HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-1979 Resolution IndexActivities Committee Ag reements Airport A1 ley Arab u 1 an ce Annexat ion Anoka County INDEX OF I~ESO. LUTION_~5,.~t~I Civil Defense ~Commun i ty De.velopme_nt Act Condemn a t i on~ ~ee~ Curb an~ Gu~e~ Custodiat - ~S~oeds~ ~~,.~ De~l ishing · ~eveJope~s (see owntown Development Council Drainage Anoka County Assoc. of Mun. Dumps Appraisals Easements Appreciation Award Assessments (See Taxes) Elections Eme rgen cy Attorney Bad Checks BBaan~d (Marquette St. Bank of Col. Hgts.) I~anks (Depositories) Deer Englneerln9 Equl pment Fare Zone Structure Billboards (See signs) Federal Disaster Act Blasting Bonded I ndebtness Budget Bldg. Codes & Bldg. Permits Bulletin Boards Burlington Northern Railway Bus Census Cen t.ra 1 Av~en~ue Cl3ambe r o~commerce Federal Funding F i rea rms Fi re Departmen~ Floods 44th Avenue (See traffic for other cross streets) 49th Ave. footbridge Fridley Fuel Conservation Charter Commission City ~;ounci 1 City Park - 41st & Central City Garage Garages Garbage City Property and City Equip. Gas Company C ivi c Advisory Committee Hennepin County -2- Highway Department Hilltop Village Hosp i ta 1 Housing Code Housing and Redevelopment Authority H .U.D. Human Rights Commission Inspectors (See Personnel) Insurance Jaycees Joint Purchasing Anoka County Junior College K-Mart LaBelle Park Land Acquisition League of Minn. Municipalities Legislature Li bra ry L i censes Liquor Store Local Improvements & Sullivan Lake Ma i thai re Metropolitan Council Herro Sewer Board ~e~ro~]i~an Transi~ Co~ission City of Hinneapolis Hi nneapo] is Electric S~ee] Cas~ings , ~un icipal Judge National Guard Non-returnable beverage containers Northern States Power Office Procedures Park Board Parks Pens ions Permi ts Personnel (and salaries) Peri t ions Planning Commission Plats Plumbing (See Bldg Codes & Perm) Police Department Pol 1 ution Post Office Public Examlner Railroad and Warehouse Commission Ramps Real Estate Developers Recreation Commission Reservoir Boulevard Retirement Fund Revenue Sharing St. Anthony Vi 1 l age Sanitary Sewer Schools and Conferences Senior Citizens Sewage Disposal Rates -3- Sewer Department Shell Oil Company S i dewa 1 k s Signs Sinking Fund S nowmob i 1 es Soo Line Railroad Water Rates a t e r Tower ater-Mpls Water Dept. Wa te rma ~ n s Wells Zonlng Special Use Permits , State Aid St inson Boulevard Storm Sewers Streets Street Lighting Suburban Rate Authority Tax Forfeited Property Taxes-As s es smen ts Taxi Cabs Tel ephone Company Traffic Transfer of Funds Tree Tr|mming & Trees Univers i ty Avenue Unlverslty oF Minnesota Ut il i ties/&r,'~.'t~ &N~$~ V.F.W. Water Department RESOLUTION- Index NUMBER 72--1 72- 2 72- 3 72- 4 CONCERNING ~~ing signatures for City ~~ing Director &.~lternate ...... to Suburban t~TE Authority EEA, Employes Engineering & Technical services from Minn. De~t.of Highways DATE ADOPTED Jan. 6,' i972 Jan. 10,1972 Jan. 10,1972 Jan. 10,1972 72- 5 72- 6 1972 Municipal Employees salsries Authorizing Appreciation Award Jan. 10,1972 Jan. 10,1972 72- 7 Agreement for Blasting Permit with Burlington-Northern Jan. 31,1972 72- 8 72- 9 72-10 Supporting~ Project Identification Authorizing Transfers from Salary Oontingwnoy Fund Setting certain 1972 Salaries Jan. 31,1972 Jan. 31,1972 Jan. 31,1972 72-11 72-12 72-13 (]on er ' ~ Setting certain 1972 Salaries Not passed Feb.28,1972 Police Protection for Village of Hilltop Mar.13,1972 72-14 Ordering Improvements ,Project #668 Mar. 16,1972 72-15 " " " #657 Mar. 16,1972 72-16 72-t7 72-18 Establishing Munic.St.Aid Streets (40th Ave.,Res.Blvd.tp Arthur) Ordering Improvements, 40th Ave. Res.Blvd. to Hayes. Street Lighting Contract Mar.27,1972 Mar.27,1972 Mar. 27,1972 72-19 Rental Agreement W/Metr. Sewer Bd. Mar.27,1972 72-20 72-21 Police Protection for Hilltop Village Ordering Improvements #476 & 477 Mar.27,1972 Apr.lO,1972 72-22 72-23 Setting 1972 Liquor Store Salaries $965,000 General Obligation Bonds Apr.10,1972 Apr.lO,1972 72-24 Ordering Impr.#476, 477 & 606 Apr.17,1972 72-25 Ordering Improv. #669 Apr.24,1972 72-27 72-28 Transfers - Park & Liquor Fund Postponing Date of Bond Sale Apr. 24,1972 April 24, 1972 72-29 72-30 Benefits - Metro Sewer §ervice Area# 1 . May 8, 1972 Nttmb e r #72-31 #72-32 #72-33 #72-34 #72-35 #72-36 #72-37 #72-38 #72-39 #72-4o ff~72-41 ~72-43 ff~72-42 72-44 72-45 #72-46 #72-47 #72-48 //72-49 #72-5O #72-51 #72-52 #72-53 #72-54 #72-55 #72-56 #72-57 //72-58 ~72-59 RESOLUTION - Concernin~ ~t£ns'dn-B~lnjamin P ' ~ Project avlnc~ ~.etro Communications Upgrading Program Awarding Sale of General Obligetion Bonds Form & Details on the bonds Joint Powers Agreement-Fridley Dar ed Adopted ~efeated 5/22/72 5/22/72 5/31/72 90 day loan to the Housing Authority defeated 6/19/72 Establishing Insurance Committee 6/26/72 Authorizing Housing Authority 6/12/72 Transfers Prescribing Precinct Changes 6/14/72 Emergency Res. on Precinct changes 6/14/72 Appreciation to Councilman Jeska Allowing Square Footage Adjustment ', Traffic Signals at 47th and Central 6/26/72 6/26/72 6/26/72 Authorizing Storm Sewer on Cai if., 37th to 4Oth. 7/10/72 Declaring Vacancy R~Exists on Council & Appointing Rawland Connors as new Councilman 7/10/72 Setting salaries for Election Judges 7/10/72 Setting Salary' for Clerk-Treas. 7/10/72 Certification Program for Water & Wastewater Operators 7/10/72 Limited Use Permit for K-Mart &Highway Dept. c°nstruc. 7/24/72 Acquiring Tax Forfeit ~roperty 7/24/72 Acquiring Tax Forfeit Property 8/14/72 Land Acquisition Policy State. 8/14/72 Conform to Requiremenls Set 8/14/72 Forth in Housing ~ct. Local Share of Acquisiont & Development of LaBel le Park 8/14/72 Affirmative Action Program 8/14/72 Maintenance of Lands 8/14/72 Cost A1 location System of Metro Disposal System by Metro Council . 8/1 4/72 Vacating Sewer Easement at Lot 3, Block 3, Rearrangement of Block A, Col.Hts. Annex. 8/14/72 #72-60 Deed Restriction Requirement by H.U.D. 8/28/72 //72-61 Auth.construction of drainage fac. 59th to 50th, Oacks~on to Central. 9/11/72 //72-62 Appl. for Federal Funds for storm Sewer 8/28/72 NUMBER 72-63 72-64 72-65 72-6G 72-67 72-68 72-69 72-70 72-71 72-72 72/73 72-74 72-75 72-76 72-77 72-78 72-79 72-80 72-81 72-82 72-83 ~2-8~ 72-85 72-86 72-87 RESOLUTION INDEX CONCERN I NG DATE ADOPTED Mid-block street lightimg impr. Ad, ting 1973 City Budget 10/9/72 Adopting levy for delinquent special assessments 10/9/72 Approving 1972 tax levy collectable in 1973. 10/9/72 Approving Tax Levy for Housing & Redevelopment Auth. for ~r973 10/9/72 Confirming 1973 budget as adopted 10/10/72 Confirming levy for delinquent special assessments as adopted 10/10/72 Confirming 1972 tax levy 10/10/72 Certifying Mousing Auth. Budget 10/10/72 Setting 1973 1 icense fees 1 1/6/72 Joint Powers Agreement on Metro Sewer Charges 10/24/72 Appreciation to Lawrence Thompson 10/24/72 Storm Sewer Project #674, Prestomen Park, Ostrander Park, 40th, Tyler & Polt~ 11/6/72 1972 Poi ice Salaries 11/13/72 1972 Fire Salaries 11/13/72 Replatting 3rd Street from 40th to a point 560' north of 40th 11/13/72 1972 Police Sergeant Salaries 11/27/72 Authorizing Transfers 11/27/72 Emergency Res. on Water 1 ine extension, 3928 Johnson 11/27/72 Adopting Assessment Rolls 11/29/72 On SeniorCit~zen Utility Rates 12/11/72 Designating Director and Alternate to Sub. Rate Auth. 12/21/72 Establishing Procedures on S.A.C. Charges 12/21/72 Correcting Assessment at 4166 Polk Street 12/21/72 73-01 73-02 73-03 Filing Application with H.U.D. for grant to finance construc. of waste and drainage separatiQn project, 37th and 5th Street 1/8/73 Authorizing mid-block street lighting on Washli~Tqjton, 43.rd to 44th. 1~//22~6//73 Setting salaries For employees 3 73-04 Authorizing seal coating of Reservoir ~[from 37th to 40th }n con~unction with County Seal oatin Project 1/29/73 Number Concerning Adopted 73-05 73-06 73-07 73 -08 73-09 73-10 73/11 73-12 73-13 73-14 73-15 73-16 7~,-1 7 73-18 73-19 73-20 73-21 73-22 73-23 73-24 73-25 73-26 Setting Plumbing Inspection Fees 1/29/73 Approving beautification plans for Highway 47 (University Ave.) 2/12/73 Authorizing Joint Powers Agreement with St. Anthony Village for first alarm joint fire dept. response 2/12/73 Requesting needed engineering and technical services from High. Dept. 2/12/73 Authorizing joint powers agreement for services of Legislative l iaism 2/12/73 Supporting amendments to H.F. 295 and S.F..365 on Public Employment Labor Relations Act 2/12/73 Appreciation to Art Porter 2/12/73 Concerning amendment of Police and Firemen's Assoc. Guidelines Act of 1969. 2/20/73 Authorizing fund transfer to maintain bus donated by School District to ~)lRecreation C'om.. 2/26/73 Supporting Adoption of S.F. 342, H.F. 439 increasing length of trucks permitted on 4-lane Highwys 2/26/73 Establishing procedure for constructing concrete ramps for handicapped and elderly on future cons truct i on 2/26/73 Authorizing construction of curb, gutter and paving on 4th, from 42nd to 44th. 2/27/73 Authorizing relocation of Lookout Pl., incl .util ities in conjunction with expansion of Mpls. ElecSteel Cast. Designating Name of Recreation Comm. Setting 1973 Public Works Salaries Exchange of air condi'tioners and air warning sirens with Fridley Opposing legislation which would allow registration of voters on Election Day at the po Requesting Position Cia & Compensation Study Intergovernmental Per and League of Minn. M Authorizing application 3/12/73 3/12/73 3/12/73 3/26/73 thru matching funds ambulance program 3/26/73 Authorizing storm sewer' project, ~ south ol: 40th, west of University 4/4/73 Authorizing street improvements: 38th, Main to alley west of Univer. 2nd St, 38th to 3~)th 3rd, 37th to Edgemoor Pl. 4/4/73 ,/ lls 3/26/73 ssification be made thru sonnel Act unic. 3/26~3 for funding Number Concern i n9 Adopted #73-27 #73-28 #73-29 73-30 #73-31 //73-32 #73-33 //73=34 #73-35 //73-36 //73-37 //73-38 //73-39 //73-40 //73-41 //73-42 #73-43 Authorizing Contract for Consulting Architect on LaBel le Park development Re: Legislation concerning Police and Fire Pension Plans Street Improvement Projects Revocation of Municipal Aid Street Designation from Main Street to the corporate limits of Co+. .State on 37th, west Heights. Setting Times for Regular Council meetings Commending Certain Municipal Employees for Volunteer Work Done Authorizing Mid-Alley'Lighting between 40th and Gould, west of Reservoir Correcting a Special Assessment Authorizing Change-Order'on Project #7301 4/9/73 419/73 Never Read 4/23/73 4/23/73 5/14/73 5/14/73 5/14/73 5/14/73 Acquisition procedures .under Uniform Relocation Assistance Real Property Acquisition Act. [LaBel le Park projecti~) 5/29/73 Acquisition of real property - LaBel le Park project. 5/29/73 Contract for appraisal services, LaBel l.e Park project. 5/29/73 maintenance of Lands - LaBelle. 5/29'/73 State Aid Plan Approval - 40th Ave., Reservoir to Hayes. 5/29/73 State Aid Plan Approval - Storm Sever, 38th, Ave., Main -to 3rd St. 5/29/73 Establ ishin9 Position of Director of Public Works. 5/29/73 //73-44 Transferring funds on LaBel le Prl.5/29/73 Number Concerning Adopted //73-45 #73-46 #73-47 #73-48 #73-49 //73-5O #73-51 #73-52 #73-53 #73-54 //73-55 4/:73-56 4~73-57 -~/,73-$8 ~73-59 4~73-60 //73-61 //73-62 //73 - 63 #73 - 64 Appreciation to Dr. Wm. Ashford for service on P. g Z. Com. 6111/73 Auth. curb, gutter and paving on 4th St., 44th to 45th. 6/1 1/73 Sidewalk Installation on 37th, Central to Hart Blvd. Defeated Recommend ing Ph i 1 i p Cohen, Mayor of Brooklyn Center, be named Chairman of Metro Council Designating $82,500 for park development purposes 6/11/73 6/25/73 Est~bl ishing Buy-back provisions For past service under PERA Changes on Project Numbers Setting 1973 salaries for Liquor Store Employees 6/25/73 6/25/73 7/9/73 Salary Adjustments for H.B. Kerr, Douglas Bolles, & Tim Yantos State Aid Plan Approval - 40th Ave., Reservoir to Hayes 7/9/73 7/23/73 State Aid Plan Approval - Storm Sewer Work, 38th and 3rd St., 7/23/73 Transfer from Park Improvement Fund, Budget Transfer for Ostrander Park Building 8/13/73 Acquiring Tax Forf£eted Properties that Would by used f.er ~public purpose~. Certification of Building Official, Ard~n Hovland, and establishing the salary. 8/27/73 8/2.7/73 Recognizing the P~bl£c Servide of the Po- lice and Fire reserve unit and appro- priating funds. The Urbanization on Central Avenue. 8/27/73 8/27/73 Modification in the Fare Zone Structure 9/10/73 Establishing an Unappropriated surplus revenue 9/24/73 Account Appropriating Certain Monies for the Housing - 9/24/7;~ and Redevelopr~ent Authority ot Columbia Heights, MN Authorizing the Purchase of the East 1/2 of Lot 37, Block 4, Resevior Hills, except the couth feet thereof. 9/26/73 Number Concern i n~l Adopted #73 - 65 //73-66 #73-67 #73-68 #73-69 #73-70 #73-71 #73-72 #73-73 #73-74 #73-75 #73-76 #73-77 #73-78 #73-79 Adopting the 1974 Budget for the City of Columbia Heights 10/9/73 Approving 1973 Tax Levy Collectable in 1974 in accordance with Levy Limitations Established By the 1973 Legislature 10/9/73 Levy for Special Deliquent Assessments 10/9/73 Housing and Redev. Auth. - Levy a Spec ial Tax upon all property within its jurisdic- t Eon 10/9/73 Amending Resolution #73-49. Establishment of Park Development Fund 10/23/73 Setting Salaries for Members of the Police Department for 1973 10/23/73 Transfer of Funds from Unallocated General 10/23/73 Funds to Public Safety Police ,Department and Administration Department Salaries for an Assess- or Trainee. Canvasssing the Ballots for Novmeber 6, Municipal E1 ection 11/9/73 Establishing the License Fees for 1973 11/12/73 Authorizing Property Purchases in LaBelle Park 11/12/73 Emergency Purchasin§ Powers 11/12/73 Acquiring Tax Forfleted Properties 11/12/73 Ordering Improvements on Central Avenue 51-53 11/12/73 Authorizing poi ice radio purchase from Fed. Rev. Si~ring. 11/12/73 Authorizing Mayor and City Manager to enter into contracts for the devlopment of an open space area known as LaBelle Park. 11~,./73 #73-80 ~#73-81 Appropriating Certain Monies from the Sale of City Property To the LaBel le Park Development Fund Granting Emergency Authority to Purchase Fuel to the City Manager 11/26/73 11/26/73 Number .... Concern j.n.q · //73-82 .... Adopt ed #73-83 Adopting Assessment Rolls for the following local improvements and determining that said improvements have bean made and ratifying and confirming all other proceed ing s. #73-84 Transfer of Funds. //73 - 85 On Behalf o~ the Natlonal 8~ard #73-86 Approval of Tax Forfieted Land #73-87 #73-88 Amending the time for the Regularly Scheduled Second Council Meeting in December, 1973. Enter into an.Agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of H|ghways #73-89 Authorization to change the use of Tax-Forfieted Land #73-90 Establishing a Fuel Conservation Policy for the City of Columbia Heights #73-91 Being a Resolution ordering Improvements #73-92 #73-93 SETTING SALARIES FOR I~EMI~ERS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT Being a Resolution Banning The Operation of Snow- Mobiles Within the City of Columbia Heights Transfer of Funds from Water Utility Funds to Water System Improvement Fund '11/29/73 11/29/73 11/29/73 11/29/73 11/29/73 11/29/73 12/10/73 12/10/73 12/10/73 12/10/73 12/10/73 12/27/73 #74-1 #74-2i #74-3 #74-5 #74-6 #74-7 #7~t-4 #7~t-9 #74- 10 Authorizing Appreciation Award Authorizing to obtain the MN Highway Department for the year 1974 Designation Director and Alternate Director to Suburban Rate Authority. ~anning Smoking in the City Council Chambers Land Purchase at 4337 - 2nd= St. N.E. Authorizing Participation in Public Affairs Leadership and Management Training Endorsing the Housing and Redeve]. Authority's plan for downtown studies. Supporting the House File 3048 and Senate File 308;~ regarding Membesship on Local Housing and Redevel. Transfer of funds from General Fund to Garage Const. Fund 1~1 4,/74 1/14/74 1/14/74 1/28/74 1/28/74 1/28/74 2/25/74 2/11/74 2/25/74 Number //74-11 //7~-12 #74-13 #74-14 #74-15 #74-16 #74-17 #74-18 #74-19 #74-20 //74-21 //74-22 #74-23 #74-24 #74-25 //74-26 //74-27 #74-28 #74-29 //74-30 #74-31 Concerning Metropolitan Open Space Legislation Policeman's and Firemen's Relief Association in the City of Columbia Heights. Supporting S.F. 604, H.F. 640, For An Ad Valorem-Income Tax on Railroads Setting 1974 Municipal Employees Salaries Setting Salaries for Members of the Police Department for 1974 Setting Certain 1974Mun.|c|p~] Employee Salaries Adopted 2/25/74 2/25/74 3/11/74 3/12/74 3/12/74 and Increasing Mileage Allowance to 12¢ per mile 4/9/74 Placing Certain Deed Restrictions on Land Acquired for the LaBelle Park Development Agreement Between City and County on Delinquent 1961 Assessment Approving Amendments on SF2296 and HF2417 regarding the pension program for members of the Fire Department of the City of Columbia Heights Setting Forth Procedures for Flood Insurance in Minnesota for Properties within the City of Col. Hgts., Adopting Sign Map Supporting Mayor Victoria Joyner of Osseo for the C.C. Ludwig Award Adopting Land Use and Control Measures in Flood Plain Areas Establishing Certain Salaries and Concurring in appointments on administrative staff personnel Setting Salaries for Members of the Public Works for 1974 and 1975 Establishing Salary for the City Managers Exec. Secretary Establishing funding for Water Tower Replacement Central Avenue Urbanization Project Setting 1974 Liquor Store Employee Salaries Being a Resolution Ordering Improvements Supporting Bank proposal for industrial revenue bonds 3/11/74 3/11/74 3/11/74 4/9/74 4/9/74 4/9/74 4/22/74 5/14/74 6/10/74 6/10/74 6/10/74 6/10/74 6/24/74 7/!/74 7/8/74 Number //74-32 //74-33 //74-34 //74-35 //74-36 //74-37 //74-38 //74-39 //74-40 //74-41 #74-42 //74-43 //74-44 //74-45 //74-46 //74-47 //74-48 //74-49 //74-50 //74-51 //74-52 //74-53 #74-54 //74-55 Concerning ON POST OFFICE LOCATING IN 40th AVE & CNNTRAL AREA ESTABLISHING POSITION OF POLICE TECHNICIAN TRANSFERS FROM GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCY SUPPORTII~G AN INCREASED AUTHORIZATION TO THE LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND USE OF POST OFFICE LAND AT 44th AND CENTRAL FOR MIXING BLACKTOP ESTABLISHING POI'LING PLACES IN COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PERMANENT SURFACING ON VARIOUS STREETS WATER MAIN EXTENSION, MONROE STREET, 45th to 46th Temporary Surfacing on 42ndAvenue, Main to 3rd. Establishing the Location of Official Bulletin Boards Concurring in County State Aid Road Designations Adjusting Certain Salaries-,Vickl Maternowski, Tim Yantos, Dean otterson Authorizing sanitary sewer installation on McKinley Street, 39th to 4Oth Avenue Adopting a bodget for the year 1975 and levying taxes Confirming tax levy by the Housing and Redevelopment authority for 1975 as adopted Sept. 10, 1974 Certification of del,~nquent utility charges Certification of delinquent special assessments Setting rates on garlgage service, sewage disposal, and water supply in the City of Columbia Heights Amending adopted 1975 budget and levying taxes Setting License Fees for 1975 Amending Certain License Fees for 1975 Adopting Assessment rolls for local improvements numbered 681, 685, 690, and 695 Setting Salaries for Members of the Fire Department for 1974 Authorizing Transfer of Funds for Increasing INterest Re turns (TC F) Adopted July 22, 1974 July 22, 1974 August 12, 1974 August 12, 1974 August 12, 1974 August 12, 1974 August 13, 1974 August 13, 1974 8/13/74 8/26/74 8/26/74 9/3/74 9/9/74 )9/30/74 9/30/74 19/7/74 19/7/74 10/7/74 10/7/74 11/12/74 11/25/74 11/25/74 11/25/74 11/25/74 NUMBER CONCERN I NG ADOPTED 74-56 74-57 74-58 74-59 74-60 74-61 74-62 Transfer Within Civil Defense Budget for 1975 12/9/74 Stating Intent to Participate in Cooperative Community Development Funding 12/9/74 MinneSota Department of Highways Agency Contract 12/9/74 Approving Agreement for Annual Technical Assistance from the Highway Department Amending Dog and Cat License Fees for 1975 Special Assessments for Tree Removal and Crub and Gutter Authorizing Transfers in the 1974 Budget 12/9/74 12/9/74 12/23/74 12/23/74 Number 75-1 75-2 75-3 75-4 75-5 75 -6 75 -7 75-8 75-9 75-10 75-11 1 975 RESOLUTIONS Co nce rn i n g Rescheduling February 24th meeting to February 18, 1975 Appreciation to the Public Works Department Regarding the Unemployment Grant to Anoka County Setting Salaries for 1975 for non-union personnel Establishing Depositories Adopted 1/13/75 1/13/75 1/13/75 1/27/75 1/27/75 FOR SUPPORT OF POLICE SELECTION STANDARDS STUDY OF THE METRO. AREA MANAGEMENT ASSOC IAT ION Endorsing the Section 8 Housin9 Assistance Program Proposed by the H.R.A. Amending License Fee for Pawnbrokers Being a Resolution Ordering Improvements (Watermain replacement on 37th and on University Avenues) Being a Resolution Ordering Improvements (Central Avenue Urban ization) Setting Fees for Plumbing, Sewer, Water, Electrical, etc. Adopting MinBeapolis Code 2/10/75 2/10/75 2/18/75 2/18/75 2/18/75 2/18/75 1975 RESOLUTIONS Number 75-12 75-13 75-14 75-15 75-16 75-17 75-18 75-19 75-20 75-21 75-22 75-23 75-24 Concerning EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO OFFICER KAPALA OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO THE MEMBERS OF THE COLUMBIA HEIGHTS FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO JOANNE SCUDDER, COL. HGTS. CHILDREN'S LIBRARIAN AUTHORIZING A COOPERATIVE PURCHASING AGREEMENT ON STATE CONTRACTS AUTHORIZING A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF HILLTOP AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO FILE AN APPLICATION TO ACQUIRE AND DEVELOP OPEN SPACE UNDER THE D.N.R. APPROVING A FIVE YEAR PARK IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE HENNEPIN COUNTY FIRE TRAINING CENTER Adopted 3/10/75 3/10/75 3/10/75 3/10/75 3/10/75 3/10/75 3/10/75 3/24/75 ENDORSING THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE OPEN MEETING LAW IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA ESTABLISHING LICENSE FEES FOR DOMESTIC ANIMALS 4/14/75 APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO LAWS OF 1965 CHAPTER 605 RELATING TO THE FIREMENIS RELIEF ASSOCIATION 4/14/75 ( S.F. 1317) SUPPORTING LAND PLANNING IN THE ME~:ROPOLITAN AREA AND ENACTMENT OF CONTROLS CONSISTENT WITH LOCAL 4/14/75 AND METROPOLITAN SYSTEM PLANS SETTING MAXIMUM INCOME LEVELS FOR LOW INCOME SENIOR CITIZENS TO QUALIFY FOR LOWER UTILITY RATES 3/24/75 4/14/75 75-25 Curb, gutter, permanent street surfacing work on the follow|ng streets: 39th Ave., Main to 2nd. Summit Street, 5th to 4Oth Avenue 2nd Street, 42nd to 43rd 3rd Street, 44th to 45th Tyler Place, 44th to 45th. 4/22/75 Number 75-26 75-27 75-28 75-29 75-30 75-31 75-32 75-33 75-34 75-35 75-36 75-37 75-38 75-39 75-4O 75-41 75-42 75-43 75-44 1 9 7 5 R E S O L U T I O N S (continued) Concern i n9 Bituminous Overlay on 7th Street, 44th to'45th 41 st Aven, Central to LaBelle Park Concrete Alley Paving on.' University to 4th, 52nd to 53rd Main Street to 2nd, 44th to 45th Res. Blvd to Tyler, 39th to 4Oth. Regarding Vandalism in City Parks Setting Salaries for Members of the Fire Dept. for 1975 Establishing Attorney Retainer Fee Regarding Fiscal Disparities Bill Opposing Liquor Price Advertising Regarding H.F. 1159 Recommending a Prohibition of Levying Taxes to Collect Past Due Utility Bills (opposing same) Regarding H.F. 1124 EstabliShing a UnifOrm Election Day Ordering Improvements: Sidewalk on 49th Ave. west of 4th Street to University, north side of 49th AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT APPLICATIONS FOR FUND REIMBURSEMENTS ON POLICE TRAINING ESTABLISHING THE JUST COMPENSATION FOR~REAL PROPERTY IN IN THE LABELLE PARK DEVELOPMENT (1271 Circle Terrace) ENDORSING CHAPATER 424 OF THE MINNESOTA LAWS OF 1975 RELATING TO THE COLUMBIA HEIGHTS FIREMEN's RELIEF ASSOCIA. ESTABLISHING A $5.00 CHARGE FOR BAD CHECKS Adopted 4/22/75 4/22/75 4~28~75 4/28175 4/28175 4/28/75 4/28/75 4/28/75 4/28/75 5/12/75 6/9/75 6/9/75 6/23/75 7/14/75 BEING A RESOLUTION TO OBTAIN A CERTAIN EASEMENT FOR THE CONTINUED MAINTENANCE OF A STORM DRAIN 7/14/75 ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL CIVIL DEFENSE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEM AND DEFINING PROCEDURES FOR ITS USE 7/28/75 ORDERING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS-COMPLETION OF 43½ AVENUE EXTENSION WEST OF TYLER PLACE BEING AN ORDINANCE ORDERING IMPROVEMENTS -SEAL COATING ESTABLISHING CERTAIN SALARIES-ACCOUNTANT AND CETA POSITIONS 8/11/75 8/25/75 8/25/75 Number 75-45 75-46 75-47 75-48 75-49 75-50 75-51 75-52 75-53 75-54 75-55 75-56 75-57 75-58 75-59 75-60 75-6 1 75-62 75-63 75-64 75-65 75-66 75-67 1~)75 RESOLUTIONS(CONTINUED) Concern ing In Regard to the Plan of Association Between Ind~pdent L|brar|es and MELSA Regarding a Grant-In-Aid for Removal of Adopted 9/8/75 9/8/75 Diseased trees under the rules and regulations of the Department of Agriculture Authorizing the Submittal of an Application for Federal Assistance to the Dept. of HUD 9/22/75 Authorizing Assessment of Delinquent Mid-Block Lighting Bills 9/22/75 Being a Resolution to Acquire Tax Forfeited Property 9/22/75 Adopting A Budget for the year 1976 and Levying Taxes 9/25/75 Confirming Tax Levy the the H.R.A. for 1976 9/25/75 Certification of Delinquent Special Assessments 10/7/75 Certification of Delinquent Utility Charges 10/7/75 Amending Res. #75-52 Certifying Special Assessments 10/14/75 Canvassing Municipal Primary Election of October 14 10/16/75 Setting salaries for members of the Police ~ept. for 1975 10/27/75 Findings of fact on dustodial service bids Canvassing Municipal General Election returns SETTING 1975 Liquor Store Employee Salaries Setting 1976 License Fees Amending Adopted 1976 Budget and Levying Taxes 10/28/75 11/6/75 11/10/75 11/10/75 11/13/75 Setting Salaries for Sergeants of the Police Dept. for 1975 11/24/75 Being a REsolution Ordering IMprovements--Storm Drain between 1303 and 1309-45½ Avenue Being a Resolution Ordering Improvements-Alley between Jackson and VanBuren, 42nd to 43rd Adopting Assessment Rolls for 1975 Authorizing Telephone Transfers at Home Federal Hospitalization Premiums for Non-Union Employees 11/24/75 11/24/75 12/8/75 12/8/75 12/8/75 Number #75-68 //75-69 #75-70 //75-71 1 91,7S ..... R. iESOLUiT ~ O, NS (C,ON,TI NUED) Concerning Adopted Designatin9 depositories for funds of the city of Columbia Heights for the year 1976 Authorization to enter into Highway Department Technical and Engineerin9 Assistance Agreement 12/22/75 12/22/75 Authorization to enter into Highway Department 12/22/75 Agency Contract Designating Lots 4-8, Apache Heights (North Side of 40th Avenue West of Stinson Boulevard) as lands to be utilized for Public Purposes 12/22/75 #76-1 //76-2 //76-3 //76-4 //76-5 //76-6 //76-7 76-8 76-9 76-10 76-11 76-12 76-13 1976 RESOLUTIONS APPRECIATION TO COUNCILMAN WILLIAM LAND 1/12/76 Designating Director and Alternate Director to the Suburban Rate Authority 1/12/76 Setting New Rates on Sewage Disposal in the City 1/12/76 Honoring James Arthur McCallum Approv~.mg Continued Joint Representation in regard to International Union of Operating Engineers Local no. 49 Endorsing the nomination of Mrs. Gloria Bergstrom 1976 State Teacher of the Year 1/26/76 1/26/76 Setting Poundage Fee for the City of Columbia Heights 2/23/76 Setting Salaries for Members of the Public Works- Local 49 2/26/76 Regarding Firemen's Pensions 2/23/76 Being a Resolution Endorsing a Bill for an Act Relating to Public Safety Personnel in the City 2/26/76 Resolution Providing for Public Sale of $1,020 Capital Improvement Funds 3/8/76 Support,ing Linda Hanson, Recreation Director of the City of Columbia Heights for the C.C. Ludwig Award 3/8/76 Authorizing the Prel~aration and Submission of a 2/9/76 Preapplication for uommunity Devel. Block Grant Funds 1/26/76 NUMBER 76-14 76-15 76-16 76-17 76-18 76-19 76-20 76-21 76-22 76-23 76-24 76-25 76-26 76-27 76-28 76-29 76-3O 76-31 76-32 76-33 76-34 1976 RESOI,UTI ONS CONCERN I NG ADOPTED Establishing the Salary and Fringe Benefits Schedule for Patrol Officers for 1976 and 1977 3/23/76 Ordering Improvements-Alley Paving, Summit-4Oth, 3/23/76 I. ookout-5th St. Regarding the Sign Request of Car-X-Systems 3/22/76 Ordering Improvements-VArious Streets (Construction) 3/25/76 Ordering Improvements-Storm Sewer 42nd Ave and 2nd Street, to 42nd and 3rd Street, and 3rd Street north 280 feet. also, 43rd Avenue from 2nd Street to Main Street 3/29/76 Repealing Resolution No. 76-15, Being a Resolution Ordering the Improvements, Alley Construction Between Summit Street and 40th Avenue N.E., 5th Street N.E. to Lookout P 1 a ce Establishing the Police Chief's Salary for 1976 Being a Resolution Ordering Improvements Being a Resolution Setting Highway Noise Levels to Protect the Public Health and Welfare in the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Resolution for the Sale of $1,020,000 Worth of Bonds Non-Union Salaries Liquor Store Manager Salary Fire Chief Salary Resolution Establishing Polling Places Resolution Relating to Parking Restrictions on Jefferson Street Resolution on Grant Application Resolution Setting Salaries for Members of the Fire Department for 1976 and 1977 Resolution Establishing the City Manager's Salary for 1976 Authorizing the HRA to submit a grant application to the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Being a Resolution Ordering Improvements (Seal Coat) Being a Resolution Ordering Improvements (Monroe Street 45th -46th) 4/12/76 4/12/76 4/13/76 4/13/76 4/12/76 4/13/76 5/10/76 5/10/76 5/25/76 5/25/76 5/25/76 5/25/76 5/25/76 6/7/76 6/14/76 6/14/76 NUMBER 76-35 76-36 76-37 76-38 76-39 76-4O 76-41 76-42 76-43 76-44 76-45 76-46 76-47 76-48 76-49 76-50 76-51 76-52 76-53 76-54 1976 RESOLUTIONS CONCERN!NG Being a Resolution Authorizing Agreement with the City of Hilltop Being a Resolution Ordering Improvements (sldewa]k repair) Authorizing to Contract For Consu]tlng Engineering Services on LaBelle Park Phase II Being a Resolution Certifying the Question of Enabling the City Council to Issue On-Sale Liquor Licenses to the Voters of the City of Columbia Heights. Authorizing to Contract for Architectural Services on Public SaFety Bui]ding Designating Election Judges Setting 1976 Liquor Store Employee Salaries Setting Salaries for Sergeants of the Police Department for 1976 and 1977 ADOPTED 6/28/76 6/29/76 7/26/76 8/9/76 8/9/76 8/9/76 8/24/76 8/24/76 Regarding Development of an Emergency Operating Center in the 8/24/76 City of Columbia Heights, Mn. Authorizing the Purchase of Lots 44 & 45, Block 66 Columbia 9/1/76 Heights Annex to Minneapolis, Anoka County, Minnesota Resolution Designating the First National Bank of St. Paul as 9/27/76 Paying Agent for 1976 Capital Improvement Bonds Being a Resolution Assessing the Cost of Mid-Block Lighting 9/27/76 Confirming Tax Levy by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority 9/28/76 for 1977 as Adopted September 28, 1976 Being a Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with the Housing 9/28/76 and Redevelopment Authority of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Establishing the Attorney Retainer Fee as Effective April 1, 9/28/76 1976 1976 Levying of Taxes Certification of Delinquent Utility Charges Certification of Delinquent Special Assessments Authorizing ~he Preparation and Submission of an Application for Federal Assistance under Provisions of the Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Program Authorizing the Preparation and Submission of an Application for Federal Assistance Under Provisions of the Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Program 10/7/76 10/7/76 10/7/76 10/25/76 10/25/76 NUMBER 76-55 76-56 76-57 76-58 76-59 76-60 76-61 76-62 76-63 76-64 76-65 76-66 76-67 76-68 1976 RESOLUTIONS CONCERNING Adopting Affirmative Action Policy Canvassing Municipal Special Election Returns Setting License Fees for 1977 Ordering Storm Drain Improvements Designating FAU Routes Designating F.A.U. Routes Adopting Assessment Rolls City Library Contract Adopting a Budget for the Year 1977 Regarding Salaries for )977 Non-Union Personnel Election Precinct Boundary Changes Effective January 1, 1977 Cancelling an Assessment Levied in Error Adjust 1976 Budget to Projected Annual as Recorded in 1977 Budget Document Designating Depositories for Funds of the City of Columbia Heights for the Year 1977 ADOPTED 10/25/76 11/3/7G 11/10/76 11/I0/76 11/10/76 11/22/76 11/23/76 12/14/76 1Z/14/76 lZ/Zg/76 12/29/76 12/29/76 12/29/76 12/29/76 NUMBER 77-1 77-2 77-3 77-4 77-5 77-6 77-7 77-8 77-9 77-10 77-11 77-12 77-13 77-14 77-15 77-16 77-17 77-18 77-19 77-20 77-21 77-22 77-23 77-24 77-25 1977' RESOLUTIONS CONCERItl NG Beln9 a Resolution Ordering Improvements ADOPTED 1/5/77 Designatin9 Director and Alternate to Suburban Rate Authority 1/10/77 Resolution on Salaries and Fringes (Hansen, Guindon) Resolution on State Aid Resolution on State Aid Traffic Comm. recommended Resolution "Ramsey" Traffic Comm. recommended Resolution "Anoka" Acquisition'of Easements for Central Avenue Urbanization Dedication of Easements for Central Avenue Urbanization Dedication of Easements for Central Avenue Urbanization Dedication of Easements for Central Avenue Urbanization Resolution Regarding Local 49 Contract and Salaries Resolution Regarding Police Pensions Resolution Regarding Fire Pensions Resolution Authorizing the Preparation and Submission of a Preapplication for Community Development Block Grant Funds Establishing the Salary and Benefits for the HRA Director/ City Planner In Support of the Use of Fire Detection Devices in the City of Columbia Heights Supporting Robert King for C.C. Ludwig Award Being a Resolution Ordering Improvements (1977 Construction Projects) Fire Pension (Paid Department) Strikln9 an Assessment Incorrectly Charged ! Supporting 911 Emergency Telephone System Requestin9 Anoka County Highway Department to Cooperate on 20 MPH Speed Limit through school area on 49th Avenue Study Concerning the Inclusion of Charitable Contributions on Public Utility Rate Bases Requesting Participation in Design and Construction of a 5/9/77 Public Sidewalk on Central Avenue Norhteast from 45th to North Corporate Limits 1/10/77 1/10/77 1/10/77 1/10/77 1/10/77 1/24/77 1/24/77 1/24/77 1/24/77 1/24/77 1/24/77 1/24/77 2/14/77 2/14/77 2/14/77 2/28/77 3/29/77 4/11/77 4/11/77 4/11/77 4/25/77 4/25/77 1977 RESOLUTIONS NUMBER 77-26 77-27 CONCERNING ADOPTED Resolution Ordering Improvements (sidewalk construction 1977) 5/2/77 Resolution Approving Application for Preliminary Loan for Low-Rent Public Housing 5/23/77 77-28 Resolution Approving Application for Preliminary Loan for Low-Rent Public Housing 5/23/77 77-29 Condemnation of parcels of land (see relolution) 5/23/77 77-30 Emergency Plan prepared by Civil Defense adopted in accordance with Columbia Heights Ordinance #476. 5/23/77 77-31 Adopting a Housing Assistance Plan for the City of Columbia Heights 6/6/77 77-32 Authorizing the Preparation and Submission of a Full Application For Community Development Block Grant Funds. 6/6/77 77-33 Resolution Ordering Improvements (Univ. Ave., No of 40th to 41st Ave. and 3rd St., 40th to 41st Ave.) 6/13/77 77-34 Resolution Regarding Central Avenue Urbanization 6/16/77 77-35 Resolution Regarding Central Avenue Urbanization 6/16/77 ..77-36 Resolution Regarding Central Avenue Urbanization 77-37 Police and Fire Pensions 6/16/77 6/21/77 77-38 Resolution Ordering Improvements on Central Ave. From 45th to 53rd 6/27/77 77-39 Authorizing execution of a Cooperation Agreement 6/27/77 77-40 Authorization for Acquisition for Certain Roadway Easements 6/27/77 77-41 Authorizing Application for MHFA Housing Rehabilitation Grant Funds 7/11/77 77-42 Improvement of a part of Trunk Highway 65 within the Corporate limits of the City of Columbia Heights, from 39th Ave. to 45th Ave. 7/11/77 77-43 Regarding A Community Education Advisory Council 7/25/77 77-44 Being a Resolution Ordering Improvements : That the location and 8/1/77 extent of such improvements is as follows, Area between Central Ave. and the alley lying westerly of Reservoir Blvd. and between Gould Ave. & 39th Ave. N.E. including lots 30 through 35, Block 6, Reservoir Hills; Lots 26 through 28, Block 1; and all of blocks 2, 3, and 4 of Waltons Rearrangement of lots 33 & 34, Block 6. 77-45 Being A Resolution Affirming that Resolution Passed January 22, 1968,8/1/77 Commonly known as the Fifth Street Storm Sewer Project 77-46 Findings and Determinations by and Resolutions of, the City Council of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, Relative to and approving a Redevelopment Plan and Redevelopment Project Area for a Commercial Business District Revitallzation Program in Columbla Heights, Minnesota, Entitled "Downtown C.B.D. Revitalization Plan,m' Dated March 2, 1977 8/3/77 1977 RESOLUTIONS NUMBER CONCERNING ADOPTED 77-47 77-48 77-49 77-50 77-51 77-52 77-53 77-54 77-55 77-56 77-57 77-59 77-60 77-61 77 -62 77-63 77 -64 77-65 77-66 Being a Resolution Appropriating Municipal Funds to the Municipal Public Safety Building Addition and Renovation Project 8/11/77 Being a Resolution Appropriating Municipal Funds to the Fifth Street Sanitary Storm Sewer Separation Project and Rescinding Resolution 77-47 Establishing Polling Places Partial Cancelling of an Assessment Levied in Error Being a Resolution Awarding Exclusive Negotiating Rights to Certain City Property Being a Resolution Setting Cab Rates in the City of Columbia Heights Designating Election Judges Regarding Salaries and Benefits for Liquor Employees and ,Local.-#17~ . : ';" " .... : Endorsing Northeast State Bank's Intent to Develop a Detached Banking Facility in the Downtown Development Area Being a Resolution Ordering Improvements Adopting a Budget for the Year 1978 and Levying Taxes Confirming Tax Levy by'the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for 1978 Authorizing the Preparation and Submission of an Application for a Local Assistance Grant Being a Resolution Dedicating Certain City Property to Public Street and Alley Purposes Certification of Delinquent Special Assessments Certification of Delinquent Utility Charges Relating to Parking Restrictions on S.A.P. 113-109-03 from University Avenue Service Road to 5th Street N.E. in the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Setting License Fees for 1978 Setting 1977 Non Union Liquor Store Employees Salaries Authorization for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to Administer the Community Development Block Grant Program on Behalf of the City of Columbia Heights, Mn, and Authorization for the Chairman of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and his Executive Director to be Designated as Individuals Authorized to Draw on the Cited Letter of Credit of the Program 8/22/77 8/22/77 8/22/77 8/22/77 9/12/77 9/12/77 9/26/77 9/26/77 10/3/77 10/3/77 10/3/77 10/3/77 10/11/77 10/11/77 10/11/77 10/11/77 10/11/77 10/11/77 10/11/77 1977 RESOLUTIONS NUMBER CONCERNING ADOPTED 77-67 Resolution Ordering Improvements (Alley lighting,39th to 40th Ave. 10/24/77 between Jackson & VanBuren.) 77-68 Designating a Depository for certain funds of the City of Columbia 10/24/77 Heights 77-69 77-7o Canvassing Municipal General Election Returns Being a Resolution Ordering Improvements (Columbia Court,east oF Central and north of 50th Ave.) 11/9/77 11/14/77 77-71 Setting Rates on Garbage Service in the City of Columbia Heights. 11/15/77 77-72 77-73 77-74 77-75 77-76 Be it resolved the the City enter into an agreement with the State 11/1~/77 of Minnesota,Department of Transportation. To provide for payment by the City to the State of the City~s cost shares of certain Trunk Highway No. 65 (Central Avenue) improvement construction. Be it resolved that the City enter into an agreement with the State 11/15/77 of Minnesota, Department of Transportation to remove the existing traffic signal and install a new traffic signal and signing on Trunk Highway No. 65 (Central Avenue) The Commissioner of Transportation for the State has caused to be ll/15/77 prepared: plans, special provisions and specifications for the improvement of Trunk Highway No. 5, renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 65, within the corporate limits of the City. Resolution objecting to consideration of wastewater restrictions, ll/9/77 Partial Cancelling of an Assessment Levied in eFFOF ll/28/77 77-77 Adjust 1977 Budget to Projected Annual as Recorded in 1978 Budget Document 11/28/77 77-78 77-79 Establishing the Attorney Retainer Fee as Effective January l, 1978 11/28/77 Setting Rates on Sewage Disposal and water supply in the City 11/28/77 77-8O 77-81 Adopting Assessment Rolls Establishing Municipal State Aid Highways 12/12/77 77-82 Establishing Municipal State Aid Highways 12/12/77 77-83 Being a Resolution Approving certain benefits for members of the 12/12/77 Columbia Heights Fire Department Relief Association, Volunteer Division 77-84 77-85 Regarding Salaries for 1978 Non-Union Personnel Appropriation of Municipal State Aid Funds or T.H. Project 12/12/77 12/12/77 77-86 77-87 Giving Preliminary Approval to a Project (Midland Coop at Sullivan Lake site) Designating Depositories for Funds of the City of Columbia Heights for 1978 12./27/77 1977 RESOLUTIONS number 77-88 77-89 concerning Regarding Technical Assistance from the State Regarding Technical Assistance from the State adopted 12/27/77 12/27/77 NUMBER 78-1 78-2 78-3 78-4 78-5 78-6 78-7 78-8 78-9 78-10 78-11 78-12 78-13 78-14 78-15 78-16 78-17 78-18 78-19 CONCERNING ' Designating director and alternate director to Suburban Rate Authority Setting Salaries Regarding bocce ball Dedicating certain property for right-of-way and highway construction purposes Withdrawing support of HRA low income rental property program Regarding a labor contract extension between the City and Local 49 Being a resolution ordering improvements Being a resolution relating to parking restrictions on S.A.P. 113-116-O1 from 47th Avenue N.E. to 49th Avenue N.E. in the City of Columbia Heights Being a resolution designating certain parklands as 3oseph E. Wargo Court Being a resolution approving a supplemental amendment to the 1965 storm sewer improvement project #12 agreement Being a resolution to open and maintain an account with Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, Inc. Endorsing an offer for exclusive negotiations between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the Columbia Heights Development Consortium Authorizing the preparation and submission of a pre- application for federal domestic assistance pursuant to the Small Cities Grant program. Amending the 1978 License fee schedule Being a resolution ordering improvements Authorizing application for MHFA Housing rehabilitation grant funds · Taking up of new business after 11:30 p.m. Being a resolution ordering improvements Being a resolution ordering improvements ADOPTED 1/9/78 1/23/78 2/13/78 2/13/78 2/27/78 2/27/78 3/13/78 3/13/78 3/13/78 3/27/78 4/10/78 4/24/78 4/25/78 5/8/78 5/22/78 5/22/78 5/22/'78 6/12/78 6/12/78 NUMBER CONCERNING ADOPTED 78-20 78-21 78-22 78-23 78-24 78-25 78-26 78-27 78-28 78-29 78-30 78-31 78-32 78-33 78-34 78-35 78-36 78-37 78-38 78-39 78-40 Adoptln9 state board of electricity Fee schedule Authorlzln9 the preparation and submission of a pre- application for federal domestic assistance to the economic development administration Amending resolution 74-17 Establishing salary for Council Secretary Establishing salary for Chief of Police Ordering improvements Establishing a salary for a community service coord i nator Ownership of stock by Gayle Norberg Regarding partial reimbursement of police training expenses Use of Midland sale proceeds - DEFEATED Ownership of stock by Gayle Norberg Ownership of stock by Gayle Norberg Designating election judges Supporting Richfield's lawsuit contesting PELRA Ownership of stock by Gayle Norberg Adopting a Housing Assistance Plan Authorizing the preparation and submission of an application for Community Development Block Grant Funds Settin9 salaries for members of the fire department for 1978 Establishing salary and fringe benefits for police patrol officers for 1978 Authorizing the City Manager to submit application for grant proposal for para-transit facilities Ownership of stock by Gayle Norberg 6/12/78 6/12/78 6/12/78 6/26/78 6/26/78 7/10/78 7/10/78 7/10/78 7/24/78 7/24/78 7/24/78 8/15/78 8/28/78 8/28/78 8/28/78 8/29/78 8/z9/78 8/30/78 9/11/78 9/11/78 9/11/78 NUMBER CONCERNING ADOPTED 79-1 79-2 79-3 79-4 79-5 79-6 79-7 79-8 79-9 79-10 79-11 79-12 79-13 79-14 79-15 79-16 79-17a 79-17b 79-18 79-19 79-20 79-21 79-22 Designating Director and Alternate Director to Suburban Rate Authority Giving Preliminary Approval to Project under the Municipal Industrial Development Act Transferring Funds Transferring Funds Establishing Attorney Retainer Fees Participation in Minnesota Cities Week Endorsing Agreement between NRA and Columbia Heights Development Consortium Recognizing Explorer Post #778 Approving Supplement to Agreement between City and Hidland Cooperatives Establishing a Limited Event Beer License Fee Approving Cable Service Territory Establishing Salary For City Manager Establlshin§ Salary and Fringe BeneFits For Police Patrol Officers Fixing Salaries Approving Project, Authorizing Agreement between Crestview and City of Columbia Heights Adopting Assessment Rolls Bicycle Safety Program Agreement Authorizing Application for MHFA Funds Endorsing Agreement Between HRA and Columbia Heights Development Consortium Authorizing Application for CDBG Adjusting Sidewalk Assessment Authorizing EDA Application Recognizing Betty Johnson 1/8/79 1/8/79 1/8/79 1/8/79 1/8/79 2/12/79 2/26179 2/26179 3/12/79 3/12/79 3/12/79 3/26/79 3/26/79 4/9/79 4/9/79 4/16/79 4/23/79 5/14/79 5/14/79 5/29/79 5/29/79 5/29/79 5/29/79 NUMBER CONCERNING DATE 79-23 79-24 Recognizing Earl G. Gustafson Requesting Local Planning Assistance Funds 5/29/79 6/11/69 CONCERNING ADOPTED NUMBER 80-1 80-2 80-3 8O-4 80-5 80-6 80-7 80-8 80-9 80-10 80-11 80-12 80-13 80-14 80-15 80-16 Being a resolution ordering improvements regarding seal coating