HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 16, 2002 Work SessionCITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 (763) 706-3600 TDD (763) 706-3692 Visit Ottr Website at: wwmci, columbia-heights, mn. us ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING to be hem in the CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS as follows: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Councilrnembers Marlaine Szurek Julienne Wyckoff Bruce NawrocM RobertA. Williams City Manager Walt Fehst Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Location of Meeting: Purpose of Meeting: COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 16, 2002 7:00 P.M. CONFERENCE ROOM 1 AGENDA Discussion Items 1. View Cable Camp video - Kelly Becker, Recreation Youth Coordinator - informational 2. Replacement of J. P. Murzyn Front Sign 3. Pursue CHASE Grant 4. Authorization to Purchase and Install five circulation PC stations at the Library 5. Public Hearing on Use of Local Law Enforcement Equipment Block Grant Funds - discussion 6. Bonding for Public Improvements a. Discussion b. Authorization to seek proposals for Utility Rate Study 7. Liquor Store - 53rd and University; 49th Avenue and Central - discussion The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for handicapped persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Council Secretary at 706-3611, to make arrangements. (TDD/706-3692 for deaf or hearing impaired only) THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: September 23, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPT.: CITY MANAGER NO: Recreation APPROVAL ITEM: REPLACE MURZYN ~L SIGN BY: Keith Windschitl~d~ BY: NO: DATE: September 12, 2002 BACKGROUND: The Murzyn Hall sign is in very poor condition and needs repair or replacement. The tracks that the letters fit into are broken and are difficult to work with. The faces on the sign have warped over time and make the appearance of the sign aged and weathered. The letters are spray-painted using a stencil pattern, which just does not look very good. The safety concern that staffhas with the current sign is that both sides have to be propped up for access to change the letters. The Columbia Heights Lion's Club donated the current sign. Staffhas approached the Lion's Club about the possibility of updating the current sign. The Lion's Club has expressed interest in donating monies for the updating of the Muxzyn Hall sign. The Lion's have inquired as to the amount of money required to update the sign. Staffhas gotten some preliminary figures to repair or replace the sign. Repair of the existing sign is approximately $4000 and total replacement of the sign is approximately $5000. Due to the fact that the lighting inside the sign has aged, staff feels that the most effective way to upgrade the sign is total replacement. The new sign would be entirely under warrantee including ballasts, wiring and cabinet. Life expectancy on a whole new sign would be twenty plus years. Staffis asking Council to authorize staffto work with the Lion's Club and come up with the best solution to replace the existing Murzyn Hall sign. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to authorize staffto work with the Columbia Heights Lion's Club to replace the Murzyn Hall sign. COUNCIL ACTION: jpm sign CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: September 23, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPT.: CITY ~AGER Recreation ~PROV~ NO: , , ' . ' ~EM: C.H.A.S.E. G~ ~PLICATION FOR BY: Kcith Windsc~tl BY: ¢ 20~-2005 DATE: S~tcmbcr 12, 2002 NO: BACKGROUND: Thc Department of Children, Families and Learning have awarded a fifth grant of $150,000 for thc Columbia Heights After School Enrichment Program (C.H.A.S.E.) for thc period of 1/1/02 to 12/31/03. CHASE has been operating for thc past several years. Thc grants awarded arc as follows: 2. 3. 4. 5. 7/1/96 to 12/31/975 64,764 7/1/97 to 12/31/985 64,764 7/1/98 to 6/30/99 $ 65,000 9/1/99 to 12/31/01 $177,568 1 / 1/02 to 12/31/03 $150,000 The objective of the CHASE program is to actively reach out to youth ages 9 to 13 and engage them in a continuum of programs that range fi.om enrichment to early intervention. Programs include recreational activities, skills classes, small group initiatives, service learning opportunities, mentoring, and tutoring offered at several sites throughout the community. CHASE makes services and programs as easily accessible as possible by offering programs where youth naturally congregate and to transport youth when needed. The CHASE program is designed to increase Columbia Heights youth's connection to their community by involving them in meaningful activities that enhance self-esteem, foster positive values, and develop constructive leisure and academic skills through program strategies that develop positive assets. Our current situation now facing our CHASE program is that we now have to apply for 2004 - 2005. This state money for 2004 - 2005 will not be allocated until mid-year 2003. The state grants may be in jeopardy and will more than likely depend on the election results this November. Many of our legislators do not have this money as a high priority on their list. This money could possibly be cut fi.om the budget in full. The Columbia Heights School District has approached us with the possibility ofparmering with them and applying for the 21~t Century grant, which is a federally funded program. This grant has a better possibility of funding continuation do to the fact that it is funded on the federal level. After speaking with our contacts at Children, Families and Learning, it is staff's opinion that we should apply for both the After School Enrichment grant (state funded), and the 21't Century grant (federally funded). We feel that this would be the best plan of action should something not work out on either of these grants. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to authorize staff to apply for both the After-School Enrichment grant and the 21 ~t Century grant. COUNCIL ACTION: FUNDING CATEGORY ELIGIBILITY WORKSHEET 21st Century Community Learning Centers: Go to application packet BUTTON n Must involve a partnership of two or more agencies where at least one agency is a school with the following characteristics: · Title 1 (at least 40% of children in school building receive free/reduced lunch); or · A majority of students attending the school are from Iow-income families (based on a different measure than Title 1 status); or · School is, or has been on CFL's list of schools in need of assistance: In 2000-2001 In 2001-2002 [3 In addition to involving schools identified above, the work plan must target services at students enrolled in the schools that are Title 1, primarily from Iow- income families, and/or are formally designated as schools 'in need of assistance'. Must serve youth enrolled in and attending school. Must provide program activities outside of the regular school time (before or after school, weekends, or summer). After-School Enrichment Programs: Go to application packet BUTTON [3 Must provide program activities outside of the regular school time (before or after school, weekends, or summer). Must target one or more of the seven goals designated in legislation (M.S. 124D.221). Must target students from Iow-income families OR fill gap in out-of-school programming. Project Reconnect to Learning Programs: Go to application packet BUTTON n Must serve youth who are not attending schools, or are in danger of dropping out of schools such as runaway youth, homeless youth, and/or youth required to participate in community service as a condition of expulsion or suspension from school. l'rcvcntion and Intervention i CFL Page 1 of 2 Prevention & Intervention FUNDING Prevention & Intervention Funding 2002 is open for application. Applications are due October 30, 2002. The following funding categories are available. To help you determine the most appropriate category you may download the worksheet to determine funding eligibility. Eligibility_ Worksheet 21st Century Community Learning Centers: Provides funding for out of school time activities to support increased academic achievement for youth attending schools with 40% or more of students eligible for flee or reduced lunch. Schools designated as "in need of assistance" are also a priority for this funding. There is $3.3 million available. Funds will be distributed statewide. Download application After-School Enrichment Programs: Provides funding for out-of-school programming for youth who are not currently involved in after- school programs, struggling with academic success and/or have been involved With the criminal justice system. There are priority neighborhoods identified in St. Paul and Minneapolis. There is up to $11 million available. Funds will be distributed statewide. These funds are pending based on continued appropriation during the 2003 state legislative session. Download __Application Project Reconnect to Learning Programs: httm//cfl.state.rnn.us/nrevention/ COLUMBIA HEIGHTS - CITY COUNCIL LETTER AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER'S NO: Library APPROVAL ITEM: Authorization to purchase/install 5 BY: M. Rebecca Loader BY: circulation pc workstations at the Library DATE: 9/3/2002 DATE: NO: The Columbia Heights Public Library (CHPL) has participated in an automated circulation system with the Anoka County Library (ACL) since 1987. The main frame computer is located in Blaine at the Library Support Services building, and all buildings in the system are connected via T1 lines and frame relays. During the past 14 years, access to the databases has been through dumb terminals. To accommodate changes in technology and to provide access to online reference sources, Data Research Associates (DRA), the library's automation vendor, is moving to a client-server environment, which operates with pc's. The first of two phases of implementation, completed in 2001, involved replacement of the six public access catalog dumb terminals with pc's. The next phase of implementation is scheduled for 2002 and involves replacement of five circulation dumb terminals with pc's. Library staffhas worked with the Information Systems (IS) staffand the ACL IS department to determine the most cost effective way to install the new pc's. The CHPL can order equipment through the County at their contractual prices and through Barcode Discount Warehouse, an established vendor. The following breakdown covers the replacement of the five circulation workstations: 1. Ordered through ACL: 5 NEC LCS 1550v-BK flat panel monitors~ $371=$1,855.00 5 COMP,aZ Evo Desktop D510SFF series 470034-611 ~ $953= 4,765.00 5 installations/set ups/upgrades @ $200=- 1,000.00 5 AnzioLite soflware~ $20= 100.00 7,720.00 2. Ordered through Barcode Discount Warehouse: 4 Citizen IDP 3550 parallel receipt printers@ $255= 1,020.00 5 Metrologic MS9500 Voyager keyboard wedge scanners ~ $195= 975.00 1,995.00 9,715.00 The 2002 budget contains the following amounts for the project in the designated line items: 5170 (Office Equipment) $11,800.00 RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to purchase and to install hardware and software necessary to replace five circulation pc's at the Library from the Anoka County Library and Barcode Discount Warehouse based on available State and County contract prices and obtained quotes; and furthermore to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meetin~ of September 23 2002 AGENDA SECTION: Consent ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER NO. POLICE APPROVAL: ITEM: Local Law Enforcement Equipment Block BY: Thomas M. Johnson BY: NO. Grant Public Hearing DATE: September 16, 2002 DATE: BACKGROUND: The Columbia Heights Police Department has been granted an equipment block grant by the U.S. Department of Justice in the amount of $17,241. On July 22, 2002, the City Council approved a $1,916 match to this grant. On September 9, 2002, the Council set a public hearing date of September 23, 2002, as required by the grant. On September 16, 2002, a select committee of citizens made up of local government, law enforcement, criminal justice, and local school administration personnel met to review each of the equipment items listed in our equipment request (see attached list). The committee felt that the equipment listed was a good use of these fimds. The final requirement of this grant is that we have a public hearing reference the proposed use of the funds. ANALYSIS/CONCLUSION: The Police Department has met all the requirements of this grant except the public hearing, which is being held today. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to close the public hearing and approve the list of equipment to be purchased with this grant. TMJ:mld 02-162 Attachment COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION 2002-56 BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT BLOCK GRANT AND APPROPRIATING MATCHING FUNDS WHEREAS, the City of Columbia Heights Police Department has been granted $17,241 in an equipment block grant fi.om the U.S. Depamnent of Justice for the purpose of funding equipment, and WHEREAS, a condition of the grant is that the City provide $1,916 in local match for this grant, and WHEREAS, the City of Columbia Heights Police Department has provided the U.S. Department of Justice a proposal for implementation of funding for this grant. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights that: The City of Columbia Heights enter into a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice for the project entitled Local Law Enforcement Equipment Block Grant Program for the period October 1, 2002, to September 30, 2003. That $1,916 be appropriated from unexpended funds in the Police Department 2002 budget to pay the local match. Passed this day of ,2002 Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Gary L. Peterson, Mayor Patty Muscovitz, Council Secretary WORK SESSION JULY 15, 2002 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of July 22. 2002 AGENDA SECTION: Consent NO. ITEM: 2002-2003 Equipment Block Grant NO. ORIGENATING DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER POLICE APPROVAL: BY: Thomas M. Johnsorkk.~. BY: . . DATE: July 2, 2002 ~ [I/~ DATE: The Columbia Heights Police Department has been =o-ranted an equipment block grant by the U.S. Department of Justice for $17,241. In order to accept this grant, the City must agree to a match of $1,916. The Police Department would like to use this money to pay for equipment we would normally not be able to afford. This would include miscellaneous training equipment, computer equipment, squad car equipment, officer safety equipment, etc. ANALYSIS/CONCLUSION: At the present time, it appears there xvould adequate funds available in the 2002 Police Department budget to cover the match. The grant will be available to us early in 2003. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to accept the 2002-2003 federal law enforcement block grant in the amount of $17,241, with a 10 per cent match in the amount of $1,916 to come from unexpended funds in the 2002 Police Department General Budget. TMJ:mld 02-126 COUNCIL ACTION: Print A_pplication Page 1 of 1 Application was submitted on June 30, 2002 12:44:16 AM EDT. LLEBG FY 2002 Application Date Certified: 30-JUN-02 [ Date Submitted: 30-JUN-02 Jurisdiction Information Columbia Heights City MINNESOTA 16.592 Budget Information Eligible Award Amount: Final Award Amount: Match Amount: Matching Funds Description: State and Local Government Units $17,241 $17,241 $1.916 CEO Information Title: ;Name Prefix: Last Name: First Name: Mayor Mr. Peterson Gary Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: 590 40th Ave. NE 763-706-3607 763-706-3601 Gary.Peterson~ci.co[umbia- Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 heights.mn.us Program Contact Information Title: Name Prefix: Last Name: First Name: Police Chief Mr. Johnson Tom Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: 590 40th Avenue Northeast 763-706-3755 763-706-3752 Tom. Johnson(~CLcoluml~ia- Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3876 heights.mn.us Application Details Date Agreed to Trust Fund Requirement: Applicant is PSOHB Compliant: 30-JUN-02 Yes Date Agreed to SPOC Requirement: Date Agreed to SAA Review Requirement: 30-JUN-02 30-JUN-02 Date Agreed to Certifications: Date Agreed to Assurances: 30-JUN-02 30-JUN-02 https:~~gra~ts~~jp~usd~j~g~v:8~~4~gms-userlp~sq~~~~ebg-ma~n~app-read-~n~y?p-bgid=4&p-acti~n=print 6/29/02 Tom Johns_o.n- FY 2002 LLEB(G-_Applicatio_n__(1_3..534) App. rov_.e_d. _ ......... Pag.e__l_! From: To: Date: Subject: <ojp@ojp.usdoj.gov> <Tom.Johnson@ci,columbia-heights.mn.us> 7/2/02 7:28AM FY 2002 LLEBG Application (13534) Approved. Your Application for the FY 2002 LLEBG Program has been approved by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA).You will be notified via email when your official award documents are posted and are ready for you to accept on-line through this system. (Please Note: if you respond to this email do not change the subject line, thank you) Office &the Director U.S, Department of Justice Office &Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance Washington, D.C. 20531 July 10, 2002 Mr. Peterson Mayor, Columbia Heights City 590 40th Ave. NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 RE: Fiscal Year 2002 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program Dear Mr. Peterson: I am pleased to inform you that I have approved the application for funding under the Bureau of Justice Assistance's (BJA) Fiscal Year 2002 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG) Program in the amount of $17,241 for Columbia Heights City. The purpose of the LLEBG Program is to reduce crime and improve public safety. This Block Grant Award may be used for any of the purpose areas described in the statute. Enclosed you will find the Grant Award and Special Conditions documents. If you have any programmatic questions regarding this award, please contact BJA's State and Local Assistance Division at (202) 514-6638. In addition, all financial questions regarding this award should be directed to the Office of the Comptroller, Customer Service Division at (800) 458-0786. I look forward to a continuing parmership with Columbia Heights City in furtherance of this important criminal justice program. Sincerely yours, Richard Nedelkoff Director Attachments U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Office for Civil Rights Washington, D.C. 20531 July I0, 2002 Mr. Peterson Mayor, Columbia Heights City 590 40th Ave. NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 Dear Grant Recipient: Congratulations on your recent award. Because you have submitted Certified Assurances that your agency is in compliance with applicable civil rights laws, this office has determined that you have met this requirement in the Department of Justice regulations governing recipients of Federal financial assistance (see 28 C.F.R. sec. 42.204, Applicants' Obligations). As Director of the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Office of Justice Programs, I would like to offer you my assistance in completing the conditions of these Assurances, specifically Nos. 13, 14, and 15, as the grant goes forward. As you know, equal opportunity for the participation of women and minority individuals in employment and services provided under programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance is required by law. Therefore, if there has been a federal or state court or administrative agency finding of discrimination against your agency, please forward a copy of such order or consent decree, as required by Assurance No. 14, to OCR at the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Civil Rights, 810 Seventh Street, N.W., Room 8136, Washington, D.C. 2053 I. Additional Instructions For Grantees Receiving $500,000 Or More: In accordance with Assurance No. 15, each grantee that receives $500,000 or more (or $1,000,000 in an 18- month period), and has 50 or more employees, must submit an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP)within 60 days from the date of this letter to OCR at the above address. ~ Alternatively, the grantee may choose to complete an EEOP Short Form, in lieu of sending its own comprehensive EEOP, and return it to OCR within 60 days of the date of this letter. This easy-to-follow EEOP Short Form reduces paperwork and preparation time considerably and will ensure a quicker OCR review and approval. The enclosed Seven-Step Guide to the Design and Development of an EEOP (which includes an EEOP Short Form) will assist you in completing this requirement. Please be reminded that the above requirements apply to primary grantees and to each of their subgrantees or contractors that meet the criteria outlined in this letter. Therefore, all primary grantees should apprise subgrantees of these responsiblities and those meeting the criteria should send their EEOPs or EEOP Short Forms directly to the Or'lice for Civil Rights within 60 days of the date of their award. NOTE: If agency has under 50 employees, regardless of amount of award, no EEOP is required; however, grantee must return applicable portion of Certification Form to OCR within 60 days. PURSUANT TO THE SPECIAL CONDITION REGARDING EEOPs GOVERNING THIS AWARD, RECIPIENT ACKNOWLEDGES THAT FAILURE TO SUBMIT AN ACCEPTABLE EEOP IS A VIOLATION OF ITS CERTIFIED ASSURANCES AND MAY RESULT IN SUSPENSION OF DRAWDOWN OF FUNDS UNTIL EEOP HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS. Additional Instructions For Grantees Receiving $25,000 Or More, But Under $500,000: Pursuant to Department of Justice regulations, each grantee that receives $25,000 or more and has 50 or more employees is required to maintain an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) on file for review by OCR upon request. (However, if the grantee is awarded $1,000,000 in an eighteen (18) month period, it must submit an acceptable EEOP to OCR.) Please complete the applicable section of the attached Certification Form and return it to OCR within 60 days of the date of this letter. NOTE: If agency has under 50 employees, regardless of amount of award, no EEOP is required; however, grantee must return applicable portion of Certification Form to OCR within 60 days. If you have already submitted an EEOP as pan of another award from the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) or the Office of Community Orienl~d Policing Services (COPS) within this grant period, or if you have certified that no EEOP is required, it is not necessary for you to submit another at this time. Simply send a copy of the letter you received from OCR showing that your EEOP or certification is acceptable. Additional Instructions For Grantees Receiving Under $25,000: A recipient of under $25,000 is not required to maintain or submit an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) in accordance with Assurance No. 15. No Certification is required. Instructions for All Grantees: In addition, all recipients, regardless of their type, the monetary amount awarded, or the number of employees in their workforce, are subject to the prohibitions against discrimination in any funded program or activity. Therefore, OCR. investigates complaints by individuals or groups alleging discrimination by a recipient of OJP funding; and may require all recipients, through selected compliance reviews, to submit data to ensure their services are delivered in an equitable manner to all segments of the service population and their employment practices are in compliance with equal employment opportunity requirements. 2 If you have any questions, please call OCR. at (202) 307-0690. Additional information and technical assistance on the civil rights obligations of grantees can be found at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/. CC; Grant Manager Financial Analyst Sincerely, Michael L. Alston Acting Director, Office for Civil Rights The employment practices of certain Indian Tribes are not covered by Tile VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. sec. 2000e, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AWARD OmCE OF mSTICE ~ OJP ill BJA I~i OJJDP i x~ GRANT ~ BJS ' i NH ~ OVC , ~ C~PE~TIVEAG~EMENT C[~CK APPROP~ATE BOX PAGE I OF 7 I. GRANTEE NAME A2qD ADDRESS (Including Zip Code) Columbia Heights City 590 40~ Ave. NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3875 4. AWARD NUMBER: 2002.LB-BX-I304 5. PROJECT PERIOD: FROM 10/01/2001 TO 09/30t2003 BUDGET PERIOD: FROM I0/01/2001 TO 09/30/2003 IA. GRANTEE IRS/VENDOR NO. 416005069 6. ,',,WARD DATE 07/10/2002 : 7. ACTION , 2. SUBGRANTEE NAME AND ADDRESS (lncludingZip Code) g. SUPPLEMENT NUMBER i-~ Initial Supplemental 2A. SUBGRANTEE IRS/VENDOR NO. 9. PREVIOUS AWARD AMOUNT S0.00 3. PROJECT TITLE 10. AMOUNT OF THIS AWARD S[7,241 FY 2002 Local Law Enforcement Block Gran~, 1 i. TOTAL AWARD S17.241 ' 12. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Check, if applicable1 THE ABOVE GRANT PROJECT IS APPROVED SUBJECT TO SUCH CONDITIONS OR LIMITATIONS AS ARE SET FORTH ON THE A'I-rACHED 6 PAG ES 13. STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOR GRANT --~ TITLE I OF THE OMNIBUS CRIME CONTROL AND SAFE STREETS ACT OF 1968. -- 42 U.S,C. 3701. ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED TITLE 2 OF THE JUVENILE JUSTICE AND DELINQUENCY PREVENTION ACT OF 1974 42 U.S.C. 5601, ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED ViCTIMS OF CRIME ACT OF 1984, 42 U.S.C. 10601, ET. SEQ., PUBLIC LAW 98-473, AS AMENDED OTHER (Sp~n:ify}: Fiscal Year 21302, Departmenta of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary. and Related Agencies Appropriations Act (~ab. L. No, X~ 107-77) 14. FUTURE FISCAL YEAR(S} SUPPORT: SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD: N/A AMOUNT OF FUNDS: N/A THIRD YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD: N/A AMOUNT OF FUNDS: N/A TYPE OF FUNDS: TYPE OF FUNDS: 15. METHOD OF PAYMENT THE GRANTEE WiLL RECEIVE CASH VIA A LETTER OF CREDIT ., ~ YES ~~ NO ;~ AGENCY APPROVAL ~ ~ GRANTEE ACCEPTANCE 16. TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF APPROVING OJP OFFICIAL Richard Nedeikoff Dir~to~ Bureau Of Justice Assistance Ig. TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE OFFICIAL ~ Gary Pete~-,on Mayor [ 17. SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OJP OFFICIAL 19. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE 19A. DATE 20. ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION CODES J FISCAL FUND BUD. DIV. ' YEAR CODE ACT. DFC. REG. SUB, POMS X B LI 80 ~0 00 21. LIgMI4 LI02U01304 OJP FORM 4000t2 (REV, 587) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AWARD CONTINUATION OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS SHEET ~ OJP X BJA OJJDP X GRANT ~ BJS ~ NIJ --* OVC COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX PROJECT NUMBER: 2002.LB-BX- [304 AWAR'D DATE~ 07110/2002 SPECIAL CONDITIONS PAGE 2 OF 7 1. The recipient agrees to comply with the financial and administrative r~quirements set forth in the current edition of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide. 2. The recipient agrees to comply with the organizational audit requirements of OMB Circular. A- 133, Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Prot~ Organizations, as further described in OJP's Financial Guide. Chapter 19. 3. The recipient acknowledges that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (if recipient is required to submit one pursuant to 28 CFR 42.302), that is approved by the Office or'Civil Rights, is a violation of its Certified Assurances and may result in suspension or termination of funding, until such time as the recipient is in compliance. 4. The recipient agrees that federal funds under this award will be used to supplement but not ~ppiant state or local funds, pursuant to section 101 (g) of H.R. 728, 104th Cong. ( 1995 ). 5. The recipient shall submit one copy of ail reports and proposed publications resulting from this agreement twenty {20) days prior to public release. Any publications (written, visual, or sound), whether published at the recipient's or government's expense, shall contain the following statement: (NOTE: This excludes press releases, newsletters, and issue analysis.) "This project was supported by Grant No. 2002-LB-BX- t 304 awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. OFfice of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the ot'ficial position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice." 6. The recipient agrees to provide information required for any national evaluation conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice. 7. The recipient agrees, if the funds are used for the hiring and employing of new, additional law enforcement officers and/or support personnel, as described in the applicable purpose area of Subpar~ A section 101(al(2) of H.R. '728. 104th Cong. (1995), that the recipient unit of local government will achieve a net gain in the number of law enforcement officers who perform non-administrative public safety service. If the funds are used for the hiring and employing of new, additional law enforcement officers and/or support personnel, the unit of local government will establish procedures to give members of the Armed Forces who, on or at'ret October 1, 1990, were or are selected for involuntary separation (as described in section 1141 of Title 10, United States Codel, approved for separation under section 1174a or 1175 of such title, or retired pursuant to the authority provided under section 4,1.03 of the Defense Conversion, Reinvestment, and Transition Assistance Act of 1992 (division D of Public Law 102-484; 10 U.S.C. 1923 note), a suitable preference in the employment of persons as additional taw enforcement officers or suppor~ personnel. OJP FORM 4000/'2 (REV. 587) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS ~ OJP X' BJA OJJDP ~ BJS ~ NL1 OVC CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT PROJECT NUMBER: 2002-LB-BX- i 304 ,\WARD DATE 07110/2002 SPECIAL CONDITIONS CONTINUED PAGE 3 OF 7 8. The recipient agrees this award document constitutes the obligation of federal funds for use by the recipient in execution of the program or project covered by the award. Such obligation may be terminated without further cause if the recipient fails to affirm its timely utilization of the award by accepting the award and special conditions within 45 calendar days from the date of award. 9. The recipient agrees to submit the Request for Drawdown via the Interact system within 90 calendar days from the date of award, or to have all funds deobligated for redismbution dUnng the next funding cycle. 10. Local recipients agree to one 24 month obligation and expenditure period, as established at the approval of the Request for Drawdown. All funds must be expended by the end of this 24 month period with no exceptions. 1 I. Local recipients are required to establish a trust fund account. This fund may not be used to pay debts incurred by other activities beyond the scope of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program. The recipient also agrees to obligate and expend the grant funds in the trust fund (including any interest earned) during the 24 month period. Grant funds (including any interest earned) not expended by the end of the 24 month period must be returned to the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) by the end of the 27th month, along with the final submission of the Financial Status Report (SF-269A), 12. The recipient agrees to submit one final progress report via the Interact system at the end of the 24 month obligation and expenditure period. 13. The recipient agrees, if funds are used by the recipient or subrecipient for enhancing security, that the recipient or subrecipient - - (a) has an adequate process to assess the impact of any enhancement ora school security measure that is undertaken under subparagraph (B) of section 101(a)(2), on the incidence of crime in the geographic area where the enhancement is undertaken; (b) will conduct such an assessment with respect to each such enhancement: and, (c) will submit to the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) an annual assessment report via the Internet system. OJP FORM 400~2 (REV. 557) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUST[CE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS ~ OJP X BJA . OJJDP CHECK. APPROPRIATE BOX AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET _._x GRAm' COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT PAGE 4 OF 7 PROJECT NUMBER: 2002-LB-BX-1304 AWARD DATE 071t0/2002 SPECIAL CONDITIONS CONTINUED [4. 15. The recipient agrees to comply with 28 CFR Part 23 if federal funds are used to support Criminal Intelligence Systems. The recipient agrees to assist BJA in complying with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other related federal environmental impact analyses requirements in the use of these grant funds, either directly by the recipient or by a subrecipient. Accordingly, prior to obligating grant funds, the recipient agrees to first determine if any of the following activities will be related to the use of the grant funds. The recipient understands that this special condition applies to its following new activities, whether or not they are being specifically funded with these grant funds. That is, as long as the activity is being conducted by the recipient, a subrecipient, or any third party, and the activity needs to be undertaken in order to use these grant funds, this special condition must first be met. The activities covered by this special condition are: 1. New construction; 2. Minor renovation or remodeling ora property either (a) listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places or (b) located within a 100-year flood plain; 3. A renovation, lease, or any proposed use of a building or facility that will either (a) result in a change in its basic prior use or (b) significantly change its size; and, 4. Implementation ora new program involving the use of chemicals other than chemicals that are (a) purchased as an incidental component of a funded activity and (b) traditionally used, for example, in office, household, recreational, or educational environments. Application of This Special Condition to Recipient's Existing Programs or Activities: For any of the recipient's or its subrecipient's existing programs or activities that will be funded with these grant funds, the recipient, upon specific request from BJA, agrees to cooperate with BJA in any preparation by BJA ora national or program environmental assessment of that funded program or activity. 16. The recipient agrees to ensure that the State Information Technology Point of Contact receives written notification regarding any information technology project funded by this grant during the obligation and expenditure period. This is to facilitate communication among local and state governmental entities regarding various information technology projects being conducted with these grant funds. In addition, the recipient agrees to maintain an administrative file documenting the meeting of this requirement. For a list of State Information Technology Points of Contact, go to http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ec/states.htm 17. The recipient agrees to provide and expend a 10 percent cash match (calculated as 1/9 of the federal award amount) before the end of the 24 month obligation and expenditure period. The recipient is reminded that the matching funds are auditable under Special Condition #2 and will be binding to the recipient. OJP FORM 4000/2 (REV. 587) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE u.s. DEP^RTME~ O~JUSTICE AWARD CONTINUATION OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS SHEET ~ OJP , X i BJA OJJDP X GRANT !~ BJS ~ .... N~ OVC C~P~RATIVE AGREEMENT CHECK. APPROP~ATE BOX PAGE 5 OF 7 PROJECT NUMBER: 2002.LB-BX-I304 AWARD DATE 07/10/2002 SPECIAL CONDITIONS CONTINUED 18. The recipient agrees that prior to the obligation or expenditure of any LLEBG funds, at least one ( 1 ) public hearing will be held regarding the proposed use(s) of the grant funds. The recipient must also provide verification to BJA, via the [ntemet system, of the public hearing. At the hearing, persons shall be given an opportunity to provide written and oral views to the recipient on the proFosed use(s) of the grant Bands. The recipient will hold the public hearing at a time and place that allows and encourages public attendance and participation. The recipient may not request a drawdown of funds until these requirements are met and thc formal budget allocations are adopted by the recipient. 19. The recipient agrees that prior to the obligation or expenditure of any LLEBG funds, a previously designated or newly established advisory board will meet to discuss the proposed use(s) of the grant funds. The recipient will designate the advisory board to make nonbinding recommendations on the use(s) of funds under the LLEBG Program. Membership. on the advisoty board must include a representative from the following, though it may be broader: a) the local police department or sheriffs depanTncnt; b) the local prosecutor's office; c) thc local court system; d) the local school system; and, e) a local nonprofit, educational, religious, or community group active in crime prevention or drug use prevention or The recipient may not request a drawdown of funds until these requirements are met and the formal budget allocations are adopted by the recipient. 20. The recipient has certified it is in compliance with the Pub[ic Safety Officers' Health Benefits Provision of the Fiscal Year 2002, Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act (Pub. L. No. 107-77) and agrees to remain in compliance during the life of the grant. This provision requires that the unit of local government which employs a public safety officer (as defined by section 12(~4 ofTitte [ of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended) to afford such public safety officer who retires or is separated from service due to ~njury suffered as a direct and proximate result of a personal injury sustained in the line of duty while responding to an emergency situation or hot pursuit (as such terms are defined by State law) with the same or better level of health insurance benefits at the time of retirement or separation as the officer received while employed by the jurisdiction. If the recipient demonstrates noncompliance during the life of the grant, l0 percent of the award amount must be returned to BJA. 21. The recipient agrees that funds provided under this award may not be used to operate a "pay-to-stay" program in any local jail. The recipient further agrees not to subaward funds to local jails which operate "pay-to-stay" programs. OJP FORM 4000/2 (REV. 587) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE PROJECT NUMBER: U.S.. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS OJP X BJA OJJDP BJS NIJ OVC CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX '~002-LB-BX- 1304 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AWARD DATE 07, ~0,2002 PAGE 6 OF 7 SPECIAL CONDITIONS CONTINUED 22. Mitigation of Health, Safety, and Environmental Risks a. General Requirement: The grantee agrees to comply with Federal, State, and local environmental, health, and safety taws and regulations applicable to the investigation and closure of clandestine methamphetamine laboratories and the removal and the disposal of the chemicals, equipment, and wastes used in or resulting fi.om the operations of these laboratories. b. Specific Requirements: The grantee understands and agrees that any program or initiative involving either the identification, seizure, or closure of clandestine methamphetamine laboratories, hereafter ret'erred to as the "Program", can result in adverse health, safety, and environmental impacts to (1) the law enforcement and other governmental personnel involved; (2) any residents, occupants, users, and neighbors of the site ora seized clandestine laboratory; (3) the seized laboratory site's immediate and surrounding environment; and (4) the immediate and surrounding environment of the site(s) where any remaining chemicals, equipment, and wastes fi.om a seized laboratoty's operations are placed or come to rest. Therefore, the grantee further agrees that in order to avoid or mitigate the possible adverse health, safety, and environmental impacts of its Program. it will (I) incJude the nine, below listed protective measures or components within its Program; (2) provide for their adequate funding to include funding, as necessary, beyond that provided by this grant agreement; and (3) implement these protective measures throughout the life of this grant agreement. In so doing, the grantee understands that tt may implement these protecuve measures directly through the use of its own resources and staffor may secure the qualified sen, ices of other agencies, contractors, or other qualified third parties. 1. Provide medical screening of personnel assigned or to be assigned by the grantee to the seizure or closure of clandestine methamphetamine laboratories: 2. Provide Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) required initial and refi.esher training for law enforcement officials and other personnel assigned by the grantee to either the seizure or the closure of clandestine methamphetamine laboratories; 3. As determined by their specific duties, equip personnel assigned to the Program with OSHA required protective wear and other required safety equipment; 4. Assign properly trained personnel to prepare a comprehensive contamination repor~ on each closed laboratory; OJP FOl~Jv14000/2 (REV. 587) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE U.S. DEPARTMENTOFJUST1CE AWARD CONTINUATION OmCE or rUST,CE PROCZa~SS S H EET OJP : X B,IA ~ OJJDP X GRANT BJS NIJ OVC COOPERATIVE AGi~EEM ENT CHECK APPROPPJATE BOX PAGE 7 OF 7 PROJECT ,NUMBER: 2DO2-LB. BX-1304 AWARD DATE 07/1fl/2002 SPECIAL CONDITIONS CONTINUED 5. Employ qualified disposal contractors to remove all chemicals and associated glassware, equipment, and contaminated materials and wastes fi.om the site(s) of each seized clandestine laboratory; 6. Dispose of the chemicals, equipment, and contaminated materials and wastes removed from the sites of seized laboratories at properly licensed disposal facilities or, when allowable, properly licensed recycling facilities; 7. Monitor the transport, disposal, and recycling components of subparagraphs numbered 5. and 6. immediately above in order to ensure proper compliance; 8. Have in place and implement an inter-agency agreement or other form ofcommim~ent with a responsible state environmental agency that provides for that agency's (i) timely evaluation of the environmental conditions at and around the site of a closed clandestine laboratory and (ii) coordination with the responsible party, property owner, or others to ensure that any residual contamination is remediated, if necessary, and in accordance with existing state and federal requirements; and 9. Include among the personnel involved in seizing clandestine methamphetamine laboratories, or have immediate access to, qualified personnel who can respond to the potential health needs of any of the offender(s)' children or other children present or living at the seized laboratory site. Response actions should include, at a minimum and as necessary, taking children into protective custody, immediately testing them for methamphetamine toxicity, and arranging for any necessa~ follow-up medical tests, examinations, or health care. c. Additional Requirements: As part of the Request for Drawdown process, the Grantee shall submit a brief description of its project sufficient for the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) to determine whether any additional compliance with federal environmental statutes and regulations needs to occur prior to the issuance of LLEBG funds. Furthermore, once LLEBG funds are issued, the Grantee shall notify OJP if the project changes significantly fi.om the description in the Request for Drawdown, or if significant new information is revealed during the course of the expenditure of LLEBG funds so that OJP can determine whether any additional environmental analyses need to be completed. OJP FORM 4000/2 (PJ~V. 587) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE COLUMBIA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPARTMENT 2003 Federal Equipment Block Grant List 1. Simunition Gear used in use of Force Training 8 head/Face masks 8 Protection Sleeves 1 Glock Simunition Gun 1 MP-5 Simunition Kit 1 Redman XP Suite $3,000 2. 2 each Air Tasers Less than Lethal Weapons $2,000 3. 1 ea. DPMS .223 Cal. R/fie $ 975 4. Varda Alarm upgrades 1 each Upgrade existing Varda Alarm to dig/tal 3 each Auto Theft Kit ATK900 3 each ET2LT Tilt Transmitter 3 each RTDLS Body Heat sensor V30001 Receiver 3 each B-1 Battery 14VAH for Alarms 3 each A-l/4 antenna 150 or 450 MHz $2600 5. Cabinet for remote Surveillance Camera $ 500 6. Replacement Seat Caddy's for Squad Cars $ 550 7. Digital Camera for Investigations Canon Powershot A 40 Dig Camera CAF-7634A001 Canon NB4-100 4-AA NIMH Battery CAF-6871A002AA Canon PCS 20 DLK Soft Case CAF-737A001AA Kingston 64MB Compact Flash Card KIN-C/F64 $ 375 8. Transport Belts for marked Squads x 10 each $ 270 9. Laptop Screen and Key Boards for Squads $6940 10. Water Proof Covers for Squad Car keyboards $ 200 Tax $1131.65 Total $18541.65 Buffer $ 615.35 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPARTMENT 2003 Federal Equipment Block Grant List Simunition Gear used in use of Force Training 8 head/Face masks 8 Protection Sleeves 1 Glock Simunition Gun 1 MP-5 Simunition Kit 1 Redman XP Suite 2.2 each Air Tasers Less than Lethal Weapons 3. 1 ea. DPMS .223 Cal. Rifle 4. Varda Alarm upgrades 1 each Upgrade existing Varda Alarm to digital 3 each Auto Theft Kit ATK900 3 each ET2LT Tilt Transmitter 3 each RTDLS Body Heat sensor V30001 Receiver 3 each B-1 Battery 14VAH for Alarms 3 each A-l/4 antenna 150 or 450 MHz 5. Cabinet for remote Surveillance Camera 6. Replacement Seat Caddy's for Squad Cars 7. Digital Camera for Investigations Canon Powershot A 40 Dig Camera CAF-7634A001 Canon NB4-100 4-AA NIMH Battery CAF-6871A002AA Canon PCS 20 DLK Soft Case CAF-737A001AA Kingston 64MB Compact Flash Card KIN-C/F64 8. Transport Belts for marked Squads x 10 each 9. 2 each Replacement Light Bars for Marked Squads 10. Replacement Radars for Marked Squads 10. Water Proof Covers for Squad Car keyboards Tax Total Buffer $3,000 $2,000 $ 975 $2600 $ 5OO $ 55O $ 375 $ 270 $4500 $2700 $ 200 $1148.55 $18818.55 $ 338.45 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Council Meeting of: September 23 2002 AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPT: CITY MANAGER NO: FINANCE APPROVAL ITEM: BONDING FOR PUBLIC BY: WILLIAM ELRITE BY: IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZATION TO DATE: 09/13~0;~ DATE: SEEK PROPOSALS FOR UTILITY RATE STUDY This council letter is a follow-up to previous discussions with the City Council regarding public improvements in Zone 5, Zone 6A, Zone 6B, Zone 7 and Central Avenue. At the time these projects were approved, there were limited discussions in relationship to bonding for the projects for the street portion, the water main portion and the storm sewer portion as there are not adequate City reserves to cover these construction items. The only fund that has adequate reserves to cover the construction where bonding is not necessary is the Sanitary Sewer fund. The following chart shows the breakdown of bonding needed. Name Amount Street Construction $1,370,442 Water Construction 1,240,693 Storm Sewer Construction 450,316 Streetscape 250,190 TOTAL $ 3,311,641 Also in relationship to this bonding, it will be necessary to increase storm sewer and water utility rates. To facilitate this and to examine the long-range picture in our utility funds and rate structure, staff is recommending utilizing a consultant to review and make recommendations in relationship to utility rates. The reason for this is to have an outside individual perform a more in-depth evaluation of our long-term needs and establish a long- term rate schedule. To accomplish both of these objectives, staffis requesting approval to seek proposals for a utility rate study and seeking authorization from the council to have prepare documents for a bond sale. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Work session item only. Motions will be prepared for council meeting based on the discussion at the work session. WE:sms 0209 i 31COUNCiI COUNCIL ACTION: