HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 12, 2002 RegularCITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 (763) 71X'~-3600 TDD (763) 706-3692 Visit Our Website at: www. ci. cohtmbia-heights, mn. us ADMINISTRATION Ma}or Gary L. Peterson Councilmernbers Marlaine Szurek Julienne Wyckoff Bruce Nawrocki Robert.4. Williams City Manager Walter R. Fehst November 8, 2002 The following is the agenda for the regular meeting of the City Council to be held at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 12, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, Minnesota. The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for disabled persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the Deputy City Clerk at 763-706-3611, to make arrangements~ (TDD/706-3692 for deaf or hearing impaired only) Invocation: Pastor Widen, Oak Hill Baptist Church 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALl, 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCi*, e ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO MEETING AGENDA (The Council, upon majority vote of its members, may make additions and deletions to the agenda. These may be items brought to the attention of the Council under the Citizen Forum or items submitted after the agenda preparation deadline.) PROCLAMATIONS~ PRESENTATIONS~ RECOGNITIONS AND GUESTE A) Proclamations 1) November Safe and Sober Mobilization B) Presentations-none C) Introduction of New Employees -none D) Recognition 1) Recipient of the Community Presence Award - Brad Worchester e CONSENT AGENDA (These items are oonsidered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted as part of the Consent Agenda by one motion. Items removed fi.om consent agenda approval will be taken up as the next order of business.) A) MOTION: Move to approve the Consent Agenda items as follows: 1) Minutes for Approval MOTION: Move to approve the minutes of the October 28, 2002, regular City Council meeting as presented. 2) Adopt Resolution No. 2002-66, being a Resolution Canvassing Municipal General Election Returns MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-66, there being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution 2002-66, canvassing Municipal General Election returns. THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER t~ay ~ouncn ,~,genaa November 12, 2002 Page 2 of 3 3) Authorize the Capital Equipment replacement of Unit #18: Ford F350 4x4 one tone dump track and Unit #18A: Western 8 foot 6 inch snow plow MOTION (#1): Move to authorize the replacement of Unit #18, with one (1) new Ford Super Duty 450 4x4 chassis fi.om Superior Ford, Plymouth, MN in the amount of $29,560, plus sales tax. Funding shall be fi.om the Streets Capital Equipment Replacement Fund. MOTION (#2): Move to authorize the purchase of a pump box and snow plow package fi.om Truck Utilities, St. Paul, MN in the amount of $17,560, plus sales tax. Funding shall be fi.om the Streets Capital Equipment Replacement Fund. 4) Authorize purchase of one sidewalk broom attachment for the Toro Groundsmaster MOTION: Authorize the purchase of one new ETEC 60" wide by 24" diameter hydraulic broom attachment for Toro Groundsmaster, Unit #232, from MTI Distributing, Brooklyn Center, MN at the 2002 Minnesota State Contract price of $5,110, plus sales tax. Funding shall be fi.om the City State- Aid Maintenance Account. 5) Authorize the lighting replacement agreement with Xcel Energy for 67 metal Halide lights at the MSC under the Xcel Energy Efficiency Program MOTION: Move to approve the replacement of 67 metal halide lights at the Municipal Service Center with a project cost of $8,826, under the Xcel Energy Efficiency Program. 6) Authorize staff to seek proposals for security equipment at the municipal liquor stores MOTION: Move to authorize staff to seek proposals for a closed circuit camera security system and an access control system for the three liquor stores. 7) Establish Hearing Dates for License Revocation of Rental Properties at 980 44th Avenue NE, 4341 Tyler Place and 981 43 ½ Avenue. MOTION: Move to Establish a Hearing Date of November 25, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Lester Chics at 980 44th Avenue NE. MOTION: Move to Establish a Heating Date of November 25, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Abdul Rashid at 4341 Tyler Place NE. 8) RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Establish a Heating Date of November 25, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Mohammed Khan at 981 43-1/2 Avenue NE. 9) Approve Business License Application.q MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for November 12, 2002 as presented regarding the new licenses for 2002 and the renewals for 2003. 10) Approve Payment of Bills MOTION: Move to approve payment of the bills out of the proper funds as listed in the attached check register covering Check Number 100628 through 100842 in the amount of $1,373,809.32. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS - none 7. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION city council ~genaa November 12, 2002 Page 3 of 3 A) Other Ordinances and Resolutions B) Bid Considerations C) Other Business 1) Authorize staffto seek an agreement for the sale of 325 Summit Street MOTION: Move to accept the offer of $137,000 from Mike Gondack for the property at 325 Summit Street. ALTERNATE MOTION: Move to reject the offer of $137,000 from Mike Gondack for the property at 325 Summit Street NE, and to authorize staff to post the listing on the MLS and to increase the minimum bid price to $150,000. 8. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A) Report of the City Manager 1) Upcoming Work Session Items B) Report of the City Attorney e GENERAL COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS A) Minutes of Boards and Commissions 1) Meeting of the Telecommunications Commission held on October 17, 2002 2) Meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission held on October 23, 2002 3) Meeting of the Traffic Commission held on November 4, 2002 10. CITIZENS FORUM (At this time, citizens have an oppommity to discuss with the Council items not on the regular agenda. Citizens are requested to limit their comments to five minutes. Please note the public may address the Council regarding specific agenda items at the time the item is being discussed.) 11. COUNCIL CORNER 12. ADJOURNMENT Walter, ~il y~M~a~~g~ W-F/pm OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 28, 2002 THESE MINUTES NOT BEEN The following are the minutes for the regular meeting of the City Council held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, October 28, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, Minnesota. Pastor David Briley, Oak Hill Baptist Church, gave the invocation. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Peterson, Councilmembers Szurek, Wyckoff, Williams, Nawrocki PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Peterson recognized the death of Senator Wellstone and all those la'lied in the plane crash last Friday. He read an e-mail that he received from a resident, which included a poem of peace. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO MEETING AGENDA Fehst suggested setting a joint meeting date with the Economic Development Authority (EDA) regarding the Industrial Area. Peterson placed this under item 7D. PROCLAMATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND GUESTS A) Proclamations - none B) Presentations - none ¢) Introductions Mayor Peterson introduced Matthew Henry, a new member on the Park and Recreation Commission. Mr. Henry gave his background. Peterson thanked him for volunteering his time. Mayor Peterson introduced David Payne, a new member on the Park and Recreation Commission. Mr. Payne gave his background. Peterson thanked him for volunteering his time. D) Recognition - none CONSENT AGENDA Walt Fehst, City Manager, took Council through the consent items. 1) Minutes for Approval - October 14, 2002 regmlar meeting and October 15 Special Assessment Levy Hearing a) Motion to approve the minutes of the October 14, 2002, regular City Council meeting as presented. b) Motion to approve the minutes of the October 15, 2002 Special Assessment Levy Hearing as presented. 2) Authorize purchase of one Star/Tribune subscription on microfilm - Removed 3) Adopt Resolution No. 2002-65, being a resolution changing Council meetings dates in November and December 2002. Removed 4) Authorize Change Order #1 and final payment for Miscellaneous Concrete Project 2000-00. Motion to authorize Contract Change Order No. 1 for additional work added to the contract by the City to Ti-Zack Concrete, Inc. in the amount of $8,399.10 with fimding out of the appropriate funds. Motion to accept the work for 2000 Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs and Installations, City Project #2000-00 and authorize final payment of $250.00 to Ti-Zack Concrete, Inc. of Le Center, MN. City Council Minutes October 28, 2002 Page 2 of 8 5) Award of Bid for Street Decorations - Removed prior to the meeting - placed under bid considerations 6) Authorize Bonding for Public Improvements -Removed 7) Approve Premises Permit Application Class B Gambling License for the Columbia Heights Athletic Booster Club Motion to direct the City Manager to forward a letter to the State Charitable Gambling Control Board stating that the City of Columbia Heights has no objection to the issuance of a Class B charitable gambling license for Columbia Heights Athletic Boosters Club to be conducted at the 500 Club, 500 40t~ Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, MN; and furthermore, that the City Council hereby waives the remainder of the sixty-day notice to the local governing body. 8) Approve Business License Application.~ Motion to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for October 28, 2002 as presented, regarding the new licenses for 2002 and renewals for 2003. Wyckoff listed the license requests. 9) Approve Payment of Bills Motion to approve payment of the bills out of the proper funds as listed in the attached check register covering Check Number 100402 through 100627 in the amount of $754,037.80. Motion by Nawrocki, second by Wyckoff, to approve the Consent Agenda items, except for items number 2, 3, and 6. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Item #2 Subscription to microfilm Motion by Szurek, second by Wyckoff, to authorize purchase of one subscription to the Star/Tribune on microfilm for 2003 from the authorized, proprietary company producing it for the cost of $3,365.25. Nawrocki asked last year's cost. Becky Loader, Library Director, indicated the charge last year was $3,092.25. Nawrocki indicated this is a ten percent increase and that other options are available which could be a cost saving measure. Loader indicated this is for research of specific information, and a supplement to the computer. Nawrocki stated this information is available through the Anoka County Library. Loader stated it is available only at the Blaine library. Williams asked how many years we have purchased this information. Loader responded 1971, and that researchers look at many different past year editions. Williams felt that a lot of people would expect to find this information at the library. Loader stated the research is done individually, so the specific number of users can not be determined. Wyckoff stated that the Library Board has determined this to be apart of the library collection and stands by their decision. Williams referred to the poor lighting in the Library Board room. Loader stated she would discuss this with the Board. Upon vote: Williams, aye; Szurek, aye; Wyckoff, aye; Nawrocki, nay; Peterson, aye. 4 ayes - 1 nay. Motion carried. Item #3 - Change of meeting dates Nawrocki indicated that he has a standing meeting on the second Tuesday of each month and suggested combining the November Council meeting with the EDA meetin~ on November 13th Patty Muscovit~ eputy City Clerk, tndtcated the requzrement to canvas election results by November 12tn. Nawrocki suggested meeting on Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 5:30p. m. City Council Minutes October 28, 2002 Page 3 of 8 Motion by Nawrocki to reschedule the November 11, 2002 City Council meeting to Tuesday, November 12, 2002 beginning at 5:30 p.m. because of the Veterans Day holiday. Second by Williams. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Peterson indicated the suggestion to combine the two December City Council meetings into one meeting. Motion by Szurek, second by Williams, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-65, there being ample copies available to the public. Motion by Szurek, second by Williams, to adopt Resolution 2002-65 to combine the December 2002 City Council meeting dates and to include the change of the November 11, 2002 meeting date. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-65 BEING A RESOLUTION CHANGING THE DATES OF CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER, 2002 WltEREAS: The City Council has decided to change the dates of regular Council meetings scheduled for November 11, 2002; December 9, 2002 and December 23, 2002, and; WItEREAS: The first regular Council meeting in November, 2002 would heretofore have been scheduled for Monday, November 11, 2002 which is a legal holiday, has now been rescheduled to Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, and; WHEREAS: The date of the first regular Council meeting in December would heretofore have been scheduled for December 9, 2002 and the second regular Council meeting in December would heretofore have been scheduled for Monday, December 23, 2002, have now been combined and rescheduled for Monday, December 16, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that all interested parties be advised of this change with the traditional convening time of 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chamber. #6 Bonding for Public Improvement,q Bill Elrite, Finance Director, indicated this has been discussed at several Council meetings, and he was instructed to also get quotes on the cost of refunding the Tax Increment Financing Capital Appreciation bonds of 1990. Williams asked if staff was recommending Ehlers. Elrite indicated yes, as they have done a good job for us on other TIF related issues and would combine items. Nawrocki indicated that Evenson Dodge did us a courtesy by indicating that we could save money, and the bond market is increasing and action should be taken soon. Fehst stated that we were already working with Ehlers on the refunding. Motion by Szurek, second by Wyckoff, to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement with Ehlers & Associates Inc. to prepare bond documents for the $3.4 million bond issue and to have Ehlers & Associates Inc. evaluate the legal and financial feasibility of refunding the 1990 CAB bonds and prepare bond documents Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS - none ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Other Ordinances and Resolutions - none City Council Minutes October 28, 2002 Page 4 of 8 Bid Considerations 1) Award of Bid for Central Avenue Holiday Banners and Holiday Decoration.q Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director, indicated that 15 bids were sent out and two qualified bids were received. Staff recommendation was determined by cost, design and theme, quality, availability, time of delivery, and company references. The original proposal included banners and holiday decorations on only specific poles. Staff then considered adding additional lighted decorations on poles including lighting and greenery for day time viewing. Hansen showed several examples of the decorations. The prices ranged from $13,800 (Main Street Lighting) to $15,200 (Display Sales). Staff recommended Display Sales. Their products are made in Minnesota and have an extra one year warranty. Display Sales have the product on hand and couM deliver the entire bid in 7 rolO working days. Fehst stated that, along with the Northeaster staff, we are trying to schedule a Central Avenue ribbon-cutting event for November 30it* and also felt it would be important to have the decorations in place by Thanksgiving. Szurek questioned if this would include banner. Hansen indicated yes, and there would be a mix of green and red garland on the poles. Szurek thought it might look too busy. Hansen showed a picture with examples and stated that our poles are about 75feet apart. Nawrocki questioned the garland as a vandalism hazard. Hansen stated that is a consideration and suggested trying it for a year, as it would be like the garland on Mill Street. Szurek questioned the two totally different themes. Hansen stated the banners would match the style of lighted decoration. Peterson referred to the nice decorations on Mill Street. Wyckoff asked if this would be too much, and asked if they could be spread out. Hansen stated the wreaths could be up during the holiday season, and the snowflakes could be left up during the winter season. Peterson referred to a bridge on page 3 of the Display Sales brochure. Wyckoff asked if Wargo Court would be decorated. Hansen stated yes. Nawrocki questioned banner type flags for the other seasons. Hansen stated that Councilmember Nawrocki requested he researched patriotic banners and flags, which is in next year's budget and that he would ask for advise from the Image Committee. Nawrocki has asked VFW Post (4230 to pay for the flags and banners, which they have tentatively agreed to do. If council acts on this, he requested the motion include an alternate option for banners and flags. The banners would include the printing "Post #230". Szurek suggested the look of a stylized flag and a real flag. Motion by Nawrocki, second by Wyckoff, to accept the bids and award a contract for 45 holiday banners and 45 lighted decorations to Display Sales Inc. in the amount, not-to-exceed, $15,297 not including tax; with the proviso that the vender keep open the option to add flags and banners to that contract with VFW Post #230 to fired them, and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same, with project funding from g402-59912-2171. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carded. Other Business 1) Proposed sale of 325 Summit Street NE MOTION: Move to reject the lone bid received for 325 Summit Street NE for $135,000, and to authorize staff to: · Post the listing on the MLS; and · Increase the minimum bid price to $150,000 Tim Johnson, City Planner, gave the background on 325 Summit Street. The property was advertised on the open market and one bid was received. 13 different parties were interested. The bid submitted was City Council Minutes October 28, 2002 Page 5 of 8 for $135,000 by a pre-qualified bidder that indicated he would rent out the premises for a time. Staff recommended rejection of the bid, as it did not meet the recommended requirements. Wyckoff questioned how much of the property was split. Johnson indicated the square footage that the City retained. Nawrocki reiterated his original comment that this was not enough time for the bidding process. Nawrocki indicated that if we soM the property for $150,000, minus the realtor's commission, the outcome would be close to this bid received considering the property was split; and there may be merit in taking the offer to move ahead with the sale. Fehst stated there were concerns of what commercial business wouM be developed next door. The bid could be rejected and staff instructed to negotiate a sale. Staff research showed the property could be sold for more, however this bidder would be a good steward of the property. Peterson stated that while the homeowner rented the property it would be taxed at a non-homestead rate. Williams indicated that residents feel we already have too many rental properties, but Mr. Gondack has indicated he may reside there. Mr. Gondack indicated he would like to renovate the home and rent it. He gave the background on his involvement in the initial sale of the home. He bid is based on his original discussion with the previous owner. Williams asked if he would be willing to increase his bid. Gondack indicated that his bid is higher than the original appraisal. Gondack stated he would be open to another appraisal. Nawrocki asked if Mr. Gondack would be willing to increase his offer by $6,000, which he established from the $150,000 minus realtor fees and cost of the land split from the original property. Gondack indicated that. would be more than he could afford, and would not be able to offer more than another $1,000. Wyckoff asked if he had been care taking of the property. Gondack indicated that he and the neighbors had done so. Szurek indicated there is no guarantee that we would received the requested price on the open market and with understanding that he would make improvements, would not have a problem with the sale, even though she is not in favor of rental property. She would also agree to another appraisal. Motion by Williams to reject the bid for 325 Summit and authorize staff to negotiate for two weeks with Mr. Gondack.. Nawrocki indicated that the first motion would be to reject the bid, and a second motion to negotiate a higher price. Williams asked to remove his motion. Motion by Nawrocki, second by Szurek, to reject the bids for sale of property at 325 Summit Street. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Nawrocki stated that Mr. Gondack indicated he is not willing to increase his offer so negotiating may not be appropriate. Fehst stated that if we could not sell the property for $150,000, we could then come back to Mr. Gondack to see if he is still interested in purchasing the property. Fehst will ask staff to look at possibilities in the next two weeks and bring the item back to Council. Mr. Gondack thanked Council for their response to his request. A student was present and introduced herself to Council. Peterson referred to a memo from Bob Streeter, Community Development Director, requesting a joint City Council and Economic Development Authority work session. City Council Minutes October 28, 2002 Page 6 of 8 Motion by Szurek, second by Williams, to establish a joint work session meeting date of the City Council and Economic Development Authority for November 13, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. to review the industrial area plan. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Nawrocki asked when the budget hearing (Truth in Taxation) meeting was scheduled for. Muscovitz indicated December 2, 2002. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Report of the City Manager - Upcoming Work Session/Budget meeting a) Finance and Liquor budget review b) Summary of total budgets Fehst indicated that the Kemco Company, which had purchased leasing rights for the K-Mart building, has returned the rights to the general partnership. Fehst will meet with someone from that group to discuss possibilities for this 14 acre site. Report of the City Attorney -none GENERAL COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Minutes of Boards and Commissions · Meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority on September 17, 2002. · Meeting of the Economic Development Authority on September 17, 2002. · Meeting of the Public Library Board of Trustees on September 30, 2002 Peterson read the E-mail from Joyce and David Hegquist, residents of 26 years, who are moving from the city and wanted to pass on their compliments for our emergency staff and city staff for their helpfulness to them over the years. CITIZENS FORUM Dick Dustin, resident, listed his past involvement with the City, and indicated he opinion that Councilmembers should attend all meetings. The election is in a week and he stated his hope that candidates understand that attendance at more than two meetings a month are required. He indicated his sorrow at the death of Senator Wellstone. He encouraged everyone to vote. Adam Davis, resident, gave his background, and indicated he is a candidate for the House of Representatives in District 50A. He passed on his condolences to the families of the plane tragedy. Davis thanked Councilmember Szurek for her service to the City, and wished the Mayor and Councilmember Wyckoff good luck in the election. Nawrocki called for Point of Order, as this was a political presentation, which is not the point of the Citizens Forum. Davis concluded by asking everyone to vote. COUNCIL CORNER Nawrocki · Has received two complaints on the time it takes to receive a building inspection. The permit calls for 24 -hour notification. A permit holder had to wait fi.om Tuesday to Thursday afternoon. This is not acceptable. He asked again for more information on what the inspection contracting service would cost. Peterson stated that inspections are done on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays, with a 24 hour notification required. Fehst stated that we do footing inspections within 24 hours, and that the information requested was submitted to Council. Fehst stated how inspections would be scheduled. Gary Gorham, of the Fire Department, is also trained to do nominal inspections. Wyckoff stated the City Council Minutes October 28, 2002 Page 7 of 8 resident indicated 24 hours is acceptable, but wanted the contracted inspector's name. Kevin White. Fehst said is · Would like periodic reports on 1036-1037 Gould, so it does not take a year to get the property cleaned up. · Requested a tentative schedule on the fencing for Jackson Pond. · Disappointed there was not more budget information in the City Newsletter, and requested better information in layman's terms. · W¥ckoff Szurek Expressed concern about the City Budget, losing state aid money next year, and the possibility of missing payments from the State this December. He tries to distinguished needs from wishes. He referred to past instances where the city had to make cuts. Asked if the owner of 3733 3ra Street applied for a building permit. Fehst stated that he did so on the last day of the time limit. Requested follow up information from the assessment hearing. Represents the City on the Suburban Rate Authority and at their last meeting the City of Shakopee discussed their new fiber intemet partnership between the City, School District and the County. The New Brighton and Roseville City Managers spoke of their attempts to implement such a program. He will bring up this up at the Anoka County Elected Officials meeting tomorrow night. The Green Sheet referenced the 800 mghrt radio system and the check to see if it will work in our building. Indicated his pleasure that the Police Chief is doing these double checks. He referred to the City of Blaine purchasing a radio system that would not work outside the building. Practice what you preach and actions speak louder than words. Stated her sadness for the families of the plane crash and indicated her association with the family. Referred to the Minneapolis newspaper taste section regarding Mindy Kelly, who lives on Tyler Street, about types of tea. She would be interested in the Dr. Good building. Referred to Tom Ruehn of Columbia Heights, regarding Elm trees and referenced his web site. Complimented the look of the new benches at Keys Park, which were presented by the son of Leonard Keys. The municipal light behind the Dragon House has not been working. Hansen stated that is interconnected with the Central Avenue project and should be energized in about a week or two. Referenced Jean Kuehn's statement that yard waste would be collected through the end of November or until there is a plowable snow. Fehst stated that if leaves go into the storm sewer inlets they cause problems for us. City street sweepers are out every day. · Asked Hansen why the colored concrete on Central Avenue sidewalks is higher than the plain City Council Minutes October 28, 2002 Page 8 of 8 concrete. She has received comments about the difference from residents. Hansen explained the two separate pours of concrete to obtain this look, and is aware of areas that will need to be worked on in the spring. She stated it is not as pleasing as it could be. The trash receptacles look nice. · Regarding the Wellstone family tragedy: you don't know when you will pass away; value your family, relatives, and friends, and tell them everyday how you feel about them. · Make sure you vote, and exercise your rights. Williams Thanked the Mayor for his comments on the Wellstone family, and relayed his experience with Senator Wellstone. · Nawrocki Peterson Referred to tough choices with the Budget, such as lighting at the Library. He questioned how other cities can afford new city halls. He read quotes from Bits and Pieces. Example: One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives. When someone sings his own praises he always sings too high. Pray for the peace and prosperity of our city. Glad that we are a non-partisan city. A trash barrel by Parkview Villa, thought to be heavy duty, has received significant damage. Fehst also requested a trash barrel for 44th and Central and that it be emptied on a regular basis. Attended the annual Mayor's Conference. The Mayor of Worthington said they have an honorary Councilmember that serves for two months. The honorary member does everything the Mayor does, except has no voting power. It would give anyone insight into what goes on and felt it would be a marvelous idea. He asked that Council consider this idea. Reminded everyone of the Mayor's Holiday Kickoff Party on November 30th beginning with a 5:30 p.m. social hour, 7:00 p.m. dinner, and 8:00 p.m. entertainment at Murzyn Hall. Pam and Sherwin Linton and Cotton Kings are the entertainment and the dinner will be catered by Ollies. Last year $3,500 was raised for the Library Foundation. This year funds will be donated to the "Wheel Chairs for Peace" program and any funds donated will be matched by the foundation. Fehst stated that Sherwin Linton was featured in the last Northeaster. Fehst stated that on the aftemoon of November 30th there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony for the completion of the Central Avenue project. A time has not been set. · Don't take yourself too seriously; enjoy life, love your neighbor, and God bless. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Peterson adjourned thc meeting 9:17 p.m. Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk Proclamation "BUCKI,E UP OR PAY THE PRICE, Columbia Heights" November 21 - December 1, 2002 Whereas, the Columbia Heights Police Department and the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Office of Traffic Safety are participants and administrators of the Safe & Sober November Mobilization education and enforcement campaign, and committed to saving lives by increasing seat belt use and reducing the number of unnecessary traffic fatalities on Minnesota roads; and Whereas, more than two-thirds of traffic fatalities are attributed to seat belt non-use; and Whereas, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for children and young adults ages 1 to 33 and the leading cause ofquadriplegia and paraplegia; and Whereas, we recognize seat belts play an important role in saving lives, preventing injuries, and reducing insurance and health care costs; and Whereas, while Minnesota laws enforce seat belt use, all of us must do what we can to stress the importance of buckling up; and Whereas, the coordination of state and local efforts will enhance the overall efficiency and impact of this life-saving campaign; Now therefore be it resolved, that I, Mayor Gary L. Peterson, proclaim endorsement of the Safe & Sober November Mobilization and recognize the period of November 21 through December 1, 2002 as "Buckle Up or Pay the Price, City of Columbia Heights" and urges citizens to use this week to demonstrate and reaffirm our commitment to buckling up and arriving alive to our destinations. Be it further resolved, that I, Mayor Gary L. Peterson, encourage peace officers to increase public awareness of the risks associated with seat belt and child seat non-use and support the education and enforcement activity of the Safe & Sober November Mobilization. Mayor Gary L. Peterson City of Columbia Heights COLUMBIA HEIGHTS - CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: November 12, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: Consent ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER'S NO: ,.~ -/~ "~, Administration APPROVAL ._ ~ .~ ITEM: Canvas 2002 General Election BY: Walter R. Fehst BY: ~///~'(-~/ NO: DATE: November 7, 2002 DATE: Background: On November 5th, 2002 the City of Columbia Heights held a General Municipal Election for the purpose of electing a Mayor and two Council Members and deciding three Charter Amendment questions. There were 8,405 ballots cast in the election. Attached are the results of the election and Charter Amendment questions, and the resolution canvassing said election. Recommended Motion: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-66, there being ample copies available to the public. Move to Adopt Resolution No. 2002-66, being a Resolution Canvassing Municipal General Election Returns. COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION NO. 2002-66 CANVASSING MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION RETURNS WHEREAS, the City of Columbia Heights, did on the 5th day of November, 2002, conduct and hold a General Municipal Election for the purpose of electing a Mayor and two Council Members; and WHEREAS, the Columbia Heights Charter Commission included three Charter Amendment questions on the ballot; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights at a meeting of said Council held on the 12th day of November, 2002, did canvass the retums and results of said General Municipal Election; and WHEREAS, the following results were determined by said canvass of said General Municipal Election, to wit: TOTAL BALLOTS CAST IN ELECTION: 8,405 Valid Votes Cast for Mayor Valid Votes Cast for two 4-Year Council Seats Gary L. Peterson 3,808 Tammera Ericson 3,934 Julienne Wyckoff 4,002 Bruce Kelzenberg 3,558 Overvotes 1 Tom Ramsdell 2,212 Times Blank Voted 577 Joe Sturdevant 3,114 Undervotes n/a Overvotes 0 Write-Ins 17 Times Blank Voted 807 Undervotes 2,330 Write-ins 48 Charter Amendment Question Yes No No. 1 Administration of Police Department 2,939 4,651 No. 2 Reading of Ordinances 4,823 2,646 No. 3. City Manager Spending Authority 4,075 3,391 Blank Voted 815 936 939 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights, that Julienne Wyckoff is hereby elected Mayor, and that Tammera Ericson and Bruce Kelzenberg are hereby elected members of the City Council, assuming said offices on January 6, 2003; and that Charter Amendment question Number One (1) was defeated; and Charter Amendment questions Number Two (2) and Number Three (3) were approved and shall take effect on December 5, 2002. Passed this 12th day of November, 2002 Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Attest: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk Ow u_~ O~ ~'~ 0 0 C~ CD 0 ~0 CD CD CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 11/12/02 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: ,.,~/~ -5 PUBLIC WORKS/_,[ ITEM: AUTHORIZE THE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT BY: K. Hansen\~ BY: REPLACEMENT OF UNIT #18: FORD F350 4 X 4 ONE DATE: 11/5/02 ~~'~'~ ' '~ DATE: - / - TON DUMP TRUCK AND UNIT #18A: WESTERN 8'6" SNOW PLOW Background: City vehicle unit gl8 is a Ford F350 4x4 One Ton Dump Truck with a Western 8'6" Snow Plow. They were purchased in 1990, for $24,000 with a projected life expectancy of 12 years. This vehicle is powered by a gas engine and has recorded mileage of 57,216. It is used primarily for snow plowing alleys, parking lots, and dead end streets. Other uses include towing equipment trailers, hauling construction materials and debris. Unit # 18 has a history of mechanical problems that include poor braking, engine malfunction and overheating. Parts availability and delivery is also an issue. The Shop recently had to wait 3 weeks for a replacement crankshaft for the engine. The Shop Foreman has rated the mechanical condition of Unit #18 as poor and the body condition as fair. Vehicle maintenance and repair records indicate $10,898 has been spent on Unit g18 in the past 18 months. Unit gl8A snowplow has been repaired by welding numerous times. The Shop Foreman has rated its condition as poor. The 2002 budget has allocated $50,000 for the Capital Equipment Replacement of the one ton unit and plow. Analysis/Conclusions: The Public Works Budget has two heavy vehicle equipment replacements scheduled for replacement in 2002. Staff delayed requesting replacements of both vehicles for budgetary considerations and has further delayed one vehicle to the 2003 budget. Staff is requesting replacement of vehicle # 18 at this time due to condition and significant mechanical failures as identified above. Public Works staff has carefully reviewed past, current and projected use of Unit gl 8 with summary of those findings as follows: The gas engine lacks sufficient power to plow heavy snow. Replacement parts for the engine are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain. Existing Unit #18 has a GVW of only 11,000 lbs. When the vehicle is loaded or towing a loaded trailer the springs bottom out and stopping distances dramatically increase. The braking system has been repeatedly investigated and reconditioned by the Shop Foreman and the dealer. The conclusion reached was that the braking system was not properly designed for this vehicle, particularly when fully loaded. Unit gl8A snowplow is a light duty plow that has broken and been repaired numerous times. It has reached the point where it is more cost efficient to replace than repair. Staffrecommends replacement of Unit gl 8 with a Ford Super Duty 450 4x4 chassis equipped with 6.0L diesel engine, 9-foot construction box, and 9' heavy-duty snow plow. This vehicle has a GVW of 15,000 lbs. and would be better suited to handle current and projected needs. The 2002 State of Mirmesota purchasing contract for one tons has expired so staff prepared vehicle specs and obtained three bids. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 11/12/02 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: PUBLIC WORKS ITEM: AUTHORIZE THE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT BY: K. Hansen BY: REPLACEMENT OF UNIT glS: FORD F350 4 X 4 ONE DATE: 11/5/02 DATE: TON DUMP TRUCK AND UNIT gl8A: WESTERN 8'6" SNOW PLOW Cominued - Page 2 Informal Bids for (1) one, new, Ford Super Duty F450 4x4 chassis are as follows: Superior Ford $29,560 plus sales tax Plymouth, MN Nelson Ford $30,547 plus sales tax Fergus Falls, MN Boyer Ford $33,480 plus sales tax Minneapolis, MN Quotes for a dump box and snow plow package are as follows: $17,560 plus sales tax Truck Utilities St. Paul, MN J-Craft Kimball, MN $18,810 plus sales tax Staff estimates trade-in or auction value of Unit gl 8 with the snow plow: $3,500 to $5,000. Staff recommends disposing of Units gl 8 and gl 8A by auction to obtain the highest replacement value. Recommended Motion (1): Move to authorize the replacement of Unit g18, with one (1) new Ford Super Duty 450 4x4 chassis from Superior Ford, Plymouth, MN in the amount of $29,560, plus sales tax. Funding shall be from the Streets Capital Equipment Replacement Fund. Recommended Motion (2): Move to authorize the purchase dump box and snow plow package from Truck Utilities, St. Paul, MN in the amount of $17,560, plus sales tax. Funding shall be from the Streets Capital Equipment Replacement Fund. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 11/12/02 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: _~ -/~ - ~ PUBLIC WORKS . BROOM ATTACHMENT FOR THE TORO BY: K. Hanse BY GROUNDSMASTER DATE: 11/5/02~ DATE: Background: City vehicle unit #232 is a Toro Groundsmaster riding mower that was purchased in 2000, with the primary use of seasonal turf mowing operations. It is a versatile machine that has the ability for adding hydraulic attachments. A hydraulic broom attachment was not part of the original purchase but contemplated by staff to assist with sidewalk cleaning operations, primarily in the winter. With the completion of the Central Avenue Improvements, staff allocated $4,100 for the purchase of a hydraulic broom attachment in the 2003 Public Works Budget (which has not yet been adopted by the City Council). Staff is requesting the consideration of an early acquisition for the 2002/2003 winter season. Analysis/Conclusion: The purchase of the hydraulic broom attachment for the Groundsmaster has been delayed several years as staff was waiting the completion of the Central Avenue construction project. Public Works currently has one machine, the MT Trackless, that is broom equipped and has sufficient road speed to remove snow from designated sidewalks throughout the city. With the completion of the new construction, staff recognizes the likelihood of conducting additional snow removal operations on Central Avenue necessitating back-up for the MT Trackless, and delivering this service in a timely manner. It should also be noted that this broom attachment can be used for spring sweeping operations, but not as its primary use considering cutting grass. Staff recommends the early purchase of one (1) new hydraulic broom attachment for Unit #232 Toro Groundsmaster, available at 2002 Minnesota State Contract Pricing in the amount of $5,110, plus sales tax from MTI Distributing, Brooklyn Center, MN. Recommended Motion: Approve the purchase of one new ETEC 60" wide × 24" diameter hydraulic broom attachment for Toro Groundsmaster, Unit #232, from MTI Distributing, Brooklyn Center, MN at the 2002 Minnesota State Contract Price of $5,110, plus sales tax. Funding shall be from the City State-Aid Maintenance Account. Attachment: Photo COUNCIL ACTION: ADVANCED BROOM DESIGN Toro is pleased to mmounce the new Rotary Broom for the Toro Groundsmaster~* 300 Series tractors. The advanced design has several significant new features: ' Attaches/Detaches in rnk~utes with one person and no tools (if equipped with optional Quick Attac2~ kit), · Integrated broom head and tank design removes completely and easily from tractor. · Brash is closer to tractor for better maneuverability, · Unique broom lift design allows broom to raise while casters remain on ground for stable transport, - Narrower brash housing and drive width made possible by a unique hydraulic drive motor mount design* allowing operator to sweep closer to walls and other objects, · Edge rollers' allow operator to 9e~ closer to walls aud. arena boards without scuffing walls or damagn~g broom. · Large gauge wheels accurately follow ground contours and sigmficantly improve brush life, · High impac~ polyethylene brush cover resists dents and snow or dirt build-up. · Simple, durable design for minimal maintenance and a long ]ife~ MOrJ£L 30743 ................................... . riO' w}de x 24" dialneter 1l~4 x 62 cml broom h.atL gvailable Wilh f~y, wi~e or co¢itbmal~on. !iv~rauiic Onw F['O ~k'ea c~ose~ l~p - pump dhvect to d~v~ nlolor. Brash ~ngling Manuat ~ngling ~r g~ broem 30' to eiLEe~ s~de. Elec~r~ ~hanica] ~ctua~r evadable as opdolL C~er ~'&~s ~vo 8.5' x 2.5" {22 x 9 c~] robber wheels momIlefi o~ hei~h~ adj~te ~ste~ a~vw 4" ~0 emi ol ve~ti~ adjustment for b~ah, ' COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS TORO IS PROUD TO SUPPORT THE NATION'S TURF PROFESSIONALS WITH TOP QUALITY EQUIPMENT, SERVICE AND PARTS, Visit Toro on the World Wide Web at www. toro,com CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 11/12/02. AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: ~)~ ,/~ ~ ~' PUBLIC WORKS ITEM: LIGHTING REPLACEMENT AGREEMENT~///~"'/~'~~ WITH XCEL ENERGY FOR 67 METAL HALIDE LIGHTS BY: K. Hansen ~/~f_, BY: AT THE MSC, UNDER THE XCEL ENERGY Date: 11/6/02~ DATE: EFFICIENCY PROGRAM Background: Public Works has proposed multiple maintenance and renovation activities to the Municipal Service Center since 2000. Staffproposed combining all of the activities into a single project and began funding a MSC Building Renovation Plan in 2001. One of the Plan components was insufficient or low lighting on the main floor. This has been a complaint by staffand was observed and noted by the City Council at a tour of the facility on January 22nd, 1999. Staffproposed $10,000 in the 2000 Public Works budget and then continued to propose for lighting upgrades as part of the Municipal Service Center (MSC) Building Renovation Plan. Since that time, staffhas monitored various energy efficiency programs available through Xcel Energy, which would evaluate and possibly assist in funding specific improvements, with an eligilibility requirement of energy savings. Analysis/Conclusion: Xcel Energy's Energy Efficiency program provides incentives through rebates, low interest financing or a combination of both. In March of 2002, staff requested an audit of our main floor lighting to look at options available through Xcel and analyze the benefits of more energy efficient lighting (at no cost). The audit provided the following information: 1. Existing lighting provides a range of 9.1 to 25.4 foot-candles (fc) of luminance as measured at 4-foot heights above the shop floor, directly under the existing lights. Lighting directly under the windows at the shop bay areas measured 45.5 - 64.2 fc, but dropped off significantly away from the windows. Obviously, this measurement varies with daylight and is 0 at night. 2. The range of lighting as recommended' is 50 to 75 fc for a garage-service building. 3. New lighting would increase the existing luminance by a factor of 3 to 3.8. 4. New lighting would provide an average energy savings of 21.08 percent. 5. To replace all of the existing lighting with new pulse start lighting would provide a payback of 6.7 years. 6. Exel Energy would offer rebates totaling $3,120.00 for new lighting. 7. The total calculated project cost was $9,206. Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) The project requires no up front funding by the applicant but is paid back through the monthly electrical bills with £mancing provided by Xcel. The original program had a finance rate of 4.9% with a 60-month tenn. Staffreceived this information this spring and considered this an option. Xcel recently announced that projects completed by December 11t~, 2002 would receive an interest rate of 0.9% with the same tenn. Staff recently contacted Xcel to review the project and determined an incentive of $380 was offered, bringing the total project cost down to $8,826. Xcel also stated that projects do require pre-approval (through an audit) and programs and program qualifications will vary from year to year. Due to the low financing and a payback under 10 years, staff is requesting approval of the Xcel Energy Efficiency Program to improve the main floor lighting at the MSC building. Recommended Motion: Approve the replacement of 67 metal halide lights at the Municipal Service Center with a project cost of $8,826, under the Xcel Energy Efficiency Program. Attachment: Lighting Efficiency Program Guide Council Action: Lighting Efficiency Program .Bulrer's Guide Your Bottom LinesM Save substamial amounts on your ener~' charges by installing energy-efficient lighting in St, ur existing facilities or new construction. A successfifl lighting design meets the needs of the task taldng place and the conffort of the people in that area. The ch:tn below shows the r:mge of footcandles(k) recommendtxl by the Illuminating Engineering Socieb (lES) that has been ~idely accepted as the indust~' standard. J~]' '* '- '-~' I J, ,4ge of Dnployee: <40 40- 55 >55 3,]x,edatM/or accuraO, of k&vk: ,\bt important hn/wrtant CrithYd Commercial and institutional Dr;firing Higli Contr:tst 50 75 100 Low Contnk';t 100 150 2O0 Office Reading Collference roolll Corridor l.obbv Reslroom #3 penciV6pt ~pe Xerox/ink pen Conferring Viex~Jng ~pic:tl visual t~Ls ks Office Hotel Rcadin?~Vork Vkleo displ:ty tcrnlinal 50 75 100 2t} 30 50 20 31) 51) 20 30 5O 10 15 2O 10 15 21) 10 15 20 2O 3{) 50 10 15 21} 21) 3{) 50 School Classroom Laboraton. ¢;enend 20 30 51) Lmv Contr;tsl 51) 75 I00 50 75 I00 Industrial ,,~ Garage-Service Rep:firs 50 75 I00 Active travel areas 10 15 21) Machine Shop and :\ssembly area Medium benclVmachine 50 75 100 Fine bench/machine 200 3O0 %0 Warehouse Active rough bulkyitems 10 20 30 Active sm:dl items 20 3{} % Retail A_~ti_x it~ ..... Lox~ ___~l~e_d. i_t ?L l ligh_ Merchamlising 30 75 100 Circulation 10 20 30 Covered Pt~king Facilities l)av Night Gener:d parMng ami pedest~an 5 5 Entrance are:ks 50 ~ 3?mrce: Illuminating E/tgineer:~ g ~})cietr Qgbtit~g Ihoullymk 1987 *(}'ellera[~l- rise the tlliddle COJIiIIIII Or (l X'rite '. tll[llt'~ e. vc{~)[ It'll'il lhe Jmportaltce HRd age flu'tors in an area bolh fldl Dlto clx' ~wt e high or Iow rang~,. CITY COUNCIL LETTER lvieenn ~ oi: ~ovemoer IZ, ZUU/ AGENDA SECTION: A ORIGINATING DEPT:~ CITY MANAGER ITEM: SECURITY EQUIPMENT FOR BY: WILLIAM ECRITE BY: LIQUOR STORES DATE: 10/31/02 DATE: Staffis requesting authorization to seek proposals for a closed circuit camera security system for the liquor stores and an access control system for the doors. In essence, this is the same or a similar type of camera system and access control system that was installed at Parkview Villa last year. The cost for the system at Parkview Villawas $42,000. By seeking proposals for all three liquor stores we anticipate that we will see some significant cost savings. It is anticipated that we will be able to install a comparable system in each of the three liquor stores for a total price of approximately $50,000. Currently only liquor store #3 on University Avenue has a camera video system. This was installed approximately 3-4 years ago and it is a very marginal system with limited operation. The installation of new security cameras in the stores will accomplish two things. First, it will provide a higher level of security for the employees working there. Second, it should significantly aid us in reducing shoplifting and intemal theft. These systems make it very easy for management to pinpoint and identify shoplifters. They also make it significantly easier to monitor cashiers and determine if cashiers are correctly ringing all sales and correctly handling money and customer transactions. Through a reduction of shoplifting and internal employee theft, it is very foreseeable that the cost of this type of system could be recovered in 2-3 years. The equipment that is being proposed is fairly mobile and could be moved to a new liquor store location at a very minimal cost. Subsequently, staff is recommending that we seek proposals at this time, even though we are considering moving the liquor store in the next few years. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to authorize staffto seek proposals for a closed circuit camera security system and an access control system for the three liquor stores. WE:sms 0210311COUNCIL COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: November 12, 2002 AGENDA ORIGINATING CITY MANAGER SECTION: DEPARTMENT: APPROVAL NO: 5- g--~ Fire ITEM: Establish Heating Dates BY: Char lie Thompson BY: ~//~-~/ License Revocation, Rental Properties DATE: November 6, 2002 DATE: ~ v NO: Revocation or suspension of a license to operate a rental property within the City of Columbia Heights is requested against the following owners regarding their rental property for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Codes. 1. Lester Chics ................................................................... 980 44th Avenue NE 2. Abdul Rashid ................................................................ 4341 Tyler Place NE 3. Mohammed Khan ......................................................... 981 43-1/2 Avenue NE RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Establish a Hearing Date of November 25, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Lester Chics at 980 44th Avenue NE. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Establish a Heating Date of November 25, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Abdul Rashid at 4341 Tyler Place NE. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Establish a Hearing Date of November 25, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Mohammed Khan at 981 43-1/2 Avenue NE. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: November 12, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPT.: CITY MANAGER License Department APPROVAL ITEM: License Agenda BY: Shelley Hanson DATE: ~:. ,/4;~ NO: DATE: November 7, 2002 BY: BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached is the business license agenda for the November 12, 2002 City Council meeting. This agenda consists of applications for various contractor licenses for the calendar year 2002. Also included on the agenda are the renewals for calendar year 2003 that have been received and approved to date. These include renewals for fuel dispensing devices, motor vehicle sales, tobacco sales, Off Sale Beer, A Club Liquor license for the VFW, and a Secondhand Dealers for 2003. At the top of the license agenda you will notice a phrase stating *Signed Waiver Form Accompanied Application. This means that the data privacy form has been submitted as required. If not submitted, certain information cannot be released to the public. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for November 12, 2002 as presented, regarding the new licenses for 2002 and the renewals for 2003. COUNCIL ACTION: TO CITY COUNCIL November 12, 2002 *Signed Waiver Form Accompanied Application APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL 2002 BUSINESS LICENSE AGENDA CONTRACTORS *Plumbing Services Inc *Schadegg Mechanical LICENSED AT 2201 107th Ln, Blaine 225 Bridgepoint Dr, So St Paul FEES $50.00 $50.OO APPROVED BY ZONING FIRE POLICE POLICE POLICE POL, FIRE, BLDG 2003 BUSINESS LICENSE AGENDA MOTOR VEHICLE SALES *First Community Credit Union 843 40~AveNE FUEL DISPENSING DEVICES *Twin Cities Avanti/Oasis (16) 4001 University Ave NE TOBACCO/CIGARETTE SALES *Sama's Tobacco *Columbia Market 4329 Central Ave NE 4901 University Ave WINE/BEER LICENSE SECONDHAND DEALER *TVI Inc dba Savers *Salvation Army ARC OFF SALE BEER *Twin Cities Avanti/Oasis 4849 Central Ave 3929 Central Ave 4001 University Ave $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $100 $100 $150 POL, FIRE, BLDG CLUB LIQUOR *VFW #230 4446 Central Ave $500 license agenda COLUMBIA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPARTMENT DATE: November 4, 2002 TO: FROM: Shelley Hanson, License/Permit Clerk Thomas M. Johnson, Chief of Polic~) SUBJECT: Cigarette/Tobacco License for Holiday Station Stores The Columbia Heights Police Department has completed a background investigation of Mr. James Joseph Sama and Associates, d.b.a. Sama' Tobacco Stores, 4329 Central Avenue NE. Columbia Heights, Minnesota. Mr. Sama applied for a Cigarette/Tobacco License. The department has checked the criminal history of Mr. Sama, and we have checked our local files and with the law enforcement agencies in the jurisdictions where he has resided. We find nothing that would preclude them from being issued a Cigarette/Tobacco License. We did find that Mr. Sama and one of his Associates were charged for selling Tobacco products to a minor during one of our compliance checks in December of 2001. We give this information to the City Council only as information. It is the recommendation of the Police Department that a Cigarette/Tobacco License be issued to Sama' Tobacco Stores at 4329 Central Avenue NE. This approval would be contingent on all required insurances being current and in place and all taxes being current. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPARTMENT DATE: October 25, 2002 TO: FROM: Shelley Hanson, License/Permit Clerk Thomas M. Johnson, ChiefofPolice~X~ SUBJECT: Cigarette/Tobacco License for Columbia Market The Columbia Heights Police Department has completed a background investigation of Mr. Alawi A1Hamed and Associates, d.b.a. Columbia Market, 4901 University Avenue NE. Columbia Heights, Minnesota. Mr. AIHamed applied for a Cigarette/Tobacco License. The department has checked the criminal history of Mr. A1Hamed, and we have checked our local files and with the law enforcement agencies in the jurisdictions where he has resided. We find nothing that would preclude them from being issued a Cigarette/Tobacco License. It is the recommendation of the Police Department that a Cigarette/Tobacco License be issued to Columbia Market at 4901 University Avenue NE. This approval would be contingent on all required insurances being current and in place and all taxes being current. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPARTMENT DATE: October 14,2002 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Shelley Hanson, License/Permit Clerk Thomas M. Johnson, ChiefofPolic~k~ Off Sale 3.2 Beer License The Columbia Heights Police Department has completed a background investigation of Scott Lee Stevens, d.b.a. Twin Cities Avanti Stores/Oasis Market, 4001 University Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, Minnesota. Mr. Stevens has applied for an OffSale 3.2 beer license. The department has checked the criminal history of Mr. Stevens, and with the law enforcement agencies in the jurisdictions where he resides. We have also checked his Drivers License. We find nothing that would preclude him from being issued a liquor license. It is the recommendation of the Police Department that a Off Sale 3.2 Beer license be issued to Twin Cities Avanti Stores/Oasis Market. This license would be contingent on all required insurances being current and in place and all taxes being current. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPARTMENT DATE: November 4, 2002 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Ms. Shelley Hanson, License/Permit Clerk Thomas M. Johnson, ChiefofPolic~) Club On Sale Liquor License The Columbia Heights Police Department has completed a background investigation of Mr. Brace Gordon Nawrocki and Associates, d.b.a.V.F.W. Post #230, 4446 Central Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, Minnesota. Mr. Nawrocki applied for a Club on sale liquor license. The department has checked the criminal history of Mr. Nawrocki and his associates, we have checked our local files and with the law enforcement agencies in the jurisdictions where they have resided. We find nothing that would preclude them from being issued a liquor license. It is the recommendation of the Police Department that a renewal liquor license be issued to V.F.W. Post #230. This approval would be contingent on all required insurances being current and in place and all taxes being current. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT COUNCIL MEETING OF: STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF ANOKA CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Motion to approve payment of bills out of the proper funds, as listed in the attached check register covering Check Number / ~) 0 ~, ~ ~> through / ~0 ~/t~ in the amount of $ ], 37~ ~q. 5,2 . These checks have been examined and found to be legal charges against the CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, and are hereby, recommended for payment. ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 11/07/2002 15:46:09 Check History GL050S-V06.40 COVERPAGE GL540R * *** C 0 U N C I L *** * * *** C 0 U N C I L *** * * *** C 0 U N C I L *** * * *** C O U N C I L *** * Report Selection: Optional Report Title ....... 11/12/02 COUNCIL LISTING INCLUSIONS: Fund & Account .............. thru Check Date .................. Source Codes ................ Journal Entry Dates ......... Journal Entry Ids ........... Check Number ................ thru thru thru thru 100628 thru 100842 Project N .............. Vendor ...................... Invoice ..................... Purchase Order .............. Bank ........................ Voucher .................... Released Date ............... Cleared Date ................ thru thru thru thru thru thru thru thru Run Instructions: Jobq Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J COUNCIL 02 P4 N S 6 066 10 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/07/2002 15:46:11 FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION 101 GENERAL 201 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FLIN'D 203 PARKVIEW VILLA NORTH 204 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ALrfH 212 STATE AID MAINTENANCE 213 PARKVIEW VILLA SOUTH 225 CABLE TELEVISION 235 RENTAL HOUSING 240 LIBRkRY 250 COL HGHTS A~TER SCHOOL ENRI 270 DARE PROJECT 276 LOCAL LAW ENFORCE BLK GRANT 402 STATE AID CONSTRUCTION 415 CAPITAL IMPROV]hMENT - PIR 420 CAP IMPROVEMENT-DEVELOPMENT 601 WATER UTILITY 602 SEWER UTILITY 603 REFUSE FUND 604 STORM SEWER UTILITY 609 LIQUOR 701 CENTRAL GARAGE 720 DATA PROCESSING 883 CONTRIBUTED PROJECTS-GEN 885 ESCROW 887 FLEX BENEFIT TRUST 888 POLICE/FIRE CONT RESERVE TOTAL ALL FUNDS Check History DISBURSEMENTS 33,041.67 76.70 1,299.29 3.75 781.81 456.36 6,644.31 111.74 11,644.50 35.01 89.00 34.75 CR 644,036.66 26.02 334.40 75,102.66 1,110.09 70.00 866.13 275,361.22 9,889.97 943.15 59.20 242,099.63 7,864.80 61,896.00 1,373,809.32 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL060S-V06.40 RECAPPAGE GL540R BANK RECAP: BANK NAME ................................ BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT TOTAL ALL BANKS DISBURSEMENTS 1,373,809.32 1,373,809.32 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/07/2002 15 Check History 11/12/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 1 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BAN/{ CHECKING ACCOUNT AT & T CONSUMER LEASE BELLBOY BAR SUPPLY BELLBOY CORPORATION BLAKE/VIRGINIA BONESTEEL/PA~ BPd%DLEY REAL ESTATES INC CENTER POINT ENERGY MINN COCA-COLA BOTTLING MIDWE COLUMBIA HEIGHTS I DOWNING/CHRIS ELLIOTT/PATRICIA LOUISE FISCHER/TED FRITZ COMPANY INC GENUINE PARTS/NAPA AUTO GLIDDEN/KYLE THOMAS ~Om~N/G~RY GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC GRIGGS-COOPER & CO HANSON/MICHELLE JOHNSON BROS. LIQUOR CO. JOHNSON PAPER & SUPPLY C M~.TROC~L - ATT MESSAGIN MOELLER/K~N NEEDH~ DISTRIBUTING CO OFFICE DEPOT PAUSTIS & SONS PEPSI-COLA-7 UP PETTY CJ~H - JE~ ~D~S PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS QWEST CO~[t~NICATIONS THOMPSON/CHAP, LIE UNITED RF~f~S UNIVANCE - A¢CTS RECEIV WIN~SCHITL/K~.ITH WINE MERCH~S XCEL ENERGY (N S P) AFFINITY PLUS FEDERAL CR FIRST COMMUNITY CREDIT U HEALTH PARTNERS IC~4A RETIREMENT TRUST 45 JEFFERSON PILOT MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT ORCHk~D TRUST COMP~'~Z PERA PUBLIC MANAGERS ASSOCIAT 100628 47.82 100629 822.68 100630 4,742.18 100631 5.95 100632 18.97 100633 11,344.47 100634 1,364.30 100635 1,234.09 100636 4,520.46 100637 434.59 100638 29.94 100639 65.66 100640 9,022.16 100641 149.92 100642 3.99 100643 45.99 100644 464.00 100645 21,679.64 100646 105.00 100647 86,984.32 100648 184.36 100649 182.25 100650 91.32 100651 125.15 100652 545.75 100653 109.55 100654 839.50 100655 89.38 100656 79.63 100657 4,295.34 100658 13,643.76 100659 179.02 100660 365.90 100661 60.56 100662 43.87 100663 8.86 100664 326.50 100665 3,149.73 100666 400.00 100667 2,300.00 100668 55,226.55 100669 10,347.57 100670 619.65 100671 707.43 100672 7,065.50 100673 26,735.05 100674 40.00 ACS FINAMCIAL SYSTEM 11/07/2002 15 Check History 11/12/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 2 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT UNION 320 UNITED WAY VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER - WELLS FARGO - PAYROLL AC WI DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE BECKER/KELLY BELLBOY CORPORATION BRECKENITCH/LAURIE CH~J~HASSEM DINNER THEATR CHERNIN/ALEKSANDR COCA-COLA BOTTLING MIDWE COLUMBIA HEIGHTS VOLUNTE GENUINE PARTS/NAPA AUTO GORMAN/C~RY GRI~S-COOPER & CO JOHNSON BROS. LIQUOR CO. KUETHER DIST. CO. LAKE STATE REMODELERS LJ~RKIN/JOHN LEACH/BETH LEISDON/LOUIS LOADER/REBECCA MINNESOTA WINEGROWERS CO MOELLER/KAREN NELSON/BETTY PAUSTIS & SONS PEPSI-COLA-7 UP PETTY CASH - KAREN MOELL PETTY CASH - KELLY BECKE PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS PITNEY BOWES LOUISVILLE QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS QWEST DEX SAM'S CLUB STAGES THEATER COMPANY SWANT/ERIKA UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA VERIZON WIRELESS XCEL ENERGY (N S P) A-1 HYDRA~IC SALES & SE ABLE HOSE & RUBBER INC ACE HARDWARE ACME TYPEWRITER AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASS AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASS AMERIPRIDE ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC 100675 1,201.16 100676 39.00 100677 225.00 100678 144,767.91 100679 289.61 100680 35.01 100681 1,571.42 100682 184.16 100683 2,474.00 100684 56.35 100685 151.88 100686 61,896.00 100687 137.12 100688 19.53 100689 4,169.66 100690 13,112.51 100691 904.60 100692 83.25 100693 15.49 100694 44.00 100695 209.81 100696 59.20 100697 166.00 100698 124.11 100699 44.00 100700 168.76 100701 55.68 100702 99.07 100703 119.15 100704 904.50 100705 270.00 100706 5,807.15 100707 100.30 100708 169.76 100709 39.90 100710 7.99 100711 540.00 100712 269.60 100713 50.28 100714 72.80 100715 171.20 100716 140.06 100717 130.45 100718 112.00 100719 344.50 100720 70.07 100721 942.78 ACS FINANCIAL S¥S 11/07/2002 15 Check History 11/12/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 3 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT ANOKA COUNTY LIBRARY 100722 2,804.23 APACHE GROUP OF MN 100723 454.70 ARCTIC GLACIER 100724 190.76 ASPEN MILLS, INC. 100725 486.95 BAKER & TAYLOR CONT. SER 100726 222.46 BARBARA-LEONARD INC 100727 396.15 BARCODE DISCOUNT WAREHOU 100728 1,938.38 BARNES & NOBLE INC 100729 14.28 BATTERIES PLUS 100730 66.56 BAUER BUILT TIRE & BATTE 100731 70.00 BELLBOY S~ SUPPLY 100732 109.17 BIFF'S,INC. 100733 675.82 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS, INC 100734 130.49 BLOWERS/CAROLE 100735 42.74 BOYER TRUCK PARTS 100736 18.53 BROCK WHITE CO. 100737 1,858.21 BRODART 100738 131.59 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS, INC 100739 993.40 BUILDING FASTENERS 100740 13.28 CAMDEN PET HOSPITAL 100741 1,149.00 CANNON DIRECT 100742 82.00 CATCO PARTS SERVICE 100743 624.96 CHISAGO LAKES DISTRIBUTI 100744 2,053.05 CLARK PRODUCTS INC 100745 714.96 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS RENTAL 100746 10.80 CONNELLY INDUSTRIAL ELEC 100747 277.50 CREIGHTON BRADLEY GUZZET 100748 495.31 CYS UNIFORMS 100749 95.85 DALCO ENTERPRISES INC 100750 87.65 DAVIES WATER EQUIPMENT C 100751 213.70 DEMCO 100752 27.54 DOUGS ~ & APPLIANCE 100753 118.05 EARL F ANDERSEN INC 100754 681.81 EAST SIDE BEVERAGE CO 100755 26,036.00 ERLER & ASSOCIATE-PUBLIC 100756 450.00 EMBROIDERY & MORE 100757 175.64 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TEC 100758 89.26 ENCOMPASS 100759 104.00 FIRE INSTRUCTORS ASSN. 100760 566.30 FRIENDLY CHEVROLET GEO, 100761 1,085.27 G & K SERVICES 100762 226.69 GENUINE PARTS/NAPA AUTO 100763 242.33 GOODIN CO. 100764 1,095.21 GORMAN/GARY 100765 6.14 HACH COMPANY 100766 44.84 H~ST INTERIORS 100767 325.00 HASSAN SAND & GRAVEL 100768 405.45 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/07/2002 15 Check History 11/12/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 4 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT HEINRICH ENVELOPE CORP 100769 309.38 HOHENSTEINS INC 100770 3,382.25 HOME DEPOT ~2802 100771 132.63 HONEYWELL INC 100772 17,355.50 HOUCHEN BINDERY LTD 100773 160.50 IKON OFFICE SOLUTION 100774 136.00 INSTRUMENTAL RESEARCH IN 100775 126.40 INT'L SOCIETY OF FIRE SE 100776 75.00 INTEGRATED LOSS CONTROL 100777 602.00 INTERSTATE DETROIT DIESE 100778 913.35 IPC PRINTING 100779 235.33 KI]ETHER DIST. CO. 100780 33,409.75 LAKE SUPERIOR COLLEGE 100781 100.00 LITTER GITTER 100782 120.00 LUBES UNLIMITED 100783 245.85 LYLE SIGNS INC 100784 61.77 MACA 100785 30.00 MkRK VII DIST. 100786 10,654.48 MCCLELLAN SALES 100787 335.48 MCI WORLDCOM COMM SERVIC 100788 12.02 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 100789 253.58 METRO FIRE 100790 34.85 METRO WELDING SUPPLY 100791 1,334.18 METROCALL - ATT MESSAGIN 100792 14.60 MIDWAY FORD 100793 170.84 MINNEAPOLIS FINANCE DEPT 100794 67,575.04 MINNEAPOLIS SAW CO. 100795 125.46 MINNESOTA D.A.R.E.,INC 100796 89.00 MN DEPT OF ADMINISTRATIO 100797 37.00 MN GREEN EXPO 100798 165.00 MN RURAL WATER ASSOC 100799 175.00 MTI DIS~IBUTING 100800 49.05 MUNICIPAL SOF75~kRE COMPA 100801 6,149.00 NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMEN 100802 141.60 NORTHERN TRk~FIC SUPPLY 100803 105.97 O'GARA/ANDREW 100804 55.00 OFFICE DEPOT 100805 1,368.59 OMNI ROOFS INC 100806 69.00 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY 100807 209.80 ORKIN 100808 52.27 PAM OIL INC 100809 36.17 PARK SUPPLY INC 100810 203.67 PATTON IND. PRODUCTS 100811 21.75 PC SOLUTIONS 100812 822.02 PEPSI-COLA-7 UP 100813 62.00 PROQUEST INFORMATION -LE 100814 3,365.25 R R BOWl{ER 100815 482.84 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/07/2002 15 Check History 11/12/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 5 BANK ~7_2~DOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT REX) EQUIPMENT 100816 2,939.40 RESOURCE DOCUMENTS & ADV 100817 376.39 SAM GIBSON SEWER COMPANY 100818 113.00 STREICHER'S GUN'S INC/DO 100819 962.29 SUN PUBLICATION 100820 396.00 SYSTEMS SUPPLY INC. 100821 794.46 TASER INTERNATIONAL 100822 195.00 TECHIFAX BUSINESS SYSTEM 100823 10.00 TELEPHONE ANSWERING CENT 100824 147.20 THOMAS ~ SONS CONSTRUC 100825 644,036.66 TKDA 100826 423.00 TRUGREEN CNE]%LAWN 100827 138.45 TWIN CITY C~RAGE DOOR CO 100828 76.00 UNITED RENTALS 100829 690.63 UNITED RENTALS 100830 21.30 US FILTER/WATER PRO 100831 3,291.47 VAN-O-LITE 100832 467.80 VECTOR INTERNET SERVICES 100833 150.00 VERIZON WIRELESS 100834 121.71 VOSS LIGHTING 100835 83.11 WERNER ELECTRIC SUPPLY C 100836 31.66 WINGFOOT COMMERCIAL TIRE 100837 105.29 WINNER TOBACCO WHOLESALE 100838 4,695.00 WOLF CAMERA 100839 26.02 WW GRAINGER,INC 100840 248.80 ZIEGLER INC 100841 152.41 9-1-1 MAGAZINE 100842 32.95 1,373,809.32 *** ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/07/2002 15 Check History 11/12/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 6 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT REPORT TOTALS: 1,373,809.32 RECORDS PRINTED - 001127 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meetin of: November 12. 2007 AGENDA SECTION: Other Business ORIGINATING DEPT.: CITY MANAGER NO: -'~ ~-. [ Coati, Development ~PROV~ ~EM: ~oposed Sale of 325 Su~it S~t~ BY: Tim Jonson ~ BYf~f~ NO: DATE: November 6, 2002 Issue Statement: A request to authorize staff to continue pursuing the necessary steps to sell the property at 325 Summit Street NE. Bacl~round: The City Council formerly purchased the property at 325 Summit Street and closed on the property in April 2002. Recently the City Council authorized staff to sell the property through a bidding process. The bidding process was completed by October 16, 2002, whereby staff showed the house to 13 interested parties but only received one bid for $135,000, short of the minimum bid price of $146,500. The interested bidder is pre-qualified, but has indicated that he would use the property for rental purposes initially, and then potentially move in at a later date. Analysis: The proposed sale of 325 Summit Street NE will allow for the City to put this single-family home back on the market and allow for a residential homeowner to occupy the home in the near future. The city has already completed the lot split for this property which will help with the potential vacation of Lookout Place and reconfiguration of adjacent parcels for future redevelopment purposes. Since the bidding process, staff consulted with several realtors who indicated that the sale price established by the City Council was consistent with the market. However, the City Council directed staff at its last meeting to work toward a reasonable agreement for the sale of the property to Mr. Gondek. Staff recently met with Mr. Gondek, who offered $137,000 for the property. Recommendation: The City Council gave staff authorization to sell the property through a bidding process, and received one bid for less than the minimum bid price. The City Council recently rejected the lone bid for $135,000, and asked staff to negotiate with Mr. Gondek for a reasonable sales price for the property. Recommended Motions: Move to accept the offer of $137,000 from Mike Gondek for the property at 325 Summit Street NE. Alternative Motion: Move to reject the offer of $137,000 from Mike Gondek for the property at 325 Summit Street NE, and to authorize staffto: · Post the listing on the MLS; and · Increase the minimum bid price to $150,000. Attachments: Bid submitted; Map 0,/'325 Summit Street; COUNCIL ACTION: BID PROPOSAL FOR The purchase of a single-family residential home and property located at 325 Summit Street NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Bids must be typed or prepared in ink. Bids must be signed in ink. All erasures or changes must be initialed. Bids must be received no later than stated in the advertisement of bids. Bidder information The property is scheduled for open house showings as follows: · October 2, 2002, from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm · October 6, 2002, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm · October 9, 2002, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Bidder: Address Telephone Bid Price: Minimum bid price has been established at $146,500 My bid for the property located at 325 Summit Street N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421, in accordance with the advertisement for bids, is in the of ($.//L~,.~,O00 o.,, ). Dollars Intended use of the property: All bidding requirements as outlined in the bid documents are understood and have been complied with, to include all necessary financial securities. Signature of bidder Bid calculations on the property located at 325 Summit Street NE, Columbia Heights 15-Oct-02 Forsythe Appraised Value $130,000.00 My deal with son of previous owner My appraisal of the negative affect of loosing the 3/4 of the front yard Total of my Bid $138,000.00 -3,000.00 $135,000.00 O/~tral Office / 2j129 Central Avenue NE ~ ~inneapolis, MN 55418 ~-~.~612-316-354.5 612-316-3550 Fax October 17, 2002 To: Whom it may Concern. Re: Michael D Oondek This letter is to iJJform you that Michael D ,3ondek is pre-approved ~:y Wells Fargo Hotne Mortgage Inc. tc, purchase the property located at 325 S'.,mmit St:, :c, Columbia Heights, MN. 55421 for $135,000.00 and a mortgage 'Jmount of $105,000.00. :his pre-approval is subject to receipt of an acceptable appraisal and marketable titl,~. If you have any questions, please ca~! me at (612) .-; 16-3549. Horc. e Mortgage Consultar,'c Wells Fargo Home Mortgage 20101927 Providing Ottalit..y AppraisaIs for Busy Zen ders DATA SUMMARY Client: Borrower: Castle Distributing 334 40th Avenue Northeast Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Gondek, Mike Address: 325 Summit Street North East Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Value: $130,000 Date: February 11, 2002 Appraiser: Michael Annunziata, Registered Real Prop Client File: 20101927 APPRAISALS, INC. I IIEREBY CERTIFY IIIAT llllS SURVEY. PLNq OR REPORT VAS PREPARED DY ME OR 'I.I~ER MY DIRECT SUPERVISI~ N~ llIAI I ~ A ~Y LIC~NSEI) LAND S~IVEYOI1 ~EI! Russell J. Kurlh. L.L.S. No. 18113 i i' I ~,,~ i il,, t,Y i' 0 U i~, V J5 tMEASUI?EMENI'$ SlIOFN IN FEEt ANO DECIMALS OF A FOOF) 0 LO I---w I SCAL. E IN FEET I~.l, Jl~/I I ~J~.,ttpLill~), il'v. 4002 JEFFERSON ST. I,I.E. £OL~ I EIOIIIS. kiN. (6121 788-9'169 FAX {61}) 788-7602 o -- I ROI',I MONUMEH r · "- '~ " l:Oot-ID t · -I ':5 .o '-' - - -14 .g - ! I \ ° / ,Ix PROPOSED DESCRIPTION OF TRACT A Lot 18 & that part of Lot 17, Block 68, Columbia Heights Annex to Minneapolis, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of the following described "Line 1" and southeasterly of the following described "Line 2". PROPOSED DESCRIPTION OF TRACT B Lot 16 & that part of Lot 17, Block 68, Columbia Heights Annex to Minneapolis, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying southwesterly of the following described "Line I" and northwesterly of the following described "Line 2". "LINE 1" Beginuing at a point ou the south line of said Lot I 7, distant 21.00 feet westerly of the southeast comer; thence northwesterly to a point, on the west line, said point being 100.00 feet southerly of tho northwest comer and there terminate. "LINE 2" Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 17, distant 10.00 feet easterly of the northwest cOmer; thence southwesterly to a point on the west line, said point being 10.00 feet southerly of the northwest comer and there terminate. I THE MINUTES OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION FROM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2002 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Dennis Stroik, Chairperson. ROLL CALL: Commission Members: Dennis Stroik, Dave Mahoney, Reuben Ruen, and Brad Council Representative: City Representative: Legal Counsel: AT & T Broadband Rep: Peterson Bruce Nawrocki Linda Magee Stephen Guzzetta Kathi Don_nelly-Cohen APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Reuben Ruen, second by Brad Peterson, to approve the minutes from the meeting of July 18, 2002. All ayes. OLD BUSINESS A. Channel Check Everything was ok. B. Correspondence Log and Complaint Follow Up. Complaint by William Proft, 999 41st Ave-He questioned a $15 overcharge on his bill and a $4.99 increase in the digital package he subscribes to. A copy of the letter Kathi Donnelly-Cohen sent him was enclosed in the agenda packet. It explains that his bill was itemized rather than given the package discount for the Digital Bronze Service and a copy of the notice for the increase to this package and his converter was also included. LeAnn Anderson-941 42 ½ Ave-She had moved the end of July and the landlord tapped into her system and would not allow access for removal of the equipment. AT & T has since terminated service and as soon as she returns the cable modem her account will be credited for all charges since her vacating the premise. Bruce Ordway-He faxed over several comments which were forwarded to Kathi Dormelly-Cohen. He complained about the TV Guide channel and the mount of advertising on it. He also complained that his signal quality was poor and questioned Pay Per View movie orders for more than one television in the home. Kathi addressed all of his concerns and explained that Pay Per View movies can be ordered on more than one tv for a single charge, but must be done through the remote control for each tv set. TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 17, 2002 PAGE 2 C. Status of Cease and Desist Order to AT & T Steve Guzzetta reported that an agreement had been reached on new arbitration language to our legal counsel's satisfaction. Therefore, the Cease and Desist Order to AT & T can be withdrawn by the City Council. Motion by Dennis, second by Brad to recommend the City Council withdraw the Cease and Desist Order to AT & T as the issue has been resolved. D. AT & T's Current Reporting of Telephone Statistics This issue is still of concem to Cable Administrators and is still being discussed at their meetings. Steve Guzzetta will report back if anything is decided on this issue. E. Proof of Performance Testing Notice of the Performance Testing that took place in August was included in the packet for informational purposes only. F. Franchise Fee Payment for 2nd Quarter 2002 A copy of the fi'anchise fees received for 2nd Quarter 2002 were enclosed in the agenda packets. G. Internet Tiered Packages Beginning August 1, 2002 A copy of the letter notifying the City that a new package had been added to Internet Service subscribers was enclosed in the packets. In addition to ChoiceLink, the previously offered package, UltraLink was added effective August 1st. This service offers much faster connection and downloading speed capabilities than ChoiceLink at a higher price. One advantage of these services over AOL is that subscribers do not need an additional phone line as they do with AOL. H. Analog Music Choice no Longer Available after September 9, 2002 As of September 9, 2002, Music Choice is no longer offered as an a la carte option on analog video service. Subscribers have the option to purchase DMX as part of the digital format. I. Old Business There was no other new business. TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 17, 2002 PAGE 3 NEW BUSINESS A. Rate Regulation Options In August Creighton Bradley & Guzzetta, LLC prepared a memorandum for its AT & T Broadband clients outlining 5 options they could select fi:om to deal with AT & T's pending rate filing. Since it does not appear that a sufficient number of clients are willing to underwrite the cost of an extensive rate review, CBG believes Options C & D strike the best balance between cost, risk, and preservation of rights. The following is a brief summary of each option: a. Do nothing-Let the company raise rates and we would have no rights to go back and review figures or order action. b. We could de-certify-We would not be able to regulate rates and the company would have the fight to do as it wished. Even though we currently don't have many rights, we shouldn't give up the ones that we do have. And any changes to laws could have an impact on our rights in the future, thus we should preserve them. c. Perform no review and issue a Rate Order preserving our fights-We could forego a substantive review of the Forms 1240 and 1205 filed in March 2002 and issue a rate order that neither approves or disapproves the proposed rate, but reserves any rights we may have going forward. Such an order would have to be adopted within the 12 month review period provided under the FCC's rate regulation rules. This is the option Steve recommends we take. d. Perform an abbreviated review to determine if the 2001-2002 settlement has been properly implemented-We could review forms to determine if the settlement rates were used in the March 2002 Forms 1240 and 1205, and the rates were calculated and implemented consistent with the settlement agreement as set forth in our last rate orders. Steve had forwarded a letter and some information to Ashpaugh and he didn't see anything that sent up a red flag, so he doesn't feel we should necessarily pursue this option. e. Full blown rate review-This would allow us to examine the figures closely, and the rules established by the FCC. This would be costly and is best done as a large group to share expenses. After some discussion, it was decided that Option "C" seemed to be the best course to take. Motion by Brad, second by Dave to recommend the City Council adopt a Rate Order that preserves our rights and allows for future action if deemed necessary. AH Ayes. MOTION PASSED. B. Customer Service Notice being Mailed to Subscribers Copies of the notices being mailed out to subscribers were enclosed in the agenda packets. C. MACTA Connections Publication for Fall 2002 A copy of the newsletter was enclosed in the agenda packets for the commission members to review. Linda will check on the mailing list for MACTA to see that commission members receive these newsletters directly. TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 17, 2002 PAGE 4 Do REPORTS A. Bo Other New Business Bruce Nawrocki reiterated his position that Channels 15 & 16 (Access Channels) should be combined as programming on the two is often times duplicated. He feels subscribers should not be paying for two access channels when one would serve the needs of the community. As the budget is being considered at this time, he felt it was appropriate to discuss the possibility of combining them now. Bruce then went on to report that he had recently attended a meeting of the Suburban Rate Authority in Shakopee where he learned that Shakopee had installed a Fiber Optic 1-Net Connection shared by the City, School District, and Local Businesses. They worked closely with the Shakopee Public Utility Co. and this connection provides them with hi speed data and telephone service which Time Warner was not willing to provide. The person who spearheaded this project will be writing an article about this joint venture for the NATOA Newsletter. Linda will see that the commission members receive a copy. It was noted that this issue will probably be addressed during our upcoming renewal process. Report of Commissioners Education-Dennis reported that a Candidate Forum for those nmning for School Board was taped and is being broadcast on the School Access Channel 18. He encouraged everyone to take the time to view it. He also stated that they have a new character generator system that provides the messaging on the channel and that it is greatly improved. Government- It was noted that the local candidates nmning for City Offices were being taped in a Forum sponsored by the League of Women Voters. This also will be re- broadcast on Channel 16. Library-Nothing to report Public-Nothing to report Report of AT & T Broadband- Kathi reviewed the reports and answered questions for July, August, and September 2002. It was noted the renewal process will begin three years prior to the expiration of the current franchise which is November 9, 2006. Kathi also reported the merger is moving forward and AT & T Comcast has received the IRS Tax Ruling. They are still waiting for the FCC to take necessary action. Report of the Cable Attorney The FCC held a Public Forum on Right of Way Issues. One of the topics discussed was that connection to broadband is not being implemented as fast as expected. If interested, you can download the discussion and high points of the meeting from the internet. ECO Star and Direct TV's merger has been rejected by the FCC as it would create a monopoly and could adversely affect subscribers especially in rural areas where cable is not yet available as an alternative choice. The Court Case of Charter vs. Santa Cruz which had bad implications for Cities holding franchises, was reversed in District Court. Steve will keep us informed of new developments regarding this. TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 17, 2002 PAGE 5 Do Motion by Dave, second by Brad, to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 pm. Report of the Assistant to the City Manager Linda reported the City has received a check from AT & T for the expenses incurred during the transfer process. All ayes. Respectfully submitted, Shelley Hanson Secretary THESE MINUTES HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED City of Columbia Heights Park and Recreation Commission October 23, 2002 The meeting was called to order by Eileen Evans at 6:01 p.m. ROLL CALL Members present: Members absent: Eileen Evans; Jerry Foss; Tom Greenhalgh; Matthew Henry; David Payne; Bill Peterson; Gary Peterson; Keith Windschitl, Recreation Director Gary Mayer; Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director/City Engineer Also present: Stacy Gilliver and father APPROVAL CONSENT AGENDA: Motion to approve consent agenda by Foss; second by Bill Peterson. All ayes, motion carried. INTRODUCTIONS, LETTERS AND REQUESTS: INTRODUCTION OF NEW PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEMBERS, MATTHEW HENRY AND DAVD PAYNE Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, introduced to the Commission the two new Park and Recreation Commission Members, Matthew Henry and David Payne. Both have children that attend Columbia Heights Public Schools and are residents of Columbia Heights. REQUEST FOR HALL DEPOSIT TO BE RETURNED Coon Rapids resident, Stacy Gilliver, was present to request that her $500 deposit be refunded for her May 17, 2003 wedding rental. Motion by Greenhalgh, second by Foss to refund the deposit of $500 when the May 17, 2003 date is re-rented. All ayes, motion carded. Motion by Greenhalgh, second by Foss to rewrite the policy to refund any deposits for rentals if that specific date is re-rented. All ayes, motion carried. PAGE TWO OLD BUSINESS: RECREATION AND MURZYN HALL BUDGET FOR 2003 Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, briefly discussed the recreation and Murzyn Hall budget for 2003. He indicated that the 2003 budget has had minimal increases, which are mostly due to personal services, step increases and utility increases. The budget meeting with the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the Gauvitte room. MURZYN HALL SIGN Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, discussed and passed out several handouts with various options for a Murzyn Hall sign. He has approached the Columbia Heights Lion's Club to see if they were willing to purchase the sign, which will allow them to be recognized on the sign. The Columbia Heights Lion's Club is willing to purchase the sign and would like to pay for it in two payments, one this winter and one next spring. Commission Member, Matthew Henry, asked if it was possible to get a digital sign. Due to the increase in cost in going from the standard sign to a digital sign, it would not be feasible. Mayor, Gary Peterson, is requesting that Keith inquire how much more money it would be to get a longer pole for the sign over using the existing pole that is already outside of Murzyn Hall. This item will be put back on the agenda for the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS: WINTER SKATING OPERATIONS Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, handed out to the Commission a memo drafted by the Public Works department regarding possible closure of specific skating rinks. Due to the 2002 Public Works budget considerations and lack of usage, they are looking at reducing the number of rinks open for the 2002/2003 winter skating season. This was done for the 2001/2002 skating season as a cost saving effort. The requested skating rinks for closure are Gauvitte, LaBelle, and Hilltop. Motion by B. Peterson, second by Greenhalgh to close LaBelle and Hilltop rinks, close Ramsdell rink and reopen if we receive many complaints, and to keep Gauvitte skating rink open. All ayes, motion carried. PAGE THREE REPORTS RECREATION DIRECTOR THREE RIVERS PARK DISTRICT Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, reported to the Commission that the Three Rivers Park District would be having an open house of the recently purchased Salvation Army Camp on October 30, 2002. From 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. there will be a tour of the grounds, and from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. the open house will be at St. Anthony City Hall. The question was raised on whether or not it would be beneficial to attach the Columbia Heights portion of Silver Lake Beach to the Salvation Army Camp. This matter will be looked into in future months. Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, reminded Commission Members, Matthew Henry and David Payne about the City Council meeting on Monday, October 28, 2002 where they would be introduced at 7:00 p.m. COMMISSION MEMBERS BOOSTER'S HALLOWEEN DANCE Commission Member, David Payne, stated that the Booster's Halloween Dance was poorly advertised, as he had just received the information that day. The dance will be held at Murzyn Hall on Saturday, October 26, 2002. HOLIDAY PARK AND RECREATION MEETINGS Commission Member, Jerry Foss, inquired about changing the November and December 2002 meetings due to the holidays. Commission members agreed on combining the November and December meeting for the holiday meeting to be held on either December 4th or December 11th at Little Jacks. Motion by B. Peterson, second by Greenhalgh to combine the November and December meetings to have one meeting either December 4th or December 11th, 2002 as a holiday Park and Recreation Commission meeting. All ayes, motion carried. HUSET PARK MASTER PLAN Commission Member, Tom Greenhalgh, asked if anything has happened with the Huset Park Master Plan. He was informed that the plan is on hold in order to be in conjunction with the Industrial Plan. PAGE FOUR ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Tina Foss, Park and Recreation Commission Secretary OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS COLUMBIA HEIGHTS TRAFFIC COMMISSION NOVEMBER 4, 2002 q A-3 The meeting of the Traffic Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Commissioner Goodman. I. ROLL CALL II. Members Present: Staff Present: Anderson, Carlson, Goodman, Stumpf, Sturdevant Kathyjean Young, Assistant City Engineer Tom Johnson, Police Chief APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 4, 2002 MINUTES Motion by Goodman, second by Stumpf, to approve the minutes of the September 4, 2002 meeting. Motion carded unanimously. III. OLD BUSINESS IV. None. OTHER OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST TO INSTALL HANDICAP PARKING SIGN AT 4044 JEFFERSON STREET Ms. Janet Gould of 4044 Jefferson Street has requested a loading and unloading sign in front of her house. She is physically impaired and goes to therapy three times a week using the Metro Mobility Van to be picked up and returned to her home. As the west side of Jefferson Street is designated as "No Parking", discussion centered on how to accommodate Ms. Gould's request. Police Chief Johnson stated that it would not be a good idea to allow a loading and unloading area as southbound traffic on Jefferson Street would not be expecting a vehicle to stop along Jefferson Street. It also could set a precedence for other requests for similar signage throughout the City. A handicap parking sign across the street from her house on the east side would not solve the problem as she would have further to walk and could not easily cross the street. Ms. Gould does have alley access and it was suggested that she contact the Metro Mobility Van that picks her up, to see if they would stop in the alley for her rather than in front of her house. By City Ordinance a vehicle may stop in the alley way for loading and unloading. It was suggested that if she needed a ramp installed at the back of her house she could contact Community Development or the Lions Club for assistance. Official Proceedings Columbia Heights Traffic Commission November 4, 2002 Staff also suggested the possibility of a parking pad for her at the front of her house and would check with the City Planner to see if this would be feasible. Commission members felt this could be dangerous backing out onto Jefferson Street. Motion by Sturdevant, second by Anderson, to deny the request to install a loading and unloading sign at 4044 Jefferson Street. Motion carried unanimously. Chairperson Carlson indicated he would contact Ms. Gould in a few weeks to see if the Metro Mobility arrangement for picking her up in the alley was working out okay. B. REQUEST TO RESTRICT PARKING ON CENTRAL AVENUE Ms. Nancy Ebner owns the Michael Anthony Hair Salon business at 3928 Central Avenue. The stated concern is that the tenants in the apartment building to the north at 3932 Central Avenue park in the street instead of behind the building. Ms. Ebner believes this has a negative impact on her business for availability of parking spaces for clientele. Police Chief Johnson indicated he has already spoken with AACAP about the on-street parking and the use of the parking lot behind the building. The Police Department will also be enforcing the six-hour parking restriction. Police Chief Johnson will update the Commission at the December meeting. The Central Avenue construction should be near completion by the end of December. Staff reviewed parking limitation signage that was posted prior to the Central Avenue construction and suggested that the Traffic Commission discuss appropriate parking restrictions on Central Avenue from 37th Avenue to 43rd Avenue at the February meeting. At that time, a Public Hearing could be called for March. Commission members suggested a letter be sent to business owners along the west side of Central Avenue to get opinions on what, if any, the parking restrictions (30 minute, one hour, two hour) should be in front of their businesses. There is no parking on the east side of Central Avenue. Staff will report results from the business owners at the December meeting. VI. OTHER NEW BUSINESS None. Official Proceedings Columbia Heights Traffic Commission November 4, 2002 VII. VIII. REPORTS A. CITY ENGINEER A request was received for a handicap parking sign to be installed at 4145 Jefferson Street on October 16, 2002. The sign has been installed. B. POLICE CHIEF C. COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Goodman asked staff to review the area of 42"d Avenue and Polk Street. He suggested a Yield sign be placed at 42nd Avenue and asked Police Chief Johnson to review accidents in this area. Several visibility areas were also mentioned and staff was asked to have them looked at for possible visibility violations. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Goodman, second by Sturdevant, to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Jo~'nne Baker Traffic Commission Secretary