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1956-1202 Lot Sizes
1956-1203 Establishing Fire Zones
1958-0408 Bldg Site Regulations
1958-0902 Special Use Permits
1959-0112 Bldg Regulations
1962-0103 Subd. Plat
1963-0306 House and bedroom sizes
1963-0409 Correcting Desc of rezoning of lots
1966-1007 Home Occupations & Special Use Permits
1966-1205 Fences
1966-1206 Adope Uniform Housing Code
1967-0103 Amend Sign Ordinance
1967-0504 Lot Width
1968-0602 Parking
1968-0603 Permitted Uses
1968-0706 Blvd Parking
1968-0806 Utility Sheds
1969-0106 Blvd Parking
1970-0308 Comp Plan
1970-0408 Zoning Amendment
1970-0608 Zoning Amendment
1980-0848A Parking Space Width
1982-0956 Manufactured Homes
1983-0967 PUD
1986-0843 Car Sales in the Retail Business District
1987-0310 Massage Therapists
1988-0413 Day Care Centers
1989-0627 Permitted Accessory Uses
1990-0101 Automobile Reduction Yards
1990-0619 Permitted Auto Sales
1990-0827 Single Family in LB Zoning Dist
1991-0720 Print Shops
1995-0730 Industrial Zones
1995-1263 Accessory Uses
1996-0325 CUP's in CBD
1996-0624 Accessory Structures
1996-11-12 Fences & Retaining Walls
1997-0206 Repair Bays
1997-0728 Fences & Retaining Walls
1997-1034 Gun Shops
1997-1035 Rezoning
1997-1138 Rezoning
2000-0101 Zoning Amendment (Vehicle Sales)
2003-0811 Zoning Amendment City Wide
2005-1204 Zoning Amendment (Duplexes)
2005-1205 Zoning Amendment (Auto Lots)
2006-0202 Zoning Amendment - (Auto Sales)
2006-0302 Zoning Amendment (Hot Tubs)
2006-0313 Zoning Amendment (Transitional Housing)
2006-1001 Zoning Amendment (Auot Lots)
2006-1002 Zoning Amendment (Transitional Housing)
2006-1003 Zoning Amendment (Portable Pools)
2007-0302 Zoning Amendment (Seasonal Outdoor Sales)
2007-0403 Zoning Amendment (Temporary Signs)
2007-0404 Zoning Amendment Parking Stall Lengths
2007-0505 Zoning Amendment (Auto Lots)
2007-0802 Zoning Amendment (Rezone 4800 block Central Ave)
2007-0902 Zoning Amendment (Interim Uses)
2007-0903 Zoning Amendment (Nightclub Uses)
2007-1201 Zoning Amendment (Rezone VFW)
2008-0203 Zoning Amendment Temporary Signage
2008-0204 Public District & Open Space District
2008-0606 Shoreland Overlay District
2008-0802 Zoning Amendment (LED Signage)
2008-0803 Zoning Amendment (Garage Sales)
2008-0804 Zoning Amendment (Real Estate Signs)
2008-0805 Gov't Temp Signs
2009-0303 Zoning Amendment Signage in Design Guidelines
2009-0504 Kmart TIF District
2009-0903 Smoke Shop Moratorium
2009-PZ08 TIF Approval University Hgts
2010-0101 Zoning Ordiance LED Signs
2010-0302 Zoning Amendment R-3 District
2010-0305 Zoning Amendment, Planning Fees
2010-0502 Zoning Amendment - Outdoor Seating
2011-0102 Driveway Permits
2011-0103 Fences
2011-0403 Fences
2011-0404 LED Signs
2011-0405 Animal Shelters
2011-0406 Trash Enclosures
2011-0902 Variances - Text Amendment
2011-0903 Scattered Site TIF
2012-0401 Previous Metal Dealerships
2012-0602 Secondhand Stores
2012-0903 Temp Banners
2018-0602 Institutional Uses
2018-0902 Fee Schedule
Amendments List 1956-2007
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