HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 26, 2002 RegularCITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 (763) 706-3600 TDD (763) 706-3692 Visit Our Website at: www. ci. coh.nbia-heights.mn.us ADMINIS TRA TION MaFor Gary L. Peterson Councilmembers Marlaine Szurek Julienne Wyckoff Bruce NawrocM Robert .4. Williams City Manager Walter R. Fehst August 21, 2002 Thc following is thc agenda for thc regular meeting of the City Council to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 26, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, Minnesota. The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for disabled persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the Deputy City Clerk at 763-706-3611, to make arrangements. (TDD/706-3692 for deaf or hearing impaired only) Invocation: Father Backmann, Immaculate Conception 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALl, 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE e ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO MEETING AGENDA (The Council, upon majority vote of its members, may make additions and deletions to the agenda. These may be items brought to the attention of the Council under the Citizen Forum or items submitted after the agenda preparation deadline.) e PROCLAMATIONS, PRESENTATIONS~ RECOGNITIONS AND GUESTS A) Proclamations 1) Margaret Proft Day- Anoka County Outstanding Senior Citizen Award B) Presentations-none C) Introduction of New Employees - none D) Recognition 1) Columbia Heights Beautification Committee CONSENT AGENDA (These items are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted as part of the Consent Agenda by one motion. Items removed from consent agenda approval will be taken up as the next order of business.) A) MOTION: Move to approve the Consent Agenda items as follows: 1) Minutes for Approval MOTION: Move to approve the minutes of the August 12, 2002, regular City Council meeting as presented. 2) Presentation of 2003 Proposed City Budget MOTION: Move to schedule September 3rd as a work session to review the summary proposed budget and proposed tax levy for 2003. THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ~lty t~oun¢ll ^genaa August 26, 2002 Page 2 of 4 3) Establish Work Session Meeting Dates, Primary Election Canvass Date, and Library and Park and Recreation Budget Meeting Dates MOTION: Move to establish Work Session meeting dates for Tuesday, September 3, 2002 and Monday, September 16, 2002 beginning at approximately 7:00 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room MOTION: Move to set the Primary Election Canvass Meeting for Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. MOTION: Move to set Budget Meetings with the Library Board on October 1, 2002 at 6:30 p.m. at the Library, and with the Park and Recreation Commission on Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 6:30 p.m. at Murzyn Hall 4) Establish the date for the Public Special Assessment Levy Hearings MOTION: Move to establish Monday, October 7, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. as the Public Special Assessment Levy Hearing for City Project, #9912-A Central Avenue Streetscaping and Water Service Improvements, to be held in the City Council Chamber. ALTERNATE MOTION: Move to establish Tuesday, October 15, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. as the Public Special Assessment Levy Hearing for Zone 6A Street Rehabilitation Project to be held in the City Council Chamber. 5) Authorize Expenditure of Funds for Police and Fire Reserve Appreciation Event MOTION: Move to authorize the expenditure of up to $4,000 from the Civil Defense budget fund 100-42500 line 4374 to host the annual appreciation event for the Fire and Police Reserve Units, and that the Mayor and City Manager are authorized to enter into contracts as needed for this event. 6) Authorize to Sell, Salvage, or Dispose of City Property on September 7, 2002 MOTION: Move to authorize the sale, salvage, or disposal of surplus City property as indicated ion the attached listing of surplus property. 7) Approve Rental Housing License Applications MOTION: Move to approve the items listed for rental housing license applications for August 26, 2002, in that they have met the requirements of the Housing Maintenance code. 8) Approve Business License Applications MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for August 26, 2002 as presented. 9) Approve Payment of Bills MOTION: Move to approve payment of the bills out of the proper funds as listed in the attached check register covering Check Number 99418 through 99650 in the amount of $2,260,021.75. e PUBLIC HEARINGS A) Public Hearing called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 1224-1226 Circle Ten'ace Blvd NE Move to close the Public Hearing regarding the revocation or suspension of the rental license held by Salman Ali regarding rental property at 1224-1226 Circle Terrace Blvd in that the property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code. cay council ^genoa August 26, 2002 Page 3 of 4 B) Public Heanng called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 5101 7th Street NE Move to close the Public Hearing regarding the Renovation or Suspension of the rental license held by Robert Szchokke regarding rental property at 5101 7th Street NE in that the property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code c) Public Hearing called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 3823 Polk Street N-E Move to close the Public Hearing regarding the Renovation or Suspension of the rental license held by Robert Szcokke regarding rental property at 3823 Polk Street NE in that the property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code. Public Hearing called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 3740 2nd Street NE Move to close the Public Hearing regarding the Renovation or Suspension of the rental license held by Lawrence Garner regarding rental property at 3740 2na Street NE in that the property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code. Public Hearing called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 4536-4538 7th Street Move to close the Public Hearing regarding the Renovation or Suspension of the rental license held by Donald Ferry regarding rental property at 4536-4538 7th Street NE in that the property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code. F) Public Hearmg called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 4524 Monroe Street Move to close the Public Hearing regarding the Renovation or Suspension of the Rental License held by Ruben Cruz regarding rental property at 4524 Monroe Street in that the property has been sold and is no longer considered rental property. G) Public Heanng called for Revocation/Suspension of Rental Housing License at 1206-1208 Circle Terrace Blvd NE Move to close the Public Hearing regarding the Revocation or Suspension of the rental license held by David Jacobs regarding rental property at 1206-1208 Circle Terrace Blvd NE in that the property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code. H) Rental Housing Revocation for 1231-1233 40th Avenue NE MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-53, there being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2002-53, being a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights approving Revocation pursuant to Ordinance Code section 5A.408(1) of the Rental License held by Talmer Caraway regarding rental property at 1231-1233 40th Avenue NE ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION A) Other Ordinances and Resolutions B) Bid Considerations C) Other Business 1) Authorize Joint Powers Agreement with Anoka County for development of new Public Safety Communications System - presentation by Robert M. A. John.non, Anoka County Attorney MOTION: Move to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to approve the Joint Powers Agreement with Anoka County for the development of a new Public Safety Communications system. 8. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A) Report of the City Manager t~lty t~ouncli agenaa August 26, 2002 Page 4 of 4 1) Upcoming Work Session Items B) Report of the City Attorney e GENERAL COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS A) Minutes of Boards and Commissions 1) Meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission on July 24, 2002 2) Meeting of the Economic Development Authority on July 16, 2002 3) Meeting of the Traffic Commission on August 5, 2002 4) Meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority on August 5, 2002 10. CITIZENS FORUM (At this time, citizens have an opportunity to discuss with the Council items not on the regular agenda. Citizens are requested to limit their comments to five minutes. Please note the public may address the Council regarding specific agenda items at the time the item is being discussed.) 11. COUNCIL CORNER 12. ADJOURNMENT Walter R Fehst~ Qi{y M g WF/pvm August 26, 2002 Item 5-A-3 (correction) MOTION: Move to set Budget Meetings with the Library Board on October 1, 2002 at ~ 7:00 p.m. at the Library, and with the Park and Recreation Commission on Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 6:30 p.m at Murzyn Hall. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 12, 2002 COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7 P.M. THESE MINUTES HAVE NOI BEEN APPROVED, The invocation was provided by Pastor Law from Community Methodist Church. Mayor Gary Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. Motion by Councilmember Szurek, seconded by Councilmember Williams, to appoint Carole Blowers as Secretary Pro Tem. Motion passed unanimously. Roll Call: Present: Nawrocki, Szurek, Williams, Wyckoff, Peterson The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO MEETING AGENDA Councilmember Williams asked that the item appointing a citizen to the Police/Fire Civil Service Commission be added. The Mayor stated this item would be added to the agenda and discussed under "Items for Consideration" later in the agenda. PROCLAMATIONS~ PRESENTATIONS~ RECOGNITIONS AND GUESTS There were no proclamations or new employees to be introduced. Mrs. Jim Nelson, a resident of Columbia Heights, introduced Saho Harada, a 13-year-old girl from Yamaguchi City, Japan, who is staying with her in connection with an Anoka County 4-H youth exchange program. Ms. Harada presented Mayor Peterson with a letter from the Mayor of Yamaguchi City, and she also presented various maps and other items to the council from Japan. Ms. Harada will be in our city until August 22nd. The Mayor wished to accept a donation of $272.00, which was received at the Police and Fire Appreciation Event on Friday, August 2, 2002. This donation will be split evenly between the Police and Fire Departments. The businesses and individuals who helped with the event were thanked. Rand Rittmiller presented beautifully framed appreciation plaques to the Police Chief and Fire Chief, which had prayers for the fire and police personnel stated on the plaques. CONSENT AGENDA The following items were removed from the consent items: · Authorizing financial assistance for the 2003 Columbia Heights Historical Society calendar · Authorizing capital equipment replacement for unit #309, Graco Linelazer III line striper · Adopting resolution No. 2002-49, approving a lot split of the property at 325 Summit Street N.E. MOTION by Councilmember Nawrocki, seconded by Councilmember Wyckoff, and approved unanimously to approve the following Consent Agenda items: Minutes for Approval MOTION: Approve the minutes of the July 22, 2002, regular City Council meeting as presented. (Councilmember Nawrocki questioned the number of units reported in the minutes for the St. Tim's project; it was decided the number mentioned in the minutes were correct.) City Council Minutes August 12, 2002 Page 2 of 14 Adopt Resolution No. 2002-51, being a resolution authorizing participation in the Safe and Sober Communities Grant Program for 2003 MOTION: Waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-51, there being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2002-51, being a resolution authorizing participation in the Safe and Sober Communities grant program. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-51 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE SAFE AND SOBER COMMUNITIES GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the mission of the Columbia Heights Police Department is to ensure the safety and security of the community. In fulfilling this mission, the Police Department engages in numerous activities including traffic safety education and enforcement; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Office of Traffic Safety recognizes the importance of traffic safety education and enforcement and has developed a grant program called SAFE & SOBER COMMUNITIES to encourage and supplement such efforts; and WHEREAS, the Columbia Heights Police Department wishes to participate with other Anoka County law enforcement agencies in the current SAFE & SOBER COMMUNITIES grant program which will run from October 1, 2002, through September 30, 2003. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chief of Police of the Columbia Heights Police Department or his designee is hereby authorized to exercise such agreements and amendments as are necessary to implement the SAFE & SOBER COMMUNITIES project on behalf of the City of Columbia Heights and the Columbia Heights Police Department. Passed this 12th day of August, 2002. Approve Transfer of Funds from General Fund to Police Department Budget to Reimburse Overtime Fund MOTION: Transfer $11,225.98, the total amount received from Unique Thrift Store, Columbia Heights High School, Columbia Heights Recreation Department, Valley View PTA, CHHS All Night Party Committee, and the Palace Bar for off duty security worked, from the General Fund to the Police Department 2002 Budget under line 1020, Police Overtime. Authorize Columbia Heights/NEI College of Technology_ Lease Agreement for use of West Gymnasium from September 1, 2002 through May 31, 2003. MOTION: Approve lease agreement with NEI College of Technology for use of West Gymnasium from September 1, 2002 - May 31, 2003 upon terms stated in lease and furthermore, to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same. (Note: The Mayor stated this agreement is only for the west gymnasium as the east gym is unsafe.) Authorize NPDES Phase II Permit: LMC Guide Plan Agreement MOTION: Authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign the Letter of Understanding with the LMC for the NPDES Phase II guide plan development; and furthermore, authorize payment not-to-exceed $5,000 from the Storm Water Utility Fund, 604-49650-3050. City Council Minutes August 12, 2002 Page 3 of 14 Approve Professional Services Agreement with American Engineering Testing for the Central Avenue Improvements MOTION: Approve the contract with AET, Inc. in an amount not-to-exceed $27,500 with funding designated from project fired 402-59912-3050, and furthermore; to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same. Authorize final payment for 2002 Street and Parking Lane Striping MOTION: Accept the work for 2002 Street and Parking Lane Striping and to authorize payment of $4,541.34 to AAA Striping Service Company of Rogers, MN. Establish hearing date of August 26, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a license to operate rental property at 1224-1226 Circle Terrace Blvd., 1231-1233 40th Ave., 5101 7th St. & 3823 Polk St., 3740 2na St., 4536-4538 7th St., 1206-1208 Circle Terrace Blvd., and 4524 Monroe St MOTION: Establish a Heating Date of August 26, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Salman Ali at 1224-1226 Circle Terrace Blvd NE. MOTION: Establish a Hearing Date of August 26, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Talmer Caraway at 1231-1233 40th Avenue NE. MOTION: Establish a Hearing Date of August 26, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Robert Zschokke at 5101 7th St. & 3823 Polk St. NE. MOTION: Establish a Hearing Date of August 26, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Lawerence Garner at 3740 2nd Street NE. MOTION: Establish a Heating Date of August 26, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Donald Ferry at 45364538 7th Street NE. MOTION: Establish a Heating Date of August 26, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against David Jacobs at 1206-1208 Circle Terrace Blvd NE. MOTION: Establish a Hearing Date of August 26, 2002 for Revocation or Suspension of a License to Operate a Rental Property within the City of Columbia Heights against Ruben Cruz at 4524 Monroe Street NE. Adopt Resolution No. 2002-50, being a Resolution adopting the 2003 Business License Fee Schedule an presented MOTION: Waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-50, there being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Adopt Resolution #2002-50 being a Resolution adopting the 2003 Business License Fee Schedule as presented. City Council Minutes August 12, 2002 Page 4 of 14 RESOLUTION NO. #2002-50 ADOPTING 2003 BUSINESS LICENSE FEE SCHEDULE WHEREAS: Ordinance No. 853, City Code of 1977, pertaining to commercial licensing regulations provides for the establishing of annual license fees; and WHEREAS: The City has participated in a survey of metropolitan municipalities regarding business license fees charged by other communities; and WHEREAS: The City is attempting to maintain business license fees which are comparable to other communities; and WHEREAS: The City annually reviews its business license fee schedule and has concluded that our fees are comparable to other communities in the metro area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the attached proposed license fee schedule be adopted and effective January 1, 2003. Passed this 12th day of August, 2002. 2003 BUSINESS LICENSE FEES Effective January 1~ 2003 through December 31~ 2003, CATEGORY FEES ARTICLE SECTION Amusement Centers/Arcades ($5,000 Bond/S100 Inv. Fee) (PD) $500 IV 2 Auto Recycling Dealer/Yard ($1000 Bond) PD,FD, ZA $500 II 2 Beer Sales (PD, BI, FI) On Sale ($150 Inv. Fee 1st time appl.) OffSale ($150 Inv. Fee 1st time appl.) Temporary Beer (per day basis) ($500 Appl. Fee; $150 Investigation Fee) $400 $150 $100 V 1 Carnivals ($500 deposit & insurance) (PD) Christmas Tree Sales (FI) (P&Z Comm) ($200 Clean-up Deposit) $50/day V 8 $50 II 6 Cigarettes/Tobacco Sales (S&H) $200 III 2 Contractors (Bond and Insurance) General (if not licensed by State) Blacktop Excavator Masonry/Concrete Moving Demolition Plaster/Stucco Heating/Cool ing Gas Piping Plumbing Sign Installation $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 IV 7 City Council Minutes August 12, 2002 Page 5 of 14 CATEGORY Courtesy Benches (Insurance)(Eng. Dept.) Games Of Skill (PD) Plus Kennels, Commercial (PD) Plus, per cage Liquor Sales (PD, FI, BI) Class A (Inv. Fee $500-$2000) Class B (Inv. Fee $500-$2000) Class C (Inv. Fee $500-$2000) Class D (Inv. Fee $500-$2000) Class E (Inv. Fee $500-$2000) On Sale Wine (Inv. Fee $500-$2000) Sunday Liquor Sales Temporary On Sale (Inv. Fee $500-$2000) "Club On Sale Liquor (Inv. Fee$500-$2000) up to 200 members 201 to 500 members 501 to 1,000 members 1,001 to 2,000 members 2,001 to 4,000 members 4,001 to 6,000 members Over 6,000 members Massage Therapist Business (PD,ZA) ($250 Investigation Fee) Massage Therapy, Individual (PD, ZA) ($250 Investigation Fee) Motor Vehicle Fuel Dispensing Stations (FI) First Metering Device Each Add'l. Metering Device L.P. Gas Per Metering Device Motor Vehicle Rental/Leasing (ZA) A. New Application B. Renewal Application Motor Vehicle Sales (New & Used) (PD) Pawnbroker ($5,000 Bond/$100 Inv. Fee) (PD) Pet Shop (PD)(Humane Officer) Pool/Billiard Hall ($100 Inv. Fee) (PD) Popcorn, Candy, Food Catering Vehicles (PD) (Insurance - Public & Vehicle Liability) Precious Metal Dealers ($5,000 Bond)(PD) ($100 Investigation Fee) New Applicant Renewal FEES $25/each $15/Location $15/machine $50 $10 $8,000 $6,500 $6,500 $8,000 $5,500 $2,000 $200 $100/day Per membership $ 300 $ 500 $ 650 $ 800 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $500 $100 $50 $10 $50 $75 $50 $200 $12,000 $50 $100 $50 $300 $200 ARTICLE VI IV VI V V V V V V V V V II VI II II VI IV VI VI SECTION 6 4 9 12 12 City Council Minutes August 12, 2002 Page 6 of 14 CATEGORY FEES ARTICLE SECTION Secondhand Memhant Business ($5,000 Bond) $100 (Investigation Fee $100) (PD, FI, BI) Exhibition/Convention/Shows/Expos ($5,000 Bond) First Day $50 Each Additional Day $10 II 4 II 4 Sexually Oriented/Adult Business (PD,FI,ZA,AC) $10,000 (Investigation Fee $500-$10,000) V 6 Transient Merchant/Peddlers (PD) A. Itinerant Hawker/Peddler B. Transient Merchant II $50/day; $100/mo.; $500/yr. $50/day; $100/mo.; $500/yr. Tree Removal & Treatment (Ins.) (PWD) $50 VI 10 LATE PENALTY ON ALL ANNUALLY RENEWABLE FEES 1 - 15 DAYS LATE 16-30 DAYS LATE 25% PENALTY OVER ORIGINAL FEE 50% PENALTY OVER ORIGINAL FEE OVER 30 DAYS LATE, LEGAL PROCEDURES BEGUN. DEPARTMENTS RESPONSIBLE FOR APPROVAL OF LICENSE PD - Police Department FI - Fire Department BI - Building Inspector PWD - Public Works Dpt S&H - Safety and Health Inspector CF - City Forestor ZA Zoning Administrator AC - Anoka County All New Licenses Must Have Zoning Administrator's Approval Approve Business License Applications MOTION: Approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for August 12, 2002 as presented. Approve Payment of Bills MOTION: Approve payment of the bills out of the proper funds as listed in the attached check register covering Check Number 99149 through 99417 in the amount of $3,965,440.77. The following items were removed from the consent agenda and now acted upon: Authorize Financial Assistance for the 2003 Columbia Heights Historical Socie _ty Calendar Catherine Vesley, President of the Columbia Heights Historical Society spoke regarding the calendar project they wanted to pursue. The society has approximately 90 members now, all strictly volunteer. On the proposed calendar, they would like to include all regularly scheduled council meetings and board and commission meetings for the year, school events, organizational events, etc. The Historical Society is asking the City Council for a $500 donation and a $500 loan. The Historical Society is also asking for money from other sources. Councilmember Nawrocki stated that the VFW has agreed to donate $500 for this project. Councilmember Williams stated he felt the members should come up with additional funds. If the city were to donate these funds, he questioned where would the monies come from since this was not an item budgeted for. City Council Minutes August 12, 2002 Page 7 of 14 Motion by Councilmember Nawrocki, seconded by Councilmember Wyckoff, that the city authorize $500 for the Columbia Heights Historical Society's calendar project and an additional $500 loan to help them get started on the project. Roll Call vote: Ayes: Nawrocki, Szurek, Wyckoff, Peterson; Nays: Williams. Authorize Capital Equipment Replacement: Unit #309 Graco Linelazer III Line Striper Councilmember Nawrocki stated he went to the Public Works garage to view this piece of equipment and talk with the public works personnel. He does not feel this piece of equipment needs to be replaced at this time; perhaps another year of service could be gotten out of it. Councilmember Williams stated that according to the council letter, the unit is worth $700 now and we should dispose of it now. He also stated that all pieces of equipment mn their life of usefulness, and they should be disposed of before they are worth nothing. Motion by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Councilmember Szurek, to authorize the Capital Equipment Replacement of Unit #309 with one new Graco Linelazer III 5900, model 232662, 2 gun system complete from Diamond Vogel Paints, Minneapolis, Minnesota, in the amount of $4,984 plus sales tax, with funding from the State Aid Maintenance Fund, 212-43190, with the existing piece of equipment being disposed of via public auction as soon as possible. Roll call vote: Ayes: Szurek, Williams, Wyckoff, Peterson. Nays: Nawrocki. Adopt Resolution No. 2002-49, being a Resolution approving a lot split of the property_ at 325 Summit Street NE: The council is to consider a request for a lot split at 325 Summit Street N.E. The City is proposing to split off a portion of the property it owns, which will be used for a future street and alley reconfiguration. Councilmembers had various questions about the properties the city now owns in this area (3944 and 3950 Lookout Place, 3955 University Avenue, and 325 Summit Street). The City is also currently negotiating to purchase the commercial business at 322 40th Avenue N.E., thereby creating a more usable, larger, and functional property. A future vacation of a portion of Lookout Place would create a safer intersection and open up a future redevelopment oppommity for the 40th and University Avenue corridor. The intent is to vacate a portion of Lookout Place and reconfigure the east-west alley that currently has access to Lookout Place. The lot split and street and alley reconfiguration will allow for a City-owned redevelopment parcel of approximately one acre in size. Staff recommends approval of the lot split at 325 Summit Street, as it meets the technical standards of the Zoning Ordinance, and is consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan. Tim Johnson, Planner, stated that approximately thirty property owners were sent notices regarding this property. Councilmember Nawrocki questioned the loading and unloading situation with the property owner at 334 40th' Tim Johnson stated that the property owner at that address is happy with the information the city provided to him. Councilmember Nawrocki stated that the city has not had a meeting with all the people living along that area, and questioned why this lot split should be done now. He felt those residents should have an opportunity to provide comments, ask questions, etc. before this lot split is done. Councilmember Williams stated the city has bought three lots, and now this one to complete the development of that comer. Gen Kuppe, 5000 Johnson Street, questioned why the city would buy the property before having a plan for it. The Mayor explained that we bought the property and already own the triangular parcel next to it. We needed this property for our redevelopment project on 40th and University. City Council Minutes August 12, 2002 Page 8 of 14 MOTION by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Councilmember Szurek, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2002-49, there being ample copies available to the public. Motion passed unanimously. MOTION by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Councilmember Szurek, to adopt Resolution 2002- 49, being a Resolution approving a lot split of the property at 325 Summit Street NE. Roll call vote: Ayes: Szurek, Williams, Wyckoff, Peterson. Nays: Nawrocki. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-49 SUBDIVISION REQUEST The City of Columbia Heights, Hereby requests a split of PIN 35 30 24 31 0119 Legally described as: Lots 16, 17, 18; Block 68, Columbia Heights Annex to Minneapolis; Anoka County, Minnesota. THE DESCRIPTIONS HENCEFORTH TO BE: Tract A: Lot 18 & that part of Lot 17, Block 68, Columbia Heights Annex to Minneapolis, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of the following described "Line 1" and southeasterly of the following described "Line 2". Tract B: Lot 16 and that part of Lot 17, Block 68, Columbia Heights Annex to Minneapolis, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying southwesterly of the following described "Line 1" and northwesterly of the following described "Line 2". "Line I" Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 17, distant 21.00 feet westerly of the southeast comer; thence northwesterly to a point on the west line, said point being 100.00 feet southerly of the northwest comer and there terminate. "Line 2" Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 17, distant 10.00 feet easterly of the northwest comer; thence southwesterly to a point on the west line, said point being 10.00 feet southerly of the northwest comer and there terminate. Be it further resolved that special assessments of record in the office of the City of Columbia Heights as of this day, against the above described property, are paid. Any pending or future assessments will be levied according to the new split as approved this day. Any lot split given approval shall become invalid if the resolution, motion or other Council action approving the said lot split is not filed with the County Recorder within one (1) year of the date of the Council action. PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT ACTION: This ~ day of ,2002 Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Zoning Officer Signature of Owner, Notarized Owner's Address Telephone No. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this day of ,2002 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: City Council Minutes August 12, 2002 Page 9 of 14 Notary Public This 12th day of August, 2002. PUBLIC HEARINGS - none ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Other Ordinances and Resolutions- None Bid Considerations - None Other Business Consideration of Appointment to the Police/Fire Civil Service Commission The addition to the agenda regarding an appointment to the Police/Fire Civil Service Commission was taken up at this time. Motion by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Councilmember Szurek, to appoint Mitch DeMars to the Police/Fire Civil Service Commission. Motion passed unanimously. The Mayor asked the Secretary Pro Tern to contact Mr. DeMars about the appointment. Authorization to Reinstate Parking on the North side of 37th Avenue from Tyler Street to Hart Boulevard Staff has received a petition signed by fronting property owners on 37th requesting the reinstatement of parking on the north side of 37th from Tyler Street to Hart Boulevard. The Traffic Commission held a public hearing in October of 1999 and recommended to the City Council to reinstate parking on the north side. The Council considered the request and recommendation in the fall of 1999 and voted to retain the parking restriction. The City of Minneapolis reinstated parking on the south side of 37th Avenue in 1997- 1998. City Manager, Walt Fehst, stated there are no parking restrictions from November 1-April 1. Councilmember Szurek stated she is against reinstating parking on the north side of 37th Avenue from Tyler Street to Hart Boulevard. The Mayor felt there could be a mowing problem. Councilmember Nawrocki directed a question about parking on Central Avenue/37th to the Public Works Director, as this was previously discussed at a work session. Councilmember Nawrocki thought a letter should go out to residents about night-time and restricted time parking. He also felt a speed study should be done now and then again in three months. MOTION by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Councilmember Nawrocki, to accept the petition from the abutti,nt~ property owners along 37th Avenue requesting the removal of the No Parking Restriction on 37 Avenue from Tyler Street to Hart Boulevard. Motion passed unanimously. MOTION by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Councilmember Wyckoff to reinstate parking on the north side of 37th Avenue from Tyler Street to Hart Boulevard on a one (1) year interim basis, based on the petition received and a former recommendation (1999) of the Traffic Commission. Roll call vote: Ayes: Nawrocki, Williams, Wyckoff, Peterson. Nays: Szurek. Table or Accept Proposal from BRA for the Huset Park Master Plan The Park and Recreation Commission directed staff to prepare a Request for Proposals at their July, 2001, regular meeting. Requests for proposals were sent to eight firms, and only three met the requirements stated in the RFP (Bonestroo, Short, Elliot, and Hendrickson, and URS). The Park and Recreation City Council Minutes August 12, 2002 Page 10 of 14 Commission and staff are recommending the firm of Bonestroo, Rosene, and Anderlike (BRA) to complete the Huset Park master plan. The intent of a master plan for Huset Park is to provide a detailed plan of the entire park to work from. With financial constraints, complete redevelopment of the park is unlikely. Therefore, it is the desire of the Park and Recreation Commission and city staff to have a detailed working plan to rehabilitate or rebuild elements of the park in phases, as funding becomes available. Because the city is having an industrial area market study being done at this time, it is recommended that the city wait for at least two months before considering bids for the Huset Park master plan. Councilmember Nawrocki stated that he was opposed to any study; that in the 1990's, a study was done and the comprehensive plan was done. He further stated that the city council did not authorize bids for proposals. MOTION by Councilmember Wyckoff, seconded by Councilmember Szurek, to table the acceptance of proposals for a period of 60-90 days until additional information is available for the City of Columbia Heights' Industrial Area market study. Motion passed unanimously. Approve Ballot Language for three Charter Commission Referendum Items for the Fall, 2002 General Election The City Attorney, Jim Hoefi, had prepared the ballot language for the referendum items for the fall general election, which read as follows: Ballot Question #1: "Under the current City Charter, the Police Department is under the control of the Mayor. Shall the Home Rule Charter of the City of Columbia Heights be amended to place control of the Police Department under the City Manager?" Ballot Question #2: "When considering a new or amended ordinance, shall the Home Rule Charter of the City of Columbia Heights be amended to require a four-fifths (4/5) rather than an unanimous vote of the City Council to waive the public reading of the ordinance, provide all other requirements of the Charter are met?" Ballot Question #3: "Currently the City Manager must seek authorization from the City Council before spending more than $3,000. Rather than requiring a Charter amendment any time the City Manager's authorized spending limit is adjusted, shall the Home Rule Charter of Columbia Heights be amended to authorize the City Council to adjust the City Manager's spending limit by resolution?" Councilmember Wyckoff stated she did not think that the ballot language for the second item, "Reading of Ordinances" was clear enough and needed further clarification. She stated that actually two councilmembers would have to request a reading of an ordinance. Tami Ericson, President of the Charter Commission, was present and spoke. She stated the Charter Commission wants the language to appear as clearly as possible. She stated all commission members have received the ballot language, and she has received no comments/objections to the ballot language as proposed by the City Attorney. However, she had no objections to making the language clearer. Resident Deb Johnson, 4638 Pierce Street, felt that it should state that at least two people must request the reading of an ordinance. The City Attorney agreed that, in essence, two members of the council would have to agree to request a reading. City Council Minutes August 12, 2002 Page 11 of 14 Councilmember Nawrocki stated that his belief is the current language has served well for years; if it's not broke, why fix it? He also stated that the City Attorney did a good job of preparing the ballot language. He also reminded the City Attorney that the exact wording of the proposed amendments must be published. Resident Bob Buboltz, 4311 5th Street, stated that perhaps fractions should not be used, as maybe not all councilmembers will be present. The City Attorney stated that the fraction wording is set by statute. Mayor Peterson stated that the Charter Commission is appointed by the Chief Judge, not the council. MOTION by Councilmember Szurek, seconded by Councilmember Williams, to approve the ballot language for the three referendum charter issues as prepared by the City Attorney (stated above) with the addition to the second ballot question regarding reading of ordinances should have a statement added to the end of it, which will state: "The practical effect of this amendment would mean that two councilmembers, rather than one, would have to agree to require an ordinance be read." Motion passed unanimously. At this time, Councilmember Nawrocki brought up the proposed informational flyer, which the Charter Commission is planning to send out in all water bills starting this week. Councilmembers had all received copies of the proposed informational flyer which stated the proposed ballot language for each item, as well as some pros and cons of each issue. Councilmember Nawrocki stated that the Charter Commission has not officially approved this informational flyer at a formal meeting. Councilmember Nawrocki stated that he knows that staff has already mn off these flyers, folded them, and stuffed them in the outgoing water bills, which he felt was done prematurely. With the motion just passed making an additional statement in the ballot language, he realizes that staff will now have to redo the information sheet going out in the water bills. He also stated he feels that that the flyer should only contain the ballot language and no pros or cons to the issues. Councilmember Nawrocki also stated that he thinks an actual separate mailing should be done, as well as information should be placed on cable TV and in local papers too. Mayor Peterson stated that the Charter Commission has brought these three issues to the council previously, and the council did not pass them unanimously. Therefore, the Charter Commission decided they wanted these issues put on the ballot this fall. He also stated that the Charter Commission wants to inform the public as much as possible on these issues, and pros and cons to each issue should be stated. How they wish to educate the public is up to them. Charter Commission President Ericson again stated that the commission wants to have voters make an informed decision. The pros and cons provided were to eliminate opinions and provide information. She stated the Charter Commission members have all received this wording as well. Councilmember Nawrocki stated the commission did not approve the wording on the water bill informational flyer at a formal meeting. He also stated the Charter Commission does not have the authority to put this document in the water bills to inform the public, and he does not agree with the wording or pros and cons stated. He again reiterated that only the ballot language should go out with the water bills, and not the pros and cons of each issue. Councilmembers Williams and Szurek stated that they wanted all the information, including pros and cons, to go out in the water bills. Motion by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Councilmember Szurek, to send out the informational flyer on the charter amendments as presented to them, with the additional statement to ballot question #2 as approved above. Roll call vote: Ayes: Szurek, Williams, Wyckoff, Peterson. Nays: Nawrocki. City Council Minutes August 12, 2002 Page 12 of 14 Purchase of property on Universi _ty Avenue and 53rd Street for a Liquor Store At the present time, staff is recommending that the City Council authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a contingency purchase agreement with the owners of the property on 53rd and University gas station, and the Laundromat immediately to the south of the gas station. The purchase agreement has contingencies: the purchase of each property is contingent upon the purchase of the other property; and that the buyer has the opportunity to evaluate all leases, relocation costs, and other financial information necessary to conclude the project. These contingencies are similar to the contingencies placed on the purchase agreement for the Central Avenue property. The Mayor commented on the fine new building that Bona Brothers constructed along University near 694. He would like to see more of the same along University Avenue entering Columbia Heights. Councilmember Williams stated that he visited the liquor store on University Avenue, which was built in 1964, and felt the building has definitely served its useful life, is in need of structural repair, and is too small. Councilmember Nawrocki stated he didn't feel that this issue was a high priority for him, but thought it would be good to have a different store on Central Avenue. Councilmember Wyckoff stated she is ashamed of the liquor store on University and would like to see us pursue a different location for that store. MOTION by Councilmember Szurek, seconded by Councilmember Williams, to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into contingent purchase agreements for the two properties on 53rd and University for the future construction of a new liquor store. Roll call vote: Ayes: Szurek, Williams, Wyckoff, Peterson. Nays: Nawrocki. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Report of the City Manager The City Manager reported that there were only a couple of items for the upcoming work session for Monday, August 19th. He did not feel that any further information on the liquor store issue would be available by then for further discussion. Motion by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Councilmember Szurek, to cancel the work session meeting of August 19, 2002. Motion passed unanimously. Report of the City Attorney - Nothing else to report. GENERAL COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS The Mayor acknowledged that the following minutes of boards/commissions were received: The Public Library Board of Trustees meeting of July 2, 2002; the Housing and Redevelopment Authority meeting of July 16, 2002; the Telecommunications Commission meeting of July 18, 2002; the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting of August 6, 2002; and the Charter Commission meeting of July 18, 2002. CITIZENS FORUM (At this time, citizens have an opportunity to discuss with the Council items not on the regular agenda. Citizens are requested to limit their comments to five minutes. Please note the public may address the Council regarding specific agenda items at the time the item is being discussed.) Mark Emme, of 4200 3ra Street, stated he lives in a condominium unit and he (along with several hundred other people) would not receive the informational flyer being sent in the water bills. Councilmember Nawrocki stated he had a conversation with the Finance Director about this. The Finance Director stated that his depamnent could receive assistance from the county and from our Fire Department to get names/addresses of renters to mail the informational flyer out to. City Council Minutes August 12, 2002 Page 13 of 14 Mr. Emme also stated that he applied to be on the Park and Recreation Commission about four months ago, and to date, he has not received a letter or a call or anything. He was informed that there was not an opening now, but they may have openings on that commission again. Delores Strand, 1145 Polk Place, reported on her Sister Cities global conference held in Toledo, Ohio, a few weeks ago. Delores stated she was the only Columbia Heights resident there. Delores also reported on "Wheelchairs for Peace Foundation". Delores stated there was a lot of security at the event. She reminded the community that the Sister Cities Committee would be meeting on August 13th at 9:30 a.m. at City Hall, and the Sister Cities State Conference is in St. Paul on September 1st. The 50th anniversary of Sister Cities will be in 2006. COUNCIL CORNER Councilmember Nawrocki: · stated we should take notice of the use of signage (or lack of it) at the new Bona's service station as well as the new development in Fridley and New Brighton and what is the effect of the signage on those properties. · stated that while he visited the city garage to look at the striping machine, he talked with Steve Synowczynski, Vehicle Maintenance Foreman, who showed him a handmade water truck, which was built for approximately $26,000, whereas a new one would run about $100,000 or more. · stated that while he was at National Night Out parties, he was in the area of 39th and Arthur where there was a controversial garage situation and felt the owner did a great job. · stated that he attended an elected officials meeting at Anoka County a few weeks ago, and they discussed various road projects, and he received numerous new county maps for our distribution. · stated he attended a meeting with Congressman Sabo, neighboring cities, and school boards last Saturday. He was able to discuss the federal water system infrastructure and the fact that more dollars are needed. · stated he attended an elected officials meeting in Anoka two to three weeks ago where Senator Dayton was attendance. He was able to discuss the water system infrastructure funding with him as well. · asked the City Manager if the garbage complaint on Peters Place from the last council meeting was taken care of, to which the City Manager replied it was. · "Actions speak louder than words." "Practice what you preach." Councilmember Szurek: asked the Public Works Director if the tree company was still trimming trees throughout the city. She stated there were a lot of power outages in her area, and thought maybe the trees behind the houses were the problem. The Public Works Director replied yes the company is still in the area, and he will have them check out this area. Councilmember Williams: · stated that there are a lot of trees in the city that are too big. · there's a mess on Central Avenue now, but it will be a "New Columbia Heights" when it's finished. · "Continue to pray for the peace and prosperity of our city." We have a lot of nice things happening. · "One person with a belief is a social power equal to 99 who will only have interests." City Council Minutes August 12, 2002 Page 14 of 14 "Anything in life is possible, and even if you can make it, it's never too late." "It's how you play the game; if you are out to beat someone, it's one thing; but if you play well together, you can really enjoy the game. You have to think of yourself second." "By our words we are justified, and by our words we are condemned." "Faith without words is dead." Councilmember W¥ckoff: Ask the Public Works Director about the "brush in alley" inspections and subsequent letters. · Had an apology letter from the Public Works Department for a "brush in alley" problem, which her mother received in error. The Public Works Director commented that they look for problem areas in the alley right of way, and about 2/3 of people sent these letters take care of the problem. Mayor Peterson: · stated he had received a thank you letter to the Police Department for an incident on August 6th in which Sergeant Rogers and Officer Harvey were involved. · stated he was involved in a melodrama with the Moonshoe Players at the Heights Theater on August 8th, under the direction of Liz Bray and Rachel Firchow. It felt it was an excellent experience and the talent shown in the event was outstanding. · stated regarding National Night Out, it was hard to decide who had the best food of the places he attended that night. He felt St. Timothy's Church had the best cookies; St. Matthew's Church had the best hamburgers; and First Lutheran had the best and only corn on the cob. · "Don't take yourself too seriously; enjoy life; love your neighbor; and God bless all of you. The City Manager commented on the great Public Works staff we have, always trying to save money as they can. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:58 p.m. e J. B owers,~,0cretary Pro Tem CITY COUNCIL LETTER MEETING OF: AUGUST 26, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPT: CITY MANAGER NO: ~- ~-~. FINANCE APPROVAL BY: ITEM: PRESENTATION OF 2003 PROPOSEDciTY BUDGET BY: WIJrI~IAM ELRITE NO: DATE: 08/22/2002 Attached to this council letter is a summary of the proposed budget for 2003 along with recommendations for a property tax levy. Under current state mandated Truth in Taxation guidelines, the City must adopt a proposed budget and levy and certify it to Anoka County prior to September 15th. It should be noted that this is only a proposed levy. After the proposed levy is adopted, at any future date prior to the final levy adoption in December, the proposed levy can be reduced. However, it cannot be increased. Subsequently, as in past years, staff is recommending that we adopt the maximum levy allowed under levy limits as the proposed levy. The attached document is a summary budget to begin the budget review process. At the work session of September 3rd, staff will hand out additional information and go into greater depth regarding levy limits and funding for the City budget for 2003. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to schedule September 3rd as a work session to review the summary proposed budget and proposed tax levy for 2002. WE:sms 0208222COUNCIL Attachment COUNCIL ACTION: City of Columbia Heights 2003 Budget Message Summary Budget This budget message is only intended to touch on the most significant budget items for 2003. Through the budget process the City Council will meet with division heads to review the various functional areas of the budget and to make important decisions for the final budget to be presented at our "Truth in Taxation Hearing". For 2003 Division Heads were instructed to prepare a hold-the-line budget. This was accomplished very successfully. The attached summary budget reflects a total General Fund budget of $8,912,953 for 2003 compared to $8,279,743 for 2002. This is an increase of $633,210, which is primarily due to personnel cost for employees moving through the pay plan and to cover the 3.5% pay increase that the City Council approved for 2003. The second largest cost factor is for capital equipment, which was cut from the 2002 budget. This cut is not being added back, but we are proposing that the equipment needed in the 2003 budget not be cut. Of this increase, the most significant portion is in the area of public safety, which increased by $404,724. This is broken down to an increase of $280,238 for the police department, $73,349 for the fire department and $51,137 for the civil defense department. It should be noted that the three police officer positions that were added by a temporary Federal grant in the mid 1990's are still being maintained. This keeps the police department at 25 sworn officers, which is three higher than it was before the temporary Federal grants. The significant increase in the Civil Defense budget is to replace the 1960's vintage generator that maintains power to the public safety departments of City Hall in an emergency or disaster situation. The current 1960's vintage generator is no longer safe to operate and the replacement has been cut from the budget for several years. The attached summary pages reflect the proposed 2003 budget with comparisons to the 2002 budget and the two previous years actual expenses. On the revenue side, the proposed levy is $4,817,984. This is a decrease of $6,146 from the 2002 levy. Based on this and the current projection that the city will not receive a decrease in the fiscal disparities (area wide) tax, our residents should see an overall reduction in city property taxes The gloomy side of the revenue picture is that we have received a slight increase in Local Government Aid for the 2003 budget, which is subject to be reduced by the state in an effort to offset the state budget shortfall. It is staff's recommendation that we utilize fund the balance to offset any one-time reductions to state aid. This and the revenue picture in other funds will need to be reviewed in more depth as part of the budget adoption process. Summary by Fund City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Budget 2003 Expenses General Fund Mayor-Council 41110 City Manager 41320 Elections 41410 Finance 41510 Assessing 41550 Legal Services 41610 General Government Building 41940 Police 42100 Fire 42200 Civil Defense 42500 Animal Control 42700 Public Works 43000 Engineering 43100 Streets 43121 Street Lighting 43160 Traffic Signs & Signals 43170 Weed Control 43260 Administration & General 45000 Youth Athletics 45001 Adult Athletics 45003 Youth Enrichment 45004 Travel Athletics 45005 Back to the Parks 45006 Trips & Outings 45030 Senior Citizens 45040 Recognition/Special Events 45050 Murzyn Hall 45129 Parks 45200 Tree Trimming 46102 Dutch Elm Sanitation 46103 Dutch Elm Replanting 46104 Contingencies 49200 Transfers 49300 Actual Actual 2000 2001 198 582 355 085 42 538 495 968 129 975 191 572 157 530 2,140,719 829,951 29,040 10,456 0 311,891 556,599 119,990 59,299 13,149 185,975 8,105 22,148 19,111 21,035 0 40,715 66 ,O74 47,683 219,344 609,472 47,549 49,035 8,072 0 1,080,572 189,810 348,264 7,293 525,521 125,027 183,899 117,761 2,257,311 864,302 30,055 11,768 0 419,445 535,200 113,534 58,919 9,382 189,556 5,998 21,082 22,231 11,455 10,000 37,597 66,821 51,667 231,942 582,312 37,880 38,608 9,222 0 1,940,137 Adopted Department SAmount Budget Proposed of Change 2002 2003 2002-2003 207 242 403 841 40 548 606 272 141 620 194 010 142 216 2,506,349 843,223 33,836 16,150 0 314,440 681,712 128,088 68,559 15,959 206,434 19,630 25,290 22,169 22,597 0 38,603 76,238 52,100 235,172 654,215 47,254 43,383 15,093 77,500 400,000 8,067,234 9,053,999 8,279,743 211,014 3,772 412,706 8,865 8,105 (32,443) 643,973 37,701 101,000 (40,620) 196,572 2,562 158,546 16,330 2,786,587 280,238 916,572 73,349 84,973 51,137 16,150 0 0 0 327,467 13,027 695,369 13,657 126,416 (1,672) 73,251 4,692 16,428 469 224,417 17,983 19,702 72 25,328 38 22,169 0 22,635 38 0 0 38,666 63 78,580 2,342 71,368 19,268 249,022 13,850 751,437 97,222 104,500 57,246 0 (43,383) 0 (15,093) 50,000 (27,500) 480,000 80,000 Library 45500 EDA Economic Dev Authority 46314 Home Improvements 46324 ':"~- 7[ · --'i~'.:'.-~~-~- 531,526 561,498 531,526 561,498 609,402 676,456 67,054 609,402 ' .... "' 114,847 106,785 4,537 7,777 119,384 114,562 137,015 140,569 3,554 0 0 0 137,015 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class General Fund Expense Budget 2003 Mayor-Council 101-41110 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 107,707 115,780 108,001 111,102 2,000 1,805 2,350 2,050 80,184 69,957 76,391 81,362 0 1,565 0 0 8,691 703 20,500 16,500 City Manager 101-41320 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Actual Actual 2000 2001 309,412 316,213 4,462 1,695 40,954 30,356 257 0 0 0 Adopted Department Budget Proposed 2002 2003 350,911 359,803 4,250 9,700 44,680 43,203 4,000 0 0 0 Assessing 101-41550 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 43,431 35,836 36,073 0 1,879 55 750 0 84,665 89,136 94,797 101,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 Legal Services 101-41610 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual A~ual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 191,572 182,767 194,010 196,572 0 1,132 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class General Fund Expense Budget 2003 Finance 101-41510 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 445,333 477,252 537,384 558,221 14,602 10,912 8,950 11,385 33,755 34,789 59,938 64,367 2,278 2,568 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 Elections 101-41410 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 27,948 0 27,624 0 3,284 228 4,400 0 650 659 1,701 0 10,656 6,406 6,823 8,105 0 0 0 0 Fire 101-42200 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 695,983 744,986 748,876 799,447 37,046 57,156 49,000 51,800 45,719 49,183 45,347 62,325 51,203 12,977 0 3,000 0 0 0 0 Civil Defense 101-42500 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 16,675 20,853 17,328 17,994 2,449 2,292 3,695 3,695 9,916 6,910 12,813 13,284 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class General Fund Expense Budget 2003 General Government Buildings 101-41940 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 3,733 0 0 0 16,391 10,494 19,000 15,000 109,770 107,267 93,216 143,546 27,636 0 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 Recognition/Special Events 101-45050 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 589 0 0 3,469 1,527 0 0 44,214 49,551 52,100 53,368 0 0 0 18,000 0 0 0 0 Contingencies 101-49200 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77,500 50,000 Transfers 101-49300 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,080,572 415,000 400,000 480,000 CITY Of COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class General Fund Expense Budget 2003 Police 101-42100 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 1,897,247 2,020,586 2,215,573 2,469,424 80,265 74,808 84,100 84,600 154,886 151,633 202,176 228,063 500 2,899 4,500 4,500 7,821 7,385 0 0 Animal Control 101-42700 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 139 64 550 550 10,317 11,704 15,600 15,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering 101-43100 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 176,571 197,338 252,787 266,893 14,564 12,185 18,200 12,850 35,588 36,620 41,453 37,333 3,248 2,030 2,000 10,391 81,920 171.272 0 0 Streets 101-43121 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 277,366 252,794 367,361 355,810 114,333 114,325 147,675 137,975 122,018 132,496 156,676 181,534 0 15,472 10,000 15,000 42,882 20,113 0 5,050 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class General Fund Expense Budget 2003 Street Lighting 101-43160 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 906 980 4,424 4,588 596 0 85O 900 118,488 112,554 122,814 120,928 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Traffic Signs & Signals 101-43170 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 38,051 37,773 46,920 49,328 12,741 13,071 8,600 9,900 8,507 8,075 13,039 14,023 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Weed Control 101-43260 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 7,928 6,264 11,947 12,389 125 0 300 250 5,096 3,118 3,712 3,789 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Parks 101-45200 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Depadment Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 369,557 362,283 414,678 471,937 61,474 67,996 80,050 80,300 175,719 144,691 157,487 183,100 1,262 7,342 0 14,100 1,460 0 2,000 2,000 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class General Fund Expense Budget 2003 Tree Maintenance & Care 101-46102 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 27,039 19,067 27,124 47,542 1,798 1,892 2,300 3,100 18,712 16,921 17,830 53,858 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dutch Elm Sanitation 101-46103 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 13,729 8,659 12,710 0 182 71 100 0 35,124 29,878 30,573 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dutch Elm Replanting 101-46104 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 1,347 1,175 6,049 0 0 0 100 0 6,725 8,047 8,944 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Administration & General 101-45000 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 168,354 142,955 184,075 199,210 4,440 4,006 5,950 5,950 12,116 11,083 16,409 19,257 1,065 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class General Fund Expense Budget 2003 Youth Athletics 101-45001 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 4,222 3,394 13,237 13,237 343 126 600 600 3,540 2,478 5,793 5,865 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adult Athletics 101-45003 Expenses Personal Services ,Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 3,575 3,230 7,761 7,761 4,665 2,778 2,750 2,750 13,908 15,074 14,779 14,817 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Youth Enrichment 101-45004 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 16,378 16,378 15,544 15,544 1,615 1,615 2,300 2,300 1,118 2,426 4,325 4,325 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Traveling Athletics 101-45005 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 4,348 3,533 7,443 7,443 569 52 1,025 1,025 16,118 7,870 14,129 14,167 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class General Fund Expense Budget 2003 Back to the Parks 101-45006 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Trips & Outings 101-45030 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 255 205 350 350 40,460 37,392 38,253 38,316 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Senior Citizens 101-45040 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 59,970 60,764 65,269 67,516 2,092 1,774 2,950 2,950 4,012 4,283 8,019 8,114 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Murzyn Hall 101-45129 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 98,279 128,708 155,732 159,104 12,283 22,834 15,100 16,100 59,462 77,152 63,340 71,818 49,320 3,248 0 2,000 0 0 0 0 Summary by Class City of Columbia Heights Budget 2003 Community Development Expense Budget 2003 Protective Inspections 201-42400 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 160,185 174,007 167,161 173,846 4,315 1,868 11,235 13,850 31,094 14,735 24,092 29,395 0 2,386 0 0 4,259 7,335 5,913 8,113 Community Development Admin 201-46310 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 62,427 57,145 86,253 106,041 656 1,692 2,480 2,675 8,679 6,263 13,916 20,370 0 0 500 600 4,259 9,170 5,913 8,113 funds.xls CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class County CDBG Expense B HRA Anoka County CDBG 202-46350 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 17,641 10,070 13,437 0 1,393 388 25 0 138,303 61,738 17,301 0 0 70,691 341,111 0 4,259 0 5,913 0 funds.xls CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Villa North Expense Bud! Parkview Villa North 203-46330 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 19,019 10,335 19,239 16,251 9,740 27,201 30,012 22,054 258,442 273,412 293,267 304,391 90,105 11,563 670 6,357 8,518 7,335 7,884 11,454 funds.xls CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class EDA Expense Budget 2003 Economic Development Auth 204-46314 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 34,690 30,852 75,828 72,999 341 649 2,745 2,770 73,427 52,435 49,733 53,346 0 568 825 0 6,389 22,281 7,884 11,454 Home Improvements 204-46324 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 1,121 551 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,416 7,226 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 funds.xls CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class State Aid Maintenance Expense Budget 2003 State Aid Maintenance 212-43190 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 22,537 33,145 23,573 24,775 2,061 1,710 4,000 20,000 14,065 20,975 59,140 93,460 55,219 51,791 10,000 33,000 0 7,180 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Parkview Villa South Expense Budget 2003 Parkview Villa South 213-46340 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 1,574 2,768 9,410 12,388 3,570 15,479 9,497 9,328 140,810 146,353 156,436 168,275 0 4,894 37,330 15,183 4,259 703,670 5,914 8,590 funds.xls CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Cable Television Expense Budget 2003 Cable Television 225-49844 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 761 1,828 6,431 6,434 812 1,267 55,550 9,602 16,659 19,324 42,366 41,608 2,230 0 0 0 152,401 104,333 108,549 109,330 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class 4607 Tyler St NE Expense Budget 2003 4607 Tyler St NE 235-46360 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 121 351 0 0 564 346 2,795 2,465 9,387 7,580 13,686 10,844 0 0 2,000 4,000 0 0 0 0 funds.xls CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Library Expense Budt; Library 240-45500 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 356,904 383,086 412,645 428,302 94,474 90,196 91,650 98,625 68,780 71,728 72,015 81,652 3,006 7,761 23,800 49,050 8,362 8,727 9,292 18,827 funds.xls CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Dare Project Expense Budget 2003 Dare Project 270-42160 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 3,600 3,288 3,200 3,200 1,438 2,844 2,175 2,175 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Junior High Projects 270-42161 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,650 2,650 0 0 800 800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class HRA Administration Expense Budget 2003 HRA Administration 299~,6320 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 135 0 0 0 363 0 0 0 462 4,223 0 0 0 0 0 0 93,618 106,752 111,702 111,648 funds.xls CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Total State Aid Construction Expense Budget 2003 Total State Aid Construction 402 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Actual Actual 2000 2001 17,609 12,141 316 0 286,890 129,314 55,619 230,112 0 0 Adopted Depadment Budget Proposed 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Sheffield Development Expense Budget 2003 Sheffield Development 410-46323 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Capital Imp-Gen Govt Bldg Expense Budget 2003 Capital Imp-Gen Govt Bldg 411-49950 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Capital Imp-Parks Expense Budget 2003 Capital Imp-Parks 412-45200 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 5,581 5,624 0 0 7,870 6,691 14,138 15,892 58,325 16,399 275,000 260,100 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Infrastructure Expense Budget 2003 Infrastructure Fund 430-46323 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 50,000 62,120 0 0 0 0 7,341 13,645 9,500 8,000 386,797 212,007 85,000 85,000 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Capital Equip RepI-Gen Fund Expense Budget 2003 Police 431-42100 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 666 1,698 23,500 0 499 535 4,600 5,961 74,076 88,678 27,466 116,700 0 0 59,534 0 Fire 431-42200 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54,000 0 0 0 20,000 0 Civil Defense 431-42500 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 145 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 Engineering 431-43100 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Actual 2000 0 0 941 14,475 0 Adopted DepaAment Actual Budget Proposed 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 513 0 0 7,878 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Capital Equip RepI-Gen Fund Expense Budget 2003 Streets 431-42121 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Actual Actual 2000 2001 0 0 0 0 6,133 138 154,982 52,215 0 0 Adopted Depadment Budget Proposed 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 3,543 4,500 54,500 0 0 Traffic Signs & Signals 431-42100 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,878 0 0 0 43,848 0 0 0 0 0 0 Parks 431-452O0 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 904 4,260 5,723 2,470 13,904 65,531 88,050 38,000 0 0 0 0 Police 431-42100 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Cap Equip Repl-Sewer Expense Budget 2003 Cap Equip Repl-Sewer 432-49499 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 237 780 0 22,926 3,650 12,000 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 20O3 Summary by Class Cap Equip Repl-Water Expense Budget 2003 Cap Equip Repl-Water 433-49449 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,703 237 0 0 26,200 3,650 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Capital Equip RepI-Garage Expense Budget 2003 Capital Equip RepI-Garage 434-49950 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,000 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Capital Equip RepI-Liquor Expense Budget 2003 Capital Equip RepI-Liquor 436-49791 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,048,668 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Equip RepI-Liquor 436-49792 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48,666 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Equip RepI-Liquor 436-49793 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61,666 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class CapEquip Repl-Storm Sewer Expense Budget 2003 Capital Equip Repl-Storm Sewer 438-49699 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 237 0 0 0 3,650 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Water Expense Budget 2003 Water Administration 601-49440 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 1,556 1,060 2,000 2,000 19,263 6,718 10,370 10,136 389 0 1,000 1,000 107,956 113,135 119,366 122,914 Water Utility Source of Supply 601-49400 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 735,393 983,112 840,183 907,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Water Distribution 601-49430 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 235,906 233,385 249,222 288,247 39,665 56,438 53,950 43,900 216,743 297,913 225,750 232,034 0 0 59,650 34,500 25,000 28,549 25,000 25,000 funds.xls CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Sewer Expense Budget 2003 Sewer Administration 602-49490 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 1,440 1,270 2,000 2,000 9,305 8,709 12,335 12,073 389 0 1,000 1,000 107,955 113,134 119,364 122,914 Collections 602-49450 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 114,918 165,231 198,083 190,313 22,137 22,063 34,825 30,350 193,836 217,659 209,598 191,689 1,302 (1,500) 43,650 10,000 25,000 28,010 25,000 25,000 Disposal 602-49480 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 646,382 660,588 729,131 729,131 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Refuse Expense Budget 2003 Refuse Disposal 603-49510 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Actual Actual 2000 2001 0 0 1,214,564 1,229,432 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted Depadment Budget Proposed 2002 2003 0 0 1,279,000 1,291,790 0 0 0 0 0 0 Refuse Disposal & Collection 603-49520 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Depadment Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 356 272 1,960 1,460 10,650 11,119 16,983 15,960 0 0 0 0 102,665 105,980 111,276 117,402 Recycling 603-49530 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Depadment Actual A~ual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 1,209 627 1,500 1,500 243 2,172 3,565 3,525 23,176 25,554 24,248 26,906 0 0 800 0 57,665 60,980 66,276 72,402 Hazardous Waste 603-49540 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Depa~ment Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 300 300 0 0 500 600 449 2,670 5,675 5,675 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Storm Sewer Expense Budget 2003 Storm Sewer 604-49650 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 49,107 51,545 64,337 62,400 7,737 11,672 24,075 23,175 9,467 23,911 61,952 51,637 0 0 3,650 0 0 85,200 95,200 95,200 Administration 604-49690 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,887 0 1,900 3,760 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Liquor Expense Budget 2003 Liquor 609-49791 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 256,934 275,276 140,818 276,572 2,421,903 2,467,580 2,547,145 2,728,580 208,341 220,404 243,233 233,776 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Liquor 609-49792 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Actual Actual 2000 2001 178,171 212,692 1,616,199 1,704,826 131,821 147,751 0 0 0 0 Adopted Department Budget Proposed 2002 2003 221,945 223,816 1,698,746 1,903,310 138,155 143,092 0 0 0 0 Liquor 609-49793 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 148,864 142,394 177,688 190,131 1,046,975 1,130,061 1,100,839 1,261,125 29,045 35,823 37,880 35,814 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Water Construction Fund Expense Budget 2003 Water Construction Fund 651-49449 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 268,669 1,64i,540 0 331,000 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Sewer Construction Fund Expense Budget 2003 Sewer Construction Fund 652-49449 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 0 0 0 0 Summary by Class BUDGET 2003 Storm Sewer Cons Fund Expense Budget 2003 Storm Sewer Construction Fund 653-49699 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,900 0 0 0 0 0 0 135,00O 150,594 432,091 0 10,000 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2003 Summary by Class Garage Expense Budget 2003 Garage 701-49950 Expenses Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlay Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Adopted Department Actual Actual Budget Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 143,823 151,250 161,734 165,268 64,513 79,451 104,500 99,550 137,843 140.972 142,569 132,512 630 0 5,500 5,500 30,000 94,000 94,500 94,500 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS - CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: August 26, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: tx --) ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER'S NO: ~ - P\ --3 Administration APPROVAL Patty Muscovitz BY: ITEM: Set Additional September BY: Meeting Dates DATE: August 22, 2002 DATE: NO: Background: This would establish Work Session Meeting dates for September 2002, the September Primary Election Canvass Date, and Library Board and Park and Recreation Budget Meeting Dates Recommended Motions: MOTION: Move to establish Work Session meeting dates for Tuesday, September 3, 2002 and Monday, September 16, 2002 beginning at approximately 7:00 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room 1 MOTION: Move to set the Primary Election Canvass Meeting for Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. MOTION: Move to set Budget Meetings with the Library Board on October 1, 2002 at 6:30 p.m. at the Library, and with the Park and Recreation Commission on Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 6:30 p.m. at Murzyn Hall COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meetin f Ausust 26, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: Consent ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER NO. 5-/~- ~ CWIL DEFENSE APPROV,,0L_;...-// / ITEM: Authorize Expenditure of Funds for Police and BY: Charlie Thompson 0..5[ BY: ~,'~'/-7/, ~.Z,~'''''' NO Fire Reserve Appreciation Event DATE August 19, 2002 DATE: BACKGROUND Each year the City Council has hosted an annual appreciation night for members of the Police and Fire Reserve Units and their guests in recognition and thanks for the many hours these groups donate to the community and the City. Plans are now being developed for this year's appreciation event. ANALYSIS/CONCLUSION The Reserves have indicated a preference to attend a show at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater again this year. Council action is required to spend the money necessary for advance reservations. There are funds budgeted and available in the Civil Defense budget fund 101 Department 42500. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to authorize the expenditure of up to $4,000 from the Civil Defense budget fund 101-42500 line 4374 to host the annual appreciation event for the Fire and Police Reserve Units, and that the Mayor and City Manager are authorized to enter into contracts as needed for this event. mld 02-143 COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: 8/26/02 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER ITEM: ESTABLISH DATE FOR PUBLIC SPECIAL BY: K. Hansen ~ BY: ASSESSMENT LEVY HEARING DATE: 8/21/02 ~'~ DAT Background: In the past, the City Council has held the special assessment levy hearing in November. With the procedural change of certifying the assessments to Anoka County for inclusion on the property tax statements, the hearings need to be held on or before October 15, 2002 to be included with the 2003 tax statement. Analysis/Conclusions: Staff is recommending Monday, October 7, 2002 for the hearing on Central Avenue and Tuesday, October 15, 2002 for the hearing on Zone 6A Street Rehabilitation project. Recommended Motion: Move to establish Monday, October 7, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. as the Public Special Assessment Levy Hearing for City Project, #9912-A, Central Avenue Streetscaping and Water Service Improvements, to be held in the City Council Chamber. Recommended Motion: Move to establish Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. as the Public Special Assessment Levy Hearing for City Project 2002-02, Zone 6A Street Rehabilitation, to be held in the City Council Chamber. KH:jb COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of August 26, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: Consent ,~'". g .~ ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER NO. POLICE APPROVAL~j/ 1TEM: Authorization to Sell, Salvage, or Dispose of BY: Thomas M. Johnson BY: ~/~~ NO. City Property on September 7, 2002 DATE: August 20, 2002 DATE: ~' BACKGROUND The City holds an annual auction to dispose of surplus items and confiscated property. Each department is requested to forward a listing of such items to the Police Depamnent for the purpose of obtaining Council approval to dispose of this property. Surplus items are first offered to other departments and then placed in the City auction. If a sale does not occur, then the items are either salvaged through local salvage firms or otherwise disposed of. ANALYSIS/CONCLUSION The annual City auction will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 7, 2002, with review of articles by the public from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. that day. The auction will again be held at the g~cold storage building@ behind the Municipal Service Center. Attached is a listing of all items by department considered to be surplus material for sale, salvage, or disposal for the City auction. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to authorize the sale, salvage, or disposal of surplus City property as indicated on the attached listing of surplus property. mld 02-146 Attachments COUNCIL ACTION: DEPARTMENT Police 2002 Auction ITEM # DESCRIPTION SERIAL #/MODEL MIN. BID BUYER AMT.REC'D 01 Desk, putty with oak laminate ID #644 Good 5-drawer metal condition 02 Desk, putty with oak laminate ID #677 Good 5-drawer metal condition 03 Desk, black metal 5-drawer ID #687 04 Desk, black metal 5-drawer 05 Table, brown conference 06 Table, brown conference 07 Table, brown conference 08 Table, brown conference 09 Toy Jeep, battery operated Green and yellow 10 Grain shovel, wood/alum. 11 Snow shovel, wood/alum. 12 Trailer hitch, tongue and ball, 10,000 lbs. 13 15 sections 8' copper pipe 14 Weed trimmer, ECHO 627757 15 Garment bag, maroon 16 Jeans, black, Tommy 17 Jeans, black, Pelle 18 Shorts, blue Maurice Malone 19 Jacket, denim; Mo jeans 20 Minnow bucket, silver metal 21 Fishing pole, Zebco 22 Battery charger, Solar 6 amp 12 volt 23 Stereo receiver, Panasonic 24 Speaker (1) Megabass 25 Sega Genesis game system (in box) with games 26 Car amplifier, Majestic 150 w 91207091 27 Car stereo, Nakamachi DEPARTMENT Police 2002 Auction ITEM # DESCRIPTION SERIAL #/MODEL MIN. BID BUYER AMT.REC'D 28 Cell phone, Qualcomm Sprint V9923563307 29 Speakers (3) Panasonic 30 Cell phone Audiovox Airtouch 1297104957B 31 Handbag, black nylon Bocelli 32 Sega Genesis game system (in 32034917 bag) with games 33 Jackhammer, Bosch 34 Fishing pole, Shakespeare Firebird, Red 35 Fishing pole, Zebco, black 36 Lawn chair, green nylon 37 CD's (14) various artists 38 Bike lock w/cable, Bell 39 Golf clubs (6) Wilson 40 Basketball goal, orange w/net 41 Chandelier light fixture, gold with chain 42 Radio, portable Sony 9115365 43 Tool box, Novus 44 Graduation cap & gown, black 45 Computer software/book set 46 Backpack, FUBU, red/black 47 Speakers, (2) KLH 013982 48 Stuffed toys (15) various small 49 Leather jacket, men's black Medium 50 Tennis shoes, new Air Cross White, size 11 51 Binoculars, 12x50, SUI 111669 52 Camera, Olympus 1953888 53 Coins, foreign (8) 54 Cell phone, Samsung, Sprint 162833 55 Necklace charm, "someone special 56 Gym bag, brown canvas DEPARTMENT Police 2002 Auction ITEM # DESCRIPTION SERIAL #/MODEL MIN. BID BUYER AMT.REC'D 57 Gas can, red plastic, 2 gallon 58 Suitcase, blue vinyl, small 59 Suitcase, brown nylon, med. 60 Bowling bag w/ball, red 61 Tape measure, 30 meter 62 Hub caps, (20) silver 63 Car stereo ampl. Legacy 300 w 605703 64 Overalls, men's black 65 Duster, men's denim black 66 Suitcase, black Samsonite sml 67 Travel kennel, dog, large 68 Coat, tan men's 69 Belt, black leather Westem 70 Slacks, tan men's 71 Hockey jersey, Men's USSR 72 Backpack, black nylon 73 Leather jacket, brown men's 74 Couch pillows(2) gray 75 Air pump, foot type, blue 76 Jacket, Nike windbreaker blue 77 Backpack, Jansport black 78 Jacket, American Eagle XXL 79 Headphones, radio 80 Car stereo, Blaupunkt 21035173 81 Car stereo, Pioneer AEMP00500UC 82 Car stereo, Sony 597746 83 Car stereo, Pioneer TFTM09937UC 84 Nylon bag, black, containing microphone jacks 85 Microphone w/bag, Shure 86 CD's (7) various artists DEPARTMENT Police 2002 Auction ITEM # DESCRIPTION SERIAL #/MODEL MIN. BID BUYER AMT.REC'D 87 Nylon bag, black, "LP" 88 Cordless screwdriver Black and Decker 89 Backpack, brown, with sunglasses and makeup bag 90 Purse, black leather 91 Car stereo, Volkswagen VWZ9Z7W4064133 92 Handbag, black nylon 93 Cell phone Qualcomm Airtouch V9826314899 94 Cell phone w/accessories Nokia 95 Wallet, black leather 96 Pocketbook, black nylon 97 Cell phone, Motorola Nextel 831TAS46FJ 98 Cell phone, Audiovox Airtouch 0207131442B 99 Cell phone, Nokia, Voicestream F14M5B 100 Pager, MinnComm 101 Lock w/key, Master, & pliers 102 Ring w/stone, women's 103 Backpack, blue/black nylon 104 Wallet, black leather 105 Backpack, gray nylon 106 Lunch pack, soft, green & black Nylon 107 Fannypack, East Sport, black Nylon 108 Leather jacket, brown, men's 109 CD case, black nylon, containing 120 CD's (various artists) 110 Jacket, yellow nylon 111 Bowling ball, green swirl 112 Answering machine Radio Shack 113 Handbag, blue cloth, containing sandals 114 Purse, red nylon DEPARTMENT Police 2002 Auction ITEM # DESCRIPTION SERIAL #/MODEL MIN. BID BUYER AMT.REC'D 115 Backpack, green nylon 116 Headphone, radio, Target 117 Cooler, blue & white plastic 118 Air tank, tire inflator 119 Wheel chair, green seat 120 Jacket, Gap, gray and orange fleece 121 Bag containing wrapping paper and toilet paper 122 Gray upholstered side chair ID #00403 Good cnd 123 Gray upholstered side chair ID #00404 Good cnd 124 Gray upholstered side chair ID 00681 Good cnd 125 Gray upholstered side chair ID 00414 Good cnd 126 Black vinyl side chair Good condition 127 Black vinyl side chair Good condition 128 Black vinyl side chair Good condition 129 Black vinyl side chair Good condition 130 Gray metal 4-tray legal size organizer used 131 Gray metal 4-tray letter size organizer used 132 4 notebook binders used 133 2 metal letter baskets used DEPARTMENT Police 2002 Auction ITEM # DESCRIPTION SERIAL #/MODEL MIN. BID BUYER AMT.REC'D 134 Boy's silver bike BMX K99B 11843 135 White Mongoose bike AC1C036549 136 Girl's blue 10 speed 26" C8018426854 Huffy bike 137 Girl's 26" 10 speed bike 58450143 blue, unknown brand 138 Boy's chrome mountain bike, H11112695 vertical mod XL2 139 Boy's 20" green Huffy bike 335669274621F2814 140 Boy's blue 18 speed Magna 97TD411121 141 Men's black 5 speed Murray F3530573 mountain bike 142 Boy's red w/black BMX Huffy B991117945 bike 143 Men's 18 speed Huffy SOO-A006604 mountain bike 144 26" black Prince bike Case 01265443 145 20" pink/purple 1-speed Huffy 533149313326H6811 bike (Glamour Girl) 146 Huffy bike n/a (case 01270817) 147 Men's 10 speed 27" Sears 502471251P3366053 Free Spirit bike 148 26" Wards Hawthorne 3-speed unable to locate 149 Men's 24" racing style Huffy n/a (case 02000808) 150 10 speed blue Schwinn bike 4645107 151 Men's red 10 speed Schwinn 180999 152 Girl's purple 20" Huffy bike 33715-9076516G4286 153 Boy's blue 10 speed 27" N3K00718 Centurion bike 154 Blue Schwinn bike n/a (Case 02153281) 155 Pink Huffy bike n/a (Case 02148725 156 Black Free Spirit bike SC3080-14541 157 Green Free Spirit bike 145840154412H4077 158 Green Huffy bike K6677487H785 DEPARTMENT Police 2002 Auction ITEM It DESCRIPTION SERIAL It/MODEL MIN. BID BUYER AMT.REC'D 159 Silver Rally bike n/a (Case 012139268) 160 Black Dyno bike F7KY0385 161 Silver Huffy bike ACD7H138C11 162 Blue ITOH bike 20031252 163 Red Free Spirit bike 545456370 164 Red Hedstrom bike 329252 165 Silver Scooter bike n/a (Case 02124748) 166 Black Huffy bike n/a (Case 02124502) 167 Purple Roadmaster bike M000300780 168 Purple Paragon Thunderjet YJ97122078 169 Red Dyno bike COTD 174297 170 Blue Peugeot bike 80526570 171 Red/black Huffy bike 503810173112M591 172 Gray Murray bike 38080010893 173 Red Huffy bike 78L22771 174 Blue Sears bike, gift's 3 spd n/a (Case 02095441) 175 Brown Peugeot bike 3454491 176 Yellow NEXT bike 0 lTD 1769730 177 Blue Schwinn bike CP575208 178 Green Sears bike n/a (Case 02120041) 179 Black Huffy bike, 26" 12 spd n/a (Case 02093635) 180 Multi-color Magna bike n/a (Case 00TD637149) 181 Yellow Huffy bike HA268793 182 Black Centurion bike NZP6128 183 Brown Hosteler bike n/a (Case 02102697) 184 Yellow Schwinn bike 10322811998991 185 Black Huffy bike K0306G 16715H9750 186 Blue Magna bike 01TD5635168 187 Silver Huffy bike KO 1J004148 DEPARTMENT Police 2002 Auction ITEM # DESCRIPTION SERIAL #/MODEL MIN. BID BUYER AMT.REC'D 188 Pink Magna bike 8017003 189 Red Huffy bike 08052427904 190 Gray Diamond Back bike 090813967 191 Brown Schwinn bike M487559 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 DEPARTMENT Public Works Auction 2002 ITEM # DESCRIPTION SERIAL #/MODEL MIN. BID BUYER AMT.REC'D 201 Spark plugs/brake shoes 202 Oil filters, air filters 203 Graco misc. pump parts 204 25" TV, RCA 205 CCR Powlite 3 hp Toro Snowblower 206 Keyboard 207 Compaq keyboard 208 Hard drive 209 Lift station motors 210 Cherney reel with 1 ½" plastic line 211 6 x 4 trailer 212 9 foot trailer axle 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 DEPARTMENT Fire Auction 2002 ITEM # DESCRIPTION SERIAL #/MODEL MIN. BID BUYER AMT.REC'D 301 5 Yellow Metal shelves 302 Homelite XL-98 multi-purpose saw 303 Miscellaneous chrome 304 2 small CO2 extinguishers 305 2 old air bottles 306 100 fl. section 4" hose, yellow 307 25 ft. section white cloth hose 308 20 ft. section red hose 4" 309 20 ft. section yellow hose 4" 310 20 ft. section yellow hose 4" 311 2 spot lights 312 2 flood lights 313 1 box misc. hose couplings 314 1 box misc. hose couplings 315 2 air bottle bracket holders 316 5 carpeted bottle cradles 317 Aluminum shelf 318 Aluminum shelves 319 Hose reel brackets 320 Misc. lights, sirens, etc. 321 Extinguisher brackets 322 Extinguisher brackets 323 Extinguisher brackets 324 Extinguisher brackets 325 Extinguisher brackets 326 Generator 327 Scba with mask 328 Air bottle 329 Air bottle 330 Air bottle 331 Scba with case DEPARTMENT Fire 2002 Auction ITEM # DESCRIPTION SERIAL g/MODEL MIN BID BUYER AMT.REC'D1 332 28 f~. extension ladder 333 Bench 334 26 brown cloth chairs Poor condition 335 19 brown folding chairs 336 337 Filmstrip viewer 338 Movie projector w/3 bulbs 339 Movie projector w/2 bulbs 340 4 slide projector carousels 341 Slide projector dissolver 342 Audio tape system 343 Film reels (3) 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 DEPARTMENT Parks/Recreation 2002 Auction Item # Description Serial #, Model Min. Bid Fixed Asset # Bu' ~er # Amount rec'd 501 80 batting helmets 502 Dot Matrix printer 503 Computer monitor 504 Computer monitor 505 Basketball hoop 506 Wood door 507 Microwave 508 Computer monitor 509 Computer monitor 510 Wood door 511 Computer CPU C0096 512 Computer monitor 513 175 3-compartment plates 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 DEPARTMENT Community Development Auction 2002 ITEM # DESCRIPTION SERIAL #/MODEL MIN. BID BUYER AMT.REC'D 701 HP4L Laserjet printer Model C2003A UAX298609 702 7 shelf filing tray 703 2 shelf bookcase, black 704 2 shelf bookcase, black 705 HP Deskjet printer Model 870CSE S/N US66M130BG 706 Cool Mist humidifier Holmes HM-3500 707 Cassette recorder Sony TC -5000EV 708 TTY machine Superprint 4425 S/N 7430005750 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 DEPARTMENT Library 2002 Auction Item # Description Serial #, Model Min. Bid Fixed Asset # Buyer # Amount rec'd Epson LQ570 +32 0 801 Printer (pin feed) IF 7001000 2148095, 2590A 229 802 Film projector Bell & Howell 0 Handheld Sensitizer Model 951 0 803 804 Pair Desensitizers, handheld Model 766 0 805 Printer + 2 cartridges Epson LQ 570+ 0 IF 8E 569239 806 Printer + 3 cartridges Epson LX810 0 2440 P80SA/44B 1010264 807 1 box computer paper 9 ½" x 11" 0 continuous feed 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 82O 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 DEPARTMENT Finance/MIS Auction 2002 Item # Description Serial #, Model Min. Bid Fixed Asset # Buyer # Amount rec'd 901 PC: Pentium-MMX 233Mhz, 3GB Hard 902 Drive, 32MB RAM PC: Pentium-MMX 200 Mhz, 2GB Hard 903 Drive, 64MB RAM PC: Pentium-MMX 166 Mhz, IGB Hard 904 Drive, 32MB RAM PC: Pentium MMX 166 Mhz, 1GB Hard 905 Drive, 64MB RAM 906 AT-Style Keyboard 907 ^~'-Style ~:eyboard 908 Mouse 909 ^~'-Style }tey~oard 910 Serial Mouse 911 3Com Network Card 912 Compaq Prosignia 200, No Hard Drive, For Misc. parts only. 913 Pentium-S 100 MHz, 850MB Hard Drive, 32MB Ram 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 DEPARTMENT Finance/MIS Auction 2002 Item # Description Serial #, Model Min. Bid Fixed Asset # Buyer # Amount Rec'd 959 960 IBM Correcting Selectric ll 262723897 00167 961 Tree Value Heater 1500 132532 962 Footrest 963 Phone 257044-MBA-20F 964 Rolodex SW-24 965 Saw filter, TV modulator 208224 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: August 26, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER APPROVAL NO: 5 - A '~ ~ Fire ITEM: Approval of Rental Housing License BY: Charlie Thompson BY'~/,/~/~ Applications NO: DATE: August 21, 2002 DATE: Approval of the attached list of rental housing license applications, in that they have met the requirements of the Housing Maintenance Code. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve the attached list of rental housing license applications, in that they have met the requirements of the Housing Maintenance Code. COUNCIL ACTION: OccupanyI,D. 30031 30032 30033 20283 12065 10037 12083 12040 20005 30053 20295 12039 30055 20086 12011 20030 12204 20211 12007 20107 12001 30051 20009 12089 12019 20036 20003 30139 30099 20151 12120 20180 12047 20004 20048 20140 20418 30042 20293 12126 12048 Property Owner Name Donald E. Anderson Family Trust Ashraf LLC Ashraf LLC Osama AbdeI-Kerim Randee Arfmann Thomas Blomberg Mildred Bloomer Leslie Burchett Wilson Carpio Lester Chies Marilyn Dalseth Richard Deering Martha Demetriou Walter Doelz Rita Egan Christine Fagnan-Olson Joel Fantle Donald Ferry Bruce Fischbach Judith Germain Timothy Grams Bernard Gulland Stephen Hague Anthony Hamrin Tod Hanson Diaa Hassan Mark Hess Vernon Hoium Mujtaba Khan Kris Kienzle Robert Koponen Kenneth Koster Matt Kraft David Lange David Lange David Lange David Lange David Lange Richard Lee John Lemire Richard Levine Property Address 711 37th Avenue 940 39th Avenue 950 39th Avenue 3801 Pierce Street 4535 Washington Street 4852 Monroe Street 4004 Reservoir Blvd 3747 2nd Street 4126 Madison Street 980 44th Avenue 4612 Polk Street 3824 3rd Street 1400 47th Avenue 1261 Circle Terrace 607 38th Avenue 4600 Johnson Street 3982 Tyler Street 4536 7th Street 4212 Washington Street 1355 Circle Terrace 4656 6th Street 970 43-1/2 Avenue 4110 Madison Street 4534 Fillmore Street 4918 Tyler Street 4317 3rd Street 4029 2nd Street 5025 University Avenue 1045 Peters Place 1356 Circle Terrace 1035 Polk Place 5152 Washington Street 3830 Reservoir BIvd 1218 Circle Terrace 1307 Circle Terrace 1272 Circle Terrace 1231 Circle Terrace 1026 40th Avenue 4600 Polk Street 4022 Madison Street 3939 Tyler Street 08/23~002 09:17 Page 1 OccupanyI.D. '12049 20044 1O081 3OO67 30068 20061 20033 30146 20037 30102 30126 30072 30138 30156 10101 30029 30154 12093 20096 20098 12115 20167 30122 30118 30120 20247 10079 30074 12087 10021 12012 12149 10010 20274 30056 20333 10008 20022 10011 12187 20243 Property Owner Name Christopher Mancini Edwin Matthes Kevin McGinnity Samuel Mikre Samuel Mikre Alexander Moseychuk Tom Okerstrom Scott Owens Feriz Palic Michael Palmer Michael Palmer Kenneth Pearson Kenneth Pearson Kenneth Pearson Delores Peterson Robert Prior Abdul Rashid Darell Reed Mohmoud Rifai Mahmoud Rifai Linda Rogers Jessie Rudensky David Rust Thomas Sathre Thomas Sathre Nelia Schaff Alan Schultz Luis Sinchi Sally Stark Ray Swanson Lisa Swanson Billy Teat Thomas Therrien Jeff Toilefson Robert Turcotte John Utke Antonio Vidal Bret Weiman David Wiger Anthony Wilczek Anthony Wojciak Property Address 4127 2nd Street 5229 7th Street 4432 2nd Street 3709 Jackson Street 3855 Jack~on Street 5043 Jackson Street 4619 Taylor Street 4032 Van Buren Street 3835 Tyler Street 4640 Polk Street 4648 Polk Street 3915 Lookout Place 4927 University Avenue 4935 University Avenue 4226 7th Street 631 37th Avenue 4341 Tyler Place 4524 Fillmore Street 1201 37th Avenue 1137 37th Avenue 1057 Polk Place 4534 Washington Street 4653 Tyler Street 4625 Tyler Street 4633 Tyler Street 4228 Madison Street 525 38th Avenue 4534 Madison Street 4307 Madison Street 1329 41 st Avenue 4530 Washington Street 1083 Polk Circle 4812 4th Street 4427 Main Street 1440 47th Avenue 3849 Jackson Street 4119 Monroe Street 4610 Washington Street 5045 4th Street 3935 Tyler Street 4628 Johnson Street 08/23/2002 09:17 Page 2 Occupany I.D. 12122 Property Owner Name Joseph Yang Property Address 3902 Reservoir Blvd 08/23/2002 09:17 Page 3 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: August 26, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPT.: CITY MANAGER NO: ~ ' A - ~ License Department APPROVAL ITEM: License Agenda BY: Shelley Hanson ~.,[~t~x DATE: NO: DATE: Aug. 22, 2002 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached is the business license agenda for the August 26, 2002 City Council meeting. This agenda consists of applications for Contractor licenses for 2002. At the top of the license agenda you will notice a phrase stating *Signed Waiver Form Accompanied Application. This means that the data privacy form has been submitted as required. If not submitted, certain information cannot be released to the public. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for August 26, 2002 as presented. COUNCIL ACTION: TO CITY COUNCIL August 26, 2002 *Signed Waiver Form Accompanied Application 2002 BUSINESS LICENSE AGENDA CONTRACTORS LICENSES BLDG *Capra Utilities Inc. *Jay Bros. Eagleview Construction *Central Roofmg *Pump and Meter Serv. *Ray N. Welter Htg. *Superior Roofing 2382 Leibel St. Wht. Bear Lk. PO Box 700 9218 Lake Dr, For. Lk 16323 Edison St NE 4550 Main St NE 11303 Excelsior Blvd 4637 Chicago Ave So. 2717 E 32nd St, Mpls. $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT COUNCIL MEETING OF: /~~ ~'~ ~0~- STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF ANOKA CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Motion to approve payment of bills out of the proper funds, as listed in the attached check register covering Check Number in the amount of $ ]~ ~'~'tO, O~L]. 75. ~//7~/~ through These checks have been examined and found to be legal charges against the CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, and are hereby, recommended for payment. ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 08/22/2002 15:20:09 Check History GL050S-V06.40 COVERPAGE GL540R * *** C O U N C I L *** * * *** C O U N C I L *** * * *** C O U N C I L *** * * *** C 0 U N C I L *** * Report Selection: Optional Report Title ....... 08/26/02 COUNCIL LISTING INCLUSIONS: Fund & Account .............. thru Check Date .................. Source Codes ................ Journal Entry Dates ......... Journal Entry Ids ........... Check Number ................ thru thru thru thru 099418 thru 099650 Project N .............. Vendor ...................... Invoice ..................... Purchase Order .............. Bank ........................ Voucher .................... Released Date ............... Cleared Date ................ thru thru thru thru thru thru thru thru Run Instructions: Jobq Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space J COUNCIL 02 P4 N S LPI Lines CPI 6 066 10 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/22/2002 15 Check History 08/26/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 1 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT PETTY CASH - KELLY BECKE 99418 57.81 AAA STRIPING SERVICE INC 99419 4,541.34 BATTERY CITY INC 99420 111.59 BECKER/KELLY 99421 140.29 BELLBOY BAR SUPPLY 99422 263.05 BELLBOY CORPORATION 99423 7,519.01 BRAY/LIZ 99424 5.32 COCA-CO~ BOTTLING MIDWE 99425 572.35 DUGDALE/MARY 99426 28.54 GENUINE PARTS/NAFA AUTO 99427 150.90 GOODIN CO. 99428 146.83 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 99429 1,158.00 GRIGGS-COOPER & CO 99430 12,477.71 HAGG/COLLEEN 99431 225.39 HOME DEPOT #2802 99432 84.15 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST 99433 435.00 JOHXSON BROS. LIQUOR CO. 99434 8,385.78 JOSH OVERMOHLE 99435 30.00 MEDTRONIC INC 99436 52,129.00 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 99437 189.62 MINNESOTA CROWN DISTRIBU 99438 810.50 MISKE JR & MARY JO MISKE 99439 4,086.00 MN AMERICAN PLANNING ASS 99440 520.00 MN STATE FIRE CHIEFS ASS 99441 135.00 MURRAY/SUZA~ 99442 237.33 O'BRIEN/DANIEL 99443 178.65 PAUSTIS & SONS 99444 3,985.11 PEPSI-CO~A-7 UP 99445 62.00 PETTY CASH - KAREN MOELL 99446 96.66 PETTY CASH - KELLY BECKE 99447 53.00 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 99448 1,206.04 QUAbITY WINE & SPIRITS 99449 5,244.74 Q~ST CO~XtTNICATIONS 99450 177.38 RELIANT ENERGY MINNEG~C 99451 27.64 SAFE & SOBER C/O CRC INC 99452 50.00 SAMS CLUB 99453 58.85 STAR TRIBUNE 99454 1,106.85 WORLD CLASS WINE 99455 1,834.25 AARP 99456 330.00 ACE It~RDWARE 99457 2.86 AT & T CONSUMER LEASE 99458 47.82 BELLBOY CORPORATION 99459 856.80 BRAY/LIZ 99460 11.37 BUDINGER/AMY 99461 20.70 CITY WIDE WINDOW SERVICE 99462 40.47 COCA-COLABOTTLING MIDWE 99463 1,090.10 FRITZ COMPA~TY INC 99464 1,870.36 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/22/2002 15 Check History 08/26/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLIE4BIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 2 BANK VENDOR CHECK ~ER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT GENUINE PARTS/NAPA AUTO HOSPITkLITY S~PLY COMPA JOHNSON BROS. LIQUOR CO. KELLY/BRENNA LECKEY/ROBERT MIDWAY FORD MN CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSO MN DEPT OF ADMINISTRATIO MOELLER/tQtREN NYGAARD/CURTI S PETTY CASH - KAREN MOELL PETTY CASH - KELLY BECKE PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS PIGS UNLIMITED INC QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS QWEST COM~rONICATIONS QWEST DEX RELIANT ENERGY MINNEGASC UNIVANCE - ACCTS RECEIV VERIZON DIRECTORIES CORP VERTICAL ENDEAVORS, INC. WINDSCHITL/KEITH XCEL ENERGY (N S P) AFFINITY PLUS FEDERAL CR AFSCME DELTA DENTAL FIRST COMMUNITY CREDIT U ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 45 MEDICA SENIOR MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS 39 ORCHARD TRUST COMPANY PEEL PAMSDELL SCHOLARSHIP FUN RELIASTAR EMPLOYEE BENEF SCOTT/LARRY-IMPREST CASH UNION 49 UNITED WAY VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER - WELLS FARGO - PAYROLL AC WI DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ACE HARDWARE ADAM'S PEST CONTROL, INC AICPA ALL S~E FIRE & SECURI~ ALL SAINTS BPJIND DISTRIB AMERICAN ENGINEERING TES 99465 69.56 99466 54.39 99467 2,981.07 99468 5.95 99469 50.00 99470 48.78 99471 50.00 99472 497.55 99473 53.18 99474 203.18 99475 99.76 99476 25.00 99477 693.65 99478 1,491.36 99479 2,188.01 99480 1,828.88 99481 102.79 99482 1,230.68 99483 72.51 99484 35.65 99485 144.30 99486 7.14 99487 26,353.79 99488 400.00 99489 1,060.62 99490 5,208.70 99491 2,500.00 99492 10,599.72 99493 846.60 99494 707.43 99495 418.00 99496 7,215.50 99497 27,829.96 99498 50.25 99499 2,067.70 99500 1,200.00 99501 600.00 99502 39.00 99503 225.00 99504 158,805.36 99505 291.22 99506 226.43 99507 66.56 99508 136.00 99509 100.00 99510 441.80 99511 3,796.30 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/22/2002 15 Check History 08/26/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 3 BANK VENDOR CHECK N-tB~ER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT AMERIPRIDE 99512 25.00 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC 99513 117.15 ANOKA COUNTY - GOV'T CEN 99514 1,006.36 ANOKA ~ - CEN~J%L COMM 99515 257.27 ARCTIC GLACIER 99516 1,703.94 ASPEN MILLS, INC. 99517 177.00 ATLAS AUTO BODY 99518 499.15 AUTOMATED ENTRANCE PRODU 99519 150.00 AWD COOLERS OF MINNESOTA 99520 60.55 BAKER & TAYLOR 99521 742.90 BAKER & TAYLOR ENTERTAIN 99522 116.00 BARNA GUZY & STEFFEN LTD 99523 14,671.21 BATTERY CITY INC 99524 53.94 BAUER BUILT TIRE & BA~I'~E 99525 335.13 BELLBOY BAR SUPPLY 99526 104.96 BELLBOY CORPORATION 99527 1,555.25 BIFF'S,INC. 99528 1,158.61 BITUMINOUS RO~WAYS, INC 99529 1,035.77 BOOK WHOLESALERS INC 99530 84.60 BOYER TRUCK PARTS 99531 497.20 BRAKE & EQUIPMENT WAREHO 99532 178.61 BRODART 99533 128.45 CAPITOL FURNITURE SALES 99534 2,298.64 CARDINAL SERVICES 99535 88.00 CDW-G 99536 961.75 CENTER FOR ENERGY/ENVIRO 99537 375.00 CHISA60 LAKES DISTRIBUTI 99538 2,004.00 CIGNA BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 99539 532.53 CITY WIDE LOCKSMITHING 99540 8.50 CLARK PRODUCTS INC 99541 174.05 COLLECTOR BOOKS 99542 20.32 COLLINS/JEREMY 99543 80.33 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS RENTAL 99544 167.84 COLUMBIA PARK CLINIC 99545 66.00 COLUMBIA PARK MEDICAL GR 99546 1,972.72 CREIGHTON BRADLEY GUZZET 99547 5,964.77 CREST VIEW CORPORATION 99548 12,287.98 CSC CREDIT SERVICES 99549 25.00 CUMMINS NORTH CENTRAL 99550 383.21 CYS UNIFORMS 99551 27.02 DANKA 99552 565.56 DAVIES WATER EQUIPMENT C 99553 431.62 DAY-TIMERS, INC. 99554 43.12 DELEGARD TOOL CO. 99555 145.63 DEMCO MEDIA 99556 469.42 DOUGS TV & APPLIANCE 99557 307.06 DUN & BRADSTREET CORPORA 99558 604.50 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/22/2002 15 Check History 08/26/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 4 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT EAST SIDE BEVERAGE CO 99559 11,947.05 EHLER & ASSOCIATE-PUBLIC 99560 1,450.00 EMP 99561 259.21 ENCOMPASS 99562 2,453.76 EXTREME BEVERAGE 99563 320.00 FAXON COMPANY/THE 99564 3,068.03 FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL CO. 99565 4,261.22 G & K SERVICES 99566 728.12 GALE GROUP/THE 99567 88.34 GALLAGHER & COMPANY OF M 99568 13,481.00 GEI~ BOOK COVERS 99569 40.50 GLENWOOD INGLEWOOD 99570 119.10 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 99571 405.00 HAB INC 99572 200.00 F3LRMON G~ASS & GLAZING 99573 478.77 HARVEST INTERIORS 99574 469.00 HATCH SALES/JIM 99575 162.20 HEIGHTS ELECTRIC INC. 99576 343.70 HOHENSTEINS INC 99577 3,290.30 HOME DEPOT #2802 99578 164.36 HOUCHEN BINDERY LTD 99579 110.40 INGRAMLIBRARY SERVICES 99580 7.81 INSTRUMENTAL RESEARCH IN 99581 218.24 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 99582 34.99 IPC PRINTING 99583 382.07 J H LARSON ELECTRIC COMP 99584 539.73 J-CRAFT INC 99585 233.24 KUETHER DIST. CO. 99586 30,211.75 LIFELOC TECHNOLOGIES 99587 51.86 LUBE-TECH 99588 355.36 MAC QUEEN EQUIPMENT CO. 99589 1,239.19 MADDEN & ASSOCIATES/FRAN 99590 372.00 MARK VII DIST. 99591 20,596.02 MEIYfOX LABORATORIES, INC 99592 28.50 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 99593 213.36 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WAS 99594 51,992.10 MIDWAY FORD 99595 3,900.63 MIDWEST ASPHALT CO. 99596 484.57 MIKES DISCOUNT FOODS 99597 194.00 MINNEAPOLIS FINANCE DEPT 99598 103,131.05 MINNEAPOLIS OXYGEN CO. 99599 5.28 MINNF~OLIS SAW CO. 99600 92.70 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF 99601 8,252.00 MTI DISTRIBUTING 99602 96.16 MULTICHANNEL NEWS 99603 69.50 MYERS TIRE SUPPLY COMPAN 99604 13.45 O'G~hRA/ANDREW 99605 55.00 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/22/2002 15 Check History 08/26/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 5 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT OFFICE DEPOT OLSON/LEONARD ONVOY ORKIN PARK SUPPLY INC PARKVIEW VILLA RESIDENT PARTS ASSOCIATES INC PC SOLUTIONS PEPSI-COLA-7 UP PERFORMANCE LAWN CARE PERRY'S CENTPJkL SERVICES PLETSCHERS PLUNKETT' S, INC PROSOURCE TEC~OLOGIES I QWEST DEX P~IPIT PRINTING - FRIDLEY RELIANT ENERGY MtNNEGASC RETAIL DATA SYSTEMS OF M RUPFRIDGE- JOHI~SON EQUIP. SCHELEN GRAY ELECTRIC SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORP SECURITY FENCE & CONSTRU STANWAY EXCAVATING STAR TRIBUNE STREICHER' S GUN' S INC/DO SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY SUN PUBLICATION SUPERIOR FORD INC. THOMAS AND SONS CONSTRUC TRDA TRUGREEN CHEMLAWN TUBBS/MARSHA TULL BEARING TWIN CITIES NORTH CHAMBE TWIN CITY TRANSPORT & RE UNIFORMS UNLIMITED INC UNITED RENTALS UNITED RENTALS US FILTER/WATER PR0 VERIZON WIRELESS VOSS LIGHTING XCEL ENERGY (N S P) ZAHL EQUIPMENT ZEP MANUFAC~ING COMPAN ZIEGLER INC 99606 906.94 99607 315.00 99608 24.95 99609 52.27 99610 62.62 99611 1,909.75 99612 57.13 99613 4,016.37 99614 796.95 99615 802.32 99616 118.00 99617 1,292.37 99618 89.67 99619 6,200.00 99620 100.30 99621 77.48 99622 9.89 99623 60.00 99624 433.10 99625 139.05 99626 188.64 99627 1,789.00 99628 527.18 99629 56.29 99630 636.88 99631 800.00 99632 163.35 99633 14,687.00 99634 516,507.59 99635 4,222.41 99636 89.46 99637 133.67 99638 20.70 99639 220.00 99640 61.77 99641 149.95 99642 1,011.75 99643 221.36 99644 911.34 99645 168.28 99646 113.68 99647 18.54 99648 155.11 99649 68.01 99650 2,449.90 1,260,021.75 *** ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/22/2002 15 Check History 08/26/02 COUNCIL LISTING CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL540R-V06.40 PAGE 6 BANK VENDOR CHECK NUMBER AMOUNT REPORT TOTALS: 1,260,021.75 RECORDS PRINTED - 001353 ACS FINANCIAL SYSTEM 08/22/2002 15:20:11 FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION ................................ 101 GENEPJIL 201 COMMUNITY DE~LOPMENT FUND 202 ANOKA COUNTY CDBG 203 PARKVIEW VILLA NORTH 204 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH 212 STATE AID MAINTENANCE 213 P~JlKVIEW VILLA SOUTH 225 CABLE TELEVISION 235 RENTAL HOUSING 240 LIBP~IRY 250 COL HGHTS AFTER SCHOOL ENRI 276 LOCAL LAW ENFORCE BLK GRANT 378 MEDTRONICS DS 385 MULTI-USE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN 402 STATE AID CONSTRUCTION 405 DOWNTOWN MAINTENANCE 415 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT - PIR 431 ~ EQUIP REPLACE-GENERAL 601 WATER UTILITY 602 SEWER UTILITY 604 STORM SEWER UTILITY 609 LIQUOR 701 CENTRAL GkRAGE 720 DATA PROCESSING 883 CONTRIBUTED PROJECTS-GEN 884 INSURANCE 885 ESCROW 887 FLEX BENEFIT TRUST FUND TOTAL ALL FUNDS Check History DISBURSEMENTS 54,572.15 454.88 9.89 21,111.99 8,410.54 4,696.36 8,215.00 6,034.27 375.09 7,917.44 452.75 149.95 52,129.00 4,086.00 520,923.89 1,972.72 162.50 10,558.02 114,934.62 58,173.91 321.83 130 063.03 11 726.11 1 335.96 2 298.64 20 070.15 217 317.09 1 547.97 1,260,021.75 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS GL060S-V06.40 RECAPPAGE GL540R Bkk~K RECAP: BANK NAME BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT TOTAL ALL BANKS DISBURSEMENTS 1,260,021.75 1,260,021.75 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of August 26, 2002 AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER SECTION: ¢~ A Fire APPROVAL NO: ITEM: Close Heating BY: Charlie Thompson BY:~.~ ~ Rental License Revocation NO: DATE: August 21, 2002 DATE: The matter of the revocation of the license to operate a rental unit(s) within the City of Columbia Heights against Salman Ali regarding rental property at 1224-1226 Circle Terrace Blvd NI~ for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Codes was previously scheduled to commence at the City Council meeting of August 26, 2002. The public heating on this property may now be closed in that the owner has brought the property/building into compliance with the Residential Maintenance Code. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Close the Public Heating Regarding the Revocation or Suspension of the Rental License Held by Salman Ali Regarding Rental Property at 1224-1226 Circle Terrace Blvd in that the Property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of August 26, 2002 AGENDA j _ ~ ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER SECTION: Fire APPROVAL NO: ITEM: Close Hearing BY: Charlie Thompson Rental License Revocation NO: DATE: August 21, 2002 DATE: The matter of the revocation of the license to operate a rental unit(s) within the City of Columbia Heights against Robert Zschokke regarding rental property at 5101 ,]th Street NE for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Codes was previously scheduled to commence at the City Council meeting of August 26, 2002. The public hearing on this property may now be closed in that the owner has brought the property/building into compliance with the Residential Maintenance Code. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Close the Public Heating Regarding the Revocation or Suspension of the Rental License Held by Robert Zschokke Regarding Rental Property at 5101 7th Street NE in that the Property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of August 26, 2002 AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER SECTION: (,.9- C Fire APPROVAL NO: ITEM: Close Hearing BY: Char lie Thompson BY: ~/~/~_~ Rental License Revocation DATE: August, 21 2002 DATE: NO: The matter of the revocation of the license to operate a rental unit(s) within the City of Columbia Heights against Robert Zsehokke regarding rental property at 3823 Polk Street NE for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Codes was previously scheduled to commence at the City Council meeting of August 26,. 2002. The public hearing on this property may now be closed in that the owner has brought the property/building into compliance with the Residential Maintenance Code. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Close the Public Hearing Regarding the Revocation or Suspension of the Rental License Held by Robert Zschokke Regarding Rental Property at 3823 Polk Street NE in that the Property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of August 26, 2002 AGENDA~ ,'~ ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER SECTION: /~ - ..~ Fire APPROVAL NO: ITEM: Close Hearing BY: Charlie Thompson BY: /.//]~A / Rental License Revocation [.(./ll NO: DATE: August, 21 2002 DATE: The matter of the revocation of the license to operate a rental unit(s) within the City of Columbia Heights against Lawrence Garner regarding rental property at 3740 2n'~ Street NE for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Codes was previously scheduled to commence at the City Council meeting of August 26, 2O02. The public heating on this property may now be closed in that the owner has brought the property/building into compliance with the Residential Maintenance Code. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Close the Public Heating Regarding the Revocation or Suspension of the Rental License Held by Lawrence Garner Regarding Rental Property at 3740 2nd Street NE in that the Property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of August 26, 2002 AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER SECTION: ~2)' ¢ Fire APPROVAL NO: ITEM: Close Hearing BY: Charlie Thompson BY: /~/~/. ,~ Rental License Revocation NO: DATE: August, 21 2002 DATE: The matter of the revocation of the license to operate a rental unit(s) within the City of Columbia Heights against Donald Ferry regarding rental property at 4536-4538 ?th Street NE for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Codes was previously scheduled to commence at the City Council meeting of August 26, 2002. The public heating on this property may now be closed in that the owner has brought the property/building into compliance with the Residential Maintenance Code. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Close the Public Hearing Regarding the Revocation or Suspension of the Rental License Held by Donald Ferry Regarding Rental Property at 45364538 7tl~ Street NE in that the Property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of August 26, 2002 AGENDA Public Heatings ORIGINATING CITY SECTION: NO: ~ - ~-- DEPARTMENT: MANAGER Fire APPROV.AL ITEM: Close Hearing BY: Charlie Thompson BY:~/~f~ Rental License Revocation DATE: August 21, 2002 DA NO: The matter of the revocation of the license to operate a rental unit(s) within the City of Columbia Heights against Ruben Cruz regarding rental property at 4524 Monroe Street for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Code was scheduled to commence at the City Council meeting of August 26, 2002. The public heating on this property may now be closed in that the owner has sold the property and it is no longer considered rental property. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Close the Public Heating Regarding the Revocation or Suspension of the Rental License Held by Ruben Cruz Regarding Rental Property at 4524 Monroe Street in that the Property has been Sold and is No Longer Considered Rental Property. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of August 26, 2002 AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER SECTION: (,..O ~ Fire APPROVAL NO: ITEM: Close Hearing BY: Char lie Thompson BY: Rental License Revocation NO: DATE: August 23, 2002 DATE: The matter of the revocation of the license to operate a rental unit(s) within the City of Columbia Heights against David Jacobs regarding rental property at 1206-1208 Circle Terrace Blvd NE, for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Codes was previously scheduled to commence at the City Council meeting of August 26, 2002. The public heating on this property may now be closed in that the owner has brought the property/building into compliance with the Residential Maintenance Code. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to Close the Public Heating Regarding the Revocation or Suspension of the Rental License Held by David Jacobs Regarding Rental Property at 1206-1208 Circle Terrace Blvd in that the Property complies with the Residential Maintenance Code. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of August 26, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: Resolutions/Ordinances ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: ~0~ {._\ Fire APPROVAL ITEM: Adopt Resolution For Revocation BY: Charlie Thompson BY:~~r,q~ NO: 2002- 5 3 DATE: August 21, 2002 DATE: Revocation of the license to operate a rental unit within the City of Columbia Heights is requested against Talmer Caraway regarding rental property at 1231-1233 40th Avenue NE. for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Codes. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No.2002-.5 3, there being ample copies available to the public. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2002-¢' aa , Resolution of the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights Approving Revocation Pursuant to Ordinance Code Section 5A.408(1) of the Rental License held by Tallner Caraway Regarding Rental Property at 1231-1233 40th Avenue NE. COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION 2002-53 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS APPROVING REVOCATION PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE CODE SECTION 5A.408(1) OF THAT CERTAIN RESIDENTIAL RENTAL LICENSE HELD BY TALMER CARAWAY (HEREINAFTER "LICENSE HOLDER"). WHEREAS, LICENSE HOLDER IS THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1231-1233 40TM AVENUE NE, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA, AND WHEREAS, PURSUANT TO COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CODE SECTION 5.104(1)(A), WRITTEN NOTICE SETTING FORTH THE CAUSES AND REASONS FOR THE PROPOSED COUNCIL ACTION CONTAINED HEREIN WAS GIVEN TO THE LICENSE HOLDER ON JULY 3, 2002 OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD ON AUGUST 26, 2002. NOW, THEREFORE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOREGOING, AND ALL ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS MAKES THE FOLLOWING: FINDINGS OF FACT That on February 27, 2002, Matt Field and Dan O'Brien, inspectors for the City of Columbia Heights, inspected the property and noted five violations. Compliance orders listing the violations were mailed by regular mail to the owner at the address listed on the rental housing license application. That on April 22, 2002, the owner called and requested a time extension and a 30 day extension was granted. Compliance orders listing the violations were mailed by regular mail to the owner at the address listed on the rental housing license application. o That on May 28, 2002, Matt Field and Dan O'Brien, inspectors for the City of Columbia Heights, reinspected the property and noted that three violations remained not corrected, they also noted one new violation. Compliance orders listing the violations were mailed by regular mail to the owner of the property at the address listed on the rental housing license application. That on July 3, 2002, Matt Field and Dan O'Brien, inspectors for the City of Columbia Heights, reinspected the property and noted that the four violations remained uncorrected. Compliance orders listing the violations were mailed by regular mail to the owner at the property at the address listed on the rental housing license application with copies and the proper notices mailed to the tenants. That on August 8, 2002, Matt Field and Dan O'Brien, inspectors for the City of Columbia Heights, reinspected the property and noted that the three violations remained uncorrected. The Statement of Cause orders listing the violations were mailed by certified mail to the owner at the property at the address listed on the rental housing license application. o That on August 20, 2002, Matt Field and Dan O'Brien, inspectors for the City of Columbia Heights, reinspected the property and noted that the three violations remained uncorrected. o That based upon said records of the Enforcement Officer, the following conditions and violations of the City's Residential Maintenance Code were found to exist, to- wit: Ae FAILURE TO CORRECT VIOLATION OF THE RESIDENTIAL MAINTENANCE CODE i. Shall repair/replace the rear stairway to the upper unit. Remove and replace all rotted wood ii. Shall repair the front concrete stairs. !11. Shall remove the large pile of wood chips in the rear of the property B. FAILURE TO SUBMIT REINSPECTION FEES OF $800.00 That all parties, including the License Holder and any occupants or tenants, have been given the appropriate notice of this hearing according to the provisions of the City Code Section 5A.306(1) and 5A.303(1)(d). CONCLUSIONS OF COUNCIL That the building located at 1231-1233 40th Avenue NE. is in violation of the provisions of the Columbia Heights City Code as set forth in the Compliance Order attached hereto, That all relevant parties and parties in interest have been duly served notice of this hearing, and any other hearings relevant to the revocation or suspension of the license held by License Holder. That all applicable rights and periods of appeal as relating to the license holder, owner, occupant, or tenant, as the case may be, have expired, or such rights have ~been exercised and completed. ORDER OF COUNCIL The rental license belonging to the License Holder described herein and identified by license number F~ is hereby revoked/suspended (cross out one); The City will post for the purpose of preventing occupancy a copy of this order on the buildings covered by the license held by License Holder; o All tenants shall remove themselves from the premises within 60 days from the first day of posting of this Order revoking the license as held by License Holder. Passed this Motion by: Second by: Roll call vote: day of ,2002 Patricia Muscovitz, Deputy City Clerk Mayor Gary L. Peterson CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meetin[~ of Mst 26, 2002 ri'EM: Authorize Joint Powers Agreement with Anoka BY: Thomas M. Johnson~ BY: NO. County for development of new Public Safety DATE August 21, 2002 c~.~v ¥ DATE Communications System BACKGROUND The current radio system, which is used to dispatch police and fire services in the Anoka County area, was built in 1974. This is an analog system, which at times becomes a safety issue for both police and firefighters. At times, communication dead spots occur in our city. This especially is the case when officers or firefighters are using handheld portable radios. The system also does not allow police to talk to fire or for police or fire to readily talk to other agencies coming to assist us in an emergency. The State of Minnesota has built a backbone of towers for a new 800 Mghz radio system. The State patrol, Carver County, and some agencies in Hennepin County have moved to this new 8000 Mghz system. In an effort to pay for this system infrastructure and new radios for police and fire, Anoka County has obtained bonding approval from the State Legislature for 12.5 million dollars. The process on how to use this money has been reviewed and approved by the Anoka County Joint Law Enforcement Council, the Anoka County Commissioners, and the Anoka County Fire Protection Council. ANALYSIS/CONCLUSION County Attorney Bob Johnson will appear before the City Council on August 26, 2002, to present a Joint Powers Agreement reference the Anoka County Communications project. The Chief of Police as a voting member of the Joint Law Enforcement Council, and the Fire Chief as a voting member of the Anoka County Fire Protection Council, would encourage the Council to pass the attached motion in favor of the Public Safety Communications Joint Powers Agreement. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to approve the Joint Powers Agreement with Anoka County for the development ora new Public Safety Communication system. TMJ:mld 02-150 COUNCIL ACTION: ANOKA COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS PROJECT JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT This Joint Powers Agreement is by and between the County of Anoka, Minnesota, (the "County") and the following cities and urban townships located within the County: Andover, Anoka, Bethel, Blaine, Bums, Circle Pines, Centerville, Columbia Heights, Columbus, Coon Rapids, East Bethel, Fridley, Ham Lake, Hilltop, Lexington, Lino Lakes, Linwood, Oak Grove, Ramsey, St. Francis, and Spring Lake Park (each a "City" and collectively, the "Cities"). WHEREAS, the County and the Cities have previously recognized the need to cooperate in their law enforcement efforts, and have created the Anoka County Joint Law Enforcement Council (the "JLEC") for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the f~re departments that serve Anoka County have created the Anoka County Fire Protection Council (FPC); and WHEREAS, the JLEC, the County and the Cities have determined that there is a need to communicate among ftre departments and law enforcement agencies, to improve the speed and accuracy of fire and law enforcement information requested from another jurisdiction, and to work cooperatively in an effort to improve fire protection and law enforcement and thereby public safety in Anoka County; and -1- WHEREAS, the Cities, through the JLEC, and the County have determined that public safety communication would be improved by the development of a new public safety communications system; and WHEREAS, as a result of County efforts, the legislature passed legislation permitting the County to levy a separate tax on behalf of all governmental units in the County for this improved public safety communications system; and WHEREAS, it is important for these governmental units to understand the undertaking of the County and to provide for a continuation of the system. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements contained herein and in exercise of the power granted by Minn. Stat. §471.591, the parties to this Agreement do mutually agree as follows: 1. PURPOSE The parties agree that they have joined together for the purpose of planning, implementing and maintaining a public safety communications system in the County of Anoka and to supplement a 1999 joint powers agreement. 2. TERM This Agreement shall be effective September 1, 2002, and continue until any party terminates, with or without cause, upon thirty days' written notice. The termination by any party shall not affect the validity of the Agreement as to the remaining parties. -2- 3. PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION The County shall work with the JLEC to plan and construct a public safety communications system in Anoka County using the special law enacted on behalf of Anoka County to finance the system. 4. CONTRACTS AND PURCHASES All contracts and purchases made pursuant to this Agreement shall be made by the County and shall conform to the requirements applicable to the County. 5. FUNDING LIMITATION It is understood by the parties that by this undertaking the County may bond up to 12.5 million dollars to obtain funds to plan and construct the public safety communications system. Any funds received from sources other than a tax levy will be applied to reduce the amount of bonds or notes necessary to repay bonds and will not act to increase the total expenditure. 6. DISTRIBUTION OF RADIOS It is the intent of the parties to make a one-time distribution of radios to all fire departments and law enforcement agencies in the County. The radios will be purchased from the remaining funds available in the 12.5 million dollars after constructing the infrastructure of the system. The radios will be distributed as provided in Exhibit A, which is attached. It is understood by the parties that the Cities and their individual fire departments and law enforcement agencies are responsible for Metropolitan Radio Board user fees and acquisition and replacement of radios after this one-time provision of radios under this Agreement. -3- 7. USE OF SHOP SPARES The parties agree that radios purchased as shop spares, as shown on Exhibit A, will be maintained by Anoka County Central Communications for the benefit of the parties hereto. These radios will be made available to the police and ftre departments to substitute for a radio that is being repaired. Additionally, the radios will be available to police and fire departments for public safety situations such as disasters or large gatherings of people that need to be managed. The radios may be used for not longer than the time of repair or incident and, in any case, not longer than three months. There shall be no expense to the police and fire departments for this use provided, however, that the departments shall be responsible for any loss or damage to the shop spares radios they are using. 8. JOINT CONTRIBUTION AND ACQUISITION The parties agree that, acting through the JLEC, they may voluntarily contribute to a fund maintained by the County for purchase of public safety communication equipment or other law enforcement purpose. The County agrees to credit any interest earned and maintain the fund to be expended at the direction of the JLEC for the benefit of the contributing party. Contribution by a City may not be expended if a representative of that City appointed to the JLEC votes in the negative on a motion to expend such fimds. 9. ACQUISITION OF PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT The parties agree that it is important for the public safety communication system to operate as effectively as possible and that the acquisition and use of common equipment is important to that goal. In furtherance of that goal, the parties agree that they will acquire -4- communication equipment through the Director of Central Communications in Anoka County. The County agrees that it will acquire such communication equipment at the lowest possible price and will not charge the party ordering the equipment any amount in excess of that necessary to its acquisition and delivery. The County further agrees that it will consider the recommendations of the JLEC and the FPC in determining whether the provision of the radios is by purchase or lease and whether the County will finance the acquisition costs. The parties agree that the County will act to preserve the ability of Cities to treat payments as debt service in order to maintain the ability to acquire public safety communication equipment outside any levy limit. 10. CENTRAL RECORDS PROJECT JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT There are unexpended proceeds derived from the issuance, sale, and delivery of the County' s General Obligation Capital Notes, Series 1999A (the "Series 1999A Notes"), in the original aggregate principal amount of $1,230,000, issued on January 6, 1999. The Series 1999A Notes were issued by the County pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Anoka County Board of Commissioners on December 15, 1998. The Series 1999A Notes were issued to benefit joint law enforcement efforts of the County and multiple municipalities located with the County (the "Cities") through the coordination of criminal justice records systems of the County and the Cities to more efficiently store and access law enforcement information requested by the Cities and the County (the "Project"). In December 1998, the County and the Cities, pursuant to a Joint Powers Agreement under Anoka County Contract No. 990021 (the "1999 Joint Powers Agreement") provided -5- for the cooperation and respective duties of the County and the Cities in funding and maintaining the Project. The 1999 Joint Powers Agreement also dealt with specific costs associated with performing parts of the Project. The JLEC is hereby directed to use the unexpended proceeds of the Series 1999A Notes in a manner consistent with the general goals of the Project. The unexpended proceeds of the Series 1999A Notes may be expended, consistently with Minnesota Statutes, Section 373.01, subdivision 3, as amended, at the direction of the JLEC, in consultation with bond counsel for the County, so as to not affect the tax-exempt status of the Series 1999A Notes. 11. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS AND PROPERTY All funds disbursed by any party pursuant to this Agreement shall be disbursed pursuant to the method provided by law for counties and the Division Manager of Anoka County Finance & Central Services shall be the fiscal agent. Upon termination, all infrastructure shall be the property of the County and all radios shall be the property of the governmental units receiving the radios. Any funds held by the County as the result of contributions under Paragraph 8 shall be returned to the party contributing the funds. 12. STRICT ACCOUNTABILITY A strict accounting shall be made of all funds and report of all receipts and disbursements shall be made upon request by any party. -6- 13. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Joint Powers Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the parties on the matter related hereto. The Agreement shall not be altered or amended, except by agreement in writing signed by the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement on the dates below: ANOKA COUNTY CITY OF By: By: Dan Erhart, Chair Anoka County Board of Commissioners Dated: ., 2002 Dated: ., 2002 Attest: Attest: John "Jay" McLinden Anoka County Administrator -7- EXHIBIT A The following page entitled "Radio Allocations - Police" and "Radio Allocations - Fire" is the relative allocation of available dollars to the departments identified for the purchase of radios. It is understood: 1. The final allocation of dollars will not be exactly as shown on the chart. The dollars allocated to radios will be the amount remaining after the infrastructure of the radio system is known. The remaining amount will be first allocated between fire, police and shop Fire $922,263 38.50% Police $1,323,163 55.24% Shop spares $150,000 6.26% spares as follows: After this allocation, the amount for fire radios and police radios will be allocated to the departments in proportion to the amounts shown. 2. Each department, using the dollars allocated to them, will identify, from a list maintained by Anoka County Central Communications, the type and level of radio they intend to acquire. Anoka County will then purchase the radios as requested from funds remaining after the construction of the infrastructure of the system. RADIO ALLOCATIONS - POLICE ACSO ANOKA BLAINE CENTENNIAL LAKE COLUMBIA HEIGHTS COON RAPIDS FRIDLEY LINO LAKES RAMSEY SPRING LAKE PARK ST. FRANCIS TOTAL 313,897 95,995 176,617 70,217 93,511 208,459 136,720 78,765 76,281 41,553 31,148 $1,323,163 23.72% 7.25% 13.35% 5.31% 7.07% 15.75% 10.33% 5.95% 5.77% 3.14% 2.35% RADIO ALLOCATIONS - FIRE ANDOVER ANOKA/CHAMPLIN BETHEL CENTENNIAL LAKE COLUMBIA HEIGHTS COON RAPIDS EAST BETHEL FRIDLEY HAM LAKE LEXINGTON LINWOOD OAK GROVE RAMSEY SBM ST. FRANCIS TOTAL 82,765 56,230 35,353 78,424 47,481 101,651 45,825 76,634 53,679 37,971 45,825 48,443 54,304 114,471 43,207 $922,263 8.97% 6.10% 3.83% 8.50% 5.15% 11.02% 4.97% 8.31% 5.82% 4.12% 4.97% 5.25% 5.89% 12.41% 4.68% MINUTES HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED City of Columbia Heights Park and Recreation Commission q- A -[ July 24, 2002 The meeting was called to order by Eileen Evans at 6:33 p.m. ROLL CALL Members present: Eileen Evans; Jerry Foss; Tom Greenhalgh; Gary Mayer; Bill Peterson; Gary Peterson; Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director/City Engineer; Keith Windschitl, Recreation Director Members absent: None Also present: Kathy Hofstedt APPROVAL CONSENT AGENDA: Motion to approve consent agenda by Foss; second by Mayer. All ayes, motion carded. LETTERS AND REQUESTS: SISTER CITIES INTERNATIONAL REQUEST PERMISSION TO USE THE CITY VAN Commission Chairperson, Eileen Evans, reported to the Commission that the Sister Cities International have requested permission to use the city van for a two-night visit to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in early November 2002 to attend the Milwaukee Art Museum. She asked the Commission if there is any restrictions on distance the city van is allowed to go. Mayor, Gary Peterson, asked what the longest trip the city van has been used for. Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, stated that there has been no set distance requirement but to date, the longest trip with the city van has been to New Ulm and Duluth. Commission Member, Tom Greenhalgh, asked what benefit would the City have by this group going on the Milwaukee trip. Since it is not a city function, there would be no city benefit. Motion by Foss, second by Greenhalgh to amend the policy allowing the city van be used for city functions only and to, stay within Minnesota. All ayes, motion carded. PAGE TWO OLD BUSINESS: THREE RIVERS PARK DISTRICT Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, reported to the Commission that Three Rivers Park District has purchased the nearly seven acres of the old Salvation Army Camp located on Silver Lake. Three Rivers has hosted several open houses at the old Salvation Army Camp. They are also currently taking input from the community on the development of the park and are. looking for input for the park master plan. The Recreation Director will be attending the park planning meetings. PROPERTY SOUTH OF LOMIANKI PARK Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, addressed the Commission regarding the letter that was sent to the City Council concerning the sale of the property south of Lomianki Park. The letter indicated that the consensus of the Park and Recreation Commission was that they would like to see any money generated from the sale of this property to be put back into the parks. NEW BUSINESS: REVIEW OF PROPOSALS FOR THE HUSET PARK MASTER PLAN Public Works Director/City Engineer, Kevin Hansen, reported that the Public Works Department sent out 8 original RFP requests with only receiving 3 responses. Staff reviewed the proposals and ranked them. They felt that the least qualified was URS. Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. was considered to be adequately qualified leaving Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik & Associates being the most qualified. Overall, Huset Park has storm problems and Bonestroo is willing to integrate storm water solutions within the overall comprehensive plan. Commission Chairperson, Eileen Evans, asked how much money is left over from the sale of parkland to Medtronic and the purchase of land where the railroad tracks are. Public Works Director/City Engineer, Kevin Hansen, stated that of the initial $320,000 to $340,000, there is approximately $180,000 to $190,000 remaining. Motion by Bill Peterson, second by Foss to have City Council proceed forward this year by proposing Bonestroo for the RFP. All ayes, motion carried. REVIEW ST. TIMOTHY'S DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL Public Works Director/City Engineer, Kevin Hansen, reviewed with the Commission the 25-unit Townhome Development that will be built on a 2.43 acres adjacent to Sullivan Lake Park and St. Timothy's Lutheran Church noting Park Dedication fees and a new trail connection. $750.00 per unit, approximately $19,000, will be going back to the parks stipulated towards Sullivan Lake Park only. Townhome Builder, Bruce Nedegaard, questioned if the monies going back into the park could be used for an aeration system of PAGE THREE Sullivan Lake. Public Works Director/City Engineer, Kevin Hansen, stated that Sullivan Lake functions as a storm water pond and would not be a good candidate for an aeration system. Another park related issue pertains to a bridge request to connect a trail that will surround the townhome project to the existing trail that surrounds Sullivan Lake. REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE AT SULLIVAN LAKE PARK Kathy Hofstedt, a Columbia Heights resident residing at 701-50 ~A Ave. NE, stated to the commission her reasons for requesting more signage at Sullivan Lake. She would like to see signage to designate bike/walking trails and for picking up after animals. Public Works Director/City Engineer, Kevin Hansen, reported to the Commission that Public Works has received two requests for signage to be put up at Sullivan Lake Park. The requests are to differentiate between the walking and bike trails and to pick up dog feces. In 1998, signage was taken down because it was ineffective and to took away from the park. Commission Members stated that if signs were put up.to pick up after your dog, it would promote false expectations because of the potential for tickets that would not be enforced. It has been questioned if the entire trail around the lake could be widened to accommodate for both biking and walking but MN/Dot requires that a combination trail would need to be 10' in width and certain sections of Sullivan Lake would not allow for such width. Motion by Greenhalgh, second by B. Peterson to put up 4 "No Bike" signs in Sullivan Lake Park. All ayes, motion carried. NEI COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY LEASE AGREEMENT Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, reviewed the attached proposed lease agreement for the use of the gymnasium at NEI College of Technology. NEI stated that the small gym is in poor shape and is not fit to be used for any activities due to safety and liability concerns. NEI is also requiting us to staff the building and to monitor the entrance due to some past problems. Commission Member, Jerry Foss, asked how much are we paying to upkeep the floor. Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, stated that we work with the school district to defer costs. In the last year we have replaced some wood floorboards and we put a new backboard up. REPORTS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGI1NIEER Public Works Director/City Engineer, Kevin Hansen, reported that the estimated cost incurred by Public Works for the 2002 Columbia Heights Jamboree was over $10,000. Public Works Director/City Engineer, Kevin Hansen, informed the Commission that one of Public Works seasonal workers sustained a substantial injury due to a lawn mower accident. PAGE FOUR RECREATION DIRECTOR Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, reported that the 2002 Columbia Heights Jamboree went well and he has received several compliments on the fireworks. Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, stated that on Friday, July 26, 2002, there is going to be a Police/Fire Department appreciation dance. This event has been considered to be a city sanctioned event and will be put on by Ran Productions. The public is welcome. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Tina Foss, Park and Recreation Commission Secretary COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 16, 2002 CALL TO ORDER - The Regular Meeting of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA) was called to order by President Ruettimann at 7:16 p.m., Tuesday, July 16, 2002, at Parkview Villa, 965 40th Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, Minnesota. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: Staff Present: Robert Ruettimann, Patricia Jindra, Marlaine Szurek, Julienne Wyckoff, and Bruce Nawrocki Bobby Williams and Gary Peterson Walt Fehst, Executive Director Bob Streetar, Deputy Executive Director Randy Schumacher, Community Development Assistant Cheryl Bakken, Secretary CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes Move to adopt the minutes of the June 2002, regular meeting as presented in writing. Financial Report and Payment of Bills Move to approve Resolution 2002-10, Resolution of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA) approving the financial statements for June, 2002 and approving payment of bills for June, 2002. MOTION by Nawrocki, second by Wyckoff, to adopt the consent agenda items as listed amending the minutes as follows: Page 3, Industrial Center Request for Qualifications, paragraph three, should read: Nawrocki questioned ffAwsumb has Industrial Development experience. He also questioned if Welsh Companies should not be considered because of the way he treated the business owners of the 49th and Central (Hilltop) strip mall unfairly. All ayes. Motion Carried. Nawrocki asked Bill Elrite, Finance Director how the EDA is doing on an overall basis. Elrite stated that overall the EDA is doing fine and does not see any problems that may arise this year. Ruettimann asked if there was a way to simplify the financial report and make it user friendly. Elrite indicated they could possibly provide a tally sheet to go in the front of the financial report. Ruettimann requested staff work with Elrite to develop a one-page summary of the financial report to be placed before the green section of the report by the next meeting. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION FINANCIAL REVIEW Bill Elrite, Finance Director passed out a revised memo and spreadsheet to the Board. Elrite indicated the memo lists were we are at with our Sheffield Loan Balance. As of 12/31/2001 the total Sheffield Loans payable was $689,720. The money has been placed in a reserve rather Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes July 16, 2002 Page 2 of 3 than paying the loan off because it is a TIF project and when the City took it out we were unclear of the TIF tax revenue we would be receiving. At the present time, it is anticipated the TIF revenue may payoff the full loan. By having the revenue it provides a backup incase we would experience a shortfall. The HRA levy next year will be the last levy we will have to transfer to the project. The entire reserve will be available in the future for use at the discretion of the Board. Nawrocki asked if the money couldn't be returned to the residents and how much TIF money has been collected from this area. Elrite indicated funding could be returned to residents or reallocated for other purposes and that it was approximately as much as $200,000. APPOINTMENT OF BUSINESS REVOLVING LOAN FUND COMMITTEE Streetar stated at the April EDA meeting, the Board directed staff to advertise for two more Business Revolving ~an Fund Committee members to satisfy Bylaw requirements. The current committee members consist of Ruettimann, Wyckoff, and Erv Bednard. Applications were received from Joseph Schmidt and Terry Watts, which staff has attached for board review and approval. Ruettimann suggested a breakfast meeting with the Southern Anoka County Chamber and business owners to advertise the program. Bakken indicated staff updated the Columbia Heights business list in May of this year, which could be used for the mailings. Streetar suggested a meeting the Commercial loan lenders. Wyckoff asked what kind of advertising was done. Bakken stated that the Deputy City Clerk, Patty Muscovitz advertised in the Focus paper along with the other City Commission openings, staff sent personal letters to recommended individuals and past downtown development members, which came out to approximately twenty-two letters. MOTION by Nawr~ki, second by Wyckoff, to Appoint Mr. Joseph Schmidt and Ms. Terry Watts as members of'the BRLF Loan Review Committee subject to confirmation by Ruettimann of their attendance and meeting schedules. All ayes. Motion Carried. REPORT OF DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Streetar reported on the following: 1. Caribou Coffee - There was an article in the Minneapolis paper on July 7th indicating Caribou Coffee was interested in locating in Columbia Heights. Staff has been working with them and suggested two areas 1) the proposed new strip mall in the Rainbow lot; and 2) the 3 7th and Central block area. They were originally interested in the Hardees location, but couldn't come to an agreement on the purchase price. Mady's Site- Dunbar has already proposed some uses for the site. Staff has also contacted Schaefer Richardson and will be meeting with them on Friday to discuss their ideas. The Liveable Communities Grant Application for $25,000 was accepted for this project area. Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes July 16, 2002 Page 3 of 3 United Properties - Staff is working diligently with United Properties to finalize the plan, which will be presented to City Council on August 12tn. 40~ & University (Conoco)- Staff has received the completed Environmental Study for the property at 3955 University Avenue. The Environmental Study was just received so the closing will be postponed until October. This property will be purchased with CDBG funds. Parkside Village (St. Tim's Project)- The Planning & Zoning Commission approved the plat and site plan for the townhome project on July 9tn and will be presented to City Council at their meeting of July 22nd for approval. 6. Rainbow Site- The developers of the gas station are still planning on building sometime this summer. For the strip mall, the developer has asked for a one-year extension, as they cannot find businesses to rent out the units. Staff recommended Caribou Coffee contact them also. 7. TIF Report- Staff is working with Shelly Eldridge of Ehlers & Associates to update the status report of all of our TIF Districts, which will be provided at the August meeting. Other Business Ruettimann indicated he asked staff to obtain three things that will be available by the next meeting: 1) a listing of residential and commercial properties; 2) County and State Aid streets; and 3) a map of the possible redevelopment areas of Columbia Heights. Wyckoff asked about the Affordable Housing Purchase Agreement that was noted in the Housing Update for the 4607 Tyler Street property. Streetar indicated that staff will be bringing this item to the Board at the next HRA meeting. Szurek asked what happens to the 15 homes that were deleted from the scattered site TIF district under number 10 in the Housing Update. Fehst explained because no improvements were made to the homes in the allotted timeframe, they would stay in the district and get a new assessment. ADJOURNMENT President, Ruettimann, adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Recording Secretary H: \EDAminutes2002\7-16-2002 OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS COLUMBIA HEIGHTS TRAFFIC COMMISSION AUGUST 5, 2002 The meeting of the Traffic Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Ed Carlson. ROLL CALL Members Present: Members Absent: Staff Present: II. Anderson, Carlson, Goodman, Stumpf Sturdevant Kathyjean Young, Assistant City Engineer Bill Roddy, Police Captain APPROVAL OF MAY 6, 2002 MINUTES Motion by Goodman, second by Anderson, to approve the minutes of the May 6, 2002, meeting. Motion carried unanimously. III. OLD BUSINESS None. OTHER OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS Ao REQUEST TO RESTRICT PARKING ON THE EAST SIDE OF 4TM STREET ACROSS FROM 4220 AND 4226 4TM STREET Jean Kuehn, Special Projects Coordinator, explained the problems that the trucks are having when entering and exiting 4220 and 4226 4th Street. BFI has requested "No Parking" be designated on the east side of 4th Street across from the driveways for 4220 and 4226 4th Street. The trucks are unable to turn into these driveways to service the apartment buildings when vehicles are parked across from the driveways. BFI has requested the restriction be about 20' on each side of the driveway. Official Proceedings Columbia Heights Traffic Commission August 5, 2002 Page 2 VI. VII. It was suggested that the Police Dept. determine who owns the parked vehicles across from the driveways. Other options were discussed such as approaching the apartment building owners with the possibility of widening the driveway curb cut. Staffwas asked to determine the costs of widening the existing driveway entrances. Commissioner Carlson felt that no parking from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. was too long and suggested that BFI be contacted to determine the best length of time to restrict parking. Staff recommended calling a public hearing to restrict parking on the east side on 4th Street for the day of the week that BFI has pick-ups to determine if the residents/owners object to the parking restriction. Motion by Goodman, second by Stumpf, to call a Public Hearing for September 4, 2002, to designate "No Parking on Wednesday from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on the east side of 4th Street from 20' south of the driveway at 4220 4th Street to 20' north of driveway at 4226 4th Street and on the west side of 4th Street from 10' south to 10' north of each driveway at 4220 and 4226 4th Street. Motion carded unanimously. OTHER NEW BUSINESS None. REPORTS A. CITY ENGINEER As Labor Day falls on the regular Traffic Commission Meeting day, the date was changed to Wednesday, September 4, 2002. Bo Captain Roddy updated the Commission on the congestion of 7th Street with the heavy use of on-street parking surrounding the Islamic Center. The situation has been assessed and parking has been monitored. The parking lot of St. Matthews Church is being used for parking and there is adequate space for fire trucks to pass through. He felt it was not necessary to pursue further discussion on this situation and does not endorse parking restrictions in the residential area. Official Proceedings Columbia Heights Traffic Commission August 5, 2002 Page 3 VIII. C. COMMISSIONERS Chairperson Carlson asked about the status of the request to review permit parking on 41StAvenue. Staff indicated that the City Engineer had discussed the issue with the City Manager and that no action would be initiated by staff. Ms. Pribula was informed by letter to address the issue with the City Council at Open Mike. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Goodman, second by Anderson, to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Traffic Commission Secretary HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 5, 2002 CALL TO ORDER - The Special Meeting of the Columbia Heights Housing & Redevelopment Authority (HRA) was called to order by Secretary/Treasurer, Gary L. Peterson at 6:35 p.m., August 5, 2002, in Conference Room 1, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, Minnesota. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: Staff Present: Gary Peterson, Julienne Wyckoff, Bruce Nawrocki and Bobby Williams Marlaine Szurek, Dennis Ecklund Jr Walt Fehst, Executive Director Robert Streetar, Deputy Executive Director Mark Nagel, Housing Assistant CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes Approve the Minutes of Regular Meeting of July 16, 2002. MOTION by Nawrocki, second by Williams, to approve the minutes from Julyl6, 2002, regular meeting as presented in writing. All ayes. Motion Carried. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES-PARKVIEW VILLA ROOF PROJECTS Nagel stated the HRA has until September 30, 2002 to spend the remaining 2000 Annual Plan funds. Last month the HRA Board approved years 1-5 of a 20-year Capital Improvements Plan completed by TKDA, which recognized that the North and South building roofs, need to be replaced. The Board directed staff to obtain proposals to prepare plans and specifications according to HUD regulations. Proposals were received from TKDA for $19,000, SEH Company for $18, 400 plus $1,600 per week for project management, RHA for $ 7, 600 and INSPEC for $18, O00 plus $6,000 for project management. Staff recommended Board approval of the proposal from TKDA, as they are the lowest, responsible bid for the engineering services. Fehst stated the City has had good experiences with RHA doing the Library, Murzyn Hall, and City Hall. However, it did concern him that RHA has never done a HUD project. Nawrocki wondered why we were getting proposals for building specs when his experience with roofing companies is that they will draw up the specs, and why is Nagel stating replacement of both roofs, when the original CIP from TKDA last month didn't indicate the need for total replacement on both buildings. Nagel stated we would need to replace the South building's roof in the next year or so, therefore, he had the proposals submitted that way. Streetar stated that at the last meeting the Board made a motion per TKDA 's CIP of Parkview Villa to replace of just the North, building roof and repair to the section between the North and South buildings. The Boardmembers agreed this was the motion voted upon last month. MOTION by Peterson, second by Williams, to Approve the Bid from RHA Architects Inc. for August 5, 2002 Special Meeting Page 2 of 2 Building Specifications for replacement of the Parkview Villa North roof and the repair of the roof area connecting the North and South buildings, contingent upon Mr. Hollman being clear on the scope of work required and the paperwork required by HUD. All ayes. Motion Carried. ADJOURNMENT Peterson adjourned the meeting at 7:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cheryl Bakken Recording Secretary H:~RAMinutes 2002\8-5-2002