HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 14, 2002 RegularCITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 (763) 706-3600 TDD (763) 706-3692 Visit Oltr Website at: www. ci. cohunbia hts.mn, us ADMINISTRATION October 9, 2002 MaFor Gary L. Peterson Councilmembers Marlaine Szurek Julienne Wyckoff Bruce Nawrocla' Robert ,4. Williams City Manager Walter R. Fehst The following is the agenda fi Dr the regular meeting of the City Council to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, October 14, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, Minnesota. The City of Columbia Heights d, employment in, its services, prog disabilities to participate in all Cit] available upon request when the n to make arrangements; (TDD/706- )es not discriminate on thc basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or rams, or acfivites. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with ' of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for disabled persons are ~quest is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the Deputy City Clerk at 763-706-3611, 3692 for deaf or hearing impaired only) Invocation: Pastor Dan Thompson, Assembly of God 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL / m PLEDGE OF ALLEGIA ~CE ADDITIONS/DELETIC (The Council, upon major may be items brought to t agenda preparation deadli .NS TO MEETING AGENDA ity vote of its members, may make additions and deletions to the agenda· These ~e attention of the Council under the Citizen Forum or items submitted after the tie.) PROCLAMATIONS~ P] IESENTATIONS~ RECOGNITIONS AND GUESTS A) Proclamations-none B) Presentations · I 1) Trip to Sister C~tyI- Lomianki Poland by Dolores Strand and Wally Logacz C) Introduction of New Employees - none D) Recognition-none CONSENT AGENDA (These items are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted as part of the Consent Agenda by one motion. IIems removed fi.om consent agenda approval will be taken up as the next order of business.) A) MOTION: Move to approve the Consent Agenda items as follows: 1) Minutes for Apprgval MOTION: Move it' 'o approve the minutes of the September 23, 2002, regular City Council meeting as presented. 2) Approve transfer ~f funds from General Fund to Police Department budget to reimburse overtime fund MOTION: Move to transfer $7,713.31, the total amount received fi.om Unique Thrift Store, Summer Academy, Southern Anoka County Chamber of Commerce, and Immaculate Conception Church for off du~y security worked, fi.om the General Fund to the Police Department 2002 budget under line #1020, police overtime. THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES EQUAL OPPOrtUnITY EMPLOYER city councu Agenaa October 14, 2002 Page 2 of 3 3) Appointment of tv 4) MOTION: Move ! Commission, with ro Park and Recreation Commission members o appoint David Payne and Matthew Henry to the Park and Recreation each two-year term to expire in April 2004. Adopt Resolution No. 2002-61, being a resolution certifying dehnquent assessment~ MOTION: Move' o waive the reading of Resolution 2002-61, there being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Move t~) adopt Resolution 2002-61, being a Resolution to certify delinquent assessments to Anoka County mr collection with the Property Taxes payable in 2003. 5) Authorize Bondin~ for Public Improvements and to seek proposals for Utility Rate Study MOTION: Move ~o authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement With Ehlers & Associates Inc. ~o prepare bond documents at a cost of $15,750 based on their informal proposal of September 30, 2002 for financial advisory service. 6) MOTION: Move Approve Rental [ MOTION: Move 2002. :o authorize staff to seek proposals for the utility rate study. )using License Application.q :o approve the items listed for rental housing license applications for October 14, e 7) Approve Business MOTION: Move as presented. 8) Approve Payment License Application.~ :o approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for October 14, 2002 ~fBills MOTION: Move o approve payment of the bills out of the proper funds as listed in the attached check register covering Check Number 100085 through 100401 in the amount of $1,291,670.05. PUBLIC HEARINGS A) Public Hearing called ~or Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 3725 Main Street NE now in compliance MOTION: Move to Close the Public Hearing Regarding the Revocation or Suspension of the Rental License Held by Maudce Weaver Regarding Rental Property at 3725 Main Street N.E. in that the Property omphes w~tll the Residential Maintenance Code. B) A dopt Resolution No. ¢002-64, being a resolution approving revocation of the Rental Housing License, for 3732 3ra Street NE~ MOTION: Move toI waive the reading of Resolution No.2002-64, there being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Move to a( Columbia Heights Ap[ License held by Dale 7. ITEMS FOR CONSIDE] A) Other Ordinances and topt Resolution No. 2002-64, Resolution of the City Council of the City of .roving Revocation Pursuant to Ordinance Code Section 5A.408(1) of the Rental ~renzel Regarding Rental Property at 3732 3~a Street N.E. IATION ?,esolutions -none B) Bid Considerations - none i [' L~ty Louncu ^genaa October 14, 2002 Page 3 of 3 C) Other Business - none ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A) Report of the City Magager 1) Upcoming Bud.ge.t~Work Session Items a) Budget - Admlnistration, General Government, Public Works B) Report of the City AttOrney GENERAL COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS A) Minutes of Boards an4 Commissions 1) Meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission held September 24, 2002 10. CITIZENS FORUM (At this time, citizens haw Citizens are requested to 1 Council regarding specific 11. COUNCIL CORNER : an oppommity to discuss with the Council items not on the regular agenda. .mit their comments to five minutes. Please note the public may address the agenda items at the time the item is being discussed.) 12. ADJOURNMENT Walter~M~~~ag~~ W-F/pm OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL ME~TING SEPTEMBER 23, 201)2 THESE MINUTES HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED The following are the September 23, 2002 Minnesota. minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, Heidi Albrecht, Youtl: Coordinator of Saint Matthew's Church, gave the invocation. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Present: Councilmember Williams, Councilmember Wyckoff, Councilmember Nawrocki, i and Mayor Peterson Absent: !Councilmember Szurek PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO MEETING AGENDA - none PROCLAMATION~ PRESENTATIONS~ RECOGNITIONS AND GUESTS Proclamations 1) Domestic Violence Awareness Month Mayor PetCrson read the Domestic Violence Awareness Month Proclamation 2) Polish-American Heritage Month Mayor PetCrson read the Polish-American Heritage Month Proclamation. Bernie Szy~nczak, Sister City Committee, accepted the Proclamation. He gave background on the plane shot down in WWII, which carried his brother. He stated that Dolores Strand and Wally Logacz, Sister City Committee representatives, are now in Poland to commemorate this event. During October there will be Polish Heritage displays at the Library and the glass case at City Hall, Polish language classes held at the Library, a video has been created on Polish Hislory, and there will be a concert in the name of Chopin on October 20tn at the First Lutheran Church at 4:00p. m. He referred to Tony Belleski and his work with the plantings at Murzyn Hall and Lomianla' Park. He indicated the desire to bring the Mayors of Columbia Heights and Lomianki together. Szymczak ~ndicated information received at the Minnesota Sister Cities Conference regarding [h, e Vf3eelchairs for Peace project and the desire to look at creating such a program. He asked that Councilmembers view a video on the program. Szymczak also referred toi an article on Youth Courtesy Cores distributed by Delores Strand. B) Presentations 4.none C) Introduction o[New Employees - none D) Recognition - none CONSENT AGENDA_ Walt Fehst, City Manager, took Councilmembers through the consent agenda items. City Council Minutes September 23, 2002 Page 2 of 12 1) Minutes for Approval - September 9, 2002 regular meeting and September 11, Primary_ Canvass ~ Motion to approve the minutes of the September 9, 2002, regular City Council meeting as presented· Motion to approve the minutes of the September 11, 2002 City Council meeting to Canvass Primary Elect~on Results 2) Establish t ;udget - Work Session Meeting Dates and Central Avenue Special Assessment Levy Hear.ng date Motion to establish Budget-Work Session meeting dates for Monday, October 7, 2002; Monday, October 21, 2002; Monday, November 4, 2002; and Monday, November 18, 2002 beginning at 7:00 p.m., ha City Hall Conference Room 1. Fehst indfi .ated there wouM be minimal work session items for these agendas. The October 7ta work sessi~n meeting will include discussion on bonding for water and sewer utilities. Motion to 'establish Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. as the Public Special Assessment Levy Hear.ng for City Project 2002-02, Zone 6A Street Rehabilitation, to be held in the City Council Cltamber and establish Tuesday, October 15, 2002, immediately following the previous meeting as ithe Public Special Assessment Levy Hearing for City Project, #9912-A, Central Avenue Stteetscaping and Water Service Improvements, to be held in the City Council Chamber. Fehst indicated the original date of October Itta was not feasible, as there wouM be an election debate thai evening at Crest View. There will also be an HRA/EDA meeting on October I Sth from 6:00p. m. tO 7:00p. m. at Parkview Villa. 3) Adopt ResOlution No. 2002-60, being a Resolution designating elections judges for the 2002 General Election Motion to ~vaive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-60, there being ample copies available to the public· Motion to hdopt Resolution No. 2002-60, being a Resolution designating election judges for the 2002 General Election. RESOLUTION 2002-60 BEING A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING ELECTIONS JUDGES FOR THE 2002 GENERAL ELECTION WHEREAS: There i~ a scheduled election in the City of Columbia Heights and the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS: Pursuam to City Charter, Section 30, and M.S.S.204A, the Council shall appoint qualified voters Of each election district to be judges of election. NOW, THEREFORI~., BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights does appoint the following ~ist of judges, by precinct, for the General Election to be held on November 5, 2002, with an hourly remuneration of $10.00 for head judge, $9.50 for assistant head judge and $9.00 for an electic judge. Precinct 1-Murzyn Hall 530 Mill St. HJ Faye Cleasby HJ Pat Weber Charlotte Zarich Nancy French Mona Lundholm Irene Ricci Princinct 5 - First Lutheran Church 1555 40th I City Council Minutes September 23, 2002 Page 3 of 12 Fran Jensen Wanda Heining Darlene Bieljeski Pauline Pafko Mildred Peterson Sandy Engquist Robert Petty Dolores Roman Richard Miexner Sharon Ruettimann Lorrie Nalezny Joan Kinde Marion Bernard Precinct 2-NEI 825 41~t HJ Clara Shattuck Mark Emme Joann Kewatt Martin Heining David Szurek Gerry Mrozka Steve Iserman Bradley Schmitt Carol Lawler Precinct 3 -Parkview Vii HJ Muriel Nichols Laura Lindahl Delores Jacobsen Ruth Hillestad Charles Helland Otto Lausten Lorraine Malisheski Patricia Klimek Barb Karol Barbara Jean Black Ave a 965 40th Ave Princinct 6 -Highland Elem. School 1550 49th HJ Judy Lee LaVonne Seim Barb Elrod Delores Marquette Kay Mayer Eva Pelton Marion Cellette Joanne Nelson Betty Koerner Doris Sunheim Precinct 7 - Valley View Elem 800 49th Ave HJ Kay Handley Ann Kronstcdt Rose Corbett Donna Schmitt Jeanette LeBlanc Joan Fuhrman Marlaine Szurek Allison Rime William Burgoyne Precinct 4-I-Iighland Elem School HJ Marsha Stroik ' Mavis Sibell Cliff Pelton Audrey Olund Mabel Jackson Judy Dettman Stephen Iserman Judy Schendel Laurie Magee 1500 49th 4) Precinct 8 -Valley View Elem 800 49th HJ Pat Jindra Mary Dowdle Noranda Anderson Ken Kronstedt Ruby Hawkins Dick Corbett Margaret (June) Riley Irene Sunt Tom Howard Carol White Approve p ~yment of the 2002 League of MN Cities Membership Dues Motion to authorize payment to the League of Minnesota Cities for 2002 membership dues in the moUnt of $10,823. 5) Authorizat Motion to circulation Warehous{ furthermot sal~leo ion to purchase/install five circulation pc workstations at the Library_ >urchase and to install hardware and software necessary to replace five pc's at the Library from the Anoka County Library and Barcode Discount based on available State and County contract prices and obtained quotes; and e to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the Nawrocki asked for the dollar amount. Wyckoff indicated the amount was $9,715. Fehst indicated t~e budgeted amount was $11,800. City Council Minutes September 23, 2002 Page 4 of 12 6) Adopt Resglution No. 2002-58, being a Resolution authorizing execution of the grant agreement isupporting the "Buckle Up Teens" program through the Office of Traffic Safety, Minnesota Department of Public Safety Motion to lwaive the reading of ResolUtion No. 2002-58, there being ample copies available to the public. Motion to iadopt Resolution No. 2002-58, authorizing execution of the grant agreement supportingthe "Buckle Up Teens" program through the Office of Traffic Safety, Minnesota Department of Public Safety. , RESOLUTION 2002-58 A~THORIZING EXECUTION OF GRANT AGREEMENT SUPPORTING THE BUCKLE UP TEENS GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, a mission of the Columbia Heights Police Department is to ensure the safety and security of our teens; and WHEREAS, the Columbia Heights Police Department, in partnership with the Fridley Police .Department and the Spring Lake Park Police Department wish to increase seatbelt usage amongst teens in our communities; and WHEREAS, we will be challenging teens to buckle up and save lives; and WHEREAS, various programs will be conducted at the High Schools in each community to promote the use of seat belts; and WHEREAS, teens will be able to earn plaques and cash rewards for Highest Seat Belt Usage, Most Improved Seat Belt USage, and Best Overall Campaign to increase seat belt usage. NOW, THEREFORE iBE IT RESOLVED that the Chief of Police of the Columbia Heights Police Department be authorized to enter into a grant agreement with the Division of Traffic Safety in the Minnesota Departmeqt of Public Safety for the project entitled "Buckle Up Teens! Project" during the period fi.om October 5, 2002, through September 30, 2003. 7) Approve 2004-2005 Applications for the Columbia Heights After School Enrichment Program (CHASE) and 21st Century Grant Motion to iauthorize staffto apply for both the After-School Enrichment grant and the 21st Century G~ant. Fehst indit 8) Authorize Motion to authorize Minneapol ~ated that we would apply for both grants. final payment for Sullivan Park Building Roof, Project 0106 accept the work for Sullivan Park building Roof, City Project 0106; and, to inal payment in the amount of $350.00 to Superior Roofing Construction, Inc. of is, MN. 9) Approve (thange Order #2 and Final Payment for the Zone 5 Street Rehabilitation Project~ Motion to authorize final Change Order No. 2 for addition of water and sewer services, Wargo Cogl't retaining wall, sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer system improvements and purchase of excess Class 5 to the Zone 5 Street Rehabilitation, City Project 0017, 0018 and 0102, to Palda and Sons, Inc. in the amount of $42,590.06 to be City Council Minutes September 23, 2002 Page 5 of 12 fimded out of Private Funds - Community Development ($11,048.00), Water Utility Fund, 604-50102~5130 ($3,316.00) Storm Water Utility Fund, 604-50102-5130 ($6,000.00) State Aid Maintl:nance Fund, 212-43190-5130 ($961.36), Street Department, 101-43121-2160 ($1,500.00 and Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund, 602-50102-5130 ($19,164.70). Motion to iaccept the work for 2001 Street Rehabilitation Projects in Zone 5, City Project Numbers 0017, 0018, and 0102; and authorize final payment of $62,781.10 to Palda and Sons, Inc. 10) Adopt Res special ass Motion to to the publ )f St. Paul, Minnesota. )lution No. 2002-59, being a Resolution to establish city share and amounts of ,~ssments on projects to be levied waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-59 there being ample copies available lC. Motion to ]adopt Resolution No. 2002-59, being a Resolution establishing amount of City share an{ Amount of Special Assessments on Projects to be levied. RESOLUTION NO. 2002 - 59 BEING A RESOI~UTION ESTABLISHING AMOUNT OF CITY SHARE AND AMOUNT OF IPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PROJECTS TO BE LEVIED WHEREAS, the Cil Council of the City of Columbia Heights by motion on the 26th day of August, 2002, ordered a special assessment hearing to levy the cost of improvements and WHEREAS, the following projects will be specially assessed in October, 2002, and a portion of the costs may be bome by the City, NOW, THEREFOREi BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 429.061, and City Code 4.103, that the breakdown is as follows: PROJECT ~ ESTIMATED ASSESSED ESTIMATED I CITY PORTION PORTION TOTAL Central Avenue StreCtscap~ng & Water Service Constmctior~ $446,000 $450,000 $896,000 I Zone 6A Street Consi. Project 99-12A $415,000 $431,000 $846,000 Zone 6A General, Utility Funds $336,000 $ -0- $336,000 11) Authorize ' ',all for Bids for Sale of 325 Summit Avenue Motion to authorize staff to call for bids for the sale for 325 Summit Avenue. Wyckoff as ked what fund the purchase of this property came from. Fehst stated it was the Special AcCounts fund and will go back to that fund. Fehst indicated that a portion of this property wffs subdivided off. The minimum sale price would be $146,500. Nawrocla' questionea what would happen if the portion subdivided off did not sell. Fehst indicated that the portio~ was part of a one acre parcel on University Avenue and should not be a problem to sell. NaWrocki asked if three weeks is enough time, as a bid bond is required. Discussion included dlropping the requirement of a bid bond, requiring earnest money at the signing of the purchase agreement, rejection of bids, pre-qualification for mortgages, and extending the bid opening date. Fehst stated the home would be shown on October 2, 6 and 9. Peterson felt 1 City Council Minutes September 23, 2002 Page 6 of 12 the timeline would be reasonable. Jim Hoefi, City Attorney, indicated this property is owned by the Cit~ and can be soM however Council chooses. Nawrocki indicated he would like to make this it friendly process. Wyckoff stated that the notice has already been sent to the newspaper~ 12) Establish Motion to license to at 3732 3ra Motion to license to Weaver at leafing Dates for License Revocation of Rental Properties establish a heating date of October 14, 2002 for revocation or suspension of a Iperate a rental property within the City of Columbia Heights against Dale Frenzel Street NE. establish a heating date of October 14, 2002 for revocation or suspensions of a Iperate a rental property within the City of Columbia Heights against Maurice 3725 Main Street NE 13) Approve Rental Housing License Application~ Motion to lapprove the items listed for rental housing license applications for September 23, 2002 ~ PUBLIC HEARING 14) Approve E usiness License Applications Motion to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for September 23, 2002 as presented. Fehst indi, ,ated this includes the former Tycoon Bar, which has been sold. Wyckoff stated it would be called LaCaberna Bar and Grille. Chief Johnson indicated the new owners were chefs at Planet Hollywood, Mall of America. 15) Approve P~yment of Bills Motion to lapprove payment of the bills out of the proper fimds as listed in the attached check register co~ering Check Number 99875 through 100084 in the amount of $1,230,315.25. Nawrocki questioned (Item #10) if there were any changes in the amounts of special assessments since the time of the initial hearing. Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director, indicated there are no changes for the Central Avenue project, and there is a 9 to l O percent decrease on the Zone 6A project. Nawrocla' questioned if an election judge was being added, for the new assistant head judge position. Patty Mt~scovitz, Deputy City Clerk, indicated this is only designating an existing judge as assistant head judge and would not add an additional judge. Motion by Wyck6ff, second by Williams, to approve the Consent Agenda items. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion can ied. S Public Hearing ca2 led for the Local Law Enforcement Equipment Block Grant Motion by W,.~ckoff, second by Williams, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-56 there being ample c~pies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by W:,ckoff, second by Williams, to close the public heating, adopt Resolution 2002-56, and approve tl~ e list of equipment to be purchased with this grant. City Council Minutes September 23, 2002 Page 7 of 12 Nawrocki complimented the Chief of Police for researching his question to include items on our long term need list, and his finding that we could. Several items have been included on this list. Williams indiCated that the US Department of Justice is contributing $17,241 and the local match is $1,91!6. Chief Johnson reviewed the list of items which included: Simunition Gear, two Air Tasers, Varda Alarm upgrades, DPMS .223 Cal Rifle, digital camera for investigations, replacement seat caddies, tranSport belts, waterproof covers for squad car keyboards, and from the CIP fund - two replacement light bars for marked squads and replacement radars for marked squads. Upon vote: A11 ayes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION 2002-56 BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT BLOCK GRANT AND APPROPRIATING MATCItlNG FUNDS WHEREAS, the citY of Columbia Heights Police Department has been granted $17,241 in an equipment block grant from the U.S. Department of Justice for the purpose of funding equipment, and WHEREAS, a conditi and WHEREAS, the City Justice a propt an of the grant is that the City provide $1,916 in local match for this grant, of Columbia Heights Police Department has provided the U.S. Department of ,sal for implementation of funding for this grant. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights that: The City of Columbia Heights enter into a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice for the project entitled Local Law Enforcement Equipment Block Grant Program for the period October 1, 2002, to September 30, 2003. That $1,916 be appropriated from unexpended funds in the Police Department 2002 budget to pay the loc al match. Public Heating ca] Mayor Peterso compliance wi led for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 4357 Tyler Place a to close the Public Heating, as 4357 Tyler Place has been brought into th the Residential Maintenance Code. Public Heating ca] led for Revocation Suspension of Rental Housing License at 1207-1209 Circle Terrace Blvd NE ' Mayor Petersda to close the Public Hearing, as the 1207-1209 Circle Terrace Blvd NE property owner has con ected all deficiencies inside the building and has received an extension to complete the v Fork on the outside of the building. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Other Ordinances ~nd Resolutions Continuation ~f Resolution 2002-55, being a Resolution approving a lot split of the property 3906 Reservoir Boulevard NE City Council Minutes September 23, 2002 Page 8 of 12 Peterson indicated this was tabled from the last Council meeting. Tim JohnsOn, City Planner, explained the lot split for the property at 3906 Reservoir BoulevardiNE for a proposed twin home with a zero lot line, with a common wall. The homes wouM be constructed at the same time but soM at separate times. Johnson indicated there is a ten foot ingress/egress easement, which is not for parking and has a car I~ort that would have to be removed. Nawrockt' asked if the setback would be 50feet from the .fr~. nt property line and if the garages would be detached and in the rear. Johnson indicated t~..at they would. Peterson asked if the easement could be eliminated. Johnson indicated th'e easement could still be utilized for its intended purpose. Motion by Wflhams, second by Wyckoff, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-55, there being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: all ayes. Motion carried. Motion bY Williams, second by Wyckoff, to adopt Resolution No. 2002-55, being a resolution approving a lot split of the property at 3906 Reservoir Boulevard NE. Upon vote: all ayes. 1~ lotion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-55 SUBDIVISION REQUEST Terrell Berglund, Hereby requests a split of PIN 36 30 24 33 0017 Legally describedas: Lot 36; Blocl Subject from Reservoi Reservoir Hill Together with 6, Reservoir Hills; Anoka County, Minnesota. to an easement for driveway and walkway purposes for ingress and egress to and Boulevard and the alley in Block 6; Reservoir Hills in favor of Lot 35, Block 6, over the southwesterly 10 feet of Lot 36, Block 6, Reservoir Hills. an easement for driveway and walkway purposes for ingress and egress to and from Reservoi'r Boulevard and the alley in Block 6, Reservoir Hills over the Northeasterly 3 feet of Lot 35, Blo~:k 6, Reservoir Hills THE DESCRIPTIONS HENCEFORTH TO BE: Parcel A: The Northeasterl~ 28.10 feet of Lot 36, Block 6, Reservoir Hills, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Anoka County, Minnesota. Tract B: Lot 36, Block 6, Reservoir Hills, EXCEPT the Northeasterly 28.10 feet thereof, according to the map or plat theree f on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Anoka County, Minnesot Subject to an ease nent for driveway and walkway purposes for.ingress and egress to and from Reservoir Boulev~ xd and the alley in Block 6, Reservoir Hills in favor of Lot 35, Block 6, Reservoir Hills over the Sou thwesterly 10 feet of Lot 36, Block 6, Reservoir Hills. Together with an ;asement for driveway and walkway purposes for ingress and egress to and from Reservoir Boulev~ xd and the alley in Block 6, Reservoir Hills over the Northeasterly 3 feet of Lot 35, Block 6, Rese~-voir Hills. City Council Minutes September 23, 2002 Page 9 of 12 Be it further resolved that special assessments of record in the office of the City of Columbia Heights as of this day, against th~ above described property, are paid. Any pending or futur~ assessments will be levied according to the new split as approved this day. Any lot split given approval shall become invalid if the resolution, motion or other Council action approving the said lot Isplit is not filed with the County Recorder within one (1) year of the date of the Council action. Bid Considerations - none Other Business Authorize cot~ Peterson s~ Peterson r, people can ater proposal number one for property at 4849 Central Avenue NF, · ated that he spoke to a lot of people about the need for a new liquor store. ,.quested more information before proceeding. He suggested a public hearing so express their concerns. Motion by Peterson to table action on 4849 Central Avenue indefinitely, until information is received tO justify purchase of property intended for a liquor store. Second by Williams. Nawrocki tuestioned the City Attorney if this motion failed on a two to two vote, if it could be discussed. Iim Hoeft, City Attorney, indicated it could. Wyckoff indicated that she would be in favor of buying property on University Avenue for a liquor store, but not at 49tn and Central Avenue. The new manager at Rainbow had indicated the fuel ceTter has been put on indefinite hold. She would not like to see the Rainbow close and asked that staff help them to stay at the current location and talk to the owner of the site. Fehst indit'ated that the City worked with and authorized the owner to build an additional 9, 000 squa re feet of retail center. Williams i~ near our c~ negotiatin3 Nawrocki students. Idicated that there is a school looking to move into the current Walgreens site, trrent liquor store. Fehst indicated that an alternative learning center is ~, for this space. They were advised of the need for a conditional use permit. ndicated that parking must be addressed if there were to be a large number of Deb dohnsqn, 4638 Pierce Street, stated that it takes an election to bring out backpedaling. Upon votel Williams, aye; Wyckoff, aye; Nawrocki, aye; Peterson, aye. 4 Ayes. Motion carried. Fehst indiqated there is a financial analysis in process and agreed with tabling the topic until the analyst} is complete. Nawrocki indicated, he would not support the purchase now or in the future. He was concerned ~bout committing city resources to expand the liquor operation when there are other concqrns such as updating the industrial area. He indicated this also applies to the University IStore. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Walt Fehst, City Manager reported: City Council Minutes September 23, 2002 Page 10 of 12 · There are two openings on the Park and Recreation Commission, and stated the inability to holdi meetings for lack of a quorum. There are five or six interested persons and encouraged Council to set an interview date · Fehst referred to the Public Works Director regarding discussion of the corner of 40th and Central Hanse~ norther which The cl~ two sia the Lib indicated that additional streetscape enhancement has been discussed for the st corner on 40tn and Central on the mall property. He presented three drawings, ncluded a wrought iron moniker display, a two sided clock and a four sided clock. cks would be about 18feet high. Landscaping would be added around this. The ed clock could have a name or moniker added. The drawings will be displayed at ~ary and City Hall for comments to bring back to Council. The cost to put in electric' and a clock would be about $15,000 and the ornamental wrought iron would be about $20,000. Peterson asked if they could be installed yet this year. Hansen indicated it would be about 8 to 12 weeks. Nawro~ki questioned required maintenance for a clock and suggested a low k~e[ sign for the mail. Williams indicated this would be a great asset here or possibly at 37t and Central. Williams questioned the warranty. Hansen stated it is one year. Wyckoff asked if this w°~ld raise taxes for property owners on Central. Peterson indicated that the funds could l~e raised privately and that it would be an asset to the community, referencing the clock in New Ulm. Wyckoff noted that there is already a scrolling clock across the street at the l~ank and suggested stained glass or something saying "Columbia Heights ". Fehst suggested this be referred to the Image Committee or the Building Guidelines Commt~ttee. Peterson also suggested the Historical Committee. Wyckoff referred the petition received from Sullivan Lake residents. Hansen stated a letter ~Vas sent today to the person responsible for the petition. Wyckoff indicated that residents want the cattails cleaned up. Hansen stated that Sullivan Lake is a DNR water contro[ area and we would have to contact them for direction. Nawrocki referred to the summe? neighborhood picnic and comments he passed on regarding aeration to clear the area. Hansen stated that probably would not be supported by the DNR. Williams stated that the DNR is very protective of cattails. Fehst stated that we would help p~rsue this with the DNR. Nawrocki indicated the City's obligation to the petitioners to further discuss this with them. Fehst s~ated that Bonding for Sewer and Water Utilities would be discussed at the October 7, 2002 work session. Report of the City!Attorney - none GENERAL COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Minutes of Boards and Commissions · Meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission held August 28, 2002 · Meeting of the Economic Development Authority held August 20, 2002 · Meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority held August 20, 2002 · Meeting of the Public Library Board of Trustees held September 3, 2002 City Council Minutes September 23, 2002 Page 11 of 12 CITIZENS FORUM Jan Koopie, 4022 ~entral Avenue, stated that the new sidewalk in front of her building was higher than her entrance. After pointing this out to the project manager, her concrete entrance was cut into and "very badly" ~eplaced without even telling her. She stated that she has called staff and received no results. Koopielwanted the entrance replaced and indicated that if it was not done in the next couple of weeks site would contact an attorney. Hansen stated he has met with the project manager on the issue and a survey was recommended. Koopie indicated that the slab must be taken out and the sidewalk fixed. Hansen stated his intention to meet with her ta determine what needs to be done and a time to do the work. Hansen indicated that there are other building owners with concerns, and asked for their patience. He stated he would meet with her on site at the end of the week or early next week. Peterson indicated that he would meet Mrs. Koopie ~'uesday at 9:30 a.m., possibly with the project manager. Williams asked if it encroached on he, property. Hansen indicated it did. COUNCIL CORNER Nawrocki The Historical Society meeting time is 7:00 p.m. Request f611ow up to budget process - to have a financial analysis comparing the County handling ,ecial assessments to a City employee doing so. · Questione~ a review of our legal fees. · Suggestedi combining the two local cable channels to save money, as there is a duplication of information and programming. · Actions sgeak louder than words, practice what you preach. Wyckoff · Asked the number and condition of cobblestones retrieved from Reservoir Boulevard. Hansen staled that there are quite a few, but they are not in great shape. Oil has penetrated them and they would need to be cleaned. The area was 20 x 100 feet. · When will Reservoir Boulevard be complete. Hansen stated in about two weeks. · Thanked tl~ Water Wo~ · The Colurr Hall, and p Williams · e two City employees who helped rescue a cat from a tree in the Minneapolis ks. She relayed the details of the event. .bia Heights Historical Society will meet on September 26th, at 7:00 p.m., Murzyn lan to finalize the photos for the 2003 calendar. Read quot~s from Bits and Pieces. By our woids we are justified, by our words we are condemned. Referred to the challenge by Deb Johnson on the legality of the letter sent to residents sharing his views and opinions, indicated that his lawyers stated it was fine. He referred to legal questions from the last election. ! [' City Council Minutes September 23, 2002 Page 12 of 12 · Pray for th9 peace and prosperity of our City. Peterson · It was a priVilege to be at the dedication of the Habitat for Humanity home at 3913 Polk Street, to see the appreciation of the new owner following all their hard work. A broken down garage was turned into a "like new" garage. A scout working for his eagle scout badge did the landscaping at the home. There will soon be a dedication for the home at 44th and Quincy. · Regarding ~he resident comment on "back pedaling" he stated his right to rethink an issue. It was never ~tated that a decision had been made, and after talking to people has decided to hold off. lie referred to the deer issue and changing his mind on that subject. · Everyone l~ad the same concerns for the stranded cat. He suggested the cherry picker, and the rescue wasa team effort. · He spent ti me at the auto show last weekend to see if there were any problems. There were 112 beauti:.'ul cars, and many wonderful people. There were close to 100 employees present, and a lot o:Tyouth from our community. The noise may have inconvenienced some neighbors for a few hours, but indicated the event is only once a year. · The price One pays for hating other people is liking oneself less. Don't let trivial things bother you! · Don't take i yourself to seriously, enjoy live, love your neighbor, and God Bless. Mayor Peterson adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Patricia MuscovitZ, Deputy City Clerk CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of October 14 2002 AGENDA SECTION: Consent ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER ! ..9 _~-A ~x_~,l.. POLICE APPROVAL: NO. ITEM: Transfer of funds from {~eneral Fund to Police BY: Thomas M. Johnson BY' ~..~~~ NO Dept. budget to reimburse overtime fund DATE: September 26, 2002 DA~' / BACKGROUND During the past three moflths, the Police Department has been involved in off duty employment details that are handled through the department. These details were for security at Unique Thrift Store, Summer Academy traffic detail, !Southern Anoka County Chamber of Commerce jamboree concert, and Immaculate Conception Church Fun Fest. Since this type of off duty employment is handled through the department, officers have signed up and worked these details sine,~ July 1, 2002. We have received a check from the following entities: Unique Thrift Store in the amour of $2,993.31, Summer Academy in the amount of $2,500, Southern Anoka County Chamber of Corn lerce in the amount of $1,600, and Immaculate Conception Church (Fun Fest) in the amount of $620. A~ :cording to the City Finance Director, this money is considered to be revenue, it had to be placed in the Cit,, General Fund. ANALYSIS/CONCLUI ;ION The Police Department is irequesting that the City Council pass a motion requiting the $7,713.31 received fi:om unique Thrift Store~ Summer Academy, Southern Anoka County Chamber of Commerce, and Immaculate Conception ,hurch, to cover the cost ofoffduty officers working security at these locations to be returned to the 200~ Police Department budget line #1020. RECOMMENDED MI TION: Move to transfer $7,713.31, the total amount received fi:om Unique Thrift Store, Summer A,:ademy, Southern Anoka County Chamber of Commerce, and Immaculate Conception Church for offduty security worked, from the General Fund to the Police Department 2002 budget under line #1020, !police overtime. TMJ:mld 02-171 COUNCIL ACTION: City of Columbia Heights Police Department MEMO To: Chief Thoma~ Johnson ,/~~ From: Captain Will/am J. Roddey._.~L/ Subject: Overtime ~l Date: September 2: Attached is a list of thc from outside sources tl reimbursement of thes, Summer Academy INVOICE # 021 'ransfer ~,2002 overtime received from July 18 through September 23, 2002 received ~at has been paid to CHPD for services of our personnel. Please request funds to our overtime account. DATE AMOUNT 7-03-02 $2500.00 Southern Anoka Cougty Chamber of Commerce INVOICE # DATE AMOUNT 023a i 8-06-02 $1600.00 Immaculate Conception Church (Fun fest) INVOICE # DATE AMOUNT 025 8-28-02 $620.00 Unique Thrift INVOICE # 024 D ATE AMOUNT 7~31-02 $2993.31 Tota Transfer Amount $ 7713.31 Columbia Heights Police Department Date: July 3, 2002 Invoice #: 2002-2 ! Customer Name: Address: Home Phone: Request for: Wed. 6-12 Thu. 6-13 Fri. 6-15 Mon. 6-17 Tue. 6-18 Wed. 6-19 Thu. 6-20 Fri. 6-21 Mon. 6-24 Tue. 6-25 Wed. 6-26 Thu. 6-27 Fri. 6-28 Su4nmer Academy 5550 Peterson Rd., 6511-426-5945 291 Police Officers for: 0715-0915hfs 0715-0915hrs 0715-0915hrs 0715-0915hfs 0715-0915hrs 0715-0915hrs 0715-0915hrs 0715-0915hrs 0715-091i5hrs 0715-0915hrs 0715-0915hrs 0715-0915hrs 0715-0915hrs Sun. 6-9 1230-1530hrs Thur. 6-27 1745-2100hrs Bo (2) Stu (2) ~3o (2) Fra (2) Wi (2) R. So (2) Bo (2) Au (2) Di (2) wi (2) wi (2) Bo (2) ~o (2) (Arm: Jeanie Pullen) White Bear Lake, MN 55127 Work Phone: 651-415-5454 Crosswalk Traffic Detail-Summer Academy 1115-1315hrs. Bo (2) 1115-1315hrs. Stu (2) 1115-1315hrs. Fra (2) 1130-1315hrs. Sm (1.75) 1330-1530hrs Fra (2) 1330-1530hrs R. So (2) 1115-1315hrs 1330-1530hrs Bo (2) 1115-1315hrs Ai (2) 1115-1315hrs Fi (2) 1115-1315hrs Bo (2) 1115-1315hrs. Di (2) 1115-1315hfs Fra (2) (NO Officer-Scheduling error) Ai (3) Ni (3.25) Ai (3.25) ~.' (3.25) Number of Officers: 29 Wage is $40. OO per hot~r. BILLING INFORMATION Hours: 62.5 Total Due: $2500.00 ~7trD i Make checks payable to the "City ofColumbia Heights,, ~ )~ ~ g.~O Please mail payment to: ICi~ of Columbia Heights Police Department, 559 Mill Street NE, Columbia tq~ghts, MN 55421 NORTHEAST M Intermediate School Distr~c~ 3300 ~ A~ N. Wh~ ~ L~ Phone 65t 415 5500 ~ 65 PAY TO THE ORDER OF: :-TRO 916 ~ MN 55II0 415 5510 * * * TWO THOUSAND CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPARTMENT 559 MILL ST NE COLUMBIA HEIGHTS MN 55421 FiVE I bank · 912 EAST GRAND FORKS, MN 56721 HUNDRED DOLLARS 7/1~/02 405261 CHECK NO. VOID AFTER 1~0 DAYS & NO CENTS $2,500.00 ~IORTHEAST METRO 916 -~i%'YCOL : CITY OF CCLL~BIA HEIGHTS iN'VOICE ~ DE$CRI PTICN 2002-21 SL~4MER ACADEMY 09 E 200 415 991 000 305 2500.00 TOTALS GROSS 2500.00 25C0.00 CHECK DATE 7/15/02 DISC ~MT/DESC ADj ~T/DESC 405261 CI-[EC:< N13M~ER ~G52~I TC T.~J~ DiSC 2500. 2500.30 INVOICE Columbia Heights Police Department Date: Customer Name: Address: August 6, 2002 Invoice #: S~uthern Anoka Chamber of Commerce 1250 2002-023a East Moore Lake Dr. Suite C, Fridley MN 55432 Home Phone: Second Notice Request for: 8 Work Phone: 763-571-9781 (Shannon) Police Officers for: June 29, 2002 (Milsap concert) 4.75 hrs Fischer 1800-2230 4.5 hrs D. Sorensen 1700-21.45 Beckett 1700-22 00 6 hrs Korts 1700-2300 6 hrs Sturdevant 1800-2:.00 5 hrs Bonesteel 2000-2300 3 hrs O'~' Frakie 1800-2. :45 4.75 hrs Sinn 1700-2300 6 hrs (Note: Security charges were lower than the anticipated $2500 as officers were rea ~a~l~/~'~ from duty early). BILLING INFORMATION Number of Officers: 8 Hours: 40 hrs. Wage is $40. OO per hour. Total Due: $1600.00 Make checks payable to the "City of Columbia Heights". Please mail payment tol City of Columbia Heights Police Department, 559 Mill Street NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Officer(s) on Duty: Amount Received: FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Off Duty: Date: TWIN CITIES NORTH CHAMBE~ OF COMMERCE 1250 EAST MOORE LAKE DRIVE, SUITE C FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 PH (763) 571-9781.. FAX~ (763) 572-7950 PAY TO THE ORDER OF Ch>, of Columbia Heights 559 Iv~l Street NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 MEMO j~ml~re~. ~rmc~,~ ~"~-"i~, I / TWIN CmES NORTH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE City of Columbia Heights 06/30/02 Chccldng - Fh~t Communit F1RST COMMUNITY CU COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MN 55421 75-735Q/2910 12105 I ~* 1,600.00 DOLLARS ~: 8q ],0 ? 3 50 Bill #2002-O23 08106/2002 12105 1,600.00 1,600.00 [' / INVOICE Columbia Heights Police Department Date: Customer Name: Address: August 28, 2002 Invoice #: Im~naculate Conception Church 40~0 Jackson Street NE 2002-025 Home Phone: Request for: 1 Saturday August 10th ~002 Police Officers for: Okerstrom Work Phone: (1700-2330) 763-788-9062 6.5 hours Sunday August 12th 2G 01 Number of Officers: ~ 2 Wage is $40. O0 per ho!ur. Okerstrom (1100-2000) 9 hours BILLING INFORMATION Hours: 15.5 hours Total Due: $620.00 Make checks payable to the ~City of Columbia Heights". Please mail payment toi City of Columbia Heights Police Department, 559 Mill Street NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421 / FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Officer(s) on Duty: Off Duty: Amount Received: "~ ~,2~ o~ Date: DATE AMOUNT PAY TO THE ORDER OF ==Six Hundred Twenty and oQ / 100 Dollars**** City of Columbia Heights Polic6 Dept 559 Mill Street NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Home Phone: 09/06/02 Request for: 1 Police Officers for: Saturday August 10'h 2002 Sunday August 12~ 2~01 500'" 5r-,R Work Phone: Okerstrom (1700-2330) 6.5 hours Okerstrom (1100-2000) 9 hours .... $620.00-.~ 763-788-9062 BILLING INFORMATION Number of Officers: 2 Hours: 15.5 hours Wage is $40. OO per hour. Total Due: $620.00 Make checks payable to the "City of Columbia Heights". Please mail payment t~: City of Columbia Heights Police Deparmaent, 559 Mill Street NE, Columbia Heights, ,'v[lq 55421 Officer(s) on Duty: Amount Received: FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONI. Y OffDuty: Date: INVOICE Columbia Heights Police Department Date: Customer Name: Address: Home Phone: Request for: Tue 7-2 Bo Fri 7-5 Bo Tue 7-9 Sch Fri 7-12 Bo Mon 7-15 Bo Fri 7-19 Ni Tue 7-23 Fr Fri 7-26 Bo Tue 7-30 Fr Juiy 31, 2002 Invoice #: Ur~ique Thrift 2201 37th AveNE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421 2002-024 Work Phone: Police Officers for: July 2002 763-788~5280 (Andrea) 4hrs 4hrs 4hrs 4hrs 4hrs 4 ars 41 ~rs 4hrs 411rs 1000-1400 Thu 7-4 Ok/Sch 7hrs 0900-1600' 1545-1945 Sat 7-6 Ni 4hrs 1600-2000 1200-1600 Wed 7-10 Bo 3hrs 1700-2000 1600-2000 Sat 7-13 Fr 4hrs 1600-2000 1600-2000 Tue 7-16 Ni 4hrs 1000-1400 1600-2000 Sat 7-20 Wi 4hrs 1600-2000 1000-1400 Thu 7-25 Fr 4hrs 1600-2000 1500-1900 Sat 7-27 Ma 2.5hrs 1730-2000 1000-1400 Wed 7-31 Ma 4hrs 1600-2000 BILLING INFORMATION Number of Officers: 13 Hours: 65.5 hrs. + 7hrs premium ~a~~~ * Premium rate= $53,33/hr. is oo h? ne ~, , i Make checks payable to the ~City of Columbia ~ rlcase mai~ payment to:i City of Columbia Heights Police Department, 559 Mill Street NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Officer(s) on Duty: Amount Received: FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Off Duty: ~'~'g~ · .~1 Date: ,/ Nash Sales, Inc. DATE INVOTCE NO COMMI 07/31/02 2002-024 C.~CK: 006256 08/19/02 C 006256 ~NT AMOUNT DISCOUNT NETAMOUNT 2,993.31 .00 2,993.31 [ty of Columbia Heights CHK TOTAL: 2,993.31 :..TO. THE:..:'.C£t¥'OE Col':.~HgCs.Police Dept .-.*.::ORDER 559 Mill 'street NE _.- -. ~0F::''- '* ColUmbia Heights MN 55421 ," 0 0 G 8 S G," ":OqGOO~ B Sl."q ?q COLUMBIA HEIGHTS - CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: October 14, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: Cor~sent ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER'S NO: ~" Pt -'~ CITY MANAGER' S APPROVAL · ITEM: Board/CommissiOn BY: Walt Fehst DB~E~~J~ Appointments DATE: October 14, 2002 · NO: The City Council has requested that two appointments be made to the Park and Recreation Commission. On Monday, October 7, 2002 the following residents were interviewed: David Payne 4156 Monroe Street Matthew H~nry3831 Polk Street RECOMMENDED MOTIOI~: Move to appoint David Payne and Matthew Henry to the Park and Recreation Commission, with ~ach two-year term to expire in April 2004. COUNCIL ACTION: C1~TY COUNCIL LE'I-FER Meeting of · OCTOBER 14, 2002 ! AGENDA SECTION' CONSENT ORIGINATING DEPT.' CITY MANAGER NO: i ,..,,C' -/~ -~ ASSESSI'NG APPROVAL DEL]'NQUENT A!~SESSMENTS NO: ~ DATE: OCTOBER 8, 2002 The City Council i: asked to adopt annually a Resolution to certify delinquent assessments to tf,e County Property Tax Administrator for collection. This resolution includes delinquent special assessments, utility, and miscellaneous charges, totaling $'38,939.62. Also, for the Coum:il's information, staff has attached a balance sheet of 2002 current assessmenrts and history showing the final amount being sent to Anoka County for placement on the tax rolls as $4,0:[6.50. Staff recommends !the Council adopt the following motions. RECOMMENDED Mi )T1~ON' Move to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-61, there being ample copies available to the public. RECOMMENDED M~ )TION: Move to adopt Resolution 2002-61, being a Resolution to certify delinquent assessments to Anoka County for collection with the Property taxes payable in 2003. COUNCIL ACTION: county\delq coul.tr cer2002 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS / 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Height~, MN 55421-3878 (763) 706-3600 TDD (763) 706-3692 Visit Our Website al: wwn:ci, co/untbia-h~ights.mn.us RESOLUTION' N'O. 2002 - 61 CERTIFICATION OF DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, that THE COUNTY AUDIT~)R be, and he is hereby directed, to levy the delinquent special assessments, delinquent ~tility, and miscellaneous abatement and delinquent bills on the properties in the City of Columbia Heights as submitted on the attached pages and filed in the Assessment Book for 2002 totaling $98,939.62. BE IT FURTHER RES¢ ~LVED that the foregoing amounts shall be included in the individual property tax statements br the current year and identified thereon as "Special Assessments - Fund #83296. SAID LEVIES shall be ~nforced and collected in the manner provided for the enforcement and collection of State and C ounty taxes under and in accordance with the provisions of the general laws of the State. All as ~essments with penalties and interest as indicated thereon paid to the County Treasurer shall l~elong to the City of Columbia Heights and shall be turned over to the City Treasurer in the ma0ner provided by the City Charter and Ordinances. THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS shall accept payments on these levies until October 4, 2002. Upon receipt of said payments the City will remove them from the certification list sent to Anoka County. Passed this 14th day of O~tober, 2002. Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: All ayes Patricia Muscovitz, DepUty City Clerk Mayor Gary L. Peterson THE CItY Of COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION Of SERVICES EQUAL OPPORtUNiTY EMPLOYER Current Balan 10% Penalty & Misc. Delinqu, Misc. Delinqu~ ~es County Fee ~nt Utility ~nt Bills CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS $82,990.99 9,635.81 1,811.74 4,501.08 TOTAL DELINQUENT 2002 Minus Payments Received (9/24 thru 10~04) TOTAL 2002 AMOIJNT CERTIFIED $98,939.62 4,016.50 $94,923.12 The current balance, of $82,990.99 is 41.32% of the total billed as current, which was $200,852.39. i CURRENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENT HISTORY (excluding delinquent utility and miscellaneous bills) YEAR 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 TOTAL BILLED 154,598.10 105,192.39 125,887.78 159,282 22 64,766 69 71,693 40 145,694 47 135,956 85 153,761 87 168,851 35 200,852 39 UNPAID CURRENT % CERTIFIED 53,213.54 34.42% 33,219.35 31.58% 40,595.50 32.25% 72,695.02 45.64% 25,925.62 40.03% 28,140.52 39.26% 49,616.39 34.05% 49,735.43 36.59% 59,411.04 38.64% 54,787.74 32.45% 82,991.07 41.32% county\balpage, cer 8 October 2002 Tue 1:10 PM PIN 225-30-24-14-0043 225-30-24-21-0104 225-30-24-23-0007 225-30-24-23-0021 225-30-24-23-0022 225-30-24-23-0053 225-30-24-23-0060 225-30-24-23-0070 225-30-24-23-0078 P.25-30-24-23-0088 225-30-24-23-0102 225-30-24-24-0008 225-30-24-24-0023 225-30-24-24-0025 225-30-24-24-0026 225-30-24-24-0028 225-30~24-24-0040 225-30-24-24-0041 225-30-24-24-0049 225-30-24-24-0055 225-30-24-24-0061 225-30-24-24-0082 225-30-24-24-0102 225-30-24-33-0079 P.25-30-24-33-0081 225-30-24-34-0086 225-30-24-34-0105 Certified Register CITY OF ~LUMBIAHEIGHTS Address 2226 FOREST DR 1392 BUCHANAN PL 1000 50TH AVE 1075 POLK CIR 1069 POLK PL 1220 PIERCE TER 1030 POLK PL 1200 50TI{AVE 1020 50Ti{ AVE 1155 LINCOLN TER 1020 LINCOLN TER 1345 PIERCE TER 1345 BUCHANAN PL 1365 BUCHANAN PL 1375 BUCHANAN PL 1388 BUCHANAN PL 4945 FILLMORE ST 1401 LINCOLN TER 1453 LINCOLN TER 4990 JO~NSON ST 1468 LINCOLN TER 4955 JOHNSON ST 1300 LINCOLN TER 4507 TYLER ST 4517 TYLER ST 1260 46TH AVE 1215 4577{ AVE Page i Certified 481.64 221.36 144.66 334.44 230.80 182.36 238.30 18.16 126.12 167.28 167.32 11.80 159.18 167.32 167.32 16.64 187.90 213.14 157.02 183.78 1807.88 167.32 171.10 55.10 21.06 286.72 367.04 8 October 2002 Tue 1:10 PM PIN R25-30-24-34-0113 R25-30-24-41-0019 R25-30-24-41-0020 R25-30-24-41-0027 R25-30-24-41-0028 R25-30-24-41-0032 R25-30-24-41-0045 R25-30-24-41-0063 R25-30-24-41-0066 R25-30-24-41-0069 R25-30-24-41-0072 R25-30-24-41-0076 R25-30-24-41-0126 R25-30-24-44-0006 R25-30~24-44-0013 R25-30-24-44-0029 R25-30-24-44-0035 R25-30-24-44-0082 P.25-30-24-44-0085 R25-30-24-44-0086 R25-30-24-44-0093 R25-30-24-44-0098 R26-30-24-13-0022 R26-30-24-13-0024 R26-30-24-13-0073 R26-30-24-13-0101 R26-30-24-13-0113 Certified Register CIT~Y OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Address i1315 45TH AVE 4774 HEIGHTS DR 4768 HEIGHTS DR 4730 HEIG}{TS DR 4726 HEIGHTS DR 4704 HEIGHTS DR 4747 CHA77{~MP~D 4705 HEIGHTS DR 4723 HEIG~S DR 4739 HEIGHTS DR 4753 }{EIG~S DR 4775 HEIGHTS DR 2215 HIGHI~tN-D PL 4623 HEIGHTS DR 2127 45TH AVE 4556 HEIGHTS DR 4526 hEIGHTS DR 2232 MAIDEN LN 2314 MAIDEN LN 2320 MAIDEN LN 2303 MAIDEN LN 4639 CHATHAM RD 4956 MOI~ROE ST 4946 MON~OE ST 5006 MONROE ST 5020 WASHINGTON ST 4943 7~ ST Page 2 Certified 112.42 90.60 175.38 175.38 175.38 160.14 111.72 260.16 165.6o 165.60 165.6o 90.60 282.86 240.58 142.6o 165.6o 181.90 16.32 224.82 12.3o 278.00 98.24 161.50 161.5o 154.12 136.90 136.90 8 October 2002 Tue 1:10 PM PIN R26-30-24-14-0012 R26-30-24-14-0023 R26-30-24-14-0040 R26-30-24-14-0046 R26-30-24-14-0055 R26-30-24-14-0057 R26-30-24-14-0072 R26-30-24-14-0075 R26-30-24-14-0083 R26-30-24-14-0085 R26-30-24-14-0092 R26-30-24-14-0095 R26-30-24-14-0099 R26-30-24-14-0101 R26-30-24-14-0107 R26-30-24-14-0111 R26-30-24-14~0112 R26-30-24-14-0113 R26-30-24-14-0118 R26-30-24-14- 0132 R26-30-24-14-0134 R26-30-24-14 -0138 R26-30-24-14- 0142 R26-30-24-21-0056 R26-30-24-21-0062 R26-30-24-21-0079 R26-30-24-24-0008 Certified Register CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Address 4946 CENTRAL AVE 818 50TH AVE 809 49TH AVE 701 5O 1/2 AVE 800 50 1/2 AVE 718 50 1/2 AVE 724 50TI~ AVE 715 49 1/2 AVE 725 49TH AVE 715 49TI~ AVE 808 51ST AVE 815 50TH AVE 5049 JACKSON ST 5037 JACKSON ST 5001 JACKSON ST 825 50 1/2 AVE 826 51ST AVE 5020 JACKSON ST 4956 JACKSON ST 4931 JACKSON ST 4919 JACKSON ST 808 50 1/2 AVE 851 50TH AVE 5252 5TH ST 5216 5TH ST 5254 4TH ST 5020 7TH ST Page 3 Certified 203.60 516.76 55.56 454.26 460.18 460.18 516.76 217.06 55.56 55.56 55.56 516.76 161.50 161.50 298.40 460.18 55.56 460.18 1129.70 4824.06 124.54 460.18 486.66 219.06 219.06 13.02 55.56 8 October 2002 T~e 1:10 PM PIN R26-30-24-24-0015 R26-30-24-24-0017 R26-30-24-24-0039 R26-30-24-24-0119 R26-30-24-24-0120 R26-30-24-24-0141 R26-30-24-24-0173 ]{26-30-24-24-0192 R26-30-24-24-0194 R26-30-24-31-0019 ]{26-30-24-31-0030 R26-30-24-31-0047 R26~30-24-31-0061 R26-30-24-31-0083 R26-30-24-31-0084 R26-30-24-31-0085 R26-30-24-31-0086 R26-30-24-31-0087 R26-30-24-31-0095 R26-30-24-31-0097 R26-30-24-31-0106 R26-30-24-31-0113 P.26-30-24-31-0129 R26-30-24-31-0138 R26-30-24-31-0143 R26-30-24-31-0152 R26-30-24-31-0161 Certified Register CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Address 5005 6TH ST 5015 6TH ST 5016 6TH ST 4950 5TH ST 4946 5TH ST 4945 4TH ST 4942 7TH ST 4949 6TH ST 5014 7T~ ST 4821 6TH ST 4834 6TH ST 4849 5TH ST 4805 4TH ST 4801 UNIVERSITY AVE 4807 UNIVERSITY AVE 4809 UNIVERSITY AVE 4817 UNIVERSITY AVE 4819 UNIVERSITY AVE 4744 4TH ST 4732 4TH ST 4721 UNIVERSITY AVE 4748 5774 ST 4725 4TH ST 520 48T~ AVE 4724 6TH ST 4721 5TH ST 4748 7TH ST Page 4 Certified 55.56 55.56 55.56 155.72 155.72 120.90 55.56 55.56 55.56 78.72 17.76 9.66 78.72 231.02 231.02 231.02 231.02 231.02 522.00 219.06 216.60 307.16 307.16 307.16 307.16 307.16 237.02 8 October 2002 T%/e 1:10 PM PIN R26-30-24-31-0167 R26-30-24-31-0171 R26-30-24-31-0172 R26-30-24-31-0182 R26-30-24-34- 0005 R26-30-24-34-0006 R26- 30-24-34- 0007 R26-30-24-34-0011 R26-30-24-34- 0014 R26-30-24-34-0018 R26-30-24-34-0019 R26-30-24-34- 0021 R26-30-24-34- 0029 R26-30-24-34- 0031 R26-30-24-34- 0040 R26-30-24- 34- 0042 R26-30-24-34-0055 R26-30-24-34-0076 R26-30-24-34- 0082 R26-30-24-34- 0087 R26-30-24-34-0093 R26- 30-24-34- 0094 R26-30-24-34-0107 R26-30-24-34- 0111 R26-30-24-34- 0112 R26-30-24-34- 0122 R26-30-24-34- 0123 Certified Register CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Addre s s 4714 7T}{ ST 4703 6TH ST 4709 6TH ST 4752 4TH ST 4650 7T~ ST 4642 7T}{ ST 4638 7TH ST 4621 6TH ST 4617 6TH ST 4612 6TH ST 4600 6T~ ST 4601 5TH ST 4646 6T~ ST 4636 6TD{ ST 4553 6T~ ST 4541 6T~ ST 4500 7TH ST 4642 5TH ST 4624 5TH ST 4608 5TH ST 4608 4T~ ST 4603 UNIVERSITY AVE 4557 5TH ST 4558 6TH ST 4554 6. T~ ST 4536 6TH ST 4532 6TH ST Page 5 Certified 237.02 307.16 307.16 526.22 307.16 307.16 307.16 307.16 307.16 307.16 307.16 153.16 307.16 307.16 348.10 348.10 307.16 307.16 30.26 30.26 307.16 7.22 197.16 348.10 348.10 348.10 348.10 8 October 2002 Tue 1:10 PM PIN R26-30-24-34-0147 R26-30-24-34-0149 R26-30-24-34-0156 R26-30-24-34-0164 R26-30-24-34-0165 R26-30-24-42-0006 R26-30-24-42-0016 R26-30-24-42-0024 R26-30-24-42-0034 R26-30-24-42-0044 R26-30-24-42-0048 R26-30-24-42-0050 R26-30-24-42-0056 R26-30-24-42-0061 R26-30-24-42-0092 P.26-30-24-42-0101 )%26-30-24-42-0109 R26-30-24-43-0001 P.26-30-24-43-0007 R26-30-24-43-0008 R26-30-24-43-0014 R26-30-24-43-0015 R26-30-24-43-0016 R26-30-24-43-0064 R26-30-24-43-0074 R26-30-24-43-0075 R26-30-24-43-0079 Certified Register CITY OF COLUMBIAHEIGHTS Address 4558 5TH ST 4554 5TH ST 4532 5TH ST 4512 5TH ST 4504 5TH ST 672 48TH AVE 655 47 1/2 AVE 684 47 1/2 AVE 654 47 1/2 AVE 4860 MONROE ST 4838 MONROE ST 4820 MONROE ST 4815 M3%DISON ST 4847 MADISON ST 4820 MADISON ST 4813 JEFFERSON ST 4800 WASHINGTON ST 4528 MONROE ST 4504 MONROE ST 4512 MONROE ST 4521 MADISON ST 4527 MADISON ST 4533 MADISON ST 4550 WASHINGTON ST 4502 WASHINGTON ST 4500 WASHINGTON ST 4513 7TH ST Page 6 Certified 307.16 307.16 307.16 231.02 231.02 285.50 158.30 212.78 158.30 210.26 278.74 297.78 297.78 219.06 78.72 78.72 78.72 307.16 307.16 197.16 307.16 307.16 307.16 307.16 307.16 307.16 307.16 8 October 2002 Tue 1:10 PM PIN R26-30-24-43-0084 R26-30-24-43-0085 R26-30-24-43-0086 R26-30-24-43-0099 R26-30-24-43-0109 R26-30-24-43-0115 R26-30-24-43-0120 R26-30-24-43-0133 R26-30-24-43-0136 R26-30-24-43-0139 R26-30-24-43-0143 R26-30-24-43-0157 R26-30-24-43-0159 R26-30-24-43-0173 R34-30-24-41-0020 R35-30-24-11-0004 R35-30-24-11-0013 R35-30-24-11-0021 R35-30-24-11-0023 R35-30-24-11-0029 R35-30-24-11-0037 R35-30-24-11-0045 R35-30-24-11-0046 R35-30-24-11-0063 R35-30-24-11-0074 R35-30-24-11-0077 R35-30-24-11-0079 Certified Register CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Address i4529 7TH ST !4533 777{ ST 4537 7~ ST 674 47TH AVE 616 47~7{AXrE 4637 7TH ST 4645 WASHINGTON ST 685 46 1/2 AVE 682 46 1/2 AVE 666 46 1/2 AVE 4625 JEFFERSON ST 4601 7TH ST 4606 WASHINGTON ST 689 467"~AVE 3905 CALIFORNIA ST 4442 CENTRAL AVE 4409 VAN BUREN ST 4449 VAN BUR~N ST 4456 VAN BUP. EN ST 4416 VAN BUREN ST 4425 JACKSON ST 4444 JACKSON ST 4436 JACKSON ST 808 45TH AVE 4401 MONROE ST 4421 MONROE ST 4431 MONROE ST Page 7 Certified 307.16 307.16 190.02 323.86 307.16 307.16 307.16 285.50 231.02 231.02 78.72 307.16 307.16 231.02 391.34 54.48 269.38 323.86 542.92 488.44 488.44 348.22 348.22 280.70 269.38 269.38 23.86 8 October 2002 Tue 1:10 PM PIN R35-30-24-11-0082 R35-30-24-11-0083 R35-30-24-11-0085 R35-30-24-11-0086 R35-30-24-11-0097 R35-30-24-12-0005 R35-30-24-12-0009 R35-30-24-12-0014 R35~30-24-12-0015 R35-30-24-12-0017 R35-30-24-12-0019 R35-30-24-12-0029 R35-30-24-12-0031 R35-30-24-12-0065 R35-30-24-12-0069 R35-30-24-12-0084 R35-30-24-12-0088 R35-30-24-12-0222 R35-30-24-12-0223 R35-30-24-13-0092 R35-30-24-13o0196 R35-30-24-14-0001 R35-30-24-14-0002 R35-30-24-14-0006 R35-30-24-14-0008 R35-30-24-14-0030 R35-30-24-14-0032 Certified Register CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Address 4455 MONROE ST 4300 CEN~%LAVE 4304 QUINCY ST 4300 QUINCY ST 4328 QUINCY ST 4440 MONROE ST 4420 MONROE ST 4403 MADISON ST 4407 MADISON ST 4415 MADISON ST 4423 MADISON ST 4452 MADISON ST 4446 MADISON ST 4415 WASNINGTON ST 4433 WASHINGTON ST 4414 WASNINGTON ST 4409 7T~ ST 4416 MADISON ST 4422 MADISON ST 4225 MADISON ST 4233 MADISON ST 4256 QUINCY ST 4252 QUINCY ST 4238 QUINCY ST 4228 QUINCY ST 4238 JACKSON ST 4224 JACKSON ST Page 8 Certified 323.86 781.20 158.30 158.30 158.30 348.10 269.38 231.02 231.02 231.02 231.02 195.08 307.16 231.02 307.16 231.02 231.02 231.02 231.02 10.94 10.94 252.27 272.92 280.08 280.08 424,90 280.08 8 October 2002 Tue 1:10 PM PIN R35-30-24-14-0035 R35-30-24-14-0049 R35-30-24-14-0057 R35-30-24-14-0061 R35-30-24-14-0063 R35-30-24-14-0064 R35-30-24-14-0066 R35-30-24-14-0067 R35-30-24-14-0087 R35-30-24-14-0090 R35-30-24-14-0101 R35-30-24-14-0102 R35-30-24-14-0103 R35-30-24-14-0104 R35-30-24-14-0106 R35-30-24-14-0108 R35-30-24-14-0111 R35-30-24-14-0114 R35-30-24-14-0116 R35-30-24-14-0124 R35-30-24-14-0127 R35-30-24-21-0006 R35-30-24-21-0008 R35-30-24-21-0009 R35-30-24-21-0017 R35-30-24-21-0019 R35-30-24-21-0020 Certified Register CITY OF COLUMBIAHEIGHTS Address 4208 JACKSON ST 4251 QUINCY ST 4224 VAN BUREN ST 14206 VAN BUREN ST 4205 JACKSON ST 4211 JACKSON ST 4225 JACKSON ST 4233 JACKSON ST 4243 VAN BUREN ST 4257 VAN BUREN ST 4136 JACKSON ST 4101 QUINCY ST 4105 QUINCY ST 4109 QUINCY ST 4121 QUINCY ST 4129 QUINCY ST 4137 QUINCY ST 4149 QUINCY ST 4157 QUINCY ST 4124 QUINCY ST 4108 QUINCY ST 4430 7TH ST 4422 7TH ST 4418 7TI~ ST 4413 6TH ST 4423 6T~ ST 4425 6TH ST Page 9 Certified 280.08 27.81 158.30 158.30 280.08 280.08 424.90 280.08 158,30 158.30 280.08 280.08 280.08 280.08 280.08 280.08 280.08 280.08 280.08 280.08 280.08 284,00 245.92 245.92 294.98 14.90 294.98 8 October 2002 Tue 1:10 PM PIN R35-30-24-21-0028 R35-30-24-21-0030 R35-30-24-21-0031 R35-30-24-21-0032 R35-30-24-21-0033 R35-30-24-21-0038 R35-30-24-21-0041 R35-30-24-21-0045 R35-30-24-21-0046 R35-30-24-21-0047 R35-30-24-21-0053 R35-30-24-21-0054 R35-30-24-21-0064 R35-30-24-21-0083 R35-30-24-21-0084 R35-30-24-21-0090 R35-30-24-21-0122 R35-30-24-21-0207 R35-30-24-21-0208 R35-30-24-22-0107 R35-30-24-22-0110 R35-30-24-22-0113 R35-30-24-22-0116 R35-30-24-22-0117 R35-30-24-23-0093 R35-30-24-24-0054 R35-30-24-24-0058 Certified Register CITY OF C~LUMBIAHEIGHTS Address 14444 6TH ST 4434 6TH ST 4430 6TH ST 4424 6TH ST 4420 6TH ST 4400 6TH ST 4411 5TH ST 4425 5TH ST 4429 5TH ST 4433 5TH ST 4456 5TH ST 4452 5TH ST 4404 5TH ST 4432 4TH ST 4428 4TH ST 4400 4TH ST 4356 5TH ST 4437 4TH ST 4337 UNIVERSITY AVE 4304 2ND ST 4309 MAIN ST 4329 MAIN ST 4341 MAIN ST 4347 MAIN ST 4143 2ND ST 4256 7TH ST 4240 7TH ST Page 10 Certified 62.22 358.80 320.72 280.08 280.08 280.08 231.02 231.02 269.10 307.16 231.02 231.02 231.02 231.02 231.02 231.02 520.06 231.02 37.78 19.30 10.94 10.94 10.94 19.30 163.98 10.94 10.94 8 October 2002 Tue 1:10 PM PIN R35-30-24-24-0062 R35-30-24-24-0067 R35-30-24-24-0068 R35-30-24-24-0075 R35-30-24-24-0102 R35-30-24-31-0023 R35-30-24-31-0027 R35-30-24-31-0063 R35-30-24-31-0072 R35-30-24-31-0076 R35-30-24-31-0109 R35-30-24-31-0111 R35-30-24-31-0133 R35-30-24-31-0134 R35-30-24-31-0165 R35-30-24-32-0004 R35-30-24-32-0015 R35-30-24-32-0038 R35-30-24-33-0125 R35-30-24-33-0176 R35-30-24-34-0017 R35-30-24-41-0090 R35-30-24-41-0110 R35-30~24-41-0111 R35-30-24-41-0112 R35-30-24-41-0118 R35-30-24-41-0120 Certified Register CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Address 4226 7T~ ST 4200 7TH ST 4201 6TH ST 4231 6TH ST 4120 4TH ST 4017 4TH ST 4033 4TH ST 4038 7T~ ST 539 40//{ AVE 4023 6T~ ST 3980 5TH ST 428 40TH AVE 3974 5TH ST 4100 4T~ ST 418 40TH AVE 4054 2ND ST 4004 2ND ST 3907 2ND ST 3724 2 1/2 ST 3732 2 1/2 ST 546 38TH AVE 3976 VAN BUREN ST 3973 JACKSON ST 3975 JACKSON ST 836 40TH AVE 3960 JACKSON ST 3952 JACKSON ST Page 11 Certified 10.94 10.94 10.94 10.94 144.64 12.70 12.70 11.38 3.56 11.38 291.10 219.06 219.06 286.72 215.86 301.64 146.04 215.68 10.94 10.94 408.72 15.12 10.94 10.94 539.82 16.16 10.94 8 October 2002 T~e 1:10 PM PIN R35-30-24-41-0122 R35-30-24-41-0128 R35-30-24-42-0097 R35-30-24-43-0014 R35-30-24-43-0021 R35-30-24-44-0006 R35-30-24-44-0015 R35-30-24-44-0016 R35-30-24-44-0020 R35-30-24-44-0821 R35-30-24-44-0039 R35-30-24-44-0046 R35-30-24-44-0049 R35-30-24-44-0053 R35-30-24-44-0058 R35-30-24-44-0060 R35-30-24-44-0061 R35-30-24-44-0092 R35-30-24-44-0094 R35-30-24-44-0101 R36-30-24-12-0003 R36-30-24-12-0008 R36-30-24-12-0073 R36-30-24-12-0083 R36-30-24-13-0035 R36-30-24-13-0044 R36-30-24-13-0103 Certified Register CITY OF COLUMBIAHEIGHTS Address 3944 JACKSON ST 3939 QUINCY ST 678 40TH AVE 623 37T~ AVE 588 38T~ AVE 3900 CENTRAL AVE 3906 VAN BUREN ST 3900 VAN BUREN ST 3917 JACKSON ST 3921 JACKSON ST 3840 JACKSON ST 3812 JACKSON ST 3730 JACKSON ST 3708 JACKSON ST 3713 QUINCY ST 3723 QUINCY ST 3727 QUINCY ST 3701 JACKSON ST 3719 JACKSON ST 3815 JACKSON ST 4352 R~SERVOIR BLVD 4312 RESERVOIR BLVD 4354 ART}UJR ST 4315 TYLER ST 4260 TYLER ST 4253 R~SERVOIR BLVD 1923 41ST AVE Page 12 Certified 10.94 8.84 15.74 651.54 289.96 414.38 15.12 14.28 10.94 10.94 16.60 16.60 16.60 22.32 8.74 8.74 8.74 7.86 7.86 10.50 142.78 124.08 292.06 147.64 216.06 219.06 184.66 8 October 2002 Tue 1:10 PM PIN R36-30-24-21-0015 R36-30-24-21-0018 R36-30-24-21-0027 R36o30-24-21-0069 R36-30-24-21-0072 R36-30-24-21-0076 R36-30-24-21-0080 R36-30-24-21-0081 R36-30-24-21-0083 R36-30-24-21-0110 R36-30-24-21-0111 R36-30-24-21-0128 R36-30-24-21-0142 R36-30-24-21-0150 R36-30~24-22-0018 R36-30-24~22-0113 R36-30-24-22-0115 R36-30-24-22-0116 R36-30-24-22-0122 R36-30-24-22-0127 R36-30-24-22-0130 R36-30-24-22-0149 R36-30-24-23-0029 R36-30-24-24-0009 R36-30-24-24-0049 R36-30-24-24-0127 R36-30-24-24-0153 Certified Register CITY OF COLUMBIAHEIGHTS Address 4325 McLEOD ST 4343 McLEOD ST 1412 45TH AVE 1311 44TH AVE 1325 44T}.I AVE 1331 44TH AVE 4408 McLEOD ST 1421 44TH AVE 4338 McLEOD ST 1214 44TH AVE 1210 44TH AVE 1225 43RD AVE 1337 43RD AVE 4430 McLEOD ST 1024 45T~ AVE 4315 CENTRAL AVE 947 43RD AVE 950 43 1/2 AVE 965 43RD AVE 969 43RD AVE 973 43RD AVE 1129 43RD AVE 1000 43RD AVE 4253 McLEOD ST 1310 43RD AVE 4154 RESERVOIR BLVD 1226 43RD AVE Page 13 Certified 158.00 142.32 151.94 97.56 50.08 64.64 199.46 168.36 142.46 50.08 37.12 143.32 195.14 254.54 230.54 738.78 132.10 350.32 158.00 132.10 132.10 257.30 158.00 164.74 20.84 219.06 177.84 8 October 2002 Tue 1:10 PM PIN R36-30-24-31-0001 R36-30-24-31-0006 R36-30-24-31-0015 R36-30-24-31-0017 R36-30-24-31-0018 R36-30-24-31-0023 R36-30-24-31-0052 R36-30-24-31-0061 R36-30-24-31-0082 R36-30-24-31-0086 R36-30-24-31-0087 R36-30-24-31-0110 R36-30-24-31-0116 R36-30-24-31-0117 R36-30-24-31-0119 R36-30-24-31-0123 R36-30-24-32-0040 R36-30-24-32-0056 R36-30-24-32-0061 R36-30-24-32-0064 R36-30-24-32-0076 R36-30-24-32-0085 R36-30-24-32-0086 R36-30-24-32-0092 R36-30-24-32-0094 R36-30-24-32-0096 R36-30-24-32-0099 Certified Register CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIG}{TS Address 1231 40TH AVE 1600 41ST AVE 1508 41ST AVE 4041 R]~SERVOIR BLVD 4039 RESERVOIR BLVD 4005 RESERVOIR BLVD 4010 RESERVOIR BLVD 1202 40TH AVE 3959 POLK ST 13947 POLK ST 3939 POLK ST 3980 TYLER ST 3962 TYLER ST 3960 TYLER ST 3954 TYLER ST 3940 TYLER ST 1010 40TH AV~ 3942 RESERVOIR BLVD 1121 GOULD AVE 1109 GOULD AVE 969 GOULD AVE 1110 GOULD AVE 1102 GOULD AVE 1016 COULD AVE 1008 COULD AVE 1002 GOULD AVE 1045 PETERS PL Page 14 Certified 219.06 428.88 217.24 219.06 219.06 219.06 219.06 19.60 158.00 174.40 136.40 108.82 85.48 85.48 116.56 70.84 230.90 1318.30 257.44 102.34 218.52 480.78 513.16 437.58 437.58 528.58 525.74 8 October 2002 Tue 1:10 PM PIN R36-30-24-33-0042 R36-30-24-33-0050 R36-30-24-33-0078 R36-30-24-33-0084 R36-30-24-33-0088 R36-30-24-33-0095 R36-30-24-33-0109 R36-30-24-33-0112 R36-30-24-33-0116 R36-30-24-33-0118 R36-30-24-33-0120 R36-30-24-33-0137 R36-30-24-33-0139 R36-30-24-33-0143 R36-30-24-33-0146 R36-30-24-34-0006 R36-30-24-34-0014 R36-30-24-34-0043 R36-30-24-34-0053 R36-30-24-34-0067 R36-30-24-34-0070 R36-30-24-34-0071 R36-30-24-34-0081 R36-30-24-34-0088 R36-30-24-34-0113 R36-30-24-34-0128 R36-30-24-34-0135 Certified Register CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Address 1100 39TH AVE 3933 RESERVOIR BLVD 3838 TYLER ST 3810 TYLER ST 3720 TYLER ST 3822 POLK ST 3712 POLK ST 3702 POLK ST 3723 TYLER ST 3733 TYLER ST 3803 TYLER ST 3737 POLK ST 3727 POLK ST 3709 POLK ST 1000 PETERS PL 1419 39TH AVE 1500 39TH AVE 3813 PIERCE ST 3720 BUCHANAN ST 3710 PIERCE ST 1137 37TH AVE 1201 37TH AVE 3807 LINCOLN ST 3812 LINCOLN ST 3908 POLK ST 3926 ~YLER ST 3866 POLK ST Page 15 Certified 164.22 15.12 492.32 434.48 218.52 218.52 229.32 184.70 218.52 460.78 180.86 229.46 223.42 310.32 350.74 126.92 257.98 28.70 170.96 113.98 15.74 15.74 150.24 147.64 95.74 171.20 280.66 8 October 2002 Tue 1:10 PM PIN R36-30-24-34-0139 R36-30-24-34-0140 R36-30-24-34-0157 R36-30-24-34-0159 R36-30-24-34-0160 R36-30-24-34-0162 R36-30-24-34-0165 R36-30-24-41-0046 R36-30-24-41-0050 R36-30-24-41-0077 R36-30-24-42-0009 R36-30-24-42-0081 R36-30-24-43-0011 R36-30-24-43-0015 R36-30-24-43-0049 R36-30-24-43-0083 R36-30-24-43-0106 Certified ReHister CITY OF ~LUMBIA HEIGHTS Address 3850 POLK ST 3846 POLK ST 3831 POLK ST 3823 POLK ST 3819 POLK ST 3811 POLK ST 3836 BUCHANAN ST 2018 41ST AVE 2010 41ST AVE 4026 BENJAMIN PL 1824 41ST AVE 3945 JOHI~SON ST 3917 HAYES ST 3843 HAYES ST 3812 HAYES ST 3900 HAYES ST 3849 HAYES ST Page 16 Certified 12.26 156.90 259.66 245.16 10,94 229.46 13.02 128.30 194.82 160.08 205.48 39.18 38.50 37.12 11,38 114.48 84.56 94923.12 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Council Meeting off October 14, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: .~-A-~- ORIGINATING DEPT: CITY MANAGER NO: i FINANCE APPROV.~,L. ~ ITEM: BONDING FOR PUBLIC BY: WILLIAM ELRITE BY: ~~i IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZATION TO DATE: 10/03/02 //,/ DATE: / SEEK PROPOSALS FOR UTiLITY RATE STUDY , This council letter is a follow-up to previous discussions with the City Council regarding public improvements in Zone 5, Zone 6A, Zone 6B, Zone 7 and Central Avenue. At the time these projects were approved, there were limited discussions in relationship to bonding for the projects for the sU'eet portion, the water main portion and the storm sewer portion as there are not adequate City reserves to cover these construction items. The only fund that has adequate reserves to cover the construction where bonding is not necessary is the Sanitary Sewer fund. The following chart shows the breakdown of bonding needed. As a follow-up to the work session of September 16th, staff sent out informal requests for financial advisor proposals. Attached is a memo from the City Finance Director summarizing these proposals. Name Amount Street Construction $1,370,442 Water Construction 1,240,693 Storm Sewer ConstructiOn 450,316 Streetscape i 250,190 i TOTAL $ 3,311~641 Also in relationship to this bonding, it will be necessary to increase storm sewer and water utility rates. To facilitate this and to examine the long-range picture in our utility funds and rate structure, staff is recommending utilizing a consultant to review and make recommendations in relationship to utility rates. The reason for this is to have an outside individual perform a more in-depth evaluation of our long-term needs and establish a long-term rate schedule. To accomplish both of these objectives, staff is requesting approval to seek proposals for a utility rate study and seeking authorization from the council to have Ehlers & Associates Inc. prepare documents for a bond sale. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement x*i~h Ehlers & Associates Inc. to prepare bond documents at a cost of $15,750 based on their informal proposal of September 30, 2002 for financial advisory service. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to authorize staffto seek proposals for the utility rate study. WE:sms 0210034COUNCIL Attachment COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DATE: TO: FROM: OCTOBER 3, 2002 WALT FEHST CITY MANAGER INFORMAL REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL ADVISOR PROPOSALS (Page 1 of 2) Attached is the letter I sent out requesting proposals for financial advisory services. Also attached are excerpts from the various proposals showing the services provided and the fees charged. Some of the proposals included additional information on other services provided by their company such as clients served and bonding theories. The entire proposals are available for anyone who wants them. The chart below shows the total cost of the three proposals. From this chart, you can see that Springsted, Inc. is high and Evensen Dodge is low with Ehlers & Associates coming in at a cost slightly higher than Evense~n Dodge. The costs in these proposals were not surprising as Evensen Dodge has a reputation oflconsistently being the low-cost bidder. As is noted in the Springsted proposal, "Some of our competitors leave more of the detail work to others." This statement could tie into several of the statements in the proposal from Evensen Dodge where they indicate that they assist the city in Various aspects of the bond issuance process. At the same time both the Ehlers and Springsted proposals quite clearly list the work that they will perform. In the past the City has utilized services from both Springsted and Ehlers and found both firms to provide fully satisfactory service. Springsted Ehlers Evensen ~ Dodge Financial Advisor Service 16,500.00 15,750.00 14,600.00 Print/Publication Cost (Est) 1,500.00 Included Included Miscellaneous COst (Est) 470.00 Included Included I Total Proposal 18,470.00 15,750.00 14,600.00 Cost Difference from: Springsted 2,720.00 3,870.00 Ehlers 1,150.00 In seeking a financial advisor, I think it is very important that the City look at establishing a long-term relationship. Asi this is a consulting, advisory service, it is very important to consider the long-term ramifications and not just the immediate cost savings of the current proposal. By having a long-term relationship with a financial advisor firm, staff can call on them during the Page Two year for information and advice on various issues. If the City is bouncing around on every bond issue looking for low bid Only, we cannot develop a long-term relationship and we have no one to turn to during the year for information and other related financial advisor services. In the past Springsted has served as the City's financial advisor for bond issues. Ehlers has served as financial advisor to the EDA and has done the City's grant applications and financial reporting for the tax increment financing (TIF). This TIF financial advisor relationship with Ehlers has been very successful in recent years as they did apply for and qualify us for a $300,000 state TIF grant. They also saved us several thousand dollars in the more recent controversy with the state auditor's office over TIF funds received in the Sullivan Lake TIF district. In addition to thisi Ehlers staff has met with us on several occasions to provide financial advisor information regarding TIF and other items as a free service. Based on past experience and the proposals received, I would recommend accepting the proposal from Ehlers & Associates. The reason for this is that Ehlers has demonstrated a consistently high level of service to the City and their proposal is $2,720 less than the Springsted proposal. The City could save an additional $1,150 by going with Evensen Dodge. However, their service is an unknown and it would be interrupting a successful, long-term relationship that we have had with Ehlers & Associates. This, in a long run, could prove to be less cost-effective, particularly if Ehlers began to charge for the ongoing advice they provide us during the year in relationship to TI1e and other items. If you would like any additional information regarding this, please let me know. WE:sms 0210031CM Attachments 85 SEVENTH PLACE EAST, SUITE 100 SAINT PAUL, MN 55101-)887 651. 223. 3000 FAX: 651. 223. 3002 E-MAIL: advisor$~ springsted, corn SPRINGSTED Advisers t~ thc Public Scaer September 30, 2002 Mr. William Elrite, Finance Director City of Columbia Heights 590 - 40th Avenue NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Dear Mr. Elrite: ~ Springsted is responding to your request for a formal proposal regarding our cost for the City of Columbia Heights' upcoming Capital Improvement Bond for approximately $3,400,000. We are pleased to have served as the City's Financial Advisor for twelve years and truly desire to continue that relationshiip. We recognize that cost is important in undertaking any public project and that good public policy dictates that a review of cost be a part of the process. We take pride in the fact that our standard fees for undertaking municipal bond issues have not significantly changed since 1987. We have maintained the highest quality of service available in the municipal industry and have met all the increased state and federal regulations while keeping our fees constanti. Of course, our cost of business has gone up just as the City's, but we have been able to maintain our rate structure by the application of technology and paying very close attention to our cost. We try to make our cost to the client as transparent as possible. Direct cost is identified, as well as indirect cost. State and federal law mandate the bond issue process. All of the steps and details have to be undertaken. It's just a matter of who gets paid to do it. We assume the responsibility for managing the entire project, including coordinating with the City,I bond council, underwriters, credit and reinsuring agencies. Some of our competitors leave more of the detail work to others. They hold their cost down but others have to charqe more. This is a fact known in the industry We have included a detailed outline of the services we render in a bond transaction. With regard to other, less experience proposals, the old saying Still holds, "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is". Springsted serves close tO 400 public localities in Minnesota, more than all our competitors combined. We do not work for the private sector, so our focus is clear and we know which side of the table we always repiresent. This is not true of the competition. The reason these public entities choose Springsted year after year is our high quality service, delivered with absolute integrity, at a fair market pirice. We hope Columbia Heights will see our proposal in the same light as other public entities in the State. A partial list of representative Springsted clients is enclosed for the Council's review. CORPORAI'E OFFICE: SAINT PAUL, MN · Visit our website at www. springsted.com IOWA · KANSAS · MINNESOTA · VIRGINIA · ~,M~SHINGTON, DC ~ WISCONSIN City of Columbia Heightsi September 30, 2002 Page 2 Our fee, based upon our ~tandard fee schedule that has been in place and known to our compet tors, is as follows~or a $3,400,000 Capital Improvement Special Assessment Bond: Springsted Fee $16,500 Electronic Posting/Printing Cost Estimates $ 1,500 Misc. Cost Estima~tes $ 470 Bond Council CoSt $ To be determined by City, may vary depending on financial advisor. Rating Agency Based upon Moody's fee schedule. Will be the same regardless of who is financial advisor. One of Springsted's definiing qualities is long term relationships with our clients. Some of our clients go back to theloriginal day Ossie Springsted opened the doors more than 50 years ago. We continue to pro.~ide independent financial advisory services to the public sector. Because of our belief in the importance of long term financial relationships and the value it brings to both Springsted and Columbia Heights, we will also propose the following contract terms: ~ 1. Springsted will p~ovide a 5% discount on our fee on all projects undertaken during the next three years,i based upon the standard schedule included in this proposal, assuming a three-year contract with the City. This will include bond issues and any special studies a~d tax increment work. 2. Springsted will p!ovide a 10% discount based upon a five-year contract for the same services. 3. After five-years, Springsted believes both parties should reevaluate the contractual relationship currently being undertaken. Finally, we consider Columbia Heights an important client with whom we have enjoyed a professional and respectfUl relationship. Our proposal represents our commitment to this relationship and we look forward to discussing it with you to our mutual benefit. Respectfully, Paul T. Steinman, Vice P~esident Client Representative dv City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Description of Services and Project Approach General Financial Advisory Services Financial planning for public jurisdictions is a coordinated, continuous process, subject to review and modification as client objectives, demographics, financial results and economic conditions change. Although it often occurs in phases, the public financial planning process is an integrated and ongoing financial management tool using numerous independent decisions relating to a jurisdiction's financial concerns. Springsted identifies five pheses in this strategic planning process: 2. 3. 4. 5. Review data and establish financial goals and objectives. Process and analyze information. Recommend a comprehensive financial plan and debt policy. Implement the plan. Period cally monitor the plan. Phase 1 Review Data and Establish Financial GOals and Objectives ' During the initial client meeting, the team clarifies and establishes what the client may expect from planning sessions and what the team requires to complete all phases. The scope is finalized and the compensation structure is outlined, in addition to all gathering necessary details regarding the services to be rendered. Springsted will gather and review quantitative and qualitative data. The client will assist in providing the following documents (when available): · MissiOn Statement · ComPrehensive Annual Financial Report (last three years) · Most!Recent Preliminary Official Statement (general obligation) · Most Recent Preliminary Official Statement (revenue) · Capital Improvements Plan · Debt iManagement Policies · Current Fiscal Year's Budget · Five-Year Financial Forecasts · Current Year's Unaudited Financial Reports · Most Recent Credit Reports from Credit Rating Agencies · Other' Available Information (Client-Specific) (e.g., joint powers agreement, developer agreements, tax increment financing plans, enterprise cash flows, feasibility studies, previous utility or enterprise rate studies, engineering feasibility's studies, etc.) The initial meeting is followed by more extensive fact-finding sessions as necessary. Our computer system facilitates the processing, storing and retrieving of client data. [] SPRINGSTED Page I Ci~ of Columbia Heights, Minnesota In conjUnction with developing a quantitative economic and financial profile, we ascertain qualitative information about each client, as well. These topics include: · Defined goals and objectives · Rise profile · AntiCipated legislative changes · Current and future political climate · Other planning assumptions After thorough review of the client data, we assist the jurisdiction in establishing realistic goals (or modifying existing ones) and quantifying them as measurable objectives. As the central focus of the strategic planning process, financial goals are quantified in dollar amounts and time frames, ito the extent possible. Objectives are prioritized and ranked in order of importance. The nature of the objective may require evaluation of certain limiting constraints or parameters, such as a declining tax base, volatile political climate, etc. The team identifies and evaluates all factors limiting the range of alternatives appropriate to meeting client public policy needs and achieving strategic objectives. Phase 2 Process and Ana/yze Information In Phase 2, we review relevant policy, planning, financial and legal documents, such as statements of financial position, current cash flow statements and, where appropriate, projections of enterprise cash flows, developer agreements and analyses of the make-up of revenues and expenditures. Once all relevant information has been reviewed, the team analyzes it to identify strengths and weaknesses in the jurisdiction's total financial situation, prioritizing areas needing immediate attention. Springsted identifies existing potential problems that may negatively affect a client's ability to achieve objectives. This is an important part of strategic financial planning. Springsted reviews preliminary financial planning information with client staff and, if necessary, suggests ways to modify the priority of objectives, the objeCtives themselves, or the client's understanding of current or future program needs and available resources. Economic conditions, both current and forecasted, are evaluated in this phase. [] SPRINGSTED Page 2 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Phase 3 Recommend a Comprehensive Financial Plan and Debt Policy Next, Springsted identifies appropriate techniques for achieving client objectives in light of the political, legal and economic environment. Usually, several scenarios emerge (using conservative, moderate and aggressive assumptions) to establish a range of possible alternatives for detailed evaluation. Alternative scenarios are further evaluated and integrated into a comprehensive financial plan with recommendations to meet each client's requirements. The draft comprehensive plan is then presented to key client staff and elected officials. After appropriate modification, the final comprehensive financial plan is presented to the jurisdiction for approval and adoption. Concurrent with the development of the comprehensive financial plan, we will wore with the client to assist in the development of financial and debt management policies. Often this work is done in conjunction with other professionals, such as the auditor and risk manager, who provide financial advice tO the client. Phase 4 Implement the Plan In this phase, the client, with Springsted's assistance, implements the plan using other professionals as needed. A more detailed description of the six specific steps we take when implementing a financing plan is provided in the following section entitled "Services Related to Debt Issuance." Phase 5 Periodically Monitor the Plan As the plan is implemented, Springsted establishes with the client a system for periodic review and revision. Springsted monitors annual financial results, changes in tax laws and general economic conditions. In addition, we evaluate new financial products for possible inclusion in the client's plan. In regularly scheduled reviews, we evaluate the comprehensive financial plan for changes in the client's situation. Objectives, revenue sources, expenses, legal and/or political circumstances may have changed. In these situations, clients may need to return to Phase 1 of the process to gather and review additional data to develop and meet new requirements. Springsted provides its clients with a variety of ongoing services. We publish a newsletter that addresses trends in the market, including interest rates, financial instruments, financial disclosure and federal tax laws. Our Client Representatives are able to report to clients the results of a sale for any bond issue that is offered publicly. Our Resource Center tracks state law char~ges that have a financial component affecting particular clients. [] SPRINGSTED Page 3 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota We maintain all past bond sales in a computer database, thus facilitating periodic review of outstanding debt for refunding opportunities. Our orientation is toward long-term client relationships. ' Springsted contracts with its clients for certain ongoing Additional Optional services that must be provided on an annual basis, Services including arbitrage rebate and Securities and Exchange i Commission (SEC) annual financial disclosure. Under SEC disClosure regulations, effective July 3, 1995, underwriters may not purchase or sell bonds in new offerings of over $1 million, unless the issuer or obligor will sign a written agreement to provide information and notice of material ievents to certain repositories. In addition, brokers or dealers must have procedures in place to review information before recommending sales of securities. Notice of material events includes such things as delinquencies, defaults, unscheduled draws on debt service, credit enhancement draws, adverse tax opinions, bond calls and rating changes. Annual financial information includes audited financial statements, if available, and/or annual financial information, such as budgets. Services Related to Debt Issuance Springsted's debt issuance services permit clients to select the service approach best meeting their needs and resources. The selection ranges from a fUll-service approach, whereby we perform all appropriate steps in the process, to a "menu-like" service approach. Our objective is to complement the client's resources to yield and optimal financing program. Regardless of which service approach the client selects, we endorse, and can provide, a comprehensive process to ensure that an individual financing meets both the client's immediate and long-term objectives. A hallmark of our unique approach to client service is the initial planning phase that precedes every Step I financing. We have discussed in some detail our Planning Phase approach to financial planning. We believe very strongly in this approach, for it provides the foundation for all bond financings. We provide a written recommendation for each financing that describes in detail the relevant points of the transaction. This document, including the sale recommendations, facilitates an understanding of the financing by client staff and elected officials. Normally, we follow up this written presentation with an oral presentation by the Client Representative to the apPropriate client constituents. [] SPRINGSTED Page 4 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesot,3 In conjunction with designated client staff, our analysts will prepare the Official Statement that is Step 2 Prepare and Distribute used in marketing the obligations. Our extensive the Official Statement Resource Center, the client's staff and other sources provide information for the development of a financial, economic and demographic profile of the issuer. The draft Official Statement is reviewed by the client, bond counsel and Springsted before being distributed. Our internal procedures ensure that full disclosure requirements are met. SpringSted converts the Official Statement document into a PDF format and posts it on our website. We then notify potential bond purchasers across the nation, through the use of electronic mail, that the Official Statement has been posted and is ready for their use. This process guarantees that each bond offering receives the widest exposure possible to receive the maximum number of bids. A limited number of Official Statements are printed in hardcopy version and sent to our clients. In addition (after the completion of the sale), all final Official Statement are printed in hard copy and delivered to the purchaSer of the bonds. Pdnting of the hardcopy official Statement is most frequently performed on our in-house docuTech brand equipment, but due to workload and special needs, it may be outsourced. When appropriate, the team conducts informational meetings with the investment community, including investment bankers (dealers and dealer banks, institutional investor's banks, bank holding companies and insurance companies) in New York and elsewhere, to establish bidding interest for each offedng. We also advertise the sale in appropriate national financial publications above and beyond any state publication requirements. Our staff collects and submits necessary documentation to the credit rating agency Step 3 Obtain a or agenCies. Before this is done, our staff reviews Credit Rating the official Statement, the client's financial statements and budget, and independently arrives at a credit assessment. This helps us identify strengths and weaknesses so they may be addressed in a proactive rather than reactive manner. This process has been crucial to our clients' overall success in protecting weakened credits and upgrading strong credits. [] SPRINGSTED Page 5 City of Co/umbia Heights, Minnesota A member of the projec~ team vdll help develop the presentation and accompany youl representatives on a rating presentation meeting. As the bond sale approaches, we will do a full rating analysis and a cost/benefit analysis to determine whether the cost of pursuing an upgrade would be offset by interest cost savings or other benefits of an upgrade. Depending on the size of the project or projects to be financed, as well aS possible changes that may have occurred, we may, as a result of our in~house evaluation, recommend that a client select appropriate representatives to visit New York for a personal presentation to the rating agencies. A Springsted representative will coordinate the development of the presentation and accompany the client's representatives to guide them through the actual rating presentation. We can work with rating agencies to help yOu manage the impact of debt on your credit rating. Springsted uses the Bloomberg terminal for up-to-the~minute research on market trends, Step 4 Monitor interest rate levels, comparable sales, market supply the Market and demand factors, economic trends and political events affecting the markets. Monitoring these situations before the sale can aid in optimal timing of the sale. We use such research on an ongoing basis after the sale as a basis for comparison with other issuers in the m~rket. Our master mailing list for competitive sales includes national, regional and statei dealers, as well as institutional investors. By contacting the trading desks of previous syndicate managers and selling group buyers, in addition to others who have indicated an interest, we can increase the number of potential bidders and increase their awareness of the offering. In competitive sales, our preference is to conduct the bid-taking process from our fully staffed and Step 5 = Conduct fully equipped offices, rather than at the site of the Sale the issuer. This reduces the risk of having to reject bids because they could not be processed prior to the bidding deadline. It also sPeeds verification and reporting. Tabulated bids are then promptly presented to the client, along with our recommendation for acceptance or rejection. Because electronic technology is having a great impact on the way municipal! securities will be presented to the investment market, we believe special attention should be given to our experience in this area. Springsted has had experience using all three electronic bidding platforms that are currently available for this purpose: MuniAuction, Parity and Bloomberg. There are! differences among them. For example, MuniAuction permits separate bids for each maturity; the others do not. Another difference we have obServed is that Parity is linked to the Bond Buye?s BidComp program, [] SPRINGS]ED Page 6 City of Columbia Hei£hts, Minnesota which is used by nearly all major underwriters to prepare their bids. It requires only a touch of a button for the underwriters to submit the bid electronically. As a result, the underwriters are happy to pay for the Parity bidding Service. Our legal liaison group coordinates the compilation of transcript material with the client's bond attorney, oversees all bond printing or book entry set-up and reg!stration procedures, and ensures that proceeds are wired to the proper client account on the day of settlement. This unique client service reduces the time and concern expended by the client and other parties to the financing. Step 6 Assist with Legal Transcript and Settlement [] SPRINGSTED Page 7 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC To: From: Subject: Date: William Elrite, Finance Director City of Columbia Heights Mark Ruff, Financial Advisor Shelly Eldridge, Financial Advisor Financial Services, September 19, 2002 Request September 30, 2002 Dear Mr. Elrite: The fee for a $3,400,000 bOnd sale by Ehlers and Associates, Inc. would be $15,750. This fee would include one bond issue that would include three different purposes, street, water system and storm sewer improvements and does not include any underwriter's fee (discount). The fee includes all services necessary in the issuing of the obligation, including, but not limited to: · Working with citY staff and engineers in preparation and planning of the issue and its structure, · Providing debt service schedules, · Forecasting alternative scenarios for special assessment revenues and pre-paid specials, and altering the debt serVice schedules to avoid unexpected arbitrage or (in today's investment rates) negative arbitrage, · Work with bond attorneys to assemble appropriate documentation necessary to issue the bond, · Research, author, produce and distribute a thorough, accurate and attractive official statement for the sale of the bonds, · Advertise the sale as required in financial publications to best assure competitive bidding, · Facilitate bond rating conference with Moody's Investors Service, · Attend all requested City Council meetings, · Receive bids, compute results and advise as to the acceptability in light of the bond market conditions, · Supervise the delivery of the obligations, closing the financial transaction and delivery of the proceeds, · and provide a record book to the city, of all necessary documents and necessary data through the maturity of the issue. Recently a number of our client communities have received bond rating upgrades. We begin the process by working with city staff to assemble and prepare presentation material and have had strategy sessions prior to the bond rating interview. We would suggest and facilitate Moody's Investors Service visiting the City of Columbia Heights as an enhancement to the usual rating conference call. Ehlers and Associates, Inc. will work to make the issue as flexible as possible for the City without LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113-:1105 651.697.8504 fax 651.697.8555 shelly@ehlers-inc.com Page 2 September 30, 2002 compromising interest rates. We have been able to achieve this by structuring 15 year improvement issues, which traditionally have had call dates at ten years, with call dates as short as five to eight years while receiving competitive interest rates. We believe that we provide the highest level of quality and innovative service to our clients. We are an independent financial advising finn, meaning we have no financial interest in the issue, beyond the stated up-front fee. We have a wide range of expertise in staffand personnel available to assist the City of Columbia He{ghts in this and future projects and will make any of these personnel available to the City upon request. We look forward to serving as part of the City of Columbia Heights team. EVENSEN DODGE FINANCIAL AND INVESTMENT ADVISORS September 30, 2002 Mr. William Elrite Finance Director City of Columbia Heights 590 -- 40th Avenue NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3835 Re: Proposal for Financial Advisory Services Dear Mr. Elrite: Evensen Dodge is pleased to present our proposal to provide financial advisory services to the City of Columbia Heights regarding the proposed issuance of approximately $3,400,000 in Street, Water System, land Storm Sewer Improvement Bonds. This proposal includes an overview of our firm's qualifications, a summary of our services in connection with the :City's proposed financing, a debt service summary and a refunding feasibility analysis in response to the historic low interest rates in today's market. Thank you for your consideration of our firm. Since I am on vacation this week, please contact Wayne Burggraaff with any questions concerning our proposal. Yours truly, EVENSEN DODGE, INC. Christy Lyrme Myers Senior Vice President 02p075 Fee Proposal Our financial advisory sen'ice fee including rehted expenses with the exception of those contained in your September 19, 2002 letter for the sale of $3,400,000 m general obligation bonds for the purposes listed would be $!4,600. If you were to decide to issue refunding bonds to refund your G.O. Capital Appreciation Bonds of 1990 at the same time, the overall fee for the S3,400,006 of new money bonds and the refunding bonds would be S22,500 exclusive of independent verification ser~4ce for the refunding escrow. 02p075 Firm Overview History of the Firm. Founded in 1922, Evensen Dodge is the nation's first independent financial adxfsory firm to serve municipal chents. The firm's primaD- business is proxSding high qualit3,, sound advice to state and local government clients on matters related to their capital financing needs. Assuring rte highest standards of independence and objectivity, the firm is internally owned, and has no ownership relationships xx4th commercial banks, undenvriters, or securities dealers. We do not underwrite bonds or any other debt obligations. The firm represents only our client's position in a financial transaction. We have a multidisciplinat3, staff of 31. The majoritT of our professionals have advanced degrees or professional certifications with backgrounds including government administration, investment banking, accounting, economics, law, engineering, and financial management. The firm's professionals are organized into speciah3- groups that have developed expertise in various disciplines including tax increment, economic development, education, student loan, housing, general infrastructure, pooled loan programs, xvater and sewer, public prover, transportation, and solid waste. Over the years, our clients' financing needs have become increasingly complex. To meet these needs, we have aggressively expanded our clients' financing alternatives with new revenue sources, enabling legislation, new financing instruments, credit enhancements, and innovative structuring and marketing concepts. Though the dynamics of our work have become more complex, our hallmark comment to integrity, professionalism, and the highest level of client sen'ice remains unchanged. Our reputation in this regard is unparalleled. Headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Evensen Dodge has offices nationwide in order to better serve ou~ clients. Rankings. Based upon Calendar )'ear 2001 statistics produced by Thomson Financial Securities Data, Evensen Dodge ranked fourth by number of issues and fifth by volume among the nation's top financial advisors. In addition, for the first half of 2002, Evensen Dodge was ranked first in hfinnesota, sLxth nationally in refundings and seventh nationally by volume. Please see the attached 2002 rankings section for more detail. Top Ten National FinanCial Advisors Long. Term Issues ;- ~001 # of Amount Rank Firm Issues ($000's) ~ Public Financial Management Inci $07 $ 21,121,300 ~ First Southwest Co. 464 10,544,900 ~ Ehlers & Associates 329 1,365,500 ~) EVENSEN DODGE INC 296 sAla,a00 ~} Springsled Inc. 278 2,284,700 O RBC Dain Ramcher 167 4,861,500 O Stauder Bat'cb & Associates 136 2,049,700 ~ CSG Advisors inc. 128 2.389,600 ~} SWS Securities Inc. 126 987.100 ~ Public Re~urces Advisory Group 122 19.674.700 U.S. Banco~ Piper Jaffray Inc. 122 !.771.000 Stntrce: Th,m~son Financial Securities Data Top Ten National Financial Advisors Long. Term Issues - 2001 Amount # of Rank Firm {$000's) I$$u~ 0 Public Financial Managemem Inc. S25,121,300 507 ~ Public Resources Advisory Group 19,674,700 122 O First Somhwest Co. 10344,900 464 ~} Lamont Financial Services Corp. 5,542,200 43 ~} FVENSEN DODGE INC 5,443,300 296 ~ RBC Dain Rauseher 4,861,500 167 ~ P.G Corbin & Co., Inc. 4,565,700 48 O Seartle-Northwes~ Securities Corp. 3,225,700 38 ~) Estrada Hinojosa & Co. 2.729,400 51 ~) Govemmem Finance Associates, inc. 2,689.900 23 Somce: Thomson Financial Securities Data 02p075 Page 1 Project Team. We believe that the role of the financial advisor should be to sen'e as an extension and enhancement of the Cit-y's staff, providing flexible resources for assignment to priority tasks on an as-reqULred basis. The members of tiffs team have the skills, experience, and proven ability to work as part of an interdisciplinary team, all of which are necessag- to effectively assist the Cig' in achieving its goals. Resumes of these individuals are presented as follows: Wayne S. Burggraaff Senior I Tice President and Principal Minneapolis Office Wayne S. Burggraaff will sen-e as Engagement Principal. He xvill be responsible for the overall performance of the team. He will allocate staff for the project, assure the timeliness and qualit3.- of work products, attend meefi~qgs and make presentations as necessary. Mr. Burggraaff has been a Senior Vice President and Principal of Evensen Dodge since 1981. He has sen-ed as Engagement Principal or Project Manager for over 700 issues, xvith an aggregate value in excess of $8 billion during his tenure with the firm. Mr. Burggraaff holds an M!G.A. degree in governmental management from the Wharton School at the Universiry of Pennsylvania and a B.A. degree from Lafavette College. Christy L. Myers Senior [ 7ice President Minneapolis Office Ms. Myers has been providing financial consulting sen, ices since joining Evensen Dodge in 1974. Specializing in developing financings to meet the infrastructure and sen-ice needs of local and regional governments, 3,is. Myers has been associated with over $7 billion of tax-exempt debt and sen-ed as project manager on over 400 financings. Ms. Myers' experience is brOad based, covering the financial planning and debt issuance needs facing governments today including capital infrastructure, economic development, municipal utilities, public facilities, health care, transportation, educational facilities, and recreation. Ms. Myers also assists clients with strategy planning to maintain and improve their credit position, .including the development of debt management policies and guidelines. Her xvork has been instrumental in improving communications between appointed and elected officials, improving ratings, and lowering financing costs. 02p075 Page 2 In Minnesota, Ms. Myers has provided financial advison- sen'ices on the following client engagements: Metropolitan Council (Minneapolis/St. P~ul); Suburban Hennepin Regional Park District; Cities of White Bear Lake and New Hope; and the school districts of Faribault, Hop 'kins, Owatonna, Richfield and Shakopee. Ms. Myers has also sen'ed as Project Manager for the following selected clients: City of Overland Park, Kansas; Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust, O 'klahoma; City of/gLilwaukee, Cit-5, of Wausau, and Milwaukee Countw, Wisconsin; City of Davenport, Iowa; and Cit-)- of BurLington, Vermont: Robert M. Winthrop I ~'ice President Minneapolis Office Robert M. Winthrop, \qce President, relocated from New York Cit'3- to join Evensen Dodge in its Minneapolis Headquarters in August 2001. He sen'es as the firm's client manager to the Cin' of St. Paul H1L-X and the Washington Count).' H1L{, Minnesota. During his four vears at the New ;~'ork City Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB), he most recently x~,as the Unit Head for Pension Analysis. In this position, he led a unit in developing cost analvs'es for the $100 billion New York City Pension Systems. Prior to his pension work, Mr. Winthrop i~rojected revenue for over S400 million in parking violations and helped prepare the City's capital budget for transportation. In addition to his xvork at the Mayor's office, for three years Mr. Winthrop was an Adjunct Lecturer of Public Finance at New York L;niversit¥'s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Sen'ice. Prior to OMB, Mr. Winthrop was a Microsoft Certified Trainer and worked at various not-for-profit orgamzafions. Mr. \Vinthrop holds a Master of Public Administration in Finance from NhT' and a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Political Science from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Centralized Resources. Evensen Dodge has considerable resources available to support the Project Team providing the primary sen'ices to the Cit~'. In our Minneapolis headquarters there are three sen'ice groups to assist project managers in meeting our clients' needs: an analytical group, a quantitative group, and an admimstrafive group. These sen'ice groups are comprise~ of full-me professionals xvho are dedicated to their respective speciahT. These centralized resources of Evensen Dodge ensure that thorough and accurate sen'ices are provided to clients in all areas of the counttT. The Analytical Group manages the competitive sale process through careful document preparation and the coordination of the specific details for each sale. This group of professionals prepares official statements for primar)' market offerings, secondar)- market disclosure documentation, pre- sale and post-sale market analyses, credit rating agency materials and other specialized reports. The individuals within the group are assigned to specific clients to work on the preparation of disclosure documentation and the smooth implementation of the sale process. The Quantitative Analysis Group is the foundation of our technical expertise. This group of specialists produces all of the major analytical work requiting computer modeling and complicated financial analysis for the firm's clients. The professionals in this group are highly skilled in such areas as escroxv structuring, arbitrage rebate, housing loan cash floxvs, and structured finance, thus 02p075 Page 3 allov, Sng Evensen Dodge to prepare all financial analyses m-house. As a result of our quantitative capabilities, Evensen Dodge has become one of the leading financial adrisors in the nation. The Administrative Services Group facilitates the production of official statements, bid documents, and all other reports and analyses for presentation to the public, utilizing advanced word processing, color graphics, and printing software, they are capable of producing both small and large documents within tight deadlines for clients across the counu3-. Ability to Serve the City. Evensen Dodge has the experience necessar3, to meet the financing requirements of jurisdictions of var3'ing size and complexit3'. Our clients Consistently enter the market with ever3, size and type of financing in the industaT. We have advised clients on ¥irtually ex-er3' financing structure and purpose for which states and local governments issue bonds and conduct financings including: general obligation; revenue; COP/lease financings; limited and special assessment security structures; senior, subordinate, callable and non-callable bonds; fixed, variable, floating and inverse floating interest rate provisions; interest rate swaps, caps, floors and related innovative financial structures; and insured, enhanced, rated and unrated bond issues. The adjacent table details the diversitT of our 2001 experience and rankings in various Securities Data categories. We work xx4th our clients on a day-to-day basis, coordinate their individual financings with their long- term debt goals, prepare financing alternatives, develop rating plans, and represent clients in negotiations with underwriters and other sen-ice prox-iders. 2001 Rankings by Securities Data Categories Issue Type # Issues I Rank Long-Term 296 5 Short-Term 122 6 Tax-Exempt 279 5 Taxable 17 9 Negmiated 95 7 Competitive 201 4 Revenue 102 5 General Obligation 194 4 New Financing 192 4 Refunding 104 9 Variable Rate 24 5 Use of Proceeds Airport 5 22 Combined Utilities I 12 Economic Development 6 5 Education 70 6 General Purpose 122 9 Healthcare I 9 Housing I 13 2 Industrial Development I 24 Public Power 3 27 Solid Waste 2 21 Student Loan I 11 Transportation 14 1 I Water. Sewer and Gas 22 31 Principal Amount (Mils} $5.443.3 1.08'/.8 5.210.5 232.8 3.525.1 1.918.1 3.082.7 2.360.6 3,993.0 1.450.3 831.1 93.0 6.6 120.9 801.8 1.421.7 152.2 1.450.9 2.2 34.8 0.6 33.3 558.9 223.9 Source: Thomson Financial Securities Data Financial Advisory Services. In pro¥iding financial advisor3- sen'ices, our intent is to provide the most professional and comprehensive serx'ice to the Cit3- to assist m the sale of its street, water system and storm sewer improvement bonds. Evensen Dodge can provide a full range of financial adx-isor3, sen-ices designed to meet the Cit~"s needs. We offer sen-ices in debt issuance, financial modeling, economic development analysis ~nd implementation, rating agency assistance, refunding senSces, analysis of financing and investment proposals, and staff development. A summa_,T of our sen'ices regarding the Cit3-'s proposed debt issuance is as follows: Tasks Common To All Financings. The Project Team will perform certain tasks which are common to any financing the Cit3' undertakes. The Proiect Team will be responsible to the Cit~, for planning, structuring and completing its financings in a timely manner and under the most faro}able interest rate and financing terms. Responsibilities that the Proiect Team will expect to prox-ide to the City for each of its financings include: 02p075 Page 4 Coordinate Project Team members throughout the entire financing process, pursuant to a financing timetable developed by the Team and apprm-ed by the City Reviexv the City's debt management plan and policies. Plan and execute each issue in a manner consistent ~x4th the Citx's debt management plan and policies. Complete an analysis of financing alternatives in order to recommend the amount, the optimal financing method and Schedule of financing. The analysis will address general marketability questions and will inclUde preliminary debt schedules and repayment plans. Make recommendationis with respect to securit3.- provisions, mamfit3- schedules, amortization schedules, redemption provisions and credit enhancement features if deemed necessary or cost effective. Assist the City in the selection of ancillary sen-ice providers, such as bond registrar and paying agent. Reviexv the appropriate sale method, including the advantages and disadvantages of a competitive sale versus a negotiated sale given market conditions, timing concerns, size of the issue, facilities or equipment to be financed, and general security and redemption provisions. Implement a comprehensive credit rating strategy appropriate to the financing. Develop rating agency presentations and participation in those meetings, if requested. Participate in the preparation of the Official Statement, as well as other financing documents. As part of this responsibility, participate in all document drafting meetings. Apprise CiR- about market conditions on a regular basis in preparation for selecting the most favorable time to enter the market. Pre-sale activities including such tasks as conducting information meetings for interested underwriters, institutional investors and other members of the investment community, if appropriate. Assist the City and other members of the financing team in the bond closing process, including attending the closing, if appropriate, and reviewing appropriate legal documents for conformity to the terms of the sale. Assist the City in developing a strategy for the investment of bond proceeds. Prepare and deliver a Postsale Analvsis to the Cit3.. which will document the results of the sale. This analysis will be prepared by the Project Team and reviewed in detail with interested Citw staff, as requested. Provide ongoing advice .throughout the life of the bond issue to discuss general matters related to the financing and anSWer any questions. This sen'ice is provided as part of our initial fee and no supplemental billings occur for this sen'ice. 02p075 Page 5 Competitive Sale Method. The following additional tasks are performed for bonds sold through competitive sale: ~/ Provide analysis and recommendations with respect to bidding rules appropriate to the size and complexit3' of the issue within market preferences and constraints. Rules mar include the flexibilit3' for the bidders to use serial, term, capital appreciation bonds or derivative products, such as floater-inverse floater secuzifies. Use of good faith checks or suren- bonds; auction or "all or nothing" bidding restrictions will be reviexved and recommendation~ made. The bidding rules will be developed to encourage the largest number of bidders and to provide incentives for efficient bids to be structured so that the resulting debt sen'ice to be paid by the Cin' will be the lowest possible. ~r Assist in the preparation of a Notice of Sale and Bid Form to be used by the Cit3' in advertising the sale and describing the terms thereof and the form and rules by which bids will be taken and evaluated. The Notice of Sale and Bid Form will be disthbuted along with the Preliminan- Official Statement to prospective bidders. The Evensen Dodge website will be used to p~)st the Preliminat3' Official Statement. Assist in setting up electronic bidding procedures. During the two weeks preceding the sale, place telephone calls to the syndicate managers on previous competitive sales to market the issue and coordinate the creation of bidding syndicates. ~" On the day of sale, receive and evaluate bids to determine the most favorable bid and recommend appropriate action for the Cin'. A fee proposal for our sen'ices follows in the next section. 02p075 Page 6 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: October 14, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER - APPROVAL NO: ..~ ~ A -~' Fire ITEM: Approval of Rental Housing License BY: Charlie Thompson BY'./,~~r, ~ Applications NO: DATE: October 9, 2002 DATE: Approval of the attached list of rental housing license applications, in that they have met the requirements of the Housing Maintenance Code. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve the items listed for rental housing license applications for October 14, 2002. COUNCIL ACTION: OccupanyI,D, 1O033 10054 34005 12209 34012 30047 12113 30030 12146 10071 10041 12131 12022 20261 30059 20245 12143 20051 12124 20014 20015 20195 12206 12221 20042 10070 20010 20300 10047 12182 12028 30128 20099 12106 20011 12075 20084 20116 20017 20299 30079 Property Owner Name Wyman, Veryl E. MDC 2000 C.H. Properties Luis Agudo Alan Avery Gary Bailey Morris Ballingrud Vance Blahnik Rita Blanske Brian Bona Troy Bradshaw Judith Brunsell Waldemar Carillo Charles Chen Lester Chies Luther Crofton Kimbedy Dahline Marilyn Dalseth Willam Dankel William Dankel James Dickinson Bruce Evans William Farrey William Field Edward Fragale Lawrence Garner Vicente Gavilan Thomas Gromek Cameron Gulden Chad Habeck LeDora Hankton James Hansen Jay Harris Kenneth Henke Bradley Hoag David Holton Mike Hozempa Mike Hyska Leo Jackels Gerald Johnson Nancy Jordan Property Address 1316 43rd Avenue 3820 Tyler Street 4655 5th Street 1319 Circle Terrace 4201 Monroe Street 233 42nd Avenue 3940 Johnson Street 647 37th Avenue 667 51st Avenue 4015 7th Street 3914 Tyler Street 1401 42-1/2 Avenue 1325 Circle Terrace 1207 43-1/2 Avenue 4347 Tyler Place 4038 Madison Street 4315 Main Street 4539 Fillmore Street 660 47-1/2 Avenue 666 47-1/2 Avenue 1725 37th Avenue 4154 2nd Street 1110 43-1/2 Avenue 4433 Main Street 1316 Circle Terrace 3740 2nd Street 4636 Washington Street 4340 Quincy Street 4518 Monroe Street 1343 Circle Terrace 1428 42nd Avenue 4609 University Avenue 1065 Polk Place 4427 2-1/2 Street 3861 Edgemoor Place 656 47-1/2 Avenue 3804 3rd Street 1035 43-1/2 Avenue 1212 Circle Terrace 4655 Polk Street 4557 Madison Street 10/10/2002 13:27 Page 1 OccupanyI,D. 30007 30011 30013 20049 12073 20347 20008 20232 20320 30104 12161 20301 20258 20117 20092 20094 12074 20100 10032 10005 12118 12205 20027 20381 30064 12141 12165 10082 30077 34011 12107 12136 12009 12103 10039 12173 30075 12223 20420 20422 20424 Property Owner Name Michael Juaire Michael Juaire Michael Juiare Nurhan Kasar Dorn King Bryan Kingsriter David Lange David Lange David Lange David Lange Dorothy Langie Brian LeMon Willam Lucking Ping Luu-Wang Joe Maciaszek Joe Maciaszek Gary Magliato John Majewsiki Marlin Moske David Nelson Janet Nielsen Robert Odden Nathan Olson Gary Peterson Michael Prokopiuk Ganga Ramnarine John Ranweil!er Frank Rasch Ku Richard Joanna Rocha Cheryl Salchow Patsy Sandsness Laurence Schultz Cynthia Sellin Walter Sentyrz, Jr Martin Sieger Wilton Smith Laura Sommer Tad Sonneman Tad Sonneman Tad Sonneman Property Address 4417 University Avenue 4255 3rd Street 4241 3rd Street 1215 Circle Terrace 4516 Taylor Street 4049 University Avenue 4506 Fillmore Street 5049 Jackson Street 1301 Circle Terrace 4656 Polk Street 4527 Taylor Street 4344 Quincy Street 1027 43-1/2 Avenue 1214 45-1/2 Avenue 4351 Washington Street 4357 Washington Street 4608 Fillmore Street 3825 Johnson Street 1012 Gould Avenue 3911 Tyler Street 650 47-1/2 Avenue 1203 42-1/2 Avenue 1222 45-1/2 Avenue 3713 Buchanan Street 3853 Edgemoor Place 4526 Tyler Street 4648 Taylor Street 3956 Tyler Street 4550 Madison Street 501 Mill Street 4660 Taylor Street 1214 43-1/2 Avenue 4630 Washington Street 1203 Cheery Lane 3913 Arthur Street 1237 43-1/2 Avenue 4544 Madison Street 4935 Tyler Street 4701 5th Street 4606 Polk Street 4654 Washington Street 10/10/2002 13:27 Page 2 OccupanyI.D. 12137 20020 12010 12067- 10043 12195 30063 20071 20072 20073 12014 20277 10025 30043 Property Owner Name Dwight Sonnenberg Leland Stauch Steven Thoreson Willard Thorp Bernard Ubl Janene Unke Mario Valtierrez Stanley Van Blaricom Stanley Van Blaricom Stanley Van Blaricom Bruce Weatherford Ronald Wilcox Robert Witt Paul Yeh Property Address 1111 42-1/2 Avenue 4545 Fillmore Street 4613 Taylor Street 1411 37th Avenue 3707 Johnson Street 4357 7th Street 3849 Edgemoor Place 4507 Taylor Street 4513 Taylor Street 4529 Taylor Street 976 44-1/2 Avenue 4512 Monroe Street 4222 Monroe Street 4200 3rd Street 10/10/2002 13:27 Page 3 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: Oct. 14, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPT.: CITY MANAGER NO: '-~//~ -"'1 License Department APPROVAL ITEM: License Agenda BY: Shelley Hanso~4~ DATE.' ~~J~,~ NO: DATE: Oct. 11, 2002 L~)x. ' BY: BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached is the business license agenda for the October 14, 2002 City Council meeting. This agenda consists of Contractor License applications for 2002. At the top of the license agenda you will notice a phrase stating *Signed Waiver Form Accompanied Application. This means that the data privacy form has been submitted as required. If not submitted, certain information cannot be released to the public. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for October 14, 2002 as presented. COUNCIL ACTION: TO CITY COUNCIL October 14, 2002 *Signed Waiver Form Accompanied Application 2002 BUSINESS LICENSE AGENDA CONTRACTORS LICENSE *John pederson Construction 7790 Main Street NE *Ditter inc. *Northwoods Mechanical *Doug Olson Plumbing *Brent Anderson Assoc. *Central Plumbing *Sun PlUmbing 820 Tower Dr, Hamel Box 1085, Forest Lake 931 44th Avenue, Col. Hts 7610 Hwy 65 NE, Fridley 7710 Corcoran Dr W 267 S. Lake St Forest Lake $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT COUNCIL MEETING OF: O~[?~-ff~ I~t. ~./~. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF ANOKA CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Motion to approve ;payment of bills out of the proper funds, as listed in the attached check register covering Cheek Number ] ~00 o°~- through ] 00~0/ in the amount of $, [, ~2.t~ [. (aT0.0~. These checks have been examined and found to be legal charges against the CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, and are hereby, recommended for payment. [' ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/11/2002 08 Check History 10/14/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 1 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BAN-K CHECKING ACCOUNT AARP ANOKA COUNTY AT & T CONSUMER LEASE ATLAS AUTO BODY AVILA/NATY BELLBOY CORPORATION ESTATES INC COCA-COLA BOTTLING MIDWE COLUMBIA HEIGHTS I ELRITE/WILLIAM EVELYN JOHNSON GENUINE PARTS/NASA AUTO GRIGGS-COOPER & CO GROSSE/PAUL HACHEY/BRIAN IPC PRINTING JAMEROS/EDDIE JOHNSON BROS. LIQUOR CO. JOHNSON PA~ER & SUPPLY C JUNTILLA/RICH/~.gD KUMPYLA/CRYSTAL MC ALLISTER/PAULINE MEDICINE LAKE TOURS MIDWEST EXPO MINNESOTA CRO~ DISTRIBU MOELLER/KAREN NEW FRANCE WINE COMPANY NORTH HENNEPIN COMMUNITY PAUSTIS & SONS PEPSI-COLA-7 UP PETTY CASH - KELLY BECKE PE~TY CASH - MARY DUGDAL PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS PITNEY BOWES LOUISVILLE QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS QWEST COMMUNICATIONS ROCKHURST COLLEGE CONTIN SMITH/ROXANE U S POSTAL SERVICE VOIGTS BUS COMPANIES XCEL ENERGY (N S P) ANOKA COUNTY BELLBOY CORPORATION CHERNIN/ALEKSANDR COCA-COLA BOTTLING MIDWE CO~JNITY UNITED METHODI 100085 310.00 100086 3,101.29 100087 47.82 100088 194.75 100089 11.00 100090 10,463.85 100091 11,344.47 100092 54.00 100093 3,164.36 100094 4,520.46 100095 53.00 100096 157.90 100097 43.76 100098 8,381.51 100099 95.83 100100 72.00 100101 111.02 100102 11.00 100103 6,713.54 100104 629.15 100105 11.00 100106 10.00 100107 225.39 100108 1,035.00 100109 315.00 100110 1,087.00 100111 55.40 100112 97.00 100113 179.00 100114 469.98 100115 354.15 100116 15.44 100117 148.90 100118 290.90 100119 247.50 100120 8,967.23 100121 1,377.12 100122 895.00 100123 317.46 100124 3,600.00 100125 244.00 100126 26,254.55 100127 1,058.72 100128 2,196.30 100129 125.00 100130 311.17 100131 575.00 ACS FINkMCIAL SYSTEM lO/11/2oo2 08 Check History 10/14/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 2 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT CREST VIEW CORPORATION DVORAK/EMILY FRAKIE/PAUL FRITZ COMPANY INC GENUINE PARTS/N~A AUTO HACHEY /BRIAN KALLESTAD/GARY KLOSS/MARY KOTTSICK/ANITA LOADER/REBECCA MILE MILSTEN/MARY MUNICI-PALS NEEDHAM DISTRIBUTING CO OFFICE DEPOT PALDAAND SONS INC PETTY CASH - K~P, EN MOELL PETTY CASH - KELLY BECKE PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS QU~ITY WINE & SPIRITS QWEST COMMUNICATIONS QWEST DEX RELIANT ENERGY MINNEGASC SCHMIDT/JEANINE M SHOREVIEW/CITY OF SUBURBAN UTILITIES SUPTS UNIVANCE - ACCTS RECEIV UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA VERIZON WIRELESS WESER/STEVE WINE MERCHkNTS XCEL ENERGY (N S P) YOUNG/KAThY AFFINITY PLUS FEDERAL CR FIRST CO~fu~IITY CP, EDIT U HEALTH PARTNERS ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 45 JEFFERSON PILOT MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT ORCHARD TRUST COMPANY PERA PUBLIC MANAGERS ASSOCIAT UNION 320 UNITED WAY VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER - WELLS FARGO - PAYROLL AC 100132 176.09 100133 72.00 100134 32.57 100135 6,183.71 100136 108.65 100137 74.73 100138 69.46 100139 3.72 100140 17.83 100141 44.27 100142 225.00 100143 10.00 100144 420.00 100145 98.95 100146 43.67 100147 62,781.10 100148 87.96 100149 129.98 100150 1,246.60 100151 6,038.71 100152 286.81 100153 100.30 100154 1,360.45 100155 2.48 100156 240.00 100157 75.00 100158 46.75 100159 135.00 100160 85.00 100161 33.31 100162 215.17 100163 1,494.90 100164 50.28 100165 881.39 100166 400.00 100167 2,300.00 100168 55,356.06 100169 11,077.12 100170 619.65 100171 707.43 100172 7,065.50 100173 27,970.20 100174 40.00 100175 1,201.16 100176 39.00 100177 225.00 100178 151,544.21 ACS FINANCI~ SYST~ 10/11/2002 08 Check History 10/14/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 3 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT WI DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 100179 289.61 BELLBOY CORPORATION 100180 3,285.95 CHOICE POINT SERVICES 100181 176.00 CITY OF NEW BRIGHTON 100182 6,580.00 CITY WIDE WINDOW SERVICE 100183 40.47 COCA-COLA BO~'iT~ING MIDWE 100184 367.33 COLOR SIGN SYSTEM INC 100185 400.00 GILES/MYRNA 100186 45.00 GRIGGS-COOPER & CO 100187 67.45 IKON OFFICE SOLUTION 100188 155.79 JOHNSON BROS. LIQUOR CO. 100189 205.98 LENT/CHERYL 100190 45.00 MARK VII DIST. 100191 12,562.71 MENARDS CASHWAY LUNBER-F 100192 15.43 MLEKODAJ-TRUST/PETER 100193 70.16 MN DEPT OF ADMINISTRATIO 100194 467.31 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY 100195 184.74 PETTY CASH - JOANNE BAKE 100196 85.60 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 100197 152.00 PURSE/DAVID 100198 2,121.00 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS 100199 1,228.21 QWEST DEX 100200 109.18 TOHEY/JOSEPN 100201 204.63 VERIZON WIRELESS 100202 204.45 WIBORG/FRED 100203 17.81 ACE HARDWARE 100204 468.47 ACME TYPEWRITER 100205 93.10 ACTION RADIO & COMMUNICA 100206 66.99 ADI-ADEMCO DISTRIBUTION 100207 74.02 ADVANCED GRAPHICS SYSTEM 100208 276.65 AID ELECTRIC SERVICE INC 100209 253.40 kLCOHOL & C4~4BLING ENFOR 100210 60.00 ~ SAINTS BRAND DISTRIB 100211 828.62 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TES 100212 4,325.60 AMERICAN STORE/THE 100213 50.80 AMERIPRIDE 100214 152.49 ANOKA CO~ LIBRARY 100215 131.76 ANOKA CTY - CENTRAL COMM 100216 61.27 ARCTIC GLACIER 100217 1,245.28 ASPEN MILLS, INC. 100218 96.00 ASPEN PUBLISHERS INC 100219 227.28 B~KER & TAYLOR 100220 1,172.14 BAKER & TAYLOR ENTERTAIN 100221 4,850.23 BAKERIES PLUS 100222 63.37 BAUER BUILT TIRE & BASTE 100223 494.73 BELLBOY BAR SUPPLY 100224 69.50 BFI/WOODLAKE SANITARY SE 100225 104,813.17 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/11/2002 08 Check History 10/14/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 4 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT BIFF'S,INC. 100226 806.78 BLUEMELS TREE SERVICE 100227 26,427.40 BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLI 100228 536.00 BOOK WHOLESALERS INC 100229 178.60 BOYER TRUCK PARTS 100230 205.28 BROCK WHITE CO. 100231 636.44 BRODART 100232 255.69 BROOKLYN HISTORICAL SOCI 100233 32.95 BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPRE 100234 630.00 CALENDARS 100235 24.15 CAMDEN PET HOSPITAL 100236 1,081.00 CANADA GOOSE PROJECT 100237 860.00 CAPITOL FURNITURE SALES 100238 1,666.23 CARLSON TRACTOR 100239 21.15 CEMSTONE 100240 281.10 CENTER FOR ENERGY/ENVIRO 100241 625.00 CENTRAL RENTAL 100242 53.24 CERTIFIED 100243 127.87 CHISACO LAKES DISTRIBUTI 100244 2,276.40 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITO 100245 199.00 CITY PAGES 100246 866.00 CLARK PRODUCTS INC 100247 414.17 COLLINS/JEREMY 100248 896.87 COLb]~BIAHEIGHTS RENTAL 100249 22.81 COLUMBIA HGTS-FRIDLEY KI 100250 355.63 COLUMBIA PARK CLINIC 100251 336.00 CONNELLY INDUSTRIAL ELEC 100252 1,527.22 COORDINATED BUSINESS SYS 100253 1,760.80 CREIGHTON BRADLEY GUZZET 100254 124.50 CSC CREDIT SERVICES 100255 25.00 CUMMINS NORTH CEN~ 100256 114.34 CYS UNIFORMS 100257 15.00 D ROCK CENTER 100258 257.52 DANKA 100259 320.21 DA/fKAOFFICE IMAGING 100260 35.94 DAVIES WATER EQUIPMENT C 100261 399.46 DEEN OIL 100262 10,038.58 DEMCO 100263 171.95 DOUGS TV & APPLIANCE 100264 89.78 EARL F ANDERSEN INC 100265 125.67 EAST SIDE BE~]~RAGE CO 100266 46,617.20 EHLER & ASSOCIATE-PUBLIC 100267 562.50 ELK RIVER CONCRETE PRODU 100268 375.87 ENTERPRISE NETWORK SYSTE 100269 6,308.15 FAIRS NURSERY & LANDSCAP 100270 500.00 FARMERS'S MILL & ELEVATO 100271 1,787.34 FEDERAL EXPRESS 100272 13.74 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/11/2002 08 Check History 10/14/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 5 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT FERGUSON PUBLISHING COMP 100273 376.33 FIDELITY SERVICES INC 100274 4,728.22 FIRE EQUIPMENT SPECIALTI 100275 224.43 FIRST-RATE CUSTOMER SERV 100276 79.00 FLEX COMPENSATION, INC 100277 178.50 FLOYD TOTAL SECURITY 100278 184.80 FOUR BY FOUR SERVICE 100279 125.00 FRIDLEY-COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 100280 355.63 G & K SERVICES 100281 618.10 GALE GROUP/THE 100282 2,701.49 GAYLORD EROS 100283 27.85 GENUINE PARTS/NAPA AUTO 100284 372.39 GILLUND ENTERPRISES 100285 67.61 GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD 100286 13.42 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFIC 100287 95.00 GRAFIX SHOPPE 100288 219.39 GROLIER PUBLISHING CO. I 100289 140.56 HAPPEL DBA PLANStGHT/JER 100290 10,194.83 HEIGHTS ELECTRIC INC. 100291 1,114.55 HEINRICH ENVELOPE CORP 100292 378.00 HOHENSTEINS INC 100293 3,454.48 HOME DEPOT #2802 100294 43.87 HOME VALU 100295 125.00 HUDSON MAPS 100296 150.35 HUGH C~CHHILL SEWER SE 100297 175.00 HYDRANT SPECIALIST 100298 1,500.00 IC~A PRODUCT FULFILLMENT 100299 94.45 IKON OFFICE SOLUTION 100300 140.00 INFO USA MARKETING INC 100301 545.00 INSTRUMENTAL RESEARCH IN 100302 440.00 INTEGRATED LOSS CONTROL 100303 602.00 J B CONTROLS 100304 213.96 J-CRAFT INC 100305 74.71 JaY BROTHERS INC 100306 8,200.00 JINDRA/PATRICIA 100307 35.00 JOHNSON/TIM 100308 10.95 JOSEPH G POLLARD CO INC 100309 83.46 KENNEDY & GRAVEN 100310 319.80 KUETHER DIST. CO. 100311 50,664.60 LADTECH INC 100312 184.88 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITI 100313 15,823.00 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS 100314 34,280,00 LIBRARY STORE INC 100315 12.60 LIBRARY VIDEO COMPANY 100316 1,101.30 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES 100317 446.45 LOWRY CENTRAL BOWLERS 100318 122.57 LUBE-TECH 100319 119.87 ACS FIN CIAL SYSTEM 10/11/2002 08 Check History 10/14/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 6 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT LYLE SIGNS INC 100320 403.58 MARK VII DIST. 100321 5,463.09 MCCLELLAN SALES 100322 24.44 MCI WORIDCOM COMM SERVIC 100323 12.02 MEUTOX 5ABORATORIES, INC 100324 144.00 ME}lARDS CASHWAY LU~BER-F 100325 218.68 METRO FIRE 100326 2,457.24 METROCALL - ATT MESSAGIN 100327 14.60 MIDWAY FORD 100328 190.57 MID~;EST ART FAIRS 100329 13.95 MIDWEST ASPHALT CO. 100330 1,058.07 MINITEX - ATTN MARY GARC 100331 471.00 MINNCOR C~ 100332 474.99 MINNEAPOLIS SAW CO. 100333 1,092.59 MINNESOTA SOCIETY OF CPA 100334 225.00 MINNESOTA STATE TREASURE 100335 222.73 MN COMM PAGING 100336 42.60 MN DEPT OF ADMINISTRATIO 100337 37.00 MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATIO 100338 1,226.60 MTI DISTRIBUTING 100339 45.38 MYERS TIRE SUPPLY COMPAN 100340 123.29 MYRON 100341 130.50 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF P 100342 145.00 NEEHAN FOUNDRY CORP 100343 1,127.84 NFPA INTERNATIONAL 100344 76.20 NOBLE NURSERY 100345 239.63 NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMEN 100346 57.47 O'GARA/ANDREW 100347 265.76 OFFICE DEPOT 100348 989.84 OLSON'S PLUMBING 100349 4,225.00 OMNI ROOFS INC 100350 269.25 OMNIGRAPHICS, INC 100351 320.00 ONE-CALL CONCEPT-GOPHER 100352 201.50 ONVOY 100353 24.95 PAI~K CONSTRUCTION COMPAN 100354 348,748.90 PARK SUPPLY INC 100355 105.20 PC SOLUTIONS 100356 688.74 PEPSI-COLA-7 LIP 100357 287.92 PERRY'S CENTRAL SERVICES 100358 209.57 Pt{YSICIANS DESKREFERENC 100359 128.90 PLLIIRETT'S, INC 100360 89.67 RADIO SHACK 100361 24.48 PJ~K INDUSTRIES 100362 352.23 RDO EQUIPMENT 100363 56.38 RESOURCE DOCUMENTS & ADV 100364 289.12 RETAIL DATA SYSTEMS OF M 100365 488.33 ROBINSON IJENDSCAPING INC 100366 15.34 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/11/2002 08 Check History 10/14/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 7 BANK VENDOR CNECKNDMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT R~IMANN/ROBERT 100367 35.00 RUGG'S RECOMMENDATIONS 100368 27.95 S & S WORLDWIDE 100369 109.25 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORP 100370 1,944.00 ST JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT 100371 366.03 STANWAY EXCAVATING 100372 1,054.36 STAR TRIBUNE 100373 111.80 STEEL TECH INC 100374 260.93 STOPTECH LTD 100375 1,125.50 STREICHER'S GUN'S INC/DO 100376 776.07 SUPERIOR ROOFING CONSTRU 100377 350.00 SYSTEMS SUPPLY INC. 100378 246.90 TELEPHONE ANSWERING CENT 100379 114.90 TOUSLEY FORD 100380 197.93 TDBBS/MARSHA 100381 48.57 TWIN CITY AREA LABOR MGM 100382 300.00 TWIN CITY GARAGE DOOR CO 100383 2,539.53 UNIFORMS UN'LIMITED INC 100384 1,306.52 UNITED RENTALS 100385 46.86 UNITED RENTALS 100386 1,061.41 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 100387 50.00 URS BRW INC 100388 59,362.98 VANZ AUTO 100389 101.50 VECTOR INTERNET SERVICES 100390 150.00 VERIZON WIRELESS 100391 450.71 VICTOR/OLZESKE 100392 1,680.00 VISA 100393 441.11 VOSS ELECTRIC 100394 83.11 VOSS LIGHTING 100395 26.09 WALL STREET JOb'RNAL/THE 100396 99.00 WERNER ELECTRIC SUPPLY C 100397 24.70 WEST WELD 100398 42.93 WW GRAINGER, INC 100399 99.07 XPECT FIRST AID 100400 189.78 Z~OTH BRUSH WORKS, INC 100401 863.72 1,291,670.05 *** i Il ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/11/2002 08 BANK VENDOR REPORT TOTALS: Check History 10/14/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 8 CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT 1,291,670.05 RECORDS PRI~fED - 001613 ACS FINAlgCIAL SYSTEM 10/11/2002 08:59:41 FUND DESCRIPTION 101 GENERAL 201 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND 203 PARKVIEW VILLA NORTH 204 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH 212 STATE AID MAINTENANCE 213 PARKVIEW VILLA SOUTH 225 CABLE TELEVISION 226 SPECIAL PROJECT REVENUE 235 RENTAL HOUSING 240 LIBRARY 250 COL HGHTS AFTER SCHOOL ENRI 276 LOCAL LAW ENFORCE ELK GRANT 278 JL%rENILE JUSTICE GRANT 402 STATE AID CONSTRUCTION 412 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS 415 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT - PIR 420 CAP IMPROVEMENT-DEVELOPMENT 601 WATER UTILITY 602 SEWER UTILITY 603 REFUSE FUND 604 STORM SEWER UTILITY 609 LIQUOR 653 STORM SEWER CONSTRUCT. FUND 701 CENTRAL GARAGE 720 DATA PROCESSING 880 PERMIT SURCHARGE 881 CONTRIBUTED PROJECTS-REC 884 INSURANCE 885 ESCROW 887 FLEX BENEFIT TRUST FUND TOTAL ALL FUNDS Check History DISBURSEMENTS 84,320.33 7,091.78 8,159.45 1,056.81 1,071.00 4,587.43 159.50 2,690.01 1,170.84 18,050.28 978.98 2,991.47 8.15 62,327.34 974.88 420,294.82 583.00 11,335.87 6,126.31 107,423.36 8,084.40 211,182.48 39.98 20,427.08 6,768.10 222.73 55.40 34,280.00 261,252.91 7,955.36 1,291,670.05 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL060S-V06.40 RECAPPAGE GL540R BANK RECAP: BANK NAME BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT TOTAL ALL BANKS DISBURSEMENTS 1,291,670.05 1,291,670.05 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of October 14, 2002 AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER SECTION: /O~ Fire APPROVAL NO: ITEM: Close Hearing BY: Charlie Thompson BY: ~._~.//~ Rental License Revocation DATE: October 9, 2002 DATE: NO: The matter of the revocation of the license to operate a rental unit(s) within the City of Columbia Heights against Mauriee Weaver regarding rental property at 3725 Main Street N.E. for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Codes was previously scheduled to commence at the City Council meeting of October 14, 2002. The public hearing on this property may now be closed in that the owner has brought the property/building into compliance with the Residential Maintenance Code. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Close the Public Hearing Regarding the Revocation or Suspension of the Rental License Held by Manriee Weaver Regarding Rental Property at 3725 Main Street N.E. in that the Property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of October 14, 2002 AGENDA Resolutions/Ordinances ORIGINATING CITY SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MANAGER ~o '~ Fire APPROVAL NO: ITE Adopt Resolution For Revocation BY: Charlie Thompson M: DATE: October 9, 2002 DATE:' 2002- NO: Revocation of the license to operate a rental unit within the City of Columbia Heights is requested against Dale Frenzel regarding rental property at 3732 3rd Street N.E. for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Codes. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No.2002-~__~ there being ample copies available to the public. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2002- lot{, Resolution of the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights Approving Revocation Pursuant to Ordinance Code Section 5A.408(1) of the Rental License held by Dale Frenzel Regarding Rental Property at 3732 3rd Street N.E. COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION 2002-64 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS APPROVING REVOCATION PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE CODE SECTION 5A.408(1) OF THAT CERTAIN RESIDENTIAL RENTAL LICENSE HELD BY DALE FRENZEL (HEREINAFTER "LICENSE HOLDER"). WHEREAS, LICENSE HOLDER IS THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3732 3rd STREET NE, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA, AND WHEREAS, PURSUANT TO COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CODE SECTION 5.104(1)(A), WRITTEN NOTICE SETTING FORTH THE CAUSES AND REASONS FOR THE PROPOSED COUNCIL ACTION CONTAINED HEREIN WAS GIVEN TO THE LICENSE HOLDER ON SEPTEMBER 5, 2002 OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD ON OCTOBER 14, 2002. NOW, THEREFOr, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOREGOING, AND ALL ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS MAKES THE FOLLOWING: o FINDINGS OF FACT That on December 27, 2001, Steve Kolosky and Rich Hinrichs, inspectors for the City of Columbia Heights, inspected the property and noted two violations. Compliance orders listing the violations were mailed by regular mail to the owner at the address listed on the Rental Housing License Application. That on June 4, 2002, Steve Kolosky and Rich Hinrichs, inspectors for the City of Columbia Heights, reinspected the property and noted that one violation remained uncorrected. Compliance orders listing the violations were mailed by regular mail to the owner at the address listed on the Rental Housing License Application. That on June 25, 2002, the owner of the property asked for and received a time extension to complete the work on the garage. An extension letter listing the violations were mailed by regular mail to the owner of the property at the address listed on the rental housing license application. That on July 16, 2002, the owner of the property asked for and received a time extension to complete the work on the garage. An extension letter listing the violations were mailed by regular mail to the owner of the property at the address listed on the rental housing license application. That on July 31, 2002, the owner of the property asked for and received a time extension to complete the work on the garage. An extension letter listing the violations were mailed by regular mail to the owner of the property at the address listed on the rental housing license application. o o That on September 5, 2002, Steve Kolosky and Rich Hinrichs, inspectors for the City of Columbia Heights, reinspected the property and noted that one violation remained uncorrected. Compliance orders listing the violations were mailed by regular mail to the owner at the address listed on the Rental Housing License Application and copies were mailed to the tenants. That on October 2, 2002, Steve Kolosky and Rich Hinrichs, inspectors for the City of Columbia Heights, reinspected the property and noted that one violation remained uncorrected. Compliance orders listing the violations were mailed by certified mail to the owner at the address listed on the Rental Housing License Application. That on October 8, 2002, Rich Hindchs, inspector for the City of Columbia Heights, reinspected the property and noted that one violation remained uncorrected. That based upon said records of the Enforcement Officer, the following conditions and violations of the City's Residential Maintenance Code were found to exist, to- wit: 10. FAILURE TO CORRECT VIOLATION OF THE RESIDENTIAL MAINTENANCE CODE Shall scrape/paint garage/trim. Shall repair any damaged or rotted wood on garage. Shall remove the brush pile in the front and rear yards. B. FAILURE TO SUBMIT REINSPECTION FEES OF $700.00 That all parties, including the License Holder and any occupants or tenants, have been given the appropriate notice of this heating according to the provisions of the City Code Section 5A.306(1) and 5A.303(1)(d). CONCLUSIONS OF COUNCIL That the building located at 3732 3rd Street NE. is in violation of the provisions of the Columbia Heights City Code as set forth in the Compliance Order attached hereto, That all relevant parties and parties in interest have been duly served notice of this hearing, and any other heatings relevant to the revocation or suspension of the license held by License Holder. That all applicable rights and periods of appeal as relating to the license holder, owner, occupant, or tenant, as the case may be, have expired, or such rights have been exercised and completed. ORDER OF COUNCIL The rental license belonging to the License Holder described herein and identified by license number F5044 is hereby revoked/suspended (cross out one); o The City will post for the purpose of preventing occupancy a copy of this order on the buildings covered by the license held by License Holder; o All tenants shall remove themselves from the premises within 60 days from the first day of posting of this Order revoking the license as held by License Holder. Passed this day of October, 2002 Motion by: Second by: Upon vote: Attest: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk THESE MINUTES HAVE ,NOT BEEN APPROVED City of Columbia Heights Park and Recreation Commission September 24, 2002 The meeting was called to order by Eileen Evans at 6:35 p.m. ROLL CALL Members present: Eileen Evans; Jerry Foss; Tom Greenhalgh; Gary Mayer; Gary Peterson; Keith Windschitl, Recreation Director Members absent: Bill Peterson; Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director/City Engineer Also present: Bruce Nawrocki; Kathryn Snyder and her son; Laurie Zagaros and her son APPROVAL CONSENT AGENDA: Motion to approve consent agenda by Foss; second by Mayer. All ayes, motion carried. LETTERS AND REQUESTS: REQUEST FOR BIKE AND SKATEBOARD PARK IN COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Columbia Heights resident, Kathryn Snyder, residing at 5210-5th St. NE inquired on getting a skate park built in Columbia Heights. Commission Chairperson, Eileen Evans, indicated that there is no money in the budget to fund a skate park and that having a skate park would incur a heavy liability for the City. Kathryn stated that neighborhood kids are skating in their alley or the Snyder Drug parking lot, which is not a safe place for the kids to be skate boarding. Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, informed her that there is no money allocated in the budget for a park of that nature. Many current structures and playgrounds within Columbia Heights are outdated but there is no money to make any improvements at this time. Prestemon Park is the only park that has had major improvements and those improvements were made possible with grant monies. Columbia Heights resident, Laurie Zagaros, residing at 5205-4th St. NE asked if looking into getting local construction companies to help and if fundraising would be an option. She also asked if the next important issue is liability. Keith indicated that liability for a skate park is a major issue and would be determined by the type of skate park built. If a tier 1 skate park was built, the liability would be minimal and the park would be open at all times without supervision. If a tier 2 skate park was built, the liability is major and the skate park would need to be closed during the nighttime hours and there would need to be onsite supervision. The difference in the two tiers is the heights of the ramps. Commission Member, Tom Greenhalgh, stated that looking into getting community organizations to help defer costs and fundraising would be a good place to start. Mayor PAGE TWO Gary Peterson stated that if the money were raised, the City would look at options of a good location for the skate park within a City Park. OLD BUSINESS: UPDATE HUSET pARK MASTER PLAN Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, reported to the Commission that Public Works Director/City Engineer, Kevin Hansen, was out ill so this item will not be discussed in detail. He also stated that in regards to the Huset Park Master Plan, the Industrial Plan would be working in conjunction with the Huset Park Master Plan. The current timeline is to wait for the Industrial Plan, as this plan may impact the park plan. NEW BUSINESS: JPM 1F. ASE AGREEMENT Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, discussed with commission members about adding additional wording that would be beneficial to the JPM lease agreement. The City's insurance company has suggested this additional wording. Additional wording would require all licensed caterers to list the City as additional insured and provide the City with a copy of their insurance. Motion by Greenhalgh, second by Foss to add the additional wording that all caterers must provide the City with a copy of their catering license and a certificate of insurance listing the City of Columbia Heights as additional insured, to be effective the 1st of October 2002. All ayes, motion carded. RECREATION AND MURZYN HALL BUDGET FOR 2003 Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, briefly discussed the recreation and Murzyn Hall budget for 2003. He indicated that the 2003 budget has had minimal increases, which are mostly due to personal services, step increases and utility increases. The budget meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the Gauvitte room. He has suggested that the Park and Recreation Commission meeting take place at 6:00 p.m. instead of 6:30 p.m. on that same day to accommodate the budget meeting. PAGE THREE REPORTS RECREATION DIRECTOR THE BUILDING OF A LIQUOR STORAGE CABINET FOR THE COLUMBIA HEIGHTS LION' Si CLUB Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, reported that the Columbia Heights Lion's Club is moving forward with building a liquor storage area just south of the LaBelle Lounge. They are planning on starting the building process on Wednesday, October 2, 2002. JPM SIGNAGE Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, indicated that he would be approaching he Columbia Heights Lion' s Club for money to purchase a new JPM sign for the front of the building. Commission Member, Jerry Foss, asked if this new sign would be programmable from the inside JPM. Keith stated that it would not be programmable from the inside JPM; it will be an updated version of the current signage. NEI Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, informed the commission members that Harry Wilcox from NEI stated that the roof must have leaked and damaged the gym floor in the large gym. The southwest and northwest comers of the gym floorboards are warped and need some major repair. This is a serious problem now that NEI has determined that the small gym is already unsafe and will not let us use it. Keith also indicated that to be in compliance with the new NEI contract, there must be someone at the front doors during any recreational events to supervise the facility. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m. Tina Foss, Park and Recreation Commission Secretary I ['