance Preconstruction Meeting with Residents Notice to Proceed Begin Work Substantial Completion Final Completion ASSESSMENT HEARING STAGE December 2001 Januar.~ 7th, 2002 April 5~", 2002 April 9t~, 2002 April 11th, 2002 April 12, 19, and 26, 2002 May 7t~, 2002 May 13th, 2002 May 14th, 2002 May 23rd, 2002 May 302, 2002 May 30ta, 2002 June 5th, 2002 June l0th, 2002 October 30ta, 2002 June 15th, 2003 Ill Council Orders Levy Hearing Notice of Cost Sharing to Council (Resolution) Send Improvement Hearing Notice to FOCUS Publish Notice of Hearing Mail Notice of Hearing ASSESSMENT HEARING Council Considers Levying Assessment (Resolution) September 9th, 2002 September 23rd, 2002 September 27*, 2002 October 3rd, 2002 October 11th, 2002 October 21st, 2002 G:kProjects\1999\9912~Feasibility ReportLProject Schedule n I--IU -...- o z Z~ (~ z z_ ,,w,~ ew.~o ,,.,~ Z I~D~ ~. o ILl z~ ~ ~ ooo ~ ~ ~ZZ 000000 00 0 0 ~0 ooo~oo o~ ~ ~ I 0000 O0 O0 0 ~0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0 ~ ZZW 0 ~ ~ 0 I-- Z W 0 Z _J il ~Z ZLU 7' iii V III t -It / ' {-.-:. 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