HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 25, 2002 RegularCITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 (763) 706-3600 TDD (763) 706-3692 Visit Ottr Website at: www. ci. coh.nbia-heights.mn.us ADMINISTRATION November 22, 2002 MaFor Gary L. Peterson Councilmembers Marlaine Szurek Julienne Wyckoff Bruce Nawrocki Robert A Williams City Manager Walter R. Fehst The following is the agenda for the regular meeting of the City Council to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, November 25, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for disabled persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the Deputy City Clerk at 763-706-3611, to make arrangements. (TDD/706-3692 for deaf or hearing impaired only) Invocation: Father Bachman, Immaculate Cbnception Catholic Church 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE e ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO MEETING AGENDA (The Council, upon majority vote of its members, may make additions and deletions to the agenda. These may be items brought to the attention of the Council under the Citizen Forum or items submitted after the agenda preparation deadline.) e PROCLAMATIONS~ PRESENTATIONS~ RECOGNITIONS AND GUESTS A) Proclamations-none B) Presentations - none VFW Post #230 donation to the Empty Bowls Fund Raising Effort - Judy Lindsfor, SACA C) Introduction of New Employees - none D) Recognition Library's 75 Anniversary Reception - Library Board and Becky Loader, Library Director CONSENT AGENDA (These items are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted as part of the Consent Agenda by one motion. Items removed fi.om consent agenda approval will be taken up as the next order of business.) A) MOTION: Move to approve the Consent Agenda items as follows: 1) Minutes for Approval MOTION: Move to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2002, regular City Council meeting as presented. 2) Establish Work Session Meeting Date for December 9, 2002 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in Conference, Room 1 MOTION: Move to establish a Work Session meeting date for December 9, 2002 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in Conference Room 1. 3) Authorize to accept Juvenile Accountability Block Grant fi.om the State of Minnesota MOTION: Move to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to accept a grant from the State of Minnesota Department of Economic Security/Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant in the amount of $8,035, with a match of $893 to come from unexpended funds in the 2002 Police Department budget. THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS Of DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF- SERVICES EQUal OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER City Council Agenda November 25, 2002 Page 2 of 3 4) Approve Transfer of Funds from General Fund to Police Department Budget to Reimburse Overtime Fund MOTION: Move to transfer $4,035.65, the total mount received from Unique Thrift Store, Chase Teen Dance, and Columbia Heights High School for off duty security worked, from the General Fund to the Police Department 2002 budget under line 1020, Police Overtime. 5) Adopt Resolution No. 2002-68, being a Resolution to Extend the Term of the Southem Anoka County Community Consortium Joint Powers Agreement for payment of annual fees 2003-2004 MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-68, there being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2002-68, to extend the term of the Southern Anoka County Community Consortium Joint Powers Agreement for payment of the annual fees for FY 03/04. 6) Establish Public Hearing for Cable Rates MOTION: Move to establish a public hearing date of Monday, December 16, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, to permit interested persons an opportunity to express their views on the basic service programming and equipment rates and installation charges AT&T Broadband calculated in its March 2002 rate filing and implemented in July 2002. 7) Establish Hearing Dates for License Revocation of Rental Property at 4637-4639 Pierce Street MOTION: Move to Establish a Hearing Date of December 9, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Russell Waletski at 4637-4639 Pierce Street NE. 8) Approve Rental Housing License Applications MOTION: Move to approve the items listed for rental housing license applications for November 25, 2002. 9) Approve Business License Applications MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for November 25, 2002 as presented regarding the new licenses for 2002 and the renewals for 2003. lO) Approve Payment of Bills MOTION: Move to approve payment of the bills out of the proper funds as listed in the attached check register covering Check Number 100843 through 101050 in the amount of $866,731.03. o PUBLIC HEARINGS A) Public Hearing called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 4341 Tyler Place MOTION: Move to close the public hearing regarding the revocation or suspension of the rental license held by Abdul Rrashid regarding rental property at 4341 Tyler place in that the property owner has received an extension to complete the work on the outside of the building. B) Public Hearing called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 980 44th Avem?. MOTION: Move to close the Public Hearing regarding the revocation or suspension of the rental license held by Lester Chics regarding rental property at 980 44th Avenue in that the property owner has received an extension to complete the work on the outside of the building. c) Public Hearing called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 981 43 ½ Ave MOTION: Move to Close the Public Hearing regarding the revocation or suspension of the rental license held by Mohammed Khan regarding rental property at 981 43-1/2 Avenue in that the property owner has received an extension to complete the work on the outside of the building. City Council Agenda November 25, 2002 Page 3 of 3 e ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION A) Other Ordinances and Resolutions B) Bid Considerations C) Other Business 1) Review status of Lomianki Park North MOTION: Motion to authorize the Columbia Heights Planning and Zoning Commission and Park and Recreation Commission to review the city owned property at 3929 California Street and provide a recommendation for or against removal of Park status. 2) Adopt Resolution No. 2002-67, being a resolution authorizing the purchase of 3710 Central Avenue MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-67, there being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution 2002-67, being a resolution authorizing the purchase of 3710 Central Avenue NE and utilizing the revenues in Fund 414 for interim financing. 3) 3732 3ra Street NE -discussion 8. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A) Report of the City Manager 1) Upcoming Work Session Items B) Report of the City Attomey e GENERAL COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS A) Minutes of Boards and Commissions 1) Meeting of the Library Board of Trustees on November 4, 2002 2) Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission on November 13, 2002 3) Meeting of the Economic Development Authority on October 15, 2002 4) Meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority on October 15, 2002 10. CITIZENS FORUM (At this time, citizens have an opportunity to discuss with the Council items not on the regular agenda. Citizens are requested to limit their comments to five minutes. Please note the public may address the Council regarding specific agenda items at the time the item is being discussed.) 11. COUNCIL CORNER 12. ADJOURNMENT W alte r~R.a~e h~dC i~~~ WF/pvm ~011 invite to... Community %eception as tlie inau~tura[event of t~e £ i&ary 's 75tli .~ nniversary ~uesaCay, ~ecem~er 3, 2002 7:00 - 8:30p. m. Co£um ~ia ~eigfits ~u~£ic 820 40tfi ~q~enue 9VrE ~From %eaC g4Yattons to eC's... 75 years of ~'6rary service OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 12,2002 MINUTES HA'4E NOT BEEN APPROVED. The following are the minutes for the regular meeting of the City Council held at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 12, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, Minnesota. Pastor Widen, Oak Hill Baptist Church, gave the invocation. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Peterson, Councilmembers Williams, Szurek, Wyckoff, and Nawrocki PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO MEETING AGENDA Nawrocki asked to add the recognition of a member of the Sister City Committee that received a significant honor. Peterson congratulated the new Mayor-elect Julienne Wyckoff, and Councilmembers-elect Tami Ericson, and Bruce Kelzenberg. PROCLAMATIONS~ PRESENTATIONS~ RECOGNITIONS AND GUESTS Proclamations 1) November Safe and Sober Mobilization Mayor Peterson read the "Buckle Up or Pay the Price, City of Columbia Heights" campaign Proclamation. Chief Tom Johnson stated the Police Department is proud to be part of this program as it will increase the use of seatbelts and decrease fatalities. Presentations -none Introduction of New Employees -none Recognition 1) Recipient of the Community Presence Award- Brad Worchester Chief Johnson referred to the event "Reach for the Stars" which took place on October 24, 2002, sponsored by Opportunity Partners. Brad Worchester was given the Community Presence Award. He received a clock and a plaque. Peterson stated that Brad is his friend, and is the friend of many others in our City, and stated he was very proud of him. Nawrocki introduced Lt. Marie Przynski, of the Minneapolis Police Department and active member of the Columbia Heights Sister City Committee, who was recently recognized in Australia as the International Association of Women Police Officer of the Year. Lt. Przynski thanked the Sister Cities Committee for allowing her to be a committee member and for their support. She thanked the City for their support of the Sister Cities Committee. CONSENT AGENDA MOTION: Move to approve the Consent Agenda items as follows' 1) Minutes for Approval Motion to approve the minutes of the October 28, 2002, regular City Council meeting as presented. City Council Agenda November 12, 2002 Page 2 of 7 2) Adopt Resolution No. 2002-66, being a Resolution Canvassing Municipal General Election Returns Motion to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-66, there being ample copies available to the public. Motion to adopt Resolution 2002-66, canvassing Municipal General Election returns. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-66 CANVASSING MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION RETURNS WHEREAS, the City of Columbia Heights, did on the 5th day of November, 2002, conduct and hold a General Municipal Election for the purpose of electing a Mayor and two Council Members; and WHEREAS, the Columbia Heights Charter Commission included three Charter Amendment questions on the ballot; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights at a meeting of said Council held on the 12th day of November, 2002, did canvass the returns and results of said General Municipal Election; and WHEREAS, the following results were determined by said canvass of said General Municipal Election, to wit: TOTAL BALLOTS CAST IN ELECTION: 8,405 Valid Votes Cast for two 4-Year Council Seats Valid Votes Cast for Mayor Tammera Ericson 3,934 Gary L. Peterson 3,808 Bruce Kelzenberg 3,558 Julienne Wyckoff 4,002 Tom Ramsdell 2,212 Overvotes 1 Joe Sturdevant 3,114 Times Blank Voted 577 Overvotes 0 Undervotes fda Times Blank Voted 807 Write-Ins 17 Undervotes 2,330 Write-Ins 48 Charter Amendment Question Yes No No. 1 Administration of Police Department 2,939 4,651 No. 2 Reading of Ordinances 4,823 2,646 No. 3. City Manager Spending Authority 4,075 3,391 Blank Voted 815 936 939 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights, that Julienne Wyckoffis hereby elected Mayor, and that Tammera Ericson and Bruce Kelzenberg are hereby elected members of the City Council, assuming said offices on January 6, 2003; and that Charter Amendment question Number One (1) was defeated; and Charter Amendment questions Number Two (2) and Number Three (3) were approved and shall take effect on December 5, 2002. 3) Authorize the Capital Equipment replacement of Unit #18: Ford F350 4x4 one tone dump track and Unit #18A: Western 8 foot 6 inch snow plow Motion to authorize the replacement of Unit #18, with one (1) new Ford Super Duty 450 4x4 chassis from Superior Ford, Plymouth, MN in the amount of $29,560, plus sales tax. Funding shall be from the Streets Capital Equipment Replacement Fund. Motion to authorize the purchase of a pump box and snow plow package from Truck Utilities, St. Paul, MN in the amount of $17,560, plus sales tax. Funding shall be from the Streets Capital Equipment Replacement Fund. City Council Agenda November 12, 2002 Page 3 of 7 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Nawrocki thanked Steve Synowczynsk, Shop Foreman for showing him the vehicle. Authorize purchase of one sidewalk broom attachment for the Toro Groundsmaster Motion to authorize the purchase of one new ETEC 60" wide by 24" diameter hydraulic broom attachment for Toro Groundsmaster, Unit #232, from MTI Distributing, Brooklyn Center, MN at the 2002 Minnesota State Contract price of$5,110, plus sales tax. Funding shall be fi:om the City State- Aid Maintenance Account. Authorize the lighting replacement agreement with Xcel Energy for 67 metal Halide lights at the MSC under the Xcel Energy Efficiency Program Motion to approve the replacement of 67 metal halide lights at the Municipal Service Center with a project cost of $8,826, under the Xcel Energy Efficiency Program. Nawrocki questioned what type of lights these were. Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director, stated this is for the fixture, bulb and entire pulse start unit. The program is offered through Xcel, provided an audit justifies the need. Authorize staff to seek proposals for security equipment at the municipal liquor stores Motion to authorize staff to seek proposals for a closed circuit camera security system and an access control system for the three liquor stores. Establish Hearing Dates for License Revocation of Rental Properties at 980 44th Avenue NE, 4341 Tyler Place and 981 43 ½ Avenue. Motion to Establish a Hearing Date of November 25, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Lester Chies at 980 44th Avenue NE. Motion to Establish a Hearing Date of November 25, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Abdul Rashid at 4341 Tyler Place NE. Motion to Establish a Heating Date of November 25, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Mohammed Khan at 981 43-1/2 Avenue NE. Approve Business License Applications - Removed license for VFW Post #230 Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for November 12, 2002 as presented regarding the new licenses for 2002 and the renewals for 2003; with license for VFW Post #230 removed. Approve Payment of Bills Motion to approve payment of the bills out of the proper funds as listed in the attached check register covering Check Number 100628 through 100842 in the amount of $1,373,809.32. Nawrocki stated that he is the applicant for the VFW license request and asked that this be considered separately. City Council Agenda November 12, 2002 Page 4 of 7 Peterson indicated that Ken Cook would like to receive information to bid on the security equipment for the liquor stores. Motion by Szurek, second by Wyckoff, to approve the consent agenda, with the absence of the Club License for VFW Post 230. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Szurek, second by Williams, to approve the liquor license renewal for VFW Post #230. Upon vote: Ayes - Peterson, Szurek, Wyckoff, Williams. Abstain - Nawrocki. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS - none ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Other Ordinances and Resolutions Bid Considerations Other Business 1) Authorize staffto seek an agreement for the sale of 325 Summit Street Fehst stated the bid for this property was rejected at the last Council meeting. He spoke to Mr. Gondack, the bidder, who had an initial appraisal of the property value at $130,000 and initially bid $135,000, with the reminder that the City split off3, 000 square feet of the property. Mr. Gondack now proposes $137, 000 to purchase 325 Summit Street. Fehst stated that Mr. Gondack might lease the property for a couple of years. Fehst indicated that if this offer is not acceptable, the recommendation would be to place this property on the multiple listings. Nawrocki requested a layout drawing to service Mr. Gondack's property on 40tn. Fehst stated that is scheduled for a work session, and Gondack's concern is that semi's can back up to his loading dock and access to his lower basement. Fehst suggested a 20 by 20foot easement understanding with the proposal to allow vehicle access. Nawrocki questioned if we have title to the adjacent property yet, and if the corner doesn't redevelop we would have an awkward situation, and his concern for the close proximity of the development to this property. Fehst stated there is another exit to the home. Another alternative would be for the City to rent the property until we are certain of the development. Fehst stated that a local realtor indicated that we could get more for this property than has been offered. Wyckoff asked Mr. Gondack if he would agree to purchase the property split off, if the adjacent development did not happen. He stated that he would. Fehst recommended against this, but rather find additional property for the development. Peterson asked Hansen if we have a plan for this area. Hansen stated that we will need to maintain an alley connection for snowplowing. Hansen stated that there could be other alternatives, which would be development driven. Gondack passed out pictures of the property to Council for their review. Motion by Wyckoff, second by Szurek, to accept the offer of $137,000 from Mike Gondack for the property at 325 Summit Street. Upon vote: Williams, aye; Szurek, aye; Wyckoff, aye; Nawrocki; nay; Peterson, aye. 4 ayes-1 nay. Motion carried. City Council Agenda November 12, 2002 Page 5 of 7 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Report of the City Manager Upcoming Work Session Items · Wheel Chairs for Peace video · Southern Anoka County Community Consortium (SACCC) two year renewal of the Joint Powers Agreement which promotes the Values First Program. Chief Johnson is on that board. · Economic development project for a portion of north Lomianki Park. · Purchase of a commercial building for an industrial project, near 37 & 38 Ave. · Budget review · Gondack easement Fehst stated that on November 23, 2002from 10 a.m. to 2p.m. the Rising to New Heights Committee is sponsoring a children 's fingerprinting event for parents to keep as a family record. Chief Johnson stated that families' will received a kit to do this at home. This information would be helpful in any necessary investigation. Johnson listed other activities to be held at this event. Wyckojf stated that next Saturday is also the Har Mar Barnes and Nobel fundraiser for the Library. Funds raised will go to the Library Foundation. Fehst indicated that last year $2,000.00 was donated. Fehst mentioned that Mayor Gary and Jaci Peterson would again host a holiday kickoff party on November 30, 2002 at Murzyn Hall, including a social hour, dinner, silent auction, and musical entertainment. Last year proceeds of over $3,000 went to the Library Foundation and this year's proceeds would go to the Sister City Committee project of "Yfheelchairs for Peace". Fehst stated that also on November 30tn there would be a ribbon cutting ceremony for the completion of the Central Avenue reconstruction project. Cary Ashmore, from the Northeaster, is very active in organizing this event by having businesses do something to draw attention to the event and their business. The main event will be at the Heights Theater. The Harry Potter movie will be on the screen. Staff is also attempting a video connection with Lomianki, Poland. Fehst indicated the time has not be set, but will be approximately 10:00 a.m. Report of the City Attorney Not present at this point. GENERAL COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Minutes of Boards and Commissions · Meeting of the Telecommunications Commission held on October 17, 2002 · Meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission held on October 23, 2002 · Meeting of the Traffic Commission held on November 4, 2002 Mayor Peterson stated these minutes are for informational purposes only. CITIZENS FORUM Richard Dustin, resident, indicated he would like to see more children's programs, such as ski trips and skating parties at the parks. The house on Hayes Street is still not cleared of junk. Fehst stated that staff has been directed to force the removal of the debris. Dustin stated there is a spot on 49tn and Central by Walgreens that needs blacktop. Hansen stated that is a Hilltop City project and he has called the project City Council Agenda November 12, 2002 Page 6 of 7 manager. Dustin gave an opinion on a Councilmember who has missed meetings or work sessions, and requested a list of attendance at meetings and a breakdown of Council pay and benefits. Dee Logan, 1221 39tn Ave NE, gave an opinion on a Councilmember who has missed meetings, referring to council wages, benefits, and expenses. She requested attendance at Board and Commission meetings be reported at Council meetings and be placed on the City web site. Harold Hoium thanked everyone that voted and thanked them for removing the election signs. Hoium wanted four things for the City: Common sense, common honesty, common decency, and the people to come first. COUNCIL CORNER Nawrocki · Congratulated citizens for the 82 percent voter turn out, which is a very high turnout. · The WWII monument at Labelle Park needs to be cleaned. · We face cutbacks in State aids, and indicated that the State may not send out full December LGA payments. He requested to see a copy of the League of Mirmesota Cities information on our allotment. · An unlicensed truck is still parked at1037 Gould and 1036 Gould is reported to have a raccoon in the yard. · The Coon Rapids animal shelter is now open and we should check on going back with them. Fehst stated we have a good and reasonable relationship with the Camden Pet Hospital. Johnson stated there is a year remaining on our current contract, and he is very satisfied with their service. · Attended the Metro Municipalities Policy meeting; with information received. · Attended the Elected Officials quarterly'meeting at Anoka County; with information received. · Actions speak louder than words and practice what you preach. Wyckoff · Thanked everyone for their support in the election. · The first viewing of Harry Potter will be at midnight at the Heights Theatre. Szurek · Responded to resident comments regarding Councilmember benefits. Williams · Responded to resident comments about missed meetings. Indicated that he is a positive ambassador for our city and is always available to the public. Read from the Bits and Pieces booklet: i.e. everyone has talent, rare is the courage to follow that talent where it leads. City Council Agenda November 12, 2002 Page 7 of 7 Pray for the peace and prosperity of our City. By our words we are justified and by our words we are condemned. Peterson · Attendance requirements are established by City Charter, and sometimes emergencies happen. He referred to wages, member's contribution toward benefits, and non-use of reimbursement policy. Stated he appreciated Mr. Hoium's comment and agreed with the things he wanted for the City. Fehst indicated that Councilmembers are only liaisons to the Boards and Commissions and meeting attendance was not required. Requested that people treat our new mayor, new council members and existing council members with respect, no matter what side of the fence they are on, as all members are here for the betterment of our city. · Don't take yourself too seriously, enjoy life, love your neighbor, and God Bless. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Peterson adjourned the meeting at 7:05 p.m. Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk COLUMBIA HEIGHTS - CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting off November 25, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: Consent ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER'S NO: 5-A-2 CITY MANAGER' S APPROVAL ITEM: Establish Work Session Meeting BY: Walt Fehst BY:~,//~J~,/~ Date for December 2002 DATE: November 20, 2002 DATE: NO: It is recommended that a Work Session meeting date be scheduled for Monday, December 9, 2002 beginning at 7:00 p.m., in City Hall Conference Room 1. RECOMMENDED MOTION: MOTION: Move to establish a Work Session meeting date for Monday, December 9, 2002 beginning at 7:00 p.m., in City Hall Conference Room 1. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of November 25, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: Consent ~r~- A ~ ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER NO. ' POLICE ITEM: Authorization to accept Juvenile Accountability BY: Thomas M. Johnso~ NO. Block Grant from State of Minn. DATE: November 12, 2002 BACKGROUND The Columbia Heights Police Department has been successful in securing a grant through the State of Minnesota Department of Economic Security/Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant. This grant will pay for our share of the Project Safety Net Program ($6,000) and for the supervisors' pay for our graffiti cleanup program. The grant is for $8,035.00 with a $893 match. The grant breaks down as follows: $6,000 for Project Safety Net and $2,928 for supplies, salaries and fringe benefits of the work crew supervisors, and pizzas for the cleanup crews. We have been using this same grant during the past several years for the same expenses. ANALYSIS/CONCLUSION This grant will allow us to continue two programs that have worked very well for the city and the department. Individuals caught doing vandalism and/or graffiti, or have community service time to serve, or through the local schools have detention to serve, use this program to pay their debt to society. The city benefits by having graffiti-free buildings and a clean, appealing community. The program has been expanded to include raking leaves in the fall for the elderly or disabled, and shoveling snow in the winter for the same. Project Safety Net is a program that greatly benefits the city by giving us a place to take juvenile curfew violators. Once at the Safety Net, we know they will get an immediate intervention and the officer can promptly return to the streets. The department feels strongly that this is an excellent use of these funds. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Authorize the Mayor and the City Manager to accept a grant from the State of Minnesota Department of Economic Security/Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant in the amount of $8,035, with a match of $893 to come from unexpended funds in the 2002 Police Department budget. TMJ:mld 02-191 COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meetin of November 25, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: Consent ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER NO. 5~3 _t~ POLICE APPROVAL: ITEM: Transfer of Fun ds from General Fund to Po lice BY: Thomas M.J ohns oa~-~ ~ BD~E~//~ NO. Dept. Budget to Reimburse Overtime Fund DATE: November 13, 2002 '~ · BACKGROUND: During the past three months, the Police Department has been involved in offduty employment details that are handled through the department. These details were for security at Unique Thrift Store, Chase Teen Dance, and Columbia Heights High School events. Since this type of off duty employment is handled through the department, officers have signed up and worked these details since September 23, 2002. We have received checks from the following entities: Unique Thrift in the amount of $3,406.65, Chase Teen Dance in the amount of $140, and Columbia Heights High School in the amount of $490. According to the City Finance Director, this money is considered revenue and must be placed in the City General Fund. ANALYSIS/CONCLUSION The Police Department is requesting the City Council pass a motion requiring the $4,035.65 received from Unique Thrift store, Chase Teen Dance, and Columbia Heights High School to cover the cost of off duty officers working security at these locations be returned to the 2002 Police Department budget line 1020. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to transfer $4,035.65, the total amount received from Unique Thrift Store, Chase Teen Dance, and Columbia Heights High School for offduty security worked, from the General Fund to the Police Department 2002 budget under line 1020, Police Overtime. TMJ:mld 02-196 COUNCIL ACTION: City of Columbia Heights Police Department MEMO To: Chief Thomas Johnson From: Captain William J. Rodd~.~ Subject: Overtime Transfer Date: November 12,2002 Attached is a list of the overtime received from September 23, 2002 through November 12,2002 received from outside sources that has been paid to CHPD for services of our personnel. Please request reimbursement of these funds to our overtime account. CHASE- Teen Dance INVOICE # DATE AMOUNT 029 9-20-02 $140.00 Columbia Heights Highschool INVOICE # DATE AMOUNT 027 9-11-02 $350.00 028 9-20-02 $140.00 Unique Thrift INVOICE # DATE AMOUNT 026 9-11-02 $1760.00 031 10-09-02 $1646.65 Total Transfer Amount $ 4035.65 INVOICE Columbia Heights Police Department 5 Date: Customer Name: Address: Home Phone: Request for: September 20, 2002 Invoice #: 2002-029 Columbia Heights Recreation 530 Mill St. NE Work Phone: 1 Police Officers for: 706-3736 CHASE- Teen Dance 9-13-02 (1845-2215 hrs.) (Okerstrom)/, f) ~ BILLING INFORMATION ~ Number of Officers: 1 Hours: 3.5 Wage is $40. OO per hour. Total Due: $140.00 Make checks payable to the "City of Columbia Heights". Please mail payment to: City of Columbia Heights Police Department, 559 Mill Street NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Officer(s) on Duty: Amount Received: FO. R DEPA~TMENTAL. USE ONLY '"' Date: HEIGHTS ZNAL ENTRY ED EXPLANATION: Police Dept Invoice for CHASE V Teen Dance 9/13/02 and Murzyn Hall Pre-mix receipts 507.50 PAGE OF INVOICE Columbia Heights Police Department Date: September 11, 2002 Invoice #: 2002-027 Customer Name: Address: Home Phone: Columbia Heights Highschool 1440 49~h Ave NE, Col. Hgts. MN 55421 Work Phone: 528-4602 Request for: 1 Football Game 8-30-02 Football Game 9-06-02 Dance 9-06-02 Police Officers for: 1830-2200 hrs. (Ai) 1830-2130 hrs. (St) 2130-2345 hrs. (St) (3.5 hrs.) (3.0 hrs.) (2.25 hrs.) Number of Officers: 2 BILLING INFORMATION Hours: 8.75 Wage is $40. OO per hour. Total Due: $350.00 Make checks payable to the "City of Columbia Heights". Please mail payment to: City of Columbia Heights Police Department, 559 Mill Street NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Officer(s) on Duty: Amount Received: FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY ~,~fc--''D O~ Date: Off Duty: 09/11/02 09/18/02 PAID TO: t002-027 002-027A CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ATTN: POLICE DEPT 559 MILL STREET NE COLUMBIA HEIGHTS MN 55421 TOTAL AMOUNT PAID 90.00 260.00 350.00 -C ~-' -~ ~:..!~ 1400-49TH AVENUE . · -L' . - 303Thi~l Sb'eet Northwest .t~.~ _~- -~ ~ CO~MBIA-HEIGHTS~-MINNESOTA 55421 · East Grand Forks; MN 56721 .. PAYL _ CHECK DATE 09/26/0~- 912 CHECK NO. --106451 -' INVOICE Columbia Heights Police Department Date: September 20, 2002 Invoice #: 2002-028 Customer Name: Address: Home Phone: Columbia Heights Highschool 1440 49th Ave NE, Col. Hgts. MN 55421 Work Phone: Request for: 1 Police Officers for: Football Game 9-13-02 1830-2200 hrs. (Fr) (3.5 hrs.) BILLING INFORMATION Number of Officers: 1 Hours: 3.5 Wage is $40. O0 per hour. 528-4602 Total Due: $140.00 Make checks payable to the "City of Columbia Heights" Please mail payment to: City of Columbia Heights Police Department, 559 Mill Street NE, Columbia Heights. MN 5542 Officer(s) on Duty: Amount Received: FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Off Duty: Date: .~ N0.13 VENDORNUMBER VENDOR NAME 08350 - CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CHECK DATE ~O/lO/O2 CHECK NO. 00106662 10/08102 100802 140.00 PAID TO: TOTAL AMOUNT CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PAID ATTN: POLICE DEPT 559 MILL STREET NE COLUMBIA HEIGHTS MN 55421 140.00 PaY: ******'140 .................. . ~ _ Dollars O0 Cents TO THE:!QRD~oF~- ::~ CITY OF COL~BIA HEIGHTS ATTN: AT~: POLICE DEPT ~:~?~.-~.~'~~ 559 M~LL STREET NE CHECK AMOUNT .. - $140.00 INVOICE Columbia Heights Police Department Date: September 11, 2002 Invoice #: 2002-026 Customer Name: Address: Home Phone: Unique Thrift 2201 37th AveNE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Work Phone: 763-788-5280 (Andrea) Request for: 1 Fri 8-2 Ma 4hrs Tue 8-6 Ni 4hrs Fri 8-9 Ni 4hrs Fri 8-16 MeG 4hrs Tue 8-20 Wi 4hrs Fri 8-23 McG 4hrs Fri 8-30 Ni 4hrs Police Officers for: August 2002 1600-2000 Sat 8-3 1100-1500 1600-2000 Sat 8-10 1600-2000 Sat 8-17 1000-1400 1600-2000 Sat 8-24 1600-2000 Sat 8-31 Sch R. So 4hrs 1600-2000 Ni 4hrs 1600-2000 No Officer Ok 4hrs 1600-2000 Number of Officers: 11 BILLING INFORMATION Hours: 44 Wage is $40. OO per hour. Total Due: $1760.00 Make checks payable to the "City of Columbia Heights". Please mail payment to: City of Columbia Heights Police Department, 559 Mill Street NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Officer(s) on Duty: Amount Received: FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY OffDuty: Date: DATE 9/11/02 NashSales, lnc. INVOICE NO COMMENT 2002-026 AMOUNT 1,760.00 006428 DISCOUNT NET AMOUNT .00 1,760.00 JCK: 006428 10/01/02 City of Columbia Heights CHK TOTAL: 1,760.00 PAY City of Columbia Heights TO THE City of Col. Hgts Police Dept ORDER 559 Mill Street NE OF: Columbia Heights MN 55421 ' 1387 Cope Ave~ E. -- . .-... "Anchor. Bank Maplewood, MN 55109 North St..Paul, MN (651) 773-8077 ' 75-882-960 -*ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SIXTY DOLLARS 'AND NO CENTS DATE 10/01/02 11'OD r~h 2811' m:Oq~0068 25m:q ?q 50 hq~l' 006428 AMOUNT ****'1,760.00' INVOICE Columbia Heights Police Department Date: October 9, 2002 Invoice #: 2002-031 Customer Name: Address: Home Phone: Unique Thrift 2201 37t~ AveNE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Work Phone: 763-788-5280 (Andrea) Request for: 1 Police Officers for: September 2002 Mon 9-2 Wi 6.5hrs Fri 9-6 MeG 4hrs Fri 9-13 MeG 4hfs Tue 9-17 Wi 4hfs Fri 9-20 McG 4hfs Fri 9-27 Bo 3.25hrs 0900-1530' 1600-2000 Sat 9-7 Ni 1600-2000 Sat 9-14 Ni 0945-1345 1600-2000 Sat 9-21 Ok 1500-1815 Sat 9-28 Bo 3hrs 1645-1945 2.5hrs 1730-2000 4hrs 1600-2000 3.75hrs 1615-2000 BILLING INFORMATION Number of Officers: 10 Hours: 32.5 + 6.5( @ Premium Rate 53.33/1'n:.) Wage is $40. OO per hour. Total Due: $1646.65 Make checks payable to the "City of Columbia Heights". Please mail payment to: City of Columbia Heights Police Department, 559 Mill Street NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Officer(s) on Duty: Amount Received: FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Off Duty: /~ ~ .--' Date: NashSales, lnc. DATE INVOICE NO COMMENT 10/09/02 2002-031 AMOUNT 1,646.65 006542 DISCOUNT NET AMOUNT .00 1,646.65 CHECK: 006542 11/01/02 City of Columbia Heights CHK TOTAL: 1,646.65 '~ .. Nash Sales, lnc~-- 1387~ Cope Ave. E. Maplewood~ MN 55109 (651) 773-8077 PAY TO THE ORDER OF: Anchor Bank North St. Paul, MN 75-882-960 · 006542 *ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FORTY SIX DOLLARS AND 65 CENTS City of Columbia Heights City of Col. Hgts Police Dept 559 Mill Street NE Columbia Heights MN 55421 DATE ./Ol/O2 AMOUNT *****1,646.65* ,,oor=sL, a,, ~:oqr:oolsGas,:q?q COLUMBIA HEIGHTS - CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: November 25, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: .~ ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGERS NO: ~a,~- A - ~ CITY MANAGER APPROVAL ITEM: Adopt Resolution No. 2002-68 BY: Walt Fehst Renewal of Joint Powers Agreement & DATE: November 14, 2002 Values First/SACCC Coordinator Services NO: Background: Attached is a request to renew the Joint Powers Agreement and Values First/Southem Anoka County Consortium (SACCC) Coordinator Services for fiscal year 2003-2004. The Cost to Columbia Heights is $5,614 for 2003 and $5,782 for 2004. The effectiveness and accountability of this organization has improved greatly with Barb Warren as its part-time coordinator. I would recommend that we continue with this coordinated effort. Recommendation: Staff recommends the renewal of the Joint Powers Agreement with the Southern Anoka County Community Consortium and the payment of the annual fees for FY 2003-2004. Recommended Motion: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-68, there being ample copies available to the public. Adopt Resolution No. 2002-68, to extend the term of the Southern Anoka County Community Consortium Joint Powers Agreement for payment of the annual fees for FY 2003- and 2004. COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO. 2002-68 EXTENDING THE TERM OF THE SOUTHERN ANOKA COUNTY COMMUNITY CONSORTIUM JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WHEREAS, in June of 1985, a Joint Powers Agreement established the Southem Anoka County Community Consortium consisting of Anoka County, and the Cities of Columbia Heights, Fridley, and Hilltop and Independent School Districts #13 and #14; and, WHEREAS, the general purpose of this Joint Powers Agreement is to allow each party to jointly and cooperatively coordinate the delivery of services, maximize the use of resources, avoid redundancy, encourage public, private community partnerships, and to develop and find programs to promote the general community health and safety in the territory of the cities herein; and, WHEREAS, a very successful example of this joint, cooperative effort is the establishment of the community values program known as Values First which has been recognized throughout the country as a model for promoting core values consistently across all sectors of the community so that youth and adults have a common, inclusive foundation upon which to operate. NOW, THEREFOR, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Columbia Heights supports the efforts of the Southern Anoka County Community Consortium and does hereby renew and enter into the aforesaid Southern Anoka County Community Consortium Joint Powers Agreement (Contract #950154A) until December 31, 2004, unless earlier terminated or extended under the terms hereof. Dated this ~ day of 2002. Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Attest: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk COUNTY OF ANOKA Of~'ce of Co un t~ A ~inistrs tion GOVERNMENT CENTER 2100 3rd Avenue · Anoka, Minnesota 55303-2265 (763) 323-5700 TIM YANTOS Deputy County Administrator Direct #763-323-5692 October 25, 2002 MEMO TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Commissioner Jim Kordiak Nancy Kaldor, Superintendent Ind. School Distdct #13 Walter Fehst, City Manager, City of Columbia Heights Dr. Mary Ann Nelson, Superintendent, Fddley Ind. School Distdct #14 Dr. William W. Bums, Manager, City of Fridley Ruth Nelson, Clerk, City of Hilltop Tim Yantos, Deputy County Administrato'"'"~' J~~ Renewal of Joint Powers Agreement and Values First and SACCC Coordinator Services for 2003-2004 At the October 2, 2002, meeting of the Southem Anoka County Community Consortium (SACCC), the consortium recommended that the participating SACCC members consider renewing the current Joint Powers Agreement by extending the term to December 31,2004. According to Article 8 of the current Joint Powers Agreement, "This agreement may be renewed for an additional term of two years each by resolution of all of the governing bodies of the parties hereto, pdor to the expiration date of this agreement." I have attached a sample resolution you may wish to use to allow for this extension. The SACCC again recommends that a contract be continued for a 25-hour per week Values First/SACCC coordinator. The consortium recommends a 25-hour per week coordinator of which 20 hours per week would be dedicated to the community values program and approximately five hours per week for the SACCC. The consortium recommended that this contract position would be for two years. The total cost for the position in 2003 would be $36,693 and in 2004, $37,794, which represents a three percent increase. The formula used for2000-2002 drew down the budget reserve to hold down our costs. If we were to use that same formula, we would be left with approximately $1,500 at the end of 2004. We must raise ourcontdbution to create a small $5,000-$6,000 budget reserve. The formula enclosed would accomplish this end. FAX: 763-323-5682 Affirmative Action / Equal ~.o~rtunity Employer TDD/TTY: 763-323-5289 October 25, 2002 Page 2 2003 2004 City of Fddley $5,614 $5,782 City of Columbia Heights $5,614 $5,782 School Distdct #13 $4,138 $4,262 School Distdct #14 $4,138 $4,262 City of Hilltop $296 $304 Anoka County Up to $10,000 Up to $10,000 ~91000' 99,000* $38,798 $39,392 *The remaining $9,000 for 2003 and 2004 for the SACCC coordinator would come from current budgeted reserves. The fund balance at the end of 2004 would be approximately $1,598. The consortium requests each member goveming body take action on the approval of the' extension for the Joint Powers Agreement and funding of the coordinator by December 1,2002.. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. TY:sky Enclosures cc: Barb Warren, SACCC Coordinator CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: November 25, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT ~ ~ ~ ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER' S NO: ~ ' - CITY MANAGER'S ~j APPROV~L~ , , · On or about March 1, 2002, City staff received notice from AT & T Broadband that they would be adjusting rates for basic service programming, installation, and associated equipment on or about July 1, 2002. Basic programming consists of over-the-air broadcast stations, public, educational, and government access channels, and any other programming AT & T Broadband chooses to add to its basic tier of service. The City does not regulate the rates for any programming not carried on the basic service tier, including (but not limited to) programming offered on a pay-per-channel or pay-per-program basis. Under federal law, the rates for all programming not included in the basic service ties are unregulated. The rates implemented by AT & T Broadband on July 1, 2002, are: PRIOR TO JULY 1, 2002 EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2002 Basic Service $ 8.33 $ 8.87 Converter/Receiver $ 1.85 for Basic Only $ 2.00 for Basic Only $ 3.80 all others $4.70 all others Remote Control $ .35 $ .30 Hourly Service Charge $27.99 $27.99 Installation--Unwired Home $41.99 $41.99 Installation-Prewired Home $24.99 $24.99 Installation-Additional Outlet- $13.49 Connect Initial $13.49 Installation-Additional Outlet- $19.99 Connect Separate $19.99 Other Install--Relocate Outlet $18.99 $18.99 Connect VCR - Connect Initial $ 5.99 ~ 5.99 Connect VCR - Connect Separate $12.99 $12.99 As part of its ongoing rate proceeding, the City must hold a public hearing. The purpose of the public hearing is to permit interested persons to express their views on the basic service programming and equipment rates and installation charges AT & T Broadband calculated in its March 2002 rate filing and implemented in July 2002. In accordance with federal law, it is the City's responsibility, as a certified rate regulation authority, to determine whether the basic service programming and equipment rates and installation fees charged by AT & T Broadband comply with the Federal Communication Commission's rate regulation rules, orders, and decisions. If it is ultimately determined that AT & T Broadband has overcharged subscribers for basic service programming, associated equipment or installation, the City Council may order refunds and a prospective rate reduction. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to establish a public hearing date of Monday, December 16, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, to permit interested persons an opportunity to express their views on the basic service programming and equipment rates and installation charges AT & T Broadband calculated in its March 2002 rate filing and implemented in July 2002. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting off November 25, 2002 AGENDA ORIGINATING CITY MANAGER SECTION: DEPARTMENT: APPROVAL NO: DC--A Fire ITEM: Establish Hearing Dates BY: Charlie Thompson License Revocation, Rental Properties DATE: November 20, 2002 DATE: NO: Revocation or suspension of a license to operate a rental property within the City of Columbia Heights is requested against the following owners regarding their rental property for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Codes. 1. Russell Waletski ........................................................... 4637-4639 Pierce Street NE RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Establish a Hearing Date of December 9, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Russell Waletski at 4637-4639 Pierce Street NE. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: November 25, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER APPROVAL NO: ~-~ ~ - ~ Fire ITEM: Approval of Rental Housing License BY: Charlie Thompson BY:~.////~. ~ Applications NO: DATE: November 20, 2002 DATE: Approval of the attached list of rental housing license applications, in that they have met the requirements of the Housing Maintenance Code. RECOMMENDED MOTION: MOTION: Move to approve the items listed for rental housing license applications for November 25, 2002. COUNCIL ACTION: OccupanyI.D. 10033 10054 30008 30017 30019 30021 30027 30125 30127 30135 30141 30145 30149 30151 30153 30175 30177 12209 20392 20078 20013 12036 30047 12105 12146 20025 20111 10041 12192 12131 20128 12215 12029 20261 30059 12095 20245 12143 30123 30058- 10012 Property Owner Name Wyman, Veryl E. MDC 2000 Columbia Heights Housing Limited Lynde Investment Company Lynde Investment Company Lynde Investment Company Lynde Investment Company Lynde Investment Company Lynde Investment Company Lynde Investment Company Lynde Investment Company Lynde Investment Company Lynde Investment Company Lynde Investments Company Lynde Investment Company Bryant, LLC Bryant, LLC Luis Agudo Mir Ali Gary Anderson Shirley Apollo Vernon Bahr Gary Bailey Joe Bazzett Rita Blanske Clifford Boyum Clifford Boyum Troy Bradshaw Thomas Brownrigg Judith Brunsell Daniel Busse Heather Caillier-Flores Kathryn Carstensen Charles Chen Lester Chies Kenneth Chrismon Jr. Luther Crofton Kimberly Dahline Martha Demetriou Mirsad Dizdarevic Abullahi Elmi Property Address 1316 43rd Avenue 3820 Tyler Street 841 41 st Avenue 4050 4th Street 4060 4th Street 4120 4th Street 4100 4th Street 4425 University Avenue 4441 University Avenue 4715 University Avenue 5131 University Avenue 4433 University Avenue 4707 University Avenue 5121 University Avenue 5141 University Avenue 3806 Stinson Boulevard 3816 Stinson Boulevard 1319 Circle Terrace 966 44-1/2 Avenue 4630 Taylor Street 1134 45th Avenue 840 50th Avenue 233 42nd Avenue 4514 Fillmore Street 667 51st Avenue 4855 5th Street 4028 Cleveland Street 3914 Tyler Street 4010 Cleveland Street 1401 42-1/2 Avenue 621 51st Avenue 3947 Tyler Street 4048 Madison Street 1207 43-1/2 Avenue 4347 Tyler Place 617 51st Avenue 4038 Madison Street 4315 Main Street 4654 Tyler Street 600 51 st Avenue 1635 49th Avenue 11/22/2002 08:35 Page 1 OccupanyI.D. 10114 12217 12206 12221 12109 20041 12155 20377- 20010 12203 20300 10047 30128 20099 20032 20129 20084 20116 20017 12191 20299 12151 30079 30007 30011 30082 30013 20049 10035 10085 12044 12073 20347 12167 30179 30024 30005 10006 20008 20320 12161 Property Owner Name Abullahi Elmi Abullahi Elmi William Farrey William Field Richard Foy Edward Fragale Jean Free Merlin Garner Vicente Gavilan James Graham Thomas Gromek Cameron Gulden James Hansen Jay Harris Roy Hopf Joe Hoyle Mike Hozempa Mike Hyska Leo Jackels Matthew Jennings Gerald Johnson Lorna Jones Nancy Jordan Michael Juaire Michael Juaire Michael Juaire Michael Juiare Nurhan Kasar Gina Kilgore Gina Kilgore Susan Kinch Dorn King Bryan Kingsriter Elizabeth Klenert Cynthia Klum Margaret Kortas Harvey Kowalzek William Kranz David Lange David Lange Dorothy Langie Property Address 4100 Reservoir BIvd 4641 Taylor Street 1110 43-1/2 Avenue 4433 Main Street 3933 Ulysses Street 1308 Circle Terrace 3817 Hayes Street 943 42nd Avenue 4636 Washington Street 4409 Monroe Street 4340 Quincy Street 4518 Monroe Street 4609 University Avenue 1065 Polk Place 4233 University Avenue 627 51 st Avenue 3804 3rd Street 1035 43-1/2 Avenue 1212 Circle Terrace 4851 5th Street 4655 Polk Street 4002 Cleveland Street 4557 Madison Street 4417 University Avenue 4255 3rd Street 315 44th Avenue 4241 3rd Street 1215 Circle Terrace 4753 Upland Crest 4542 Heights Drive 1221 Circle Terrace 4516 Taylor Street 4049 University Avenue 4957 Tyler Street 3826 Stinson Boulevard 4308 4th Street 4220 4th Street 3854 Tyler Street 4506 Fillmore Street 1301 Circle Terrace 4527 Taylor Street 11/22~002 08:35 Page 2 OccupanyI,D. 20315 20301 34013 20023 20258 20035 20038 20039 20060 10016 10042 12140 20187 20046 12147 10032 12205 12023 20125 30064 10028 10082 12107 12136 12201 20391 12009 30111 12103 10106 12173 30075 12223 20420 20422 20424 12137 10015 12013 10093 20020 Property Owner Name Larry Larson Brian LeMon Wayne Lindgren Estate of Susan Loewenthal Willam Lucking Joe Maciaszek Joe Maciaszek Joe Maciaszek John Majewski Marcea Mariani Michael McGuire Thomas McQuarry John Miller Joseph Mooney Kathryn Morales Marlin Moske Robert Odden Ernesto Payan Karen Pelak Michael Prokopiuk Jean Quigley Frank Rasch Cheryl Salchow Patsy Sandsness Ilse Schlachtenhaufe Timothy Schubilske Laurence Schultz Maumer Sekizovic Cynthia Sellin Walter Sentyrz Martin Sieger Wilton Smith Laura Sommer Tad Sonneman Tad Sonneman Tad Sonneman Dwight Sonnenberg Raymond Sowada Lee Stang Leland Stauch Leland Stauch Property Address 1087 Polk Circle 4344 Quincy Street 4210 Quincy Street 4040 Cleveland Street 1027 43-1/2 Avenue 4407 Jackson Street 4400 Van Buren Street 4404 Van Buren Street 4995 Tyler Street 4007 Main Street 1417 43rd Avenue 609 51 st Avenue 5000 4th Street 1214 Cheery Lane 673 51 st Avenue 1012 Gould Avenue 1203 42-1/2 Avenue 4519 Taylor Street 561 51st Avenue 3853 Edgemoor Place 4329 5th Street 3956 Tyler Street 4660 Taylor Street 1214 43-1/2 Avenue 4838 W. Upland Crest 3922 Ulysses Street 4630 Washington Street 970 44th Avenue 1203 Cheery Lane 3721 Van Buren Street 1237 43-1/2 Avenue 4544 Madison Street 4935 Tyler Street 4701 5th Street 4606 Polk Street 4654 Washington Street 1111 42-1/2 Avenue 4113 6th Street 1140 45th Avenue 4311 Royce Street 4545 Fillmore Street 11/22/2002 08:35 Page 3 OccupanyI.D. 10017 10022 20019 30038 12195 30063 20071 20073 20O07 12O97 12014 12004 12186 10025 20110 Property Owner Name Richard Stueland Stephen Stuerzinger Thomas Therrien Edward Ukatu Janene Unke Mario Valtierrez Stanley Van Blaricom Stanley Van Blaricom Robert Vandeveer Ronald Wagner Bruce Weather'ford Kimberly Wegener Weston Wiggins Robert Witt John Zezza Property Address 1035 45th Avenue 1415 43rd Avenue 633 51 st Avenue 615 40th Avenue 4357 7th Street 3849 Edgemoor Place 4507 Taylor Street 4529 Taylor Street 4636 Taylor Street 1213 Cheery Lane 976 44-1/2 Avenue 5250 Washington Street 4144 Madison Street 4222 Monroe Street 4055 University Avenue 11/22/2002 08:35 Page 4 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: November 25, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPT.: CITY MANAGER NO: ,D~-- ~4 -q License Department APPROVAL ITEM: License Agenda BY: Shelley Hanson ~r~"X DATE: NO: DATE: November 22, 2002 BY: BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached is the business license agenda for the November 25, 2002 City Council meeting. This agenda consists of applications for various contractor licenses for the calendar year 2002. Also included on the agenda are the renewals for calendar year 2003 that have been received and approved to date. These include renewals for Contractors, Fuel Dispensing Devices, Games of Skill, Cigarette/Tobacco Sales, Liquor Licenses, Wine, Off Sale and On Sale Beer, A Club Liquor license for the Lions Club, a temporary On Sale Beer for next year's Jamboree event, and a Transient Merchant License for 2002/2003. At the top of the license agenda you will notice a phrase stating *Signed Waiver Form Accompanied Application. This means that the data privacy form has been submitted as required. If not submitted, certain information cannot be released to the public. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for November 25, 2002 as presented, regarding the new licenses for 2002 and the renewals for 2003. COUNCIL ACTION: TO CITY COUNCIL November 22, 2002 *Signed Waiver Form Accompanied Application APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL FIRE POLICE POLICE 2002 BUSINESS LICENSE AGENDA CONTRACTORS Foremost Mechanical *Market Mechanical *EMC Services *Omni Roofs *MN Gas Light *Groth Sewer & Water *Klein Home Improve. *RJK Contracting LICENSED AT 956 Prosperity Ave St. Paul 8701 Wyoming Ave No. Brk Pk 11930 Edgewood Ln No. Chmp. 568 Kent Crt, Shoreview 7866 University Ave, Fridley 775 Tower Dr, Hamel 2488 Arlington Ave, Maplewood 7901 Beech St, Fridley 2003 BUSINESS LICENSE AGENDA CONTRACTORS *Sharp Heating & AC Inc Allied Fireside dba Fireside Corner *Ward Heating *Standard Heating *MN Petroleum Service *Wellington Windows Veit & Co. *Modem Roadways *LeRoux Excavating LICENSED AT 7221 University Ave, Fridley 2700 No. Fairview Ave, Rose 2830 235th Ave NW, St Francis 410 W. Lake St, Mpls 7650 Hwy 65, Fridley 3938 Meadowbrook Rd 14000 Veit Place, Rogers 1620 Winnetka Ave No. 2104 64th St., White Bear Lk FUEL DISPENSING DEVICES Lowells Auto Repair 4457 University Ave GAMES OF SKILL American Amusement-2 locations Theisen Vending Co. Star Bar (26), Madys (5) LaCasita (3), Family Dollar (1) and 500 Club (4) CIGARETTE/TOBACCO SALES *Star Bar & Grill *Totem Superette 4005 Central Ave 4635 Central Ave FEES $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 FEES $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $495.00 $165.00 $200.00 $200.00 POLICE POL, FIRE,BLDG POL, FIRE, BLDG TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE Froehlich Tracking/Sun Ripe Citrus 312 Cora St, Johnson Cr, WI WINE/BEER LICENSE *Puerto Vallarta Inc 3800 Central Ave OFF SALE and ON SALE BEER Barbara J. Carroll dba Dick's Place 547 40th Avenue $200.00 $2900.00 $550.00 POL,FIRE,BLDG POL,FIRE,BLDG POL, FIRE, BLDG POL, FIRE, BLDG POL,FIRE,BLDG ON SALE BEER *Paul Knudson dba 500 Cllub OFF SALE BEER *Totem Superette *Rainbow Foods CLUB LIQUOR *Columbia Hts Lions Club TEMPORARY ON SALE BEER *Columbia Hts. Lions Club LIQUOR LICENSE *SAH Inc dba LaCasita Restaurant Mady's Bowling *Mr. Steak *Star Bar & Grill 500 40th Avenue 4635 Central Ave 4300 Central Ave PO Box 21183, CH Jamboree June 25-29,2003 5085 Central Ave 3919 Central Ave 4545 Central Ave 4005 Central Ave $400.00 $150.00 $150.00 $300.00 $500.0 $6700.00 $6700.00 $5700.00 $6700.00 license agenda CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT COUNCIL MEETING OF: ~~ '~'~,- ~.~2~)~ STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF ANOKA CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Motion to approve payment of bills out of the proper funds, as Hsted in the attached check register covering Check Number I~0 ~"~'~ through ] E~I E)~.O in the amount of $ ~'~,-"/"~.~ . These checks have been examined and found to be legal charges against the CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, and are hereby, recommended for payment. ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/21/2002 15 Check History 11/25/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLIfMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 1 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT CITY OF NEW BRIGHTON 100843 3,757.50 DOUGS TV & ~PLIANCE 100844 118.05 EDLUND/DORINDA 100845 60.61 ERICKSON/SHIRLEY 100846 39.00 FRITZ COMPANY INC 100847 3,617.18 GENUINE PARTS/NAPA AUTO 100848 83.39 GOLDEN AGE CLUB 100849 300.00 GRIGGS-COOPER & CO 100850 9,847.43 JOHNSON BROS. LIQUOR CO. 100851 529.30 MARKOW/NATHAN 100852 49.46 MEDICINE LkKE TOURS 100853 4,968.00 MILLER/MARGARET 100854 287.40 MN JUVENILE OFFICERS ASS 100855 35.00 PETTY CASH - KELLY BECKE 100856 63.18 STAR TRIBUNE 100857 3,109.50 ~FFINITY PLUS FEDERAL CR 100858 400.00 AFSCME 100859 1,044.30 CNA-GROUP LONG TERM CARE 100860 596.68 DELTA DENTAL 100861 5,122.00 FIRST COMMUNITY CREDIT U 100862 2,300.00 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 45 100863 10,392.00 MEDICA SENIOR 100864 846.60 MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT 100865 707.43 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS 39 100866 386.00 ORCHARD TRUST COMPANY 100867 7,065.50 PERA 100868 28,129.89 RAMSDELL SCHOI~RSHIP FUN 100869 49.25 RELIASTAR EMPLOYEE BENEF 100870 2,371.20 UNION 49 100871 570.00 UNITED WAY 100872 39.00 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER - 100873 225.00 WELLS FARGO - PAYROLL AC 100874 163,799.42 WI DEPARTMENT OF RE~NUE 100875 312.87 ALL SAINTS BRAND DISTRIB 100876 196.50 BELLBOY CORPORATION 100877 5,658.10 BROCK WHITE CO. 100878 3,567.21 CITY OF MINNETRISTA 100879 10.00 CITY WIDE WINDOW SERVICE 100880 40.47 CLARK/JANICE 100881 39.00 COOKE CO/J P 100882 47.51 DIAMOND VOGEL PAINTS 100883 1,064.47 DICK/ELNORA 100884 98.00 FINE WINES FROM EUROPE 100885 59.00 FRITZ COMPANY INC 100886 2,254.60 GENUINE PARTS/NAPA AUTO 100887 77.96 GLENWOOD INGLEWOGD 100888 38.98 GRIGGS-COGPER & CO 100889 7,376.10 ACS FINaNCIaL SYSTEM 11/21/2002 15 Check History 11/25/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 2 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT GU Zm/ GE ' SHN/mVIN HEISICK/ANNETTE JOHNSON BROS. LIQUOR CO. JOHNSON P~ER & S~PLY C KOPPIE/PA~ M~S ~S~AY L~ER-F ~ DEPT OF ~MINIS~TIO MOELLER/~ NI~IK/J~E OFFICE DEP~ ORI~ T~ING ~MP~ PE~ ~SH - ~OLE BLOW PE~ ~SH - ~ MOELL P~ ~SH - ~LLY BEC~ PIO~ER RIM & ~EEL CO. QWEST CO~I~TIONS S & S WO~DWIDE SBSI INC ST~ TRIB~ TO~ERT, INC. VAUG~/STE~ W~-~T W~DS~m/~ XCEL ~RGY (N S P) A & C S~L ENGI~ ~ S~IPING SERVICE INC ~LE HOSE & R~BER INC ACE ~W~E ACS ~'S PEST CO~ROL, INC ~L-W~D PRODU~S ~RI~ ENGI~ERING TES ~RIPRIDE ~OR P~ ~0~ ~ - CE~ CO~ ~IC G~CIER ~T BE~E~EY ~ERPRISE A~S A~ BODY A~ C~LERS OF MI~ESOTA B~R & TAYLOR B~R & TAY~R E~ERTAIN B~CODE DIS~ W~EHOU B~A GUZY & STEFFEN LTD BAKERIES PLUS 100890 39.00 100891 46.88 100892 209.81 100893 25,479.90 100894 633.65 100895 23.61 100896 176.03 100897 39.00 100898 288.33 100899 467.98 100900 86.64 100901 5.50 100902 63.87 100903 99.80 100904 130.00 100905 79.27 100906 65.03 100907 2.91 100908 1,726.84 100909 596.34 100910 990.45 100911 524.00 100912 20,778.00 100913 40.00 100914 100.00 100915 47.29 100916 4,344.20 100917 50.86 100918 2,470.00 100919 81.47 100920 281.40 100921 722.65 100922 66.56 100923 1,400.00 100924 4,949.95 100925 57.42 100926 230.83 100927 404.27 100928 334.36 100929 26.58 100930 837.30 100931 60.55 100932 497.47 100933 62.84 100934 209.50 100935 13,981.00 100936 79.84 ACS FINAMCIAL SYSTEM 11/21/2002 15 Check History 11/25/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 3 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT BAUER BUILT TIRE & BATTE 100937 1,593.18 BELLBOY BAR S~PLY 100938 171.03 BFI/WOODLAKE SANITARY SE 100939 104,235.72 BIFF'S,INC. 100940 60.26 BLOWERS/CAROLE 100941 33.89 BN SERVICES 100942 137.39 BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLI 100943 155.28 BOOK WHOLESALERS INC 100944 98.85 BOOKS ON T~E INC 100945 229.48 BRAKE & EQUIPMENT WAREHO 100946 135.92 BREDEMUS HARDWARE COMPAM 100947 1,826.48 BROCK WHITE CO. 100948 477.12 BRODART 100949 214.14 BUILDING FASTENERS 100950 22.11 CASSADY/RIC~L~kRD 100951 1,281.77 CATCO PARTS SERVICE 100952 478.40 C~STONE 100953 123.81 CENTER FOR ENERGY/ENVIRO 100954 250.00 CENTER POINT ENERGY MINN 100955 44.21 CENTRAL LANDSCAPING 100956 316.42 CE/ffRAL STORES 100957 242.15 CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTI 100958 5,445.15 CITY OF ST PAUL 100959 350.00 CITY PAGES 100960 433.00 CITY WIDE LOCKSMITHING 100961 1,562.63 CLARK PRODUCTS INC 100962 19.70 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS RENTAL 100963 78.60 CSC CREDIT SERVICES 100964 60.00 D;~fKA 100965 342.83 DELEGARD TOOL CO. 100966 93.04 DEMCO 100967 79.33 DIAMOND VOGEL PAINTS 100968 243.09 DISCOUNT STEEL INC 100969 13.05 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE CO 100970 30,319.40 EF~ERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUC 100971 84.65 ENCOMPASS 100972 1,119.20 EXTREME BEVERAGE 100973 320.00 FAIRS NURSERY & LAMDSCAP 100974 5,300.00 FIDELITY SERVICES INC 100975 4,728.22 FLEX COMPENSATION, INC 100976 168.00 G & K SERVICES 100977 484.01 GALE GRO~/THE 100978 23.96 GARELICK STEEL CO 100979 23.01 GARLANU'S 100980 747.99 GENUINE PARTS/N~A AUTO 100981 162.12 GOPHER SIGN CO. 100982 166.66 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFIC 100983 50.00 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/21/2002 15 Check History 11/25/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 4 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT H & L MESABI 100984 3,527.56 HAB INC 100985 200.00 HAPPEL DBA PLANSIGHT/JER 100986 4,099.65 HARMON GLASS & GLAZING 100987 548.14 HEIGHTS ELECTRIC INC. 100988 676.93 HONENSTEINS INC 100989 4,114.48 HOME DEPOT #2802 100990 49.60 ISANTI COUNTY EQUIPMENT 100991 16.98 J H LARSON ELECTRIC COMP 100992 444.90 KEEP INC/THE 100993 27.47 KLOSS/MARY 100994 20.35 KUETHER DIST. CO. 100995 434.90 LAKESHORE 100996 50.43 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITI 100997 95.00 LYLE SIGNS INC 100998 1,621.89 MAC QUEEN EQUIPMENT CO. 100999 96.69 MARSHALL CONCRETE PRODUC 101000 159.96 MEDTOX LABORATORIES, INC 101001 87.00 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 101002 67.48 METEORLOGIX 101003 1,136.28 METRO CLEANING SERVICE I 101004 2,420.00 METROCALL - ATT MESSAGIN 101005 11.97 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WAS 101006 129,748.60 MIDWAY FORD 101007 1,559.93 MIDWEST ASPHALT CO. 101008 2,413.24 MINNEAPOLIS OXYGEN CO. 101009 5.28 MINNESOTA COACHES 101010 858.50 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF 101011 8,252.00 MINNESOTA STATE TREASURE 101012 561.26 MTI DISTRIBUTING 101013 27.01 NATL SOCIETY PROF ENGINE 101014 510.00 O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION IN 101015 22,537.42 OFFICE DEPOT 101016 575.00 OLLIES KITCHEN & VI~TLE 101017 364.00 OLSON/LEONARD 101018 155.00 ONE-CALL CONCEPT-GOPHER 101019 207.70 ONVOY 101020 24.95 PARK CONSTRUCTION COMPAN 101021 140,617.27 PAPJ( SUPPLY INC 101022 132.19 PARKVIEW VILLA RESIDENT 101023 1,308.37 PC SOLUTIONS 101024 4,770.35 PETTY CASH - REBECCA LOA 101025 35.46 POLICE MARKSMAN ASSOCIAT 101026 15.95 RADIO SHACK 101027 8.51 RAPIT PRINTING - FRIDLEY 101028 77.48 RDO EQUIPMENT 101029 133.43 RESOURCE DOCUMENTS & ADV 101030 266.25 ACS FINANCI~ SYSTEM 11/21/2002 15 Check History 11/25/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 5 BkNK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT ~ ARCHITECTS INC SAM GIBSON SEWER COMPAAPf SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORP STAR TRIBUNE STRE ICHER' S GUN' S INC/DO TAUTGES, REDPA?H, & CO., TESSMAN CO TOUSLEY FORD TUBBS/MARSHA TWIN CITIES NORTH CHAMBE TWIN CITY HARDWARE U S POSTAL SERVICE UNITED RENTALS UPSTART VAN-O-LITE VERIZON WIRELESS WEST PUBLISHING BUS SERV WESTERN CONSTRUCTION WW GRAINGER, INC XCEL ENERGY (N S P) 101031 3,637.00 101032 75.00 101033 188.64 101034 56.29 101035 330.79 101036 1,192.50 101037 882.89 101038 424.90 101039 40.01 101040 16.00 101041 3,328.91 101042 150.00 101043 255.56 101044 106.88 101045 88.19 101046 35.00 101047 241.46 101048 276.21 101049 135.60 101050 12.82 866,731.93 *** ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/21/2002 15 BANK VENDOR REPORT TOTALS: Check History 11/25/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 6 CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT 866,731.93 RECORDS PRINTED - 000985 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/21/2002 15:43:44 FUND RECOiP: FUND DESCRIPTION 101 GENEPJIL 201 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND 202 ANOKA COUNTY CDBG 203 PARKVIEW VILLA NORTH 204 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH 212 STATE AID MAINTENANCE 213 PARKVIEW VILLA SOIfIM 225 CABLE TELEVISION 235 RENTAL HOUSING 240 LIBRARY 250 COL HGHTS AFTER SCHOOL ENRI 276 LOCAL LAW ENFORCE BLK GRANT 278 JUVENILE JUSTICE GRANT 401 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 402 STATE AID CONSTRUCTION 411 CAPITA~ IMP-GEN GOVT. BLDG 415 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT - PIR 420 CAP IMPROVEMENT-DEVELOPMENT 601 WATER UTILITY 602 SEWER UTILITY 603 REFUSE FUND 604 STORM SEWER UTILITY 609 LIQUOR 653 STORM SEWER CONSTRUCT. Fbi?D 701 CENTRAL GARAGE 720 DATA PROCESSING 880 PERMIT SURCHARGE 883 CONTRIBUTED PROJECTS-GEN 884 INSURANCE 885 ESCROW 887 FLEX BENEFIT TRUST FLrND TOTAL ALL FUNDS Check History DISBURSEMENTS 60,754.83 4,019.58 30.42 6,401.21 339.70 2,818.34 1,142.84 37.29 33.t4 7,315.76 784.32 1.01 CR 35.00 22,537.42 4,949.95 20,778.00 141,678.45 57.03 9,279.71 130,789.66 104,385.52 412.44 103,958.73 155.28 9,495.46 4,822.77 561.26 364.00 837.30 226,186.61 1,770.92 866,731.93 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL060S-V06.40 RECAPPAGE GL540R BANK RECAP: B~JCK NAME BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT TOTAL ALL BAN'KS DISBURSEMENTS 866,731.93 866,731.93 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of November 25, 2002 AGENDA Public Hearings ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER SECTION: Fire APPROVAL NO: ¢ A ITEM: Close Hearing BY: Charlie Thompson Rental License Revocation DATE: November 20, 2002 DATE: NO: The matter of the revocation of the license to operate a rental unit(s) within the City of Columbia Heights against Abdul Rashid regarding rental property at 4341 Tyler Place for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Code was scheduled to commence at the City Council meeting of November 25, 2002. The public hearing on this property may now be closed in that the property owner has received an extension to complete the work on the outside of the building. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Close the Public Hearing Regarding the Revocation or Suspension of the Rental License Held by Abdnl Rashid Regarding Rental Property at 4341 Tyler Place in that the Property Owner has Received an Extension to Complete the Work on the Outside of the Building. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of November 25, 2002 AGENDA Public Hearings ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER SECTION: Fire APPROVAL ITEM: Close Hearing BY: Charlie Thompson BY: ~//~/~ Rental License Revocation DATE: November 20, 2002 DATE: NO: The matter of the revocation of the license to operate a rental unit(s) within the City of Columbia Heights against Lester Chies regarding rental property at 980 44th Avenue for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Code was scheduled to commence at the City Council meeting of November 25, 2002. The public hearing on this property may now be closed in that the property owner has received an extension to complete the work on the outside of the building. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Close the Public Hearing Regarding the Revocation or Suspension of the Rental License Held by Lester Chies Regarding Rental Property at 980 44th Avenue in that the Property Owner has Received an Extension to Complete the Work on the Outside of the Building. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of November 25, 2002 AGENDA Public Hearings ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER SECTION: Fire APPROVAL ITEM: Close Hearing BY: Charlie Thompson Rental License Revocation DATE: November 20, 2002 DATE: NO: The matter of the revocation of the license to operate a rental unit(s) within the City of Columbia Heights against Mohammed Khan regarding rental property at 981 43-1/2 Avenue for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Code was scheduled to commence at the City Council meeting of November 25, 2002. The public hearing on this property may now be closed in that the property owner has received an extension to complete the work on the outside of the building. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Close the Public Heating Regarding the Revocation or Suspension of the Rental License Held by Mohammed Khan Regarding Rental Property at 981 43-1/2 Avenue in that the Property Owner has Received an Extension to Complete the Work on the Outside of the Building. COUNCIL ACTION: COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: November 25, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: fl _ [ ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER'S NO: -~'~ ~ Community Development APPROVAL ITEM: ReviewStatusofLomiankieark BY: RandySchumacher~ BY:~~~ North DATE: November 14, 2002 BACKGROUND: One of the most cost effective redevelopment tools a Community Development Department can offer is the ability to assist high quality businesses to expand within the City. I believe Profile Tool and Engineering located at 3825 3rd Street meets that high-quality threshold. They approached the City in early October 2002 to assist in their expansion. Glen Stauffacher has owned and operated Profile Tool for over 10 years. He employs about 10 full time employees, runs a clean business, gets high marks from the Fire Department on his annual safety review, and needs to expand his current business from 8,000 square feet to 15,000 square feet. He would like to stay in Columbia Heights because of its central location to his suppliers and trade market. He requested assistance from the Community Development Department in locating a site for his new building. For 2003 construction purposes, he would need a commitment by year-end. Staff reviewed the City's portfolio and is recommending that the City Council consider selling Lomianki Park North to Mr. Stauffacher for the following reasons: · Present Zoning is correct for Industrial use. · Removal of Park Designation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan per Park Board and Planning and Zoning recommendation. · An existing 23,672 square foot industrial building boarders the site to the South. · Railroad property is directly West of the site. · Fridley City limits on the North end of the property eliminates future expansion of the road system. The site has numerous negative characteristics for redevelopment purposes- i.e. high antenna at Southwest comer, large banks of elevated lights from the railroad yard and switching noise. An industrial use would be least impacted by these issues. California Street has been partially vacated to accommodate parking needs of the Industrial Building located directly South of this property. By extending that vacation North to the City limits this would allow the new building to be moved West on the site providing a larger buffer (approx. 45 fi) between the residential neighborhood on the East side. OTHER RELATED ISSUES If Profile Tool moved out of the existing building at 3825 3ra Street, this would give the City an opportunity to relocate another business in Columbia Heights that needs additional space. Staff has been working with the owner of MGS, located on 40th and Lookout Place. The Profile Tool building would be a good fit for MGS, meetings its need for additional square footage and bus route location. Appraiser Malcolm Watson placed an estimated value of $2.40 per square foot on the available Lomianki Park property. Mr. Stauffacher has agreed to pay $2.50 per square foot or approximately $113,327 for the Industrial site. The present taxes being paid on the Profile Tool building (approx. 8,200 square feet) is $6,000 per year. The estimated tax on his new building at 15,000 square feet would be $28,000. If the City Council supports the recommendation of City staff and authorizes the project to move forward, the following procedural steps would take place: 1. City Council would take action to remove the present Park status on the property. 2. City Council would approve first reading of Ordinance for the sale of the property and authorize execution of a purchase agreement. 3. City Council would approve 2na reading of the Ordinance for the sale of property. 4. 30 days after the 2nd reading of the Ordinance, a closing could take place. 5. Planning and Zoning would review site plan to assure consistency with City Ordinance and recommend to City Council any vacation of Road Right-of-Way if necessary. Based on the discussion at the City Council Work Session, the following action was suggested. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Authorize the Columbia Heights Planning and Zoning Commission and Park and Recreation Commission to review the City owned property at 3929 California Street and provide a recommendation for or against removal of Park status. COUNCIL ACTION: h:\Consent2002\CLSale of Lomianki Park North RAILROAD PROPERTY FRI~L£Y PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL SITE 3929 128.0' 3905 METAL TREATERS INC. 143.0' COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: November 25, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY NO: -] - ~_~ ~ Community Development MANAGER'S APPROVAL ITEM: Adopt Resolution 2002-67, BY: Randy Schumacher BY: Approving Purchase Agreement for 3710 DATE: November 13, 2002 Central Avenue N.E. BACKGROUND: At a Goal Setting meeting in January of 2002, the City Council and EDA Board established Central Avenue as a priority for redevelopment. One of these project areas, located at 37th and Central includes Puerta Villerta (Old Bridgeman's), Vera Johnson and Heidi VonHeidimann homes, and the Beecroft office building. All are 50 foot properties on Central with the exception ofPuerta Villerta, which has a 200 foot frontage. These properties are in blighted condition with the exception of the Beecroft property, which is obsolete in function. The City has acquired the two single-family homes and are in the process of removing those structures. The owner ofPuerta Villerta is a developer and has been working with City staff on a Commercial/Housing redevelopment proposal that would include all property listed above (350 feet on Central). The Beecroft property has become available for acquisition due to the retirement of Paul Beecroft effective December 31, 2002. Therefore, this would be a voluntary sale. The City requested an appraisal fi:om Malcolm Watson, which was completed in August, 2002. The appraiser used both the cost approach and market comparison approach and came in with an estimated value of $230,000. That number was upgraded to $234,000 due to a math error on square footage and parking lot values. Staff has been negotiating with Mr Beecroft for over three months. Mr. Beecroft has agreed to enter into a purchase agreement in the amount of $248,800. This value is 6.3% over the appraisers estimated value, but is within reasonable limits of the appraisers variables. Mr Beecroft has agreed to waive any relocation benefits associated with the sale of this property. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council Adopt Resolution 2002-67, a Resolution authorizing the purchase of property at 3710 Central Avenue N.E. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-67, there being ample copies available to the public. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Adopt Resolution 2002-67, being a Resolution authorizing the purchase of 3710 Central Avenue N.E. and utilizing the revenues in Fund 414 for interim financing. Attachments COUNCIL ACTION: Consent2002\CL Purchase Agreement 3710 Central Ave. RESOLUTION 2002 - 67 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF 3710 CENTRAL AVENUE N.E. WHEREAS, the City Council and EDA have established Central Avenue as a priority for redevelopment in order to remove blight and improve vitality on the avenue; and WHEREAS, the City presently owns two properties in this redevelopment area and are in the process of negotiating a commercial/housing redevelopment project at this site; and WHEREAS, the property located at 3710 Central Avenue N.E. is part of the redevelopment site and has become available for a voluntary sale; and WHEREAS, the proposed purchase agreement is within reasonable limits of the appraisers value estimate for this property. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights that: The City Council hereby approves the terms of the Purchase Agreement for 3710 Central Avenue N.E. between the City of Columbia Heights and Paul and Virginia Beeeroft, and authorizes the Mayor and the City Manager to sign it on behalf of the City at a purchase price of $2_48v8002~, which is established as a fair market value based on negotiations with the property owner. The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to handle all the requirements and conditions in order for the City to complete the transaction contemplated in the Purchase Agreement. o The City Council approves payment of the purchase from the reimbursed at the time redevelopment of this property takes place. Fund, to be Passed this __ day of November, 2002 Offered by: Second by: Roll Call: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk Address: 3710 CentralAvenue N.E. Columbia Heights, MN PIN # 35-30-24-44-0119 Page 1 of 6 REAL ESTATE SALE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made as of the __ day of November, 2002, by and between Paul and Virginia Beecroft, hereinafter referred to as Seller, and the City of Columbia Heights, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as Buyer. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Seller owns certain real estate situated at 3710 Central Avenue, Columbia Heights, Minnesota, and legally described below; and WHEREAS, Buyer wishes to purchase and Seller is willing to sell to Buyer said real estate, building and fixtures; and WHEREAS, the parties wish to define their respective rights, duties and obligations related to the sale/purchase of said real estate. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and the respective agreements contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Property. The Seller hereby agrees to sell and thc Buyer hereby agrees to purchase the following described real estate located in the City of Columbia Heights, State of Minnesota to-wit: Lot 16, Block 87, Columbia Heights Annex Page 2 of 6 2. Purchase Price The purchase price for the subject property shall be the sum of Two Hundred Forty~ Eight Thousand eight hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($248,800.00) payable at closing. 3. Contingency This offer is contingent upon approval by the Columbia Heights City Council for a period of 60 days after signing of the Purchase Agreement by the Seller. 4. Closing The closing shall be within 30 days after all required City Council actions have been finalized and all title objections have been satisfied by the Seller, if any have been made by the Buyer. 5. Possession The Seller further agrees to deliver possession not later than ., after closing provided that all conditions of this agreement have been complied with. All charges for city water, city sewer, electricity, and natural gas shall be prorated between the parties as of date of possession. Seller agrees to remove ALL DEBRIS AND ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY NOT INCLUDED HEREIN from the property by possession date. Any personal property not removed by the date of possession, shall be considered the property of the Buyer. 6. Deed/Marketable Title Subject to performance by the Buyer, the Seller agrees to execute and deliver a Warranty Deed conveying marketable title to said premised subject only to the following exceptions.: a) 2) 3) 4) 5) Building and zoning laws, ordinances, State and Federal regulations. Restrictions relating to use or improvement of premises without effective forfeiture provision. Reservation of any minerals or mineral rights to the State of Minnesota. Utility and drainage easements, which do not interfere with present improvements. Rights of tenants as follows: (unless specified, not subject to tenancies) Page 3 of 6 7. Title The Seller shall, within a reasonable time after approval of this agreement, fumish an abstract of title, or a registered Property Abstract certified to date to include proper searches covering bankruptcies, and State and Federal judgements and liens. The Buyer shall be allowed 15 days after receipt thereof for examination of said title and the making of any objections thereto, said objections to be made in writing or deemed to be waived. If any objections are so made the Seller shall be allowed 60 days to make such title marketable. Pending correction of title the payments hereunder required shall be postponed, but upon correction of title and within 10 days after written notice to the Buyer, the parties shall perform this agreement according to its terms. If Seller shall fail to have said exceptions removed or satisfied within the time provided, Buyer may elect to do one or more of the following: (a) remove or satisfy the exceptions on behalf of Seller and at Seller's cost and expense, all of which costs and expenses shall be deducted from the purchase price at closing; (b) elect to purchase the property subject to the exceptions; and/or (c) declare this Agreement null and void (in which case neither party shall have any further liability or obligation to the other. In the event Buyer elects to remove or satisfy the exceptions on behalf of Seller in accordance with alternative (a) above, Seller shall cooperate with and assist Buyer in all reasonable respects. 8. Real Estate Taxes Real estate taxes due and payable in and for the year of closing shall be prorated between the Seller and Buyer on a calendar basis to the actual date of closing. 9. Special Assessments Seller shall pay on date of closing all installments of special assessments. Seller shall pay on date of closing all other special assessments levied as of the date of closing. Seller shall provide for payment of all special assessments pending as of the date of closing for improvements that have been ordered by the city or other assessing authorities. Seller shall pay on the date of closing, any deferred taxes. 10. Seller Warranties Seller warrants that buildings, are or will be, constructed entirely within the boundary lines of the property. Seller wan'ants that there is a right of access to the property from a public right of way. These warranties shall survive the delivery of the deed or contract for deed. Page 4 of 6 Seller warrants that prior to the closing, payment in full will have been made for all labor, materials, machinery, fixtures or tools furnished within the 120 days immediately preceding the closing in connection with construction, alteration or repair of any structure on or improvement to the property. Seller warrants upon execution of this Agreement, Seller will not rent the property once it is vacated by any person now occupying same. Seller warrants Seller has executed no option to purchase, right of first refusal, or any other agreement giving any person or other entity the right to purchase or otherwise acquire any interest in the property, and Seller is unaware of any option to purchase, right of first refusal, or other similar rights affecting the property, except as otherwise noted in the title commitment for the property. Seller has received no notice of any action, litigation, investigation or proceeding of any kind pending against Seller, nor to the best of Seller's knowledge is any action, litigation, investigation, or proceeding pending or threatened against the Subject Premises, or any part thereof. On the Date of Closing, there will be no service contracts in effect in connection with the Subject Premises, except those, which are terminable on thirty (30) days' written notice. 11. Risk of Loss If there is any loss or damage to the property between the date hereof and the date of closing, for any reason including fire, vandalism, flood, earthquake, or act of God, the risk of loss shall be on Seller. If property is destroyed or substantially damaged before the closing date, the Purchase Agreement shall become null and void, at Buyer's option. Buyer and Seller agree to sign cancellation of Purchase Agreement. 12. Time of Essence Time is of the essence in this Purchase Agreement. 13. Acceptance Seller understands and agrees that this Purchase Agreement is subject to acceptance by Buyer in writing. 14. Environmental Concerns To the best of the Seller's knowledge there are no hazardous substances, underground storage tanks, or wells except herein noted: Page 5 of 6 15. Well Disclosure Buyer acknowledges receipt of a well disclosure statement from Seller attached as Exhibit A to this Agreement. 16. Individual Sewage Treatment System Disclosure Seller discloses that there is not an individual sewage treatment system on or serving the Property. 17. As-Is-Basis It is specifically agreed that the Real Property is being conveyed to the Buyer by the Seller in "As-Is Condition" ("with all faults"). 18. Right of Entry Buyer is duly authorized agents shall have the right during the period from the date of this Agreement to closing, to enter in and upon the Premises in order to make, at Purchaser's expense, surveys, measurements, wetlands delineations, soil tests, and other tests that Buyer shall deem necessary. Buyer agrees to restore any resulting damage to the Premises and to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Seller from any and all claims by third persons of any nature whatsoever arising from Buyer's right of entry hereunder, including all actions, suits, proceedings, demands, assessments, costs, expenses and attorney's fees. 19. Brokers Commissions In the event Seller has retained the services of any agent, person, corporation or firm to assist in the sale of the property who, in turn, is entitled to a commission by reason of this Agreement and the closing hereunder, Seller hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Buyer harmless from any liability arising therefrom. 20. Entire Agreement This Purchase Agreement, any attached exhibits and any addenda or amendments signed by the parties, shall constitute the entire agreement between Seller and Buyer, and supersedes any other written or oral agreements between Seller and Buyer. This Purchase Agreement can be modified only in writing signed by Seller and Buyer and is contingent upon the execution and passage of all necessary City and State requirements. Page 6 of 6 21. Incidental Expenses All expenses of examination of title, transfer tax, and closing fees will be paid by the Buyer. Any cost incurred to remove any cloud on the title to convey a good and marketable title to said premised subject shall be the responsibility of the Seller. 22. Ineligible for Relocation Assistance The Seller acknowledge that they have voluntarily entered this Purchase Agreement and, as such, acknowledge that the Sellers are not a displaced persons@ as defined by The Uniform Real Property Acquisition and Relocation Act of 1970 as amended and M.S. 117.52 and hence the Sellers are not eligible for any relocation assistance or benefits (see Addendum AC@, Waiver Agreement Regarding Relocation Benefits). The undersigned, owner of the above land, does hereby approve the above agreement and the sale thereby made. SELLER: (NAME OF SELLER) I hereby agree to purchase the said property for the price and upon the terms above mentioned, and subject to all conditions herein expressed. BUYERS: Walter Fehst - City Manager, Columbia Heights Gary Peterson - Mayor, City of Columbia Heights FINAL ACCEPTANCE DATE OF PURCHASE AGREEMENT: H:'~Forms~urchase Agreement3 710Central Dale Frenzel, 12/27/01 2/12/02 2/12/02 6/4/02 6/25/02 7/16/02 9/5/02 10/2/02 10/8/02 10/14/02 3732 3va Street NE Annual Inspection, (correction letter sent 1/8/02) No Fee Two items written up 1) Shall replace the lower front storm door 2) Shall scrape/paint garage/trim. Shall repair any damage or rotted wood on the garage. Extension of time for scraping and painting the garage was grant. The new inspection date is 6/4/02. No Fee. Inspection of the front storm door, work completed. No Fee. 1st followup - housing maintenance code inspection, (correction letter sent 6/5/02) The garage is not done. No work has been started. $50 reinspection fee assessed. Extension for scraping and painting the garage was granted. The new inspection date is 7/16/02. No Fee. Extension for scraping and painting the garage was granted (letter sent 7/31/02). The new inspection date is 9/5/02. "Told owner to submit in writing his plan of action and timeline as to the replacement of the garage" which he is proposing. No Fee. 2nd Followup - housing maintenance code inspection (letter sent 9/10/02) The garage is not done. No work has been started. $50 reinspection fee assessed. 3~a followup - Pre-Revocation housing maintenance code (letter sent 10/3/02) The garage is not done. No work has been started. $300 reinspection fee assessed. Final - Precouncil meeting reinspection The garage is not done. No work has been started. $300 reinspection fee assessed. City Council Meeting, Dale Frenzel indicated at this meeting that he did not want to bring the garage into compliance with the Housing Maintenance Code by scraping / painting and replace some rotted wood. However, Mr. Frenzel did proposed to tear the garage down and build a new one. City council established conditions for an extension of time to complete the proposed new garage. No Fee. Conditions of the Extension: 1. Must apply for a building permit within 1 week from the meeting. 2. Must have a slab poured within 4 weeks of the meeting 3. Must have the garage replaced within 12 weeks of the meeting COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES November 4, 2002 The meeting was called to order by Chair, Barbara Miller. Those present were Patricia Sowada, Barbara Miller, Nancy Hoium, Catherine Vesley, and Becky Loader. It was moved, seconded, and passed to approve the minutes of the September 30, 2002, Board meeting as mailed. The meeting notes from the City Council/Library Board Budget Meeting were reviewed. Bill list dated 10/14/02 1I was reviewed. It was moved, seconded, and passed that they be paid. Bill list dated 10/28/02 was reviewed. It was moved, seconded, and passed that they be paid. Bill list dated 11/12/02 was reviewed. It was moved, seconded, and passed that they also be paid. The accounting was reviewed. The CHASE accounting was reviewed. Old Business: 1. An update a. b. C. on plans for the 75~ Anniversary was presented. Food has been ordered from Ollie's. Friend's members have volunteered to help at the Community Reception December 3. The Board viewed the invitations. Friends will be coming in later this week to fold, label and stamp the invitations. d. The open house's name has been changed to Reception for the Community. e. Posters will be on display advertising the December 3 reception. f. Alicia is working on the Web page and hopes to have it ready for unveiling by the end of the month. g. The program for the evening was reviewed. Barb Miller, Board President, will present opening remarks. The Mayor, Gary Peterson, will welcome everyone. Wooden nickels will be distributed. The music portion of the program was discussed. There is no ensemble available from Columbia Heights High School. Catherine volunteered to check on the name of a harpist for the evening. Another idea was to check with Rita Norberg for possibilities. h. All Board members were invited and encouraged to attend the City Council meeting of November 25, when a presentation will be made to the Council about the upcoming Community Celebration. 2. There was no updated report available on the budget for 2003. Barnes & Noble fundraiser was announced and discussed. Volunteers are being recruited. Barb, Catherine and Pat all volunteered. The fundraiser is at the Har Mar Barnes & Noble on November 23, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Twin Cities One Book activities were discussed. There was a "Wild Animal Encounters" program that was held at the Columbia Heights Library on Saturday, November 2. There was a very good response to this program. The new circulation PC's are in and installed. This installation is the last step before the client-server interface becomes operable. The old pc's can be recycled. New Business: 1. The date of the 2003 Friends of the Library sponsored booksale has been set for May 15, 2003. 2. The Board reviewed the teen survey that is being conducted in Anoka County Libraries. 3. The graphs distributed by the League of Minnesota Cities concerning LGA funding were reviewed and discussed. 4. The Sister City organization donated a CD of Chopin as performed by Taduesz Majewski. The program fi.om the October concert giving credit to the Library was reviewed. 5. A request for transfer of $204.00 fi.om 3430: Advertising Other to 2030: Printing and Printed forms was moved, seconded, and passed. 6. A request for transfer of $40.00 fi.om 2170: Program Supplies to 2030: Printing and Printed forms was moved, seconded, and passed. 7. Thank you fi.om Sue Bembenek, Library Patron, was shared with the Board. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jc~anine M. Schmidt Secretary to the Library Board of Trustees. The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights= services, programs, and activities. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 13, 2002 7:00 PM These minutes not approved. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Commission Chair, Tom Ramsdell. Roll Call: Commission Members present-Yehle, Ericson, Schmitt, and Ramsdell. Commission Members absent - Johnson Also present were Tim Johnson (City Planner), and Shelley Hanson (Secretary). Motion by Yehle, second by Ericson, to approve the minutes from the meeting of September 3, 2002. All ayes. MOTION PASSED. PUBLIC HEARINGS Case #: ' 2002-1109 4350 Central Ave Conditional Use Permit Northeast Metro 916 A request has been made for a Conditional Use Permit to establish an Area Learning Center in the existing Walgreen's space in the Mall located at 4350 Central Avenue NE. The applicant is currently in discussions for leasing the space now occupied by Walgreen's. The property is zoned GB, General Business. The sun'ounding properties are zoned commercial and residential. Site Plans for this site were previously approved to allow for a fueling center and a multi-tenant retail facility in the front parking lot in 2001, but the facilities have never be built. Linder's Greenhouses applies annually for a conditional use permit for a seasonal greenhouse. Staff believes an Alternative School most closely resembles, in use, a public or private K-12 school. As such, this type of establishment is not a permitted or conditional use in the General Business District (Section 9.1005). Vocational, Business, Performing, Visual, and Martial Arts are listed as permitted uses in the General Business District. However, the zoning ordinance does provide the Zoning Administrator the ability to determine if uses not permitted, conditional or accessory, are appropriate and compatible with the district. Section 9.10002(6) General Provisions-Prohibited Uses, reads as follows: "Any use not listed as either permitted, conditional, or accessory in a particular district or any use not determined by the Zoning Administrator to be substantially similar to a use listed as permitted, conditional, or accessory shall be prohibited in that district." In determining if the proposed use is substantially similar, the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance provide the following guidance. The Comprehensive Plan states the City's goals are to: 1. Preserve and enhance the existing commercial areas within the community. (pg. 8) 2. Enhance the economic viability of the community. (pg 10). PLANNING & ZONING MINUTES MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13, 2002 PAGE 2 The Zoning Ordinance states, "commercial districts are established to provide for a wide range of goods and services in locations throughout the community; provide employment oppommities; and enhance the livability of the community by providing convenient access to goods and services." Furthermore, the Zoning Ordinance states in part that, "The purpose of the General Business District is to provide appropriate locations for general retail sales, services, and other commercial development that benefit from their proximity to other commercial uses." The Zoning Ordinance also identifies specific development standards that apply to Schools, K-12 in Section 7; 9.701 (3) Page 7-20. The standards are met by the proposed use of the site. The applicants have requested a conditional use permit to allow for what they believe is a similar use to the other uses in the district. Staff has reviewed the application and has the following comments: *The Learning Center proposed is a very vital community program. However, staff believes this use is not substantially similar to permitted or conditional uses in the GB District. *K-12 School Programs are currently allowed by conditional use permit in Residential Zoning Districts. School District 916 believes Area Learning Centers can best survive and have success when located in non-traditional settings such as Retail Centers. *There are several Area Learning Centers located in commercial space around the Twin Cities area with the most comparable locations being the Mahtomedi Alternative Learning Center and the ALC in Champlin. *Several staff members had a chance to visit the Mahtomedi ALC and learn about its programs. Staff was impressed with the facilities, and the Leaming Center appeared to blend in well with the surrounding commercial environment. The parking requirements would require 43 spaces at the mall site. Currently Walgreen's requires approximately 40 spaces, so this change in use would have virtually no impact as the lot has space for 627 vehicles. The current Walgreen's space is approximately 12,000 square feet in size, and Metro 916 intends to revamp and redesign the interior of the building to meet its needs. They are not proposing any structural changes, and would be adding temporary walls that can be easily adjusted or removed to accommodate changing needs. In summary, although the ALC will provide a reuse for a soon to be vacant retail space, and is a beneficial and well-established program that is important to serving the needs of area students. However, the ALC does not meet Comprehensive Plan land use and economic development goals. It also does not meet the intent of the General Business zoning district. And the fact that it is to be located next to the City Liquor Store also raises some concern. According to these guides, this does not seem to be the best site for this type of establishment. Therefore, staff recommends denial of the Conditional Use Permit for the proposed Area Learning Center for Northeast Metro School District 916 at the 4350 Central Avenue NE site for the following reasons: · Public and private schools (K-12) are not listed in the Zoning Ordinance as either a permitted or conditional use in the General Business District and are only allowed by conditional use permit in the residential districts. PLANNING & ZONING MINUTES MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13, 2002 PAGE 3 An area Learning Center is not a substantially similar or compatible use with the other uses in the district as determined by the Zoning Official under the guidance of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. The Commission members asked several questions of those in attendance regarding this issue. Commissioner Ericson asked whether other locations had been considered. Pat Flyrm, Attorney representing District #916, stated that they had considered the Buy n Save location in the 40th Avenue Mall and the Menards site on 53rd and Central. They had also looked at the old Honeywell building on 39th Avenue. For various reasons, these sites did not work out. Commissioner Yehle asked about the alternative program, the students that attend the center, the age group of the students, and the area where the majority of the students come from. Mr. Seday, Manager of District #916, explained the concept and structure of the program. He and his staff summarized the average daily routine of a student enrolled in the program. Some students attend classes in 4 time blocks a day, others attend vocational training, others attend post secondary college classes, and some are in the on the job training program. He explained the reasons students attend this facility compared to traditional schools, and that approximately ~ of the students are from this school district. He said the majority of the students are 16-19 years old, with a few being middle school age.' He said these students are at risk, and do not perform well intraditional school settings for a variety of reasons. Intermediate District 916 and School District #13 are pooling their resources to provide these services. District #916 will nm the ALC program and as an intermediate school district, they are not held to the same limitations as smaller, traditional school districts. Therefore, they can provide this type of service that smaller districts cannot afford to. Commissioner Schmitt asked whether this is the same program that has been housed at the high school. It was explained that yes, the program has been at the high school for a number of years with about 93 students enrolled presently, but that they have a waiting list of 30 more that they cannot accommodate at this time due to lack of space. With educational needs changing, more room is required for technology related classes and equipment, and to meet the requirements of those requiring special education or special needs. Mr. Flynn explained they have other ALC located in retail malls and that this setting seems to work well. This is a chosen site that would meet the transportation of and travel time for students and their families. He stated that it would have been desirable to have started this several months ago as they would have liked to use the facility for this school year. Remodeling will need to take place and they wish to get started as soon as possible. It will look good and be kept clean. The property will remain a taxable parcel and would continue to generate tax dollars to the city. It will be used 12 months of the year and has activity from approximately 7 am to 8 pm daily. Parking should not be an issue as students come and go at various times, so the number of students at the facility at one time is staggered throughout the day. PLANNING & ZONING MINUTES MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13, 2002 PAGE 4 Commissioner Yehle asked whether they would consider expanding in the future as the City Liquor Store may be moving and the Rainbow Foods could be closing depending on the outcome of the sale of that entity. Mr. Seday responded that they are not looking to grow. This space is as large as they want to go. They were looking for a site of approximately 10,000-12,000 sq. ft. and this location of 12,000 sq. ft. fits the bill. Commissioner Schmitt said she has looked at the Capital View location on Rice Street and that it is located in an old school. She inquired how much of the school they use for their center. Mr. Seday explained they only use the area where the old swimming pool had been located. She then asked about transportation and childcare needs of the students. Nancy Kaldor, Superintendent, stated the Community Education Program would continue to provide day care services to students that need it, at the High School Day Care Facility. There are currently 10 children attending that facility, with a capacity of 15. Commissioner Ericson acknowledged that this is a needed program and that the commission as a whole supports the efforts of the School District to find a new location and that a site away from the traditional school setting may be desirable. But she explained that the job of the commission is to look at what's best for the city as a whole and to stick to a plan regarding any future development or businesses that the city may want to attract. She also stated they must trust staff's recommendations and the research they do on each case. Commission Chair Ramsdell also sees a need for this program, but had concerns regarding this particular site. He said he has a problem with the ALC being located next to a Liquor Store, and that some of the students could be of age to purchase liquor. As the Zoning Ordinance does not allow this use in this zoning district, he hates to set precedence by allowing an exception. Another option would be to change the ordinance which takes up to 60 days. He went on to explain that the Commission is only a recommending body to the Council and the City Council has the final say and could decide not to act in accordance with the recommendation. School Board Member, Jan Ostezeski, stated she felt the purpose of a Conditional Use Permit was to allow exceptions for discretionary situations such as this. She further explained the needs and success of the program. Students do well in the shorter time frames established to accomplish goals than the traditional semester time blocks. School Board Member, Tammy Schmidt, agreed and said the talents of our young people need to be tapped and they need guidance while they make decisions about their futures. She felt this was better for the whole community than to allow these students to fall between the cracks. School Board member, Keith Roberts, discussed the viability of the commercial property surrounding this site. He felt the students and their parents would help bring traffic and business to the mall and surrounding area. Mr. Flynn, attorney, said he did not think the Zoning Ordinance forbids this type of use. He felt similar uses are listed as acceptable if a conditional use permit was granted. He felt it is arbitrary language that could be argued, and that the commission should help the School District who is just trying to help the community and serve its citizens. Commissioner Ericson disagreed with Mr. Flynn. She stated the commission is not denying the students and is not denying a conditional use. She went on to explain again that the commission must do what is best for the city based on the current ordinances, plans, and recommendations. PLANNING & ZONING MINUTES MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13, 2002 PAGE 5 If a conditional use permit is granted, it may prohibit other uses from locating there because they could not locate next to a school (i.e. a restaurant/bar), which is normally an acceptable use in that zoning district. Commissioner Schmitt has concerns with possible loitering and being next to the Liquor Store also. After some discussion whether other sites in the area may be more acceptable it was decided to pursue that idea. Motion by Ramsdell, seconded by Yehle to table this issue until the meeting of December 3, 2002, and to coordinate a meeting in approximately two weeks to come up with alternative sites if possible. All ayes. MOTION PASSED. NEW BUSINESS There was no other new business. MISCELLANEOUS Planner Johnson had enclosed several articles of interest to the commission members in the agenda packets. Zoning News Article-Regarding Garages and how cities are dealing with the need for larger structures and the impact on the restrictions and setbacks for these structures. Northstar Corridor Update-This was the latest news as of October 25, 2002, regarding the project. 60-day Rule-An informational article regarding the 60-day statute that sets a time limit for certain land use decisions. There have been recent cases that have been brought before the courts and how the decisions affect cities. There was a short discussion about some of the redevelopment possibilities in the city. Several sites are being looked at and are being considered, but nothing concrete as of this date. Motion by Yehle, seconded by Schmitt to adjourn the meeting at 8.'50pm Respectfully submitted, Shelley Hanson Secretary COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 15, 2002 CALL TO ORDER - The Regular Meeting of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA) was called to order by President Ruettimann at 6:04 p.m., Tuesday, October 15, 2002, in the Parkview Villa, Community Room B, 965 40th Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, Minnesota. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: Staff Present: Robert Ruettimann, Marlaine Szurek, Gary Peterson, Julienne Wyckoff, Bobby Williams and Bruce Nawrocki Patricia Jindra Bob Streetar, Deputy Executive Director Randy Schumacher, Community Development Assistant Cheryl Bakken, Secretary Mark Nagel, Housing Assistant CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes Move to adopt the minutes of the September 17, 2002, Special meeting as presented in writing. Financial Report and Payment of Bills Move to approve Resolution 2002-15, Resolution of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA) approving the financial statements for September, 2002 and approving payment of bills for September, 2002. MOTION by Peterson, second by Szurek, to adopt the consent agenda items as listed. All ayes. Motion Carried. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION EDA Bond Fund Fee Streetar stated the Board requested the Finance Department provide a report on the City Administrative fees charged on revenue bonds sold by Crest View and Columbia Park Clinic. The process was put into place in 1998 to compensate for services and liability exposure related to non-City revenue bond issues. To account for this revenue, the City created a special revenue fund that wouM also be used to account for the rental fees received for the cellular antennas on the high-rise and the water tower. On the spreadsheet, under the expenditure section, all of the items except for item 1, the dishwasher for Murzyn Hall and item 7, the ~ underground for Central Avenue Project are EDA expenses. There is $298,986.66 available in funds for use by the EDA. Nawroc~' asked where the authority came from to use the EDA fimds for items 1 and 7. Ruettimann felt the dollar figures were incorrect, because the listed antenna funds were designated to go into a separate fund years ago and should not be added into this account. He will contact Bill Elrite, Finance Director to clarify this. Reinstate Patricia Jindra, as Liason for Resident Council Meetings Streetar stated at the September EDA meeting, commissioners asked ~o have Patricia Jindra designated as the EDA's representative to the Resident Council Meetings to record and report back to the EDA. There isn't anything in the State Statute that designated the Board pay 2indra, Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes October 15, 2002 Page 2 of 2 for recording the minutes of the special meeting. This would be determined by the Board. Szurek stated that Jindra's heart has always been with the HRA and felt she did a good job of reporting the minutes of the Resident Council Meetings in the past. Szurek asked what amount Jindra was compensated for in the past. Streetar stated she was paid $35 per meeting. Wyckoff stated Jindra has asked to be on the HIM Board and wondered what steps need to be taken to insure this. Ruettimann stated there is two options; O In January of 2003, when one of the commissioners terms expires she could be appointe& or 2) if one of the councilmembers would like to step down and let her take their place starting in January. Motion by Nawrocki, second by Wyckoff, to designate Patricia Jindra as the EDA's representative to the Resident Council Meetings to record the minutes and report to the EDA and furthermore, be compensated at $35 per meeting. All ayes. Motion Carried. EDA Holiday Gatherin~Dinner Bakken stated for the past four or five years the EDA has held their December meeting at dax's Restaurant prior to the Holiday Dinner for the boardmembers and one guest, acknowledging their community service. Staff asked if the Board would like to go back to dax's again this year or is there somewhere else they would like to go. All of the Boardmembers, felt dax's Restaurant was very accommodating to our needs and directed staff to make arrangements for the meeting and dinner to be held on Tuesday, December 17'h. Bakken will make reservations. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Streetar requested the commissioners read over the Community Development Monthly Goals Update and contact him if they have any questions this week, due to the short meeting tonight. Streetar stated that the Columbia Heights TIF map was included in the packet indicating all TIF districts, project areas, and other demographics as requested by the Board last month. ADJOURNMENT President, Ruettimann, adjourned the meeting at 6:27 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cheryl Bakken Recording Secretary H:XEDAminutes2002\ 10-15-2002 HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 15, 2002 CALL TO ORDER - The Regular Meeting of the Columbia Heights Housing & Redevelopment Authority (HRA) was called to order by Marlaine Szurek at 6:28 p.m., October 15, 2002, in the Parkview Villa Community Room B, 965 40~ Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, Minnesota. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: StaffPresent: Marlaine Szurek, Gary Peterson, Julienne Wyckoff, Bruce Nawrocki, and Bobby Williams, Dennis Ecklund Jr. Robert Streetar, Deputy Executive Director Randy Schumacher, Comm. Dev. Assistant William Jones, Parkview Villa Housing Administrator Cheryl Bakken, Secretary Mark Nagel, Housing Assistant CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes Approve the Minutes of Special Meeting of September 17, 2002. MOTION by Nawrocki, second by Williams, to approve the minutes from September 17, 2002, Special meeting as presented in writing. All ayes. Motion Carried. REPORT OF MANAGEMENT COMPANY Jones reported in two apartments in the South building they had to replace the heating zone valves. Bearings need to be replaced in the motor for the exhaust unit in the North boiler room and in the exhaust unit that serves the North apartments ending in 7. Maintenance will work with staff to obtain bids. On October 6th, apartment #1 at 4607 Tyler had problems with the la'tchen sink bacIa'ng up. While it was being cleaned the snake broke the piping under the sink, which went to apartment #2. Staff wasn 't aware of the water damage to apartment #2 until the water ran into the basement and set off the smoke detector and CO detector. All repairs were completed on October 7h. CITIZENS FORUM Olive Stanislowski, Apartment 319, stated she reported water lea/a'ng from her ceiling fan that hasn't been fixed. Jones stated the repair is on the list of maintenance items and will be fixed in a timely matter. NawrocM stated a resident resident of Parkview Villa contacted him requesting that a garbage can be placed closer to the walkway, by the light pole in the park, adjacent to Parkview, so when residents walk her dogs in the winter months, it will be easier to get to with the snow on the ground. Streetar will check with Public Works on availability of an extra garbage can to be placed in that area. Housing & Redevelopment Authority Minutes October 15, 2002 Page 2 of 3 ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION PUBLIC HEARING Adopt Resolution 2002-07, Approving the 2003 PHA Plan Nagel stated staff has met the HUD required forty-five days for review of the PHA Plan by the public, Parkview Villa Resident Advisory Board, and Anoka County. The document will be electronically transmitted and downloaded through the HUD web page REA C System after approval of Resolution 2002-07. Once the plan is approved, the Capital Improvement Committee will meet to decide which apartments need cabinet replacement this year, based upon depreciation. Szurek felt the la'tchens should be a high priority for the committee and asked what the time limit for the funds to be spent is. Nagel stated the HRA has until June 30a of 2006. Motion by Peterson, second by Williams, to close the Public Hearing for the review of the draft Housing and Redevelopment Authority Annual PHA Plan at 6:45 p.m. All ayes. Motion Carried. Motion by Peterson, second by Williams, to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-07, there being ample copies available to the public. All ayes. Motion Carried. Motion by Peterson, second by Williams, to adopt Resolution 2002-07, of the Columbia Heights Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) confirming approval of the Public Housing Agency certifications of compliance with the PHA plans and related regulations, revisions to the 2000, 2001 and 2002 Capital Fund Program documents and direct staff to submit to HUD. All ayes. Motion Carried. Accept Bids and Approve Bid for Parkview Villa Re-Roof Project Nagel stated the bids were opened at 2p.m. today in the City Hall, Conference Room 1. All of the bids listed on the spreadsheet provided by staff are approximately $60,000 to $70,000 lower than the previous bids. All of the bidders, except for Rayco included the up-roof metal, cladding, and shingles to their proposals. Rayco was the lowest bidder, however, as you can see in the letter from RHA Architects Inc. that their bid is missing a lot of the important information necessary and recommend awarding the bid to Omni Roofing. Jerry Peterson from Omni Roofing Company described the types of materials and process that his company would use on the re-roofing project. The materials are from the Hick'man System that will drain water from the roof to the ground, they will apply four plys of polyester film over the roof the flood coating has a greater amount of UV resistors, flashing is made of mineral surface material, and the metal is covered under the manufacturers warranty. Nawrocki asked if Mr. Holman has any interest with the Hickman System products. Jerry Peterson indicated that it was his understanding that another company bought the Hickman System from Mr. Holman 's firm, but wasn't sure if he still had any investment in it. Nawrocla' asked Nagel to clarify if there is a connection and report back to him. Housing & Redevelopment Authority Minutes October 15, 2002 Page 3 of 3 Ecldund asked, how long the project will take. Jerry Peterson stated weather permitting, it would take approximately 11 working days. Motion by Peterson, second by Williams, to accept bids and approve the lowest responsible bid for the replacement of the Parkview Villa North roof and the repair of the roof area connecting the North and South buildings, subject to the approval as to the form of contract by the City Attorney, and furthermore, authorize the Chair and Executive Director to enter into an agreement for the same with Omni Roofing. Upon Vote: Ecklund- Aye, Peterson- Aye, Williams- Aye, Nawrocki- abstained, Wyckoff- Aye, Szurek- Aye. Motion Carried. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Szurek requested the Boardmembers read the Community Development Monthly Goals Update report and if they have any questions, contact Streetar this week. ADJOURNMENT Chair, Szurek adjourned the meeting at 7:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Che~i~~~~-~ Recording Secretary H:XHRAMinutes Form\ 10-15-2002