HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 28, 2002 RegularCITY OF OOLUMBIA HEIGHTS 590 40th Avenue N.E.. Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 (763) 706-3600 TDD (763) 706-3692 Visit Our Website at: www. ci. cohonbia-heights, mn. us ADMINIS TRA TION October 25, 2002 Gary L. Peterson Councilmembers Marlaine Szurek Julienne Wyckoff Bruce Nawrocla Robert .4. Williams City Manager Walter R. Fehst The following is the agenda for the regular meeting of the City Council to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, October 28, 2002 in the City !Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, Minnesota. The City of Columbia Heights d~es not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, progVams, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for disabled persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the Deputy City Clerk at 763-706-3611, to make arrangements~ (TDD/706-3692 for deaf or hearing impaired only) Invocation: Pastor David BrilCy, Oak Hill 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIA~qCE e ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO MEETING AGENDA (The Council, upon majority vote of its members, may make additions and deletions to the agenda. These may be items brought to tke attention of the Council under the Citizen Forum or items submitted after the agenda preparation deadliqe.) PROCLAMATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND GUESTS A) Proclamations B) Presentations C) Introductions l) Matthew Hem'y and David Payne - Park and Recreation Commission (Two year terms to expire April 2004) D) Recognition CONSENT AGENDA (These items are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted as part of the Consent Agenda by one motion. Items removed from consent agenda approval will be taken up as the next order of business.) A) MOTION: Move to approve the Consent Agenda items as follows: 1) Minutes for ApproVal October 14. 2002 regular meeting and October 15 Special Assessment Levy Hearing a) MOTION: MoVe to approve the minutes of the October 14, 2002, regular City Council meeting as presented. b) MOTION: Move to approve the minutes of the October 15, 2002 Special Assessment Levy Hearing as presented. 2) Authorize purchase bf one Star/Tribune subscription on microfilm. MOTION: Move to iauthorize purchase of one subscription to the Star/Tribune on microfilm for 2003 from the authorized, proprietary company producing it for the cost of $3,365.25. Tile CiTY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS [~)OES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES [~QUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER City Council Agenda October 28, 2002 Page 2 of 3 3) Adopt Resolution No. 2002-65, being a resolution changing Council meetings dates in November and December 2002. MOTION: Move 4o waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-65, there being ample copies available to the pUblic. MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution 2002-65, being a resolution changing the dates of City of Columbia HeightS[regular City Council meetings in November and December 2002. 4) Authorize Change!Order #1 and final payment for Miscellaneous Concrete Project 2000-00. MOTION: Move to authorize Contract Change Order No. 1 for additional work added to the contract by the City to Ti-Zack Concrete, Inc. in the amount of $8,399.10 with funding out of the appropriate funds. 5) 6) MOTION: Move t6 accept the work for 2000 Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs and Installations, City I · Project #2000-00 and authorize final payment of $250.00 to Ti-Zack Concrete, Inc. of Lc Center, Minnesota. Award of Bid for Street Decorations - Removed and placed under bid considerations Authorize Bonding fOr Public Improvements MOTION: Move tp authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement with Ehlers & Associates Inc. tO prepare bond documents for the $3.4 million bond issue and to have Ehlers & Associates Inc. evaluate the legal and financial feasibility of refunding the 1990 CAB bonds and prepare bond documents. 7) Approve Premises permit Application Class B Gambling License for the Columbia Heights Athletic Booster Club MOTION: Move to direct the City Manager to forward a letter to the State Charitable Gambling Control Board stating that the City of Columbia Heights has no objection to the issuance of a Class B charitable gambling license for Columbia Heights Athletic Boosters Club to be conducted at the 500 Club, 500 40 Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, MN; and furthermore, that the City Council hereby waives the remainder of the sixty-day notice to the local goveming body. 8) Approve Business License Applications MOTION: Move tO approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for October 28, 2002 as presented, regarding the new licenses for 2002 and renewals for 2003. 9) Approve Payment Of Bills MOTION: Move t6 approve payment of the bills out of the proper funds as listed in the attached check register covering Check Number 100402 through 100627 in the amount of $754,037.80. PUBLIC HEARINGS - nOne ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION A) Other Ordinances and Resolutions B) Bid Considerations 1) Award of Bid for Central Avenue Holiday Banners and Holiday Decorations MOTION: Move to accept the bids and award a contract for 45 holiday banners and 45 lighted decorations to in an amount not-to-exceed $16,500 not including tax; and, authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same with project funding fi:om g402-59912-2171. City Council Agenda October 28, 2002 Page 3 of 3 ge e 10. C) Other Business 1) Proposed sale of 325 Summit Street NE MOTION: Move Io reject the lone bid received for 325 Summit Street NE for $135,000, and to authorize staffto: I · Post th~ listing on the MLS; and · Increase the minimum bid price to $150,000 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A) Report of the City Manager 1) Upcoming Work Session/Budget meeting a) Finance and Liquor budget review b) · Summary of to;al budgets B) Report of the City Attorney GENERAL COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS A) Minutes of Boards and Commissions 1) Meeting of the Ho~tsing and Redevelopment Authority on September 17, 2002. 2) Meeting of the Eccnomic Development Authority on September 17, 2002. 3) Meeting of the Pul: lie Library Board of Trustees on September 30, 2002 CITIZENS FORUM (At this time, citizens have an opportunity to discuss with the Council items not on the regular agenda. Citizens are requested to li.'nit their comments to five minutes. Please note the public may address the Council regarding specific agenda items at the time the item is being discussed.) 11. COUNCIL CORNER 12. ADJOURNMENT OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 14, 2002 The following are the minutes for the regular meeting of the City Council held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, October 14, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, Minnesota. Betty Molina, Deacon, Assembly of God Church gave the invocation. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Peterson, Councilmembers Szurek, Wyckoff, Williams, Nawrocki. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO MEETING AGENDA Nawrocki requested to make a Presentation to the Police and Fire Department. PROCLAMATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND GUESTS A) Presentations ~ 1) On September 11, the VFW hosted a recognition event for our Police and Fire personnel, with the program targeted toithe youth of the community, by showing a police vehicle and fire truck and what personnel do for our community and our country. Nawrocki indicated this was not intended as a fundraiser, but $440 was raised. One-half of this amount was presented to each department. Peterson complimented the VFW for their efforts in helping the community. 2) Janice Waataja and Katie Hansen were present to inform the public of a fund raiser for John Kujda Jr., who was in a diving accident and left paralyzed. The benefit will be held October 20th at Christ the King Lutheran Church in New Brighton from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m., with proceeds being used to purchase handicap equipment. B) Proclamations - none C) Presentations 1) Bemie Sczymicak, showed paintings he was presented, from a witness, of his brother's plane being shot down and a portrait of his brother. Dolores Strand presented information fi:om her trip to our Sister City, Lomianki, Poland, for the yearly ceremony honoring the "American Flyers", which she attended with Wally Logacz. She also spoke of visiting Warsaw. She described the visit to Lomianki, and spoke of the evidence of Columbia Heights present in their schools, community, and senior center. She described things accomplished there through the Sister City Committee donations. Through a contest, a new school was named "School of the American Flyers". Strand referred to meeting the Mayor and presenting him with a Columbia Heights flag. She described their governmental system. The Lomianki Senior Citizen club also gave a reception in their honor. She showed a poster with pictures of the war destruction and renovation. Strand passed along the community's invitation for us to visit them. Williams indicated that he and the Mayor would like to visit Lomianki. Nawrocki referred to the Wheel Chairs for Peace program and asked that the video be showen at a council meeting or work session. Strand indicated that Jerry Gary, Wheel Chairs for Peace City Council Minutes October 14, 2002 Page 2 of 9 Foundation, indicated there are 240 chairs per container, with the consortium matching the $75 donation per chair and handling distribution of the wheelchairs. D) Introduction of New Employees - none E) Recognition-none CONSENT AGENDA Walt Fehst, City Manager, reviewed the Consent Agenda items. A)'MOTION: Move to approve the Consent A~enda items as follows: 1) Minutes for ApproVal Motion to approve the minutes of the September 23, 2002, regular City Council meeting as presented. 2) Wyckoff corrected the spelling of Jen Kuppe. Approve transfer of funds from General Fund to Police Department budget to reimburse overtime fund Motion to transfer $7,713.31, the total amount received from Unique Thrift Store, Summer Academy, Southern Anoka County Chamber of Commerce, and Immaculate Conception Church for off duty security worked, from the General Fund to the Police Department 2002 budget under line #1020, police overtime. 3) Appointment of twO Park and Recreation Commission members Motion to appoint David Payne and Matthew Henry to the Park and Recreation Commission, with each two-year term to expire in April 2004. Fehst stated we would notify the unsuccessful candidates. 4) Adopt Resolution No. 2002-61, being a resolution certifying delinquent assessments Motion to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-61, there being ample copies available to the public. Motion to adopt Resolution 2002-61, being a Resolution to certify delinquent assessments to Anoka County for collection with the Property Taxes payable in 2003. RESOLUTION NO. 2002 - 61 CERTIFICATION OF DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, that THE COUNTY AUDITOR be, and he is hereby directed, to levy the delinquent special assessments, delinquent utility, and miscellaneous abatement and delinquent bills on the properties in the City of Columbia Heights as submitted on the attached pages and filed in the Assessment Book for 2002 totaling $98,939.62. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the foregoing amounts shall be included in the individual property tax statements for the current year and identified thereon as "Special Assessments - Fund #83296. SAID LEVIES shall be enforced and collected in the manner provided for the enforcement and collection of State and County taxes under and in accordance with the provisions of the general laws of the State. All assessments with penalties and interest as indicated thereon paid to the County Treasurer shall belong to the City of Columbia Heights and shall be turned over to the City Treasurer in the manner provided by the City Charter and Ordinances. City Council Minutes October 14, 2002 Page 3 of 9 THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS shall accept payments on these levies until October 4, 2002. Upon receipt of said payments the City will remove them from the certification list sent to Anoka County. 5) Authorize Bonding for Public Improvements and to seek proposals for Utility Rate Study - Removed 6) Approve Rental Housing License Applications Motion to approve the items listed for rental housing license applications for October 14, 2002. 7) Approve Business License Applications Motion to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for October 14, 2002 as presented. 8) Approve Payment of Bills Motion to approve payment of the bills out of the proper funds as listed in the attached check register covering Check Number 100085 through 100401 in the mount of $1,291,670.05. Motion by Szurek, second by Williams to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of item//5. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. //5 Authorize Bonding for public Improvements and to seek proposals for Utility Rate Study Nawrocki stated that he spoke to Wayne Burggraff of Evensen Dodge and felt that their proposal was complete and covered everything indicated. He also discussed with them refinancing requirements, and was assured it wouM comply with state law and wouM save the City between $150,000 and $200,000. Nawrocki stated that Evensen Dodge is rated among the top ten with Ehlers and Springsted. Williams stated that Ehlers and Associates have been excellent to work with through the EDA. If we change firms now, their price charged for TIF work couM be increased. Fehst indicated that there are advantages in staying with the same firm and having a long term relationship. Evensen is lower by $1,1 O01 Fehst indicated that previously a resolution was brought to Council for refinancing, but at that time the savings would not justify the cost. Springsted has indicated that we wouM still not save enough money to justify the cost. Both Ehlers and Evensen Dodge have indicated that we would save money at this time. Williams asked if the other two firms could be asked to re-bid and include the refinancing work. Jim Hoefi, City Attorney, indicated that Council could do so. Bill Elrite, Finance Director, indicated his reasons for building a long term relationship, rather than saving a few dollars. He agreed with asking for a re-bid. Nawrocki stated that eventually firms would not bid if they felt they were being used just to award the bid to someone else. Nawrocki indicated his request to Evensen Dodge for a price on our debt issues/debt services. They indicated that if they did the bonding work, they would give us a savings on the refinancing program. Fehst suggested asking each firm for a price including afire-year commitment. He indicated that staff felt comfortable recommending Ehlers. Peterson asked what Ehlers would charge for handling the refinancing program? Fehst stated that information was not included in the original request. City Council Minutes October 14, 2002 Page 4 of 9 Nawrocki stated he has no adversity to any of the three firms and they can all do the job, but we shouM get the best price for the job. He stated that Evensen Dodge did thorough research and analysis on our finances and indicated that we can save $180,000. Williams suggested tabling this for a complete bid package including refinancing. Fehst stated that we wouM be obligated to ask all three firms again, including Evensen Dodge. Fehst asked if we shouM question prices for a three or five year agreement. Williams felt that wouM be a good idea. Nawrocki stated that a discount number was not enough and that a rate sheet wouM be required. Bob Winthrop, Evensen Dodge, assured Council that there would never be a problem contacting them with questions on the bond issue or being billed for such. Peterson questioned their overall fee of $22,500. Winthrop described details of the bid. Fehst indicated that the refinancing was not part of the original bid process. Peterson questioned if this could be re-bid by the next Council meeting. Fehst felt that it could be re-bid that soon, but stated his concern that Evensen Dodge's bid had already been made public. Nawrocki asked that the utility rate study be included in the bids. Fehst indicated that an engineering firm should do the study. Elrite agreed. Fehst stated that this study would allow a look at where our rates should be, utility work to be done, future plans, and capital plan considerations. Also, the new filtration plant will increase fees. Nawrocki questioned what rates would increase to pay the debt service. Fehst stated that would be covered in the study, and described the necessity to continue water service repairs at the time of street improvements. Motion by Williams, second by Szurek, to table entering into an agreement to prepare bond documents until the next City Council meeting. Peterson suggested this be discussed at a work session. Nawrocki indicated the motion should be to table consideration. Williams and SZurek withdrew the motion and second. Paul Steinman, Springsted, pointed out that he has been available at the work session and Council meeting to show the level of service their firm would provide, and indicated that the Springsted firm would like to continue serving in the capacity of bond advisor for the City of Columbia Heights. Motion by Williams, second by Szurek, to table the consideration of entering into an agreement for financial advisory services to prepare bond documents. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Williams, second by Szurek, to authorize staff to seek proposals for the utility rate study. Upon roll call vote: Williams, aye; Szurek, aye; Wyckoff, aye; Nawrocki, nay; Peterson, aye. 4 ayes-1 nay. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS A) Public Hearing called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 3725 Main Street NE Mayor Peterson closed the Public Hearing Regarding the Revocation or Suspension of the Rental License held by Maurice Weaver regarding rental property at 3725 Main Street N.E. in that the property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code. City Council Minutes October 14, 2002 Page 5 of 9 B) Adopt Resolution No. 2002-64, being a Resolution approving revocation of the Rental Housing License for 3732 3ra Street NE. Motion by Szurek, second by Williams, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-64, there being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Szurek, second by Williams to adopt Resolution No. 2002-64, Resolution of the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights Approving Revocation Pursuant to Ordinance Code Section 5A.408(1) of the Rental License held by Dale Frenzel Regarding Rental Property at 3732 3ra Street N.E. Fire Chief Charles ThOmpson stated the process began in December of 2001, and listed all contacts with the owner regarding code violations. Peterson listed the violations currently not corrected. Nawrocki stated the second violation is failure to submit re-inspection fees. Dale Frenzel stated that his letter indicated $300 in inspection fees. He stated that he intends to tear down the garage and rebuild it, and is continually working to reach this goal. He intends to pour the slab this fall and ftnish the garage this winter. Peterson indicated the period to tear down the garage was dragged on. FrenZel stated that at first he was going to repair it, but then realized it needed to be replaced. Nawrocki indicated that Frenzel requested three times to receive a time extension to complete work on the garage. Williams asked Frenzel what he wanted Council to do. Frenzel asked that Council not revoke his license. He stated that the plans he had did not meet compliance, so he asked about a variance and was told it wouM probably not be granted, so now he is in the process of having plans drawn up. Nawrocki asked if he was prepared to pay the $700 fee, as the $300 indicated was from September. Thompson stated that continuing letters were sent with accumulating fees. Frenzel stated he did not receive a letter after September. Thompson indicated that the letters are sent certified mail. Wyckoff asked if the garage is a hazard at this point. Thompson indicated it violates our housing code. Williams asked how many units were involved. Frenzel indicated there are two units. Nawrocki asked when Frenzel could get a building permit. Frenzel stated he could apply this week. Nawrocki suggested he be allowed a week to get the building permit, pour the slab in three weeks and build the garage in three months. Peterson asked the attorney for his opinion. Hoefl stated the new garage is not in question, only correcting the violation, which would be eliminated by tearing down the structure. Nawrocki stated that a garage is required for rental units. Hoeft stated that would be a new violation of City Code. Rich Hinrichs and Steve Kolosky, Housing Code Officials, listed violations and stated that the clutter in the yard is now also an issue. Motion by Nawrocki that further consider of Resolution//2002-64, be continued, subject to the owner of the property obtaining a building permit for a new garage within one week from today, subject to a garage slab being placed in four weeks fi'om today, and a replacement garage being completed with eight weeks. Ten weeks from today, if completion dates of the garage are not met, this come back to Council. Motion failed for lack of a second. Szurek stated that this would be beyond the current violation. Hoefl stated that it is the property owner's option to tear down out the structure to remove the current violation. If not replaced, it would be a new violation. Nawrocki stated that if these dates were not met, the issue would come back to Council; and if he proceeds in good faith we could look at the violation fees. City Council Minutes October 14, 2002 Page 6 of 9 Frenzel stated he could not give a date for garage completion. Peterson stated that it should be possible to have a slab in place in four weeks. Hoeft indicated that the original motion was for license revocation, which could be withdrawn if Council wanted to table action. Nawrocki suggested a motion to continue the hearing. Szurek and Williams withdrew their original motion and second to adopt Resolution No. 2002-64. Motion by Nawrocki, Second by Williams, that further consideration of Resolution No. 2002-64 be continued subject to the owner applying for a building permit to replace the garage with in one week, and subject to the owner having a cement slab poured four weeks from tonight, and having a replacement garage by 12 weeks from tonight. Hoefl stated that if these conditions were not followed, the item would come back to Council, and would not be an automatic rental license revocation. Nawrocki stated that the owner should come back within 12 weeks to discuss the fees charged. Hoefl stated his hope would be to see this issue addressed prior to that time. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION A) Other Ordinances and Resolutions -none B) Bid Considerations - none C) Other Business - none ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A) Report of the City Manager 1) Upcoming Budget/Work Session Items October 21, 2002 a) Budget - Administration, General Government, Public Works b) Library's 2003 subscription to Star Tribune Fehst indicated that this may come directly to the council meeting. B) Report of the City AttOrney - none GENERAL COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Minutes of Boards and commissions 1) Meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission held September 24, 2002 Peterson stated that Katherine Snyder and several young gentlemen were present at the Park and Recreation Commission meeting requesting a skate park be built in our City. The group would be willing to raise some funds. CITIZENS FORUM Richard Dustin, 1708 39tn Avenue NE, questioned the slow progress of the home being built at 3828 Hayes. The building was begun last November and is still a disaster. The street is dug up, trucks are getting stuck, there is material all over the yard, and the grass was not cut. Fehst stated that he visited the site and showed the pictures to Council. There are items under tarps, a big tree is down, the garage doors are not in place and some clean up could be done. Williams questioned if staff spoke to the owner. Fehst stated the building inspector had talked to her and indicated her desire to finish the home in November. Fehst indicated nothing much has moved forward toward completion since then. There was a problem with a City Council Minutes October 14, 2002 Page 7 of 9 contractor who walked off thejob. Peterson indicated that the site is a mess. Fehst read the notice that has been sent to the realtor. Dustin questioned when the candidate forum would be held. Peterson stated that it was this Thursday, in the City Council Chamber. DUStin indicated it should be cablecast. Peterson stated it would be. Dolores Strand reminded everyone of the Chopin concert to be held on October 20, at First Lutheran Church, as a fundraiser to bring several Lomianki residents here next summer. She mentioned there is a display at the library for Chopin and Polish Heritage Month. COUNCIL CORNER Nawrocki · Requested a copy 0fthe Best Practices for Preserving Housing referred to in the Green Sheet. Circle Pines has a pilot program for single sort 64 gallon recycling. The cost is the same as the green bin service, except requires a long-term contract to cover the cost of containers. He asked to see if this would work in: our community. Requested ample information on the budget be placed in the newsletter and the date of the public heating. Requested a report on the homes at 1036-1037 Gould, which are in need of clean up and repairs. Questioned why the screening has not been placed on the fence at Jackson Pond. Hansen indicated that the provider of the fence is concerned with the effects of shrubbery on the screening. Questioned contracting for building inspections at $40 per hour. Fehst stated that a contracted rate would be $45. Nawrocki asked for an evaluation of what costs have been, what they might be and pros and cons of each. Concemed that next year the General Budget expenditures will exceed this year by 7.6 percent and revenues to fund this could be short by $385,000. The Library proposes an 11 percent increase raising our deficit financing to over $400,000. He suggested holding the budget increase to 3.5 percent. State aid revenues are a significant part of the budget, and we face the prospect of significant reductiOns. He referred to the MN Cities magazine and the Columbia Heights tax rate compared to other cities. We are at the maximum tax levy. We need to be concerned about paying for ongoing develoPment at 37th and University and redevelopment in the industrial area. Practice what you preach, actions speak louder than words. Wyekoff Questioned "spending down". Fehst explained reserving funds to pay bills and payroll at the beginning of the year. Fehst stated that the levy is going up less than it did last year. Fehst described reductions in police and administration personnel. · The new Reservoir Boulevard streetlights look very nice. Fehst stated that the streets, trees and aesthetics should be completed by November. Questioned what store will go into the old Franks Nursery. Fehst indicated that plans are for a Chinese market/grocery store/carryout. City Council Minutes October 14, 2002 Page 8 of 9 · Questioned the barriers placed along the Hilltop trailer court. A resident indicated there will be a huge retaining wall placed there. · Questioned what Will happen to the United Store in Fridley that is being tom down. Fehst did not know. Szurek · Asked that space be available in the City newsletter for Sister City Committee information, on a regular basis. Doloi'es Strand thanked Council for including information on the Chopin concert in the newsletter. She read, and agre0d with, a letter to the editor from Rita Norberg praising our EMTs. She referred to the Fire Department not becoming involved in the rescue of a cat and stated it is their priority to be available for emergency calls. She did not agree with our Public Works personnel being involved in the rescue becaUSe they could have been bitten and because of the personnel and equipment costs. She asked pet owners to please control their pets. Wyckoff indicated that the rescue took about two minutes, and this situation was drawing a crowd. She felt it was a gesture of good will. Nawrocki stated that from a humanitarian standpoint, it took minimal effort to get the cat down. Williams · Read a quote from Vi Tabb's newsletter. · Stated he was excited to hear more about the Wheelchairs for Peace program, and suggested this could be a fundraiSer at the Mayor's holiday party. · From what you get you make a living, from what you give you make a life. · 20 percent of people are against everything, all the time. Ask what we can do for our city, not what our city can do for us. Candidates running in our City should stay away from labor endorsements. It is virtually impossible to cut to 3.5 percent from the proposed budget because residents do not want services cut. Rising insurance costs definitely increase the budget. · Continue to pray for the peace and prosperity of our city. · He described a wonderful Hindu dinner he attended, hosted by citizens of our city. · Prospective liquor Store sites are no longer an issue, as the sale prices have almost doubled. · Read from the Bits and Pieces booklet. Peterson · Stated that if the perception is that we are spending too much to improve our city, then how are other cities doing it. We will do the best we can. Taxes have not gone up appreciatively, only about $30 a year in the years he has owned his home. · If our taxes go up because of State aid reductions, so will everyone else's in the state. City Council Minutes October 14, 2002 Page 9 of 9 · Don't take life to seriously, enjoy life, love your neighbor, and God bless. Mayor Peterson adjourned the meeting at 9:50 p.m. Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT LEVY HEARING OCTOBER 15, 2002 THESE MINUTES HAVE NOT, BEEN APPROVED, The following are the minutes of the Special Assessment Levy Hearing of the City Council held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, Minnesota. 1. Roll Call/Pledge of Allegiance Present: Mayor Peterson, Councilmembers Szurek, Wyckoff, Williams, Nawrocki Resolution No. 2002-63, being a Resolution Adopting the Assessment Rolls for the Zone 6A improvements. a. Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director, provided background information on the above mentioned improvement projects. He indicated this was a difficult year for construction projects. He asked residents present to sign in. Hansen stated that Council would discuss the construction progress, and the interest rate for the assessments. He listed items included in the Council packet. The construction work is now 90percent complete, and he listed the items now being completed on 7tn Street and Monroe Street. Hansen estimated that work yet to be completed would be done within the next two weeks. Improvement costs are consistent with the improvement hearing, which is a ten percent reduction from what was originally proposed. No funding changes are recommended. The assessments are by unit parcel base, at $2,280 per parcel, with additional amounts for water service changes. He stated that these charges reflect the City paying 50percent and the resident being assessed for 50percent of the project. Water service charges were at actual cost. The interest rate is set by City Council, but was noticed at an anticipated eight percent for fifleen years. This year assessments are under a new process, with Anoka County including them on property tax statements, which has caused earlier deadlines. Hansen explained the payment time frame. Hansen indicated problems with construction, the gas company and the impact of the weather. He stated that other cities were called that also assess prior to the work being complete. He stated the City's frustration in working with this contractor and that final payment would probably be hem off until next year. There is still clean up work to be done. Hansen referred to the newsletters that were handed out to residents, letting them know where the project was, in terms of progress. Nawrocki stated it is unique to assess a project before it is done. On the water service replacement, the amounts are different for some parcels. Hansen stated the two types of cost difference: $960 per parcel from the main to the curb including the stop box, and $510 from the main to the curb not including the stop box. Nawrocki questioned the number of water services replaced. Hansen stated there were less than originally anticipated: 12 services replaced at $960 and 10 services replaced at $510. Hansen referred to a petition received to not replace the sidewalk the east side of Madison from 43ra to 44th. Hansen stated that it was signed by all but two residents. Nawrocki indicated that these two residents were not home, so were not known to be for or against the request. Hansen stated that it is not to late to delete this sidewalk work. Nawrocki referred to the difficult grade next to the street in this area. dim Hoeft, City Attorney, indicated this was Council's decision. Motion by Nawrocki, second by Williams, that sidewalk replacement on Madison between 43rd and 44th be removed from the project. Peterson stated that sidewalks, from the house, would be extended to the street. Harold Hoium, 4315 7tn Street NE, stated that there are not enough sidewalks in the city for children to wa& on and therefore, sidewalks should not be eliminated. Szurek stated that the sidewalk would remain on the west side of the street. Dave Tiedens, 4312 Madison, stated that the sidewalk comes right to the curb, with no boulevard. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Wyckoff questioned the interest rate. Hansen stated that last year City Council reduced the recommended eight percent interest rate to six and one-half percent. Williams felt the interest rate shouM be dropped again this year, to possibly 5 or 5 ~ percent. Hansen stated that the bond rates are at 4percent and to remember there are carrying costs on the bonds from one and one-half to two percent. Peterson suggested 5 ~ percent. Williams suggested that we pass along any possible savings. Nawrocki stated that over 40percent of last year 'S assessments were delinquent. Peterson stated that using the County services is saving some administrative costs. Nawrocki felt that many not be saving money. Nawrocki questioned not accepting partial payments. Hansen stated that the County would not accept partial payments. Nawrocki stated that the County should be made aware of our feelings and that we encourage residents to pay when they can. Hansen recommended keeping the interest rate at least one and one-half percent over four percent. Wyckoff asked if residents could pay two yearly installments at once, to get ahead. Hansen did not believe so, as the amount is specific and part of the tax statement. Peterson stated that we must be realistic to cover costs and suggested considering staff's recommendation. He did remind everyone that the City is picking up one-half of the improvement costs. Dave Tiedens, 4312 Madison, stated his concern of full payment or partial payment of this project at this point. Hansen stated that five percent would be withheld. The contractor must be paid for all work upon completion, except for a retainer amount. Tiedens felt that if the City withholds partial payment, so should residents. He was concerned that children should not be on the streets at Halloween if there are holes in the boulevard. Nawrocki stated that we are obligated to pay progress payments, and stated that the City has been making payments to the contractor all summer before any assessments are paid. Tiedens stated that some garbage was not picked up for four weeks. Williams asked for his comments on the interest rate. Tiedens felt that 5.5percent was fair. Al Brandmire, 677 and 679 43r~t Avenue NE, felt he should not be assessed at all, as his home was built in 1999. The city plans were wrong and they broke the sewer lines and flooded his basement. Nawrocki stated his assessment is an Avenue rate, which is one- third of the street rate. Nawrocki asked that these problems be checked out and be reported back on. Brandmire indicated that they did not receive any of the information notices and their water was cut off without notification. Ursula Brandmire stated they had to buy water because it was so discolored, and they called City Hall and were tom the water was fine. Hansen stated that we could puIl the meter allowing the water to run until it runs clear. She asked for a cancellation of their water bill this period. Hansen stated there is iron built up in the system, and we can only allow the system to settle down. MOTION by Williams, second by Szurek, to charge 5.5 percent interest on the Zone 6A improvement assessments. Upon vote: all ayes. Motion carried. b. Questions/Comments from City Council and the public 7m Street - 42"~ to 44th Janene Unke, 4359 7th Street, stated it was nice to see quality work done, and complimented the street work and the sod placement. She questioned when the cement around the gas meters would be completed. Hansen stated that the gas company is responsible and we are working with them toward this. Unke indicated that she had two cement driveways put in less than four years ago, and is now paying to repair it. She was not as satisfied with the replacement work on her driveway and questioned the guarantee against cracking, etc. Hansen stated that the contract carries a one year warranty after acceptance by the city, and a two year warranty after settlement. There will be an inspection of these items in the spring. She indicated it would be nice to have a sidewalk. Nawrocki stated that neighbors could petition for a sidewalk, which would be assessed. Nawrocki asked when this street would be sealcoated. Hansen stated in about eight years, with 25 years before any additional major reconstruction. The first seal coating is not assessed. Monroe Street - 42nd to 44th Avenues. Jennifer Skogen, 4252 Monroe, stated that the east side sidewalk has been replaced, but asked if the west side would be replaced. Hansen questioned her and stated that this property can be inspected. Nawrocki wouM like a list of staff's follow up to resident concerns. Peterson stated that the city will look at areas in the spring, but ifa resident sees something they should contact staff with concerns. Mayor Peterson closed the public hearing. Mrs. Brandmire asked if anything wouM be done on 43~ Avenue. Hansen stated the streets would possibly be patched and seal coated next year. Recommended Motions: MOTION by Szurek, second by Williams, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002- 63, there being ample copies available to the public, with the proviso that the interest rate be changed to five and one-half percent. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. MOTION by Szurek, second by Williams, to adopt Resolution No. 2002-63, being a resolution adopting assessment rolls for the Zone 6A improvements, with the proviso that the interest rate be changed to five and one-half percent. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 2002 - 63 TO LEVY AND CERTIFY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Adopting assessment roll according to the City Charter for the following local improvements and determining that said improvements have been made and ratifying and conforming all other proceedings, heretofore had: Special Assessments numbered P.I.R 1067, 7th Street (42aa to 44th Avenues); Madison Street (42aa to 44th Avenues); Washington Street (42ua to 44th Avenues); Monroe Street (42ua to 43~a Avenues), P.I.R. 1068, Monroe Street (43ra to 44th Avenues) and P.I.R. 1074 all in Project 0202, Zone 6A. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, met at 7:30 o'clock p.m. on the 15th day of October, 2002, in the City Council Chamber, 590 - 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, Minnesota, being the time and place set when and where all persons interested could appear and be heard by the Council with respect to benefits, and to the proportion of the cost of making the local improvements above described, a notice of such hearing having been heretofore duly published as required by law, and a notice mailed to each property owner of record, stating the proposed amount of the assessment; and, WHEREAS, this Council has heretofore estimated and fixed the cost of such local improvements and has prepared an assessment roll therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS HEREBY RESOLVES: Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. That this Council does hereby adopt the aforesaid assessment roll known and described as "Assessment Roll for Local Improvements" numbered P.I.R. 1067 and P.I.R. 1068 - Project 0202. That this Council hereby finds and determines that each of the lots and parcels of land enumerated in said assessment roll was and is especially benefited by such improvement in an amount not less than the amount set opposite in the column headed "Original Amount". And this Council further finds and determines that the proper proportion of the cost of such improvements to be especially assessed against such lot or parcel of land is the amount set opposite the description of each such lot or parcel of land respectively in said assessment roll. That said assessments may be paid in part or in full without interest on or before November 15~, 2002. Any unpaid amount will be certified to Anoka County for collection with the real estate taxes beginning with the taxes payable in the year 2003. The annual principal installments, together with 5.5% accrued on the unpaid balance are due and payable with the real estate taxes for a period of fifteen years or less as designated on the assessment roll. That this Council did hereby determine and re-determine to proceed with said improvement, does ratify and confirm all other proceedings heretofore had in regard to this improvement, and said improvement shall hereafter be known and numbered as Local Improvement numbered P.I.R. 1067 and P.I.R. 1068 - Project 0202. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. Resolution No. 2002-62, being a Resolution Adopting the Assessment Roll for Central Avenue improvements: a. Hansen provided background information on the above mentioned improvement project. Kevin Kelb of BR W was present. Hansen stated this is for project 99-12/t streetscaping and water service replacement on Central ~1venue. He referred to the sign up sheets and construction comment sheet. He described items included in the Council packet. The utility work, storm sewer, and water service are essentially done. Street work is not completed and the sidewalk from 42na to 43rd on the east side, because of the gas line, needs to be repIaced yet. Streetscape work is continuing and streetlights are going in. The benches and planters will go in during the next two weeks. There will be change orders on the street work, which will be covered under contingency costs. Hansen referred to the information sheets distributed to the affected 75 business owners. Hansen stated that the assessments are the same as proposed at the improvement hearing, with 50percent assessed and 50 percent paid by the City. He indicated that assessment rates vary in different areas because of more intense treatments. The area of 39tn to 41st will be 7699 F.F. and 37tn to 39th and 41st to 43rd at 38.49 F.F. V~ater services not meeting city code were replaced, i.e. lead service, and will be charged at the actual bo cost to the city. There were fewer services replaced than anticipated. The interest rate is to be established by City Council on a ten year term. Hansen again explained the assessment process and timeframe. Hansen recommended this project also be assessed before being entirely complete. Some work will carry over into 2003. Some additional concrete crews have been added. Excel Energy is doing the streetlights and hoped to have them done in the next two weeks. There are issues about the scoring pattern on the corridor. Hansen stated that it was a conscientious choice to have a different pattern in certain areas. There are some problems with the sidewalk where the banding does not match the sidewalk, but wouM be given one year to see how they go through the winter and corrected if necessary. The contractor has done their best to maintain access to businesses. The contractor has done a good job on clean up. There has been some over splashing on storefronts, which the contractor will need to remove, and it is intended to be complete this year. Thomas and Sons has done a good job and has maintained the schedule by working weekends and bringing in additional crews. Peterson suggested establishing the interest rate, at the same rat as Zone 6A. Motion by Szurek, second by Williams, to lower the interest rate in the Central Avenue project from 8 percent to 5.5 percent. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Questions/Comments from City Council and the public Doug Foss, owner of the Mady's/Salvation Army property agreed with the project, but not the assessment fees. He questioned why he has to pay twice as much for extras that he did not want. Hansen stated that through public meetings and Council meetings it was agreed to do more in this area with amenities such as street lights, concrete scoring, tree planting, bench's, trash receptacles, etc. Foss did not feel this number of trees, benches, and receptacles were necessary. Hansen stated the majority of the costs are from the sidewalks and street lighting. Foss indicated that he was not notified of the hearings. Nawrocki asked who the property owner was. Foss indicated that he and Gene Mady are joint owners. Nawrocki stated that she must have received the notices. Foss stated that he had requested to be on the list, but was not notified. Joe $chmidt, 4024 Central Avenue, stated that everyone uses the area between 39tn and 41st and the cost should be shared. Schmidt felt it would be difficult to shovel snow from the new sidewalk and is disappointed in the way it turned out. He stated they are still getting water in their basement. Also, on the right-of-way between him and his neighbor there is a rise or lip between the two buildings. He stated he did not understand being assessed before the project is complete. Hansen stated that the lip on the right-of-way is due to the grade of the new curb to take surface water to the curb line and storm sewer system, which required adjustments to match into these areas. In this area, the intent was to remove large panels to match in, but there was a request to replace the sidewalk of the whole area to the alleyway. We are currently waiting for a price to do this, and a temporary situation would need to be used. Referring to water in the basements, the City must be notified so the contractor can be made aware to correct the problem. Regarding the sidewalk look, this was the design discussed at the informational meetings. Hansen stated that we do the snow removal from this area, and we may need to do more removal than in the past. Hansen stated the Council can adjust assessments, but cannot increase them without going through the entire process again. Jen Kuppe, 4020 Central, stated she was disgusted with the sidewalk in front of her building, and asked if it was in the plans to cut out her stoop to match the sidewalk. Hansen stated the curbs and sidewalk were put where they were supposed to be. We knew we would not be able to match every entrance. Hansen stated that the error was in not contacting her in advance to inform her of the adjustment. Kuppe felt the sidewalk in front of her store was not done well. Kevin Kelb indicated there is work required on the red band to make it level with the white sidewalk. Kuppe stated another business owner felt the construction workers were rude. She referred to a metal box that is in the way on the sidewalk. Kelb stated this is probably a temporary signal control box and he wouM check on it. Nawrocki repeated that Mrs. Kuppe should have been notified and she was not. Hansen stated that the matching of elevations was not brought to her attention. Kelb felt the weather may have caused the contractor to rush and may be the reason the sidewalk is not as good in this area. Nawrocki asked if there was an elevation done of the old sidewalk. Kelb indicated he could check his records for comparisons. Nawrocki referred to a letter written to Council by Mrs. Kuppe and indicated that staff and BR W should receive copies of this letter, and her problem should be addressed Kelb stated that he was willing to work with the crews to remove and replace any problem of poor workmanship, but that was not acceptable to Mrs. Kuppe. He was not sure how to proceed with this situation. Harold Hoium indicated the problem with cleaning off snow, ice, and slush on the sidewalks from 37tn to 53r~. Nawrocki asked the overall project cost, with add-ons. Hansen stated it wouM be slightly less than $5 million dollars. Nawrocki indicated that he is not totally pleased with the project. He stated that the cost of this project being assessed to property owners is nine percent. Residential work is being assessed is 44 percent. The business district owners are getting a better deal than the residential areas. He questioned problems cleaning and shoveling the sidewalks because of the grooves. Recommended Motions: MOTION by Nawrocki, second by Wyckoff, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-62, there being ample copies available to the public, subject to correction of interest rate from 8 percent to 5.5 percent. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. MOTION by Nawrocki, second by Wyckoff, to adopt Resolution No. 2002-62, being a resolution adopting assessment rolls for the Central Avenue improvements, subject to correction of interest rate from 8 percent to 5.5 percent. Wyckoff asked when the work for Mrs. Kuppe and Mr. Schmidt would be done. Hansen stated it shouM be within the next two to three weeks. Nawrocki asked that Kuppe, Schmidt, and Council get follow up letters, in writing, on corrective action. A resident in the audience asked that all businesses areas be checked. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 2002 - 62 TO LEVY AND CERTIFY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Adopting assessment roll according to the City Charter for the following local improvements and determining that said improvements have been made and ratifying and conforming all other proceedings, heretofore had: Special Assessments numbered P.I.R 1062 and 1073 - Project 9912A: Central Avenue, 37th to 43~ Avenues. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, met at 8:30 o'clock p.m. on the 15th day of October, 2002, in the City Council Chamber, 590 - 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, Minnesota, being the time and place set when and where all persons interested could appear and be heard by the Council with respect to benefits, and to the proportion of the cost of making the local improvements above described, a notice of such hearing having been heretofore duly published as required by law, and a notice mailed to each property owner of record, stating the proposed amount of the assessment; and, WHEREAS, this Council has heretofore estimated and fixed the cost of such local improvements and has prepared an assessment roll therefore, THE CITY Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS HEREBY RESOLVES: That this Council does hereby adopt the aforesaid assessment roll known and described as "Assessment Roll for Local Improvements" numbered P.I.R. 1062 and 1073 - Project 9912A. That this Council hereby finds and determines that each of the lots and parcels of land enumerated in said assessment roll was and is especially benefited by such improvement in an amount not less than the amount set opposite in the column headed "Original Amount". And this Council further finds and determines that the proper proportion of the cost of such improvements to be especially assessed against such lot or parcel of land is the amount set opposite the description of each such lot or parcel of land respectively in said assessment roll. That said assessments may be paid in part or in full without interest on or before November 15, 2002. Any unpaid amount will be certified to Anoka County for collection with the real estate taxes beginning with the taxes payable in the year 2003. The annual principal installments, together with 8% accrued on the unpaid balance are due and payable with the real estate taxes for a period of ten years or less as designated on the assessment roll. That this Council did hereby determine and re-determine to proceed with said improvement, does ratify and confirm all other proceedings heretofore had in regard to this improvement, and said improvement shall hereafter be known and numbered as Local Improvement numbered P.I.R. 1062 and 1073, Project #9912A. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. 4. Adjourn Mayor Peterson adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p.m. Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk COLUMBIA HEIGHTS - CITY COUNCIL LETTER AGENDA SECTION: No: ITEM: Payment for Star/Tribune microfilm NO: October 28,2002 Meeting off ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER'S , APPR.~.~_ y BY: M. Rebecca Loader B-Y~/~~~-~I ~ ~ DATE: October 9, 2002 D T~(.,/ ~ 0 ~L"I - The Library subscribes to the Minneapolis Star/Tribune on a daily basis for use by the patrons. Because of the storage problem with a daily newspaper as to space and climate regulation, the physical newspapers are only kept for two months. The Library has subscribed to the Star/Tribune on microfilm since 1971 in order to provide the patrons with access to the articles and obituaries. The microfilm is produced exclusively by one company. Patrons may access the Star/Tribune in the following ways at the Library: · The Star/Tribune website (http://www. startribune.com) o Provides access to articles back to 1986. o Any article older than 3 weeks can be searched and previewed for flee. Retrieval of the whole article requires that the patron set up an account and pay $2.75 per article. · In-Library access to the Star/Tribune archives through the electronic databases loaded in the public access catalogs o Provides articles dating to January 1, 1986. o No photos, no paid obituaries, no free-lance articles, no syndicated features, no articles from the NYTimes; paid obituaries back to July, 1997, are through a separate link o The version available in MELSA libraries through the public catalogs will not charge patrons the $2.75 because of an agreement currently in effect. o Prints of pages are 10 cents each. · In-Library access to hard copy for two months. · In-Library access to microfilm back to 1971. o Prints of pages are 15 cents each. o Pages are exact reproductions of newspapers. The Library's microfilm subscription generated much discussion last year, and the decision was made to approve renewal for a year. Usage of the microfilm varies according to the season but averages 3-5 patrons per week. Staff also uses the microfilm for research, picture access, and patron requests. Microfilm is budgeted in line item 2188 at $2,700. The cost for the 2003 subscription is $3,365.25, with the difference of $665.25 to come from the unexpended balance in 3050 (Expert/Professional Services). RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to authorize purchase of one subscription to the Star/Tribune on microfilm for 2003 from the authorized, proprietary company producing it for the cost of $3,365.25. COUNCIL ACTION: COLUMBIA HEIGHTS - CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting off October 28, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: Consent No: ITEM: Adopt Res. 2002-65 changing Council meeting dates in Nov./Dec. '02 NO: Background: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER BY: Walt Fehst DATE: October 28, 2002 CITY MANAGERS APPROVAL B : D Veteran's Day will be observed on Monday, November 11, 2002, and City offices will be closed. This is also a regularly scheduled Council meeting date. Tuesday, December 24, and Wednesday, December 25 will be observed as holidays. The day before Christmas Eve is a regularly scheduled Council meeting date. Recommendation: · Reschedule the Monday, November 11, 2002 regularly scheduled City Council meeting to Tuesday, November 12, 2001 beginning at 7:00 p.m. Reschedule and combine the Monday, December 9, 2002 and Monday, December 23, 2002 regularly scheduled City Council meetings to Monday, December 16, 2002 beginning at 7:00 p.m. Recommended Motion: MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-65, there being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Move to Adopt Resolution 2002-65, being a Resolution changing the dates of City of Columbia Heights regular City Council meetings in November and December, 2002. COUNCIL ACTION: 2002-10-28 holiday mtg dates.doc RESOLUTION NO. 2002-65 BEING A RESOLUTION CHANGING THE DATES OF CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER, 2002 WHEREAS: The City Council has decided to change the dates of regular Council meetings scheduled for November 11, 2002; December 9, 2002 and December 23, 2002, and; WHEREAS: The first regular Council meeting in November, 2002 would heretofore have been scheduled for Monday, November 11, 2002 which is a legal holiday, has now been rescheduled to Tuesday, November 12, 2002, and; WHEREAS: The date of the first regular Council meeting in December would heretofore have been scheduled for December 9, 2002 and the second regular Council meeting in December would heretofore have been scheduled for Monday, December 23, 2002, have now been combined and rescheduled for Monday, December 16, 2002. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that all interested parties be advised of this change with the traditional convening time of 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chamber. Passed this ~ day of ,2002 Offered by: Second by: Roll call: Attest: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk CITY COUNCIL LETTER AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA NO: ITEM: AUTHORIZE CHANGE ORDER 1 AND FINAL PAYMENT FOR MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE, PROJECT 2000-00 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS BY: K. Hansen ~ DATE: 10/22/02 Meeting of: 10/28/02 CITY MANAGER_ Background: The Miscellaneous Concrete is an annual program consisting of concrete curb and gutter, concrete street, alley, driveway and sidewalk improvements/repairs throughout the City. Work is conducted twice in a given year in late spring and again in the fall. Analysis/Conclusions: Work for the 2000 Miscellaneous Concrete Program can now be considered complete. The Contractor did not complete the 2000 Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs and Installations in accordance with the specifications. Consequently, staffhas been withholding $1,000. The Contractor also failed to complete the warranty work. Staffhas estimated the cost of the work to be approximately $750.00. This estimated amount has been deducted from the final payment. The warranty work will be done this fall with this year's Miscellaneous Concrete contract. The final compensating change order, attached, modifies the contract to include additional quantities for repairs due to water main breaks, street and alley repairs, and replacement of hazardous sidewalk. All additions to the contract modified quantities only, using the contract bid prices for each work itera. Staff recommends approval of Change Order #1. Staffis recommending approval of final payment to Ti-Zack Concrete (with the $750.00 deduction) and acceptance of the work. A copy of the final payment voucher and the Engineer's Report of Final Acceptance is attached. Recommended Motion: Move to authorize Contract Change Order No. 1 for additional work added to the contract by the City to Ti-Zack Concrete, Inc. in the amount of 8,399.10 with funding out of the appropriate funds. Recommended Motion: Move to accept the work for 2000 Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs and Installations, City Project #2000- 00 and authorize final payment of $250.00 to Ti-Zack Concrete, Inc. of Le Center, Minnesota. rU.'jb Attachments: Change Order 1 Engineer's Report of Acceptance Final Payment Voucher Fund Distribution COUNCIL ACTION: CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 Project: 2000 Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs and Installations City Project: 2000-00 Owner: Contractor: City of Columbia Heights 637 38th Avenue N.E. Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Ti-Zack Concrete, Inc. Rt. 2 Box 182 LeCenter, MN 56057 Date of Issuance: September 17, 2002 Engineer: City Engineer You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents: Description: Change in original contract price to compensate for additional work added to the contract by the City. Purpose of Change Order: The contract has been modified to include additional quantities for repairs due to water main breaks, street and alley repairs, and replacement of hazardous sidewalk. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE Original Contract Price: $ 38,600.70 Previous Change Orders No. __ None to No. Contract Price Prior to this Change Order: $ 38,600.70 Net Increase of this Change Order: $ 8,399.10 Contract Price with all Approved Change Orders: ~46,999.69 CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Original Contract Time: Net Change from Previous Change Order: Contract Time Prior to this Change Order: Net Increase (Decrease) of Change Order: Contract Time with Approved Change Orders: Approved By: Approved By: Approved By: Date of Council Action Gary Peterson, Mayor Walter Fehst, City Manager Attachment to Change Order No. 1 City Project 2000-00 Page of 1 of 1 Owner: Contractor: Project: City of Columbia Heights Ti-Zack Concrete, Inc. 2000 Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs and Installations Description of Changes: Item No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The Public Works Department requested these items be replaced. Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Remove curb and gutter L.F. 152 $ 2.00 Construct concrete curb and gutter L.F. 209 $17.00 Remove driveway/apron S.F. 143 $ 0.70 Construct 6" concrete driveway/apron S.F. 284 $ 5.50 Remove sidewalk S.F. 800 $ 0.60 Construct 4" concrete sidewalk S.F. 800 $ 3.00 Total Estimated Price $ 304.OO $ 3,553.OO $ 100.10 $1,562.00 $ 480.00 $ 2,400.00 TOTAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 $ 8,399.10 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA ENGINEER'S REPORT OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE 2000 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS CITY PROJECT NUMBER 2000-00 October 22, 2002 TO THE CITY COUNCIL COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS: This is to advise you that I have reviewed the work under contract to Ti-Zack Concrete, Inc. The work consisted of curb and gutter, street, alley, driveway and sidewalk improvements/repairs throughout the City. The contractor has substantially completed the project in accordance with the contract. It is recommended; herewith, that final payment be made for'said improvements to the contractor in the amount as follows: ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE ORDERS FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT FINAL WORK APPROVED ALL PRIOR PAYMENTS DEDUCTION BALANCE DUE Sincerely, $ 38,600.70 $ 8,399.10 $ 46,999.80 $ 46,999.60 ($ 45,999.60) ($ 750.00) $ 250.00 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CONSTRUCTION PAYMENT VOUCHER ESTIMATE NO. DATE: PERIOD ENDING: CONTRACT: PROJECT NO. TO: Final September 10, 2002 December 15, 2000 2000 Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs and Installations 2000-00 TI-ZACK CONCRETE, INC. Rt. 2 Box 182 Le Center, MN 56057 {507) 357-6463 B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Original Contract Amount Total Addition Total Deduction TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $38,600.70 $8,399.10 $0.00 $46,999.80 TOTAL VALUE Of WOrk TO DATE ................................................................................................. $46,999.60 LESS DEDUCTION $750.00 Previous Payment(s) $45,999.60 TOTAL APPROVED FOR PAYMENT THIS VOUCHER (FINAL) $250.00 TOTAL PAYMENTS INCLUDING THIS VOUCHER ................................................................. $46,249.60 APPROVALS Pursuant to our field o~servatio/K~ I hereby recommend for payment the above stated amount for wor~;~fmed th~lfo~jh December 15, 2000. Signed by: Kev~ir~ Hansed¥~Rul~c Works D'~'ector Date S ignedby: ~ ~NC~N ~'~-2_q-0~__ TI-Z~CK C C. Date I,- Z IL I.IJ F- Z o 0_ _ n 8 8 8 8 8 ~ 8 8 o ~ ~ 8 Consent Agenda Item//5 - removed from the Consent Agenda and placed under Bid Considerations 7-B-1. CITY COUNCIL LETTER AGENDA SECTION: NO: ITEM: BONDING FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Council Meeting of: October 28, 2002 ORIGINATING DEPT: FINANCE BY: WILLIAM ELt{ITE DATE: 10/25/02 CITY MANAGER Attached is the council letter and documentation that went to the City Council at their meeting of October 14, 2002. At that meeting this item was tabled and discussed at the City Council work session of October 21, 2002. Based on those meetings, staff has requested price quotes from Springsted, Ehlers & Associates, and Evensen Dodge on the cost of refunding the Tax Increment Financing Capital Appreciation bonds of 1990. In this request for price quotes it was made clear that we do not want any additional information or options such as three or five year contracts or other items. This was discussed at the work session of October 21 for clarification. At that work session one might say this was the consensus of the City Council. Due to the short timeline it was requested that the companies provide this information to the City by noon on Monday, October 28. The information will then be distributed at the City Council meeting. However, assuming that all three companies follow their traditional fee schedule, it is anticipated that Springsted will be high, Evensen Dodge will be low, and Ehlers will be somewhere in-between. Based on this and the discussions that we have had in relationship to services provided to the City, it is still staff's recommendation that the best overall economic value to the City for services and costs involved is to retain Ehlers & Associates as our financial advisor for this bond issue. Currently Ehlers is performing all of the City's TIF work and also the liquor store evaluation. Having them handle the current bond issue adds continuity and consistency to the process. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement with Ehlers & Associates Inc. to prepare bond documents for the $3.4 million bond issue and to have Ehlers & Associates Inc. evaluate the legal and financial feasibility of refunding the 1990 CAB bonds and prepare bond documents. WE:sms 0210251 COUNCIL Attachment COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER AGENDA SECTION: NO: Council Meeting of: October 14, 2002 ORIGINATING DEPT: CITY MANAGER FINANCE APPROVAL ITEM: BONDING FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK PROPOSALS FOR UTiLITY RATE STUDY BY: WILLIAM ELRITE BY: DATE: 10/03/02 DATE: This council letter is a follow-up to previous discussions with the City Council regarding public improvements in Zone 5, Zone 6A, Zone 6B, Zone 7 and Central Avenue. At the time these projects were approved, there were limited discussions in relationship to bonding for the projects for the street portion, the water main portion and the storm sewer portion as there are not adequate City reserves to cover these construction items. The only fund that has adequate reserves to cover the construction where bonding is not necessary is the Sanitary Sewer fund. The following chart shows the breakdown of bonding needed. As a follow-up to the work session of September 16th, staff sent out informal requests for financial advisor proposals. Attached is a memo from the City Finance Director summarizing these proposals. Name Street Construction Water Construction Storm Sewer Construction Streetscape TOTAL Amount $1,370,442 1,240,693 450,316 250,190 $ 3,311,641 Also in relationship to this bonding, it will be necessary to increase storm sewer and water utility rates. To facilitate this and to examine the long-range picture in our utility funds and rate structure, staff is recommending utilizing a consultant to review and make recommendations in relationship to utility rates. The reason for this is to have an outside individual perform a more in-depth evaluation of our long-term needs and establish a long-term rate schedule. To accomplish both of these objectives, staff is requesting approval to seek proposals for a utility rate study and seeking authorization from the council to have Ehlers & Associates Inc. prepare documents for a bond sale. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement With Ehlers & Associates Inc. to prepare bond documents at a cost of $15,750 based on their informal proposal of September 30, 2002 for financial advisory service. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to authorize staffto seek proposals for the utility rate study. WE:sms 0210034COIJNCIL Auachrnent COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF COL UMBL4 HEIGHTS DATE: OCTOBER 3, 2002 TO: FROM: WALT FEHST CITY MANAGER WILLIAM ELRITE FINANCE DIRECTOR INFORMAL REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL ADVISOR PROPOSALS (Page 1 of 2) Attached is the letter I sent out requesting proposals for financial advisory services. Also attached are excerpts from the various proposals showing the services provided and the fees charged. Some of the proposals included additional information on other services provided by their company such as clients served and bonding theories. The entire proposals are available for anyone who wants them. The chart below shows the total cost of the three proposals. From this chart, you can see that Springsted, Inc. is high and Evensen Dodge is low with Ehlers & Associates coming in at a cost slightly higher than Evensen Dodge. The costs in these proposals were not surprising as Evensen Dodge has a reputation of consistently being the low-cost bidder. As is noted in the Springsted proposal, "Some of our competitors leave more of the detail work to others." This statement could tie into several of the statements in the proposal from Evensen Dodge where they indicate that they assist the city in various aspects of the bond issuance process. At the same time both the Ehlers and Springsted proposals quite clearly list the work that they will perform. In the past the City has utilized services from both Springsted and Ehlers and found both firms to provide fully satisfactory service. Financial Advisor Service Print/Publication Cost (Est) Miscellaneous Cost (Est) Total Proposal Cost Difference from: Springsted Ehlers Springsted Ehlers Evensen Dodge 16,500.00 15,750.00 14,600.00 1,500.00 Included Included 470.00 Included Included 18,470.00 15,750.00 14,600.00 2,720.00 3,870.00 1,150.00 In seeking a financial advisor, I think it is very important that the City look at establishing a long-term relationship. As this is a consulting, advisory service, it is very important to consider the long-term ramifications and not just the immediate cost savings of the current proposal. By having a long-term relationship with a financial advisor firm, staff can call on them during the Page Two year for information and advice on various issues. If the City is bouncing around on every bond issue looking for low bid only, we cannot develop a long-term relationship and we have no one to turn to during the year for information and other related financial advisor services. In the past Springsted has served as the City's financial advisor for bond issues. Ehlers has served as financial advisor to the EDA and has done the City's grant applications and financial reporting for the tax increment financing (TIF). This TIF financial advisor relationship with Ehlers has been very successful in recent years as they did apply for and qualify us for a $300,000 state TIF grant. They also saved us several thousand dollars in the more recent controversy with the state auditor's office over TIF funds received in the Sullivan Lake TIF district. In addition to this, Ehlers staffhas met with us on several occasions to provide financial advisor information regarding TIF and other items as a free service. Based on past experience and the proposals received, I would recommend accepting the proposal from Ehlers & Associates. The reason for this is that Ehlers has demonstrated a consistently high level of service to the City and their proposal is $2,720 less than the Springsted proposal. The City could save an additional $1,150 by going with Evensen Dodge. However, their service is an unknown and it would be interrupting a successful, long-term relationship that we have had with Ehlers & Associates. This, in a long run, could prove to be less cost-effective, particularly if Ehlers began to charge for the ongoing advice they provide us during the year in relationship to TIF and other items. If you would like any additional information regarding this, please let me know. WE:sms 0210031CM Attachments CITY OF COL UMBIA HEIGHTS DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2002 (REVISED OCTOBER 25, 2002) TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR GARY PETERSON CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS BRUCE NAWROCKI MARLAINE SZUREK ROBERT WILLIAMS JULIENNE WYCKOFF FROM: WALT FEHST CITYMANAGER ~ WILLIAM ELRITE/~''~ FINANCE DIRECTOR RE: FINANCIAL ADVISOR SERVICES (Page 1 of 3) This memo is written as a follow-up to the recent city council meeting and various work sessions in relationship to the subject of financial advisor services. Recently we have had an opportunity to see some fine-tuned salesmanship demonstrated in various ways, fi.om council meetings to phone calls that resulted in an assortment of information being disseminated to various people at different times. As the City's Finance Director, I would like to strongly stress my opinion that the most important item is the service that is provided by the financial advisor and their ability to work with staff on the bonding issue and throughout the year in relationship to financial concerns and financial planning. How Did We Get to the Current Request for Proposals for Financial Advisor Services? This began at a work session in September when City staff brought to the council the need for bonding to cover past, current and future city projects. The total of this bonding amount was $3,400,000. At that time it was the consensus of the council to have staff obtain price quotes for this bonding. Subsequently, the attached letter requesting proposals was sent out. As you can see, this letter was directly related to the current $3.4 million bond issue. The request was sent to Springsted, Ehlers & Associates, and Evensen-Dodge. Ehlers complied with the request and provided the information requested giving their fee and the services that would be provided. Springsted did likewise only they went slightly beyond this and provided a little more in-depth information on their company. Evensen- Dodge deviated fi.om the proposal and went into several other issues including the potential of refunding 1990 Capital Appreciation bonds, which may be good but was not in compliance with the request for proposal. It is also worthy to note that all of this was done by Evensen-Dodge without contacting City staff and without verifying the data they were using with City staff. This information was then compiled and presented to the City Council with staff's recommendation to contract with Ehlers & Associates for financial advisor services. In an effort to keep the proposals on an even playing field and to avoid confusion, the complete proposals were not submitted to the City Council. Staff only submitted the portions of the proposals th. at related to the request. It should also Page Two be noted that Mark Ruff of Ehlers & Associates did call and he was told that it was not necessary to attend the council meeting. History of Financial Advisor Services in Columbia Heights This has previously been reviewed with the City Council. The historic use of financial advisors in the City has been limited to first, Miller-Schroeder for several years, and later Springsted who absorbed several of the employees and most of the business when Miller-Schroeder went out of the financial advisor services business. Over the years the council has, on one or two occasions, requested information from other financial advisors but has never actually changed the service. Although Springsted has a long-time reputation as being a higher cost service, it has always been felt that the cost was justified by the service they provided. In 2000 the City deviated slightly fi'om this by hiring Ehlers & Associates as a financial advisor to handle Tax Increment Financing issues, reporting and grant applications. As was pointed out at the October 14th City Council meeting, in 1999 Springsted handled our TIF reporting and grant application eligibility. Based on the information they prepared we did not qualify for a grant. In 2000 Ehlers prepared the TIF financial reports and grant application. Based on Ehlers work product the City qualified for and received a $300,352 grant. Financial Advisor Staff Assigned to the City's Account In seeking financial advisor services it is very important to note that the City of Columbia Heights is a very small participant in the bond market. We have very infrequent and very small bond issues. Subsequently, although it is fine for financial advisor service companies to have us on their list of clients, we are really not a significant revenue source to them. We can talk to the top executive in a company when we are seeking proposals and consider the number of years this person was a high ranking government official, however, the bottom line is that this person is not the individual who will be working on our account. The larger the company, the further the distance will be from the top official to the employee handling our account. In the current proposals, Ehlers is the smallest company. We would be working with the same people we are currently working with on TIF issues and the liquor store evaluation. It might be worth noting that these are local people who got their start in Anoka County. Refunding of Previous Bond Issues This is an item of significant concern and has been reviewed with Springsted, the City's current financial advisor, on a regular basis. As you may recall, this issue was brought to the City Council by Springsted about two years ago but was pulled from the agenda because it did not meet the state required savings limit. Last spring Ehlers brought this item to our attention stating they felt it would meet the savings requirement. At that time we again discussed it with Springsted and they once again stated it would not meet the savings requirement. About six weeks ago Evensen-Dodge called and indicated that they felt the issue could be refunded and we again referred it to Dan Hartman our representative at Springsted. However, before he could get back to us he left the company. The bottom line is that staff has been reviewing this with our financial advisor on a regular basis. The possibility of refunding would have been reviewed as part of the preparation for the sale of the new bond issue. Page Three It should be noted that the savings limit is just one of the items involved in the refunding. In past refunding issues our financial advisor has been able to qualify by moving more of the principal to earlier years and taking advantage of the lower rate on the shorter term. This has been a partial cause of the current cash flow problem we are experiencing which necessitated borrowing over $800,000 of City reserves to the Debt Services fund to cover bond payments. In Summary. Service is the Most Important Issue The end result is making the best economical decision for the City of Columbia Heights. Ehlers has been a proven company with the TIF work they have performed for the City and the amount they have already saved us on TIF grants and TIF issues with Anoka County. City staff has a good working relationship with Ehlers and feels very confident that they can provide us with good service that will result in the best economical situation for the residents of Columbia Heights. WE.'sms 0210 ! 61 COUNCIL Attachment CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of October 28, 2002 NO.AGENDA SECTION: Consent ITEM Premises Permit Application Class B NO Gambling License for Columbia Heights Athletic Boosters Club ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT POLICE BY: Thomas M. Johnso~.,~ DATE: October 24, 2002~J~d\ CITY MANAGER APPROVAD~ D BACKGROUND Attached is an application from the Columbia Heights Athletic Boosters Club seeking authorization to conduct pull tab gambling at the 500 Club located at 500 40th Avenue Northeast, Columbia Heights, Minnesota, 55421. ANALYSIS/CONCLUSION Since the organization satisfies the City Council's resolutions regarding charitable gambling and has paid the $250 permit fee, the City Manager recommends the following action. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Direct the City Manager to forward a letter to the State Charitable Gambling Control Board stating that the City of Columbia Heights has no objection to the issuance of a Class B charitable gambling license for Columbia Heights Athletic Boosters Club to be conducted at the 500 Club, 500 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN; and furthermore, that the City Council hereby waives the remainder of the sixty-day notice to the local governing body. Attachment told 02-183 COUNCIL ACTION: Minnesota Lawful Gambling Lease for Puli-Tab Dispensing Device ActiVity- LG223 Name of Legal Owner of PremL_ee~_ Street Address Name of Lessor Street Address (If same as legal owner, write in "SAME~) Name of Leased Premises Street Address City State Zip city st~ Zip Times and Days Puli-Tab Dispensing Device In Operation ust the hours each pull-tab dispensing device will be in operation(example 5:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.): Machine ~2 Machine #3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fdday Saturday 'Sunday Machine #1 Monday ~, ~, ~-,,,, -- \(~ ? ---, Monday Tuesday' ~ ~ ~ ' [~ Tue~ay W~nesday ~ ~ ' t~ ~ W~nesday Thursday ~ ~ ~ tO~ Thumday Fflday I~ ~ ~ Ffld~ Saturday ~ ~ ~ - t ~ p ~ Saturday Sunday C L~O Sunday Rent Info~afion Total rent cannot exceed $1~000 per month for all non- bingo activity for this gambling premises. · For bingo activity, use lease form LG222. Sketch and Dimensions of Leased Area Sketch: For all areas being leased for the conduct of gambling and storage of gambling product at this premises, attach a sketch (drawing) showing the leased area(s) and the dimensions. Dimensions The leased areas are: Machine #1 Machine #2 Machine #3 Storage Storage An organization may not pay rent to itself or to any of its affiliates for space used for the conduct of lawful gambling. Rent to be paid per'month $ ,~ ~___,~.. ~ (If no rent is to be paid, indicate -0-) ~ For Premises Permit Renewal Applications Only: If no changes have been made'at the site, you do not have to complete this section or pn:}.vide a sketch. Term of Lease feet by feet by feet by feet by feet by The term of this lease agreement will be concurrent with the. premises permit issued by the Gambling Control Board, unless terminated sooner by mutual consent of the lessor and lessee. Questions on this form should be directed to the Ucensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at 651-6394000. This publication will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, Braille) upon request. Hearing impaired individuals using a TTY may call the Minnesota Relay Sen/ice at 1-800- 627-3529 and ask to. place a call to 651-639-4000, feet for a total of feet for a total of feet for a total of feet for a total of feet for a total of Combined total Amended Lease Only square feet. square feet. square feet. square feet. square feet. square feat. If this is an amended lease showing changes occurring dur- ing the term of the current premises permit, write in the date that the changes will be effective I / . Both parties that signed the lease must initial and date all c~anges. The information requested on this form will become public in- formation when received by the Board, and will be used to determine your compliance with Minnesota statutes and roles governing lawful gambling activities. Page1 of 2 1199 Lease for Puli-Tab Dispensing Device Activity - LG223 i LESSOR PROHIBITIONS I 2. To the best of the le__~_~_~s knowledge, the lessor affirms that any and all Management of Gambling Prohibited. The miner of the premises or the lessor will not manage the conduct of gambling at the premises. Participation am Ptayem Prohibited The lessor, the lessors immediate family, and any agents or gambling employees games or devices located on the premises am not being used, and are not capable of being used, in a manner that violates the prohibitions against illegal gambling in Minnesota Statutes, section 609.75, and the penalties for illegal gambling violations in Minnesota Rules, part 7861.0050, subpart 3. of the lessor will not participate as players 3. Notwith~nding Minnesota Rules, part in the conduct of lawful gambling on the 7861.0050, subpart 3, an organization must continue mavJng rent payments, pursuant to the terms of the lease, if the organization or its agents am found premises. Puli-Tab Diapansing Devicea 1.Any pull-tab dispensing device (heralder referred to as device) shall be located within the leased space, in a location other than a hallway and where alcoholic beverages are regularly dispensed and consumed. 2. The lessor shall prohibit persons from tampering with or interfering with the normal operation or play of the device. 3. The lessor/organization shall ensure that the device is inoperable whenever an organization employee is not present to redeem a winning pull-tab. 4. Except for the provisions in Minnesota Rules, part 7861.0080, the les_~_r or the lassoes employees shall not access or attempt to access the interior of a device. The lessor or the lessor's employees shall not permit any person, other than authorized employees or representatives of the organization, to access the interior of a device. Illegal Gambling 1. The lessor is aware of the prohibition against illegal gambling in Minnesota Statutes, section 609.75, and the penalties for illegal gambling violations in Minnesota Rules, part 7861.0050, subpart 3. to be solely responsible for any illegal gambling conducted at that site that is prohibited by Minnesota Rules, part 7861.0050, subpart 1, or Minnesota Statutes, section 609.75, unless the organization's agents responsible for the illegal gambling activity are also agents or employees of the lessor. 4. The lessor shall not modify or terminate the lease in whole or in part because the organization reported to a state or local law enforcement authority or the board the occurrence at the site of illegal gambling activity in which the organization did not participate. Other Prohibitions 1. The lessor will not impose restrictions on the organization with respect to providers of gambling-related equipment and services or in the use of net profits for lawful purposes. 2. The lessor, the lessor's immediate family, and any agents or employees of the lessor will not require the organization to perform any action that would violate statute or rule. 3. ff there is a dispute as to whether any of these lease provisions have been violated, the lease will remain in effect pending a final determination by the Compliance Review Group (CRG) of the Gambling Control Board. 4. The lessor shall not modify or terminate this lease in whole or in part due to the lessor's violation of the provisions listed on this lease. Arbitration Process The lessor agrees to arbitration when a violation of these lease provisions is alleged. The arbitrator shall be the CRG. i ACCESS TO PERMITTED PREMISESI State of Minnesota and Law Enforcement The board and its agents, the commissioners of revenue and public safety and their agents, and law enforcement personnel have access to the permitted premises at any reasonable time during the business hours of the lessor. Organization The organization has access to the permitted premises during any time reasonable and when necessary for the conduct of lawful gambling on the premises. I LESSOR RECORDS MAINTAINED I The lessor shall maintain a record of all money received from the organization, and make the record available to the board and its agents, the commissioners of revenue and public safety and their agents upon ~lemand. The record shall be maintained for a pedod of 3-1/2 years. OTHER OBLIGATIONS AND AGREEMENTS - Attachment Ail obligations and agreements between the organization and the lessor are contained in or attached to this lease. (Attach additional sheets if nece~____ry. Any attachments to this lease must be dated and signed by both the lessor and lessee.) This lease is the total and only agreement bet-:.'=cn the lessor and the organization operating pull-tab dispe~sing devices. There is no other agreement and no other consideration required between the parties as to the pull-tab dispensing devices and other matters related to this lease. Any changes in this lease must be submitte~d,tq the Ga~blin~g Control Board ten days prior to the Page2 of 2 1/99 LG2'I4 - Premises Permit Application Page 3 of 3 7/01 Local Unit of Government Acknowledgment and Approval If the gambling premises is within city limits, the city must sign this application and provide a resolution. On behaff of the city, I hereby acknowledge this /Q _ _ x3 . . . / , __ applicationforlawfulgamblingactivityatthepremises I,~...~ / O.1L~ ( /e // ~ /gf .~ J'~ ,/~,~.,/.,~fi4.~ located within the city's jurisdiction, and that a .~P.,dnt r~ame/of city ~J resolution specifically approving or denying the ( ~. Z~ ~'~ . ,, application will be forwarded to the applying '-~_.~( n )~..~:2;~ ~F'~J~ ,, ~ organization. ' Signatu[e Ot'c'~y pe. rs~,~ceiving application Title;~.. ~ ~_.I~'~ ~ ,=~jt Date/O. If the gambling premises is located in a township, both the county arm township mu~t sign this application. The county must provide a resolution. For the township On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying to conduct lawful gambling activity within the township limits. Print name of township A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application (Minn. Stat. 349.213, subd. 2). Signature of township official acknowledging application Title Date For the county On behaff of the county, I hereby acknowledge this application for lawful gambling activity at the premises located within the county's jurisdiction, and that a resolution specifically approved or denying the application will be for- warded to the applying organization. The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota, and to assist the Board in conducting a background investigation of you. You have the right to refuse to supply the information requested; however, if you refuse to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue you a premises permit. If you supply the information requested, the Board will be able to process your application. This form may require the disclosure of your Social Security number. If so, your Social Security number will be used to determine your compliance with the tax laws of Minnesota. Authorization for requiring your Social Security number is found at 42 U.S.C. 405 (c)(i). Your name and address will be public information when received by the Board. All the other information that you provide will be private data about you until the Board issues your premises permit. When the Board issues your Print name of county Signature of county personnel receiving application Title Date premises permit, all of the information that you have provided to the Board in the process of applying for your premises permit will become public except for your Social Security number, which remains private. If the Board does not issue you a premises permit, all the information you have provided in the process of applying for a premises permit remains private, with the'~xception of your name and address which will remain public. Private data about you are available only to the following: Board members, staffofthe Board whose work assignment requires that they have access to the information; the Minnesota Department of Public Safety; the Minnesota Attorney General; the Minnesota Commissioners of Administration, Finance, and Revenue; the Minnesota Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies that are specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this Notice was given; and anyone with your consent. Questions? Call the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at 651-639-4000. If you use a TTY, you can call the Board by using the Minnesota Relay Service at 1-800-627-3529 and ask to place a call to 651-639-4000. This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, Braille) upon request. 02/01/2000 23:23 6128728048 , .:; -,": ' :'.500 CLUB BAR I ~ '2 x 5'4..~," .: 5'8 x ,. RESOLIYFION 96.46 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CERTAIN CHARITABLE GAMBLING Currently, R~solution No. 88-41 reads as follows: BE IT RF_~OLVED by the City of Columbia He/ghts that gambling, as described in Minnesota Statute 326 shall be prohibited in all bars and liquor establishments within the City which arc lic, e~xl pursuant to Section 5.501, 5.503, 5..~)4, ~.505, $~06, or ~..507 of the Ci~ Code unless: The organization wishing to gamble obtains the permission of the Minnesota Charitable Gambling Control Board; The organization wishing to gamble obtains the permission of the Council of the City of Columbia Heights; 'me organization wishing to gambles has been in existence in (~olumbia Heights for not less than t~u y~; 4. 'me organization wishing to gamble is a bona fide club; The organization wishing to gamble does not pay the proprietor of the licensed premises a rental or lease payment in excess of the lesser of $400 per month, or the amount authorized by the State Charitable Gambling Control Board for Class A and Class B licenses. No other remuneration shall be paid to the proprietor for permitting the gambling activity or device to be located on the licensed premises. A license fee not subject to a waiver shall be paid to the City of Columbia Heights in the amount of $9-50 for Class A and Class B licenses and $25 for Class C and Class D licenses. License fees shall not prorated or refundable. NOW, THEREFORF~ BE IT RESOLVED that this resolution shall take effect on July 1, 1988, and shall replace Resolution 86-11. Passed this 9th day of May, 1988. Resolution 88-41 is hereby nmended to read: RESOLUTION 9646 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CERTAIN CHARITABLE GAMBLING BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Columbia Heights that gambling, as described in Minnesota Statute 326 shall be prohibited in all bars and liquor establishments within the City which are licensed pursuant to Section 5.501, 5.503, 5.504, 5.505, 5.506, or 5.507 of the City Code unless: The organization wishing to gamble, obtains the pemission of thc Minnesota Charitable Gambling Control Board; The organization wishing to gamble obtains the permission of the Council of the City of Columbia Heights; The organization wishing to gamble has been in existence in Columbia Heights for not less than ten years; 4. 'me organization wishing to gamble is a bona fide club; Thc organization wishing to gamble does not pay the proprietor of thc licensed prcmiscs a rental or lease payment in excess of ll*s lese~ of ~00 ~1,000 per month, or the amount ~'-the~'.ead by tho St~e CI-~'P'.:ble ~-~'iing Coztrol Ro~'~ for Ciarm A ~md Ctr-~ R lio4m~.~ which payment shall b~ inclusive of any and all allowabl~ exvcuscs as defined and set forth in MN. STAT. ~49 et. sc~., as ~mealded. No other remuae~oien vavment, set*off, or credit, of any kind. other g~an as set forth above, shall be paid to or on behalf of the proprietor, or any conmanv or vendor orovidini any service or Ioods to or on behalf of the ~oorietor. for po,...iainS tho gambling ltsli~,ity or dexic: to bo losnlstl on h'to lk;snae~ A license fee not subject to a waiver shall be paid m the City of Col~mbia Heights in the amount of IF250 for Class A and Class B licenses and $25 for Class C and Class D licenses. License fees shall not be prorated or refuadable. If thc orlqanization is determined to bc in violation of any of the terms or conditions of this Resolutioii, any authorization hereunder previously eranted to conduct said lambline activity may be immediate, Iv suspended until such violation(s) is/are corrected. Any such determination of violation(s) and any sus~nsion hercundc~ shall be made as follows: At a meefin~ oven w the oublic; and After a minimum of 10 days notice to ~he oreanizafion; and After ~ovidins~ ~c organization with ~he oovommit~ w vresent i~s vosifion at said meefini; and By a simvle maiofit¥ vote of the Ciw Council. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that this resolution shall ~__,ke effect on July 1. 1988. May 112. 1996. and shall replace Resolution ~ ! 1 88-41. Passed this 13th day of_ Hay .1996. Offered by: S tu rdevan t Seconded by: Peterson Roll Call: A1 1 ayes e StudeaL Couacil Secreta~ ofloseph Sturdevant COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB, INC. PH. 788-1697 530 MILL ST., NE, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MN 55421 PAY 3068 Your I~ Commun/ty ~ VO~ ,'OD:iD&ii,' ':oql, oool,:; 17-13/910 SOO,,, :~ 3 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: October 28, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: NO: ITEM: License Agenda NO: ORIGINATING DEPT.: License Department BY: Shelley Hanson(~)[X DATE: October 24, 2002 CITY MANAGER APPRO~~J BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached is the business license agenda for the October 28, 2002 City Council meeting. This agenda consists of applications for various contractor licenses for the calendar year 2002. Also included on the agenda are the renewals for calendar year 2003 that have been received and approved to date. These include renewals for fuel dispensing devices, motor vehicle rental, tobacco sales, OffSale Beer, Wine/Beer License, and Games of Skill for 2003. Also listed on the agenda is the renewal of a Currency Exchange License for Kwik Cash at 4639 Central Avenue and for Money Xchange at 4110 Central Ave. This type of business is actually licensed by the State of Minnesota. However, pursuant to MN Statute 53A.04, the State is required to submit the application to the governing body of the municipality in which the business operates. The law further requires the governing body of the municipality to render a decision regarding the renewal of the license within 60 days. I forwarded this application to the Police Department, and they see no reason to deny the renewal of this license. At the top of the license agenda you will notice a phrase stating *Signed Waiver Form Accompanied Application. This means that the data privacy form has been submitted as required. If not submitted, certain information cannot be released to the public. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for October 28, 2002 as presented, regarding the new licenses for 2002 and the renewals for 2003. COUNCIL ACTION: TO CITY COUNCIL October 28, 2002 *Signed Waiver Form Accompanied Application 2002 BUSINESS LICENSE AGENDA APPROVED BY CONTRACTORS LICENSED AT FEES BUILDING OFFICIAL *Riverview Plumbing *BevLor Utilities *Walter Mechanical *Olsen Fire Protection *Affordable Stucco PO Box 387 Elk River 7522 155th Ave Forest Lk 7224 James Ave So Richfield 321 Wilson St NE, Mpls 358 Maple St NE, SLP $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 2003 BUSINESS LICENSE AGENDA APPROVED BY POLICE CURRENCY EXCHANGE LICENSE RENEWAL Cash Czechs, Inc. dba Kwik Cash 4639 Central Ave NE Money Xchange 4110 Central Ave NE State Lic. State Lic. ZONING VEHICLE RENTAL *Columbia Heights Rental 3901 Central Ave NE $50.00 FIRE FUEL DISPENSING DEVICES *Columbia Heights Rental (1) 3901 Central Ave NE *University Auto Service/Texaco(4) 5257 University Ave NE *Speedway Superamerica g4057 (10) 5000 Central Ave NE *Holiday Station Stores (14) 4259 Central Ave NE $50.00 $80.00 $140.00 $180.00 POLICE TOBACCO/CIGARETTE SALES *Adel Salem/Salem Tobacco *Gary Peterson/University Texaco *Speedway Superamerica *Holiday Stationstores 2325 37th Place NE 5257 University Ave 5000 Central Ave 4259 Central Ave $200.00 $2O0.OO $2OO.OO $200.00 POLICE WINE/BEER LICENSE *Udupi Caf6 4920 Central Ave $2400 POLICE GAMES OF SKILL *Metro Coin at Star Bar *Metro Coin at Dennys *Metro Coin at VFW #230 4005 Central Ave 5025 Central Ave 4446 Central Ave $3O $3O $3O POL, FIRE, BLDG OFF SALE BEER *Speedway Superamerica 5000 Central Ave $150 license agenda CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF ANOKA CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Motion to approve payment of bills out of the proper funds, as listed in the attached check register covering Check Number ]0D~0~- through 100¢7.7 in the amount of $ ~t~, 0~'~. ~/0 . These checks have been examined and found to be legal charges against the CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, and are hereby, recommended for payment. ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 10/24/2002 16:39:29 Check History GL050S-V06.40 COVERPAGE GL540R * *** C O U N C I L *** * * *** C O U N C I L *** * * *** C O U N C I L *** * * *** C O U N C I L *** * Report Selection: Optional Report Title ....... 10/28/02 COUNCIL LISTING INCLUSIONS: Fund & Account .............. thru Check Date .................. Source Codes ................ Journal Entry Dates ......... Journal Entry Ids ........... Check Number ................ thru thru thru thru 100402 thru 100627 Project N Vendor ...................... Invoice ..................... Purchase Order Bank ........................ Voucher .................... Released Date ............... Cleared Date ................ thru thru thru thru thru thru thru thru Run Instructions: Jobq Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space J COUNCIL 02 P4 N S LPI Lines CPI 6 066 10 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/24/2002 16 Check History 10/28/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 1 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT BECKER/KELLY CITY OF NEW BRIGHTON COCA-COLABOTTLINGMIDWE FRITZ COMPANY INC G & K SERVICES GENUINE PARTS/NAFA AUTO GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC GRIGGS-COOPER & CO JOHNSON BROS. LIQUOR CO. JONES/WILLIAM KORTS/STEVEN KRIESEL/ROBERT KUEHN/JEkN MEDICINE LAKE TOURS METROCALL - ATT MESSAGIN MINNESOTA CROWN DISTRIBU MINNESOTA UC FUND MINNESOTA YOUTH ATHLETIC MOELLER/KAREN ON¥OY PARKER/ROBYN PETTY CASH - KAREN MOELL PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS PLUNKETT'S, INC PURTLE/DAVID QUALITY ~I~ & SPIRITS QWEST COMMUNICATIONS RELIANT ENERGY MINNEGASC SENSIBLE IAND USE COALIT SIR SPEEDY s~/~ K~ SOUK/POM VERIZON WIRELESS wINE COMPANY/THE XCEL ENERGY (N S P) YOUNG/CHRISTINE AFFINITY PLUS FEDERAL CR AFSCME DELTA DENTAL FIRST COM~[ONI~ CREDIT U IC~ilR~IREMENT TRUST 45 MEDICI SENIOR MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS 39 ORCHkRD TRUST COMPANY 100402 159.22 100403 1,957.50 100404 1,526.89 100405 5,163.45 100406 42.18 100407 86.31 100408 76.68 100409 400.00 100410 61,405.11 100411 2,282.87 100412 4.42 100413 24.84 100414 215.01 100415 48.61 100416 65.00 100417 3,230.00 100418 88.32 100419 171.50 100420 1,229.74 100421 2,400.00 100422 45.15 100423 24.95 100424 4.95 100425 81.31 100426 5,132.71 100427 89.67 100428 102.00 100429 5,133.45 100430 467.07 100431 28.18 100432 80.00 100433 168.43 100434 125.68 100435 57.02 100436 114.02 100437 1,097.30 100438 11,430.43 100439 209.81 100440 400.00 100441 1,060.62 100442 5,049.75 100443 2,300.00 100444 11,294.77 100445 846.60 100446 707.43 100447 398.00 100448 7,065.50 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/24/2002 16 Check History 10/28/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 2 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT PERA RAMSDELL SCHOLARSHIP FUN RELI~TAR EMPLOYEE BENEF UNION 49 UNITED WAY VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER - WELLS FARGO - PAYROLL AC WI DEPARTMENT OF REVENI~E AARP OLD LOG THEATRE AMERIC3%N AMUSEMENT ARCAD AUSTIN/LENNY BELLBOY BAR SUPPLY BELLBOY CORPORATION BUDINGER/PATRICIA CITY OF IN'VER GROVE HEIG EXTREME BEVERAGE GENUINE PARTS/NASA AUTO GILL/RICHARD GRIOGS-COOPER & CO HODYNSKY/WALTER HOHENSTEINS INC JOHI~SON BROS. LIQUOR CO. KUETHER DIST. CO. MMESTIC OAKS MARK VII DIST. MINNESOTA CROWN DISTRIBU PAUSTIS & SONS PE~ CASH - KELLY BECKE PE~ CASH - M~Y DUGDAL PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS QWEST COMMUNICATIONS ~ERIZON DIRECTORIES CORD WILLIAM MITCHELL COLLEGE XCEL ENERGY (N S P) ZAPPA/SANDRA A & C SMALL ENGINE A C & E P~LISHING COMPA ACCENT PROMOTIONS INC ACE HARDWARE ADAM'S PEST CONTROL, INC AID ELECTRIC SERVICE INC ALL CARPET & VINYL ALL SAFE FIRE & SECURITY ALLIED PI~kSTICS 100449 27,387.21 100450 49.25 100451 2,372.15 100452 570.00 100453 39.00 100454 225.00 100455 149,957.27 100456 291.55 100457 160.00 100458 2,089.25 100462 285.00 100463 69,49 100464 459,44 100465 2,295.27 100466 100.00 100467 85.50 100468 320.00 100469 2,75 100470 250.00 100471 19,683.98 100472 17.50 100473 80.40 100474 44,835.00 100475 35,247.06 100476 578,90 100477 22.36 100478 0.48 100479 153.50 100480 294,19 100481 86.89 100482 136.90 100483 2,511.35 100484 3,000.79 100485 1,495,28 100486 35.65 100487 149.00 100488 9,994.41 100489 240.97 100490 5.71 100491 56.50 100492 49.52 100493 168.63 100494 66.56 100495 541.38 100496 300.00 100497 174.60 100498 339.00 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/24/2002 16 BANK VFADOR Check History 10/28/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 3 CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT AMERICAN ENGI~ERING TES 100499 5,880.65 AMERICAN STORE/THE 100500 103.18 AMERICAN TESTING CENTER 100501 480.00 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASS 100502 170.00 AMERIPRIDE 100503 57.42 ANOKA COUNTY SHERIFFS DE 100504 127.80 ANOKA CTY - CEN'I?~AL COMM 100505 1,169.27 ANORA HENNEPIN TECH COLL 100506 870.00 A~PLE LAND LAW ENFORCEME 100507 1,053.98 ARCTIC GLACIER 100508 448.76 ARMOR HOLDINGS INC 100509 89.15 ~PEN MILLS, INC. 100510 45.00 BACKU~ TRAINING CORP/THE 100511 6.95 BARER & TAYLOR 100512 654.99 B~/{ER & TAYLOR ENTERTAIN 100513 13.31 BARNAGUZY & STEFFEN LTD 100514 14,319.80 BATTERIES PLUS 100515 199.69 BAUER BUILT TIRE & BATTE 100516 1,759.63 BELLBOY BAR SUPPLY 100517 42.00 BFI/WOODLAKE SANITARY SE 100518 104,788.98 BIFF'S,INC. 100519 60.26 BITUMINOUS RO~WAYS, INC 100520 452.32 BOOK WHOLESALERS INC 100521 125.88 BOYER TRUCK PARTS 100522 710.73 BRIN NORTHWESTERN GLASS 100523 81.24 BRODART 100524 127.46 BROOKLYN TRUCKING 100525 47.93 BUILDING FASTENERS 100526 94.07 C & H CONSTRUCTION 100527 600.00 C S MCCROSSAN 100528 130.00 ~SON TRACTOR 100529 7.32 CENTER FOR ENERGY/ENVIRO 100530 500.00 CENTRAL LANDSCAPING 100531 95.86 CENTRAL LOCK & SAFE 100532 31.91 CHISA60 LAKES DISTRIBUTI 100533 1,854.20 CITY WIDE LOCKSMITHING 100534 18.72 COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPOR 100535 80.00 COMO LUBE & SUPPLIES 100536 147.50 CONTINENTAL SAFETY EQUIP 100537 186.08 CREST VIEW CORPORATION 100538 12,871.44 D ROCK CENTER 100539 13.05 DANKA 100540 371.13 DANKA OFFICE IMAGING 100541 35.94 DAVIES WATER EQUIPMENT C 100542 250.22 DEHN OIL 100543 9,451.99 DISCOUNT STEEL INC 100544 104.01 E L REINHARDT COMPANY IN 100545 116.09 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/24/2002 16 Check History 10/28/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 4 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT FAST SIDE BEVERAGE CO 100546 13,002.75 EHLER & ASSOCIATE-PUBLIC 100547 877.50 ELK RIVER CONCRETE PRODU 100548 375.87 ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY 100549 39.47 G & K SERVICES 100550 583.81 GALE GROUP/THE 100551 44.17 GENE'S WATER & SEWER INC 100552 500.00 GENUINE PARTS/NAPA AUTO 100553 115.62 GOODIN CO. 100554 264.36 GROVE NURSERY 100555 71.99 HAB INC 100556 200.00 HANKS SPECIALTIES 100557 49.63 HASSAN SAND & GRAVEL 100558 495.23 HOHENSTEINS INC 100559 7,315.68 HOME DEPOT #2802 100560 171.55 HONEYWELL INC 100561 644.00 HOUCHEN BINDERY LTD 100562 182.90 INSTRUMENTAL RESEARCH IN 100563 126.40 IPC PRINTING 100564 530.44 KUETHER DIST. CO. 100565 40,993.65 LAW ENFORCEMENT TARGETS 100566 1,342.34 LEXISNEXIS MATTHEW BENDE 100567 74.65 LOFFLER BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100568 298.43 LUEE-TECH 100569 2,784.41 LYLE SIGNS INC 100570 116.75 MAC QUEEN EQUIPMENT CO. 100571 32.16 MADDEN & ASSOCIATES/FRAN 100572 1,178.00 MARK VII DIST. 100573 6,585.46 MARSHALL CONCRETE PRODUC 100574 365.03 MCM'S LAMP RECYCLING 100575 915.74 MEWARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 100576 1,059.07 MERIT RECOGNITION 100577 10.41 METRO FIRE 100578 54.00 METRO WELDING SUPPLY 100579 221.74 METROCALL - ATT MESSAGIN 100580 297.68 MIDWAY FORD 100581 109.70 MIDWEST ASPHALT CO. 100582 3,441.16 MINNFOkPOLIS OXYGEN CO. 100583 5.11 MI~OLIS SAW CO. 100584 145.83 MINNESOTA BEARING COMPAN 100585 28.62 MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATIO 100586 2,436.35 MN REC & PK~SOC - MRP 100587 680.00 MN UTILITY CONTRACTORS A 100588 300.00 MOTOROLA INC. 100589 53.68 MTI DISTRIBUTING 100590 219.84 NEEFAN FOUNDRY CORP 100591 175.73 NOAA NATIONAL DATA CENTE 100592 34.00 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/24/2002 16 Check History 10/28/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 5 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT NRG PROCESSING SOLUTIONS 100593 408.96 OFFICE DEPOT 100594 375.70 OLSON'S PLUMBING 100595 1,650.94 ONE-CALL CONCEPT-GOPHER 100596 229.40 PEPSI-COLA-7 UP 100597 623.95 PERFORMANCE LAWN CARE 100598 292.50 PERSONNEL DECISIONS INC 100599 1,056.11 PIONEER RIM & WHEEL CO. 100600 601.56 R R BOWKER 100601 710.53 RAPIT PRINTING - FRIDLEY 100602 29.98 RDO EQUIPMENT 100603 372.75 ROSANDER/MELISSA 100604 780.00 RUETTIMANN/ROBERT 100605 35.00 SAM GIBSON SEWER COMP~u%IY 100606 75.00 SCRANTON GILLETTE COMM 100607 40.00 SPRING LAKE PARK FIRE 100608 100.00 ST PAUL-DED/THE 100609 3,852.07 STAR TRIBUNE 100610 175.23 STREICHER'S GUN'S INC/DO 100611 106.29 SUN PUBLICATION 100612 767.26 SUPERIOR FORD INC. 100613 145.00 SURPLUS SERVICES 100614 175.00 TECHIFAX BUSINESS SYSTEM 100615 25.00 TRUGREEN CHEMLAWN 100616 420.34 TWIN CITY GARAGE DOOR CO 100617 76.00 UNITED RENTALS 100618 21.30 URS BRW INC 100619 47,585.30 VERIZON WIRELESS 100620 445.82 VICTORY CORPS 100621 126.31 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY 100622 17.41 VOSS LIGHTING 100623 601.86 WELLE AUTO SUPPLY INC 100624 40.38 WEST WELD 100625 62.00 ZEP M3%NUFA~ING COMPAN 100626 238.94 10,000 IAKES CHAPTER 100627 10.00 754,037.80 *** ACS FInANCiAL SYS?[] 10/24/2002 16 Check History 10/28/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06,40 PAGE 6 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT REPORT TOTALS: 754,037.80 RECORDS PRINTED - 001168 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/24/2002 16:39:31 FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION ................................ 101 GENERAL 201 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND 203 PARKVIEW VILLA NORTH 204 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH 205 SECTION 8 212 STATE AID MAINTENANCE 213 PARKVIEW VILLA SOUTH 225 CABLE TELEVISION 226 SPECIAL PROJECT REVENUE 235 RENTAL HOUSING 240 LIBRARY 250 COL HGHTS AFTER SCHOOL ENRI 276 LOCAL LAW ENFORCE BLK GRANT 278 JUVENILE JUSTICE GRANT 401 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 402 STATE AID CONSTRUCTION 420 CAP IMPROVEMENT-DEVELOPMENT 601 WATER UTILITY 602 SEWER UTILITY 603 REFUSE FUND 604 STORM SEWER UTILITY 609 LIQUOR 701 CENTRAL GARAGE 720 DATA PROCESSING 883 CONTRIBUTED PROJECTS-GEN 884 INSURANCE 885 ESCROW 887 FLEX BENEFIT TRUST FUND TOTAL ALL FUNDS Check History DISBURSEMENTS 61,879.11 2,258.77 11,723.18 1,311.25 44,835.00 498.90 5,906.26 54.86 2,928.06 275.51 3,889.74 341.61 3,064.86 17.58 49.52 53,175.84 776.48 2,855.11 527.23 105,877.91 729.98 218,463.55 18,057.68 24.95 780.00 3,852.07 208,279.87 1,602.92 754,037.80 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL060S-V06.40 RECAPPAGE GL540R BANK RECAP: ~ANK NAME BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT TOTAL ALL BANKS DISBURSEMENTS 754,037.80 754,037.80 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 10/28/02 AGENDA SECTION: BID CONSIDERATIONS No: -7- ITEM: ACCEPT BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACT FOR CENTRAL AVENUE HOLIDAY BANNERS AND HOLIDAY DECORATIONS ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS BY: K. Hansen DATE: 10/25/02 CITY MANAGER Background: The Central Avenue improvement project includes banner arms and outlets on the street light poles from 39th to 41st Avenues. The intent is to provide for a variety of banners, possibly associated with a season or holiday such as Christmas or July 4th. The outlets will provide direct plug-ins for most types of lighted holiday decorafiom to be attached to the poles. The City's current holiday decorations are minimal or are in poor shape due to age. Analysis/Conclusions: In accordance with the planning concepts for Central, staffprepared an RFP with the following requirements on Central: * Holiday banners * Holiday lighted decorations Banners: The banner mounting brackets included with the Central Avenue street lighting are sized for a 24" x 48" banner and will total 45 banners from 39th to 41st Avenues. There are a number of&sign options to choose from. It is recommended that two base fabric colors be selected, with one that approximates the red of the color banding of the sidewalk. Staffwould recommend two designs, alternating on every subsequent pole, repeating from 39th to 41st Avenues. Holiday Lighted Decorations: The new light poles will have standard plug-ins which will provide for lighted decorations at each pole from 39th to 41st Avenues. I would describe the lighting decorations in one of three general categories: * Lighted Wreath * Lighted White Silhouette * Lighted Colored Silhouette Fifteen RFP's were sent out with four proposals received, a copy of the bid tabulation is attached. Of these four, only two met the requirements of the RFP as two did not propose on holiday decorations. The two proposals that met the requirements of the RRP are attached for reference, and are: * Main Street Designs of Ramsey, MN * Display Sales of Bloomington, MN The decoration theme supplied by each vendor is very similar and staffwill review each at the Council meeting with the vendor supplied drawings/pictures. Staffis recommending two banners styles, alternating with the different heights street light poles for a total of 45 banners. Staffwould also recommend two different lighted decorations. A larger white silhouette for the 30-foot street light poles, and a smaller wreath with bow for the 18-foot high pedestrian poles. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 10/28/02 AGENDA SECTION: BID CONSIDERATIONS NO: ITEM: ACCEPT BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACT FOR CENTRAL AVENUE HOLIDAY BANNERS AND HOLIDAY DECORATIONS ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS CITY MANAGER BY: K. Hansen BY: DATE: 10/25/02 DATE: Continued - Accept Bids and Award Contract for Central Avenue Banners and Holiday Decorations Page 2 The warranty from Display Sales is about one year longer on both banners and decorations. Their submittal also contained a proposal of traditional wreath along with white snow flakes presenting a holiday theme along with a winter long variation. Overall, both companies provided a submittal for quality products that met the requirements of the RFP. Main Street Designs quoted prices including Minnesota State Sales Tax, making their per unit cost less than that of Display Sales. The original RFP requested only lighted decorations for the tall streetlights, with adding the pedestrian lights in the following year. Doing all of the street lights in the 39~ to 41st Avenue corridor this year would add approximately $4,500 to the bid. Both companies can deliver within a reasonable time frame, prior to Thanksgiving. An alternate was requested in the RFP on behalf of the City of Columbia Heights VFW to obtain pricing on a patriotic style banner, with the VFW logo imprinted on it. Main Street's price was $51.00 per banner and Display Sales was $59.00 per banner. Public works staff is recommending to supply the holiday banners (45) and holiday decorations (45) with an alternating theme of wreath on the pedestrian poles (26), and white silhouette on the taller street poles (19) with two styles of banners. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to accept the bids and award a contract for 45 holiday banners and 45 lighted decorations to in an amount not-to-exceed $16,500, not including tax; and, authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same with project funding from #402-59912-2171. rm:jb Attachments: Proposals (2) Bid Tabulation COUNCIL ACTION: Central Avenue Street Banner Project Company I Description of Item Number I Cost Perltem I Base Cost Total Bid Main Street Company 5 112 Ft X 7 112 Poinsettia Stems 25 $12,000 Option #1 21 Feet of Pole Wrap 25 Includes 24 x 48 Christmas Banners- 50 Freight & Tax Design #002542 Option #2 60 "Candle Wreath w/Random Lighting 25 $12,000 and 2 FT Sumbrella Bow Includes 21 Feet of Flag Pole Wrap 25 Freight & Tax 24" x 48" Christmas Banners- 50 Design #991533 Alternate #1- 24 x 48 Flag Banners with imprint 25 $51.00 $1,275.00 $1,275.00 3' x 5' USA Flags 19 $24.00 $456.00 $456.00 Quoted PHce $1,731.00 Display Sales, Inc. Add Option Tradional Holiday Scene 60" Pine Bough Tdple Candle Wreaths 24" x 48" Holiday Banners Pine Gadand Pole Wraps Add: Lighted Wreaths $11,276 19 Includes 45 Freight 45 ~ 26 $16,038 Includes Freight Display Sales, Inc. Winter Snowflakes $8,889 6 Feet Silhouette Wintedace Includes Snow Flakes 19 Freight 24 x 48 Banners 45 18 Foot Metalix Red-Blue Pole Wraps 45 Add Option Add: 4 1/2 Foot Silhoutte Snow Flakes Additional Items Patriotic Banners with imprint Set-up Fee Nylon US Flags 3' x 5' Neverfuri Flag Adaptors 26 $14, 583 Includes Freight 45 $ 59.00 $ 2,655.00 $ 2,655.00 I $ 270.00 $ 270.00 $ 270.00 45 $ 17.50 $ 787.50 $ 787.50 45 $ 7.50 $ 337.50 $ 337.50 (Keeps flags from folding around poles) Quoted Price $ 4,050.00 Page 1 of 1 CITY COUNCIL LETTER AGENDA SECTION: Other Business ITEM: Proposed Sale of 325 Summit Street NE NO: Issue Statement: Meeting of: October 28, 2002 ORIGINATING DEPT.: CITY MANAGER Community Development APPROVAL BY: Tim Johnson A request to authorize staff to continue pursuing the necessary steps to sell the property at 325 Summit Street NE. Back~round: The City Council formerly purchased the property at 325 Summit Street and closed on the property in April 2002. Recently the City Council authorized staff to sell the property through a bidding process. The bidding process was completed by October 16, 2002, whereby staff showed the house to 13 interested parties but only received one bid for $135,000, short of the minimum bid price of $146,500. The interested bidder is pre-qualified, but has indicated that he would use the property for rental purposes initially, and then potentially move in at a later date. Analysis: The proposed sale of 325 Summit Street NE will allow for the City to put this single-family home back on the market and allow for a residential homeowner to occupy the home in the near future. The city has already completed the lot split for this property which will help with the potential vacation of Lookout Place and reconfiguration of adjacent parcels for future redevelopment purposes. Since the bidding process, staff has consulted with a few realtors who indicated that the sale price established by the City Council was consistent with the market. In fact, a MLS (Multiple Listing Service) comparison of other similar homes on the market suggests the average sale price for this property would range between $145,000 and $155,000. With this information, staff would recommend the City Council reject the one lone bid and authorize staff to post the listing on the MLS, and increase the minimum bid price to $150,000 to provide a financial incentive to a real estate agent for possible sale. It appears that by listing the property through the MLS the property would have much greater exposure to interested and qualified parties. Recommendation: The City Council gave staff authorization to sell the property through a bidding process, and received one bid for less than the minimum bid price. It is staff's recommendation to reject the single bid for $135,000, list the property on the MLS, and increase the minimum bid price to $150,000 to accommodate a real estate agent sales commission. Recommended Motion: Move to reject the lone bid received for 325 Summit Street NE for $135,000, and to authorize staffto: · Post the listing on the MLS; and · Increase the minimum bid price to $150,000. Attachments: Bid packet info; Bid submitted; Map of 325 Summit Street; COUNCIL ACTION: SALE OF CITY PROPERTY NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT The City of Columbia Heights will be accepting bids on the sale of one single-family residential home and property at 325 Summit Street NE. This property is offered in "as is" condition. The City does not wan'ant the condition of the home as it was recently purchased only for the reconfiguration and redevelopment of adjacent property. Sealed bids will be received by the City of Columbia Heights, Community Development Department, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN, 55421 until 11:30 a.m. C.D.S.T. on October 16, 2002, at which time they will be publicly opened and read out loud in the City Council Chambers. Each bid shall be accompanied by a bidder's bond naming the City of Columbia Heights as obligee, or a certified check payable to the City of Columbia Height, or an irrevocable letter of credit or a non-interest bearing cash deposit equal to at least two percent (2%) of the amount of the bid. If bidder is selected by the City and fails to enter into a contract, then the bidder shall forfeit said 2% deposit. The City Council reserves the right to retain the deposit of the three most competitive bidders for a period not to exceed 30 days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or a portion thereof, to waive irregularities and informalities therein, further negotiate terms of the proposals, and reserves the right to award the contract in the best interest of the City. Intended Scooe of Use: Bids will be considered on the basis of purchase price and compliance with City requirements. Accepted bid shall continue to utilize the property as a an owner-occupied single-family residential home. Bidder shall satisfy the City by providing a pre-qualification letter from a lending institution at least equal to the amount of the bid. Bid packets for this property can be obtained at the City of Columbia Heights, Community Development Department 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421 between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:45 P.M. Monday through Friday. Questions should be directed to Tim Johnson, at (763) 706-3673. BID PROPOSAL FOR The purchase of a single-family residential home and property located at 325 Summit Street NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Bids must be typed or prepared in ink. Bids must be signed in ink. All erasures or changes must be initialed. Bids must be received no later than stated in the advertisement of bids. Bidder information The property is scheduled for open house showings as follows: October 2, 2002, from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm · October 6, 2002, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm · October 9, 2002, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Bidder: Sa/lie Address Telephone Bid Price: Minimum bid price has been established at $146,500 My bid for the property located at 325 Summit Street N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421, in accordance with the advertisement for bids, is in the sum of Dollars ($ ). Intended use of the property: All bidding requirements as outlined in the bid documents are understood and have been complied with, to include all necessary financial securities. Signature of bidder Date General Information 325 Summit Street NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Legal Description: Tract A: Lot 18 & that part of Lot 17, Block 68, Columbia Heights Annex to Minneapolis, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of the following described "Line 1" and southeasterly of the following described "Line 2". (Parcel # 35 30 24 31 0119) Zoning: Multiple-Family Residential (R-3); Lot cannot be split or used as more than a two-family dwelling. Home is currently set up as a single-family dwelling. Lot Size: 56S X 27.17 X 100W X 14.12 X 60N X 123.25E (8,410 square feet) Home features: Year built 1944; Foundation size is 1,200 square feet, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, Kitchen, Living Room, Den, Partial basement, Tuck-under 2 -car garage, newer roof Status of property: City of Columbia Heights purchased property in summer of 2002. Property was recently split for parcel reconfiguration. Lot split has been recorded at Anoka County. Current Status: Vacant single-family home. Regarding any fitture additions or alterations on the property: Please refer to appropriate city handouts and city codes for any future building on the property. Valuations: Land and property Estimated market value for taxes payable 2002:$126,200 Taxes for 2002:$1,017.00 * Value numbers obtained from Anoka County Note: · Bids will be considered on the basis of purchase price, compliance with City requirements, and a pre-qualification letter. Please be aware that the City has redevelopment plans for the reconfiguration of abutting alley, Lookout Place, and General Business properties to the west and north of 325 Summit Street NE. These redevelopment plans Do Not include this parcel. BID PROPOSAL FOR The purchase of a single-family residential home and property located at 325 Summit Street NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421. GENERAL REOUIREMENTS Bids must be typed or prepared in ink. Bids must be signed in ink. All erasures or changes must be initialed. Bids must be received no later than stated in the advertisement of bids. Bidder information The property is scheduled for open house showings as follows: · October 2, 2002, from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm · October 6, 2002, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm · October 9, 2002, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Bidder: Name Address Bid Price: Minimum bid price has been established at $146,500 My bid for the property located at 325 Summit Street N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421, in accordance with the advertisement for bids, is in the sum of o~ e/-~ ~ n ~ 2'24~ r~_,~'~.,~ fJ-~,.s?'~,2 "~,~c, Dollars Intended use of the property: '/co,.,,,~ /'~,a ,,~-/ag~o' ,7v ~.:/c,,~ ,x,/o~r-'22,.,,,~ 29 //"/~r All bidding requirements as outlined in the bid documents are understood and have been complied with, to include all necessary financial securities. Signature of bidder Date Central Office 2329 Central Avenue NE Minneapolis, MN 55418 612-316-3545 612-316-3550 Fax MORT~C~ - October 17, 2002 To: Whom it may Concern. Re: Michael D Gondek This letter is to inform you that Michael D ,3ondek is pre-approved ',:y Wells Fargo Hotne Mortgage Inc. tc, purchase the property located at 325 S:mmit St,., :~, Columbia Heights, MN. 55421 for $135,000.00 and a mortgage '~mount of $10.5,000.00.: his pre-approval is subject to receipt of an acceptable appraisal and marketable titl,~. If you have any questions, please carl me at (612).-; 16-3549. Home Mortgage Consultar, t Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Bid calculations on the property located at 325 Summit Street NE, Columbia Heights 15-Oct-02 Forsythe Appraised Value $130,000.00 My deal with son of previous owner My appraisal of the negative affect of loosing the 3/4 of the front yard Total of my Bid $138,000.00 -3,000.00 $135,000.00 CER'r I F I CATE OF SURVEY Randy L. Ku-~ ~ ' "~rth L.~S ~. ~0~ Russell J. Kurlh. L.L.S. No. 400J ,J[rFEI~H Sl U[ COLLU, IA lEI]US Ill ~1:~) 7~8 g~9 FAX tGU) 788 o : IRON MONUUEI~II · ": " " ~:OOHD 0 Lq .G C~o' PROPOSED DESCRIPTION OF TRACT A Lot 18 & that pan of l.~x 17, Block 68, Columbia lieishts Annex to Minneapolis, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying aortheasterly of the following described "Line I" and south~ly of the following described "Line 2". PROPOSED DESCRIPTION OF TRACT B Lot 16 & that part of Let 17, Block 68, Columbia Heights Annex to Minneapolis, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying southwesterly of the following described "Line !" and northwesterly of the following described "Line 2". "LINE I' Begimfing at n point cxs tim south line of said Lot 17, distant 21.00 feet westerly ofthe southeast comer; thence northwesterly to a pob~t on the west line, said point being 100.00 feet southerly of the northwest comer and there terminate. '~LINE 2'~ Beginning st · point m the nmlh ~ine of eaM Lot ! 7, d~st~nt 10~00 ~ east,~d~ ofth~ ao~thw~t comer; thmc~ sou~w~t~dy to a point oa the w~t line, ~d point b~ins 10.00 HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 17, 2002 CALL TO ORDER - The Special Meeting of the Columbia Heights Housing & Redevelopment Authority (I-IRA) was called to order by Gary L. Peterson at 6:36 p.m., Tuesday, September 17, 2002, in the City Hall, Conference Room 1,590 40th Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, Minnesota. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: Staff Present: Gary Peterson, Julienne Wyckoff, Bruce Nawrocki Marlaine Szurek, Dennis Ecklund Jr., Bobby Williams Walt Fehst, Executive Director Robert Streetar, Deputy Executive Director Randy Schumacher, Comm. Dev. Assistant Anita Kottsick and William Jones Parkview Villa Housing Administrators Cheryl Bakken, Secretary Mark Nagel, Housing Assistant MOTION by Nawrocki, second by Wyckoff, to appoint Gary L. Peterson, the Secretary/Treasurer as Chair, Pro-Tem to nm the HRA meeting in the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair. All ayes. Motion Carried. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes MOTION by Nawrocki, second by Wyckoff, to approve the minutes from August 20, 2002, special meeting with the following amendments: Under Items for Consideration, Resolution 2002-06, Recommending Setting the HRA Levy, the last sentence should read: Streetar suggested a special meeting to be held prior to the EDA meeting at 6:30 pm. On Tuesday, September 17th at City Hall to go through the HRA Budget. Under Other Business, 4828 5th Street, the third and fourth sentence should read: The purchase price is $118,000, with a gap price of $60,000. The City would be responsible for $30,000, which would come out of revenue funds from Parkview Villa South and would be replaced by funds from the TIF scattered site district at a later date. All ayes. Motion Carried. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION 2002-08, ADOPTING THE PROPOSED 2003 BUDGET AND LEVY Streetar stated, the HRA Budget, is funded by the HRA Levy. The proposed Budget for 2003 is $111,648, which is the maximum amount the HRA can levy and reflects a $54 decrease from last years budget of $111,702. The proposed Budget includes expenses related to the Sheffield Redevelopment Project and Community Development Administration. The HRA cash balance to pay the interfund loan is $560,559, leaving the inter-fund loan balance of $129,160. Operating Housing & Redevelopment Authority Minutes September 17, 2002 Page 2 of 4 Expenses remain at $34,648 of the HRA levy that is transferred into the Community Development Revenue Fund. The HRA levy costs a homeowner with the average taxable market value home of $116,200, $16. 73 annually or $1.39 per month. Nawrocki asked what formula was used to calculate the cost per homeowner. Streetar stated he used the Taxable Market Value times the HRA Rate of. 0001440. MOTION by Wyckoff, second by Nawrocki, to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-09, there being an ample copies available to the public. All ayes. Motion Carried. MOTION by Wyckoff, second by Nawrocki, to adopt HRA Resolution 2002-08, being a Resolution of the Columbia Heights HRA adopting a Budget and recommending setting the HRA Levy. All ayes. Motion Carried. RESOLUTION 2002-09, ADOPTING THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR PARKVIEW VILLA NORTH Streetar stated the proposed Budget for Parkview Villa North is $360,507, which reflects an increase of 2. 7% or $9,435 over last year's Budget of $351,072. Total revenue is $390,142, and includes rents of $277,560, a Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) operating subsidy of $99, 082, investment income of $9, 000 and some other miscellaneous charges. Parkview Villa North has a fund balance of $57,224, that allows the cash necessary to cover the day-to-day operations and maintenance emergencies that occur. MOTION by Wyckoff, second by Nawrocki, to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-09, there being ample copies available to the public. All ayes. Motion Carried. MOTION by Wyckoff, second by Nawrocki, to adopt HRA Resolution 2002-09, being a Resolution of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Columbia Heights, adopting the 2003 Parkview Villa North Budget of $360,507 and recommending this to the City Council for approval. All ayes. Motion Carried. RESOLUTION 2002-10, ADOPTING THE PROPOSED 2003 BUDGET FOR P RKVIEW VILLA SOUTH Streetar stated the proposed Budget for Parkview Villa South is $206,264, or a decrease of 5. 6°/6o under last year's budget of $218,587. The decrease is due to cost of fewer residents moving in and out. The Capital Fund Balance is approximately $700,000 and will be used to pay for the cost of implementing the 15-year Capital Improvement Plan of $162, 000. Parkview Villa South's operating fund balance is $22,000, which allows the necessary cash to cover the day-to- day operations and minor maintenance emergencies. MOTION by Nawrocki, second by Wyckoff, to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-10, there ample copies available to the public. All ayes. Motion Carried. Housing & Redevelopment Authority Minutes September 17, 2002 Page 3 of 4 MOTION by Nawrocki, second by Wyckoff, to adopt Resolution 2002-10, being a Resolution of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Columbia Heights adopting the 2003 PVVS Budget of $206,264 and recommending this budget to the City Council for approval. All ayes. Motion Carried. RESOLUTION 2002-11, ADOPTING THE PROPOSED 2003 BUDGET FOR 4607 TYLER STREET Streetar stated the proposed Budget for 4607 Tyler Street is $17,309. Staff suggested an increase in rent from $350 to $380 per month, a $30 a month increase to generate $1,440 annually and ensure adequate reserves to pay for future capital needs such as a roof windows, heating and air, landscaping, etc. This will be the first rent increase since the City purchased the building in 1995. The current fund balance of approximately $37,000 could be used for capital improvements. MOTION by Nawrocki, second by Wyckoff, to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-11, there being ample copies available to the public. All ayes. Motion Carried. MOTION by Nawrocki, second by Wyckoff, to adopt HRA Resolution 2002-11, being a Resolution of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Columbia Heights adopting the 2003, 4607 Tyler Street Budget of $17,309 and a rent increase of $30 per month on all units effective January 1, 2003 and recommending this budget and rent increase to the City Council for approval. All ayes. Motion Carried. SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE 2003 PHA PLAN REVIEW Nagel stated staff prepared a draft of the 2003 PHA Plan for Board review. Prior to submittal to HUD, it is required that we hold a 45-day review period to allow for public input. Staff suggested holding a Public Hearing on October 15, 2002 at 6:30pm at Parkview Villa. At that time the Board can make any modifications to the plan and authorize staff to submit electronically to HUD. The Resident Council and Anoka County will receive copies for their review prior to the Public Hearing. Streetar stated that at the October 15th meeting, staff will provide the full 15-year plan from TKDA and their representative will also be in attendance to answer any questions. MOTION by Nawrocki, second by Wyckoff, to set a Public Heating date of Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 6:30 p.m. at Parkview Villa for the purpose of receiving public input on the 2003 Public Housing Authority (PHA) Plan. All ayes. Motion Carried. PARKVIEW VILLA RE-ROOF PROJECT Nagel stated the HIM must obligate the remaining approximately $104, 000 of the 2000 Capital Funds by September 30th, or lose them. At the July 16'h HIM meeting, the Board approved the one to five year CIP completed by TKDA for Parkview Villa. In August, RHA Architects was selected to prepare plans and specs for the roofing projects at Parkview Villa. Only two bids were received. They were from Royal and Omni Roofing Companies. Both bids were considerably higher than anticipated because of the cost of the metal flashing and the Davis- Bacon regulations. Housing & Redevelopment Authority Minutes September 17, 2002 Page 4 of 4 Nawrocki had a conversation with staff from Rayco in Columbia Heights, indicating they were not given a chance to bid on the roof project. Nagel indicated that staff was contact by Sue at Rayco, after the bids were received, which staff authorized a two week extension of the bidding process to accommodate them. Sue notified him that they didn't have enough time to bid. Fehst stated, he will contact Rayco to get a better understanding of the situation. MOTION by Wyckoff, second by Nawrocki, to accept bids and approve the bid from Omni Roofing for the replacement of the Parkview Villa North roof and the repair of the roof area connecting the North and South buildings in an amount not to exceed $294,180, subject to approval by the City Attorney and HUD, and furthermore, authorize the Chair and Executive Director to enter into an agreement for the same. All ayes. Motion Carried. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Streetar stated staff will be providing the enclosed Community Development Update each month to give the Boardmembers an update of all the projects the department is working on. On the HRA level staff has been focusing on Evaluating Options for Parkview Villa. Nagel stated that he has a proposal to present to the Board in October for the sale of 4607 Tyler. Staff has been promoting the available loans for residents on our local Cable TV channel with the help of Jean Kuehn. The Resource Center issued the first Rehab Incentive Rebate in August in the amount of $4,474. The two Habitat for Humanity homes on Quincy are near completion and will be sold and occupied soon. Streetar stated staff will be providing a Monthly Housing Report that details each program offered by ,4CCAP, CEE, and the Resource Center (GMHC) for Columbia Heights listing the number of residents served and the total dollar amount per month involved. ADJOURNMENT Secretary/Treasurer, Gary L. Peterson adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cheryl Bakken Recording Secretary H:~qRAMinutes2002\9-17-2002 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 17, 2002 CALL TO ORDER - The Regular Meeting of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA) was called to order by President Ruettimann at 7:43 p.m., Tuesday, September 17, 2002, in the City Hall, Conference Room 1,590 40th Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, Minnesota. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: Robert Ruettimann, Patricia Jindra, Gary Peterson, Julienne Wyckoff, and Bruce Nawrocki Commission Members Absent: Marlaine Szurek, Bobby Williams Staff Present: Walt Fehst, Executive Director Bob Streetar, Deputy Executive Director Randy Schumacher, Community Development Assistant Cheryl Bakken, Secretary CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes Move to adopt the minutes of the August 20, 2002, regular meeting as presented in writing. Financial Report and Payment of Bills Move to approve Resolution 2002-13, Resolution of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA) approving the financial statements for August, 2002 and approving payment of bills for August, 2002. MOTION by Nawrocki, second by Jindra, to adopt the consent agenda items as listed. All ayes. Motion Carried. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION 2002-14, ADOPTING THE PROPOSED 2003 BUDGET AND LEVY Streetar stated the EDA Budget is funded by the Levy and represents an increase of 2.6% or $3,554 above last year's levy of $137,015. The Levy costs a homeowner with the average taxable market value home of $116,200, $21.07 annually or $1.76per month. In the revenue section Streetar indicated he inserted a revised sheet for review. Under expert and professional services the large amount reflects all attorney and financial agencies, which will be necessary with the redevelopment projects. Ruettimann recommended, City Councilmembers should not reduce the Levy and Budget for the Community Development Department in the future, but, should take into consideration the redevelopment projects coming up and the staffing required to accomplish the goals. MOTION by Peterson, second by Wyckoff, to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-14, there being ample copies available to the public. All ayes. Motion Carried. MOTION by Peterson, second by Wyckoff, to Adopt EDA Resolution 2002-14, being a Resolution of the Columbia Heights EDA Adopting the 2003 Budget of $140,569 and Levy of $140,569 and recommending this Budget and Levy to the City Council for approval. All ayes. Motion Carried. Other Business Ruettimann asked the Board to have ,lindra reinstated as EDA Liaison for the Resident Council meetings and that she should also receive the meeting per diem again, if the State Statute permits it. Streetar will check into the State Statutes prior to the next HRA and EDA meetings in October and will have staff put the item on the October agenda. Ruettimann asked what the status of his request to obtain a map of the TIF redevelopment areas in Columbia Heights and staff meeting with the City Council on the funds the City owes the EDA from the Crest View rewrite and some other administrative funds that are due to the EDA for funding the project. Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes September 17, 2002 Page 2 of 2 Streetar stated staff has received a map and will be getting a copy of it to the commissioners. Fehst stated he would bring up the funds due to the EDA at the next City Council meeting and report back. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MONTHLY UPDATE Streetar stated staff, will be providing the enclosed Community Development Update each month to give an update of all the projects the department is working on. Staff is focusing on: 0 Industrial Park Redevelopment area; 2) 417h and University Redevelopment; 3) 3 7~h and Central; and 4) 39th and Central. Staff has received a significant amount of interest in both the Mady's site and 39th and Central properties. Meetings were held with each developer to receive their ideas for the site. Staff will plan to meet with the City Council to discuss their ideas. The first question the developers asked was what does the City Council what to see on the site. The Industrial Park Redevelopment area is moving along well, staff is developing base maps and collecting documents necessary for the project. Peterson felt staff was also working diligently on #5 Improving the Housing Stock and #6 Increasing Tax Base in Columbia Heights. Peterson commended Streetar and his staff for their hard work on meeting the goals set by the City Council and EDA. 325 Summit Street Schumacher passed out a calendar and a copy of the bidding packet for the sale of the City owned property at 325 Summit Street to the Board for review. It was determined that an authorization for bids agenda item should go to the City Council meeting on Monday, September 23rd and the sale would be advertised in the Focus and Star & Tribune newspapers starting Thursday, September 2~h, if authorized by City Council on September 23rd. Staff has already received many inquiries on purchasing the home. Streetar stated staff will do the following steps to process the sale of the property: 0 City Council authorize staff to go out for bids; 2) receive and review the bids on October 16'n; 3) October 21st the bids will go to the worksession; 4) October 28th, will be the first reading; 5) November 12th, will be the second reading; and 5) there will be a 30 day waiting period until the sale is final. Nawrocki suggested staff put up a For Sale sign on the property to help advertise. ADJOURNMENT President, Ruettimann, adjourned the meeting at 9:09 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cheryl Bakken Recording Secretary H:\EDAminutes2002\9-17-2002 CoLuMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES September 30, 2002 The meeting was called to order by Chair, Barbara Miller. Those present were Patricia Sowada, Barbara Miller, David Holmgren, and Becky Loader. It ~vas moved, seconded, and passed to approve the minutes of the September 3, 2002, Board meeting as mailed. Bill list dated 10/14/02 was reviewed. It was moved, seconded, and passed that they be paid. The accounting was reviewed. The CHASE accounting and bills were reviewed. Old Business: 1. An update on plans for the 75th Anniversary was presented. a. The final version of the 75th Anniversary letterhead sample was shared with the Board. Catherine Vesleyjoined the meeting at 6:35 p.m. b. A potential list of invitations to be sent for the kick-off Open House contains about 150 names. c. The updated cost of the proposed menu from Ollie's Kitchen was reviewed. It was moved, seconded, and passed to approve the purchase for the Open House on December 3, 2002. d. Alicia Cermak, a library page currently a student at NEI, has volunteered to prepare a web , th page for the Library s 75 Anniversary. This will have to be cleared through the IS department. New Business: I. Election of officers was discussed. Current offices held were reviewed. It was moved, seconded and passed to approve a white ballot. Current officers will continue in their positions for the next 2 years. 2. Twin Cities One Book information was shared with the Board. 3. Cross-over statistics from August, 2002, were reviewed. 4. It was moved, seconded, and passed to transfer $9,520.00 from line item #5170 into line item #2011 to cover cost of 5 circulation pc's and peripherals. There being no further business the meeting was adjoumed at 6:45 p.m. to reconvene for the joint City Council/Library Board Budget Meeting. Respectfully submitted, Jeanine M. Schmidt Secretary to the Library Board of Trustees. The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights= services, programs, and activities. LIBRARY BOARD/CITY COUNCIL BUDGET MEETING SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 7:00 P.M. The joint City Council/Library Board meeting about the library budget for 2003 was held in the activity room September 30, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were: Walt Fehst, Barbara Miller, Bill Elrite, Nancy Hoium, Patricia Sowada, Catherine Vesley, David Holmgren, Mayor Gary Peterson, Julienne Wyckoff, Marlaine Szurek, Bobby Williams, Bruce Nawrocki, and Rebecca Loader. Mayor Gary Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:05p.m. Barbara Miller welcomed everyone. Barb talked about the Open House to be conducted on December 3, 2002. This will be the start of a yearlong celebration of 75 years of service for the Library. The theme will be "From Wagon's to PC's: 75 years of service". She also highlighted the fact that 40% of Columbia Heights residents have active library cards, which by definition means they have been used within the last two years. A couple of upcoming fundraisers were also noted: the event at Barnes & Noble on Saturday, November 23, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. and a special Foundation Board fundraiser at the Heights Theatre on December 15, when Holiday Inn will be shown at two different times. Pat Sowada presented a fact sheet listing the changes to expenditures. Personnel, supplies, other service charges, capital outlay, and contingencies/transfers were discussed and explained. Contingencies/transfers is for administrative overhead and also for unbudgeted items. David Holmgren discussed the Capital priorities portion of the budget. Each line item was explained and discussed along with the cost. The automation license was discussed. This is listed as the number 1 priority. Becky addressed this subject and spoke about the changes in technology and the migration to a client-server interface for the automated circulation system. Anoka County Library has changed their time line to obtain the necessary software and licensing fees for this project. The County is going to re-allocate the funds to the 2004 budget. The feasibility and manner in which Columbia Heights could do a similar deferment was raised. Bill Elrite answered that those funds could be re-allocated. Mr. Nawrocki asked how this discussion related to the money for the 5 pc's that were approved at the last City Council Meeting. It was explained that the money in question is for the software and licensing fees and what was approved was for hardware purchases. Nancy Hoium presented the information about the Library Levy and the revenue page. It was explained that the DVD' s that are being asked for in the budget would be a revenue-generating item, since there would be a dollar charge per DVD for feature films. Donation revenue was discussed. Donators often specify which area of the library they would like the donated funds to be used in. Examples were given of Children's programming, large print materials, fire safety books. Copy machine fees were discussed when the question was raised by Mr. Nawrocki as to why copies at Columbia Heights are higher than the County. He also enquired about the use ora "copy card" such as is used at the Anoka County Library. Mr. Nawrocki made a complaint about the 15 cent cost of copies. A reply was given that the Board could discuss and address a change in the rate during a future Library Board Meeting. Catherine Vesley presented maintenance of effort information. The Library Board and staff are recommending that the library levy be set at $609,335 for 2003. Mr. Nawrocki asked how the per capita figures go from $22.17 to $32.90. The first figure is the minimum amount to be met and the latter figure is the amount needed to meet the proposed levy of $609,335. The Anoka County Library per capita levy does not include their capital improvement budget. It is for operating only. Population density also plays a role. Ms. Wyckoff asked about the difference between the proposed budget amount of $676,456 and the levy amount being less at $609,335. Part of the difference is comprised of revenue amounts. On the Library Revenue page it was noted that the document in the books is not what was proposed by the Library Board. Clarification was asked for from Bill Elrite, Finance Director. Finance changed the Current Ad Valorem and added the Local Government Aid amount. Finance did this to keep the library budget similar to the General Fund budget. There have been levy limits imposed by the State and the Library is under the same limits. The supplemental LGA funds and Ad Valormen changes would allow us to meet the proposed budget and stay within levy guidelines. Ms. Wyckoffasked about support from local schools such as Immaculate Conception, and NEI. It was noted that Immaculate Conception has donated funds for books in the past. Classes from there visit the library to check out books on a once a month basis. NEI does not use the library in that manner, although ESL classes, which are conducted at their facility, do come to the library occasionally for "tours". They do not come on a recurring basis. Anoka County Library was discussed. The question about Columbia Heights becoming a part of the County has been addressed before. The current cooperative agreement between Columbia Heights and the County system works well. Being aware that the population concentration in the County is to the north, a merger might result in the library and its services not being here for our residents. Property tax revenue was discussed. The expenditure increase is proposed at 11%. Council members asked if you had to live with only a 3½% increase what would you cut. Cuts would be made in Capital and every effort would be made to protect service hours. Mr. Fehst, Mr. Elrite, and Mr. Nawrocki further discussed levy limits. There being no further questions the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jet[nine M. Schmidt, Secretary to the Library Board of Trustees. The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Mayor and City Council Members Robert Streetar, Director October 28, 2002 Industrial Park Study - Check Point #1 Staff is requesting the City Council reserve the evening of November 13, 2002 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for a joint City Council and Economic Development Authority (EDA) work session. The purpose of the work session is for consultants to review, with the Council and EDA, the Industrial Area Redevelopment Plan as it has progressed thus far. The meeting will be held in Conference Room #1. Original Proposal City of Columbia Heights Informal Proposals for Financial Advisor Services September 30, 2002 Sprincjsted Ehlers Evensen Dodge iFinancial Advisor Service (PIR Bonds) 16,500.00 15,750.00 14,600.00 Print/Publication Cost (Est) 1,500.00 Included Included Misc. Cost (Est) 470.00 Included Included Total Proposal (PIR Bonds) 18,470.00 15,750.00 14,600.00 Cost Difference from: I Springsted 2,720.00 3,870.00 Eh ers 1,150.00 Updated Proposals City of Columbia Heights Informal Proposals for Financial Advisor Services Revised Proposals Received October 28, 2002 Original Proposal (PIR Bonds) Sprin~]sted Ehlers Evensen Dodge Financial Advisor Service 16,500.00 15,750.00 14,600.00 Print/Publication Cost (Est) 1,500.00 Included Included Misc. Cost (Est) 470.00 Included Included Total Proposal (PIR Bonds) 18,470.00 15,750.00 14,600.00 Refundin~l Proposal 1990 CAB Refundin~t Sprincjsted Evensen Dodge 4,500.00 I Ehlers 6,900.00 I 7,900.00 INote: The above proposals are based on selling the refunding issue at the same time as the PIR issue. If the issues are sold at different times the rates for the second issue could be higher. Market conditions may not allow for the issues to be sold at the same time. Ehlers was the only firm to give a quote for selling the refunding issue at a different time than the PIR issue. That quote was $13,900. The above quotes for Ehlers, Springsted and Evensen Dodge are if the issues are sold at the same time.